Re: [Marxism] A debate on Islamophobia

2011-01-20 Thread Dan
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I also do not like the term islamophobia and the recent (in France)
coining of the term christianophobia.

I feel that disapproval, dislike and contempt of Islam, AS OF ALL OTHER
ABRAHAMIC RELIGIONS, is necessary, healthy and conducive toward the
common good of mankind.

Religions have always tried to push through blasphemy laws to make any
criticism of their crazy notions a crimethink. 

I object to the idea that an almighty God created the world, that he
instructed a guy called Mohamed to establish a religion, that he will
pass judgement on humanity and punish those who don't follow his laws.
More specifically, I feel a strong antipathy towards Islam's belief that
believers are superior to non-believers, that men are superior to women,
that society must be regulated in accordance with barbaric rules enacted
in heaven, that following a set of strict religious observances will
ingratiate you with the almighty.
I have utter contempt for such nonsense and thus consider myself an
islamophobe, because I believe in the rights of all individuals to
participate in creating a society free from servile subservience and
domineering arrogance.
Three centuries ago, my views would have sent me directly to the stake
(Chevalier de la Barre was executed for impiety in the 18th century).
Nowadays, religious-minded folk are just itching to re-impose blasphemy
laws and censorship of any criticism of religion by using any
legislative means at their disposal (certain speeches, writings or
images can hurt the religious feelings of people and should be

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Re: [Marxism] A debate on Islamophobia

2011-01-20 Thread Dan
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So, out of respect for people's sensitivities, let's replace the
declaration of human rights with the ten commandments, let's allow
adulteresses to be stoned to death, let's applaud at the building of
religious schools, let's pretend that covering women's heads is a
genuine way of protecting them, let's all refrain from using words
such as goddammit which might offend, let's encourage weekly prayers
(they're part of the traditions of the down-trodden), let's allow
faith-based organizations to regulate the way people live, let's
acknowledge the role of the divine, let's pretend fundamentalists are
actually misguided social activists, let's refrain from making
derogatory statements against religious institutions, yeah,
let's be Marxists who never talk about materialism if it might cause our
brethern to stumble.

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Re: [Marxism] A debate on Islamophobia

2011-01-20 Thread Richard Seymour
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On 20/01/2011 22:23, Dan wrote:
 So, out of respect for people's sensitivities, let's replace the
 declaration of human rights with the ten commandments, let's allow
 adulteresses to be stoned to death, let's applaud at the building of
 religious schools, let's pretend that covering women's heads is a
 genuine way of protecting them, let's all refrain from using words
 such as goddammit which might offend, let's encourage weekly prayers
 (they're part of the traditions of the down-trodden), let's allow
 faith-based organizations to regulate the way people live, let's
 acknowledge the role of the divine, let's pretend fundamentalists are
 actually misguided social activists, let's refrain from making
 derogatory statements against religious institutions, yeah,
 let's be Marxists who never talk about materialism if it might cause our
 brethern to stumble.

By logical corollary, you would argue that those marxists who oppose
antisemitism thereby also support patriarchy, circumcision, gender
violence, clerical rule, fundamentalism and the genocidal declarations
of Jewish religious authorities in Israel.  A further corollary of your
argument is that the term 'antisemitism' is just a cover for letting the
Jews have the run of things.  I don't expect you to accept these
corollaries of your irrational, hysterical and self-serving
expostulations.  I expect you to be as hypocritical as you are
navel-gazing.  I also expect you not to notice the moral absurdity of
your complaining about your oppression at the hands of Muslims in a
period where Muslims are being harrassed, beaten, abducted, tortured and
murdered on a planetary level.

*Richard Seymour*

Writer, blogger and PhD candidate





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Re: [Marxism] A debate on Islamophobia

2011-01-20 Thread Dan
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I do not see myself as a victim of anti-white racism. That would be

The French far-left has always stood with anti-colonialist movements and
with the exploited North-African immigrants who were/are used as a
source of cheap labour.

I work daily to protect the rights of workers from the Maghreb, to fight
fortress Europe and create a world without borders and biometric
passports. French firms destroy the livelihoods of whole communities in
Africa, thus funneling millions towards the production centres in
These workers are despised by French workers and perform the most menial
tasks in the French manufacturing and service industries. 
But I can assure you that encouraging them to adhere to the precepts of
Islam will do nothing to better their condition, quite the opposite. It
is only a way of side-tracking the struggle against Capitalism into some
absurd Kulturkampf (Culture War), from which Imams will emerge as the
representatives of Muslim interests.
This might be the way things are done in the US, but it is pointless and
only leads to dividing up the vote between competing political parties
in exchange for promises of new Mosques and funding for charitable
Islamism is a veritable poison, that the elite is happy to seize upon to
divide the working class and channel the resentment of the underdogs
into venues that can be contained.

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[Marxism] A debate on Islamophobia

2011-01-19 Thread Louis Proyect
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Pascal Bruckner and the reality disconnect

Pascal Bruckner wants to forbid the word 'Islamophobia'. What should
be the next to go: Racism? Relativism? By Alan Posener

The French writer Pascal Bruckner wants to forbid a word. Which sounds
more like a typically German obsession. But for Bruckner,
Islamophobia is one of those expressions which we dearly need to
banish from our vocabulary. One asks oneself with some trepidation
which other words we dearly need to get rid of: Right-wing populism?
Racism? Relativism?But let that ride. Bruckner's essay has the
advantage of stating the case against Islamophobia clearly and
concisely and thus allowing those who – like myself – propose to hang
on to the word until a better one comes along to answer in a similar
clear and concise way.

Let me present Bruckner's arguments in his own words:

Iranian fundamentalists invented the word Islamophobia, formed in
analogy to 'xenophobia', in the late seventies. The aim of this word
is to declare Islam inviolate. Whoever crosses this border is deemed a

The argument that Islamists coined the phrase in order to portray any
and all criticism of Islam as a symptom of illness (a phobia being an
irrational fear), may be right or wrong. It is, however, irrelevant.
Remember that the word Antisemitism was also coined by reactionaries
who wanted to give their hatred of the Jews, inspired by Christian
Antijudaism, a scientific gloss. In point of fact, the Antisemites
never had anything against any other Semites (for instance Arabs), and
their hatred was reserved for a people which (pace Thilo Sarrazin) was
and is one of the world's most ethnically diverse. And yet we still
use the expression today, and not only to characterize the ideology
developed by its European inventors. For instance, few people today
would hesitate to call Martin Luther an Antisemite, just because he
knew nothing about race and genetics and therefore didn't call on
pseudoscience to justify his murderous hatred of the Jews.


Brucker's article:

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