[Marxism] An under accumulation of capital?

2010-02-21 Thread Leonardo Kosloff
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Louis writes: Although I am not that interested in the kind of Talmudic 
discussions that typify Marxist value theory, I am familiar enough 
with the topic to have my interest piqued.,

to then conclude: In Marx’s final years, the foundations of monopoly capital 
had already been put in place. It was a calculated

 effort to make sure that investments would always go rewarded through 
price-fixing, trade secrets, collusion with the state and 

a hundred other mechanisms that have become popularly known as Government Sachs 


so that one should be content with knowing that prices are determined by 

what monopoly capitalists fix them to be. 


The question almost begs itself: 

Can the moderator objectively explain why, without 

any Talmudic resort to value -since it doesn't pique his interest-, 
commodities which prices are subject to the abstract will of 

the capitalists, do in fact have a price, or in other words, what the price of 
such commodities is?

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Re: [Marxism] An under accumulation of capital?

2010-02-21 Thread Gary MacLennan
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Hi Leonardo,

I once wrote a piece lampooning the FROP and the LTV  corners of the old
Spoons Marxism list. My how the cyber skin and blood flew in those
disputes.  You should have read some of the posts by Jerry Levy.  I suspect
your mouth would still be watering.  God be with the days as my mother used
to say.  Alas my post got lost in the great purge that accompanied my last
major dispute.  From memory my lampoon imagined a room in the Pentagon where
a young visibly sweating internee was ordered to monitor the FROP  posts.
He screams dementedly No, please not that.  I will do anything but that!. I
don't deserve it.  I was building a house!  And his supervisor shouts
Deserving got nothing to do with it. Shut up you whinger or I will make
throw in the LTV as well.



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[Marxism] Behind Hillary Clinton’s tough talk on Iran

2010-02-21 Thread Nasir Khan
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The goal of Hillary Clinton’s rhetoric seems to be to promote conflict
and convince Americans Iran is a threat to their security

In a visit to Qatar and Saudi Arabia this week, Hillary Clinton said
that Iran “is moving toward a military dictatorship,” and continued
the Administration’s campaign for tougher sanctions against that

What could America’s top diplomat hope to accomplish with this kind of
inflammatory rhetoric? It seems unlikely that the goal was to support
human rights in Iran. Because of the United States’ history in Iran
and in the region, it tends to give legitimacy to repression. The more
that any opposition can be linked to the United States’ actions,
words, or support, the harder time they will have.

Full article:

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[Marxism] Mithra

2010-02-21 Thread Paul Lefrak
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Knowing nothing about Zoroastrianism, the cult of Mithra or its similarities
with Christianity, I looked it up in Wikipedia and found some interesting
stuff which backs up what Tom said for the most part.  But apparently it's
in dispute whether the cult around Mithra in ancient Rome grew out of
Iranian Zoroastrianism.  For those interested, here are the relevant links:



Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 11:03:56 -0500
From: Thomas Bias bia...@embarqmail.com
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Guy Robinson
To: 'Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition'
Message-ID: 003401cab246$4e5a0e20$
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=us-ascii

It's very likely that there is some historical basis for Jesus Christ as
presented in the Gospels. However, the redemption theology of Christianity
was borrowed almost unchanged from the Mithra religion, which arose out of
Iranian Zoroastrianism and for which we have historical evidence about a
century before the traditional birthdate of Jesus. Mithra was a sun god who
sacrificed himself to atone for humanity's sins; moreover, his birth was
celebrated on 25 December. The Mithra religion was quite popular among
middle-class Romans. Additionally, as I saw with my own eyes when I was
traveling in Iran, wandering preachers who gather a band of followers and
travel like nomads from town to town preaching in the bazaar, are an ongoing
tradition in the Middle East. Clearly, this is who John the Baptist was, and
he was one of many. I believe, based on what I've seen and read, that the
Jesus of the Gospels is a composite of an anti-Roman rebel who was
crucified, a wandering darwish, and Mithra. The Middle Eastern tradition
of unwritten storytelling only reinforces what I think. Plus, there is clear
historical evidence that at the time that Christianity was becoming the
accepted established religion of the Roman Empire, the Emperor Constantine
sought to merge the followers of Mithra and the followers of Jesus into a
single congregation, and did so successfully.


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Re: [Marxism] An under accumulation of capital?

2010-02-21 Thread Louis Proyect
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Leonardo Kosloff wrote:
 The question almost begs itself: 
 Can the moderator objectively explain why, without 
 any Talmudic resort to value -since it doesn't pique his interest-, 
 commodities which prices are subject to the abstract will of 
 the capitalists, do in fact have a price, or in other words, what the price 
 of such commodities is?

Uh, because of M-C-M` or is it C-M-C`? I have trouble rememembering 
things nowadays. Or maybe it is M-G-M`, keeping the Mickey Rooney 
theorem in mind.

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Re: [Marxism] An under accumulation of capital?

2010-02-21 Thread S. Artesian
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I think we're missing the point here--  except for Steve Palmer-- and the 
point is that Heartfield is just wrong.  He's wrong in his theoretical 
interpretation of  Marx, and he' wrong in his practical evaluation of the 
roots of capitalism's current predicament.  A definite shift in the C 
portion of capital does precede the 2007 downturn; there was a definite peak 
in profitability, and the return on net property plant and equipment in US 
manufacturing, prior to the MBS debacle.  The recovery of capital after the 
2001-2003 contraction can be traced to specific alterations in the ratios of 
exchange between c and v.  These same alterations gave rise to the 
explosion of asset securitization, which became asset stripping, 
liquidation, and devaluation when profitability declined.

- Original Message - 
From: Gary MacLennan gary.maclenn...@gmail.com 

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Re: [Marxism] Guy Robinson

2010-02-21 Thread S. Artesian
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Well, there's more to Marx's critique of religion that just that of flowers 
decorating the chains-- there is the historical crique, that human beings 
alienate there own powers in the attempt to control, explain, sway forces 
that their level of social development in inadequate to control or explain. 
Humans create fetishes, endowing those fetishes with the powers of 
objective forces or conditions-- of nature, climate, fertility, etc. and 
the festishes then represent the power against and over human beings.

Religion is the alienated attempt to comprehend, apprehend the material 
world.  As society moves from direct appropriation of nature through 
individual activity to the mediated  appropriation of nature through the 
organization of property and the appropriation of social labor, religion 
moves from an explanation of nature to an ideology of that property.

- Original Message - 
From: Shane Hopkinson chen9692...@yahoo.com 

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[Marxism] China's Statistics

2010-02-21 Thread S. Artesian
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Toronto, ON, Canada, - China is trying hard to project itself as one of the 
world's greatest economic power with worthless economic statistics is what 
China's National Bureau of Statistics headed by Ma Jiantang said on January 
Ma was complaining during the national statistics works conference that 
provincial officials routinely fudge and inflate numbers to make them look 
good. The rigged statistics become gospel and economists and analysts all 
over the world use it to polish China's image. Chinese leaders smilingly 
acknowledge the attention despite knowing that the statistics are fudged.

The margin of error in China's gross domestic product statistics over the 
past 20 years is at least 15 to 20 percent. It could have been higher, but 
the NBS corrected some errors though not all.

As per the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook, China's 2009 
GDP at purchasing power parity is US$8.8 trillion. If the figure is 
overstated by 20 percent, then the true value should be US$7 trillion. But 
that still puts China much behind the United States and the European Union 
but well ahead of Japan. India is behind with US$3.6 trillion. One should 
however note that China exports 62 percent of its output while India 
consumes 62 percent of its output internally.

Chinese leaders are unmindful of all the faulty statistics. They have 
acquired airs of greatness around them and anybody that questions them is no 
longer their friend. The statistics are prepared to support the Communist 
Party's agenda that includes 10 percent growth in a recession year. 
Therefore, provincial leaders fudge the numbers to make them look good.

Professor Thomas Rawski, a Harvard educated Sinologist, has been following 
Chinese statistics for the past 30 years. In 2003, he pointed out that China's 
GDP grew at about half the level of what it was officially stated. Florence 
Chan, a Hong Kong based journalist holds a similar view. Both have studied 
the five-layered Chinese statistics preparation process and both have 
pointed out errors in the statistics.


As you read through the article, the hostility to China is palpable.. but 
the citation from Ma Jiantang is very interesting.

The author of the article claims that 62% of China's economic output is 
exported which is way above any level I've seen-- with most estimates being 
in the 33%-40% of GDP range.  Still, the author makes an interesting point--  
that if so much of the economy is export [and FDI] driven, then how can such 
phenomenal growth be recorded when exports declined, and FDI shrank?

All good Keynesians, monetarists, social democrats, neo-liberal 
neo-conservatives, hedge fund managers,  asset-backed security salesmen know 
the answer to that one.

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Re: [Marxism] Edward Herman finds new venue

2010-02-21 Thread Shawn Redden
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At 5:49 PM -0500 2/20/10, Thomas Bias wrote:
I doubt seriously if the United States is planning war on Iran any time soon.

Two quick points on this:

1.  While the US may not be planning an immediate attack, they've war 
gamed it about 100 times in the last few years.  They've contingency 
planned it to death, and if it 'needs' to happen, it will, and at 
that point Jim Jones, Gates, and the whole gang will be ready to turn 
on a dime.

2.  If the occupiers of Palestine go rogue (or ACTS like they went 
rogue, as they recently did to the British in Dubai), all bets are 
off.  I just don't think the lunatics in charge there will continue 
playing tiddley-winks while Clinton tries futilely to break up the 
informal alliance that have bound Iran, Russia, and China.

Especially when Clinton and Obama are cheering them along.

Of course, none of this matters in relation to what Edward Hermann 
says.   Because his (and Yoshie's) opinion about the campaign US 
against Iran is more important than anything else that has ever 
occurred in the history of the world.

I haven't read ZNet in a long time - is Michael Albert still hostile 
and antagonistic towards socialism?  Is he still plugging 'Parecon'?


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[Marxism] An under accumulation of capital?

2010-02-21 Thread Leonardo Kosloff
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@Gary, can you tell me where these discussions are, or will I have to “water my 
mouth” for how the whole of Marx was debunked till 
the end of my days?
In the meantime, maybe you can answer:  what is the price of a commodity, 
without referring to value, or more specifically according 
to your lampooning claims, without referring to labor?
@Louis, I wish I could follow along with the jokes, I like jokes, but 
unfortunately this one just don’t sound really good, maybe try 
“three Marxists walk into a bar…”? 
So once again: what is the price of a commodity, without referring to value?
I have a pretty objective explanation, but unfortunately it is close to Marx 
and all his “Talmudic” value coming before the form of 
realization of the commodity in the market. With your help, however, I should 
be able to convert myself soon enough to 
Hilferdingism, where such a form is taken as the content which determines the 
accumulation of capital, and of course, is only subject 
to the abstract whim of the capitalist.
So, unless you can answer the question (or refer to some literature where this 
is explained, John Bellamy Foster does not) it kinda 
makes it look like your evasion reinforces the point that the theory of 
monopoly capital has this inversion at its core and therefore is 
destined to move in a world of appearances, which is a criticism beyond its 
“historical validity”.
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[Marxism] Brewing Crisis in the South Atlantic

2010-02-21 Thread Adam Richmond
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Brewing Crisis
in the South Atlantic:

Oil Exploration
in the Malvinas Islands Ignites an Old Dispute

By Adam

For Argentineans the long simmering territorial
dispute between Britain and Argentina is coming to a head, as a British oil
rig travels to what analysts say is a 60 billion barrel reserve of
high-grade oil located in a 200 square mile zone surrounding the Malvinas
(Falkland) Islands. This would make it one of
the largest oil reserves in the world. Argentina
had instituted a naval embargo
of the islands but has recently permitted the oil rig to
land in Port Stanley, capital of the island.

The delivery and installation of the oil rig will
substantially alter the fundamental economic character of the disputed islands
from fishing and sheep-raising to the exploitation of one of the world’s most
sought after commodities: petroleum. The exploitative economic character 
Britain is unilaterally imposing exacerbates the
national tensions between Argentina
and Britain.
This conflict has brought the relationship between the two countries to their
sharpest point since the 1982 war over the Islands.

The Argentine government of President Christina
Kirschner is set to bring the matter before the United
Nations Security Council and is mustering its diplomatic resources
to bring this matter to a negotiated end. In addition, President of the 
Bolivarian Republic
of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, has
correctly demanded that Britain
cede the Malvinas: “The British are desperate for oil since their own fields in
the North Sea are now being depleted,
Chavez said in a televised speech. “When will England stop breaking 
law? Return the Malvinas to Argentina!
Argentina and Venezuela are both members of Mercosur, the
common market covering much of South America.

Anti-Imperialist Character of the Conflict 

This conflict is not, however, a
simple land dispute or even an oil resource dispute. The question of the return
of the Malvinas Islands is an explosive national issue
for most Argentines, who see the haughty imperial occupation and colonization
of their islands as symbolic of their nation’s relationship to western
imperialism. Argentina is a
country whose national wealth is sapped by the wealthiest financiers of London, 
Madrid, and New York City. The vast majority
of the Argentine people view the continued occupation of the Malvinas Islands
by Britain
as a fundamental injustice. Argentina
attempted to seize the islands in 1982 but was defeated by the British after a
short-lived, but bloody re-occupation of the colonial outpost. The conflict
resulted in nearly 1,000 deaths with two-thirds of the dead from the Argentine
military. The invasion was a military disaster for Argentina and a stunning 
loss in
the fight against imperialism which bolstered the fanatical anticommunism of
Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. Then, too, the conflict was bathed in the
waters of the Nicaraguan Revolution, the Grenadian revolution, and the civil
war in El Salvador, not to mention the U.S.’ sponsored swath of 
in Chile and Argentina.

Despite the failure of the Argentine military in
1982, the question still must be answered: What right does Britain have to a 
colony in the South Atlantic
7,800 miles from London?
claims it has the right to defend “self determination” when this seems as a
convenient cover for British interests in the expansion of its capital. In
keeping with this, the Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands, the local
governing body for the 3,000 plus residents of the Falklands,
announced on February 5, that it would oppose any Argentine firm exploring for
oil in the territory. 

Century Colonialism or 21st Century Socialism

The British, French, Dutch, or U.S. governments have no business maintaining
colonies in South America, or anywhere else on
the globe. The Malvinas are properly Argentine territory, and workers in 
Britain have no
interest in maintaining the old Empire territorial claims that Labor and Tory
governments, including those of Thatcher, Blair and Brown,
have vigorously defended.

In this sense the Falkland Islands are no
different than returning Hong Kong to the Peoples
Republic of China,
India to the Indians, or Ireland to the
Irish. What seemingly complicates the matter is that there are virtually no
Argentine nationals on the Falklands. The
local residents vigorously support continued British control, much like the
reactionary Unionists of Northern Ireland.

Central America, South America, and the Caribbean
are dotted with direct colonial possessions of the United States (Puerto Rico,
American Virgin Islands), Britain (British Virgin Islands, etc.), the
Netherlands (Curacao, Dutch West Indies), and France (Guadeloupe, 

[Marxism] Is Marx Back? A public interview with Leo Panitch...

2010-02-21 Thread Anthony Fenton
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Is Marx Back?

A public interview with Leo Panitch by Ian Morrison of the Platypus  
Affiliated Society.
The economic crisis, as many commentators and critics are quick to  
point out, has rekindled interest in – and anxieties over – Marxism.  
Although many on the Left hope this renewed curiosity marks the  
beginning of a radical turn, similar revivals of anti-capitalist  
politics in the 1930s, 1960s, and 1990s failed to achieve the  
revolutionary transformations they sought.

Has Marxism returned as a significant political force? How might this  
translate into the possibility for a revitalized Left? Will the  
resurgence of Marxist theory provide opportunities for social change –  
or merely the opportunity to fail again?

Dr. Leo Panitch is Canada Research Chair in Comparative Political  
Economy and Distinguished Research Professor of Political Science at  
York University in Toronto, and coeditor of the annual Socialist  

Presented by Platypus Affiliated Society - Toronto.


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[Marxism] A Herman/Peterson fan speaks out

2010-02-21 Thread Louis Proyect
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A comment under: http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2010/hp200210.html

The fools of this page review the following link to figure out  what is 
the common denominator between  Chomsky and  a zionist mass murderer pro 
‘Jewish state’ , Joe Biden, where make it easy for them to support a CIA 


This article has created another opportunity for left to identify and 
isolate the phony ‘anti imperialist’, majority are Zionist Jews, to 
prevent any unity among the left to stand against Zionism and 
imperialism.  These Zionist Jews have effectively  kept Zionism, the 
main enemy of the present time’ hidden from the public discussion to 
keep the fools on phony slogan of ‘imperialism’ where they have no fight 
with.  This is their TOOLS to protect the interest of an apartheid 
entity to create opportunity for Zionist project of WORLD DOMINATION. 
This article exposes the dishonorable ‘Nobel’ Laureates sign on to Eli 
Wiesel’s petition for “harsher Iran sanctions and finally for a military 
attack on Iran where is nothing less than nuclear holocaust.  Many of 
these Jews were involve in WMD of the West and Israel, yet they DARE to 
ask their puppet, Obama, to destroy Iranians with more than 7000 years 
of civilization to make it easier for the terrorist state of Israel to 
dominate the whole region.

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Re: [Marxism] Guy Robinson

2010-02-21 Thread Shane Mage
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On Feb 21, 2010, at 2:28 AM, Shane Hopkinson wrote:

 The human truth is the God or markets are human products but under  
 alienated social relations we don't experience them that way. We, on  
 this list who have read 'Capital' and so on, may *know* that markets  
 are not *objectively* real (ie they are a product of particular  
 human practices unlike the earth going around the sun)  but we still  
 experience them that way because they are part of the objective  
 practices of the capitalist class. The 'illusion' that markets (or  
 gods) exist in the same way that the solar system does is part of  
 the ideology but its not dispensed by intellectual critique.

The earth going around the sun  is *more* a human product than are  
markets.  Like the monotheists' God it is a human illusion--in fact  
the earth moves in a complicated spiral around the path traced by the  
sun in three-dimensional cosmic space.  You conceive of the solar  
system as an armillary sphere, operating like clockwork, which does  
not itself move--solely because of your conceptual limitations.  The  
same limitations (unwillingness to envisage complexity) that lead to  
the illusory God of a monotheist.  In contrast, markets are not  
specifically human products at all--they are a necessary objective  
feature of social organization for any society, human or not, composed  
of individual subjectivities interacting through an even minimally  
complicated division of labor.  That is why Marx recognizes the law  
of value as equivalent to a natural law that cannot be done away  
with, at least until labor and its divisions have been done away with.

Shane Mage

 Porphyry in his Abstinance from Animal Flesh suggests that there are  
 appropriate offerings to all the Gods, and to the highest the only  
 offering acceptable is silence.

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Re: [Marxism] China's Statistics

2010-02-21 Thread Michael Perelman
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The critique revolves around purchasing power parity, which is a 
questionable measure.

I do not doubt that China fudges data, however.  So do most businesses and 
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321
E-Mail michael at ecst.csuchico.edu

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Re: [Marxism] Edward Herman finds new venue

2010-02-21 Thread Intense Red
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  Two quick points on this:
  ...They've contingency planned it to death, and if it 'needs' to happen,
  it will, and at that point Jim Jones, Gates, and the whole gang will be
  ready to turn on a dime.
  2.  If the occupiers of Palestine go rogue (or ACTS like they went
  rogue, as they recently did to the British in Dubai), all bets are

   I have to agree with you and think your points are right on the money. 
What worries me are two points: (1) The US rulers deciding that Afghanistan 
is not turning out like Iraq, and therefore feeling desperate to do 
*something* to change the status quo; or (2) Somehow the bunglers in charge 
stumble themselves into a war with Iran, by an Israeli attack or just a 
quick series of unforeseen events putting them into a position where war is 
chosen or happens.

   What I have to wonder is how the American people would respond to such a 
war. When talking with people, I try as much as possible to relate their 
complaints about gov't -- be they taxes, poor roads, or whatever -- to the 
fact that we're pissing away money constantly on these wars of occupation. 
I'm routinely surprised at the warm agreement I get in response. Thus, I 
get the sense that people are fed up.

   Who knows what support there would be for a war once the propaganda 
machine is turned up fully. But I have a suspicion it would not be the 
wholesale support that we've seen in the past and there is a distinct 
chance we'd see widespread opposition. There is a *lot* of anger out there 
in the country.

Sell a man a fish, he eats for a day; teach a man how to fish, you ruin a 
wonderful business opportunity. -- Karl Marx, commenting on capitalism.

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Re: [Marxism] Edward Herman finds new venue

2010-02-21 Thread Shane Mage
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On Feb 21, 2010, at 12:30 PM, Intense Red wrote:

 Two quick points on this:
 ...They've contingency planned it to death, and if it 'needs' to  
 it will, and at that point Jim Jones, Gates, and the whole gang  
 will be
 ready to turn on a dime.
 2.  If the occupiers of Palestine go rogue (or ACTS like they went
 rogue, as they recently did to the British in Dubai), all bets are

   I have to agree with you and think your points are right on the  
 What worries me are two points: (1) The US rulers deciding that  
 is not turning out like Iraq, and therefore feeling desperate to do
 *something* to change the status quo; or (2) Somehow the bunglers in  
 stumble themselves into a war with Iran, by an Israeli attack or  
 just a
 quick series of unforeseen events putting them into a position where  
 war is
 chosen or happens.

   What I have to wonder...

And what I have to wonder is why the Revolutionary Guards and their  
mullahs persist in a spectacularly provocative nuclear option?  Are  
they so unimaginably stupid as to believe that peaceful nuclear  
power, manifestly uneconomic even for the most advanced societies, is  
a worthwhile expenditure of resources for a society as poor as Iran  
(and one with fossil fuel resources up the wazoo to boot), and so  
chauvinist that, even if they want to waste so much of their  
suppressed population's wealth on splitting atoms to boil water, they  
need to do it all themselves when any number of governments and  
corporations would be happy to give them what they want for much less  
than it would cost them?Or do they really want the atomic weapons  
that they profess so loudly are totally contradictory to their dear  

What it looks like is that they want to provoke a military attack  
(their stupidity may, indeed, be unimaginable).

We, of course, should do all we can to frustrate their aims--in that  
as in everything else.

Shane Mage

 This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
 always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
 kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

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[Marxism] Who cares about Iranian Uranium?

2010-02-21 Thread Shawn Redden
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At 1:26 PM -0500 2/21/10, Shane Mage wrote:

And what I have to wonder is why the Revolutionary Guards and their
mullahs persist in a spectacularly provocative nuclear option?

Iran's freedom to operate finds its outer limit wherever China and 
Russia refuse to protect them before the NY Times's 'International 
Community'.  So the stakes of the Israeli government's provocation 
against Iran transcend the bigger-dick flame war that has taken shape 
between them.  And really:  who's surprised that lunatics 
Ahmadinedjad and Avgidor Lieberman - abetted by goons like Putin and 
Clinton - are in a pissing contest that could provoke a world war?

That is what they're there for, after all.

I think certain segments of the ruling class is starting to see war 
as the only way out of the mess they've created (can they nuke 

Nothing, aside from a mass world uprising that dwarfs the movement 
that opposed the war on Iraq, has the ability to stop it.  After 
several years, I think that people - like Clinton and Obama - have 
started coming around to the view that making war with Iran a fait 
accompli - cutting off a global movement at the knees - may be the 
ONLY way to stop that from happening.

The foundation for this view has already been put down, thanks in 
part to the Tweetin' Greenies against whom Yoshie and others have 
been railing for many, many years.

Come to think of it, Obama could kind of 'use' a _real_ war, couldn't 
he?  You know:  one with maps and weapons and CNN, live at the 
Pentagon with Judy Miller embedded in your heart?  Rahm would see to 
it that such a crisis would yield wonderful opportunities, no doubt.

So could Europe, really.  Especially as their little Dubais in the 
skies turn to liquid shit.

An attack on Iran - particularly centered on Baluchistan - is an 
indirect attack upon China, since it forecloses upon their access to 
cheap oil.   You can even find the actual battle plans at Global 
Security.org's website:


The 'International Community's' escalation against Pakistan points to 
the same end - strangling China - and has recently taken the form of 
this heavily propagandized operation in Afganistan with an objective 
of pushing 'Taliban fighers' into Pakistan.

Combine that with weapons sales to Taiwan, Google's antics, and the 
Tibet stuff and it looks like the makings of something a bit more 
strategic afoot than Ahmadinejad's prattling.


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Re: [Marxism] China's Statistics

2010-02-21 Thread S. Artesian
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Not completely Michael.  For example:  According to Ma, data submitted by 
the provinces in the first half of 2009 exceeded the national GDP figure 
calculated by NSB by 1.4 trillion yuan (US$204 billion), which is 10 percent 
of total GDP. The error was 19 percent in 2004.

The issue of regional composites being way above the national figures has 
been kicking around for several years.

I don't think Ma's complaints are based on purchasing power parity.
- Original Message - 
From: Michael Perelman mich...@ecst.csuchico.edu
To: David Schanoes sartes...@earthlink.net
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] China's Statistics

 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 The critique revolves around purchasing power parity, which is a
 questionable measure.

 I do not doubt that China fudges data, however.  So do most businesses and
 Michael Perelman
 Economics Department
 California State University
 Chico, CA 95929

 Tel. 530-898-5321
 E-Mail michael at ecst.csuchico.edu

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[Marxism] WSWS: Obama’s preventive war and th e end of Nuremberg

2010-02-21 Thread jer...@infowells.com
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This WSWS article Obama’s preventive war and the end of Nuremberg by 
Richard Hoffman, can be accessed with this link:


   As the article is about 12 pages long, clicking on the PRINT tab at the top 
of the the article, allows for a text display that allows for easier reading 
which can then be printed for further study.

   Here are several paragraphs of introduction:

Obama’s preventive war and the end of Nuremberg
By Richard Hoffman
20 February 2010

US President Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize speech in Oslo last December was 
widely seen as a glorification of militarism, rather than a promotion of peace. 
In several analyses, the World Socialist Web Site reviewed the speech, in the 
context of the continuation and escalation by the Obama administration of the 
aggressive militarist foreign policy of the Bush regime.

The speech marked a turning point in world affairs. Obama specifically embraced 
the illegal doctrine of “preventive” war in the use of American military power. 
In this respect, to the extent that his presidency supposedly represented the 
liberal alternative to the foreign policy of the Bush regime, it is now 
absolutely clear that, within the American political establishment, there is 
unequivocal bi-partisan repudiation of the Nuremberg principles, which 
outlawed, and made criminal, the planning and launching of aggressive war.

This article proposes to review the meaning of the Obama speech in the context 
of the history and development of international law.



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[Marxism] Unconventional Wisdom: An Interview With Doug Henwood

2010-02-21 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
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Re: [Marxism] Take yourself a little bit more seriously

2010-02-21 Thread Shacht
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Of continuing importance, whether or note Lenin's theory of imperialism is  
still valid, is the conduct of the Comintern, Lenin's repdicament on Levi's 
 expulsion and the whole problem of Russian/Comintern relations and just 
how much  this affected the habits, thought and actions of the Comintern that 
resulted in  its corruption. I don't know what Pierre Broue thinks or 
thought but such are  the issues that we should address as much as what may 
be an outdated theory  of imperialism.
Hope this message clipped that which it was responding to - haven't  
seemed to be able to grasp that technique.

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