[Marxism] Wallerstein: Firestorm Ahead

2009-09-11 Thread Max Clark

The Firestorm Ahead
September 10, 2009
By Immanuel Wallerstein 

There is a firestorm ahead in the Middle East for which neither the US 
government nor the US public is prepared. They seem scarcely aware how close it 
is on the horizon or how ferocious it will be. The US government (and therefore 
almost inevitably the US public) is deluding itself massively about its 
capacity to handle the situation in terms of its stated objectives. The storm 
will go from Iraq to Afghanistan to Pakistan to Israel/Palestine, and in the 
classic expression "it will spread like wildfire."
Let us start with Iraq. The United States has signed a Status of Forces 
Agreement (SOFA) with Iraq, which went into effect on July 1. It provided for 
turning over internal security to the Iraqi government and, in theory, 
essentially restricting US forces to their bases and to some limited role in 
training Iraqi troops. Some of the wording of this agreement is ambiguous. 
Deliberately so, since that was the only way both sides would sign it.
Even the first months of operation show how poorly this agreement is operating. 
The Iraqi forces have been interpreting it very strictly, formally forbidding 
both joint patrols and also any unilateral US military actions without prior 
detailed clearance with the government. It has gotten to the point that Iraqi 
forces are stopping US forces from passing checkpoints with supplies during 
daytime hours.
The US forces have been chafing. They have tried to interpret the clause 
guaranteeing them the right of self-defense far more loosely than the Iraqi 
forces want. They are pointing to the upturn in violence in Iraq and therefore 
implicitly to the incapacity of Iraqi forces to guarantee order.
The general commanding the US forces, Ray Odierno, is obviously extremely 
unhappy and is patently scheming to find excuses to reestablish a direct US 
role. Recently, he met with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq and 
President Masoud Barzani of the Kurdish Regional Government. Odierno sought to 
persuade them to permit tripartite (Iraqi/Kurdish/American) joint patrols in 
Mosul and other areas of northern Iraq, in order to prevent or minimize 
violence. They politely agreed to consider his proposal. Unfortunately for 
Odierno, his plan would require a formal revision of the SOFA agreement.
Originally, there was supposed to be a referendum in the beginning of July on 
popular approval of the SOFA agreement. The United States was afraid of losing 
the vote, which would have meant that all US forces would have had to be out of 
Iraq by Dec. 31, 2010, one full year earlier than the theoretical date in the 
SOFA agreement.
The United States thought it was very clever in persuading al-Maliki to 
postpone this referendum to January 2010. Now it will be held in conjunction 
with the national elections. In the national elections, everyone will be 
seeking to obtain votes. No one is going to be campaigning in favor of a "yes" 
vote on the referendum. Lest this be in any doubt, al-Maliki is submitting a 
project to the Iraqi parliament that will permit a simple majority of "no" 
votes to annul the agreement. There will be a majority of "no" votes. There may 
even be an overwhelming majority of "no" votes. Odierno should be packing his 
bags now. I'll bet he still has the illusion that he can avoid the onset of the 
firestorm. He can't.


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[Marxism] New Blog Entry: Ahmedabad’s Crime Branch, Den of Assassins

2009-09-11 Thread Politicus E.
I wish to remind you, dear reader, of Tehelka’s investigation into the
State’s complicity in the Gujarat pogrom of 2002.  Their investigation
provides us with evidence that Ahmedabad’s Crime Branch has been a den
of assassins under Modi.

In point of fact, the Crime Branch is not only responsible for the
assassinations of Ishrat Jahan, Javed Shaikh, Amjad Ali Rana, and
Jisan Johar.  The Crime Branch not only assassinated Sohrabuddin and
his wife.  The Crime Branch also supervised the pogrom 

The entire article is available at http://bit.ly/rbUIr.

Those comrades unfamiliar with the pogroms of 2002 in India's Gujarat
state can obtain the requisite background at

Those comrades unfamiliar with the 'fake encounters' controversy are
invited to read my recent blog entries.  Basically, a 'fake encounter'
means that the cops arbitrarily kidnap and assassinate whomever they
wish, in the name of India's "War on Terror."  Such episodes are
typically termed "fake encounters" in India's English-language press.
Several recent high-profile court cases have ruled against the Indian
state in this matter.

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[Marxism] Obama to Wilson: you were right!

2009-09-11 Thread Andrew Pollack
After Wilson (and other Republicans) disrupted Obama's speech, the
media pointed out that
Wilson was wrong, that all the current proposals would let
undocumented children die for
lack of papers (except 676, which went unmentioned, and which covers
ALL residents). Some
went further and pointed out that while "illegals" could still buy coverage
illegally, Obama couldn't be blamed for not proposing to enforce a ban
on such purchases.
But now Obama admits Wilson et al. have a point:
"The health care legislation is still being developed, and many details could
change, but based on the proposals so far, Mr. Obama’s overarching
point is accurate: the
legislation would not allow illegal immigrants to get the proposed
government subsidies
that would make it easier for low-income individuals and families to
afford health
"The White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, said Thursday that Mr.
Obama would
go further, barring illegal immigrants from buying private health
insurance through a
proposed government-regulated marketplace, even if they could afford
the coverage on
their own. "

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Re: [Marxism] articles from old left journal New Masses online

2009-09-11 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
This is excellent.  I always enjoy reading Gold, though by the mixed 
quality of his articles you'd be surprised that he was the talent behind 
/Jews Without Money/.

Ron J wrote:
> http://chss.montclair.edu/english/furr/nm/newmassesarts.html 
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Re: [Marxism] Long posts not allowed??

2009-09-11 Thread Carrol Cox
Mark Lause wrote:
> Les offers a telling comment on the potential value of the list for
> discussion...as opposed to the mere forwarding of electronic
> "clippings."


Becauxe my vision has been ravaged with macular degeneration, in order
to read posts I have to copy them to a word file, format them in clearly
demarcated paragraphs, all extraneous matter removed, and set in a large
font. Even after this massaging of text, I read so slowly (focus on what
the letters are interferes with focus on wht the fuck is being said)
that any reasonably dense text will force me to reread it several times
before making sense of it. Hence I am forced radically to limit the
number of posts I read each day - especially since almost the only posts
I'm interested in reading are apt to be densely written.

I practically stopped reading marxmail late last year when the
overwhelming concern seemed to be to prove that the economy was in a bad
shape and getting worse. Big fucking deal - since none of those posts
ever bothered even to hint that perhaps we should ask Lenin's question
(even if we didn't accept his answers, which fit 1905): WITBD.

The absence of interest in this question; in fact the absence any hing
that the question existed, pretty much convinced me that the list was
only concerned with daily movement for its own sake (a la bernstein),
with hopes for the future occasionally thrown in for decoration.

(Incidentally, it has been shown over and over again for two centuries
that economic misery, or almost any kind of misery, NEVER provokes
resistance. And when it does, that resistance is merely of the
nickel&dime variety, mainly pleading with the capitalists to toss a few
more crumbs to the starving masses.

Fuck That.

It seems to me that the two most imporatant texts for today from
"classical marxism" are the two speeches by Rosa Luxemburge at the
Stuttgart  Conference of the SPD.  Endless bits of daily news, economic
news, latest reviews of the drama staged by the rulng class for the
drama-hungry masses (What is Obama up to now? Aint' he a terrible
fellow.Shit), invocations to have the right feelings (since our action
here would be empty) on what the Iranians are up to. That stuff probably
bores even most  avid raders of the Nation.



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[Marxism] Nader: Words Matter

2009-09-11 Thread Mark Lause
Words Matter by Ralph Nader
Written by Ralph Nader

Ever wonder what’s happening to words once they fall into the hands of
corporate and government propagandists? Too often reporters and
editors don’t wonder enough. They ditto the words even when the result
is deception or doubletalk.

Here are some examples. Day in and day out we read about “detainees”
imprisoned for months or years by the federal government in the U.S.,
Guantanamo Bay, Iraq and Afghanistan. Doesn’t the media know that the
correct word is “prisoners,” regardless of what Bush, Cheney and
Rumsfeld disseminated?

The raging debate and controversy over health insurance and the $2.5
trillion spent this year on health care involves consumers and
“providers.” How touching to describe sellers or vendors, often
gouging, denying benefits, manipulating fine print contracts, cheating
Medicare and Medicaid in the tens of billions as “providers.”

I always thought “providers” were persons taking care of their
families or engaging in charitable service. Somehow, the dictionary
definition does not fit the frequently avaricious profiles of Aetna,
United Healthcare, Pfizer and Merck.

“Privatization” and the “private sector” are widespread euphemisms
that the press falls for daily. Moving government owned assets or
functions into corporate hands, as with Blackwater, Halliburton, and
the conglomerates now controlling public highways, prisons, and
drinking water systems is “corporatization,” not the soft imagery of
going “private” or into the “private sector.” It is the corporate

“Medical malpractice reform” is another misnomer. It used to mean
restricting the legal rights of wrongfully injured people by hospitals
and doctors, or limiting the liability of these corporate vendors when
their negligence harms innocent patients. Well, to anybody interested
in straight talk, “medical malpractice reform” or the “medical
malpractice crisis” should apply to bad or negligent practices by
medical professionals. After all, about 100,000 people die every year
from physician/hospital malpractice, according to a Harvard School of
Public Health report. Hundreds of thousands are rendered sick or
injured, not to mention even larger tolls from hospital-induced
infections. Proposed “reforms” are sticking it to the wrong people—the
patients—not the sellers.

“Free trade” is a widely used euphemism. It is corporate managed trade
as evidenced in hundreds of pages of rules favoring corporations in
NAFTA and the World Trade Organization. “Free trade” lowers barriers
between countries so that cartels, unjustified patent monopolies,
counterfeiting, contraband, and other harmful practices and products
can move around the world unhindered.

What is remarkable about the constant use of these words is that they
permeate the language even if those who stand against the policies of
those who first coin these euphemisms. You’ll read about “detainees”
and “providers” and “privatization” and “private sector” and “free
trade” in the pages of the Nation and Progressive magazines, at
progressive conferences with progressive leaders, and during media
interviews. After people point out these boomeranging words to them,
still nothing changes. Their habit is chronic.

A lot of who we are, of what we do and think is expressed through the
language we choose. The word tends to become the thing in our mind as
Stuart Chase pointed out seventy years ago in his classic work The
Tyranny of Words. Let us stop disrespecting the dictionary! Let’s stop
succumbing to the propagandists and the public relations tricksters!

Frank Luntz—the word wizard for the Republicans who invented the term
“death tax” to replace “estate tax” is so contemptuous of the
Democratic Party’s verbal ineptitude (such as using “public option”
instead of “public choice” and regularly using the above-noted
misnomers) that he dares them by offering free advice to the
Democrats. He suggests they could counteract his “death tax” with
their own term “the billionaires’ tax.” There were no Democratic
takers. Remember, words matter.

Using words that are accurate and at face value is one of the
characteristics of a good book. Three new books stand out for their
straight talk. In Grand Illusion: The Myth of Voter Choice in a
Two-party Tyranny, Theresa Amato, my former campaign manager, exposes
the obstructions that deny voter choice by the two major parties for
third party and independent candidates. Just out is Empire of
Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle by Pulitzer
Prize winner, Chris Hedges. Lastly, the boisterous, mischievous short
autobiography of that free spirit, Jerry Lee Wilson, The Soloflex
Story: An American Parable.

Not withstanding their different styles, these authors exercise
semantic discipline.

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[Marxism] "Crude" director responds to Chevron

2009-09-11 Thread Louis Proyect
In the September 9 Reuters news story “Is Chevron Scared of ‘Crude’ The 
Chevron spokesperson Kent Robertson criticizes the award-winning new 
film Crude on the day of its theatrical premiere, calling it “long on 
emotion and short on facts.” Crude director Joe Berlinger responds to 
the allegations:

“I find Kent Robertson’s comments about Crude to be extremely troubling, 
given the fact that he has yet to see the film. I have made multiple 
offers to screen the film for Mr. Robertson and his colleagues at 
Chevron, and my offers have been declined. Just last week, he told me 
that the company sees ‘no meaningful value’ in having a private 
screening, but they would ‘simply wait until the film hits [their] local 
theatres.’ Since Crude opened in New York on the same day the 
California-based Mr. Robertson made his comments to Reuters, I would be 
surprised if he has seen it, which makes me wonder why he is attacking 
the film.”

“The comment that Crude is ‘short on facts’ is outlandish. The film goes 
to great lengths to give as much attention to the positions of each of 
the opposing parties in this landmark case as is possible in a feature 
length documentary. Stephen Holden of the New York Times – among other 
prominent critics – specifically cited this quality, saying, ‘rarely 
have such conflicts been examined with the depth and power of Crude.’ 
Perhaps the ‘facts’ that Mr. Robertson is referring to are not the 
talking points that his company has been working so hard to inject into 
the news cycle in the days leading up to Crude’s release.”

“While Crude attempts to present both sides of the legal case, it 
concerns me that Mr. Robertson continues to criticize the film’s 
presentation of the story by obfuscating the accusations against his 
company. Mr. Robertson told Reuters, ‘If you're seeing fresh oil today 
... how can that be the responsibility of a company that stopped 
operating in 1990?’ The systems and infrastructure that the plaintiffs 
say dumped billions of gallons of oil and toxic waste products into the 
Amazon rainforest in Ecuador were designed, built and operated for 
decades solely by Texaco (which merged with Chevron in 2001), according 
to the suit. Although the operation was later taken over by 
PetroEcuador, it is the theory of the plaintiffs’ case that Chevron is 
responsible not only for the past pollution, but the current pollution 
as well, because they turned over a faulty system to the current 
operator. To ignore this would be to miss a key point in the story 
examined in Crude.  While Mr. Robertson is not an attorney, he is surely 
aware of this major detail in the case against the company, which has 
now been going on for sixteen years.”

An e-mail from Mr. Berlinger to Mr. Robertson asking him to clarify his 
comments regarding the film’s omissions has gone unanswered.

Crude is now playing in New York at the IFC Center. The film opens in 
Los Angeles on September 18, and expands nationwide throughout the fall.

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Re: [Marxism] articles from old left journal New Masses online

2009-09-11 Thread nada
On the MIA there also some of the early The Liberator here:

http://marx.org/history/usa/culture/pubs/liberator/index.htm but a full 
index of it 1918 - 1927 when the The New Masses took over and carried 
the torch, so to speak.

A full list of publications on the MIA is here:



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[Marxism] Frank Furedi: risk aversion undercuts war effort in Aghanistan

2009-09-11 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] Frank Furedi: risk aversion undercuts war effort in Aghanistan

2009-09-11 Thread Steve Olson
Say, isn't this the same Frank Furedi who once led the British RCP, wrote many 
an article in Living Marxism (later rechristened LM when the term 'Marxism' 
seemed to these ex-Trots to be archaic), and was put 'out of business' by a 

--- On Fri, 9/11/09, Louis Proyect  wrote:

From: Louis Proyect 
Subject: [Marxism] Frank Furedi: risk aversion undercuts war effort in 
To: "Steve Olson" 
Date: Friday, September 11, 2009, 3:23 PM


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Re: [Marxism] Frank Furedi: risk aversion undercuts war effort in Aghanistan

2009-09-11 Thread Louis Proyect
Steve Olson wrote:
> Say, isn't this the same Frank Furedi who once led the British RCP, wrote 
> many an article in Living Marxism (later rechristened LM when the term 
> 'Marxism' seemed to these ex-Trots to be archaic), and was put 'out of 
> business' by a lawsuit?  


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Re: [Marxism] Frank Furedi: risk aversion undercuts war effort in Aghanistan

2009-09-11 Thread Lenin's Tomb
On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 11:23 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

> http://www.spiked-online.com/index.php/site/article/7349/

He has obviously been reading Martin Shaw's '*The New Western Way of War*',
which concerns precisely the risk-averse strategy of Western states in war.
Shaw - as an ex-IS man (IS was, for the uninitiated, a precursor to the SWP
UK) - must feel vaguely insulted to be used as contrarian lube by the doyen
of the RCP.

Richard Seymour
Writer and blogger
Email: leninstombb...@googlemail.com
Website: http://www.leninology.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/leninology
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Seymour_(writer)

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Re: [Marxism] Frank Furedi: risk aversion undercuts war effort in Aghanistan

2009-09-11 Thread John
On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 18:46 -0400, Louis Proyect wrote:
> Steve Olson wrote: > Say, isn't this the same Frank Furedi who once led
>  the British RCP, wrote many an article in Living Marxism (later
>  rechristened LM when the term 'Marxism' seemed to these ex-Trots to be
>  archaic), and was put 'out of business' by a lawsuit?  > 
> Yup.

To give credit where it's due though, the lawsuit was over the RCP's
running of a story that was part of their correct position of opposing

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[Marxism] finding a literary agent

2009-09-11 Thread george snedeker
I've written a satirical novel and would like to find an agent to market it for 
me. I was wondering if anyone on the list knows a good agent or how to find a 
good one. If anyone can assist me, please contact me offlist at 

I will paste a draft of a synopsis of my book in the form of a letter below if 
you have a minute to take a look at it. I think the satire is funny, but 
selling a political satire might be a difficult task! 
The College Essays of Jenny Delight is a satirical novel set at a fictional 
college campus. The first part of the novel, which is the first two thirds of 
the manuscript,  consists in short comic episodes written by Jenny Delight, a 
student at the SUNY/College at Old Windsor. This part of the novel ends when 
the main character, Jenny's sociology professor, is killed by an emotionally 
disturbed student. The Professor's murder takes place in the middle of a 
Student Life Committee meeting  while the shortage of counselors in the 
college's Counseling Center is being debated. 


The second part of the novel, which is the last third of the manuscript, 
consists of four documents: the final six email messages sent by, Fred Snyder, 
The Sociology professor, on the day he was murdered, a web memorial for Snyder, 
a report he wrote on the work of the Student Life Committee and a memoir of his 
childhood in rural New Jersey. The novel concludes with an After word by the 
Chair of the Sociology Department. 


The two parts of the novel are united by the life and death of Fred Snyder, the 
lives of several of Jenny's friends and family members and Jill, the Old 
Windsor Librarian. The action of the novel takes place at the college. The day 
to day life of the college is the primary object of the satire with Jenny's 
family being the secondary object. 

George Snedeker 

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[Marxism] Query regarding suspicious activity on my blog

2009-09-11 Thread Politicus E.
Dear comrades:

I have a question that hopefully those comrades who are more internet
savvy than I might answer.

I recently posted a blog entry entitled "Indian's Favourite Fascist,
Again."  That blog entry has been exceptionally popular in the sense
that it has got almost 200 reads, by far the most I have got of any
piece to date.

But I noticed something peculiar about the pattern of hits.  There is
an IP address that hits the blog exactly every 30 mins, at the top of
each hour, and at 30 mins. past the hour.  I cannot determine the
originating IP address, except that it is from within the U.S.
perhaps.  I also know that this has been going on for about 24 hours.
This strikes me as rather strange and I have no hypothesis that can
account for my observation.

Does something have ideas about what might be the source, and why this
is happening?


"In the tender annals of Political Economy, the idyllic reigns from
time immemorial ... the present year of course always excepted."
-- A German refugee, circa 1867 --


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Re: [Marxism] Query regarding suspicious activity on my blog

2009-09-11 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
On my way out sorry for the brevity, but it might be simply a bot.  Send 
me an email with the IP and I'll give it a lookup for you.

Politicus E. wrote:
> Dear comrades:
> I have a question that hopefully those comrades who are more internet
> savvy than I might answer.
> I recently posted a blog entry entitled "Indian's Favourite Fascist,
> Again."  That blog entry has been exceptionally popular in the sense
> that it has got almost 200 reads, by far the most I have got of any
> piece to date.
> But I noticed something peculiar about the pattern of hits.  There is
> an IP address that hits the blog exactly every 30 mins, at the top of
> each hour, and at 30 mins. past the hour.  I cannot determine the
> originating IP address, except that it is from within the U.S.
> perhaps.  I also know that this has been going on for about 24 hours.
> This strikes me as rather strange and I have no hypothesis that can
> account for my observation.
> Does something have ideas about what might be the source, and why this
> is happening?
> Thanks.

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Re: [Marxism] Query regarding suspicious activity on my blog

2009-09-11 Thread Les Schaffer
Politicus E. wrote:
> There is
> an IP address that hits the blog exactly every 30 mins, at the top of
> each hour, and at 30 mins. past the hour.  

send me the address i will do a lookup for you.


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[Marxism] Examples of the use of force by American forces against its citizens.

2009-09-11 Thread oscardelabosca thecatholiccat
I am in search of examples of the use of force by American forces against
its citizens.
So far I have these:
The Ludlow massacre
Matewan (and its subsequent Battle for Blair Mountain)
Sand Creek
Wounded Knee I and II
The Bonus Marchers (post WWI in DC)
Kent State
WTO Seattle

But would be grateful for any further examples or further explanations of
the above not in the mainstream. Not being a US resident I am out of the
loop somewhat.
Many thanks,

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Re: [Marxism] Examples of the use of force by American forces against its citizens.

2009-09-11 Thread Michael Perelman
The first airforce bombing is said to have occured in W. Va. by Jimmy 
Doolittle when the miners were striking.

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 11:24:50AM +1000, oscardelabosca thecatholiccat wrote:
> I am in search of examples of the use of force by American forces against
> its citizens.
> So far I have these:
> The Ludlow massacre
> Matewan (and its subsequent Battle for Blair Mountain)
> Sand Creek
> Wounded Knee I and II
> The Bonus Marchers (post WWI in DC)
> Kent State
> WTO Seattle
> But would be grateful for any further examples or further explanations of
> the above not in the mainstream. Not being a US resident I am out of the
> loop somewhat.
> Many thanks,
> Magda
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Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at ecst.csuchico.edu

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Re: [Marxism] Query regarding suspicious activity on my blog

2009-09-11 Thread Politicus E.
Les & Bhaskar:

Thanks for helping me.

Part of the problem is that I cannot determine the IP address.  The
only reason I detected this suspicious activity is because of a minor
discrepancy in the number of visits logged by Sitemeter versus the
bit.ly link, which I had used to circulate my blog entry.  It is via
bit.ly that I was able to determine the peculiar periodicity of the

Having said that, I can see that there have been a few visits from the
address "in-addr.arpa."  This is not a domain name that I have ever
seen before.

Thanks again.


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Re: [Marxism] Examples of the use of force by American forces against its citizens.

2009-09-11 Thread La Sainte
If you're going to bring up Kent State, you should also include Jackson State. 
A similar massacre but of African-American students occurred at Jackson State 
University at roughly the same time as that of Kent State. 


-Original Message-
>From: oscardelabosca thecatholiccat 
>Sent: Sep 11, 2009 9:24 PM
>To: lasai...@earthlink.net
>Subject: [Marxism] Examples of the use of force by American forces against 
>its citizens.
>I am in search of examples of the use of force by American forces against
>its citizens.
>So far I have these:
>The Ludlow massacre
>Matewan (and its subsequent Battle for Blair Mountain)
>Sand Creek
>Wounded Knee I and II
>The Bonus Marchers (post WWI in DC)
>Kent State
>WTO Seattle
>But would be grateful for any further examples or further explanations of
>the above not in the mainstream. Not being a US resident I am out of the
>loop somewhat.
>Many thanks,

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Re: [Marxism] Query regarding suspicious activity on my blog

2009-09-11 Thread Les Schaffer
re/ in-addr.arpa see: http://www.freesoft.org/CIE/Course/Section2/15.htm

send your logs offlist and i will take a look, gotta run ...


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Re: [Marxism] Examples of the use of force by American forces against its citizens.

2009-09-11 Thread Mark Lause
Jeez, when have they not

Almost every act of violence against native peoples included violence
against some U.S. citizens who were living among them.  But, I mean,
if we see the state as a mechanism for the repression of the society
in general in the interests of a ruling class, this question is sort
of like asking when the refrigerator behaves in a cold way...


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Re: [Marxism] Hate crimes, again

2009-09-11 Thread John
On Fri, 2009-09-11 at 16:27 +0200, Jeff wrote:
> At 17:48 11/09/09 +1200, John wrote:
> >The article David posted is odious
> >. But the issue of hate crimes is a separate one.

> And not a terribly important one, in my opinion. What is important is that
> racists oppose it because it is a statement against racism (perhaps not the
> best one, but it is). So I oppose racists trying to regain "rights" that
> they have lost because those were not democratic rights but the "right" to
> be racist with impunity. It aids the enemy when someone on our side
> actively joins that campaign (as Thorstad does, I'm not talking about you
> or the others).

I guess for me, and I don't live in the States so can't comment on the
situation there, the problem with things like a category called "hate
crimes" is that they hand to the state a whole layer of extra authority
to incarcerate people. Hate crime legislation is not really about
addressing discrimination, it's about upping the ante, increasing prison
terms when we should be reducing them.

There's a parallel in New Zealand a few years ago where, in an
environment of a push for longer sentences (a referendum came in with
over 80% in favour of longer sentences IIRC), there were a couple of
pretty horrific crimes when people broke into a house, held the
occupants hostage, drove the people's car to the ATM after extracting
the PIP number from the victims etc. The government's reaction was to
implement a new category of crime known as home invasion, with, guess
what? Much longer sentences. 
> >. as someone just said, before adding that
> >they're fine for people who we don't agree with.
> No, I didn't say anything about it being a matter of whether I/we agree
> with them. Please don't misrepresent my words!

My humblest apologies for what was, in retrospect, a pretty crude
misrepresentation of what you said.

> I was saying that I have no
> reason to oppose the principle of racism/sexism/homophobia being considered
> as an aggravating factor in determine someone's punishment. So after
> reducing sentences to 1/3 of their current levels (as I had advocated) a
> judge might have the power to punish a racist crime with an increased
> sentence, perhaps a triple sentence. But it wasn't my intention to mix up
> these issues.

I guess I see that as a can of worms that would just see endless appeals
and further enrichment of law firms . . .

> >What if, in a period of heightened class struggle, a Marxist killed
> >his/her boss. Could that be called a hate crime?
> NO, because in the US at least, the term "hate crime" refers to crimes
> motivated by racism and in some states sexism or homophobia. That is just a
> legal DEFINITION and obviously if you change a definition then statements
> that someone previously made using that WORD no longer represent their
> opinion. So this is not a valid objection. I can't help that they used the
> term "hate crime" which might be considered a misnomer, but I am concerned
> with RACIST crime, which is what we're discussing.

Actually racist crime was not the original focus, it was homophobic
crime. As I said, in New Zealand a defence of provocation was often used
in the killing of gay men, and the campaign to repeal that clause only
gained traction in Parliament  when a pretty young heterosexual woman
was killed by her partner. Do I think that was right? No. It should have
been repealed years ago as it was a cop out for homophobic attacks. But
neither do I think the guy who killed a gay man should get a longer
sentence than the guy who killed his girlfriend simply on the basis of
his backward social beliefs. I will concede here though that homophobia
and homophobic violence is much less prevalent in NZ than in the USA. We
do tend to look at the States and ask ourselves how the most advanced
capitalist country in the world can harbour such reactionary attitudes.
People prefix bizarre stories with "only in America".

> >All such legislation does, whether it's hate speech legislation or hate
> >crimes sentencing, is to silence people and drive ideas underground.
> (We'll talk about "hate speech" later). What did you just say? That
> punishing racist assault or murder is driving their IDEAS underground? How
> could that be unless the "idea" you're talking about is publicly advocating
> racist violence. No, unfortunately racists will still have their ideas, but
> might be less likely to ACT on them, which would be GOOD! 

No, I'm saying in the case of hate speech laws, they'll keep thinking as
they do but it will be harder to confront those ideas when they're
entirely underground. In cases of hate crime laws, they'll simply try to
deny a "hate" element. Neither really moves us forward I don't think.

> > Getting rid of that defence seems
> >entirely appropriate, but pushing for a special thing called a hate
> >crime, with longer sentences
> In the first place, I am not "pushing" for it: it already exists in most US
> states and I don'

Re: [Marxism] Examples of the use of force by American forces against its citizens.

2009-09-11 Thread Left-Wing Wacko
This may not be a favorite example for leftists, but there was the
attack on the Branch Davidian religious cult in Waco Texas.

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 6:56 PM, La Sainte  wrote:
> If you're going to bring up Kent State, you should also include Jackson 
> State. A similar massacre but of African-American students occurred at 
> Jackson State University at roughly the same time as that of Kent State.
> Cherie
> -Original Message-
>>From: oscardelabosca thecatholiccat 
>>Sent: Sep 11, 2009 9:24 PM
>>To: lasai...@earthlink.net
>>Subject: [Marxism] Examples of the use of force by American forces against    
>> its citizens.
>>I am in search of examples of the use of force by American forces against
>>its citizens.
>>So far I have these:
>>The Ludlow massacre
>>Matewan (and its subsequent Battle for Blair Mountain)
>>Sand Creek
>>Wounded Knee I and II
>>The Bonus Marchers (post WWI in DC)
>>Kent State
>>WTO Seattle
>>But would be grateful for any further examples or further explanations of
>>the above not in the mainstream. Not being a US resident I am out of the
>>loop somewhat.
>>Many thanks,
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Re: [Marxism] Examples of the use of force by American forces against its citizens.

2009-09-11 Thread Néstor Gorojovsky
2009/9/11 Mark Lause :
> Jeez, when have they not
> Almost every act of violence against native peoples included violence
> against some U.S. citizens who were living among them.  But, I mean,
> if we see the state as a mechanism for the repression of the society
> in general in the interests of a ruling class, this question is sort
> of like asking when the refrigerator behaves in a cold way...
> ML

You are certainly right.

But I am afraid that the "catholic cat" (!) is asking about precise
and specific moments of open class warfare, as his list of crimes

However, I would make a comment to that list: though it is now usual
in the US official ideology to equate "first nation" warriors with
"white settler" warriors, as if all of them had been equally American
citizens, the truth is, as Mark Lause clearly states above, that
crimes against the sioux, seminole, apache, whatever, were not
considered part of a civil war. The original peoples of what today is
US of America were NOT considered US citizens. Correct me if I am
wrong, please.


Néstor Gorojovsky
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