Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea party

2010-04-15 Thread Tom Cod
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On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 5:20 PM, Eli Stephens wrote:
I drove by a rally of about 75 of them today in a rural county seat of in
upstate California protesting April 15 tax deadline.  One of them had a sign
"Where's McCarthy When We Need Him?"  Yeah, most seemed like fairly working
class people, but I noticed some right wing gentrified types there as well,
including from the golf set.

> For sure the Tea Party movement doesn't include very many blacks or
> Latinos, which probably ensures that they are "wealthier than the general
> public" from that fact alone, but make no mistake, the majority of the shock
> troops are working class people being misled into acting against their own
> interests. Is Code Pink on the right track? I seriously doubt it. But
> largely that's because countering the decades-long brainwashing of these
> folks by FOX News and, not to give FOX too much credit, the rest of the
> corporate media as well, is going to take a lot more than just Code Pink
> trying to "make nice."
> Eli Stephens
>  Left I on the News
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea party

2010-04-15 Thread Mark Lause
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As Artesian indicates with his example, most polls nowadays are about
"pushing" to get newsworthy responses.

What the poll tells me is that the left, such as it is, is simply invisible
in terms of the wider circles of the discontented.  And, of course, it isn't
going to become more visible because people have decided to implement an
orientation to undefined legions of anonymous people on somebody else's

This is pure and simple consumerist crap.  The liberals are on about this
now, partly because they are trying to develop a counterposturing to the
GOP's posturing.  We need to stop getting sidetracked by moral suasion and
the appeals to ruling class reason and morality.  What did all the civil
disobedience and petitions and letter writing do over the health care
issue?  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  This, despite the fact that the
majority had rather sane positions on the subject.

But that majority was never mobilized.  Instead of appealing to the reason
and morality of the masters, we should have been establishing a more public
presence with demonstrations, independent election campaigns, more vigorous

Above all, don't get distracted by P.T. Barnum holding a sign saying "This
way to the egress."


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Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea party

2010-04-15 Thread S. Artesian
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Mark makes THE critical point.  Hello, Ms. Jones, I'm from the NYT and are 
you upset with the way the US Congress has been performing?

You are? Well, can I ask you, do you think that the government has damaged 
the American economy and the American people by its bailout of the Wall 
Street investment banks?

You do?  And do you think, the bonuses paid out to bankers, and the salaries 
paid to top corporate executives have had a negative impact?

You do?  May I ask you, have you ever attended a rally or other event 
sponsored by or associated with the "Tea Party movement?"

You haven't?  Would you consider attending such an event, or picketing 
Barack Obama if he came to speak in your city?

You wouldn't?  OK, Thanks, good-bye.

"Johnny, write her down as being sympathetic no, make that "sharing" the 
goals of the Tea Party movement and get me Paul Buhle."

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark Lause"  

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Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea party

2010-04-15 Thread S. Artesian
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The cadres of the Tea Party movement are not working class folks "led 
astray."  They would like everyone to think that they're just "regular 
people" sharing the concerns of regular people, but they are not.  These are 
white people who have above white average incomes and assets.

They are bankrolled by the same goons who bankrolled  Ron Paul, who support 
Sarah Palin.

- Original Message - 
From: "Eli Stephens"  

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Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea

2010-04-15 Thread Mark Lause
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You made a complete mosh of what I wrote.  If you did this on purpose, you
are dishonest.  If you did it because you're having trouble with English,
please get remedial help.

Until then, you are a complete waste of electrons.


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Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea

2010-04-15 Thread brad bauerly
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Mark writes:
>Again, people are arbitrarily smudging people who say in the polls, for
>example, that they sympathize with the concerns of the tea partiers and the
>tea partiers themselves.

Then he says:
>Most are politically retarded and morally the point where 
>no longer works well.  The most one can hope for is that they will see
>people on the Left as human beings rather than the moral equivalent of large
>fetuses who may be morally aborted after-the-fact...

And you base this on the few people that you have personally talked
with.  Holy fuckin pot calling the kettle black.  I am not disputing
your view that most are not coherent in their politics- cut the budget
but keep medicare, social security, defense spending and tax cuts-
just your methodology and position of critique.


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Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea party

2010-04-15 Thread Eli Stephens
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S. Artesian writes: "These people are not the terrified impoverished frightened 
petit-bourgeoisie, caught between the rock and the hard place in the economy.  
These goons are an organized group of country-club thugs."

Nonsense. They definitely are serving the interests of the country-club set, 
and the "powers behind the throne" who are organizing the events like 
cross-country bus tours may be part of that set, but the "shock troops" of the 
Tea Party are nothing of the sort. The New York Times article this morning 
claims that a poll says they are "wealthier than the general public," but 
please note that that is based on a telephone poll of people in general, not on 
a survey of the people actually showing up at Tea Party events. And even with 
that claim (undocumented by any data; are they 1% wealthier or 100% wealthier? 
No clue), we still read in that same article: "55 percent are concerned that 
someone in their household will be out of
a job in the next year. And more than two-thirds say the recession has been 
difficult or caused hardship and major life changes." That doesn't sound much 
like the "country-club set" to me.

For sure the Tea Party movement doesn't include very many blacks or Latinos, 
which probably ensures that they are "wealthier than the general public" from 
that fact alone, but make no mistake, the majority of the shock troops are 
working class people being misled into acting against their own interests. Is 
Code Pink on the right track? I seriously doubt it. But largely that's because 
countering the decades-long brainwashing of these folks by FOX News and, not to 
give FOX too much credit, the rest of the corporate media as well, is going to 
take a lot more than just Code Pink trying to "make nice."

Eli Stephens
 Left I on the News

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Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea Party

2010-04-15 Thread Shane Mage
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On Apr 15, 2010, at 10:31 AM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

> In contrast, Code Pink -- and Kevin Zeese and Paul Buhle etc. etc. --
> START by sucking up to the Tea Party (and 9/11 truth maniacs)

If you start by sucking up to 9/11 false maniacs like Obama you'll  
end--exactly where you belong.

Shane Mage

The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each  
according to his need.   The  
capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each  
according to his greed.

Joe Stack (1956-2010)

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Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea Party

2010-04-15 Thread S. Artesian
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Paul Buhle?  Wonderful.  No surprise there, with his penchant  for 
"authentic Americanism."  Another fine example of  leftist incompetence.

Andrew's comments are dead on the mark.

- Original Message - 
From: "Andrew Pollack"  

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Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea party

2010-04-15 Thread Mark Lause
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Again, the deliberate smudging of actual tea partiers and people who answer
a poll saying they share the concerns of tea partiers.

Is this vagary being introduced on purpose...or for a reason?


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Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea Party

2010-04-15 Thread Mark Lause
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Again, people are arbitrarily smudging people who say in the polls, for
example, that they sympathize with the concerns of the tea partiers and the
tea partiers themselves.  I'd suspect that I've spent more time talking to
the latter than the bulk of the people on this list, and I certainly give my
blessing to anyone who wants to waste their time with them.  Most are
politically retarded and morally the point where rationality
no longer works well.  The most one can hope for is that they will see
people on the Left as human beings rather than the moral equivalent of large
fetuses who may be morally aborted after-the-fact

Personally, I spend most of my time talking to Obama supporters who are
disillusioned or becoming disillusioned.  It's a different set of problems,
but we usually start off on a common ground.

Louis is right, of course.  Until there's a mass movement (which Code Pink
and kindred groups has shown very little real interest in building), this is
all still in the realm of hot air.,..


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Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea Party

2010-04-15 Thread Christopher Hutchinson
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I think Andy makes a good point. These Tea Party folk are nasty. I was
handing out single-payer flyers at a Dem sponsored healthcare rally in
CT. The Dems organized no marshals and the Tea Party counter demo was
so aggressive and confrontational the socialists who attended quickly
assembled a marshaling team to create a boundary that divide the rally
from the counter protest. These tea party folk were vile thugs and
while I may engage in a conversation with rank and file tea party
people, I have no interest in building a movement alongside their
racist, homophobic, and anti immigrant program.

In solidarity,

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Re: [Marxism] Code Pink extends olive branch to fascist Tea Party

2010-04-15 Thread Thomas Bias
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In my community (Sussex and Warren Counties of New Jersey) there are  
people who express sympathies with the Tea Party in our churches,  
neighborhoods, and workplaces. Most of them have never thought about  
politics much before. Our antiwar committee has a very strong  
religious component, and within that context, we interact often with  
people who express support for the Tea Party movement, but in reality  
don't really agree with the cynical liars who are leading it. Ron  
Paul's opposition to the Iraq and Afghan wars presents us with a  
genuine opportunity to reach out to them and engage them in activity  
in opposition to the wars. I recognize all the problems with Dr.  
Paul's politics, but we're not reaching out to him, we're reaching  
out to people who are listening to him. And we have a persuasive  

Furthermore, I don't agree all the time with the "9/11 truth  
maniacs," but without these "maniacs" we wouldn't HAVE an antiwar  
committee in our area. We're able to discuss our differences as  
friends, neighbors, and collaborators in the peace movement and then  
get together to organize a vigil or charter a bus to a national  
demonstration. Building a movement at the grassroots level by  
definition means getting your hands dirty. And unless we build an  
antiwar movement from the grassroots upwards, it's not going to mean  
a damned thing.

BTW: I don't give a shred of credence to the 9/11 Commission.  
Something's being covered up; I don't know that the 9/11 Truthers  
have the answers (I suspect not), but there's more than "reasonable  


On Apr 15, 2010, at 10:31 AM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> You don't START with the misguided ones who wander into the Tea Party.
> You start by expanding the ranks of newly-radicalizing workers and
> others, and create a bigger, broader pole of attraction, which
> minimizes the attractiveness of the Tea Party.

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