Re: [Marxism] Anybody's Son Will Do

2010-04-24 Thread Greg McDonald
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On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society

From Publishers Weekly
Drawing on interviews, published personal accounts and academic
studies, Grossman investigates the psychology of killing in combat.
Stressing that human beings have a powerful, innate resistance to the
taking of life, he examines the techniques developed by the military
to overcome that aversion. His provocative study focuses in particular
on the Vietnam war, revealing how the American soldier was enabled to
kill to a far greater degree than any other soldier in history.
Grossman argues that the breakdown of American society, combined with
the pervasive violence in the media and interactive video games, is
conditioning our children to kill in a manner siimilar to the army's
conditioning of soldiers: We are reaching that stage of
desensitization at which the infliction of pain and suffering has
become a source of entertainment: vicarious pleasure rather than
revulsion. We are learning to kill, and we are learning to like it.
Grossman, a professor of military science at Arkansas State
University, has written a study of relevance to a society of
escalating violence.
Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to
the Hardcover edition.

From Library Journal
Grossman (psychology, West Point) presents three important hypotheses:
1) That humans possess the reluctance to kill their own kind; 2) that
this reluctance can be systematically broken down by use of standard
conditioning techniques; and 3) that the reaction of normal (e.g.,
non-psychopathic) soliders to having killed in close combat can be
best understood as a series of stages similar to the ubiquitous
Kubler-Ross stages of reaction to life-threatening disease. While some
of the evidence to support his theories have been previously presented
by military historians (most notably, John Keegan), this systematic
examination of the individual soldier's behavior, like all good
scientific theory making, leads to a series of useful explanations for
a variety of phenomena, such as the high rate of post traumatic stress
disorders among Vietnam veterans, why the rate of aggravated assault
continues to climb, and why civilian populations that have endured
heavy bombing in warfare do not have high incidents of mental illness.
This important book deserves a wide readership. Essential for all
libraries serving military personnel or veterans, including most
public libraries.

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Re: [Marxism] Anybody's Son Will Do

2010-04-22 Thread Paddy Apling
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Many thanks Ray, for that URL.

I have watched the film this morning - and cannot help wondering what its
impact is on those who have never served in their country's army.

For me, having joined the British army only in August 1944, aged 19 -it felt
like the truth personified.  The first drill sergeant (not actually the
first, because I spent six weeks in primary training, of which I have few
memories, before joining the Armoured Corps for my main training as a
driver/(wireless) operator impressed on one's memory, which left me with the
pride in the Royal Tank Regiment) - how true.  (This was up in Co. Durham -
so different from my home territory of East Anglia - with its stone houses,
and a dialect Geordie which was mainly incomprehensible to me when

My first (in Armoured Corps training) was named Sergeant Steel - what an
appropriate name - and certainly his face is truly impressed on my memory,
as someone the whole troop came to partly regard as a lunatic demon, but who
yet gained a deep-seated respect.

Then this was followed by officer training at Sandhurst, which was even more
vigorous as well as more academic with theory of strategy and tactics as
well as the combat training which left me at my heaviest ever with muscles I
had never known I had !!

The main difference between my experience and that of today's recruits was
that we were training to liberate the world from fascism, not to simply be
used as tools of our and other governments' attempts to rule the world ... a
difference which puts a whole new complexion on the system and basis of army

By the time I was commissioned as a junior officer VE-day had come, to be
followed by VJ-day before the planned embarkation of my unit for the Far
East, and I spent two very eventual (and, in retrospect) enjoyable and
educative years in occupation duties in Italy and Egypt - in which, as a
very young man, I was entrusted with responsibilities which were vast in
comparison with anything I experienced in the remainder of my professional

It still remains almost impossible for me to enter into any deep
conversation, whether concerned with politics or with family and local
affairs, without harking back to parallels, and sometimes solutions, which
are coloured by my 4 years in the army.


-Original Message-
[] On
Behalf Of jay rothermel
Sent: 22 April 2010 2:13 AM
Subject: [Marxism] Anybody's Son Will Do

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In 1983, the National Film Board of Canada produced a 57-minute film,
Anybody's Son Will Do. Arguably the best anti-war film ever made, and
tailored for public television, it scared the hell out of the U.S. military
machine, which has done its best to disappear it. For years it has been
nearly impossible to find a copy, but some kind soul has posted it on
YouTube where it can be seen in six segments.

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Re: [Marxism] Anybody's Son Will Do

2010-04-22 Thread Paddy Apling
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

You should remember how often young officers (and those grew up as
petot=bourgeois, like Lenin) have played substantial roles in successful
revolutionary outbreaks - just think of Abdul Nassar in Egypt, the overthrow
of Salazar in Portugal, just to name a couple.

I feel sure that thepolitical discussions in the British Army, conducted by
troop officers on the basis of material produced by the Army Bureau of
Current Affairs for weekly discussions, played a not-insubstantial role in
the electoral defeat pf WinstonChurchill and his Tory minions in Britain in
1945 (though I was expected to lead my troop in political discussions - I
was too young to vote in 1945).

Don't be so blatantly short-sighted..


-Original Message-
[] On
Behalf Of S. Artesian
Sent: 22 April 2010 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Anybody's Son Will Do

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Dear Lord, save us from our officers and we'll do the rest. 

- Original Message - 
From: Paddy Apling

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