[Marxism] Moustafa Bayoumi, The Race Is On: Muslims and Arabs in the American Imagination

2010-12-26 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Moustafa Bayoumi, The Race Is On: Muslims and Arabs in the American

The irony is that while Arabs and Muslims are increasingly racialized as
black (in ways that approximate Cold War images of African-Americans),
African-Americans are emerging in popular culture as leaders of the American
nation and empire. Moreover, this depiction revolves fundamentally around
the idea of black friendship with Muslims and Arabs, a friendship not among
equals but one reflecting a modified projection of American power. This
image appears to seek to transform the image of the United States itself.
Consider two different films in this regard: The Siege (1998), again
starring Denzel Washington, and The Kingdom (2007), starring Jamie Foxx. . .
. Race, nation and empire. Their mixing, in the end, describes a
complicated, if not confused, situation. On the one hand, as they suffer
social exclusion, Arabs and Muslims are increasingly racialized. But the
same gesture, in a post-civil rights era world, somehow manages to
Americanize them. Arab and Muslim Americans signify both the incompleteness
and the human triumph of the project of the American nation.
African-Americans are cast at the same time in sheltering roles, protecting
the nation, those vulnerable and good Arabs and Muslims, and the empire.
Such representations simultaneously prove that true equality has been won
and that there exists an enduring need for civil rights thinking in the
United States. What is largely missing is the recognition that black
heroism, for it to be truly noble, must not be staged on the backs of
another people. What is required is the critical consciousness that would
build an alliance between Arabs, Muslims and African-Americans against
global and domestic aggression and terrorism. (To be fair, The Kingdom hints
toward this consciousness at the end.) In the absence of that idea, such
representations in fact coopt the struggle for racial equality into the
project of an unequal nation and that of an expanding empire.


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Re: [Marxism] True Grit? Humbug....a response.

2010-12-26 Thread Louis Proyect
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On 12/25/10 11:00 PM, Mason Akhnaten wrote:
 Most Westerns feature violent bigots--as heroes and villains for that
 matter.  Sometimes the heroes are saving relatively innocent townspeople
 from rich white land barons or protecting them from (generally Mexican)
 thugs.  All too often, whatever historical basis for the film is
 white-washed--something Proyect says is somewhat excusable for Westerns
 during their heyday.  But he's clear this is not acceptable today...  Is
 there a specific year where movie studios must begin to make historically
 accurate feature films or have them condemned as failures?  Why should
 anything like historical accuracy be expected out of fiction?

Of course not. Trotsky loved Celine. I love Evelyn Waugh and much of VS
Naipul. As well as John Ford and Howard Hawks westerns.

But the Coen brothers are not in their league. They are clever fellows
that have discovered a market niche for the smart set, the kind of people
who fancy themselves hipsters for the modern age--in other words, those
who worship at the altar of irony.

Most of the time, I can put up with their shtick but I couldn't get True
Grit down my craw. It was like one of those stunts on Fear Factor,
where you have to eat worms or cockroaches. If worms and cockroaches turn
you on, be my guest.

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Re: [Marxism] Moustafa Bayoumi, The Race Is On: Muslims and Arabs in the American Imagination

2010-12-26 Thread Mark Lause
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As a not unimportant aside, the author is entirely mistaken when he compares
the racialization of Arabs and Muslims in ways that approximate Cold War
images of African-Americans.  White racism against blacks was always
endemic to American history, and the period of the Cold War saw the most
serious assault on racism in nearly a century.  And it was extremely
successful, insofar as the images of African-Americans might go.


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[Marxism] Cuban medics in Haiti put world to shame

2010-12-26 Thread Louis Proyect
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[Marxism] Cuban medics in Haiti put world to shame

2010-12-26 Thread DW
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Thank you Louis for posting this article. It is one of the most inspiring
I've ever seen on Cuban health care missions. From a capitalist daily, no
less. Well done.

I might add that there is a small passing sentence on Cuban eye doctors. It
is a fate of history that Cuba has what are considered some of the best eye
doctors in the world (Interestingly, El Salvador has some excellent eye
doctors as well) as the historical 'residue' of the collapse of the USSR.

The USSR pioneered eye surgery and ended up with developing the radical
procedure that actually corrects eye vision for people who are near-sided.
This surgery, called keratectomy laid the ground work for Lasik, a procedure
I had to that corrected by 20/400 visions to 20/20. The Cubans had a
contingent of eye surgery students in Russia throughout the 1960s and 1970s
when the Russians developed the original procedures for this form of sight
correction, an outgrowth of general cataract surgery.

Instead of focusing on keratectomy, they focused on what was an endemic
problem in poor and developing countries: cataracts. Now they are the worlds
leading teachers of, and surgeons in, cataract removal.


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[Marxism] Behind Venezuela's new laws on the university system

2010-12-26 Thread Louis Proyect
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[Marxism] Bradley Manning's Holiday Statement

2010-12-26 Thread Juan Fajardo
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I greatly appreciate everyone's support and well wishes during this 
time.  I am also thankful for everything that has been done to aid in my 
defense.  I ask that everyone takes the time to remember those who are 
separated from their loved ones at this time due to deployment and 
important missions.   Specifically, I am thinking of those that I 
deployed with and have not seen for the last seven months, and of the 
staff here at the Quantico Confinement Facility who will be spending 
their Christmas without their family.


- Juan

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[Marxism] Fascinating debate in the Guardian on the left/student protests

2010-12-26 Thread Dan DiMaggio
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-- Forwarded message --
From: Dan DiMaggio dan.dimag...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 12:26 PM
Subject: Fascinating debate in the Guardian on the left/student protests
To: ty tyt...@gmail.com, Brandon Madsen brandon.mad...@gmail.com, Teddy
tyimenu2...@gmail.com, Patrick Ayers patrick.ay...@gmail.com


There is an excellent debate going on in the pages of The Guardian about the
far left and the student protests in Britain. Laurie Penny, who has become
one of the major voices of the demonstrations, writes about how the networks
organizing the protests have gone far beyond the narcissism of small
differences characteristic of the traditional left. At the same time, my
understanding is that the far left has played a very important role in
organizing these demonstrations. However, Penny also hits on an interesting
point (if a bit demeaningly): It is highly likely that even after a nuclear
attack, the only remaining life-forms will be cockroaches and sour-faced
vendors of the Socialist Worker. Stunningly, the paper is still being
peddled at every demonstration to young cyber-activists for whom the very
concept of a newspaper is almost as outdated as the notion of ideological
unity as a basis for action. It seems to me that Penny is expressing the
general sentiment of young people today who are flocking to these protests.
At the same time, there's the danger of throwing out the need for
organization in favor of networks which have their own limitations.

Here's Penny's column:

Alex Callinicos has responded here:

I'd be interested to hear more on what is happening in the British student
protests, the role played by various organizations, the direction things are
headed organizationally, etc.


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Re: [Marxism] True Grit? Humbug....a response.

2010-12-26 Thread Thomas Bias
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Interesting stuff. A lot of my mother's family were living in SW Missouri at
the time and were strongly pro-Lincoln and anti-slavery. I'd be curious if
they knew Mr. Kelso and might have fought with him. Some of my mother's
family came from the Arkansas Ozarks; from what I can gather, they hiked up
to Indiana to join the Union army, and nearly all of them died, either from
combat or disease. The one of my mother's ancestors who returned was a
great-grandfather who was a medical doctor and spent the war in field
hospitals. You can just imagine the suffering he witnessed.

Just in relation to the language: if you read the letters from that period,
you realize that they really did express themselves differently than we do.
Victorian language really was 35-word sentences, perfectly composed. Shortly
before the publication of his historical novel Cloudsplitter (about John
Brown), Russell Banks (my favorite living writer) gave a reading in
Princeton, which I attended. He talked about how did the research for the
book, which included reading a lot of letters, and he described how
differently people in the mid-19th century wrote and talked, and also what
they read. For example, a typical farmhouse in John Brown's time might have
included two or three books. One would inevitably be the King James version
of the Bible; most likely the second would be Bunyan's The Pilgrim's
Progress, and if there were a third it would likely be a collection of
Shakespeare. A country doctor would also have Grey's Anatomy.

The HBO series Deadwood, which was about the gold rush in the Black Hills
of South Dakota in the late 1870s, attempted to recreate some of that
language, even though the popular impression is that the only word in the
show's dialogue was cocksucker. For example, everyone referred to the
miserable excuse for a road as a thoroughfare. The hotel owner also
referred to George Hearst's Black servant as an Ethiope. Hearst, played by
Gerald McRaney, called her my nigger cook. Whether people actually talked
the way they wrote we can probably never know, but the series's writers
attempted to create the dialogue based on how people in Victorian times
wrote letters, and they wrote A LOT of letters.


-Original Message-
From: marxism-bounces+biastg=embarqmail@lists.econ.utah.edu
[mailto:marxism-bounces+biastg=embarqmail@lists.econ.utah.edu] On Behalf
Of Mark Lause
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2010 1:47 AM
To: Thomas Bias
Subject: Re: [Marxism] True Grit? Humbuga response.

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Just up the line in southwest Missouri, John Russell Kelso was an Ohio born
schoolteacher on the eve of the Civil War.  A college man and up on all the
latest ideas of the wider world  When the war broke out, secessionist
guerrillas (like the fictional Rooster Cogburn) began butchering his
unionist neighbors, so Kelso organized local militia into small groups that
could deal with them.  Wild Bill Hickok came out these unionist bands down
there, and the Lost Causers in that part of the world still malign them for
having been so ruthlessly efficient.  His men later told stories about how
he'd stake out an ambush, pull out his firearm and a Latin grammar book...so
he could practice his subjunctive, I guess, before he'd have to start

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[Marxism] A Culture of Cruelty -- expose on Border Patrol abuses of immigrants

2010-12-26 Thread sandia
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long, but worth reading:

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Re: [Marxism] True Grit? Humbug....a response.

2010-12-26 Thread Louis Proyect
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Tom Bias:
 Just in relation to the language: if you read the letters from that
 you realize that they really did express themselves differently than we
 Victorian language really was 35-word sentences, perfectly composed.

It has to be understood that the Coens appropriated the words from
Portis's novel that Mattie Ross speaks. By all accounts, Portis wrote a
highly stylized comic novel in which the barococo utterances of the 14
year old girl were meant to be amusing. I found them tedious, but that's
just me.

Years ago I took a writer's workshop class at NYU where the teacher, a
third-rate spy novelist named Roy Doliner, recounted a trial in which
James Jones's sergeant demanded compensation for being slandered in From
Here to Eternity. He asserted that although the name was changed, it was
obvious to everybody, so he claimed, that he and the novel's character
were identical. Jones's lawyer then asked him to take the stand and began
to draw him out on this question as well as a number of others that would
make sure that the jury had a fix on him.

He then began reading from the novel those sections in which the sergeant
(played by Burt Lancaster in the movie) spoke. It was so obvious that the
character was almost completely an invention by Jones based on the
differences between the real and fictional characters' speech that the
jury found Jones innocent of all charges.

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[Marxism] Repression of Honduran farmers

2010-12-26 Thread sandia
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Honduran farmers in the Aguan region and Zacate Grande have been
engaged in land struggles with one of the country's most powerful
robber barons, Miguel Facusse. His hired thugs continue to intimidate,
brutalize and kill the farmers with impunity. Here is some info (three
links), with a link to an article that contextualizes the repression
further below. Please forward widely.




More background:


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[Marxism] Returning to the castles of Seville (Ishbeelyah).

2010-12-26 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*Returning to the castles of Seville (Ishbeelyah).*

*Imagine what an uproar there would be if Muslims declared the following: *

We long to return to Spain, from which we were expelled centuries ago. We
long to return to the Gardens of Cordoba (in Arabic: Qurtuba). We agonize
with every breath to re-inhabit the castles of Seville (Ishbeelyah). In our
veins, there runs an eternal longing to walk again in the footsteps of our
forefathers in Zaragoza (Saraqusta). We yearn to once again cultivate the
orchards of Valladolid (Balad Al Waleed). We shall strive, by military means
if necessary, to see the blessed day when we can tread along the
rose-scented pathways of the splendid palace of Al Hambra (Al Hamraa) in
Granada (Ghirnata). Every stone and every particle of sand in that Iberian
holy land belongs to me and to my people, exclusively. No Spaniard terrorist
has the right to obstruct the will of God and deny my family the legal title
to the land of our ancestors. It is God who had given us Andalucía (Al
Andalus), and it is God who promised us that we, the exiles, shall return to
it once again.

I would indeed have to be a certified lunatic if I had meant a word of the
above. Yet, the only difference between my disease of the mind and that of
the millions of Jewish Israelis who claim to have returned to Palestine is
that in my case, at least, the monuments and Arab names I am referring to
are real and do actually exist today. It is incontestable that the direct
ancestors of my people built a great Islamic civilization in Spain.

On the other hand, Zionist archaeologists have failed after digging up every
conceivable corner of Palestine for the last 62 years to excavate a Jewish
artifact or building or temple remotely matching the grandeur of any of the
visible relics of Andalucía.

How is it conceivable for otherwise rational people to entertain - let alone
accept and adopt - the twisted Zionist logic about a Jewish return to a
promised land after so many thousands of years of supposed separation? How
can these people allow Israeli politicians to use such religious nonsense as
a justification for the contemporary and ongoing catastrophe being inflicted
upon the millions of guiltless Palestinian inhabitants of that land?

Adapted from A Terrible Disease of the Mind, written by Zaid Nabulsi and
published online at



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Re: [Marxism] Returning to the castles of Seville (Ishbeelyah).

2010-12-26 Thread Thomas Bias
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I'll add one thing: Even according to Old Testament scholarship, Hebrew
sovereignty in present-day Palestine would have been only from 1200 BC until
about 600 BC, that is about 600 years. The Babylonian captivity ended in
roughly 560 BC when Kourosh (Cyrus) the Great added present-day Iraq to his
Persian empire. The Jews prospered under Persian rule, according to the Old
Testament. Present-day Palestine remained a Persian province until Alexander
the Great took it; you all get the drift. The point is this: Palestine has
been part of the House of Islam for a longer time than it was ever
Jewish. Nothing other than sheer racism could give European Jews a greater
right to the territory than the Muslim and Christian Arab inhabitants.


-Original Message-
From: marxism-bounces+biastg=embarqmail@lists.econ.utah.edu
[mailto:marxism-bounces+biastg=embarqmail@lists.econ.utah.edu] On Behalf
Of Dennis Brasky
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2010 1:20 PM
To: Thomas Bias
Subject: [Marxism] Returning to the castles of Seville (Ishbeelyah).

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*Returning to the castles of Seville (Ishbeelyah).*

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[Marxism] Mahatma Gandhi on His Conviction for Sedition

2010-12-26 Thread Prakash K Ray
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Mahatma Gandhi on His Conviction for Sedition: A selection from Gandhi’s
closing statement to the judge on March 23, 1922

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Re: [Marxism] Moustafa Bayoumi, The Race Is On: Muslims and Arabs in the American Imagination

2010-12-26 Thread Manuel Barrera
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Mark observed:  the author is entirely mistaken when he compares the 
racialization of Arabs and Muslims 'in ways that approximate Cold War images of 
African-Americans.' White racism against blacks was always endemic to American 
history, and the period of the Cold War saw the most serious assault on racism 
in nearly a century.  And it was extremely successful, insofar as the images 
of African-Americans might go.
Mark's point is not as inconsequential as he believes. Although Bayoumi may be 
entering the historic discourse on race and its role, especially in U.S. 
society, his points are particularly poignant when one considers, as Mark 
correctly does, that race relations changed during the Cold War era in some, 
though in the broad scheme of capital's struggle for survival inconsequential, 
significant way. Historically speaking Blacks, in main, though one could argue 
that legal Latinos might be included, won some measure of uplift through the 
radicalization of the 50's  60's that ultimately resulted in the establishment 
of a strengthened Black middle class; that is to say, bourgeois sectors such 
as the Johnsons (i.e., of Johnson  Johnson), petite bourgeois in the form of 
strengthened small business owners, and the most important, labor aristocracy 
(e.g., in the academy and labor unions) and Democratic Party bureaucracy (we 
are all familiar with that outcome). However that history is one of maintaining 
the survival of capital by enlisting the most squeaky wheel of the squeaky 
wheels into the buy-in to defend the interests of capitalism and its ultimate 
control of the reins of power; commerce and government. 

Making this point does not alter in any way the true nature of the Black (or 
Brown, or Asian, or Indigenous) experience in capitalist society, Blacks remain 
the most chronically unemployed, the most likely to profiled, and targeted, in 
short, remain the prime targets of racial oppression precisely because of their 
potential for playing a different role. Why else would capital (metaphorically 
and actually) spend so much time upholding Black leadership in their 
unrelenting attack on the working class and oppressed communities of which 
comprise working people? The racist, xenophobic assault on Arab peoples, 
disguised alternately as an assault on terrorism and anti-Christian values, 
is only strengthened if White capitalists can hide behind Black leaders (and 
legal Latinos, reasonable Asians, and Indians, in a particularly cynical 
twist of history) in their true assault on all working people and the 
oppressed. What better way to make the case for the best of all possible 
worlds than by enlisting the very people who will need to be oppressed to 
accomplish such a world? 

I know this view is not news to many of you (though I find sometimes that there 
are those who never truly learned this point), but the current and real 
observed racialization of Arab peoples is in total consistency with the 
historical advent of racism that was the most salient outcome of the European 
conquest of the rest of the world. It is best for the oppressor to divide and 
conquer, by any means necessary. Hence it is essential we follow the dictate to 
unify the working class by any means necessary.

I make these points not to render into relief the rather obvious for most of 
us, but to make explicit the true historic change that has come about by the 
advent of Black leadership in the defense of capitalism and imperialism; the 
enlisting of a significant sector of the oppressed in American society in the 
direct promotion of racist policy abroad and within the U.S. It is not simply 
the racist campaign against Arabs and Muslims of all stripes that is the 
historic target, it is the racism associated with dividing Latinos, Asians, and 
even Indigenous peoples against themselves; legal vs. illegal, immigrant vs. 
refugee, pro-capitalist (e.g. Cuban, Hmong) vs. potentially anti-capitalist 
(e.g. Haitian, Mexicans, among others) that such a play for enlisting hatred 
can facilitate. It is this historic change that I believe many--Black radicals, 
Marxists, and even revolutionary-minded leftists among the oppressed 
communities--seem to be missing. For some, the advent of a Black president was, 
at one, an anomaly or sign of radicalization. Leftists, missing the true 
definition of radical, were either blinded by this seeming progressive 
event, initially suspending their otherwise insightful judgment, or simply 
blown onto the side of capital in their support absent the necessary anchor of 
a truly radical appraisal of the Obama election. But the trajectory of the 
economic crisis, actually portended by the economic boom of the 90's and 
brought to relief by our current circumstances , 

Re: [Marxism] Cuban medics in Haiti put world to shame

2010-12-26 Thread Manuel Barrera
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You, know, stating this may be unpopular, but I am simply Done with the Cuban 
Revolution Serving ONLY as an example. The dictates of the class struggle today 
require immensely more Leadership than simply providing doctors, nurses and 
educators (and, no, I am not suggesting they need to send troops in case any 
pinche Gringo capitalista puppet is listening).

The Cuban Revolution is simply hanging on precisely because of the defensive 
posture that they have been force into. It Does Not Absolve Them Of A More 
Significant Political and ORGANIZING Role, However. The Cuban revolutionists 
may not be socialism in one country types, but their current political 
trajectory results in the same absent a more dedicated international organizing 
role. Perhaps over 50 years of being bludgeoned would give the old 
revolutionary guard  a break for the obvious assault on their sensibilities. 
But I have to believe that their are young revolutionary cadres who can serve a 
stronger political role internationally. The Cuban Five are an example of both 
the promise of defense of the Revolution and the futility of simply defending 
oneself against imperialism without a more dedicated approach to organizing a 
revolutionary International. 

I tried to send this kind of message directly to Cuba through their website and 
unfortunately all too predictably I get nothing but silence. I surmise that a 
lone supporter of the Cuban Revolution with a penchant for asking immature 
questions will not suffice.


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[Marxism] True Grit

2010-12-26 Thread Kenneth Morgan
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I would have to disagree with David's position that in the original version
of True Grit,Glen Campbell did a better job of playing LeBoeuf than did
Damon. The low point of the original 1969 was Glen Campbell's so called
acting. Mad magazine was unable to resist the opportunity to satirize
Mattie's long grammatically correct sentences.

Regardless of John Wayne's horrendous politics I think he gave an academy
award winning performance of the over the hill one eyed fat man marshall.
The one historical slip up both versions made was LeBoeuf's Civil War
service. He says he served in Shreveport with Kirby-Smith, and then later
mentions in the Army of Northern Virginia. Shreveport is in Lousiana and
Kirby-Smith commanded the Confederate Army of the Trans Mississippi, whose
command was, as the name implies, west of the Mississippi River. While that
was the error of author Charles Portis, that should have been caught by the
movie makers.

Is there any historical evidence of any US Marshall having killed 23 men
during a 4 year period? That seems a bit over the top.

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Re: [Marxism] True Grit

2010-12-26 Thread Mark Lause
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I would be surprised if some of the marshall's didn't wrack up those kinds
of numbers, though they may not have counted them.  Judge Parker was the
hanging judge who was allowed to impose his harsh version of the law at
Fort Smith because the war left a virtual chaos in the Indian Territory.
Federal officials regularly went out into the territory and functioned with
very little concern that anybody would restrict their activities

Btw, there were Texas units in the Army of Northern Virginia and Edmund
Kirby-Smith was out there before getting transferred to west.  Shreveport
was his headquarters from that point.  Getting sent from Virginia to Texas
was a bit like drawing Northern Ireland as an assignment, I suspect...  This
was true on both sides, of course...


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[Marxism] Sidi Bou Zid unemployment protests spread to the capital and beyond

2010-12-26 Thread M.F. Kalfat
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In case you missed the news from Tunisia, protests have been sparked by a
self-immolation of young man, Mohamed bu Azizi, who had failed to find a job
for years, and eventually became unable to provide for himself. The
anti-riot police killed one shot dead one protester, a teenager.

Protests continue in Tunisia

AlBadil.org, the mouthpiece of the Tunisian Workers' Communist Party, is
calling it an uprising of the poor in Sidi Bou Zid, in the heartland of
the country, entering its 10th day.

محمد فتحي كلفت
Mahammad Fathy Kalfat

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