Re: [Marxism] Analysis of crisis in the British SWP

2010-02-05 Thread Gary MacLennan
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> Jim wrote:
> Well, if Labour were to somehow win the next general
> election, wouldn't Gordon Brown be cutting services
> to the disabled, just like Cameron most surely would?
> My reply:  Well that is my position too, Jim. But my friend thinks
> otherwise and he is a very smart bloke.

I wonder now thinking about Britian what role the 1990 Poll tax riots played
in the demise of Thatcher and the rise of Thatcherism with a Labor face i.e.
Blair & Co.  In the twenty years since political apathy seems to have
gripped the British working class almost totally.  In the circumstances the
ruling class must feel that it is safe to experiment with throwing out the
Second Eleven (Labor Party) and reinserting their First Eleven & favourites.
The Tory leader, Cameron, an old Etonian, can be fully expected to act in
the spirit of Newbolt's poem -

There's a breathless hush in the Close to-night --
Ten to make and the match to win --
A bumping pitch and a blinding light,
An hour to play and the last man in.
And it's not for the sake of a ribboned coat,
Or the selfish hope of a season's fame,
But his Captain's hand on his shoulder smote --
'Play up! play up! and play the game!

Well let's hope Cameron and his ilk find the pitch very bumpy indeed and let
us also hope that the "blinding light" turns out to be cast by the fiery
banners of proletarian revolution.



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Re: [Marxism] The Stench of Science Fiction

2010-02-05 Thread Mark Lause
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Of course, all these capitalist vermin are touting their "green"
credentials.  Even oil companies are painting their same old message as
green as they can.  They also claim to be democratic and anti-racist and
fair to women and treating their workers well.  They have enough low cunning
to recognize the popularity of ideas and to try to take advantage of them.

Does that mean we should oppose being democratic, anti-racist, or green?

Of course not.


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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-05 Thread Shawn Redden
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At 4:11 PM +1000 2/6/10, Gary MacLennan wrote:
>But we shouldn't worry should we as
>them there long haired scientists are all a bunch of fakers and liars and
>data fudgers, aren't they?
>They might be communists and homosexuals too, y'know.

(Thomas Kuhn + Carolyn Merchant) > Hyperbole

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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-05 Thread Gary MacLennan
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I am no expert here at all.  But South Queensland where I live has been in
the grip of a horrific drought.  Last year Brisbane almost ran out of water
and we had extremely strict water rationing & that's in a city of over a
million people.  The rain where it is falling now is up in the tropical
North, but the population is in the South.

Australian climate scientists have issued the gravest of warnings about the
impact of climate change on Australia.  But we shouldn't worry should we as
them there long haired scientists are all a bunch of fakers and liars and
data fudgers, aren't they?
They might be communists and homosexuals too, y'know.

In any case let's hope  Paula and Spiked on Line are right, because the main
political parties and that includes the Labor Government are not doing very
much at all about global warming.



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[Marxism] The Stench of Science Fiction

2010-02-05 Thread Shawn Redden
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At 11:37 PM -0500 2/5/10, Mark Lause wrote:

>In this case, you have corporate apologists jumping on the fact that
>overzealous scientists here and there tossing bits of bad evidence into a
>vat of irrefutably sound evidence.  The public relations and advertising
>firms engaged in this concerted denial of reality are some of the same
>people who successfully blew smokescreens for the tobacco industry for
>years...decades, really.

Would that this were the whole story.  The model for the tobacco 
industry's successful PR campaigns (going back to Bernays in the 
1920s) is apt - the truth just happens to be exactly, perfectly, 
symmetrically 180 degrees from your assertion.  The Greenies have the 
big guns behind them, and it hardly takes much diligence to observe 
this.  Just look at any corporate media that exists anywhere in the 

I don't buy that you're unaware of the efforts made by every company, 
over the last couple years, to advance their own little "Green" 
agendas for economic growth (i.e., an agenda which does precisely 
what we ought to combat)?  There is no economic benefit, from a PR 
standpoint, to saying "we're polluters" -- those days are long gone.

So who better to carry this new agenda forward than Mr. Greenie 
himself, Al Gore?  Big Al couldn't win an election that he won, but 
he has shown the canny ability to bilk a whole shit-ton of 
well-intentioned people and make serious coin in the process.  By his 
happy incarnation, the cause of 'environmental justice', punishing 
the marauders, is wiped off the agenda.  Poisonous dirt is ignored. 
Food safety, dismissed.  Genetic engineering is disregarded.  Never 
contemplated is the cancer epidemic.  Etc.

Today, instead, we have Greenwashing.  From a PR standpoint - from a 
bullshit standpoint - EVERYONE's green.

The stimulus basically aimed to re-inflate the economy with 
Helicopter Ben's money bombs, creating a Green bubble by retrofitting 
windows and installing solar panels at the J. Edgar Hoover Building. 
That it hasn't successfully done so - I'm not sure it will - has no 
bearing on the fact of the matter.

It's with good 'business sense' that in the last year or two, every 
company on the planet has seen political & economic ADVANTAGE by 
being "Green". That's why we see 9147 cubic ft. refrigerators called 
"energy saver" and marketed as though the consumer, through the act 
of purchasing, has personally returned to natural economy.

The model advanced by the Greenies who have grown so dependent on 
junk science perpetuates a growth=based economy rather than a 
sustainable one.  Those who are killing, raping, pillaging and 
plundering of earth today warrant no punishment from Al Gore and his 
ilk.  Their science fiction diverts attention from this reality.

Meanwhile, the Mighty Wurlitzer says, "ignore the criminals trying to 
privatize the water and air; buy this cool new light bulb".

It all stinks to high heaven.


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Re: [Marxism] Zinn: The Historian Who Changed History

2010-02-05 Thread Mark Lause
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I wasn't even going to respond on this, and get into the fish-slapping silly
shit about who is and isn't a Marxist.

But who is and isn't a "Beardsian" may cost me sleep.  I've never heard of a
"Beardsian," but I suspect that, in this day and age, most people wouldn't
know one if it bit them in the ass.

In seriousness, most of us who probably realize how inescapably central
issues of race are to understanding how America works.  Zinn's contributions
and those of the Beards approached that matter from diametrically opposed

Classing Zinn as a "Beardsian" seems not to understand these central
differences related to race.  This isn't some triviality like
misunderstanding Whig forgeign policy.  There is the racial conquest of the
continent foundational to the civilization, and the entire racial
enslavement of Africans.  Related, too, are the issues of Jeffersonian,
sectionalism and the agrarian particularism for which Beard had great
affinities and Zinn regarded with due skepticism.

In this regard, the "Marxist" writers of the 1930s and 1940s were far more
"Beardsian" than Zinn.  Indeed, these are some of the central issues that
distinguished the body of New Left scholarship from the old line dogmas of
those writers connected with the CP.


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Re: [Marxism] Zinn: The Historian Who Changed History

2010-02-05 Thread Jim Farmelant
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On Fri, 05 Feb 2010 20:11:38 -0500 writes:


> The great irony in Mark's observation is that what 
> while Zinn was enormously popular he was never a 
> Marxist, unlike Foner. I don't want to start a 
> Paula-esque/Rosaist flame war over the dubious merits of 
> "A People's History." Howard Zinn had an enormously 
> influential career and is beloved by the American left. 
> His "Voices of a People's History" is of great merit 
> as a collection of source material which will enrich 
> the study of American history. He was, in many ways, 
> the Charles Beard of this era which is fitting 
> considering how of his work replicates Beard's approach.

That's my impression of Zinn.  As a historian, he
was probably more Beardsian than Marxist.
His work in many respects hearks back
to the heyday of American Progressivism
as represented by writers like Charles Beard,
John Dewey, and Randolph Bourne.

In one of his earlier books, *The Politics
of History*, he wrote admiringly about
those kinds of thinkers.

> It is equally true that it would be foolish in 
> the extreme consider criticism of his work to
> be some kind of line of demarcation. That reeks 
> of a cult of personality that I sure he did not want.

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Re: [Marxism] Glaciergate

2010-02-05 Thread Mark Lause
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Ya know, the guy who first recognized that the bones in the La Brea Tar Pits
as prehistoric rather than the remains of contemporary animals that just
strayed into them was an Englishman named William Denton.  He was a
spiritualist and a psychometrist...that is, someone who discerned the nature
of an object by feeling it.

I think his evidence wasn't worth smilodon doo-doo, but it didn't mean he
was wrong.

In this case, you have corporate apologists jumping on the fact that
overzealous scientists here and there tossing bits of bad evidence into a
vat of irrefutably sound evidence.  The public relations and advertising
firms engaged in this concerted denial of reality are some of the same
people who successfully blew smokescreens for the tobacco industry for
years...decades, really.

I'm flabbergasted that such corporate apologists find cothinkers among
would-be radicals.

OK, I confess.

I'm not really flabbergasted.  I decided to say that I am to emphasize a
point.  I honestly wish I would be flabbergasted, but I've lived so long on
the Marxist left that I've learned to expect it.  : - )


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Re: [Marxism] Analysis of crisis in the British SWP

2010-02-05 Thread Jim Farmelant
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On Sat, 6 Feb 2010 13:17:32 +1000 Gary MacLennan


> There is a danger of course in such a formulation and that is the
> development of a hyper sectarian attitude to the Labour Party.  I  
> include
> the word hyper here because truth be told I do not know what the 
> answer is
> in terms of the problems represented by the Labour Party and 
> Labourism.  To
> me Mandelsohn and Brown are enemies *tout court*.  No alliance is 
> possible
> with them.  Yet as a good friend patiently explained to me on my 
> last trip
> to London,  services for disabled people like himself would be cut 
> under a
> Cameron government and that was why he was voting Labour.

Well, if Labour were to somehow win the next general
election, wouldn't Gordon Brown be cutting services
to the disabled, just like Cameron most surely would?

It seems to me that the Labour Party has over the
years become just like the Democratic Party in the
US, except that whereas in the US, at least some
radical leftists are able to see that it is just another
capitalist party, many British leftists still view
it as a "bourgeois workers party" as Lenin
had described it more than eighty years ago.
Just as in the US, the two parties, despite
their differences in rhetoric, enact mostly
the same sorts of policies, especially in
regards to economic policy and foreign
policy, so the same is also true for
the Tories versus Labour.  Labour
is just as much a bourgeois party as
the Tories.  

> regards
> Gary
> Send list submissions to:
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Re: [Marxism] Glaciergate

2010-02-05 Thread Shawn Redden
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At 9:10 PM -0500 2/5/10, Louis Proyect wrote:
>The thing to worry about is the relationship between bogus science and
>racism. Measuring the size of skulls in order to establish intelligence
>is about as scientific as ...

... as what's happening at the University of East Anglia.

And yet, that doesn't even give you pause.


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Re: [Marxism] Analysis of crisis in the British SWP

2010-02-05 Thread Gary MacLennan
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I found this article extremely interesting.  I am reasonably familiar with
the situation in Britain, and most of my recent trips have shown me that a
deep despair is gripping every one decent at the very thought of a return to
the Tories, never mind the reality of  a Cameron government. I have only a
minor point to make on a matter of detail here.

Dave Packer and Jane Kelly wrote:

We have seen the adoption of neo-liberalism and the *abject failures* of New
Labour (and most of the trade unions) to fight for working class interests
and the rights of the oppressed, or their failure to take the necessary
measures to do anything meaningful to combat the effects of climate change
(my emphasis).

My comment: I think it is a mistake to talk of the failures of Blair,
Mandelsohn, Brown, Straw etc in terms of defending the interests and rights
of the working class. Blair et al existed to attack those rights, always of
course in the name of the "national interest".  They did not fail.  They
succeeded almost totally.

There is a danger of course in such a formulation and that is the
development of a hyper sectarian attitude to the Labour Party.  I  include
the word hyper here because truth be told I do not know what the answer is
in terms of the problems represented by the Labour Party and Labourism.  To
me Mandelsohn and Brown are enemies *tout court*.  No alliance is possible
with them.  Yet as a good friend patiently explained to me on my last trip
to London,  services for disabled people like himself would be cut under a
Cameron government and that was why he was voting Labour.

One can only hope that somehow or other the great mass of the *nouveaux
miserables,* that Waistline writies so movingly and stirringly about, will
not be tarry in entering onto the stage of history.  We desperately need a
revolt somewhere. Make that a "successf



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Re: [Marxism] Glaciergate

2010-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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Greg McDonald wrote:

> Mildly witty on your part Louis, but If I were you I would not be so
> quick to whitewash the historical relationship between science and
> racist theories. 

The thing to worry about is the relationship between bogus science and 
racism. Measuring the size of skulls in order to establish intelligence 
is about as scientific as believing that crystals can cure cancer.

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Re: [Marxism] Glaciergate

2010-02-05 Thread Greg McDonald
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Louis Proyect wrote:

Greg McDonald wrote:
> Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002), an American paleontologist,
> evolutionary biologist and historian of science, studied these
> craniometric works from a historical perspective in The Mismeasure of
> Man (1981). He claimed that Samuel Morton had fudged data and
> "overpacked" the skulls with filler in order to justify his
> preconcieved notions on racial differences.

>Thank you for confirming my observation. Scientists do not fudge data.
>Charlatans do.

Mildly witty on your part Louis, but If I were you I would not be so
quick to whitewash the historical relationship between science and
racist theories. Madison Grant, author of "The Passing of the Great
Race", was on the National Research Council Committee on Anthropology.
Only after years of concerted effort did such icons as Franz Boas and
his students succeed in driving people such as Grant out of the halls
of academia. Unfortunately, some of them are still there.

Greg McDonald

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Re: [Marxism] Zinn: The Historian Who Changed History

2010-02-05 Thread sobuadhaigh
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Mark wrote:

>What distinguished Howard Zinn, for me, was that 
>he managed to bridge those New Left concerns with 
>an older tradition of Marxist history, people like
>Phil Foner (whose name always manages to not get 
>mentioned here despite the enormous volume of work 
>he left behind).

The great irony in Mark's observation is that what 
while Zinn was enormously popular he was never a 
Marxist, unlike Foner. I don't want to start a 
Paula-esque/Rosaist flame war over the dubious merits of 
"A People's History." Howard Zinn had an enormously 
influential career and is beloved by the American left. 
His "Voices of a People's History" is of great merit 
as a collection of source material which will enrich 
the study of American history. He was, in many ways, 
the Charles Beard of this era which is fitting 
considering how of his work replicates Beard's approach.

It is equally true that it would be foolish in 
the extreme consider criticism of his work to
be some kind of line of demarcation. That reeks 
of a cult of personality that I sure he did not want.

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Re: [Marxism] A policy against pelotudos (was: Industrial capacity)

2010-02-05 Thread Waistline2
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p.p.s. waistline, I'm from Argentina, I don't live there at the moment, but 
 I did for most of my life. I will of course explain nothing about why I'm 
here  in the US, because it has nothing to do with objective reality, 
although in  Nestor's 'nationalist left' ideology, this is enough to dismiss 
anything I  contribute as "bombastic liberal chatter", mostly because he can't 
reply, and so  he extrapolates trying to imply anyone who doesn’t buy his 
bullshit is denying  the existence of imperialist force, accuses anyone who 
’t buy his bullshit  of murderer, anti-patriot, etc.

Because, waistline, in Argentina,  capitalism is fully developed and to 
have hopes for “radical Keynesianism” is to  be counterrevolutionary.


Welcome to America. Where on earth, in 2010, may I ask  is capitalism not 
fully developed?  Nestor is S.Artesian whipping boy..You  suggest I be banned 
from the list because I call matters as I see things and the  comrade in 
question does in fact express the view of an imperial chauvinist,  forever 
lecturing the world’s people on what they should and should not do. 
Grow up dude, people have been called supporters of rapist, murderers and  
everything under the sun from time to time because the list is filled with  
passionate people. Heck, you implied I was a chauvinists because I used 
standard  American English. 
You need to ask S.Artesian off list about my description of the forms of  
the working class movement and unraveling of the economic basis of the fight 
for  the independence of the proletariat. Ask off list. What was put forth 
was  the most advanced analysis of class to every hit this list. 
Nestor is like shooting fish in a barrel but his questions are hard core  
and real. I answer questions. 

The real issue is what can  roughly be called the military doctrine of the 
proletarian revolution in  advanced capitalist countries. All this crap 
about the "Independence of the  proletariat" without definition is subterfuge. 
The question of the independence  of the proletariat and its meaning is a 
military question or question of  revolutionary doctrine of combat based on a 
strata of the proletariat at the  cutting edge of the struggle.   Questions 
of doctrine of combat hinge  on an advanced understanding of the form of the 
working class movement. I shall  not be banned but you are free to advance 
your ideas about the specific  alignment of class forces here and in 
Of course you will not because you do not know where to begin or how to  
make a materialist analysis. You should understand I have read  S.Artesian  
for years. His attitude is that of a bully boy and imperial chauvinist. We  
parted ways when I sent him an offlist message explaining the limits of my  
patience and his imperial attitude. 

He can talk tough with Nestor  but I will not accept such crap.  

Point out to me one article  he has produced in ten years that speak of the 
working class movement in America  in the here and now. The issue of the 
independence of the proletariat, or rather  a section of the working class 
contains more than meet the eye.  

Oh, I have no opinion about why anyone comes to America.  


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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-05 Thread Tom O'Lincoln
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>>he should ask glacier-free Australians how they get their drinking water

Guess what, there is a water crisis in Australia. Rivers dying, cities on 
water rationing. The local creek where I go walking is so dried up I can 
hardly bare to look.

Of course that's only part of Australia. Further north they are getting 
worse and worse storms and flooding.

This is real, it is not a drill. 

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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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Paula wrote:
> Louis wrote:
> "Paula, have you ever read any Marxist ecological literature? [clip] Please 
> don't waste our time."
> I see - another Argument from Authority. It's a good thing those Authorities 
> have got everything worked out.

Paula, please do not post again on climate change, a subject that you 
are so uninformed about. You are wasting bandwidth. I am *dead serious* 
about this.

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Re: [Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-05 Thread Bill Quimby
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Paula - Congratulations, you have made it to my "Fuckwits" (kudos to Louis for
the folder name) email filter - and with hardly any effort on your part!

(PS. I like the way you think because I have similar thoughts - for example I
occasionally piss in the Kokosing (a small river / large stream in central Ohio)
find myself later reading about floods in Mississippi delta. Should I worry?
Absolutely not, because that doesn't begin to explain the jobless rate here at 

Keep the faith!

- Bill

Paula wrote:
> == Rule
> #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
> ==
> Louis wrote: "The president of Bolivia has called attention to the
> possibility that the melting of Andean glaciers will rob his people of
> drinking water. It does not get more disastrous than that."
> Really? So the *possibility* of glaciers melting away in the future is more
> disastrous than the *certainty* of widespread poverty and exploitation in
> Bolivia today? A very convenient argument for the president of Bolivia, I'm
> sure. But if he's really worried he should ask glacier-free Australians how
> they get their drinking water. After all, the Bolivian glaciers could melt
> away for entirely natural causes, just as glaciers have been doing for
> thousands of years. Then what would 'his' people drink?
> Mark wrote: "But if they say something about it, it's rejected as merely
> anecdotal".
> Anecdotal evidence can back up just about any case. It should not be
> rejected, only accepted for what it is - no more than anecdotal evidence.
> Paula  Send list submissions
> to: Set your options at:

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[Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-05 Thread Paula
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Louis wrote:
"Paula, have you ever read any Marxist ecological literature? [clip] Please 
don't waste our time."

I see - another Argument from Authority. It's a good thing those Authorities 
have got everything worked out.


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Re: [Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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Paula wrote:
> Really? So the *possibility* of glaciers melting away in the future
> is more disastrous than the *certainty* of widespread poverty and
> exploitation in Bolivia today? A very convenient argument for the
> president of Bolivia, I'm sure. But if he's really worried he should
> ask glacier-free Australians how they get their drinking water. After
> all, the Bolivian glaciers could melt away for entirely natural
> causes, just as glaciers have been doing for thousands of years. Then
> what would 'his' people drink?

I honestly don't know how to reply to such a breathtaking display of 
stupidity. The revolutionary upsurge in Bolivia that helped to put 
Morales in power was tied directly to the availability of water. The 
people of Cochabamba rose up over the privatization of water. The same 
issues are involved with the potential loss of water from the Andes, but 
on a global scale. G8 nations burn greenhouse gases that raise the 
temperature in the Andes. In exchange for air-conditioning in Phoenix, 
Dallas et al, the people of Bolivia will have to pay for water sold by 
some multinational.
Global warming melts Andean glaciers toward oblivion
Thu, Jun 7 2007

By Monica Machicao and Eduardo Garcia

CHACALTAYA, Bolivia (Reuters) - Global warming will melt most Andean 
glaciers in the next 30 years, scientists say, threatening the 
livelihood of millions of people who depend on them for drinking water, 
farming and power generation.

Small glaciers are scattered across the Andes and have for long been a 
crucial source of fresh water in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru, thawing in 
summer months and replenishing themselves in winter. But global warming 
has driven them into retreat.

The glacier on Bolivia's Chacaltaya mountain -- which means "cold road" 
in the local Aymara language -- used to be the world's highest ski 
resort at 18,000 feet above sea level.

But the glacier is now only 10 feet thick on average, down from 49 feet 
in 1998, and glaciologist Edson Ramirez says it will disappear this year 
or next.

"This is a process that unfortunately is now irreversible," he said, 
adding that industrialized nations are doing too little and too late to 
slash carbon dioxide emissions.

"Even if they were to take measures now, it will take many, many years 
to replenish these glaciers, because unfortunately the damage has 
already been done," he said. "Most of these glaciers are similar to the 
Chacaltaya and that makes us think that those small glaciers could 
disappear in 20, 30 years."

Over 2 million people in the La Paz region depend heavily on the thawing 
of Chacaltaya and neighboring glaciers for tap water and, indirectly, 
for electricity supplies.

"At least 35 percent of the drinking water comes from melting glaciers, 
and about 40 percent of the electricity," said Oscar Paz, the head of 
the Bolivian Climate Change Panel, a government task force.


Water is already scarce in El Alto, a sprawling lower-class satellite 
city north of the country's administrative capital La Paz. Almost 1 
million people live in El Alto and most homes lack running water.

Daniel Cuencas, a father of four, walks several blocks every day to 
fetch water from a stream and is well aware of what will happen when the 
glaciers disappear.

"This right here is ice melt. That is where the drinking water comes 
from, from the mountains. So we know that there isn't going to be enough 
water," he said, fetching water with a rusty tin can from the stream.

Water needs will only increase in coming years with the population in 
the La Paz region expected to double by 2050.

Ecuador's capital Quito, with 1.5 million people, and the Peruvian 
capital Lima, with 8 million people, also rely on melting glaciers for 
water and energy supplies.

About 80 percent of the Andean glaciers are similar in size to 
Chacaltaya at under 1 square kilometer, and experts say they are 
similarly doomed.

Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru have started drafting plans with scientists to 
mitigate the negative effects of melting glaciers and experts say they 
will need to make large investments to find new water and energy sources.

Paz said rich countries should create a global fund to compensate poor 
nations for the effects of global warming.

"We're the victims of climate change, the underdeveloped countries like 
Bolivia, which are suffering the effects of shrinking glaciers," Paz said.

Earlier this year, Bolivia's leftist President Evo Morales also blamed 
pollution from rich nations for the floods, droughts and hailstorms that 
pounded the poor South American country for three months.

The extreme weather was triggered by El Nino, a weather phenomenon 
believed t

[Marxism] glaciergate

2010-02-05 Thread Paula
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Louis wrote:
"The president of Bolivia has called attention to the possibility that the 
melting of Andean glaciers will rob his people of drinking water. It does not 
get more disastrous than that."

Really? So the *possibility* of glaciers melting away in the future is more 
disastrous than the *certainty* of widespread poverty and exploitation in 
Bolivia today? A very convenient argument for the president of Bolivia, I'm 
sure. But if he's really worried he should ask glacier-free Australians how 
they get their drinking water. After all, the Bolivian glaciers could melt away 
for entirely natural causes, just as glaciers have been doing for thousands of 
years. Then what would 'his' people drink?

Mark wrote:
"But if they say something about it, it's rejected as merely anecdotal".

Anecdotal evidence can back up just about any case. It should not be rejected, 
only accepted for what it is - no more than anecdotal evidence.


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[Marxism] Analysis of crisis in the British SWP

2010-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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Some Lessons of the Crisis in the SWP
February 5th, 2010

The whole of the left in Britain, from those few still in the Labour 
Party to far left and revolutionary groups is in crisis. For twenty-five 
years, since the defeat of the Miners’ strike of 1984-5 we have been 
mostly on the defensive and the class struggle, measured in strike 
actions, or TU involvement in campaigns, compared to other European 
countries such as France, has been at a very low level. Only the 
anti-war mobilisation – for a time - and the growing movement against 
climate change have generated significant momentum, while the anti 
globalisation movement, or action against debt, have been a pale 
reflection of that in Europe. Attempts at left unity to fill the 
political space vacated by a right wing Labour Government, have either 
failed or at best found it difficult to make an impact. Most have 
floundered due to typical British sectarianism and bureaucratic and 
undemocratic manipulations of the movement

In this context, the crisis in the SWP is significant for the whole of 
the left. To understand and learn the lessons of this crisis we have to 
analyse the situation and place it in its historical context. It is not 
adequate to blame this or that leadership or individual.

The divisions in the SWP which led to the formation of the Left Faction 
– now dissolved – has not yet led to a major split and most members of 
the faction remain in the group. However this process is not over. The 
resignation of Tony Dowling after being ordered to resign his membership 
of the North East Shop Stewards Network followed by the resignation of 
eight members of Tyneside SWP shows that the crisis continues and is 
leading to a haemorrhaging of members. It is both a sad reflection of 
the politics of the SWP, but also highlights the failures of the British 
far left in this period when capitalism faces the unique twin crises of 
the collapse of the banks, severe credit restrictions triggering a 
general economic down turn and the accelerating effects of climate change.

The failure of the left in Britain to come together in the face of this 
double crisis of capitalism and its immediate failure to offer some form 
of united socialist alternative in the coming General Election is 
alarming. This needs some explanation and solutions. The two factions in 
the SWP, while proclaiming the need for some kind of broad unifying left 
party, fail to offer a serious balance sheet of their past errors in the 
Socialist Alliance and Respect and consequently fail to outline any 
credible perspective. But first we have to ask why their internal 
discussions have led to such extreme conflict of split proportions. It 
can’t just be explained by clique politics but comes down to the nature 
of party democracy and functioning.


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[Marxism] Hi

2010-02-05 Thread Dan
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Well, I feel I should introduce myself to the list, since I've been 
asubscriber for two years.

My name is Daniel Koechlin (my ancestors were German). I was born in 
1976. Went to university, studied English, went to London, started a PhD 
on "Biblical and non-biblical sources of the Diggers' 
anti-authoritarianism in the English Civil War" which I never finished 
(although I did unearth an otherwise uninteresting Digger tract that was 
not in the Thomason collection). I subsequently spent six years in 
Suriname, Guyana and Venezuela (South America). I ended up a high school 
English teacher in France.

My wife is Indian (from Bihar, Eastern India) and we have two kids.

I speak French, German, English, Dutch, Spanish, Russian and Hindi.

My first interest in politics came at the age of 17 after meeting Raoul 
Vanneigem, one of the founders of the Situationist movement (with 
Debord). I eventually grew bored with Situationist rhetoric and 
phraseology and read Marx, together with countless other authors with a 
"Council Communist" bias. I then became strongly involved in (Trade) 
Unionist activities and have been a staunch Union man ever since.

This introduction is somewhat over-due, but here it is nonetheless.

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Re: [Marxism] re : NPA runs veiled candidate

2010-02-05 Thread S. Artesian
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With all due respect to the moderator who puts up with all of our chips, 
shoulders, and eccentricities, and is certainly more tolerant of me and 
people like me than I ever could be, I respectfully disagree.

There's nothing more difficult or belligerent in Dan's posts than in many 
others, and council communism is a valid, historically significant part of 
Marxist activity.

- Original Message - 
From: "Louis Proyect"  

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Re: [Marxism] Glaciergate

2010-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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Greg McDonald wrote:
> Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002), an American paleontologist,
> evolutionary biologist and historian of science, studied these
> craniometric works from a historical perspective in The Mismeasure of
> Man (1981). He claimed that Samuel Morton had fudged data and
> "overpacked" the skulls with filler in order to justify his
> preconcieved notions on racial differences.

Thank you for confirming my observation. Scientists do not fudge data. 
Charlatans do.

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[Marxism] re : NPA runs veiled candidate

2010-02-05 Thread Dan
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The headscarf wearing candidate is just a stunt from the NPA (5% of 
voters at the last election).They want to create a constituency among 
the dissafected Muslim population, but I think this will backfire on 
them. The NPA is an openly "Trotskyite" party that believes in building 
a mass party of the working class.

I happen to live in a town that has been run by the French CP since the 
1960s, then by a Socialist-Left Party-NPA coalition since the 1990s. 
Many local councilors defected from the CP when the going went bad 
(Berlin Wall went down in 1989) to join what was to become the Left 
Party. At the local level,  the mayor's crownies get all the jobs. Those 
ex-CP, now Left Party or NPA representatives at the city council 
meetings are dependent for a living on "administrative work" on behalf 
of the large trade-unions (SUD and CGT). The NPA-Left Party (Melanchon's 
breakaway tendency from the Socialist Party) are all middle-class people 
(teachers...), who talk a lot about "Fair Trade initiatives",  "organic 
food",  "the need for trade unions to be represented in municipal 
decision making processes",  "trams instead of buses", "allowing 
neighbourhood  referendums" and the like.

As a member of the FSU union, and as an avowed "council communist", I 
have always been met by scorn from those local Left Party and NPA 
representatives, all of them eager to show me that Trotskyism was "true 
Marxism", all condemning me for "anarcho-syndicalistic tendencies", 
while safely considering their best interests in the staus quo.

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Re: [Marxism] Doubling down

2010-02-05 Thread S. Artesian
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- Original Message - 
From: "brad bauerly" 
To: "David Schanoes" 
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 8:56 AM
Subject: [Marxism] Doubling down

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> With Europe reeling
> ,
>  .  There has
> reemerged a flight to the dollar pushing it back up.  This combined with 
> the
> fact that "US payrolls lose 20,000 jobs in January, unemployment dips to 
> 9.7
> per cent" means that according to the 'experts' the US is doing smashingly
> compared to Europe (funny I was just reading an article that claimed that
> the crisis proved that the US could no longer deflect its economic 
> problems
> onto its neighbors).  But can this really be prevented from flowing back
> into the US and triggering the dreaded 'double dip'? Will the drowning
> capitalists pull each other down?
> Brad
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[Marxism] Doubling down

2010-02-05 Thread brad bauerly
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

With Europe reeling ,  .  There has
reemerged a flight to the dollar pushing it back up.  This combined with the
fact that "US payrolls lose 20,000 jobs in January, unemployment dips to 9.7
per cent" means that according to the 'experts' the US is doing smashingly
compared to Europe (funny I was just reading an article that claimed that
the crisis proved that the US could no longer deflect its economic problems
onto its neighbors).  But can this really be prevented from flowing back
into the US and triggering the dreaded 'double dip'? Will the drowning
capitalists pull each other down?


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Re: [Marxism] re : Glaciergate

2010-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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Dan wrote:
> In the mid 19th century, the scientific consensus was that the world was 
> facing over-population (Malthusianism)
> In the late 19th century, the scinetific consensus was that some races 
> were inherently "inferior" (brain size and cognitive abilities) than others.

Perhaps you meant to say that the economics consensus was Malthusian, 
but I am not even sure of that. Furthermore, an autopsy in the 19th 
century would reveal that the brain size of a member of an "inferior" 
race would reveal no differences from a "superior" race so I have no 
idea what you are referring to here. In fact, you can say that racialist 
theories were advanced on the basis of ignoring scientific examination.

> The current consensus on climate change is what is found in the UN panel 
> on CLimate Change report, and it is nowhere as alarmist as what the 
> common man might think. The truth is, the belief that industrialization 
> in China, the US and India will lead to a Global Catastrophie speaks 
> volumes about the sociological changes caused by globalization and the 
> anxiety that followed the end of the 1950-1970 "Golden Age", but is it 
> hard science ?

What in the world are you talking about? Nobody says that 
"industrialization" will lead to climate change. But the impact of 
greenhouse gases on climate change is accepted by nearly all scientists. 
The goal of socialists is to conceptualize economic development that 
minimizes greenhouse gas emissions. This means reducing the use of 
fossil fuels to a bare minimum.

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[Marxism] A Modest Proposal [WAS: Is Rosa real? Moderator]

2010-02-05 Thread S. Artesian
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

That's your 5 for the day.  Now can we perhaps consider the other shoe 
dropping off the one remaining leg of capitalism?

Anyone know the odds in London on the EU surviving another year or two?

- Original Message - 
From: "Rosa Lichtenstein" 
> Ok, I'll keep to that, but you'll note that my replies have been of the
> longer sort, and each one took me more than 20 minutes to compose.
> Rosa!

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[Marxism] Moderator's note

2010-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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There is a five post a day limit.

Also, I am very concerned that comrades don't waste bandwidth arguing 
about philosophy with Rosa since they go around in circles.

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Re: [Marxism] Is Rosa real? Moderator

2010-02-05 Thread Rosa Lichtenstein
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Ok, I'll keep to that, but you'll note that my replies have been of the
longer sort, and each one took me more than 20 minutes to compose.


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[Marxism] How surrendering Palestinian rights be came the language of “peace”

2010-02-05 Thread Nasir Khan
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The 1993 Oslo agreement did not only usher in a new era of
Palestinian-Israeli relations but has had a much more lasting effect
in transforming the very language through which these relations have
been governed internationally and the way the Palestinian leadership
viewed them. Not only was the Palestinian vocabulary of liberation,
end of colonialism, resistance, fighting racism, ending Israeli
violence and theft of the land, independence, the right of return,
justice and international law supplanted by new terms like
negotiations, agreements, compromise, pragmatism, security assurances,
moderation and recognition, all of which had been part of Israel’s
vocabulary before Oslo and remain so, but also Oslo instituted itself
as the language of peace that ipso facto delegitimizes any attempt to
resist it as one that supports war, and dismisses all opponents of its
surrender of Palestinian rights as opponents of peace. Making the
language of surrender of rights the language of peace has also been
part of Israel’s strategy before and after Oslo, and is also the
language of US imperial power, in which Arabs and Muslims were
instructed by US President Barack Obama in his speech in Cairo last

Full article:

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Re: [Marxism] Is Rosa real? Moderator

2010-02-05 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 2/5/2010 12:18 AM, Rosa Lichtenstein wrote:
> I'm sorry, but I did not know there was a limit. What exaxclty is the limit?

i think its about 5 posts a day. the idea is longer, more in depth posts 
and less quick-jab back and forth which is more prone to being personal 
and generates more heat than light.


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[Marxism] Some more on Indonesian protest actions

2010-02-05 Thread Max Lane
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Dr. Max Lane
Australian mobile no: 0410574336

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[Marxism] Howard Zinn: The historian who changed the history

2010-02-05 Thread marxist front
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Howard Zinn: The historian who changed the history
History since its origin remained in the realm of the ruling elite. It 
presented, commented and concentrated on a minority gang of monarchs, tyrants, 
and their tales. It was called objective history. It comfortably and knowingly 
ignored and omitted the real history of the millions of people, who were 
oppressed by the ruling class.
Howard Zinn challenged this academic establishment by boldly emphasizing that 
“there is no such thing as impartial history. The chief problem in historical 
honesty is not outright lie. It is omission or de-emphasis of important data. 
The definition of important of course depends on one's values.” Zinn decided to 
choose side; and he chose to take side of the oppressed, exploited and the 
toiling masses against the bourgeoisie regime.

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