[Marxism] Stopping Trump

2016-03-20 Thread Sean Noonan via Marxism
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In addition to the Truthout piece posted by Lou a few days ago, this is a
pretty good article as well.


Earlier in the week Clay stated that the evidence for his claim that the
UIC Pavillion protest was counter productive would come after Tuesday.  Now
Clay claims that since Trump has not been completely shutdown, the UIC
Pavillion protest was ill considered.  Clay's threshold for "success" of
the action is so high it is truly bizarre.  None of the 3K students inside
thought that it was at all realistic that Trump would drop out of the race
after a successful protest inside UIC Pavillion on Friday. The "shut down"
was regarding Trump speaking at UIC (at their university, on their campus)
not at a national level. No one set the bar for success at the UIC
Pavillion as high as Clay has claimed it is. Also, the results of the
primaries last Tuesday show that Trump didn't meaningfully increase his
support, he didn't get a "victim of disruptive protester" bump.   In fact,
data from a Rasmussen survey shows that  majorities or pluralities across
all major demographic variables blamed Trump for the violence at his events
more than the protesters. This isn't a simple replay of 1939 or 1968.


Many thanks to Lou and Phil for moving the discussion from a comparison
with the SWP's take on events at Madison Square Garden in 1939 up to the
CP's take on Goldwater campaign of 1964.  At this rate we can have a fact
based discussion of the 2016 Anti-Trump UIC Pavillion protest starting
sometime in late April.  Phil asks "Why do so many leftists always go for
the easy targets - Goldwater, Trump - instead of the crucial targets?"  By
Phil's definition of what a real leftist is there are not 3K leftists in a
city of 3 million people.  So the question is silly on its face and does
not apply in the slightest to the people who protested Trump at UIC.  The
UIC protest wasn't organized by the CP or the ISO or any other left party.
The Anti-Trump protest at UIC was the first step into social movement
street politics for the majority of the people protesting.  This fact has
been noted repeatedly.  It is silly to expect people whose politics are a
mixture of identity politics and Sanders style Keynesianism to jump
automatically to a systemic understanding of the greater danger posed to
the working class by HRC than Trump. In reality, Phil's question and Lou's
response is merely sanctimonious preening in isolation and irrelevance.
The majority of those 3K students who protested against Trump don't even
know the Marxist left exists because the Marxist left is so small, so
isolated and so irrelevant. Keeping in mind the Marxist left's miniscule
size and utter lack of influence with working class people can help
Marxmailers avoid asking such plainly silly questions.

Sean Noonan
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[Marxism] Stopping Trump

2016-03-21 Thread Sean Noonan via Marxism
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On March 15th Clay Claiborne writes:

“I said that the protesters rode into an ambush but I will reserve my
verdict on the effectiveness of their "riding into an ambush" until the
outcome of the immediate battle - the vote in IL today. I never said I was
withholding my verdict as to whether it was an ambush until the outcome of
the vote.”

On March 16th Clay Claiborne writes:

"There seems to me to be a big disconnect where a section of the Left lives
in an alternate reality in which they don't even have to consider whether
this on that militant tactic might actually help Donald Trump get elected
president and in which they can brag about having "shut Down Trump up"
while for 3 days before the election the mainstream media was saturated
with Donald Trump and his minions, and the subject that assured he would
continue to be the focus of attention in this critical period was precisely
that protest.

"Shutting Donald Trump Up" can now join "Stopping Obama from bombing Syria"
as another of the great victories of the Left's imagination."

Clay has claimed that the UIC event was a Trump ambush.  If it was an
ambush it didn’t work.  Clay then claims that the threshold of success for
the protesters at UIC had to be to completely “shut Donald Trump up” and
since Trump has not been completely shut up, the UIC Pavillion protest was
ill considered and driven by an “alternate reality” and the “left’s
imagination.” So first off, I reject the charge of bullshit. Clay's meaning
is clear.

Second, the elections result and subsequent survey data is in. Trump did
not substantially increase his support by his putative ambush.  Majorities
and pluralities across all demographic groups blamed Trump for the violence
at his events and his numbers didn’t get a post-protest victim of protester
bump. Shutting Down Trump at UIC always meant at only UIC Pavillion on that
one day – not completely and forever.   It was nothing like “Stopping Obama
from bombing Syria.”

Clay goes from treating Trump like a strategic genius setting up ambush
events so as to capture a bump of blowback anti-protester support to
disparaging those protesters for not meeting a goal that he unilaterally
imposes on them in order for their tactic to be measured a success.  Clay
follows Rachel Maddow, President Obama, Nate Silver, Trevor Noah and other
establishment liberals in aiming his fire more at the protesters doing
their first street politics than at Donald Trump.

Sean Noonan
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Re: [Marxism] Stopping Trump

2016-03-21 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism

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On 03/20/2016 10:48 PM, Sean Noonan via Marxism wrote:

Clay claims that since Trump has not been completely shutdown, the UIC
Pavillion protest was ill considered.
I challenge you to back that up with a quote from from my emails. I have 
no time for the lies and "mis-understandings" of some on this list.

No time for BS!


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Re: [Marxism] Stopping Trump

2016-03-21 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 12:06 PM, Sean Noonan via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

>  Clay then claims that the threshold of success for
> the protesters at UIC had to be to completely “shut Donald Trump up”

I never said that and you have failed to produce a quote of me saying that.
The other distortions I don't have time to deal with.
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