Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-11 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 2/11/10 5:19 PM, Paula wrote:
> Louis, it's because the science itself is difficult to pin down. That's why 
> scientists are still investigating climate change, improving their models, 
> etc. For an example see this recent report, 'Water Vapor Caused One-Third of 
> Global Warming in 1990s, Study Reveals':

for which there is a nice discussion over at from a few 
weeks ago:

along with copious scientific discussion.

doubtless, Paula is entranced by the headlines because the media 
speculates this could fuel further attacks on the science of climate 
change. i assume she knows climate scientists have ALWAYS known about 
water vapour and its contribution to climate. as the authors of the 
current study state, their work is investigating decadal changes in 
climate due to changes in water vapour concentrations in the lower 
stratosphere. and in fact this may explain some suggestion that warming 
"leveled off some" in the last decade. remember that denialists ragged 
on Kevin Trenberth for stating we should have a better handle on 
*short-term* changes. well, here is a contribution, which Paula turns 
around and tries to push its relevance, presumably,  for the longer term 
climate dynamics. here is from Trenberth's website, as a response to the 
CRU emails:

"""In my case, one cherry-picked email quote has gone viral and at
last check it was featured in over 99,200 items (in Google). Here is
the quote: /"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of
warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't."/ It is
amazing to see this particular quote lambasted so often. It stems
from a paper I published this year bemoaning our inability to
effectively monitor the energy flows associated with short-term
climate variability. It is quite clear from the paper that I was not
questioning the link between anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions
and warming, or even suggesting that recent temperatures are unusual
in the context of short-term natural variability."""

see also:

nice coverage at NOAA:

"""The new study used calculations and models to show that the
cooling from this change caused surface temperatures to increase
about 25 percent more slowly than they would have otherwise, due
only to the increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.  """

and better coverage in the popular press:


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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-11 Thread Louis Proyect
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Paula wrote:
> Louis asked: "Why is so hard to pin you down on the *science*?"
> Louis, it's because the science itself is difficult to pin down.

No, what is difficult to pin down is Paula. You posted a "refutation" on 
the Bolivia glacier melting based on a article that clearly states that 
exceptionally high temperatures in the summer over a 4 year period 
melted it.

You are a charlatan and something of a troll, I should add.

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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-11 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 2/11/2010 4:19 AM, Gary MacLennan wrote:
> I teach a class on scientific method.  I am absolutely frank about the
> academy.  When paradigms clash  it is like something out of the Godfather
> movies.

hahahahahha. nice ... clash of little kingdoms and all that...

>   I have lived all that shit and I know it.  But I tell my students
> that they must put the dialectics of epistemology i.e academic thuggery
> aside and seek the ontological.  Jones may be and I am certainly inclined to
> think so one of the greatest shits on the planet but he may still be right
> about global warming.  As the notorious Chinese Machiavelli said "seek truth
> from facts!"

Gary, what -- as you see it --  did Jones do that was so bad?  the 
"trick" issue is not an issue scientifically. as you say, bad-mouthing 
goes on all the time. plus these research centers are deluged by 
denialist requests and they have no PR departments like Exxon (pacem 
Shawn) to handle the overload.

i've been planning to write on the IPCC/CRU storm for a while now, but 
am curious to hear your thoughts Gary in more detail.


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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-11 Thread Gary MacLennan
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> Paula wrote:
> > Gary, there will always be droughts. They are a normal phenomenon -
> > as are storms, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. They wouldn't be
> > so horrific if society was rationally organized, and that's the main
> > point the left should be making.
> My reply:

Sorry I missed this Paula.  I have been traveling.  Look we are obviously at
the stage where we have nothing new to say to each other. But I will make a
final effort at dialogue. I have to confess though -that I simply don't
understand where you and Shawn are coming from.  As I see it there are three

A.. The world is not getting warmer.
B. Global warming is a fact but it is caused by cyclical events.
C Global warming is a fact and it is caused or aggravated by carbon

The deniers seem to me to move in an unprincipled way between positions A.
and B. For instance it seems to me at times you occupy position B and at
other times you move to A. Certainly Shawn bewilders me with his switching.

My position is C. and I also add that the cost of holding B. is greater than
the cost of holding C. If people like me are wrong then it is not a
catastrophe.  If you and Shawn are wrong then it is a terminal disaster for
the human race.  I personally think that puts a moral onus on all you "Bers"
to be extra careful.  Now Shawn jumping up and down about routine academic
thuggery at East Anglia is not being serious in my opinion.

I teach a class on scientific method.  I am absolutely frank about the
academy.  When paradigms clash  it is like something out of the Godfather
movies. I have lived all that shit and I know it.  But I tell my students
that they must put the dialectics of epistemology i.e academic thuggery
aside and seek the ontological.  Jones may be and I am certainly inclined to
think so one of the greatest shits on the planet but he may still be right
about global warming.  As the notorious Chinese Machiavelli said "seek truth
from facts!"

comradely regards


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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-09 Thread Louis Proyect
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Paula wrote:

> Gary, there will always be droughts. They are a normal phenomenon -
> as are storms, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. They wouldn't be
> so horrific if society was rationally organized, and that's the main
> point the left should be making.

Why is so hard to pin you down on the *science*? You are like an eel 
slathered in vaseline.

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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-05 Thread Shawn Redden
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At 4:11 PM +1000 2/6/10, Gary MacLennan wrote:
>But we shouldn't worry should we as
>them there long haired scientists are all a bunch of fakers and liars and
>data fudgers, aren't they?
>They might be communists and homosexuals too, y'know.

(Thomas Kuhn + Carolyn Merchant) > Hyperbole

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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-05 Thread Gary MacLennan
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I am no expert here at all.  But South Queensland where I live has been in
the grip of a horrific drought.  Last year Brisbane almost ran out of water
and we had extremely strict water rationing & that's in a city of over a
million people.  The rain where it is falling now is up in the tropical
North, but the population is in the South.

Australian climate scientists have issued the gravest of warnings about the
impact of climate change on Australia.  But we shouldn't worry should we as
them there long haired scientists are all a bunch of fakers and liars and
data fudgers, aren't they?
They might be communists and homosexuals too, y'know.

In any case let's hope  Paula and Spiked on Line are right, because the main
political parties and that includes the Labor Government are not doing very
much at all about global warming.



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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-05 Thread Tom O'Lincoln
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>>he should ask glacier-free Australians how they get their drinking water

Guess what, there is a water crisis in Australia. Rivers dying, cities on 
water rationing. The local creek where I go walking is so dried up I can 
hardly bare to look.

Of course that's only part of Australia. Further north they are getting 
worse and worse storms and flooding.

This is real, it is not a drill. 

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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-05 Thread Louis Proyect
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Paula wrote:
> Louis wrote:
> "Paula, have you ever read any Marxist ecological literature? [clip] Please 
> don't waste our time."
> I see - another Argument from Authority. It's a good thing those Authorities 
> have got everything worked out.

Paula, please do not post again on climate change, a subject that you 
are so uninformed about. You are wasting bandwidth. I am *dead serious* 
about this.

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Re: [Marxism] World's Glaciers Continue to Melt at Historic Rates

2010-02-04 Thread Louis Proyect
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Paula wrote:

> Critical minds would ask a few questions about this before jumping to
> conclusions - for example, what is meant by 'historic rates'? How
> were the highest and medium scenarios obtained? And, why is there 'an
> expected continuation in the rise of global average temperatures'?
> But supposing Haeberli is right, and the Pyrenees are ice-free by the
> middle of the century, how catastrophic would that be? More
> catastrophic than the level of unemployment in Spain, which has just
> reached 4 million people? More catastrophic than Haiti, Iraq,
> Afghanistan, etc?

Paula, have you ever read any Marxist ecological literature? Like John 
Bellamy Foster, Mike Davis, Donald Worster, or Paul Burkett? You seem 
singularly uninformed, especially in light of your organized 
intervention around these questions. Please don't waste our time.

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