Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] All forty-five volumes

2005-07-27 Thread Dogangoecmen
well, I've not read all 45 volumes. But I know he says something like in one of 
his major works. Unfortunately I do not remember just now where.


In an email dated 26/7/2005 2:36:26 pm GMT Daylight time, "Charles Brown" 

>I have a lot of respect for someone who has read all forty-five volumes of
>Lenin's CW.
>Is there anything in there where he says the capitalists will sell us the
>rope with which we hang them ?
>Name:   Robert Cymbala 
>Joined MIA:   2001 
>Born:   Glen Ridge, New Jersey   (1966)   
>Location:   Los Angeles, California 
>Web page:
>Union:   United Transportation Union   
>Political Membership:   Bus Riders Union   
>Actively Maintaining:   Lenin Internet Archive
> . 
>Other MIA Responsibilities:   Assistant janitor
> . 
>Other Politics: Archivist for The Alternative Orange
>  student newspaper. 
>MIA Work History: 
>During Summer of 2001 became co-director of the Lenin Internet Archives
>having read all 45 volumes of Lenin Collected Works from 1995
>  to 1997
> . 
>Currently pushing to finish Lenin Collected Works
>  along with David Moros
> . 
>Currently (on hold) creating a Debian   package
>for Text Encoding Initiative's P4 DTD  . 
>EBay id:   rcymbala 
>The photo seen above was taken in front of a garage door on Balmy Street in
>San Francisco's Mission District. The young boy is writing "resistence"
>("RESISTE") as his village is burning, a young woman sits on boxes marked
>for EXPORT holding an empty plate, and a group of adults use guns to fight
>the country's U.S.-backed military. Another group of adults hold B&W
>pictures of their "disappeared" family members, as a man dumps grain or corn
>onto the ground that was bound for a so-called "rich" country where obesity
>is epidemic and the poor continue to starve. 
>Volunteers w/o a Bio. Page:   
>Tim Delaney 
>Charles Farrell 
>Carl Kavanagh 
>Lee Joon Koo 
>Marc Luzietti 
>David Moros 
>Kent Smith 
>J. Doe 
>MIA Steering Committee   
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Dogan Gocmen
University of Edinburgh
School of Social and Political Studies
Adam ferguson Building
George Square
Edinburgh, EH8 9LL

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Paraconsistency & Philosophy

2005-07-27 Thread Ralph Dumain

I have initiated a web guide to resources on paraconsistency:

Paraconsistency & Philosophy

If anyone wishes to add further links, please let me know.

I found lots more articles on the subject on the web, but my aim here is to 
include selected articles of a broader philosophical interest.  On my next 
go-round, perhaps I should add links to wordl congresses and discussion 
fora on the subject.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Honda workers riot in New Delhi

2005-07-27 Thread Charles Brown,12559,1536775,00.html>

Honda workers riot in New Delhi

Randeep Ramesh in New Delhi
Wednesday July 27, 2005

Indian police and striking workers of the Indian unit of the Japanese
motor company Honda were engaged in running street battles in the
suburbs of New Delhi for a second day. Hospitals said they were
overwhelmed by the injured.

Television images showed furious women chasing police officers and
pounding them with canes; other footage showed policemen beating
dozens of protesting Honda workers with bamboo sticks and firing shots
into the air.

Communist party workers, who supported the Honda strikers, were
blasted with water cannon, and teargas was used against the

Sonia Gandhi, the leader of the ruling coalition government, and the
Indian prime minister, Manmohan Singh, expressed anguish over the
riots. Honda claimed many of the rioters were not their workers,
implying outsiders had whipped up emotions.

Japan's ambassador to New Delhi warned that such incidents would
damage India's image for investors.

The clashes started after workers of Honda Motorcycles and Scooters
staged a protest to demand the reinstatement of dismissed and
suspended colleagues. Despite two months of talks between Honda
management and staff, no agreement was reached.

The Communist Party of India, which lends crucial support to Mrs
Gandhi's coalition, has become increasingly vocal about the present
administration's "neo-liberal" policies.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] All forty-five volumes

2005-07-27 Thread Robert Cymbala

In reply to CB: 3 hits (all having to do with British/Britain):


  It is said that we cannot do without the financial support of
  Britain and France. But this support "supports" us like the rope

lenin/works/1917/jul/07.htm:  supporting a hanged man. Let the Russian
  revolutionary class 
  say: down with that support, I refuse to recognise debts
  contracted with the French and British capitalists, and I call
  for a general revolt against the capitalists. No peace treaty
  with the German capitalists and no alliance with the British and
  French! If this policy were actually pursued, our army fighting
  the Turks could be released and sent to other fronts, because
  all Asian peoples would see that the Russian people do not
  merely proclaim peace without annexations on the basis of
  self-determination but that the Russian worker and peasant are
  in fact placing themselves at the head of all oppressed ...


  The people must be particularly cautioned against the
  capitalists' assertion which sometimes influences the petty
  bourgeoisie and others who are frightened, namely, that the
  British and other capitalists are capable of doing serious
  damage to the Russian revolution if we break the present
  predatory alliance with them. Such an assertion is false through
  and through, for "Allied financial aid" enriches the bankers and
  "supports" the Russian workers and peasants in exactly the same

lenin/works/1917/oct/09.htm:  way as a rope supports a man who has been
  hanged. There is 
  plenty of bread, coal, oil and iron in Russia; for these
  products to be properly distributed it is only necessary for us
  to rid ourselves of the landowners and capitalists who are
  robbing the people. As to the possibility of the Russian people
  being threatened with war by their present Allies, it is
  obviously absurd to assume that the French and Italians could
  unite their armies with those of the Germans and move them
  against Russia who offers a just peace. As to Britain, America,
  and Japan, even if they were to declare war against Russia
  (which for them is extremely difficult, both because of the ...


At present, British Communists very often find it hard even to approach
the masses, and even to get a hearing from them. If I come out as a
Communist and call upon them to vote for Henderson and against Lloyd
George, they will certainly give me a hearing. And I shall be able to
explain in a popular manner, not only why the Soviets are better than a
parliament and why the dictatorship of the proletariat is better than the
dictatorship of Churchill (disguised with the signboard of bourgeois
"democracy"), but also that, with my vote, I want to support Henderson in

lenin/works/1920/lwc/ch09.htm:the same way as the rope supports a
hanged man---that the impending 
establishment of a government of the Hendersons will prove that I am right,
will bring the masses over to my side, and will hasten the political death
of the Hendersons and the Snowdens just as was the case with their kindred
spirits in Russia and Germany.

   * * *

$ find ~/ -name '*.htm' | xargs \
-i egrep -Hi -B 10 -A 10 '[^c]hang' '{}' > ~/foo 

NOTE: above does *not* find "hang" at beginning-of-line.  Another
reason why the above is not a thorough search of all 45 volumes,
besides the fact that about 7 volumes are not digitized.

> From: "Charles Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 09:36:26 -0400
> Is there anything in there where he says the capitalists will sell us the
> rope with which we hang them ?
> CB

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Iraq Occupation and Resistance: End Games?

2005-07-27 Thread CeJ
The resistance movement led by Arab nationalist and Shia cleric al
Sadr is now ready to head a post-Occupation Iraq in accord with the
Sunni resistance, and the Sadrists and their Sunni allies will not
stand for a permanent occupation or a split-up Iraq. So US and
Occupation talk of a 'drawdown' in US troop numbers is nothing but an
equivocation in attempt to placate some Iraqis and influence opinion
on the American homefront. However, the US national security state
plans for Iraq are:

-permanent occupation, 
-a weak 'federal' structure leading to collapse at the Arab centre,
-collaboration with centrifugal elements (Kurds, Shia separatists in
the south who want an exclusive deal on oil revenues, largey secular),
-and an Iraq re-built (i.e. occupied) only enough to quarter their
troops and airmen,

So all-out armed resistance and civil disobedience campaigns may be
the only way for the Iraqi nationalists and co-religionists to salvage
their country (I say 'co-religionists', since the core elements of the
Sunni, Shia and Kurd resistance to occupation and break-up are
Islamists with far more in common than not).

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Sunni cleric holds talks with Al Sadr


Najaf :  An influential Sunni Arab cleric met on Sunday with radical 
Shiite preacher Moqtada Al Sadr and afterward said Iraqis  cannot
produce a constitution freely as long as foreign troops  remain in the
country. The meeting between Al Sadr and Abdul Salam Al Kobeisi of the
 Association of Muslim Scholars was a sign that two rival  religious
groups are exploring ways to cooperate in the common  goal of limiting
US influence in the preparation of the  constitution. Both Al Sadr and
the association oppose the presence of  foreign troops. "The presence
of the occupier will not allow us to write our  constitution with
Iraqi hands," Al Kobeisi told reporters  after the meeting. "It will
be incantations from the occupier  like what happened in the interim


C. Jannuzzi
Fukui, Japan

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