Re: [Marxism] Regime preservation: How US policy facilitated Assad’s victory

2019-05-09 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism

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Great work as always. Some of the hyperlinks in the piece don't seem to 
work, or at least I'm having trouble accessing the websites they direct 
to. If you made a word document or pdf with the original web addresses 
of the articles you link to, could I get a copy please? Or perhaps 
you'll be posting it on your page?

Once again, thanks for this, and all your work on these topics.


On 08/05/2019 15:13, mkaradjis . via Marxism wrote:

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  Here in my debut on the wonderful al-Jumhuriya site, I have attempted to
comprehensively take apart years of nonsense spouted by pro-Assad writers
(like the epigone version of Ben Norton) about what they claim was some US
role in pushing "regime change" against Assad in Syria, which both denies
the agency of the millions of Syrian people who rose up to overthrow a
tyrannical regime, while also being false to the very core factually. "As
the military conflict in Syria has been largely decided in favor of the
Bashar al-Assad regime, there have been a number of attempts to review the
role of US intervention, or lack thereof, in the Syrian outcome. Late last
year, Washington’s special envoy to Syria, Jim Jeffrey, clarified that
while the US wants to see a regime in Damascus that is “fundamentally
different,” it is nevertheless “not regime change” the US is seeking.
“We're not trying to get rid of Assad.” Much commentary jumped on this as
some kind of major shift in US policy, or a signal the US had “given up” on
regime change. Yet, as will be shown below, the US never had a “regime
change” policy. On the contrary, Washington has always sought a modified
form of regime preservation. Jeffrey’s statement was followed by President
Trump’s announcement of an immediate US withdrawal from Syria. While the
“immediate” was later dropped for reasons of expediency, a more gradual US
withdrawal is still on the cards; a process coinciding with a creeping
rapprochement with Assad by Trump’s Gulf allies, spearheaded by the United
Arab Emirates and Bahrain restoring diplomatic relations with Syria in late
December 2018."
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Re: [Marxism] This memo is being circulated online from Wikileaks re: Syria and ousting Assad.

2019-01-12 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism

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MK and others have already dealt well with the 'truth' of this. Just to 
note though that Wikileaks themselves were also part of this false 
conspiracist narrative. While Mint Press News etc., embarrassingly 
called the email to Clinton from Rubin a 'Hillary Clinton memo,' 
Wikileaks' Twitter account also deliberately sought to give the 
impression that the email was a 'Clinton memo' by tweeting out an 
attachment which was attached to the email and presenting it as 'the 
Hillary email.' Just a few days ago they tweeted again about 'the 
Clinton memo that killed half a million people.'

That goes rather beyond 'revealing' and into deliberately spreading 


On 12/01/2019 07:23, mkaradjis via Marxism wrote:

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Patrick, noone cast doubt on the memo. The problem is the interpretation:
the Mintpress article, and the conspiracist universe, decided it was an
email from Clinton. But it was an email to Clinton. I gave the link to the
public article by James Rubin. There is no evidence that it was Clinton's
view; she never argued that way, loet alone acted that way in office.
Wikileaks can only reveal the memos etc. The significance we need to
determine case by case. As I said, this was one of probably 10s of 1000s of
policy suggestions sent *to* politicians in power, not a message *from* one
of them.

On Sat, Jan 12, 2019 at 6:05 PM Patrick Bond via Marxism <> wrote:

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[Marxism] Moishe Postone archive

2018-03-23 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism

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Most of Moishe Postone's work has been collected at the following link, 
for anyone interested:

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[Marxism] Syria and the Problem of Left Solidarity - Salvage Magazine

2018-03-03 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism

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"Since January, Syria has seen escalations in violence and civilian 
casualties in two conflict areas. Afrin, the Kurdish-held enclave along 
the Turkish border, has seen increased fighting since the Turkish 
military entered the area by force on January 19th this year. To date, 
the fighting has left an estimated 112 civilians dead. Meanwhile, in 
Eastern Ghouta, only a few hours’ drive away from Afrin, the Syrian 
military is finishing off final pockets of resistance through a brutal 
extermination campaign in which civilians are systematically targeted. 
Decisively reinforced by Russian air and Iranian ground forces, the 
bloodshed is reminiscent of the assault on Aleppo just over a year ago, 
during which more than 30,000 Syrians were killed. The civilian death 
toll in Eastern Ghouta has risen to include 1,070 civilians over the 
past three months."

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Ravings Of A Radical Vagabond » Blog Archive » An Investigation into Red-Brown Alliances: Third Positionism, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, and the Western Left

2018-01-17 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism

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Is the name of the author of this work known? If so, and you don't want 
to share his/her name publicly, can you please contact me offlist with 
it. Thanks.

Best wishes.

On 16/01/2018 03:16, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

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An exhaustive treatment of National Bolshevism, Larouche, 
Chossoduvsky, et al. 

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[Marxism] Assad and ISIS - Partners in terror

2016-03-10 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism
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"From ISIS’ beginnings in Iraq to its rapid spread into the conflict in
Syria, one government has facilitated the group’s growth more than any
other: the regime of Bashar al-Assad."
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[Marxism] Child Labour in the United States Tobacco Industry

2015-03-24 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism
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Hi all,
A friend who is researching this topic has asked me of any US academics 
(especially near NY) who are experts in this. If anyone on the list has any 
suggestions please email me off-list, 
Thanks and best wishes.
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Re: [Marxism] Books/articles are needed

2014-11-19 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism
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For the UK, Andrew McGettigan's done a lot of work. His book - The Great 
University Gamble - is full of info. Here's his website:

> Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 20:20:48 +0200
> Subject: [Marxism] Books/articles are needed
> From:
> To:
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> *
> Hello,
> I need some books or articles on "death of universities" which is Terry
> Eagleton's discussion that later followed by many others, for an article.
> Does anyone to help me?
> Best,
> _
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[Marxism] Kamran Matin - Kobani: What's in a name?

2014-10-19 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism
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"Considering all this, it is therefore obvious that the battle of Kobani is not 
just a matter of the Kurds’ struggle for national recognition and defence of 
their democratic experience in Syria. It is also a unique moment for the 
international radical left movement to make a strategic intervention in support 
of an extremely dynamic and resourceful movement for gender equality, radical 
democracy and social justice in the Middle East."
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[Marxism] Moazzam Begg charges dropped

2014-10-01 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism
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The prosecution of former Guantánamo inmate Moazzam Begg has dramatically 
collapsed after the prosecution said there was insufficient evidence to bring 
him to trial on terrorism charges.
An Old Bailey judge entered a formal verdict of not guilty on Wednesday and 
ordered that Begg be set free immediately from Belmarsh high security prison.
The 45-year-old from Birmingham had spent seven months in custody after being 
arrested and questioned over a trip he had made to Syria.
He was facing seven charges of possessing a document for the purposes of 
terrorism funding and training, and attending a terrorism training camp.
At a hearing five days before his trial was due to begin, Christopher Hehir 
prosecuting, said: “The prosecution have recently become aware of relevant 
material, in the light if which, after careful and anxious consideration, the 
conclusion has been reached that there is no longer a realistic prospect of 
conviction in this case.
“The prosecution therefore offers no evidence.”
Begg’s lawyer, Gareth Peirce, said he should never have been charged, as his 
activities did not amount to terrorism.
“This is a good man trying to the right thing in a very difficult world,” she 
There was no immediate explanation from the Crown Prosecution Service about the 
material that it said had recently come to light
Begg had denied attending a terrorist training camp in Syria “knowing or 
believing instruction or training was provided there for the purposes of 
terrorism” between 9 October 2012 and 9 April 2013.
He had also denied five charges of possessing articles for purposes connected 
with terrorism between 31 December 2012 and 26 February 2014.
The counts related to electronic documents found on a laptop computer in his 
Begg had further denied being involved in a funding arrangement between 14 July 
2013 and 26 February 2014 by making available a Honda generator.
Begg was previously arrested in February 2002 in Pakistan, spending three years 
detained without charge at Bagram prison north of Kabul and then Guantánamo Bay.
He was eventually released on 25 January 2005.
West Midlands police refused to make public the new material that the CPS said 
had come to light.
Ast Ch Con Marcus Beale said: “New material has recently been disclosed to 
police and CPS, which has a significant impact on key pieces of evidence that 
underpinned the prosecution’s case. Our criminal justice system – quite rightly 
- demands a very high standard of proof.
“I understand this is going to raise many questions. However, explaining what 
this newly revealed information is would mean discussing other aspects of the 
case which would be unfair and inappropriate as they are no longer going to be 
tested in court.
“From the beginning this case has challenged the relationship between West 
Midlands police and some of the communities we serve. I would like to reassure 
them and Mr Begg that at every stage of this investigation my officers acted in 
the best interests of the public and of justice.”

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Re: [Marxism] Hudson v Panitch

2014-08-01 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism
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Agreed. And it's a shame because he has done very interesting work (on ancient 
economies for example), but he often intermixes it with conspiratorial 
Chossudovsky-style nonsense when it comes to contemporary analysis. 

> Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 17:34:35 -0400
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [Marxism] Hudson v Panitch
> On 8/1/14 5:06 PM, Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism wrote:
> >
> > Michael Hudson and Leo Panitch lock horns over the significance of the new 
> > 'BRICS bank', Russia's role in the global economy, etc.,
> >
> >
> >
> Hudson wrote some good stuff on the world economy but he is a dyed in 
> the wool Global Research type. On his website he has a transcript of an 
> interview he did with, where he said that there was a 
> Pinochet-type coup that took place in Ukraine 
> ( Even after 
> Stephen F. Cohen downed 3 martinis, I doubt that he could come up with 
> something more asinine than that.

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[Marxism] Hudson v Panitch

2014-08-01 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism
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Michael Hudson and Leo Panitch lock horns over the significance of the new 
'BRICS bank', Russia's role in the global economy, etc.,

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[Marxism] Blackwater threatened to kill Chief State Dept. Investigator in Iraq in 2007

2014-06-29 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism
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"Just weeks before Blackwater guards fatally shot 17 civilians at Baghdad’s 
Nisour Square in 2007, the State Department began investigating the security 
contractor’s operations in Iraq. But the inquiry was abandoned after 
Blackwater’s top manager there issued a threat: “that he could kill” the 
government’s chief investigator and “no one could or would do anything about it 
as we were in Iraq,” according to department reports."

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[Marxism] Monbiot's mega catastrophism

2014-05-27 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism
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Not my area, but might interest those in the eco-Marxism/catastrophism debates. 
Monbiot's been pessimistic for a while now, but this seems to be going to whole 
new level. Marx and socialism are out of the window, capitalism and its others 
don't matter. Makes Malthus look like a choir boy.

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Re: [Marxism] Piketty findings undercut by errors -

2014-05-25 Thread Steffan Wyn-Jones via Marxism
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For those wishing to follow the kerfuffle over Piketty, here's useful 
collection of links, including a few responses to the latest FT criticisms. 
These are mainly from the mainstream, and none of the Marxist responses are 
here, but I guess Harvey, Roberts and so on are easy enough to find online.

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