Re: [Marxism] Juan Cole: White Terrorism

2011-01-09 Thread Bill Quimby
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I read several news sources this morning and saw nothing stating these things, 
as fact or as rumor. Anybody have any idea where Cole got them?

- Bill

Fred Feldman quoted from Cole:

 And among the

concerns that came to dominate him as he moved to the Right was the illegitimacy
of the “Second Constitution� (the 14th Amendment, which bestows citizenship 
all those born in the US, a provision right-wingers in Arizona are trying to
overturn at the state level).

Loughner also thought that Federal funding for his
own community college was unconstitutional, and he was thrown out for becoming
violent over the issue. 

 He obviously shared with the Arizona Right a fascination
with firearms, 

He is said to have used
marijuana, but that says nothing about his politics; it could be consistent 
with a
form of anti-government, right-wing Libertarianism. 

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Re: [Marxism] Role of the Army

2010-11-04 Thread Bill Quimby
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I thought that the argument was

1. If the army is (generally, in all but the most revolutionary circumstances - 
the Red
army under Trotsky) the enemy of the people.

2. How could anyone, of any gender or sexual preference, be defended if they 
to join?

What happens AFTER they join is a totally different question. Not an unimportant
one, no - but let's try to deal with first things first.

- Bill

Peggy Dobbins wrote:
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 6:26 PM, Dan wrote:
 The Army is the enemy of the people.

 For goodness sake, the armed forces are  a pretty critical variable in any
 societal transformation, forward as well as backward, and stabilization
 whichever direction.   The People have no hope if The Army is always and
 by definition the enemy of the people.   Does someone think 'the
 proletarian state' is sans army?  How then could they be for the working
 class as the ruling class?  This is why trusting peace and justice to a
 spirit above or the spirit within is always just smelling the incense
 whoever buys it for  or from the guru.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Free Ebook Service Of Interest (Was U of C Ebooks)

2010-04-10 Thread Bill Quimby
Have you looked at

There is a strong focus on postmodernist heroes, but a fruitful supply
of materials on Marxism, Frankfurt School authors, etc. There is no
search mechanism, but you can click on Library and then search
alphabetically by author. You can sign up for a daily new additions

I think that is not a producer per se but an aggregator, as well
as an indicator to others willing to laboriously scan a work. I've noted that
items requested often show up a few days later!

To date, only Verso has issued a formal cease and desist request.

- Bill

Ralph Dumain wrote:
 University of California Press has made a whole collection of e-books 
 available online, many of them in their entirety for free. I'm oting just a
 few such books on Marxism ( a few realated topics) of interest:

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Re: [Marxism] [microsound] 2010 Left Forum: the Sunday sessions

2010-03-23 Thread Bill Quimby
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Louis Proyect wrote:
 I have big plans for this:
 1. videos from events like the Left Forum or other such events in 
 the Big Apple.
 2. interviews with people like David Harvey.
 3. A video class on introduction to socialism that will be 
 starring yours truly.

If you do get into this - and I really hope that you do (I'm sure that you
will find lots of people in the area willing to help) please play attention
to the sound issues. I noted in an email to the list last October that a lot
of what shows up on YouTube and elsewhere is recorded (by well-meaning
people) in flat-wall classrooms or lecture halls with no sound absorption,
and as a result have a high degree of reverb and are almost impossible to hear.

Jeff had this response...
Actually the reason is because they placed the recording microphone
somewhere in the room, rather than on the podium in front of the speaker's
mouth (or equivalently, using a feed from the sound board). The sound
quality was ruined before it even got digitized.

May require finding some left-oriented sound recording experts!

And then, of course, there is the issue of adding subtitles for the comrades in
France, Germany, Brazil, Spain, Japan, Belarus, Norway, India, etc. [insert 

- Bill

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Re: [Marxism] Moderators Please! Was 9/11 truther burp

2010-02-27 Thread Bill Quimby
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Here's the thing - I only have so much time during the day to keep
up with this very useful Marxmail, plus a few others, and some of
the debates/discussions are complex and require close, careful
reading and often take me off to other time-consuming directions
and to other time-consuming sources. So why does the list allow
9/11 conspiracy dreck to creep in occasionally to waste everyone's
time? (If I am speaking only for myself, sorry.)

There a number of other discussion lists specifically focusing on 9/11
conspiracy theories, right?

- Bill

Thomas Bias wrote:
 == Rule
 #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
 Lookit, the whole lot of you all missed my point: it has nothing to do with 
 what I personally think about 9/11 or the Kennedy assassination or whatever. 
 It has to do with the 9/11 Truthers who are out there. I work with them; they
 are part of our antiwar coalition here in northwestern New Jersey, and I have
 to tell you, their role has been positive. Yes, I've had arguments with some
 of them about any number of things, including climate change, which I
 emphatically do NOT deny. But when the chips are down, and it's time to take
 action, they've been out there together with us to demand Out Now from
 Afghanistan and Iraq. I'm glad to see them at our Friday evening vigil. Are
 there nutbags among the 9/11 Truthers? Sure. Are there nutbags among us 
 socialists? 'Fraid so. Did anyone promise that building a united front was 
 neat and tidy? If someone did, that someone was misinformed!
 I completely agree with David, however: whether or not 9/11 was an inside 
 job makes no difference to me. I have no doubt that the capitalist ruling 
 class is morally capable of committing such a crime, because it has committed
 worse crimes in the past. It must be overthrown, no matter what one concludes
 about 9/11. Just for myself, however, I find the 9/11 Commission's report not
 to be any more plausible than the Warren Commission's. I don't know WHAT
 they're covering up, but they're covering SOMETHING up. They have not proven
 their case to me beyond a reasonable doubt, not even close.
 -Original Message- From: 
 [] On Behalf 
 Of David Picón Álvarez Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2010 11:25 AM To: Thomas
 Bias Subject: Re: [Marxism] 9/11 truther burp
 == Rule
 #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
 This discussion is absolutely ridiculous.
 Let's concede all the claims, for the sake of the argument, of the people who
 believe the attack was some sort of false flag operation carried by the US
 state apparatus.
 My question is: ok, so what? Honest question here.
 The US bourgeoisie through its own machinations and state power kills far 
 more people than that every month. Let's imagine that only 2m deaths are 
 directly imputable to their actions since 2001 (yes, hard to imagine a figure
 that low, stay with me here). It would take 50 years of a WTC attack per
 month to reach those numbers. Why do we care about this again?
 In addition, we don't have to pretend we're structural engineers or 
 specialists in aviation catastrophes to see the hand of the bourgeoisie in 
 those deaths. We don't have to invent a conspiracy theory on who is 
 responsible for the invasion of Iraq: we know; we don't have to invent a 
 conspiracy theory on who is responsible for the invasion of Afghanistan: we 
 know. Ditto for all the postcolonialist resource wars in Africa, etc, even if
 the relations are more tenuous and harder to track.
 So why are we caring about 4000 people who died about 8 years ago? Are they 
 so much more important than Iraqis?
 I'd go into how I think at the root of many of these conspiracies there is a
 sort of insular sense that only the US has agency, that some third world 
 foreigners couldn't have executed such a plan successfully, etc, but the fact
 is, it's absolutely irrelevant. Really, who cares?
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Re: [Marxism] glaciergate

2010-01-31 Thread Bill Quimby
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Sorry - I can't make any sense of this paragraph. What major new
story? What is the reference to Enron meant to suggest?

- Bill

Shawn Redden wrote:

 But the fact that Mike Davis thinks that capitalist development has 
 screwed the world doesn't in any way encourage me to disregard the 
 major new story that the major scientific mouthpiece for the 'global 
 warming' agenda has an e-mail log to hearkens back to Enron.

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Re: [Marxism] Asst. Moderator's Note (was A vial of poison ++)

2010-01-17 Thread Bill Quimby
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Is it possible that the list and it's readers have again fallen into a trap?
We have one venomous bastard trolling for contentious argument - always
phrasing his replies as nastily as he can expecting that the responses
will be as nasty, if not more so, so that he will have the fun of escalating.

And in the long run, how many well-meaning contributors will decide, for
good reason, to drop out and leave us without their insights to other

Please, Moderators - a time out for Schanoes. A year sounds good.

- Bill

S. Artesian wrote:
 == Rule
 #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
 OK, one last post each?  Sure, that gives the slandering poseur Gorojovsky 
 one more opportunity to fire off another round of spittle from that squirt 
 gun he calls a brain.  [I presume it's OK if I address the poseur Gorojovsky
  in the manner, and tone, in which he addresses others who don't exactly jump
  on his bandwagon of patriotism...and lies?  I apologize if that's an 
 unwarranted assumption and hope the list will bear with me].
 I've have said concretely, with references to Marx and without sighs and 
 references to great crimes  [see above reference to bandwagons and 
 patriotism], all that needs to be said regarding the complexity of Marx's 
 notions of progress  and endorsement of nationalism.  Nestor, covering 
 himself with the names  Marx, Engels, Lenin Trotsky, like a naked man caught
  in the street covers himself with somebody else's jacket, adds nothing, not
  an iota to an understanding of the issues, of the real positions, and of the
  real difficulties in the positions expressed, considered, discussed, and 
 finally adopted by Marx...and Engels.
 Nothing is concrete for our great slandering reverse telescoper, because 
 there are no definite social relations of production to the actual course of
  history-- none,  Bismarck is Lincoln,  Prussia is the North,  the North is 
 national unity, Prussia is national unity,  the North is good, ergo Prussia 
 is good, Prussia is supported, nationalism is good, separation of the 
 specificity of the workers' struggle from the struggle for national unity 
 is bad.
 That's the sum total and meaning of the slanderer Gorojovsky's supposed 
 Now I am one to think that things said offlist should remain offlist. 
 Apparently our slandering, whining, poseur Gorojovsky does not agree.  He 
 makes references to my menaces.  In the interests of truth in advertising let
 me explain.  In of our more recent go-rounds, around 11/27/09, the slandering
 whining Gorojovsky accused me of  supporting, facilitating, enabling mass
 murder,  or mass murderers by imperialism due to a disagreement I
 expressed with his uncritical endorsement of nationalism [see above reference
 to bandwagons, patriotism, and lies].  I think his exact words were the
 Leftist objective allies of our mass murderers.Les intervened to say the
 discussion should be offlist.  I agreed and responded to our greater whining
 Oz offlist, cautioning him to never say anything electronically he would not
 say to my face, and that if he ever got to NYC, to please look me up [as I
 would him if I ever get to Argentina], so I could offer him the opportunity
 to say such things to my face.I don't think there's any doubt about what
 I meant, and intended by guaranteeing he wouldn't like my response.
 So I couldn't care less whether or not the whining slanderer Gorojovsky sets
  foot anywhere in the world.  It's what he says and does that counts.  He 
 wants to sell woof tickets?-- accusing people of being enablers of mass 
 murder--- well, I'm buying.  And in cash.
 - Original Message - From: Les Schaffer 
 To: David Schanoes Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010
 2:17 PM Subject: [Marxism] Asst. Moderator's Note (was A vial of poison ++)
 == Rule
 #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
 On 1/17/2010 1:43 PM, Néstor Gorojovsky wrote:
 This is just for the record
 ok, so lets close this set of threads for now, i think Nestor has  had his
 say, anyone else, one last post each.
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Re: [Marxism] Books on the First International

2010-01-10 Thread Bill Quimby
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I found the 3 volume history of the International by Julius Braunthal to be
informative, plus rather entertaining, in a way, via his reminiscences of his
(bureaucratic) participation in - and his lifelong contact with - the 

Here is a brief bio of Braunthal I lifted off the internet to illustrate this

Born in Vienna 1891, died in Teddington, Great Britain 1972; writer, active in
the international social democratic movement; member of the executive committees
of the Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei in Österreich (SDAP) and the
Republikanischer Schutzbund; imprisoned and tried for high treason in 1934,
expelled from Austria in 1935; lived in Belgium 1935-1936; settled in Great
Britain in 1938; editor of the Tribune from 1937, the International Socialist
Forum 1938-1948; secretary of the Committee of the International Socialist
Conferences (COMISCO) 1949-1951, secretary-general of the Socialist
International (SI) 1951-1956; author of the `History of the International' in
three volumes, published between 1961-1971.

It's titled simply History Of The International and the volumes are
v. 1. 1864-1914.--v. 2. 1914-1943--v. 3. 1943-1968.
(First volume appears in English in 1966.)

If that's too much, or can't be found, try Lichtheims's Short History of
Socialism starting with p. 157. (I'm pretty sure that it is in paperback.)
(Published 1970)

Naturally, conclusions by Braunthal and Lichtheim have been disputed,
so read with the old open mind.

More recent? I checked the central catalog for Ohio colleges and found
only two other recent works. I have read neither, and the second is a
product of the anti-Communist Hoover Institute.

Novack, George Edward
The first three Internationals, their history and lessons [by] George Novack,
Dave Frankel [and] Fred Feldman
Pathfinder Press

Drachkovitch, Milorad
The revolutionary internationals, 1864-1943
Published for Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace by Stanford
University Press, 1966

- Bill

Joonas Laine wrote:
 == Rule
 #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. 
 any recommendations for good histories of the First International..? I know
 about the Stekloff book on MIA, but I was looking for something that I could
 read on paper, and perhaps something that's more recent as well.
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Re: [Marxism] Trotsky lives -- Paul Le Blanc reviewsRobertService's biography.

2010-01-02 Thread Bill Quimby
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Oh, cut the crap. Posting a review of a book in question IS NOT automatically
a personal endorsement of a book, and there is not a single word in Dogan's
message suggesting that he supports the review as an honest assessment of
an honest book.

If you want to be the list's pit bull I suggest that you campaign for it. In the
meantime I reject your self nomination.

- Bill

S. Artesian wrote:
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 I'm criticizing the presentation of the review which you present, and 
 uncritically, as an honest assessment of an honest book.  


 Your posting the review of Losurdo's book contains more than just the 
 attempt to inform list members. It includes an endorsement of the review.

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Re: [Marxism] Comp Help Needed - Reverb In Online Spoken Videos - Cure?

2009-11-10 Thread Bill Quimby
Yes, that helped a lot! Thanks Les!

- Bill

Les Schaffer wrote:
 Bill Quimby wrote:
 Is there anything I should do or can do to improve the sound quality on my 
 i listen to this stuff with headphones and its not a problem... i think 
 it would sound worse on speakers, since your room will also highlight 
 the low frequency stuff that Jeff pointed out.
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[Marxism] Goldstone To Soeak At Brandeis ... Yeah, Right!

2009-10-22 Thread Bill Quimby
 From the Boston Globe 10/22/09

Brandeis University said yesterday that it will host a forum next month with
South African Judge Richard Goldstone, the author of a fiercely controversial
United Nations fact-finding report that accused Israeli forces as well as
Palestinian fighters of committing war crimes in Gaza.

In what is sure to be a heated debate, Goldstone will discuss his report for the
first time with a senior Israeli political figure. Dore Gold, former Israeli
ambassador to the United Nations, will respond to Goldstone in the forum and
then both will take questions from the audience.

Full article at

Watch for the coming cancellation prompted by the Israeli lobby!

- Bill

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Re: [Marxism] Internationale in English (with lyrics)

2009-10-16 Thread Bill Quimby
Any idea when the video footage was made? And where?

England, of course, from the police uniforms.

- Bill

marxist front wrote:
 Internationale (with lyrics)
 The British/Irish version of the Internationale sung by Alistair Hulett.
 Lal Salam (Red Salute)
 P (India)
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[Marxism] More On the Republic Windows And Doors Struggle

2009-09-16 Thread Bill Quimby
Last Wednesday former CEO of Republic Windows  Doors, Richard Gillman, was
arrested at his Magnificent Mile condominium in Chicago and charged with a
laundry list of crimes related to the liquidation of the company’s enterprise in
Chicago last December.

Among the eight felony counts detailed by Assistant State’s Attorney John
Mahoney were money laundering, theft, organizing a continuing financial crime
enterprise, and mail fraud. Gilman was subsequently taken into custody after
Cook County Judge Peggy Chiampas set bail at $10 million.

Last December, about 250 workers at Republic’s Chicago plant occupied the
factory following its abrupt closing. At issue was the payment of unused
vacation time, the immediate termination of health insurance, as well as the
60-days severance pay mandated by federal law in a mass layoff event. After six
days of mounting working class support in the US and internationally, the
occupation was defused though a deal brokered with Bank of America for an
extension of credit to pay the workers back pay and to provide two months of
health insurance coverage.

See the full article at

- Bill

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Re: [Marxism] Moderator's note

2009-08-23 Thread Bill Quimby
Whatsa apst,  please?

- Bill

Tom Cod wrote:
 Thank you! we don't need to have this become another apst.
 Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 14:48:53 -0400
 Subject: [Marxism] Moderator's note

 Greg Butler has been unsubbed.

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Re: [Marxism] Pittsburgh Protests?

2009-08-23 Thread Bill Quimby
It's the G-20 meeting. See the G-20 page at

 From the site...

Since 1999, the G-20 has contributed to strengthen the international financial 
architecture and to foster sustainable economic growth and development. The 
now has a crucial role in driving forward work between advanced and emerging 
economies to tackle the international financial and economic crisis, restore 
worldwide financial stability, lead the international economic recovery and 
secure a sustainable future for all countries.

Papers report that they are looking for 4000 extra police from all over the 
country to control

- Bill

Tom Cod wrote:
 there's been a lot of traffic on a local activist list I sub to about 
 protests planned for some kind of G-8 conclave set to occur in Pittsburgh?
 Hotmail® is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast.
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