Re: [Marxism] Why can't Marxmail use sensible subject headings?

2009-12-28 Thread Jeffrey Thomas Piercy
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
== wrote:
> I've never understtod the aversion nearly all subscribers have about
> simply changing a silly subject heading when something completely
> different is being discussed there. Perhaps there is some reason other
> than inertia, and someone can enlighten me.

If someone does change the subject line, please include the the old
subject at the end for people like me who read Marxmail irregularly and
follow threads by filtering messages by subject name. For example:
New-Subject (was "Old-Subject")

Once the subject change is established, the old subject can be removed
from future posts.

Just a suggestion, of course. I don't make the rules around here.

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Re: [Marxism] Why can't Marxmail use sensible subject headings?

2009-12-28 Thread S. Artesian
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Actually, Michael, the messages dealing with the healthcare bill were not 
under the "dismissal" heading-- but were under the Communist Party Backs 
Senate...etc. heading.

Arguments about the "strategy" of the CP were under the CP is Still Ga-Ga 

The "liberal dismissal" heading was introduced by Dogan when he received an 
offlist message from somebody he thought was a member of the list.

- Original Message - 

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[Marxism] Holocaust survivor, 85, begins hunger strike to open Gaza borders

2009-12-28 Thread Fred Feldman
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Monday, December 28, 2009
Contact: Hedy Epstein

85 year old Holocaust Survivor Hedy Epstein Begins Hunger Strike to Open
Gaza Borders

Hedy Epstein, the 85 year old Holocaust survivor and peace activist,
announced that she will begin a hunger strike today as a response to the
Egyptian government's refusal to allow the Gaza Freedom March participants
into Gaza.

Ms. Epstein was part of a delegation with participants from 43 countries
that were to join Palestinians in a non-violent march from Northern Gaza
towards the Erez border with Israel calling for the end of the illegal
siege. Egypt is preventing the marchers from leaving Cairo, forcing them to
search for alternative ways to make their voices heard. 

Ms. Epstein will remain outside the UN building at the World Trade Center
(Cairo) - 1191 Cornish al-Nil,  throughout today, accompanied by other
hunger strikers. "It is important to let the besieged Gazan people know they
are not alone. I want to tell the people I meet in Gaza that I am a
representative of many people in my city and in other places in the US who
are outraged at what the US, Israeli and European governments are doing to
the Palestinians and that our numbers are growing," Epstein said.

In 1939, when Epstein was just 14, her parents found a way for her to escape
the persecution, sending her on the Kindertransport to England. Epstein
never saw her parents again; they perished in Auschwitz in 1942. After World
War II, Epstein worked as a research analyst at the Nuremberg Trials of Nazi
doctors who performed medical experiments on concentration camp inmates.

After moving to the US, Epstein became an activist for peace and social
justice causes. Unlike most Holocaust survivors, one of the causes she has
taken up is that of the Palestinian people. She has traveled to the West
Bank, collected material aid and now she hopes to enter Gaza.

For more information contact:
Ann Wright, Egypt (19) 508-1493
Ziyaad Lunat,  Egypt +20 191181340
Medea Benjamin, Egypt +20 18 956 1919
Ehab Lotayef, Egypt +20 17 638

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[Marxism] The fight for Gaza in Cairo -- urgent message3

2009-12-28 Thread Fred Feldman
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Subject: latest report from Cairo distribute widely*  urgent*

by Wendy Goldsmith

As Gaza Freedom Marchers continue to push the Egyptian Government to allow
us to leave Cairo for El Arish, they are beginning to push back.  This
morning at 7am Freedom Marchers met at the garage where we were expecting to
board buses headed to El Arish.  Instead we were met by a large group of
soldiers who turned every bus and taxi away.  Until we reached a large
crowd, the authorities were forceful, pushing peaceful demonstrators and
trying to prevent the filming of the situation.  

Some of the Freedom Marchers then went to the French Embassy to offer to
support to the  300 French delegates who had camped out at the embassy
overnight following a dramatic die-in on the road that stopped traffic and
lasted several hours.  Ten Canadians entered the barricaded area where
spirits were high but were told that if we entered we would not be permitted
to leave.  However, after approximately one hour the Canadian delegates were
allowed out.  The French delegates were awaiting an announcement from the
Embassy which was to be delivered sometime this morning.

Next, the decision was made to march to the UN World Trade Center Cairo to
request assistance from the UN to plead our case to Egyptian Authorities.
At noon, approximately 900 delegates gathered in song, dance and silent
vigil.  Holocaust survivor, 85 year old Hettie Epstein announced that she
would begin a hunger strike as she sat among school supplies designated for
children in Gaza.  Five Canadians have agreed to join her and other
internationals will undoubtedly come forward.  The UN Square was quickly
surrounded by police, and later by physical barricades as we continued to
sing and dance to songs of peace. 

 As security around us tightened, an American woman at the front of the
barricade was assaulted by a police officer.  She was punched in the face.
This young woman was able to leave the barricaded area and indicated that
she will go to the US embassy to ask for assistance.  In addition, we
received news that at the French Embassy a Canadian Citizen with dual UK
citizenship had been detained by riot police and was being threatened with
either detention for a minimum of five days or deportation immediately to
the airport.  Naomi Katharine Riches is trying to organize support in order
to reduce the risk of the use of excessive force.  The Canadian Embassy is
now closed in Cairo.  Local and international press are being turned away
and refused entry into the barricaded area.

Several Delegates have entered into discussions with representatives and
will ask for UN assistance in negotiating with the Egyptian Government to
allow us to proceed to the Rafah Border.  Failing that, we will request that
a smaller delegation of representatives from each country be allowed to pass
to deliver the humanitarian items that have arrived from around the world.
Finally, if the Egyptian Authorities will not agree to this we are asking
that the UN assist in facilitating the transportation of the humanitarian
aid without any delegates.

Delegates have determined that they will hold the space at the UN World
Trade Center for as long as possible, continuing to engage in non-violent
acts of peace.

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[Marxism] Chavez Says Colombia May Attack ‘Fak e’ Guerrilla Base

2009-12-28 Thread Greg McDonald
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Chavez Says Colombia May Attack ‘Fake’ Guerrilla Base (Update1)

By Steven Bodzin

Dec. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Colombia is preparing to attack Venezuela in an
operation that will be made to look like its objective is a base of
Colombian guerrillas, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said

“They say, and many people believe, there are guerrilla bases in our
territory supported by the government,” Chavez said, in a speech to
troops today that was shown on state television. “They are preparing
the terrain to attack Venezuelan territory, simulating an encampment.”

Chavez said Colombia’s military would justify the attack with lies,
making reference to a scandal in the neighboring country that came to
be known as the “false positives.” Colombia fired at least 27 officers
and soldiers a year ago for allegedly killing poor slum-dwellers and
dressing them as guerrillas in an attempt to win benefits from the
government, prosecutors alleged.

Speaking at Fort Mara in Zulia state, which he said was on “the front
line of this battle,” Chavez said “it wouldn’t be strange” for the
Colombian military to build some shacks in an improvised camp and put
some rifles and propaganda in it.

“And there it is, an encampment in Venezuela,” he said.

“Our government doesn’t support or permit, and won’t support or
permit, the presence of any armed forces in our territory except our
glorious Bolivarian Armed Forces,” Chavez said.

A spokesman at Colombia’s Foreign Ministry declined to comment. Calls
to the Colombian embassy in Caracas today went unanswered.

To contact the reporter on this story: Steven Bodzin in Caracas at
Last Updated: December 28, 2009 13:29 EST

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[Marxism] Why can't Marxmail use sensible subject headings?

2009-12-28 Thread mkaradjis
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
Greg wrote:

> Perhaps Lara could add Mayor Bloomberg to her "to do" list:
> "They are not talking about reducing costs," he added. "They're
> talking about changing the first derivate, slowing the growth down.
> And when you look at where the cost savings are going to be, well,
> they're going to cut something out of Medicare and Medicaid. Now
> anybody that runs for office will tell you, you don't do that. I mean,
> the bottom line is it's so politically explosive, it really would be a
> first time in the history of the world that they ever cut anything
> [from those programs]."

etc etc.

Now if anyone who was interested in the important debate about health care
"reform" saw the absurd subject heading about dismissing some "liberal"
with his name plastered over 25 messages, does anyone think they would
click on that message?

I've never understtod the aversion nearly all subscribers have about
simply changing a silly subject heading when something completely
different is being discussed there. Perhaps there is some reason other
than inertia, and someone can enlighten me.

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[Marxism] India: On Telangana Movement

2009-12-28 Thread new wave
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Kindly find the new write up on the ongoing agitation in Telangana in India,
for separate statehood. Below is the link:

New Wave

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Re: [Marxism] The Danger of Overcapacity

2009-12-28 Thread S. Artesian
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Overproduction is always the overproduction of capital... at least so said 
Marx in Vol 3 of Capital.

Maintaining a depressed currency can certainly increasing export market 
share.  The tactic is called "beggaring thy neighbor,"  something the US 
raised to a new level in the 2003-2007 period [having raised it to the old 
level in the 80s against the Japanese yen].

But when those markets have contracted, then a greater share of a smaller 
market does not guarantee larger returns than having a smaller but growing 
share of an expanding market.

"Thrift and hard work"?  Welcome home Max Weber.  Who knew the Chinese had 
adopted the Protestant ethic?  Thrift and hardwork have absolutely nothing 
to do with it.  Cheap labor and $750 billion in FDI are the virtues that 
produced this reward.  Those working the hardest have received far less than 
those who have appropriate their labor.  And as for thrift?  Those 
practicing thrift are actually the rural population where there has been 
little to spend the annual average income of $800, and families have 
accumulated reserves to handle medical emergencies since access to govt. 
medical care has become a bit undone, to put it mildly, over the last couple 
of decades.

If stimulus could be applied to match supply with demand?  What is this? 
Are we channelling the spirit of Keynes here?  Matching supply and demand, 
or not,  has nothing to do with overcapacity.   Massive amounts of money 
could be created without stimulating inflation?  Actually, sounds more like 
Greenspan than Keynes.

But the clincher is the misanthropic closer:

"For those  who advocate stewardship of natural resources overcapacity is 
not nearly as bad as overdemand."

Right, the massive overcapacity generated in China has less impact on 
natural resources than the demand the Chinese are attempting to stimulate. 
Sure.  And all that investment in steel, in aluminum, all those plants are 
just going to run without making any demands on natural resources.

Sure, the real problem is too many people, right Barry?

- Original Message - 
From: "Barry Brooks" 
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 1:32 PM 

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Re: [Marxism] A Catholic version of Bob Jones University?

2009-12-28 Thread Gary MacLennan
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This was an extremely interesting read for me coming at a time when I am
working my way through Edmund Campion's book Ted Kennedy: Priest of
Redfern.  I was also interested in Lou's other post linking to a very
orthodox materialist analysis of the origins of the Christian religion.

I have to confess that I found the orthodox piece uninteresting. It was too
much t like the night where all cows are black.  It had no feeling for
contradictions or nuances i.e. the dialectics of religious practice and
belief.  What Yates's article does bring to mind though is the fact of the
eclipse of progressive Catholicism in the USA.

Campion's book is both a personal history of Ted Kennedy and also a record
of progressive Australian Catholicism - especially that wing of it
influenced by Dorothy Day. So it too is a record of defeat - a lament for
the Church that might have been.   What we are left with now in Australia
would seem to be the most orthodox and reactionary of religions, where the
head Honcho Cardinal Pell was, it is rumoured, the point man for Ratzinger
in his bid for the papacy. And index of the ascendancy and ruthlessness of
the present leadership of Australian Catholicism was provided when the
radical priest, Peter Kennedy, here in Brisbane was driven out of his
church, St Mary's, by the now dominant Right.

I was also interested in how Ted Kennedy in Redfern had put Aborigines at
the centre of his ministry. That led him to support self-determination, land
rights and social justice for Aborigines.  These concepts have now also
become the target of the Old Right and the New Right, that has emerged
around the Aboriginal intellectuals Noel Pearson and Marcia Langton. What
has emerged of late is the new orthodoxy, especially in the Murdoch Press,
that to be in favour of self-determination, Land Rights and social justice
is to connive at the abuse of children in Aboriginal communitieses.

I am trying with some Aboriginal friends  to take on that new Orthodoxy but
it is a daunting task. Still in the midst of this present carnival of
reaction here in Australia it is worth endeavouring to remember times when
progressive ideas were not so marginal.



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Re: [Marxism] Reminder

2009-12-28 Thread shacht
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

You once instructed me on how to "clip extraneous material." Can't remember how 
and nothing on "Help" on AOL tells me how to do it. Just deleting doesn't seem 
to help because the whold message to be replied to disappears and there is no 
one to address it to. Could you send me your missive again?

-Original Message-
From: Louis Proyect 
To: Wayne M. Collins 
Sent: Mon, Dec 28, 2009 9:14 am
Subject: [Marxism] Reminder

ule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

his thread involving Dogan and the CPUSA has gone on far too long and 
s rapidly degenerating.
So let's drop it before I have to take sterner measures.

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[Marxism] Forwarded from Anthony Brain

2009-12-28 Thread Louis Proyect
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Limitations on any potential Obama adventure due to International and 
American balance of class forces!

American Imperialism is working to undermine the Iranian Bourgeoisie's 
influence within the Middle East. This is why the Yemini government armd 
forces; the Saudi Air Force; and American air forces are carrying out 
airstrikes on various rebels in northern and eastern Yemen. That is very 
dangerous because the Iranian Bourgeoisie has strategic interests in 
these parts of Yemen which they warned Saudi Arabia not to undermine 
when they initiated airstrikes two or three months ago. In the last 
fortnight the Houti rebels in northern Yemen have claimed that American 
bombers bombed 25 targets (sorties) in a few hours of air strikes. US's 
Imperialisms' strategic objectives is to dominate the Middle East and 
the Horn of Africa. There are vital natural resources which they want 
increased ownership of.

As I noted nearly a year ago in polemicising against those on the left 
who broke principles of class independence from Bourgeois politicians by 
advocating a vote for Obama that due to the worse crisis of American 
Capitalism/Imperialism it could not be ruled out further military 
adventures. A qualifcation which I stated then limiting their ability to 
do this is that the Neo-Cons had done so much damage to Capitalism that 
it played into the hands of a rising world revolution and rapid 
radicalisation within the Imperialist countries. It will take time for 
Liberal Bourgeois elements in America to reverse this damage.

The dialetics of history with abrupt changes in history surprises even 
farseeing Marxists. It is absolutely increditable that with the extreme 
racism of American Capitalism that a radicalisation the biggest since 
the Roosevelt era would throw up a Afro American Bourgeois Populist to 
contain it. Astute Liberal Bourgeois strategists used Roosevelt and 
Obama to contain two major radicalisation within the confines of 
Bourgeois politics. One major difference between these Liberal Bourgeois 
Populists is that American Imperialism is at a different stage of 
development. Roosevelt represented the rise of American Imperialism as a 
major power despite the threat of Socialist revolution due to the 
hardships of 1930s depression. By salvaging American Capitalism until 
World War 2 he helped them to develop as a citidal of world Capitalism. 
This laid the basis for the 1948-1973 boom which enabled American 
Capitalism to buy off large numbers of American workers off.

Obama represents the decline of American Imperialism as Capitalism 
begins to enter its worse crisis. The decline of American Imperialism 
started with losing a war in Vietnam. American Imperialism failed to 
restore Capitalism in Russia with Yeltsin losing out in 2000. Trotsky's 
analysis of how unstable the Russian Bureaucracy is as a caste can be 
seen by changes in personell at the top even now. Putin and Medivev 
represents different Bureaucratic factions. One thing is sure the 
Bureaucrats opposed to Capitalist restoration will not tolerate from 
Medivev what they out of weakness accepted from Yeltsin. The failure to 
restore Capitalism in Russia was decisive in influncing Eastern Europe. 
If Russia had gone Capitalist, it would probally led to a similar 
development very quickly in those countries as well. Compounding that 
defeat American Imperialism was losing two major wars under Bush and a 
depression began a year or 18 months before Obama came to power.

Losing these two wars; the beginning of a depression; and the human 
right abuses which exposed American Imperialism for what it was really 
like caused one of the biggest radicalisations in American history. One 
major domestic refom Obama has conceded to mass pressures is the 
beginning of a very limited health service. There are paraells with this 
and the 1906 reforms forced out of a Liberal party government when they 
won a landslide general election victory. Both Trotsky and a Tory Prime 
Minister Arthur Balfour agreed this landslide was caused by a 
revolutionary upheaval spreading westwards from a revolution during 1905 
within Russia. The purpose of Liberal reforms was to stop the Labour 
Party formed in 1906 from growing, and to contain any revolutionary 
threat. That Liberal Bourgeois strategy failed due to World War 1 
horrors, and the impact of Russia's October 1917 revolution which saw 
Social Democratic governments in Britain for the first time. Those 
reforms from 1906 the British Ruling Class were forced to deepen after 
Labour's 1945 landslide victory to contain a revolutionary threat. 
Trotsky's statements during 1938 that the workers organisational break 
from Bourgeois politics may bypass a mass Social Democratic party 
straight t

[Marxism] optimum population song

2009-12-28 Thread derek wall
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

> To:
> From:
> Date: Mon, 28 Dec 2009 16:29:28 -0500
> Subject: [Ecosocialist] And you thought carbon offsets couldn't get worse!
> Climate and Capitalism has frequently commented on two widespread
> illusions - that global warming is caused by overpopulation, and that
> buying offsets is an effective way to combat greenhouse gas emissions.
> I never imagined that anyone would try to combine them.
> Ian Angus
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Re: [Marxism] The Danger of Overcapacity

2009-12-28 Thread nada
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Nestor escribe:

And that's just *today*. If you look for this going back through October 
you will find more interesting things about Sino-Russian-Japanese plans 
for the Russian Far East.


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[Marxism] And you thought carbon offsets couldn't get worse!

2009-12-28 Thread Ian Angus
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Climate and Capitalism has frequently commented on two widespread
illusions - that global warming is caused by overpopulation, and that
buying offsets is an effective way to combat greenhouse gas emissions.
I never imagined that anyone would try to combine them.

Ian Angus

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Re: [Marxism] The Danger of Overcapacity

2009-12-28 Thread Nestor Gorojovsky
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nada escribió:

> the Port of Vladivostok (in total disappear since BEFORE the end of the USSR).

Excuse me, source please.

Not that I cannot believe such a thing took place. Whenever I may fall 
prey of that stupid illusion, I simply need to look around me in Buenos 
Aires, Argentina, where the cranes built in the GDR and imported by the 
Perón government in 1973/4 have turned into simulacra in a port that was 
transformed in a high class neighborhood, while they can be seen on 
operation TODAY in unified Germany in at least the harbors along the 
Elbe: yes, these things CAN happen.

But Vladivostok.

Aren´t you confusing the military instalations and the port itself?

Just curious.

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Re: [Marxism] The Danger of Overcapacity

2009-12-28 Thread Michael Perelman
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The BusinessWeek warns about the danger to the Chinese economy, but the 
magazine is mostly concerned with the United States.  China, having 
extra capacity threatens to further overwhelm the US economy.

I agree that many of the products of the Chinese stimulus, such as 
steel and automobiles, may not be validated in the market, because of 
already existing overcapacity. But the government does seem to be 
putting considerable money into upgrading public transportation and 
energy, albeit alongside even more coal burning and automobiles.  
However, China is moving much faster than the US in demanding fuel 
efficiency in its cars.

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 12:05:17PM -0500, S. Artesian wrote:
> Poses a risk to more than just the West, Michael.  The expansion poses a 
> threat to China itself as profitability has declined dramatically in the 
> heavy, state supported industries that have received most of the stimulus.
> Fixed asset increases are "advantageous" [in capitalism] only to the degree 
> that the value of  the fixed assets can be reproduced in expanded output. 
> With savings rate at such historically elevated levels in the US and EU, the 
> markets for the output are quite limited, and reproduction through the 
> domestic markets will require a radical transformation in the economy from 
> fixed asset investment to personal consumption.
> The growing asset bubble in Chinese commercial, and private real estate, is 
> not sustainable as a substitute for domestic reproduction of the capital 
> values-- as the recent history of the US and Europe has proven.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at

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Re: [Marxism] Dismissal of the Liberal/sexist humor

2009-12-28 Thread Greg McDonald
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Sobuadaigh wrote:

Lara writes some nice things about Dogan after reading all
the the criticism he has received of late. You responded
with sexual innuendo. It wasn't funny comrade. Let it drop
and perhaps send an apology off list.

The point of my agreeably ill-considered attempt at humor was
precisely the fact that Lara was personalizing the issue, when the
whole point of the thread, up until Ruthless tried to butt in, was a
discussion of the CPUSA and their support for the health care bill
under consideration in Congress. AFAIC, Dogan didn't need Lara rushing
to his defense like Sir Galahad defending the honor of a virgin
maiden. Thus my attempt to deflate the issue, which has since blown up
in my face. If only people didn't take themselves so seriouslyAnd
I'm sure Lara, in turn, does not need you coming to her defense, like
Sir Galahad...etc.

Talk about sexist!

As far as apologies are concerned, I'll apologize publicly.

Lara, I'm sorry if I offended you.


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[Marxism] Moderator's note -- final warning

2009-12-28 Thread Louis Proyect
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Okay, this thread involving Dogan, the CPUSA has hit a brick wall. I 
understand that Marxists have a stubbornness that far exceeds the 
average person's but you can thank me once again for crisis 
intervention. The next person who insists on keeping it alive will be 
put on moderation. All that means is that we will review your posts 
before sending them to the list. Please don't ask me and Les to babysit 
you, though. So CUT IT OUT.

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Re: [Marxism] Dismisal of the Liberal/sexist humor

2009-12-28 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 12/28/2009 1:45 PM, wrote:
> Lara writes some nice things about Dogan after reading all the the 
> criticism he has received of late. You responded with sexual innuendo. 
> It wasn't funny comrade.

gotta agree here with sobuadhaigh ...


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Re: [Marxism] Dismisal of the Liberal/sexist humor

2009-12-28 Thread Mark Lause
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

If someone wants to convey information offlist and without group comment,
why post it here?   On the other hand, if people post things here for public
consumption, it's fair to expect the readers of the post to have the right
to comment on them.

At least that's the usual understanding of an email list.

I'm confused as to the criteria you suggest for making exceptional special
privileges. Or should you just tell us who's public statements should be
accepted as one-way communications.  Or am I just being an impertinent jerk
disrespectful to Uncle Joe for asking?


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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] What to Do About In-Flight Restrictions?

2009-12-28 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 12/28/2009 1:45 PM, New Tet wrote:
> Movies and GPS readouts during plane travel are being restricted or outright
> eliminated. This in spite of the recently reported heroics of passengers and
> crew (none of whom was a "duly sworn" officer of the law) .

US gov has to respond to this to make it look like they care about the 
welfare of its citizens while they wage war elsewhere. front page 
article in the Times yesterday now informs us we (US)  are at war with 
Yemen now. gotta keep the self-defense posture up and at em...

> Sent from the Marxism mailing list archive at

New Test shows us there is yet another way to read marxmail, and it 
looks to be a nice interface:


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Re: [Marxism] Dismisal of the Liberal/sexist humor

2009-12-28 Thread Nestor Gorojovsky
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
== escribió:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> Greg wrote:
> Greg wrote:
>> My attempt to 'dis'-arm with humor obviously fell 
>> flat...I guess some folks just can't take a joke.
> Lara writes some nice things about Dogan after reading all
> the the criticism he has received of late. You responded
> with sexual innuendo. It wasn't funny comrade. Let it drop
> and perhaps send an apology off list.

Please forgive my dumbness and my ignorance.

Where and when did Greg "respond with sexual innuendo"?

Just in order not to fall into same sin due to my poor skills in English.

Serious, not joking.

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[Marxism] [microsound] What to Do About In-Flight Restrictions?

2009-12-28 Thread New Tet
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Movies and GPS readouts during plane travel are being restricted or outright
eliminated. This in spite of the recently reported heroics of passengers and
crew (none of whom was a "duly sworn" officer of the law) .

Not even hand-held video entertainment devices escape the ban. Oh my!

I guess the flying industry will curtail the banal entertainment of its
passengers in exchange for the quiet, introspective boredom of terror.

On the other hand, maybe paperbacks, books and pamphlets will make a brief
comeback amongst the weary traveler?

If that happened it would be a small but possibly important and positive
outcome of this newly-imposed repression.

Distributing socialist leaflets at the local airport is a good idea now that
so many people are likely to become bored with the humiliating tedium of
feeling like a suspect every time they have to drag their suitcases from
plane to plane to plane to plane.

I recommend this one as possible model to follow:

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Re: [Marxism] Dismisal of the Liberal/sexist humor

2009-12-28 Thread sobuadhaigh
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Greg wrote:

Greg wrote:
>My attempt to 'dis'-arm with humor obviously fell 
>flat...I guess some folks just can't take a joke.

Lara writes some nice things about Dogan after reading all
the the criticism he has received of late. You responded
with sexual innuendo. It wasn't funny comrade. Let it drop
and perhaps send an apology off list.

Thinking about the lack of participation by more female comrades, 
I can't help bit think that the short, nasty put down 
passing as a post is surely one of those reasons. Louis has asked 
for more "polished" submissions and on that I can unite with him. 
For example, I greatly value the substantive information you 
have posted here about events in Central America and the need for 
solidarity. If you, or Mark, think that Lara is foolish for 
translating Dogan's work than tell her off the list, please. 
It has no bearing on anything we are discussing here

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Re: [Marxism] Chuck Grimes comments on Cockburn (from LBO-Talk)

2009-12-28 Thread Les Schaffer
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 12/27/2009 5:57 PM, Leonardo Kosloff wrote:
> I was wondering if you've heard of Piers Corbyn and his group in 
>, who dismiss global warming as 
> 'non-sense'  .

i'm aware of the attempts to correlate weather patterns with solar 
activity. i don't find them impressive, do you?

> Piers Corbyn is an astro-physicist

so was Jim Hansen ...

i first heard about climate change and the greenhouse effect in 
astrophysics lectures on planetary atmospheres back in the 80's. i 
always respected the atmospheric scientists' work, it was both data- and 
theory- rich. having known the community is probably one reason why i 
pretty much dismiss the CRU email thing, though i would have chosen to 
handle things differently than Jones et al in terms of battling 
politically and scientifically.

here is Hansen:

The nature of messages that I receive from the public, and the fact
that NASA Headquarters received more than 2500 inquiries in the past
week about our possible “manipulation” of global temperature data,
suggest that the concerns are more political than scientific.
Perhaps the messages are intended as intimidation, expected to have
a chilling effect on researchers in climate change.

The recent “success” of climate contrarians in using the pirated
East Anglia e-mails to cast doubt on the reality of global warming*
seems to have energized other deniers. I am now inundated with broad
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests for my correspondence,
with substantial impact on my time and on others in my office. I
believe these to be fishing expeditions, aimed at finding some
statement(s), likely to be taken out of context, which they would
attempt to use to discredit climate science.


There are other researchers who work more extensively on global
temperature analyses than we do – our main work concerns global
satellite observations and global modeling – but there are
differences in perspectives, which, I suggest, make it useful to
have more than one analysis. Besides, it is useful to combine
experience working with observed temperature together with our work
on satellite data and climate models. This combination of interests
is likely to help provide some insights into what is happening with
global climate and information on the data that are needed to
understand what is happening. So we will be keeping at it.

*By “success” I refer to their successful character assassination
and swift-boating. My interpretation of the e-mails is that some
scientists probably became exasperated and frustrated by contrarians
– which may have contributed to some questionable judgment. The way
science works, we must make readily available the input data that we
use, so that others can verify our analyses. Also, in my opinion, it
is a mistake to be too concerned about contrarian publications –
some bad papers will slip through the peer-review process, but
overall assessments by the National Academies, the IPCC, and
scientific organizations sort the wheat from the chaff.

The important point is that nothing was found in the East Anglia
e-mails altering the reality and magnitude of global warming in the
instrumental record. The input data for global temperature analyses
are widely available, on our web site and elsewhere. If those input
data could be made to yield a significantly different global
temperature change, contrarians would certainly have done that – but
they have not.


> Here's a video of him with a Russian meteorologist on the issue about those 
> hacked e-mails,

i'll take a look at this ...

> Basically, the two things he claims there are that CO2 does not drive 
> temperature and that temperatures have actually gone down in the last decade.

the usual fare. if we had a couple years we could have an interesting 
debate on the science of climate.


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Re: [Marxism] The Danger of Overcapacity

2009-12-28 Thread Barry Brooks
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Overcapacity is easily misunderstood and has several possible definitions.

For economists it usually means that there's not enough demand to use
all of the existing productive capacity. By keeping the Chinese currency
undervalued external demand can provide outlets for more capacity. The
result will be Chinese ownership of large portions of foreign assets.
Thrift and hard work is one element of the policies that will propel
China toward being the globe's superpower. Trade friction will not
effectively stop the export of cheap goods, because cheap goods are what
the world wants. The result of that process is not clearly seen, much
like the abuse of consumer credit by those who don't know any better and
those who only live for today. The old superpowers are selling the
family inheritance and going on a spending spree.

Aside from being a subsidy to crooks, if stimulus was applied to match
demand and supply then overcapacity would not be a problem. And, vast
amounts of money could be created, and rapid growth could be attained
without inflation, but only so long as the scale of the global economy
remained below levels at which further increases in capacity were not
limited by other factors.

Coordinated biz policies can and do limit capacity short of expected
demand to boost profits. Resource scarcity can limit capacity too. While
those strong forces operate to limit capacity, the causes driving
overcapacity are an aversion to directing stimulus directly to consumers
and the stupid theory that supply side stimulus is all that is needed.

For those who live in poverty, those who want low prices, and those who
just want more and more, overcapacity seems like a good idea. For those
who advocate stewardship of natural resources overcapacity is not
nearly as bad as overdemand. When the goose that lays golden eggs dies,
we will have proof that overdemand is possible even without throwing
any money out of airplanes. Who would ever believe it?


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Re: [Marxism] ReSocialism and the defense of public education: Shift toHealth

2009-12-28 Thread Waistline2
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

hari kumar wrote:
> Would someone (preferably at least one of the  more dogmatic people here 
> insist that there is no value *at all* in  the bill) explain to me what
> reforms are "acceptable" and what ones are  not?
Not supporting the Senate bill means the Single payer organization I am  
involved with, will not use any of its resources or time in advocacy for the  
Senate bill but continue to do what were organized to do: promote and push 
for a  single payer system amongst UAW members. We should and will continue 
our protest  in favor of a Single payer system, and continue our underlying 
agitation against  the current system of health insurance. We favor a 
government run medical plan  without insurance companies. We oppose any bills 
require us to pay  insurance companies, because we view them as a large part 
of the problem.   In fact some of us feel insurance companies serve no 
socially useful purpose in  society and exists to make profit for individuals. 
Every dollar spend on medical care as a system, is one dollar that cannot  
be spent at Wal Mart or someplace else. Medical cost drive bankruptcy 
amongst  individuals and 62% of home foreclosures. In a capitalist system, 
socially  necessary means of life that become to expensive for businesses and 
sections of the working class need to be taken over by government as an  
immediate concession that lessens the burden on the poorest workers. 
Concessions that improve the economic and political life of the workers are 
 supported and fought for. “Aid the workers” means aid in pursuit of 
socially  necessary means of life. Because our working class is spilt into 
economic layers  one must ascertain what section of workers their organization 
group is  advocating for. Our retired workers group is composed on the 
historically better  paid workers, ranging from age 50 - 90, with different 
economic needs. Thus, we  chose Medicare for all because it answers all our 
and those of our  neighbors who have no unions and more often than not make 
less than our  pensions, even after they work 50 - 60 hours a week. 
Medicare for all means we  are not fighting amongst ourselves, but against the 
exploitative capitalist  nature of the health care delivery system.  
Reform of the system is a larger question. 
The Senate Bill punishes the poorest section of the working class making  
them pay into a system of medical care they previously were not required to 
pay  into. Medical  care should not cost the individual money. We favor a 
system  where government pays all the cost for medical care. Further, the 
Senate bill  does not offer us retired workers, between age 50 and 64, 
economic  relief. The Senate bill is designed to sell us insurance rather 
than provide us  medical care. The Senate bill does not meet the criteria of 
what our single  payer group considers a supportable bill, worthy of 

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[Marxism] Health care counter-reform, working class consciousness, 2010 and 2012

2009-12-28 Thread Anthony Boynton
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

This list is one of my main sources of information, especially about what is
really going on in the old USA. Reading the discussion here has convinced me
that the "health care reform" has become a counter reform which will not
improve health care in the USA. However, I am still certain that most people
in the USA,  especially most of the people who voted for Obama and most of
the people who presently do not have adequate health care - do not read this
list, and still THINK that things are going to improve for them.

The fact that both House and Senate versions of this bill have been cleverly
crafted to delay any protest against the reform may be besides the point.
People expect change, and they are not going to get any change. How soon
will disappointment set in? And what form will it take?

Most likely that disaffection will not set in before the 2010 elections,
although disaffection with the economy and wars will probably be a factor in
how, or whether, people vote. Will there be a swing back towards the
Republicans? Will voters just stay home? From what I can gather from this
list and elsewhere, no one on the left is seriously engaged in trying to
develop a left electoral alternative to the Democrats for the 2010

And how is the upcoming immigration reform, likely to be the centerpiece of
the 2010 legislative season, and thus a key 2010 campaign issue, going to
play out?

The fact that liberals like Dean are distancing themselves from Obama and
Democratic Party House and Senate leaderships is a clear sign that the Obama
administration has in no way fulfilled the illusions that the people who
voted for them had.

Things seem to be moving in a direction in which the left could have a big
opportunity leading up to the 2012 presidential elections.

Happy New Year, Anthony

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[Marxism] Tom Segev finds critique of Israel lacking

2009-12-28 Thread Louis Proyect
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(Some things worth mentioning. This is the first article by Tom Segev, 
an uncompromising "revisionist" Israeli historian, in the New York 
Review of Books, a journal that has been accommodating to Israel over 
the years and the book that he finds fault with is a Verso book. The 
lengthy article is behind a subscriber's firewall so I am sending the 
whole thing.)

The New York Review of Books
Volume 57, Number 1 · January 14, 2010

Israel & Palestine: Eternal Enmity?
By Tom Segev

Israel and Palestine: Reappraisals, Revisions, Refutations
by Avi Shlaim
Verso, 392 pp., $34.95

In June 1948 a British official, blaming the United States for the 
creation of Israel, described the new nation as a "gangster state." Over 
sixty years later the Oxford historian Avi Shlaim writes: "I used to 
think that this judgment was too harsh, but Israel's vicious assault on 
the people of Gaza, and the Bush Administration's complicity in this 
assault, have reopened the question."

Shlaim wrote these words several months before a UN fact-finding mission 
headed by former South African judge Richard Goldstone concluded that 
some of Israel's actions in Gaza during its attack on the 
Hamas-controlled territory in December 2008 and January 2009 amount to 
war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity. The Goldstone report is 
over five hundred pages long, and outlines a number of carefully 
researched cases that seem to justify its horrific conclusions. The 
report also describes war crimes committed by Palestinians against 
Israeli civilians, hardly mentioned by Shlaim: he is not only less well 
informed than the UN investigator, as was to be expected; his judgment 
is less balanced.

Born in 1945 in Baghdad, Shlaim grew up in Israel and in the mid-1960s 
"served loyally in the Israeli army," as he writes. For most of his life 
though he has been living in England where he is a fellow of St. 
Antony's College, a professor of international relations at the 
University of Oxford, and a fellow of the British Academy. He is the 
author of numerous books on the Middle East, among them the best 
comprehensive history of the Arab–Israeli conflict—The Iron Wall: Israel 
and the Arab World.[1]
NYR Holiday Subscription Special

His new book, however, containing mostly book reviews and essays 
published during the past fifteen years, is disappointing. Much of it 
consists of moralizing prose rather than scholarly research, with 
platitudes such as "it would make sense to update the biblical image of 
David and Goliath: a Palestinian David facing an Israeli Goliath." A 
long-standing critic of Israel, Shlaim likes to use provocative epigrams 
such as "American Jews admire Israel for her body, while Israelis are 
attracted to American Jews for their money." Shlaim's collected essays 
recall the wrath of scholars who twenty-five years ago made up the group 
of angry young men—I was one of them—called Israel's "New Historians." 
Rereading these essays today shows how conventional Israel's "New 
History" has become.

Writing a different version of Israel's history was an exuberant and 
challenging experience. The new work appeared at the beginning of the 
1980s when the Israeli government began declassifying official documents 
that made it possible, for the first time, to free the study of Israel's 
early days from the constraints of Zionist ideology, mythology, and 
fiction. The emerging picture was naturally less heroic and less noble 
than the official textbooks had it, with many gray areas that justified 
doubt and generated numerous heated debates.

Thus for instance it emerged that in 1949 the Syrian president, Husni 
Zaim, had asked to negotiate peace with Israel's first prime minister, 
David Ben-Gurion. As part of the deal Zaim offered to absorb into Syria 
300,000 Palestinian refugees. Ben-Gurion refused to see Zaim, noting in 
his diary that in exchange for peace the Syrians were demanding "half 
the Sea of Galilee," i.e., the part bordering on Syria.

Zaim was assassinated soon afterward and so it cannot be said that 
Israel missed a historic opportunity for peace with Syria, as Shlaim 
seems to believe. For Israelis, however, the accepted truth had always 
been that Israel did everything to pursue negotiations with its Arab 
neighbors while they refused to talk to Israel. The Zaim episode proved 
that we were not told the truth.

The Israeli government concealed the truth in other ways as well. In 
1949 Polish Jews who survived the war were allowed to emigrate to 
Israel, which required a decision where to house them once they arrived. 
In those days, tens of thousands of Jewish immigrants from Arab 
countries were living in tent cities and transit camps, but the 
newcomers from Poland were to be put up in hotels. Th

Re: [Marxism] Dismissal of the liberal Dogan Gocmen and the CPUSA ga-ga

2009-12-28 Thread Greg McDonald
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Lara Crete wrote:

Hi, Greg Mc Donald!

Do you have anything valuable on your creative mind , something
that I could translate into Russian to be published in the "Marx and
Our Time" journal? Something what the wise calls for the
"Enlightenment"? Vulgarity is the name of the weapon, you use.
Fine. I know that now, so I am armed.
And I am mourning the disappearance of the Marxism Movement in
Europe, what happened to me after I finished the translation of the
Dogan Dogmen essay on Rosa Luxemburg . And I am rejoicing now
with the Marx-21 Initiation which happened on December 19 in Rome.
This is how I armed against your next post.

Hi Lara!

In answer to your question, can't say that I do. I appreciate the fact
that you are fully armed with pen in hand, but there are no weapons
over here, my dear. May I suggest a little detente?

My attempt to 'dis'-arm with humor obviously fell flat. But perhaps
when one is dealing with high church agape, and not eros, one runs the
risk of being impaled by the sword of a pure angel.

I guess some folks just can't take a joke.


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Re: [Marxism] Tehran: Photos--Demonstrators fight back

2009-12-28 Thread Louis Proyect
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Greg McDonald wrote:
> Great photos of the recent demonstration in Tehran over at the
> Trot-lite Huffpo website:

It is interesting that the MRZine/James Petras/Edward Herman school of 
outside agitatorism seems at a loss to frame the more recent protests in 
their customary ideological framework. This radicalized movement that 
fewer and fewer imperialist politicians identify with today is not being 
run out of a George Soros NGO. Therefore, it is harder to stigmatize. 
This demonstrates how superficial the outside agitatorism analysis was.

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[Marxism] Tehran: Photos--Demonstrators fight back

2009-12-28 Thread Greg McDonald
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Great photos of the recent demonstration in Tehran over at the
Trot-lite Huffpo website:

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Re: [Marxism] Dismissal of liberal Dogman Gocmen or CPUSA ga-ga

2009-12-28 Thread Greg McDonald
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Lara Crete wrote:

Thus Dogan Gocmen stirred all passions and turned himself into the major
problem in the Marxmail List for days.

Thank you, Dogan. Thank you Comrade.
Next thing you know Marxmail will be receiving anonymous love sonnets
addressed to that great martyr of the list Dogan Gocmen! Speaking of
stirring passions, may I suggest you two get a room somewhere

Greg McDonald

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[Marxism] Dismissal of liberal Dogman Gocmen or CPUSA ga-ga

2009-12-28 Thread lara crete
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Once I clicked my home Marxmail list away into the Spam.  Not having  
temptation at least for a while to express myself  on the list, I  
contacted the Turkish philosopher Dogan Gocmen, asking his permission  
to translate  his essay which I  wanted  to be read in Russian as  
well. The essay is "Rosa Luxemburg, the legacy of classical German  
philosophy and the fundamental methodological questions of social and  
political theory".
  I thank Dogan Gocmen for the trust: I had never translated the  
philosophical literature and the risk on his part was not that small.  
But  my determination to deliver this wonderful work of his into the  
modernly corrupted  Russia has matched the risk and I got  from the  
philosopher permission.

My translation was immediately accepted for the publication in the  
Russian  journal "Marx and Our Time".At the moment of this writing it  
is coming out of print and I will get my first philosophical  
translation published at the beginning of the next month.

A few days ago the editor of the journal called me, asking me to  
transfer to Dogan Gocmen the words of the deepest thanks and gratitude  
for his, so timely needed work. "My great please!", I said and ran to  
my, now retorted  ( thanks to comrades!), home  Marxmail list to say  
it load, to say it to all...

Well, I could not "enter" the list: there was a problem and the  
problem developed into the commotion  and there was no place for my  
message from Russia.
There was "CPUSA  ga-ga" problem, there was a problem,which  created  
the CPUSA problem at the first place, and it was  the USA No-Health -  
No-Reform Bill which is the eternal/internal USA problem. But there  
was another problem, which  somehow became the major! And the problem   
in the Marxmail list at that moment  was  the brilliant  Turkish   
Marxist philosopher Dogan Gocmen!...
If I  still wanted to say something, anything  to my comrades on this  
list, I had to wait.
While waiting, I have learned  how the commotion  started : the  
Turkish philosopher put the  provocative  question on the Marx list:  
"what is the meaning of this New USA  Health Care Bill?"... Thus Dogan  
Gocmen stirred all passions and turned himself into the major  
problem   in the Marxmail List for days.

The dust came down now. And I can use this wonderful time of peace to  
say what I  wanted to say a few days ago, but could not.
"We decided  on the front page of our journal to print the profile of  
Rosa Luxemburg", said to me the  Russian editor of "Marx and our  
Time", " for the Dogan Gocmen's essay is really  the jewel of this  
Thank you, Dogan. Thank you Comrade.

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[Marxism] Chávez speech on the Fifth International

2009-12-28 Thread Joonas Laine
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is the Chávez speech at the PSUV congress that mentions the Fifth
International available in English somewhere on the internet..?

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[Marxism] 1, 300 activists converge on Cairo for Gaza freedom march

2009-12-28 Thread Fred Feldman
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Code Pink Canadian Delegations to Gaza
Coming up on December 31, 2009 is the Gaza Freedom March. Follow Canadian
delegates David Heap and Wendy Goldsmith as they prepare and travel for the
march, and join more than a thousand activists from around the word in an
international action to open the borders to Gaza. For details of this
initiative see:

Following on the successful delegation of March 09 (which included rabble
publisher, Kim Elliott), more than six further Code Pink delegations,
including a delegation of Canadian Members of Parliament, traveled from
Cairo to Gaza this summer to pressure the opening of Rafah border, and an
end to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The border has effectively been
closed since July 2007, when Israel imposed a blockade. Delegation members
Kim Elliott, Sandra Ruch, Ehab Lotayef, Medea Benjamin, and Libby Davies
have shared posts in this blog. For more on Code Pink's initiatives on Gaza,

1300 Activists converge on Cairo: We are blocked but we will not be stopped
By Wendy Goldsmith
| December 27, 2009

Crowd of Gaza Freedom Marchers in Tahrir Square, Cairo (photo by Brandon

1300 Activists Converge on Cairo: We're Blocked But We Won't Be Stopped
After two Gaza Freedom March actions and meetings today were shut down by
Egyptian Police, over 1000 activists met outdoors tonight at Tahrir Square
(our indoor meeting permit had been cancelled earlier). We are told that no
buses will be allowed to leave Cairo with GFM participants headed for Gaza.
However, at 7am tomorrow morning we will be at the garage where we were
originally to depart from, ready to board buses to El Arish. Despite the
setbacks, spirits are high and activists are willing to do what it takes to
press for an end to the siege.

Vive la France!

The French Government has reportedly negotiated an agreement which will
allow some 250 French marchers to travel to the border and cross into Gaza.
Canadian participants are asking, "What about our government? Where is the
official support for our humanitarian mission?"
As different groups try diverse ways to get to Gaza and put pressure on
authorities to ease restrictions, one thing is certain- things will continue
to evolve quickly in the crowded, polluted chaos that is Cairo.

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Re: [Marxism] ReSocialism and the defense of public education: Shift to Health

2009-12-28 Thread Dayne Goodwin
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

As Rosa Luxemburg explained in "Reform or Revolution," if revolutionary
socialists did not work for reforms they would have nothing to do in the
public political arena.  Except maybe walk the streets with a "socialist
revolution is the only solution" sign _a la_ the
cartoon characters with "the end is near" signs.

Does that mean that revolutionary socialists should work for any "reform"?
I don't think so.  I call some reforms, "capitalist reforms."  I'm not
particularly interested in working to make the capitalist system work better
or provide some special benefit for a particular corporate sector.

I think we need criteria to use to prioritize reforms that are worth working
for - from a revolutionary socialist standpoint.  A quick list: which
reforms are in workers interests, will qualitatively improve workers
well-being and economic security, and may increase working class
consciousness, class political strength, unity and willingness/ability to
fight for more "working class reforms."

I think that a universal, "single-payer" healthcare system is definitely a
reform that revolutionary socialists should support, using the criteria
above.  A new law that requires individuals to purchase private profit
health insurance does not make the grade, in my opinion.

When thinking about this issue, i think it is useful to understand that
early in the Clinton administration there was a public debate about a reform
to ensure that everyone had needed healthcare.  By the time of the recent
presidential election when 'change we can believe in' was clearly going to
be a winning political slogan, the ruling class had used their two-party
capitalist political system to change the issue from healthcare for
everyone, to *health insurance* for everyone.

Private profit health insurance is, of course, just a capitalist racket -
entirely comparable to a mafia protection racket.  We must pay 20 - 25% off
the top to the health insurance mafia in order to be allowed in the
healthcare door.

The private profit health insurance system is being 'reformed' so that
millions more poor and working people will be required to throw hundreds of
millions more dollars down that corporate waste drain.  And hey, if you
'qualify' you can beg the capitalist government to use some of our tax
dollars to give you some assistance in forking over more dough to the
corporate health insurance mafia.


On Sun, Dec 27, 2009 at 1:14 PM, hari kumar  wrote:

> I am a bit confused:
> The issues on education that were put by the opposing sections seemed both
> respectful and mindful on both sides, of the distinction between reformist
> steps and reovelutionary steps. While accepting that reformist measures are
> at times, to be accepted by the revolutionary movement. Yet I see no
> semblance of that un-emotive (and open-minded) tone in the current
> discussion on the patently inadequate health bills.
> Would someone (preferably at least one of the more dogmatic people here who
> insist that there is no value *at all* in the bill) explain to me what
> reforms are "acceptable" and what ones are not?
> Hari Kuamr

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