Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-21 Thread Lüko Willms
Einde O'Callaghan ( wrote on 2009-09-21 at 00:28:04 in  
about Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left:

 The key question for Marxists in Germany is not whether DIE LINKE is 
 reformist or not, but where Marxists should be active given the weakness 
 of Marxism in Germany. 

   What is Marxism and what who is Marxist (both with capital M!)? 

 My personal view is that they definitely should not be standing 
 on the sidelines making abstract comments about how 
 inadequate DIE LINKE is. 

  Inadequate for what task? 

  Besides, what is the big difference with doing entryism in the PDL[1]? 

 That is a recipe for disaster analogous to the 
 Class against class! rhetoric of Third-Period Stalinism - although on 
 a lesser scale given that German Marxists today are not as entrenched in 
 the working class as the KPD was.

   Supporting the combined socialdemocrats and stalinists in their fight for 
entry into bourgeois governments is something completely different from 
fighting for a common front of _action_ to defend the working class 
movement and our institutions against a fascist onslought. Very strange that 
you can confuse these two issues. 

And ask yourself: how do you answer the bourgeois commentators who 
wonder about how little the PDL gained in and from the economic crisis? 

Comradely yours, 
Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-21 Thread Lüko Willms
Einde O'Callaghan ( wrote on 2009-09-21 at 17:20:58 in  
about Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left:
 Lüko Willms wrote:
  Einde O'Callaghan ( wrote 
on 2009-09-21 at 00:28:04 in  
about Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left:
  The key question for Marxists in Germany is not whether 
  DIE LINKE is reformist or not, but where Marxists should 
  be active given the weakness of Marxism in Germany. 
 What is Marxism and what who is Marxist (both with capital M!)? 
 If you don't know what Marxism is (always written with a caöpital letter 
 in English!) 

   I asked you what YOU understand by it. 

 I don't know why you are a member of this list 

  because a number of interesting people from various continents exchange 
their views on this list (although some very important ones, reflecting the one 
and only revolutionary leadership in power, has been banned from this list)

 or run a major German-language website devoted to Marxist theory.

  it is devoted to documents of the working class movement -- scientific, 
calls for battle, polemics, etc

 I consider myself a Marxist (i.e. somebody who attempts to operate on 
 teh basis of the theories developed by marx and Engels and developed by 
 others who consciously regarded themselves as following in this 
 theoretical and political tradition, e.g. Lenin, Luxemburg and Trotsky 
 inter alia).

  There are certainly quite a number of people who call themselves Marxist 
and who would tell you that you are not one, or a traitor to it. So what is a 
Marxist? You might say that Marxists are only those whom I call Marxist. 

  My personal view is that they definitely should not be standing 
  on the sidelines making abstract comments about how 
  inadequate DIE LINKE is. 
Inadequate for what task? 

  You did not answer that question. 

Besides, what is the big difference with doing entryism in the PDL[1]? 
  That is a recipe for disaster analogous to the 
  Class against class! rhetoric of Third-Period Stalinism - although on 
  a lesser scale given that German Marxists today are not as entrenched 
  in the working class as the KPD was.
 Supporting the combined socialdemocrats and stalinists in their 
  fight for entry into bourgeois governments is something completely 
  different from fighting for a common front of _action_ to defend 
  the working class movement and our institutions against a fascist 
  onslought. Very strange that you can confuse these two issues.  

   You did not comment on this either. 

  And ask yourself: how do you answer the bourgeois commentators 
  who wonder about how little the PDL gained in and from the economic 

   Neither this. 

 I consider that DIE LINKE is a place where a larger number of people 
 dissatisfied with the system as it exists have gathered. 


 Among these people there are many peoßple who are open 
 to new ideas and ways of thinking because their traditional political 
 allegiances have been shattered. 

   I have rather the impression that most are closed to new ideas, and just 
entered the PDL because their own strategy failed, and they now can jump on 
somebody else's bandwagon, hoping that other forces will carry them 

 This makes it a fertile ground for political intervention by Marxists, 
 certainly more fertile than what existed before the emergence 
 of the WASG. 

  So did you recruit a lot of people to YOUR group? Has the IS group you 
belong to been dissolved? Does it no longer do any public work on its own? 
 Adopting a prolier than thou attitude and standing alone in glorious 
 isolation is certainly not going to advance the struggle for socialism. 

  Well, you just told me that your attitude is much better than mine. 

 I admit that we may make mistakes but if we can learn from our mistakes 
 and build an organised Marxist core in Germany then we will have made 
 some advance.

   So that organized Marxist core it the PDL? Or do you operate a public 

 Of course, if people have given up on the idea of socialism - 

   as lots of people in the PDL have done, or never wanted socialism (e.g. 
the trade-union officials who formed the WASG, and who never wanted a 
fighting alternative to the class-collaborationist trade-union policy they were 
and are involved in). 

 as even people who run websites called Voices of the Proletarian 
 Revolution may well do - this is all irrelevant and a retreat 
 into bored cynicism is probably the best way out for a former 

   Whow! Now you really hit me! Should I go to a corner and stand ashamed 
for 15 minutes, head turned to the wall? 

   The issue is really not if you or I are members of the PDL, but my 
asessment of that party, which you don't agree with or just don't like to hear. 

   What makes you think you know about my membership or not of the PDL? 
Do you think I

Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-20 Thread Einde O'Callaghan
Lenin's Tomb wrote:
 On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Lüko Willms lueko.wil...@t-online.dewrote:
  The Partei Die Linke shows the way forward? Well, yes, back into bourgeois

 Yeah, because the working masses have already *abandoned* bourgeois
 politics, and the Linke wants to *trick* them back into that old shell
I feel that both Richard and Lüko have an over-negative attitude to DIE 
LINKE. It is correct that the party is not THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE PARTY 
OF THE PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION but adopting an abstentionist attitude to 
the party is a not very productive way of intervening in the current 
crisis of German politics.

I recommend both Richard and Lüko - and anybody else who is interested - 
to read the article by Oliver Nachtwey in the forthcoming issue of 
International Socialism Journal, which has just been translated into 
English by yours truly.

Einde O'Callaghan

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-20 Thread Lenin's Tomb
On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Einde O'Callaghan eind...@freenet.dewrote:

 I feel that both Richard and Lüko have an over-negative attitude to DIE

Ahem, ahem!  It was *sarcasm*.

Richard Seymour
Writer and blogger

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-20 Thread Einde O'Callaghan
Lenin's Tomb wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Einde O'Callaghan eind...@freenet.dewrote:
 I feel that both Richard and Lüko have an over-negative attitude to DIE

 Ahem, ahem!  It was *sarcasm*.
It must be living in Germany that does it - I'm obviously suffering from 
an irony deficit! However, I still recommend you - and everybody else - 
to read Oliver Nachtwey's excellent article in the next ISJ.


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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-20 Thread Reinold Janszoon
Lüko Willms wrote:
 Bhaskar Sunkara ( wrote on 2009-09-19 at 
 15:45:13 in  about Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the 

 There is a militant minority in Die Linke that wants to build an
 oppositional movement and not be mere left-social democrats.
   The party is not even _left_ social democrats, but just socialdemocrat. 
   A merger of the real social democrats of the SPD with the main stalinist 
   And there is nobody advancing a revolutionary program for the working 
 class movement. 
   Sure, the existence of the party is an expression of the fact that the 
 cut-back politics of the past goverments are not accepted without a murmur 
 by the masses. 
   I'll vote for the Pirates next sunday. 

Vote for the PSG! The only serious choice!

Was repräsentiert die Piratenpartei?

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-20 Thread Jim Farmelant

Why do I keep receiving multiple copies of the same post?

Jim Farmelant

On So, 20 Sep 2009 10:32:05 +0200 (MES) =?iso-8859-1?q?L=FCko_Willms?= writes:
 Bhaskar Sunkara ( wrote on 2009-09-19 at 
 15:45:13 in  about Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way 
 for the 
  There is a militant minority in Die Linke that wants to build an
  oppositional movement and not be mere left-social democrats.
   The party is not even _left_ social democrats, but just 

Best Weight Loss Program - Click Here!

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-20 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Oskar Lafontaine: ‘We want to govern’ The results for the German left party
Die Linke in the August 30 regional elections are impressive, particularly
the 21.3% achieved in the federal state of Saarland. But is this the
beginning of the end for the “party of opposition”? Tina Becker takes a
closer look

Germany’s so-called ‘super Sunday’ on August 30 was not so super for
everybody. The big parties were big losers. Because the parliamentary
elections for the national *Bundestag* are less than a month away (September
27), the elections results in three of the 16 German federal states
(Thuringia, Saxony and Saarland) have been interpreted as a ‘dry run’.

The conservative Christian Democratic Union of chancellor Angela Merkel did
worse than predicted - which means the bad results for the Social Democrats
(SPD) did not stand out quite as much as expected. The fact that the SPD
share of the vote in the east German federal state of Thuringia, for
example, increased from a measly 9.8% to a scarcely less measly 10.4% is
hardly worth celebrating - especially as the lowest ever turnout means that,
in reality, the number of voters remained roughly the same. The only ones
for whom Sunday really was ‘super’ are the smaller parties. The Greens, the
Liberal Democrats (FDP) and Die Linke increased their share of the vote
almost everywhere and are likely to play the kingmaker in the regional
government coalitions that will now be formed.

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-20 Thread brad bauerly
I don't think it really is as simple as either Luko or Einde (sp?) make it
out to be.  Some places where Die Linke have entered coalitions with the SPD
do show both the limits to electoral politics and the necessity to meet the
people were they are at to squeeze out even the slightest of gains for
people.  However, has the left not learned anything from the many attempts
to enter electoral politics within bourgeois democratic limits without a
very large movement on the sidelines.  If Die Linke has committed one fatal
error it is to place more emphasis on electoral party tactics than on
movement building.  If/when they fail to bring socialism to Germany it will
be because of this failure.  I think some of the discussions that Bhuskar
had linked to a few weeks ago lay out the inherent problems with trying to
govern under the current system and these could be elaborated on by bringing
in concrete historical examples (of which there are many) of failed attempts
to capture bourgeois states in an effort to transcend capitalism.  This also
relates to the point I made a few weeks ago about the blessing/curse of the
US two party system where a anti-capitalist party would never have the
pleasure/agony of governing.


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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-20 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
What about the Antikapitalistische Linke and the other opposition groups.  I
may be wrong, but I heard they form a fairly sizeable minority within the

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Lüko Willms
Dennis Brasky ( wrote on 2009-09-19 at 13:18:46 in  
about [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left:
  [Frank Spieth's] anti-capitalist, pro-social justice Die Linke is striking
  a chord with an increasingly disenfranchised electorate, espousing 
  such as inequality, reunification issues and, crucially, the war in
  Afghanistan  that are finding a receptive audience in both east and 

  A party which is very eagerly looking forward to manage the bourgeois 

  A party which is for a minimum wage, but not for a militant trade union 
struggle to raise wages for all and to defend the living conditions for all. 

  A party which is for the nationalisations of banks in Sunday speeches, but 
in the practical day to day international crisis of the banking system does not 
put the nationalisation of the banking system into a single bank forward, but 
only bickers about the conditions of the bailouts. 

  A party which is against imperialist wars only if they have not been OK'ed 
by the UN Security Council. 

  No thanks. 

  The Partei Die Linke shows the way forward? Well, yes, back into bourgeois 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Lenin's Tomb
On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Lüko Willms lueko.wil...@t-online.dewrote:

  The Partei Die Linke shows the way forward? Well, yes, back into bourgeois

Yeah, because the working masses have already *abandoned* bourgeois
politics, and the Linke wants to *trick* them back into that old shell

Richard Seymour
Writer and blogger

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Mark Lause
Lenin's Tomb wrote: the working masses have
already *abandoned* bourgeois politics, and the Linke wants to *trick* them
back into that old shell

Is it just me or does laughter tend to echo in Lenin's Tomb?


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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
There is a militant minority in Die Linke that wants to build an
oppositional movement and not be mere left-social democrats.

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Mark Lause
The point is the absurdity of the notion that the German working class has
repudiated bourgeois politics


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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Bhaskar Sunkara
Not only was the content of Richard's post dripping with sarcasm he even put
asterisks for extra emphasis.

On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Mark Lause wrote:

 The point is the absurdity of the notion that the German working class has
 repudiated bourgeois politics

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Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the left

2009-09-19 Thread Mark Lause

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