Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity"

2020-03-20 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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I live in San Francisco, three blocks from Golden Gate park where the
“remain in place” and “personal distancing” are treated as by a significant
% of people as optional if the amount of people and their behavior on the
streets and in the park are indicative of certain populations of the city.
The great change in the tone of the city with the tech industry has been an
overriding preference for right leaning libertarian nonsense that breeds
individualism rather than solidarity.

Thus, the attitude of the folks who support legal cannabis but hate the
“filth” and “danger” of homeless people is to treat this like a “snow day”
and party on like the spring breakers in Florida.  They are not the only
ones as a wide variety of people work out in the park, meet up with other
parents and let their kids play together and run wild, without a word about
what 6’ might look like. To those of us who are immune compromised, this is
insanely selfish and ignorant and on par with anti-vaxxers.

This isn’t helped as more police cruisers are around, but don’t make any
effort to educate the public as was outlined- officers were to explain the
order before issuing tickets, neither is happening. Parks and Rec have not
closed children’s playgrounds or collective gym equipment in the park, so
dozens of folks, in my sight alone, use them continuously throughout the
day. I don't have any illusions about police officers as anything, but
watchdogs for the rich, but pointing out that they are clearing not up for
the job, or able to do it, helps to show the real functions of "policing".

Officers are not wearing gloves or masks, neither are workers in grocery
stores, so this enforces the feeling of safety that people are seeking. Of
course, it is the responsibility of corporations to make sure their workers
are informed and have the proper equipment, but when we don’t have enough
supplies for health care workers, do we expect them for other sectors soon?
By legitimizing behaviors that will not flatten the curve, the outlook
looks bleak if this continues as it has.

Overall, the assumption in U.S. culture is that the unit of measurement and
the basis of moral obligation is the individual. Whether it originates from
a “left” or “right” position, the mistake is an error of starting with this
flawed premise. Whereas this can be more easily mystified in political or
economic relations, when dealing with a biological agent, the consequences
of social behaviors are not so easily shrugged off.
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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-19 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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First, as I recall you made the point that the mass testing in South Korea was 
effective in combatting the coronavirus.
You advocate mass testing as opposed to social distancing.
The point has been made elsewhere that South Korea has a single payer system, 
which is much more effective in dealing with this crisis than the US system.
The US system is not going to change in the short term.
Also, one of the obstacles to mass testing in the US has been the fact that 
they have very few test kits.
This is not going to change within days, or even within 2 weeks.

Secondly, are you suggesting that the virus will pass through the population at 
the same rate whether or not we stay in our homes or go out and mix with other 

ken h
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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-19 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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We can always ask the Pope to pray for us.  That worked well in the
fourteenth century, didn't it?
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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-19 Thread Jeffrey Masko via Marxism
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 "But your BS about "the Lockdown Left" chases a discussion that wasn't
taking place into a rhetorical swamp, intoxicates itself with the fumes of
own abstractions, and falls face first into the mud."

And as much as I respect *Homo Sacer, *even Agamben can't save the
"Lockdown the left" from the above.
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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 3/19/20 1:15 PM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:

We think that the main line of struggle against the COVID-19 epidemic 
should be a massive expansion of the health care system in order to do 
mass and free testing, to care about those infected, hospitalize those 
who need it, etc. Clearly this needs mass pressure, mass actions etc to 
force the ruling class to do this, to force the capitalists to pay for 
it, etc.

Look, not everybody is anxious to organize leftist protests. In fact, in 
the USA, as opposed to Algeria, protests are far and few between. 
However, unless the city and the state began to intervene to control 
mass gatherings, the pandemic would spread faster than an Australian 
brush fire.

Just the other day, the Hasidic sects in Brooklyn ignored the orders 
against gatherings of more than 50 people. A couple of weddings have 
resulted in the creation of hot zones that endanger the lives of many 
people who had not been invited to the wedding. I don't live near any 
Hasidic sect members in the UES of Manhattan but I am all for crowd 
control to minimize the threat of people getting sick, including me.

Yes, I know that this hurts worthy causes. I reviewed a film festival 
last Friday for Counterpunch dedicated to worth causes but it was 
cancelled the day the article appeared. Yes, it would have been great 
for a hundred people or so to see a film about Australian aboriginals 
fighting mining companies but not if it risked them getting sick.

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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-19 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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 Look, it's been very chilly around here and nobody appreciates the hot air
more.  I get it, you want a massive expansion of the health care system
unlike the reformists.  And you suggest mass actions to do this.

But your BS about "the Lockdown Left" chases a discussion that wasn't
taking place into a rhetorical swamp, intoxicates itself with the fumes of
own abstractions, and falls face first into the mud.
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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-19 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Look, it really should not be so difficult to understand.

We think that the main line of struggle against the COVID-19 epidemic 
should be a massive expansion of the health care system in order to do 
mass and free testing, to care about those infected, hospitalize those 
who need it, etc. Clearly this needs mass pressure, mass actions etc to 
force the ruling class to do this, to force the capitalists to pay for 
it, etc.

The response from the ruling classes, in general, is different: their 
first line of defense is militarization. This is the policy from the 
regimes in Beijing, Paris, Madrid, Rome, Vienna, and soon other 
countries too: Lock the people up, restrict freedom of movement, 
surveillance, etc. Of course they support also some forms of health care 
but much less, more expansive, with less and costly testing, etc. Surely 
this extreme state of emergency can not go on forever as it is bad for 
the economy. But they need some time now to implement a new form of 
state bonaparist regime with less democratic rights (in those countries 
where such exist). After they have implemented the most important 
draconic measures they will relax some conditions with some 
normalization of social life. But they will certainly try to retain a 
number of these militarization measures.

The reformist bureaucracy fully supports the militarization policy (see 
e.g. Podemos in Spain’s government). The radical left is divided. Surely 
they all support the expansion of the health care sector etc. But the 
Lockdown Left supports also the militarization, i.e. the most important 
anti-democratic attack today. This is the dividing line today.

Am 19.03.2020 um 16:26 schrieb Tristan Sloughter via Marxism:

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It was never my intention to push anyone to go on the street. Every one
shall be free to stay home. People who want to lock themselves up should
do so.

Sounding like a anti-vaxxer now. Everyone needs to distance or it doesn't work!

This virus has shown to be more contagious, live longer on surfaces and the air 
and be more deadly (many of those hospitalized are in their 20s and 30s and 
lose lung capacity).

China appears to have gotten over the hump, the idea that we shouldn't do the 
same is ridiculous, not to mention the same selfishness of not vaccinating 
involved in thinking its ok for those who don't want to stay inside to go out 
and risk everyone else's health.

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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity"

2020-03-19 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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RKOB is certainly right about one thing: The world capitalist class and all
their representatives are watching this and thinking about how they can use
it. Already, it seems the strike of graduate students in the University of
California system is collapsing. It's simply not possible to run a strike
virtually. Not only that, but a huge number of workers are now working from
home. I think that is a very regressive policy since it separates workers.
I think that will continue after this is over.

We should all remember Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine". For all its
weaknesses (and there was one serious one), it made an excellent point:
That capitalism will use any shock that comes about, whether socially made
or made by the forces of nature, to advance its agenda. Most certainly it
will use this pandemic. And that is despite the fact that while it has been
brought about by a pathogen and the fact that this sort of zoonotic disease
is becoming increasingly common, the means of transmission of those
pathogens (wildlife encroachment and factory farming, are a direct result
of capitalist development.

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-19 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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> It was never my intention to push anyone to go on the street. Every one 
> shall be free to stay home. People who want to lock themselves up should 
> do so. 

Sounding like a anti-vaxxer now. Everyone needs to distance or it doesn't work!

This virus has shown to be more contagious, live longer on surfaces and the air 
and be more deadly (many of those hospitalized are in their 20s and 30s and 
lose lung capacity).

China appears to have gotten over the hump, the idea that we shouldn't do the 
same is ridiculous, not to mention the same selfishness of not vaccinating 
involved in thinking its ok for those who don't want to stay inside to go out 
and risk everyone else's health.

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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-19 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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I certainly accept that several comrades participating in this 
discussion (mostly living in North America) have a different point of view.

I am also aware that the pressure of the public opinion is currently 
extremely strong. Many modern Marxists have looked with ridicule to the 
European social democrats who wavered in summer 1914. But they could not 
imagine the immense pressure of public opinion which existed at that 
time (and which was shared and supported, by the way, by most scientists).

As a result, many of the left (who have a radical point of view about … 
what should have been done in 1914 when they were not born) share the 
idea today that this time really we should accept being imprisoned at 
home and not fight against the ruling class. This time, the rulers 
surely will not lie because they also want to fight the pandemic.

“But many scientists support this!” Is it really the case that 
scientists are above classes and class interests? Is it really the case 
that all scientists support mass lock down? Well, everyone with some 
interest in the issue can see that this is not the case. I for my side 
listen to my comrades with medical knowledge. And, fortunately, I have 
also the chance to hear about the political discussions from my comrades 
in very different countries – from South Korea to Mexico and from 
Britain to Kenya. This allows me having a better understanding about 
global discussions (and not only those in the imperialist West).

It was never my intention to push anyone to go on the street. Every one 
shall be free to stay home. People who want to lock themselves up should 
do so. It is just annoying to hear self-proclaimed Marxists supporting 
the measures of the ruling class to forbid anyone to fight on the 
streets as it happened until very recently in France, Chile, and many 
other countries. And all this at a moment when a new 1929 takes place 
before our eyes! (And is it really accidental that the bourgeoisie 
imposes these measures at exactly the same time as we have a new 1929?! 
Is no one suspicious about the timing?! And this from people who 
consider themselves as intellectuals and academics!)

Allow me to predict that the bourgeoisie will say for quite some time 
that there should be no mass demonstrations. Surely, only for health 
risks reason. And, guess what, there will be a number of scientists who 
will support this. Guess who pays them?! And during all this time, when 
we are locked up for weeks and months, they will advance their 
counter-revolutionary agenda (from austerity to surveillance etc.)

So when will you support mass actions again? Probably when most of the 
left will do so. Because than it would be not “sectarian” to call for 
this. And when will the left call for mass action? Probably when 
Sanders, Corbyn etc. think it is OK. Because than it would be not 
“sectarian” for them to call for this. And when will Sanders and Corbyn ….

Finally, the South Koreans demonstrated that it is possible to fight the 
COVID-19 epidemic with mass and free testing, with free health care, 
with basic rules for hygiene but without mass lock down. I am sure that 
the virus in South Korea is not less aggressive and transmittable than 
in the U.S.! South Korea succeeded in this DESPITE a reactionary 
evangelic cult which (deliberately or reckless) spread the virus as much 
as possible. The acts of such a criminal cult made it even more 
difficult for South Korea to fight the epidemic (the cult leader, a 
self-proclaimed brother of Jesus, told his supporters not to cooperate 
with the health service and not to tell them where they had been, i.e. 
whom they might have infected). Why do comrades still claim that the 
reactionary lock down policy is TINA (“There Is No Alternative”)? If 
comrades support the lock down policy, they should at least not also 
lock down their brain!

Am 18.03.2020 um 23:10 schrieb Tristan Sloughter via Marxism:

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I do trust science.  I trust doctors on epidemics . . . the same way I
trust environmentalists on the climate.  Why would we not?  Most of us know
enough to understand whether these things make sense or not.

This ^.

Not only that, but we have comrades working in medical services. If we are able 
to flatten the curve and in the coming weeks or months so the health care 
system isn't stressed to a 

Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-18 Thread Marla Vijaya kumar via Marxism
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You are talking about a few hundred people assembling to lodge protest. But 
look, in India, more than 500 camps are active, with 
each having thousands of women protesting the discriminatory Citizenship Bill, 
as it is discriminatory against non-Hindus. 
And protesters are Hindus, Muslims and Sikh women and youth. 

Even with official restrictions on assembly of people, the protests continue. 
But at some places, the protesters are keeping
 children at home,  wear protective masks and keep one meter distance from each 
other. But they are determined to continue 
protests. But if the pandemic spreads, they may give a break. Before the Corona 
Virus scare started in India, in the state of 
Bihar (population 100 million), Dr. Kanhaiya Kumar, a young communist leader 
had toured the state addressing massive 
rallies and it is reported that more than 5 million have attended his month 
long rallies against the Citizenship Bill. The Modi 
government is so scared that they have taken a four year old sedition case 
clamped against him while he was a student. They never
 expected that a communist could get so popular.

Vijaya Kumar M
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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-18 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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> I do trust science.  I trust doctors on epidemics . . . the same way I
> trust environmentalists on the climate.  Why would we not?  Most of us know
> enough to understand whether these things make sense or not.

This ^. 

Not only that, but we have comrades working in medical services. If we are able 
to flatten the curve and in the coming weeks or months so the health care 
system isn't stressed to a breaking point we should rely on those comrades to 
discuss appropriate measures for if/how mass actions can be handled.

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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-18 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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> Anyway, I can not imagine how the health care system should improve 
> without mass protests?! Online petitions are usually not particularly 
> successful on such issues.

At this time mass street protests ultimately means further overwhelming the 
hospital system more than it is already going to be, causing more death and 

There have already been cases of strikes in Spain, and we may see similar in 
the US with workers not being properly protected and refusing to work until 
they are. We must extend solidarity to those workers without making the 
situation worse.

Exacerbating a public health crisis is not going to help build a mass worker 


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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-18 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I didn't suggest online petitions and, no, I don't suggest that we start
trusting the capitalist state.

I do trust science.  I trust doctors on epidemics . . . the same way I
trust environmentalists on the climate.  Why would we not?  Most of us know
enough to understand whether these things make sense or not.

And here's the thing about conspiracies.  When there actually are
conspiracies (and sometimes when there aren't), somebody starts blowing the
whistle on it.  No group of serious scientists say that global warming is
anything other than real.  It's no less real when its discussed on the
bourgeois media or by members of the bourgeois state.

Too, no group of serious medical professionals are saying that these
precautions against the pandemic are excessive. Considering that these
precautions are also playing merry hell with the economy, it's a fair bet
that the capitalists aren't playing with some new means to annoy us.

The point is that here--or in Italy or in Spain--these restrictions are
being imposed as temporary measures.  Are there dangers?  There are always
dangers when you deal with these people, so we should stay cautious and
watch their every move.

I suspect, for example, that there's going to be a serious effort to
normalize some of what they've slipped into education--particularly the
shift to online routines.  When this is behind us, there will be major
efforts to impose these more generally, and this will have to be fought.

But how and where we can best fight them should depend on where we can best
mobilize and deploy our forces.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-18 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Chris Slee wrote

Are there any alternative forms of struggle?

Not necessarily an alternative but a possible example would be the photo 
depicted online yesterday of voters arranging themselves at an 
appropriate distance in the open air outside a precinct so that they 
were unlikely to expose each other even to an airborne virus. With 
adequate advice and monitoring in a mass protest, why not?

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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-18 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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May be I am too suspicious but my impression is that the capitalists are 
using now the COVID-19 crisis to sack hundreds of thousands if not 
millions of people and to cut wages. At least this is what has is 
happening just now in Europe. I don't believe the US capitalists are 
better. How do you want to fights against this under the conditions of 
mass lock down?

And, again I might be too suspicious, but all the reports about the 
massive expansion of the survaillance and police state might be also 
difficult to stop without mass protests.

Obviously people from risk groups might prefer not to participate in 
such street protests in such times. But shall all people now refrain 
from fighting for their rights?!

And for how long shall we let work the capitalist state without 
interference from the people? Or do you think we Marxists have been too 
critical about the capitalist state in the past and this time, at the 
COVID-19 crisis, we should trust it and accept that it takes much more 
powers than it did until now? I don't think so.

Anyway, I can not imagine how the health care system should improve 
without mass protests?! Online petitions are usually not particularly 
successful on such issues.

Am 18.03.2020 um 20:54 schrieb Mark Lause:
Sorry, I thought my reference to the election made it clear that I was 
generally talking about the United States. Howver the warnings about 
concentrations of large numbers of people remains valid under these 

Simply because the capitalist media may say that the sky is blue 
doesn't mean that it's pink with Orange polka dots.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2020, 3:20 PM RKOB via Marxism>> wrote:

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I do not agree with you in 2 points:

1) there has been indeed a global wave of mass protests since
not seen since many decades. This has been even recognized by a
published study of a bourgeois think-tank. We have reported about
in an article


The current counter-revolutionary offensive using the COVID-19
crisis as
cover is a strike against this global wave of popular uprisings.

2) Mass lock down of millions of people and suppressing democratic
rights like demonstrating and assembling helps the ruling class,
not the
oppressed. It also does not help in itself to contain the COVID-19
pandemic. Look to Italy where you have a lock down and people die.
Korea has mass testing, free healt care and and a good health carse
system. This why it managed the crisis without mass lock down.

Trusting the capitalist state and its propaganda is never a good

Am 18.03.2020 um 12:37 schrieb Mark Lause via Marxism:
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> *
> I apologize if I'm repeating points already made in the
discussion but it's
> important that they "take" . . . .
> It is the nature of epidemics like this that people who don't
have symptoms
> spread the disease, and this is much worse than other examples
because the
> symptoms seem to hit people differently.  A large number of
people are said
> to have already had it and shaken it off in a few days, while it
can be
> fatal for a significant minority of those who get it. Gathering
in large
> numbers spreads the virus quicker.  Not doing this is to avoid
crashing the
> resources of an ill-prepared health care system, including the
> needed to run it.
> Beyond these obvious medical realities, this pandemic is not
only slamming
> us, but it's starting to pull down their economy, bit by bit,
and I heard
> one of the talking heads on the idiot box are discussing the
possibility of
> coming out of this with an unemployment rate of 20% (and they're
> in government figures).

Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-18 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Sorry, I thought my reference to the election made it clear that I was
generally talking about the United States. Howver the warnings about
concentrations of large numbers of people remains valid under these

Simply because the capitalist media may say that the sky is blue doesn't
mean that it's pink with Orange polka dots.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2020, 3:20 PM RKOB via Marxism 

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> I do not agree with you in 2 points:
> 1) there has been indeed a global wave of mass protests since mid-2019
> not seen since many decades. This has been even recognized by a recently
> published study of a bourgeois think-tank. We have reported about this
> in an article
> (
> The current counter-revolutionary offensive using the COVID-19 crisis as
> cover is a strike against this global wave of popular uprisings.
> 2) Mass lock down of millions of people and suppressing democratic
> rights like demonstrating and assembling helps the ruling class, not the
> oppressed. It also does not help in itself to contain the COVID-19
> pandemic. Look to Italy where you have a lock down and people die. South
> Korea has mass testing, free healt care and and a good health carse
> system. This why it managed the crisis without mass lock down.
> Trusting the capitalist state and its propaganda is never a good guide!
> Am 18.03.2020 um 12:37 schrieb Mark Lause via Marxism:
> > #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> > #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> > #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> > *
> >
> > I apologize if I'm repeating points already made in the discussion but
> it's
> > important that they "take" . . . .
> >
> > It is the nature of epidemics like this that people who don't have
> symptoms
> > spread the disease, and this is much worse than other examples because
> the
> > symptoms seem to hit people differently.  A large number of people are
> said
> > to have already had it and shaken it off in a few days, while it can be
> > fatal for a significant minority of those who get it.  Gathering in large
> > numbers spreads the virus quicker.  Not doing this is to avoid crashing
> the
> > resources of an ill-prepared health care system, including the people
> > needed to run it.
> >
> > Beyond these obvious medical realities, this pandemic is not only
> slamming
> > us, but it's starting to pull down their economy, bit by bit, and I heard
> > one of the talking heads on the idiot box are discussing the possibility
> of
> > coming out of this with an unemployment rate of 20% (and they're thinking
> > in government figures).
> >
> > When I look out on the absence of mass demonstrations in the streets
> today,
> > it looks precisely like the absence of mass demonstrations in the streets
> > before the pandemic hit.  There are other reasons we don't have large
> > numbers in the street than the distancing brought on by the pandemic.
> >
> > Building a movement is part of a process.  Take this time of isolation to
> > read a book and discuss it online.  And/or hold online classes.  Make and
> > retain contacts for the future.  There's much productive to be done in
> the
> > here and now that will be useful in the future, particularly with a work
> > force that will be wiser, angrier, and hopefully more ready to take to
> the
> > streets..
> >
> > What will not be useful at this point is getting those willing to gather
> in
> > large groups disproportionately infected or putting them in a position to
> > get their family, friends and coworkers sick.
> >
> > Solidarity,
> > Mark L.
> > _
> > Full posting guidelines at:
> > Set your options at:
> --
> Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
> (Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
> Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314
> --
> Diese E-Mail wurde von Avast Antivirus-Software auf Viren gepr

Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-18 Thread RKOB via Marxism

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

I do not agree with you in 2 points:

1) there has been indeed a global wave of mass protests since mid-2019 
not seen since many decades. This has been even recognized by a recently 
published study of a bourgeois think-tank. We have reported about this 
in an article 
The current counter-revolutionary offensive using the COVID-19 crisis as 
cover is a strike against this global wave of popular uprisings.

2) Mass lock down of millions of people and suppressing democratic 
rights like demonstrating and assembling helps the ruling class, not the 
oppressed. It also does not help in itself to contain the COVID-19 
pandemic. Look to Italy where you have a lock down and people die. South 
Korea has mass testing, free healt care and and a good health carse 
system. This why it managed the crisis without mass lock down.

Trusting the capitalist state and its propaganda is never a good guide!

Am 18.03.2020 um 12:37 schrieb Mark Lause via Marxism:

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

I apologize if I'm repeating points already made in the discussion but it's
important that they "take" . . . .

It is the nature of epidemics like this that people who don't have symptoms
spread the disease, and this is much worse than other examples because the
symptoms seem to hit people differently.  A large number of people are said
to have already had it and shaken it off in a few days, while it can be
fatal for a significant minority of those who get it.  Gathering in large
numbers spreads the virus quicker.  Not doing this is to avoid crashing the
resources of an ill-prepared health care system, including the people
needed to run it.

Beyond these obvious medical realities, this pandemic is not only slamming
us, but it's starting to pull down their economy, bit by bit, and I heard
one of the talking heads on the idiot box are discussing the possibility of
coming out of this with an unemployment rate of 20% (and they're thinking
in government figures).

When I look out on the absence of mass demonstrations in the streets today,
it looks precisely like the absence of mass demonstrations in the streets
before the pandemic hit.  There are other reasons we don't have large
numbers in the street than the distancing brought on by the pandemic.

Building a movement is part of a process.  Take this time of isolation to
read a book and discuss it online.  And/or hold online classes.  Make and
retain contacts for the future.  There's much productive to be done in the
here and now that will be useful in the future, particularly with a work
force that will be wiser, angrier, and hopefully more ready to take to the

What will not be useful at this point is getting those willing to gather in
large groups disproportionately infected or putting them in a position to
get their family, friends and coworkers sick.

Mark L.
Full posting guidelines at:
Set your options at:

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-18 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

I apologize if I'm repeating points already made in the discussion but it's
important that they "take" . . . .

It is the nature of epidemics like this that people who don't have symptoms
spread the disease, and this is much worse than other examples because the
symptoms seem to hit people differently.  A large number of people are said
to have already had it and shaken it off in a few days, while it can be
fatal for a significant minority of those who get it.  Gathering in large
numbers spreads the virus quicker.  Not doing this is to avoid crashing the
resources of an ill-prepared health care system, including the people
needed to run it.

Beyond these obvious medical realities, this pandemic is not only slamming
us, but it's starting to pull down their economy, bit by bit, and I heard
one of the talking heads on the idiot box are discussing the possibility of
coming out of this with an unemployment rate of 20% (and they're thinking
in government figures).

When I look out on the absence of mass demonstrations in the streets today,
it looks precisely like the absence of mass demonstrations in the streets
before the pandemic hit.  There are other reasons we don't have large
numbers in the street than the distancing brought on by the pandemic.

Building a movement is part of a process.  Take this time of isolation to
read a book and discuss it online.  And/or hold online classes.  Make and
retain contacts for the future.  There's much productive to be done in the
here and now that will be useful in the future, particularly with a work
force that will be wiser, angrier, and hopefully more ready to take to the

What will not be useful at this point is getting those willing to gather in
large groups disproportionately infected or putting them in a position to
get their family, friends and coworkers sick.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-18 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

I agree that policies adopted by governments in response to the coronavirus 
will have an adverse effect on popular struggles.  In Australia, planned 
nationwide demonstrations for refugee rights on April 5 have been called off 
(at least in Melbourne and Brisbane, and probably elsewhere).

An atomised population, staying at home and not taking any collective action, 
is ideal for authoritarian governments.

It is uncertain how long this situation will continue.  Some reports have said 
it will take a year or two to develop a vaccine.  Will there be no 
demonstrations or mass meetings for two years?

Is such a ban actually necessary to prevent the spread of the the virus.  Would 
it be sufficient to urge people not to come if they are sick or in close 
contact with a sick person, and not to have physical contact with other people 
they meet at the event, e.g. shaking hands?

Are there any alternative forms of struggle?

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of RKOB via 
Sent: Tuesday, 17 March 2020 11:56:38 PM
To: Chris Slee 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: 
[pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need 
deep change to make that possible

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

Dear Louis,

you might have misunderstood want I meant (or I expressed myself badly).

1) Obviously no one should feel obligated to go on the streets. Everyone
should be free to stay home. It is necessary to employ a service for
people who stay at home. Naturally, we are also in favour of quarantin
meassures for people who are infected (in addition to mass and free
testing etc.).

2) In general it is important to take precautions on health issues. But
this has been also the case in all the last years when there were
influenza epidemic. As you certainly know this has also caused many
vicitims. (152,000 in Europe in the saison 2017/18 alone) Did anyone
call for a mass lockdown at that time? Of course, not!

3) How shall we fight for a better health care system? By staying home?
Hardly! No, by mass actions. For this people (those without health
risks) need to gon on the streets.

4) Finally, do you really think the rulers in China, Europe, etc. impose
mass lockdowns and ban demonstrations because they are concerned about
health? If so, why did they not do it in all the years before when
influenza struck?! Don't you think that there is a connection between
the policy of mass lockdown, the current economic slump (which is of
1929-33 proportions) and the fact that the world has seen the largest
rise of mass protests in 2019 - at least since 1945?! (See for this our
article on a new study:

Please be assured that I wish you a long life!

Am 17.03.2020 um 13:04 schrieb Louis Proyect via Marxism:
> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> On 3/17/20 7:34 AM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:
>> In short, South Korea has certainly dealt best with the crisis and
>> without a mass lock down. Mass and free testing and health care is
>> crucial.
> Well, this is not South Korea here in NYC. I am fucking 75 years old
> and had bronchitis lasting a month last October. If it was up to me,
> there would be a strict curfew after 8pm. The rules being enforced
> right now are not an impediment to workers militias or a general
> strike. Instead, it is the backwardness of the working-class. Maybe
> the economic collapse and the realization that pandemics are a product
> of capitalist contradictions will change that but in the meantime, I
> want to live and write until I croak about 10 years from
> now--hopefully in my sleep.
> _
> Full posting guidelines at:
> Set your options at:

Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-17 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

On 3/17/20 8:56 AM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:

1) Obviously no one should feel obligated to go on the streets. Everyone 
should be free to stay home. It is necessary to employ a service for 
people who stay at home. Naturally, we are also in favour of quarantin 
meassures for people who are infected (in addition to mass and free 
testing etc.).

Have you actually been reading about why schools and pubs are being 
closed? Young people have no idea whether they are "infected" or not 
unless they take a test. For the majority, they experience no symptoms 
for up to five days even if they are contagious. Within that period, 
they can come into contact with many other people, including me. I am 
glad that you are in favor of quarantine measures of infected people, 
but if I get infected, I will probably die.

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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-17 Thread RKOB via Marxism

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

Dear Louis,

you might have misunderstood want I meant (or I expressed myself badly).

1) Obviously no one should feel obligated to go on the streets. Everyone 
should be free to stay home. It is necessary to employ a service for 
people who stay at home. Naturally, we are also in favour of quarantin 
meassures for people who are infected (in addition to mass and free 
testing etc.).

2) In general it is important to take precautions on health issues. But 
this has been also the case in all the last years when there were 
influenza epidemic. As you certainly know this has also caused many 
vicitims. (152,000 in Europe in the saison 2017/18 alone) Did anyone 
call for a mass lockdown at that time? Of course, not!

3) How shall we fight for a better health care system? By staying home? 
Hardly! No, by mass actions. For this people (those without health 
risks) need to gon on the streets.

4) Finally, do you really think the rulers in China, Europe, etc. impose 
mass lockdowns and ban demonstrations because they are concerned about 
health? If so, why did they not do it in all the years before when 
influenza struck?! Don't you think that there is a connection between 
the policy of mass lockdown, the current economic slump (which is of 
1929-33 proportions) and the fact that the world has seen the largest 
rise of mass protests in 2019 - at least since 1945?! (See for this our 
article on a new study:

Please be assured that I wish you a long life!

Am 17.03.2020 um 13:04 schrieb Louis Proyect via Marxism:

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

On 3/17/20 7:34 AM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:

In short, South Korea has certainly dealt best with the crisis and 
without a mass lock down. Mass and free testing and health care is 

Well, this is not South Korea here in NYC. I am fucking 75 years old 
and had bronchitis lasting a month last October. If it was up to me, 
there would be a strict curfew after 8pm. The rules being enforced 
right now are not an impediment to workers militias or a general 
strike. Instead, it is the backwardness of the working-class. Maybe 
the economic collapse and the realization that pandemics are a product 
of capitalist contradictions will change that but in the meantime, I 
want to live and write until I croak about 10 years from 
now--hopefully in my sleep.

Full posting guidelines at:
Set your options at:

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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Full posting guidelines at:
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Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-17 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

On 3/17/20 7:34 AM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:

In short, South Korea has certainly dealt best with the crisis and 
without a mass lock down. Mass and free testing and health care is crucial.

Well, this is not South Korea here in NYC. I am fucking 75 years old and 
had bronchitis lasting a month last October. If it was up to me, there 
would be a strict curfew after 8pm. The rules being enforced right now 
are not an impediment to workers militias or a general strike. Instead, 
it is the backwardness of the working-class. Maybe the economic collapse 
and the realization that pandemics are a product of capitalist 
contradictions will change that but in the meantime, I want to live and 
write until I croak about 10 years from now--hopefully in my sleep.

Full posting guidelines at:
Set your options at:

Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-17 Thread Patrick Bond via Marxism

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

Thanks, will send over some SA material. Your collection is fabulous, 
I'll let comrades here know!

On 3/17/2020 1:34 PM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

First, I have to say that I am not sufficiently informed about the 
situation in South Africa.

In general, for our analysis and perspective on the COVID-19 crisis I 
refer to the numerous documents which are collected on a special page:

In short, South Korea has certainly dealt best with the crisis and 
without a mass lock down. Mass and free testing and health care is 

I also want to point out that militant sectors of the working class 
and youth don’t accept the bourgeois atomization approach (i.e. 
“social distancing”). The French Yellow Vests and the Chilean 
protestors both demonstrated (and clashed with the police) in the last 
days despite the government forbidding this - using the COVID-19 as a 

Am 17.03.2020 um 12:04 schrieb Patrick Bond:

On 3/17/2020 11:46 AM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:
Comrades, allow me to take this opportunity to say something on this 
whole "social distancing" ideology. The title say: "If we want 
everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need ..." I 
understand that sectors of the rulering class want people to stay 
home and to forbid mass assemblies. We saw this in China and now in 
Europe (incl. the country where I am living, Austria). I also 
understand that sectors of the masses - terrorized and confused by 
the neverending media propaganda - share this.

Well, to slow the spread until medical interventions and state 
support systems are in place, perhaps "personal distancing plus 
social solidarity" to emphasise mutual aid?

If anyone wants a collection of critical ideas, let me know, as they 
exceed 35k limits here. I have statements of demand from 
working-class and social/health-movement activists from all over the 
world. An example from here in South Africa is from the SA 
Federations of Trade Unions:

Here is a strong statement - at 1.30' for about 13 minutes - from 
SAFTU leader Zwelinzima Vavi: (following the SA 
president's statement)

Please send me material we can circulate here to avoid the mere 
medicalization of Covid-19, and instead deepen our class, gender, 
race and ecological perspectives.

Full posting guidelines at:
Set your options at:

Re: [Marxism] "personal distancing plus social solidarity" Re: Fwd: [pen-l] If we want everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need deep change to make that possible

2020-03-17 Thread RKOB via Marxism

#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

First, I have to say that I am not sufficiently informed about the 
situation in South Africa.

In general, for our analysis and perspective on the COVID-19 crisis I 
refer to the numerous documents which are collected on a special page:

In short, South Korea has certainly dealt best with the crisis and 
without a mass lock down. Mass and free testing and health care is crucial.

I also want to point out that militant sectors of the working class and 
youth don’t accept the bourgeois atomization approach (i.e. “social 
distancing”). The French Yellow Vests and the Chilean protestors both 
demonstrated (and clashed with the police) in the last days despite the 
government forbidding this - using the COVID-19 as a pretext.

Am 17.03.2020 um 12:04 schrieb Patrick Bond:

On 3/17/2020 11:46 AM, RKOB via Marxism wrote:
Comrades, allow me to take this opportunity to say something on this 
whole "social distancing" ideology. The title say: "If we want 
everyone to stay home during a coronavirus crisis, we need ..." I 
understand that sectors of the rulering class want people to stay 
home and to forbid mass assemblies. We saw this in China and now in 
Europe (incl. the country where I am living, Austria). I also 
understand that sectors of the masses - terrorized and confused by 
the neverending media propaganda - share this.

Well, to slow the spread until medical interventions and state support 
systems are in place, perhaps "personal distancing plus social 
solidarity" to emphasise mutual aid?

If anyone wants a collection of critical ideas, let me know, as they 
exceed 35k limits here. I have statements of demand from working-class 
and social/health-movement activists from all over the world. An 
example from here in South Africa is from the SA Federations of Trade 

Here is a strong statement - at 1.30' for about 13 minutes - from 
SAFTU leader Zwelinzima Vavi: (following the SA 
president's statement)

Please send me material we can circulate here to avoid the mere 
medicalization of Covid-19, and instead deepen our class, gender, race 
and ecological perspectives.

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT,
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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