Re: M-TH: Happy Labor Day !

1999-09-06 Thread Charles Brown

Yes, Rob,

There are a couple of other interviews with Marx and Engels on the Colorado Marxist 

Somehow, it gives a very live feeling that you don't get even from the personal 
letters I have read. You really feel like you are part of a conversation with them.The 
terminology is so plain. Gives us another way to articulate Marxism


>>> Rob Schaap <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/04/99 03:28AM >>>
Thanks for the Chicago Tribune interview piece, Chas.  I'd never even heard
of it!  A good read, eh?

And a Happy Labour Day to you.

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M-TH: In thru the back door

1999-09-06 Thread r.i.p

Just received a mail with this link:

As I understand it, this means that the US National Security Agency has the 
potential to access any machine using Windows 95/98/NT !

Worried users might wish to download Cryptonym's programme that replaces the 
NSA key with a useless one (nb I haven't tried this and for all I know the 
whole thing could be a scam).

Watch out- they're watching you!


Get Your Private, Free Email at

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Re: M-TH: In thru the back door

1999-09-06 Thread Charles Brown

I always assume the police can access anything I write, including a tattoo underneath 
my armpit viewing it from a satellite.


>>> "r.i.p" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/06/99 12:18PM >>>
Just received a mail with this link: 

As I understand it, this means that the US National Security Agency has the 
potential to access any machine using Windows 95/98/NT !

Worried users might wish to download Cryptonym's programme that replaces the 
NSA key with a useless one (nb I haven't tried this and for all I know the 
whole thing could be a scam).

Watch out- they're watching you!


Get Your Private, Free Email at 

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M-TH: Re: In thru the back door

1999-09-06 Thread David Welch

On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, r.i.p wrote:

> Just received a mail with this link:
> As I understand it, this means that the US National Security Agency has the 
> potential to access any machine using Windows 95/98/NT !
Unlikely or at least there are better ways. The email below is from an
mailing list for NT security.


> From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Sep  6 19:39:32 1999
> Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 20:49:07 -0500
> From: Bruce Schneier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Comments on the "NSA" key in Microsoft CryptoAPI

This is a response

A few months ago in my newsletter Crypto-Gram, I talked about Microsoft's
system for digitally signing cryptography suits that go into its operating
system.  The point is that only approved crypto suites can be used, which
makes thing like export control easier.  Annoying as it is, this is the
current marketplace.

Microsoft has two keys, a primary and a spare.  The Crypto-Gram article
talked about attacks based on the fact that a crypto suite is considered
signed if it is signed by EITHER key, and that there is no mechanism for
transitioning from the primary key to the backup.  It's stupid
cryptography, but the sort of thing you'd expect out of Microsoft.

Suddenly there's a flurry of press activity because someone notices that
the second key is called "NSAKEY" in the code.  Ah ha!  The NSA can sign
crypto suites.  They can use this ability to drop a Trojaned crypto suite
into your computers.  Or so the conspiracy theory goes.

I don't buy it.

First, if the NSA wanted to compromise Microsoft's Crypto API, it would be
much easier to either 1) convince MS to tell them the secret key for MS's
signature key, 2) get MS to sign an NSA-compromised module, 3) install a
module other than Crypto API to break the encryption (no other modules need
signatures).  It's always easier to break good encryption.

Second, NSA doesn't need a key to compromise security in Windows.  Programs
like Back Orifice can do it without any keys.  Attacking the Crypto API
still requires that the victim run an executable (even a Word macro) on his
computer.  If you can convince a victim to run an untrusted macro, there
are a zillion smarter ways to compromise security.

Third, why in the world would anyone call a secret NSA key "NSAKEY."  Lots
of people have access to source code within Microsoft; a conspiracy like
this would only be known by a few people.  Anyone with a debugger could
have found this "NSAKEY."  If this is a covert mechanism, it's not very covert.

I see two possibilities.  One, that the backup key is just as Microsoft
says, a backup key.  It's called "NSAKEY" for some dumb reason, and that's

Two, that it is actually an NSA key.  If the NSA is going to use Microsoft
products for classified traffic, they're going to install their own
cryptography.  They're not going to want to show it to anyone, not even
Microsoft.  They are going to want to sign their own modules.  So the
backup key could also be an NSA internal key, so that they could install
strong cryptography on Microsoft products for their own internal use.

But it's not an NSA key so they can secretly install weak cryptography on
the unsuspecting masses.  There are just too many smarter things they can
do to the unsuspecting masses.



The following is from the April Crypto-Gram,

Attacking Certificates with Computer Viruses

How do you know an e-mail is authentic? You verify the digital signature,
of course. This means that you verify that the message was correctly
signed, using the sender's public key. How do you know that the sender's
(call her Alice) public key is valid? You check the signature on *that*
public key.

What you're checking is called a certificate. Someone else, call him Bob,
signs Alice's public key and confirms that it is valid. So you verify Bob's
signature on Alice's certificate, so you can verify Alice's signature on
her e-mail.

Okay, how do you know that Bob's signature is valid? Maybe Carol signs her
key (creating another certificate). That doesn't actually solve the
problem; it just moves it up another layer. Or maybe you signed Bob's key,
so you know to trust him. Or maybe someone else whose key you signed has
signed Carol's key. In the end, you have to trust someone.

This notion of a certificate chain is one of the biggest problems with
public-key cryptography, and one that isn't talked about very much. PGP
uses the notion of "trusted introducers"; Bob signs Alice's key because Bob
knows Alice and is her friend. You signed Bob's key for the same reason. So
when Alice sends you an e-mail you can note that her public key is signed
by Bob, and you trust Bob to introduce you to people. (Much like Bob

M-TH: Another interview

1999-09-06 Thread Charles Brown


by R. Landor
New York World, July 18, 1871
Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly, August 12, 1871

London, July 3 -- You have asked me to find out something about the
International Association, and I have tried to do so. The enterprise is a
difficult one just now. London is indisputably the headquarters of the
Association, but the English people have got a scare, and smell
International in everything as King James smelled gunpowder after the famous
plot. The consciousness of the Society has naturally increased with the
suspiciousness of the public; and if those who guide it have a secret to
keep, they are of the stamp of men who keep a secret well. I have called on
two of their leading members, have talked with one freely, and I here give
you the substance of my conversation. I have satisfied myself of one thing,
that it is a society of genuine workingmen, but that these workmen are
directed by social and political theories of another class. One man whom I
saw, a leading member of the Council, was sitting at his workman's bench
during our interview, and left off talking to me from time to time to
receive a complaint, delivered in no courteous tone, from one of the many
little masters in the neighborhood who employed him. I have heard this same
man make eloquent speeches in public inspired in every passage with the
energy of hate toward the classes that call themselves his rulers. I
understood the speeches after this glimpse at the domestic life of the
orator. He must have felt that he had brains enough to have organized a
working government, and yet here he was obliged to devote his life to the
most revolting taskwork of a mechanical profession. He was proud and
sensitive, and yet at every turn he had to return a bow for a grunt and a
smile for a command that stood on about the same level in the scale of
civility with a huntsman's call to his dog. This man helped me to a glimpse
of one side of the nature of the International, the result of

Labor Against Capital
of the workman who produces against the middleman who enjoys. Here was the
hand that would smite hard when the time came, and as to the head that
plans, I think I saw that too, in my interview with Dr. Karl Marx.

Dr. Karl Marx is a German doctor of philosophy, with a German breadth of
knowledge derived both from observation of the living world and from books.
I should conclude that he has never been a worker in the ordinary sense of
the term. His surroundings and appearance are those of a well-to-do man of
the middle class. The drawing room into which I was ushered on the night of
the interview would have formed very comfortable quarters for a thriving
stockbroker who had made his competence and was now beginning to make his
fortune. It was comfort personified, the apartment of a man of taste of easy
means, but with nothing in it peculiarly characteristic of its owner. A fine
album of Rhine views on the table, however, gave a clue to his nationality.
I peered cautiously into the vase on the sidetable for a bomb. I sniffed for
petroleum, but the smell was the smell of roses. I crept back stealthily to
my seat, and moodily awaited the worst.

He has entered and greeted me cordially, and we are sitting face to face.
Yes, I am tete-a-tete with the revolution incarnate, with the real founder
and guiding spirit of the International Society, with the author of the
address in which capital was told that is it warred on labor, it must expect
to have its house burned down about its ears -- in a word, with the

Apologist for the Commune
of Paris. Do you remember the bust of Socrates? The man who died rather than
profess his belief in the Gods of the time -- the man with the fine sweep of
profile for the forehead running meanly at the end into a little snub,
curled-up feature, like a bisected pothook, that formed the nose. Take this
bust in your mind's eye, color the beard black, dashing it here and there
with puffs of gray; clap the head thus made on a portly body of the middle
height, and the Doctor is before you. Throw a veil over the upper part of
the face, and you might be in the company of a born vestryman. Reveal the
essential feature, the immense brown, and you know at once that you have to
deal with that most formidable of all composite individual forces -- a
dreamer who thinks, a thinker who dreams.

I went straight to my business. The world, I said, seemed to be in the dark
about the International, hating it very much, but not able to say clearly
what thing it hated. Some, who professed to have peered further into the
gloom than their neighbors, declared that they had made out a sort of Janus
figure with a fair, honest workman's smile on one of its faces, and on the
other, a murderous conspirator's scowl. Would he light up the case of
mystery in which theory dw

M-TH: Zapatistas's 2nd American Meeting in Brazil

1999-09-06 Thread magellan

Dear friends:

Excuse me if you have by chance already received this message from other 

Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999
Subject: (en) FZLN,Second American Encuentro,Sept 4
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chiapas95-english)

>From The Zapatista Front of National Liberation (FZLN).

To Organizing Committee of the 2nd American Encuentro For Humanity 
And Against Neoliberalism

To Organizations and individuals who are being called, from Belem,
across the entire continent, to meet with us in Belem do Pará, Brazil.

To The peoples of the American Continent:

Brothers and Sisters:

We received your Call to the 2nd American Encuentro For Humanity and
Against Neoliberalism, to be held from December 6 to 11, 1999, in the City
of Belem, Pará, Brazil.  The beauty of the text could alone sustain, and be
in keeping with, the abundance of dreams promised by the extremely rich
diversity of Brazilian social movements and their struggles.  By having you
as our hosts, the intergalactics of all Our America will be able to feel at
ease, and we will be inspired to share the experiences, ideas and most
daring intentions for humanity and against (already, in itself, old)

The natural beauty of Belem / Pará, and the struggle of its residents to
socialize it, points to a scenario that augurs a true encuentro of Our
America with itself, that is, a truly wonderful encuentro of those who are
seeking and struggling to make their dreams reality.  Because of that, from
La Realidad to Belem, a dream is drawn:  that of Our America being free,
democratic and just.

It has been three years now since the 1st American Encuentro For Humanity
and Against Neoliberalism, held in Chiapas, Mexico, and we are happy that
Brazil, that country of continental dimensions and great variety of social
struggles, is offering us the opportunity to join together, now in Belem do
Pará, in order to continue the necessary coming together that will allow us
to build, among all of us, the path of a future with peace.

We Mexican zapatistas will be coming to Belem with the conviction that we
will meet everyone there:  social movements and organizations, citizens,
religious, women, homosexuals, lesbians, young persons, unionists,
campesinos, indigenous, blacks, political wings of various shapes, all, in
order to confirm the breadth, diversity and strength of our hopes.

We Mexican zapatistas are now beginning to prepare for our attendance and
participation in the 2nd American Encuentro.  To all of our brothers and
sisters of the continent, we are saying:  let us walk together to Belem. 
We are going ready to lend our modest contribution to the common struggle
of Our America.  But we are going, above all, with the intention of
listening to, and learning from, all of your efforts.

To our brothers and sisters of Mexico, we are calling you to build together
a National Promotional Committee for the 2nd American Encuentro For
Humanity and Against Neoliberalism, that will be in charge of the
preparations for the participation of a broad Mexican delegation, open to
any organization or individual who wants to participate in this encuentro.

Together, we shall try to decipher the unknowns of this end of millenium,
we shall share the ideas that move us and inspire us, we shall share and be
inspired by the experiences of resistance and struggle against inequality,
against oppression and against exclusion, battles which our American
peoples fight every day.  And in that way we shall continue to weave the
immense net of all us who are confronting the cynicism of a system which
knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing.

To our Brazilian compañeros, to our compañeros of Belem do Pará, we are
grateful for your generous willingness to receive - in your enormous house
in solidarity - a continent that, with all its wounds, will arrive willing
to be a dignified and human future.  Be assured that, from this moment on,
we Mexican zapatistas will contribute all of our efforts towards the
success of this effort of American unity.

Liberty!  Justice!  Democracy!


The Zapatista Front of National Liberation (FZLN) 

This message is forwarded to you as a service of Zapatistas Online.
Comments and volunteers are welcome.  Write [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 23:45:12 -0400
From: irlandesa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FZLN: 2nd American Encuentro
Sender: irlandesa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Originally published in Spanish by the Zapatista Front of National
Translated by irlandesa

Date:   Friday, September 3, 1999 22:03:11 -0500
From:   fzln <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To subscribe from this list send a message containing the words
subscribe chiapas95 to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Previous messages
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M-TH: Lamarck revisited?

1999-09-06 Thread Chris Burford

Nature 2nd September 

Transgenerational induction of defences in animals and plants


Predators are potent agents of natural selection in biological communities.
studies have shown that the introduction of predators can cause rapid
evolution of defensive
morphologies and behaviours in prey and chemical defences in plants. Such
defences may be
constitutively expressed (phenotypically fixed) or induced when predators
initially attack. Here we show that non-lethal exposure of an animal to
carnivores, and a plant to a herbivore, not only induces a defence, but
causes the attacked organisms to produce offspring that are better defended
than offspring from unthreatened parents. This transgenerational effect,
referred to as a maternally induced defence, is in contrast to the more
common defences induced in single individuals within a generation.
Transgenerational induction of defences is a new level of phenotypic
plasticity across generations that may be an important component of
predator-prey interactions.

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