Re: SV: SV: M-TH: Re: Jim's times letter on fascism...

1999-05-02 Thread Doug Henwood

Bob Malecki wrote:

You mean we're in a pre-revolutioanry situation now? So the alleged rise of
Nazis, from London to Littleton, is somehow a response to this? How do you




Sure sounded to me like you were arguing that the Nazis were a serious
political threat, and by your own definition, the ruling class used Nazis
to fight a pre-revolutionary situation. So I was wondering if you were
implying that this is indeed a pre-revolutionary situation, a claim so
curious I'd like to hear more. But maybe you don't believe that. So please


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Re: SV: SV: M-TH: Re: Jim's times letter on fascism...

1999-05-02 Thread David Welch

[This post was delayed because it was sent from an address
not subscr*bed to the list.  Hans Ehrbar.]

It seems the British police have arrested an individual for the bombings
who they claim was acting alone, the spokesman went out of his way to deny
claims that any organised far right group was responsible.

On Sun, 2 May 1999, Doug Henwood wrote:

 Sure sounded to me like you were arguing that the Nazis were a serious
 political threat, and by your own definition, the ruling class used Nazis
 to fight a pre-revolutionary situation. So I was wondering if you were
 implying that this is indeed a pre-revolutionary situation, a claim so
 curious I'd like to hear more. But maybe you don't believe that. So please
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SV: M-TH: Re: Jim's times letter on fascism...

1999-05-02 Thread Bob Malecki

Bob Malecki wrote:

I bet! Being that reports here last night were talking about "citizen
militias" to defend themselves. No wonder the cops came up with a "lone"
suspect! Think if Jim had tried to link up this with some militant trade
unions rather then pushing is Repunzell version!

This is less than usually coherent for you, Bob. What are you talking about?




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Re: SV: M-TH: Re: Jim's times letter on fascism...

1999-05-02 Thread Andrew Wayne Austin

I think Bob is onto something. Over there at LM there is a collective mind
set that people worry too much over things like pollution, the safety of
consumer products, neo-nazi activities, etc. The line is handed down by
Furedi and informed by the "sociology of risk," the latest libertarian
craze in social scientism. This has ideological and practical utility. For
LM, the right wing is dead namely because LM has become an adjunct to it.


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SV: M-TH: Re: Jim's times letter on fascism...

1999-05-01 Thread Bob Malecki

Jim replying to Hugh..

Hugh's revolutionary zeal is such that he thinks that it is a betrayal
of principle to address an audience of 500 000, as opposed to one of 5. 

No Jim. This is not the case at all. Communists including Hugh do not oppose using the 
bourgeois press. The point is what you say and do in the bourgeois press. And Hugh's 
point that the bougeois press was using you is correct because your article is a 
"Repunzel" sleeping pill to the poeble..Actually the middle class which your tendency 
these days adapts too..

Like Bob, Hugh just keeps waiting for history to repeat itself. It

Looks like Jim has a new analisis of fascism. Let's hear it Jim. Don't be shy..

Hugh contradicts himself. As he explained earlier, armed suppression of
the working class is not necessary, when the Labour party has succeeded
in dismantling the labour movement from within. It is not because the
working class is well-organised that the fascists have no support. On
the contrary, it is because the working class is largely unorganised
that the fascist parties are of no use to the ruling classes.

I tend to agree with this. The bourgeoisie does not feel theatened at this time. But 
it will take a fascist movement to smash the workers because they are and extremely 
powerful social force despite its leaderrship.

So this is contradictory..However this was not Jim's arguements in the article. Jim 
tries to cover his ass by saying that the article was directed at the Blairites taking 
over the conservative program on immigration policies however to mislead people by 
connecting this stuff to fascism not being a threat is to disarm the poor and working 
class who are the TARGETS of the Nazis.

At best you admit that the status quo is fine and the Nazis attacks of late are no 
danger. Tell that to the victims in the communities where these attrocious attacks are 
taking place.

In fact and article linking labor and the unions to fight both the Nazi provacations 
and the reactionary anti-immigrant laws uniting all of the oppressed would be and 
appropriate communist response in any newspaper and I doubt if the Times would print 

I know Hugh does not believe me about this, but he should visit. His
view of what happens in England seems to be drawn from the seventies.

Perehaps! However Jim's views are a denial of the ABC's of Trotskyism. And some very 
hard learned lessons from our own history in the workers movement. The point being 
that articles like yours will lead to a repeat in history. If we do not want to see a 
repeat than we will have to sought out the question of leadership in the workers 
movement which can give a successful programmatic and organizational answer to fascism 
which is the final instrument the bourgeoisie needs to stop a pre-revolutionary 
situation in society. The other instrument which goes hand in hand is the big 
/imperialist democratic bourgeoisie which leads to imperialist wars over this stuff.

The "human rights" propaganda in Yugoslavia being and extremely good example of how 
the masses can be fooled into supporting and imperialist solution to the crisis in 
another bloodbath..

Warm regards
Bob Malecki 

Jim heartfield

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