Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O and racism

2008-03-31 Thread Charles Brown

 CeJ [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/28/2008 9:54 PM 
Another thing the discussion so far seems to have overlooked is
finances. McCain isn't Bush 3.0 (or is that Bush 1.2?) because unlike
Poppy Bush and Bushwa Jr., he can't seem to raise money. The
fundamentalists and evangelicals aren't going to pay for his campaign
(they didn't even really pay for Huckabee's). But the corporate
establishment seems to be betting that the crisis is like the downturn
at the end of Poppy's presidency and that a Democrat can fix it. That
is also why national security state establishment types keep popping
up (usually dressed like 'common people') at Obama rallies.

CB: There was a long term 20th Century pattern , division of labor
between Dems and Reps, wherein Dems brought war and Reps brought
depression , with Reps not bringing war and Dems not bringing economic
downturn. This pattern was broken by Carter not bringing a war.

That is about the only way to explain why Clinton and Obama both have
so much money.
We might be seeing a fundamental shift, too, like the way the business
and military establishment got behind Blair's purged Labour Party and
made it the party of the British establishment. But it is THE empire
we are talking about here, not a former one. So the analogy is a weak
one most likely.

I would say it's still the Demoncrat's election to lose. I really hope
that Obama becomes president and that his first appointment to the
Supreme Court is Anita Hill. Then I would know he really is different.

Guess I could have titled this with the crisis thread title.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] O and racism

2008-03-31 Thread Charles Brown

 CeJ [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/29/2008 12:17 AM 
Poor Bill, if only he had Cameron Diaz's surname! This is why I say
Obama needs either an ethnic or Hispanic strategy, and I think he is
probably smart enough that he does have one--as soon as he gets rid of
the Clintons.

CB: Believe me, Bill Richardson is not the only Hispanic who became an
O supporter when Richardson did.  Colored solidarity took a big leap
with the racist moves on O. Richardson could feel it, because he has
experienced similar things. All people of color have analogous
experiences.  O is quite international. 

 However, by his very nature, he has upset the status quo
of the Demoncrats. They are getting ready to absorb him into their
bourgeois collective. The question is, will he see it as a loser
strategy and do something really different with his one chance at the
presidency and this election? If he loses, whatever strategy he
chooses will always be second guessed. So chances are he will throw in
with the Demoncrat consensus. If I were a betting man, that would give
slightly better than even odds to win (because McCain thus far has
failed to raise much money, because national security state types are
showing up on the side of the Demoncrats too, not just the Repugs, and
because the Repug in not an entrenched incumbent). OTOH, it all seems
dicey precisely because of the racism, because of a lack so far of
Hispanic support to Obama (or am I being misled by the
media--afterall, he won Nevada, right?), and because the Demoncrats
lose close elections because of the
conservative/Repug/rural/southern/western biases built into the
electoral system (and Senate too). They need a blow out. For a blow
out strategy, Obama will have to lead. He will have to step outside
the Demoncrat party that has rewarded him so far. 

key quote:

More than half of Latino voters in 23 states said no Latino was
running for president. Only a quarter recognized Richardson as a
Hispanic in the race.

2008 Presidential election: Richardson races to gain Hispanic

News---New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, Democratic candidate for
president, holds a forum with the Culinary Union at union headquarters
Tuesday May 1,2007.

Also on the Web

  More Richardson video resources
  The Richardson File


By Barbara Ferry | The New Mexican

Sat May 5, 2007 10:31 pm

Poll shows majority of Latinos unaware of governor's heritage

If Bill Richardson's mother had been an American banker and his father
had been the son of a prominent Mexico City clan, things might be
different. As it is, the native Spanish-speaking presidential
candidate with an Anglo last name faces a challenge convincing
Hispanic voters that he, too, is Hispanic.

``For all the Latinos here, I want you to know that I'm Latino,''
Richardson said in Spanish at a recent campaign stop in California,
according to a report by New American Media, a coalition of ethnic
media outlets. ``I can't convince people with this last name.''

Richardson has repeated that he's running not as a Hispanic candidate
but as a ``mainstream candidate'' who is proud of his heritage. He's
also repeated that he's running on his resume and not as ``a rock
star'' like Democratic front-runners Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

But in the Hispanic press, Richardson has celebrity status.

At campaign stops in Texas, Spanish outlets arrived en masse.

He's been featured heavily on media such as Telemundo, which asked in
one segment whether America was ready for ``a Mexican'' in the White

In Los Angeles, he made history by giving a half-hour radio interview
in Spanish to popular radio host Eddie ``El Piolin'' Sotelo. Univision
anchor Maria Elena Salinas greeted him with a kiss at a convention of
Hispanic journalists and wrote a boosterish column about him, ``El
Presidente Richardson,'' on her Web site. In New York, Spanish radio
station owners hosted a fundraiser for him.

America Rodriguez, a professor of radio and television at the
University of Texas at Austin, said Richardson's heritage and fluency
in Spanish boosts him out of third-tier status for her and other

``When it gets around to election time, we usually hear these
candidates speaking this horrible Spanish,'' said Rodriguez, author of
the book Making Latino News. ``For Latinos to be hearing someone who
speaks our language correctly is very exciting.''

``That's what makes him interesting to me,'' said Rodriguez, who is
Cuban American. ``Otherwise, he's just another mainstream Democrat.''

Despite the Spanish media's excitement over having a candidate who can
handle more than ``si se puede'' and other tired slogans, Richardson
has an uphill battle ahead of him with Latino voters, according to one
recent national poll.

More than half of Latino voters in 23 states said no Latino was
running for president. Only a quarter recognized Richardson as a
Hispanic in the 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Deleuze/Guattari on fascism: blast from the past

2008-03-31 Thread Charles Brown
Deleuze/Guattari on fascism

Subject: Deleuze/Guattari on fascism 
From: Louis N Proyect [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 1996 20:57:37 -0500 (EST) 


In the translator's foreword to A Thousand Plateaus, Brian Massumi
tells us that the philosopher Gilles Deleuze was prompted by the
French worker-student revolt of 1968 to question the role of the
intellectual in society. Felix Guattari, his writing partner, was a
psychoanalyst who identified with R.D. Laing's antipsychiatry
movement of the 1960's. Laing created group homes where
schizophrenics were treated identically to the sane, sort of like the
Marxism list. Guattari also embraced the protests of 1968 and
discovered an intellectual kinship with Deleuze. Their first
collaboration was the 1972 Anti-Oedipus. Massumi interprets this
work as a polemic against State-happy or pro-party versions of
Marxism. A Thousand Plateaus, written in 1987, is basically part
two of the earlier work. Deleuze and Guattari state that the two books
make up a grand opus they call Capitalism and Schizophrenia.

I read the chapter 1933 in A Thousand Plateaus with as much
concentration as I can muster. Stylistically, it has a lot in common
with philosophers inspired by Nietzsche. I am reminded of some of the
reading I did in Wyndham Lewis and Oswald Spengler in a previous
lifetime. These sorts of authors pride themselves in being able to
weave together strands from many different disciplines and hate being
categorized. Within a few pages of the chapter on 1933 you will see
references to Kafka, American movies, Andre Gorz's theory of work and
Clausewitz's military writings. I used to be able to do this sort of
thing myself before I became doctrinaire and boring.

Their approach to fascism is totally at odds with the approach we have
been developing in our cyberseminar. Thinkers such as Marx and
Trotsky focus on the class dynamics of bourgeois society. Bonapartism
is rooted in the attempt of the French bourgeoisie in 1848 to stave
proletarian revolution. Trotsky explains fascism as a totalitarian
ditch measure to preserve private property when bourgeois democracy
or the Bonapartist state fail.

Deleuze and Guattari see fascism as a permanent feature of social
Class is not so important to them. They are concerned with what they
call microfascism, the fascism that lurks in heart of each and every
one of us. (Oooh, scary stuff.) When they talk about societies that
swept by fascism, such as Germany, they totally ignore the objective
and economic framework: depression, hyperinflation, loss of territory,

This is wrong. Fascism is a product of objective historical factors,
shortcomings in the human psyche or imperfections in the way society
is structured. The way to prevent fascism is not to have unfascist
attitudes or live in unfascist communities, like the hippies did in
1960's. It is to confront the capitalist class during periods of
crisis and win a socialist victory.

In a key description of the problem, they say, The concept of the
totalitarian State applies only at the macropolitical level, to a
segmentarity and a particular mode of totalization and centralization.
But fascism is inseparable from a proliferation of molecular focuses
interaction, which skip from point to point, before beginning to
resonate together in the National Socialist State. Rural fascism and
city or neighborhood fascism, youth fascism and war veteran's fascism,
fascism of the Left and fascism of the Right, fascism of the couple,
family, school, and office: every fascism is defined by a micro-black
hole that stands on its own and communicates with the others, before
resonating in a great, generalized central black hole.

This is a totally superficial understanding of how fascism came about.
What is Left fascism? It is true that the Communist Party employed
thuggish behavior on occasion during the ultraleft Third Period.
They broke up meetings of small Trotskyist groups while the Nazis
were breaking up the meetings of trade unions or Communists. Does
this behavior equal left Fascism? Fascism is a class term. It describes
mass movement of the petty-bourgeoisie that seeks to destroy all
vestiges of the working-class movement. This at least is the Marxist

Fascism is not intolerance, bad attitudes, meanness or insensitivity.
is a violent, procapitalist mass movement of the middle-class that
employs socialist phrase-mongering.

I want to conclude with a few words about Felix Guattari and Toni
Negri's Communists like Us. Unlike Deleuze/Guattari's
collaborations, this is a perfectly straightforward political
that puts forward a basic challenge to Marxism. It is deeply inspired
a reading 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Al Dhameer Al Arabi

2008-03-31 Thread Charles Brown
Al Dhameer Al Arabi
Yoshie Furuhashi 
Mon Mar 31 02:06:22 MDT 2008
Al Dhameer Al Arabi

Watch a video of Al Dhameer Al Arabi, The Arab Conscience, produced
and directed by Ahmed Al Arian, featuring 106 Arab singers. Much of
the video cuts back and forth between harrowing images of deaths and
destructions inflicted upon Arabs by American and Israeli wars and
occupations, from Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine, and shots of singers
reminding the audience that Arabs must overcome the game of divide and
conquer played by the empire.

The only source of pride for Arabs today, as suggested by the video,
is Hizballah. Arabs who listen to this song must go beyond its
pan-Arabist framework and consider why the only governments in the
Middle East that are giving material support to Hizballah are the
governments of Iran and Syria. When the 2006 Israeli war on Lebanon
began, the governments of Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia were in fact
quick to condemn Hizballah till the overwhelming Arab support for the
Party of God forced them to retreat, at least in rhetoric. Hamas's
breach of the Egyptian border to break the siege of Gaza in January
this year also briefly highlighted the Egyptian government's role in
imprisoning Palestinians under the Israeli occupation. The same role
is played by the other pro-American Arab governments as well, albeit
less visibly.

Arabs who care about Palestine and admire Hizballah, a majority of
common people in the Arab world, therefore must reject the empire's
attempt to pit Sunnis against Shi'is and Arabs against Iranians and
establish new governments in their own countries that actually reflect
the Arab public opinion.

By the same token, Iranians mustn't fall for an illusion that, if they
abandon Hamas and Hizballah and help the Americans in Iraq, the empire
will make peace with them. It won't.

Now, an aside to Western leftists. Western leftists must stop and
think about who in Iran are the least enthusiastic about supporting
Hamas and Hizballah: secular and religious liberals who solicit the
support of the West in the name of human rights and democracy, the
very type of people whom Western leftists professed to love. The only
thought about Palestine that occurs to Iranian liberals, in Iran as
well as in the diaspora, is usually a waste of money (the same
thought that Russian liberals thought under the Soviet government as
they contemplated the expenses of the Soviet Union's international
commitments). A line from a Persian band Kiosk's song Eshgh-e Sorat,
Love for Speed, speaks for them: scraped up the very last dime / sent
it all to Palestine.

The most fervently anti-Arab Iranians, dogmatic secularists, even
think that their nation began a long decline when Arabs conquered
Persia and brought Islam to its people.

In conclusion, all major problems for Arabs and Iranians -- the
Israeli occupation of Palestine, the US occupation of Iraq, the
US-Israeli threat to Iran -- really require regional, not national,
solutions. Whether such regional solutions can be found depends on
whether Arabs and Iranians can learn to collaborate with each other in
search of them and include both Turks and Kurds as part of their
common regional project in the end.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Police Arrest Anti-War Protester, 80, At Mall

2008-03-31 Thread Charles Brown

Published on Sunday, March 30, 2008 by (New York) 
Police Arrest Anti-War Protester, 80, At Mall
by Anastasia Economides  Matthew Chayes
An 80-year-old church deacon was removed from the Smith Haven Mall yesterday in 
a wheelchair and arrested by police for refusing to remove a T-shirt protesting 
the Iraq War.

Police said that Don Zirkel, of Bethpage, was disturbing shoppers at the Lake 
Grove mall with his T-shirt, which had what they described as “graphic anti-war 
images.” Zirkel, a deacon at Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Wyandanch, 
said his shirt had the death tolls of American military personnel and Iraqis - 
4,000 and 1 million - and the words “Dead” and “Enough.” The shirt also has 
three blotches resembling blood splatters.

Police said in a release last night that Zirkel was handing out anti-war 
pamphlets to mallgoers and that mall security told him to stop and turn his 
shirt inside out. Zirkel refused to turn his shirt inside out and wouldn’t 
leave, police said. Security placed him on “civilian arrest” and called police. 
When police arrived, Zirkel passively resisted attempts to bring him to a 
police car, the release said.

But Zirkel said he was sitting in the food court drinking coffee with his wife 
Marie, 77, and several others when police and mall security officers approached 
and demanded they remove their anti-war T-shirts.

The others complied, but Zirkel said he refused, and when he wouldn’t stand up 
to be removed and arrested, authorities brought over a wheelchair. “They 
forcibly picked me up and put me in the wheelchair,” said Zirkel, a deacon at 
one of the poorest Catholic parishes on Long Island, where a devastating fire 
recently destroyed the rectory and storage areas.

Zirkel was charged with criminal trespassing and resisting arrest. He was 
released on bail. A spokeswoman for mall owner Simon Property Group did not 
immediately return calls seeking comment.

Generally speaking, a mall has the right to control what happens on its 
property, said John McEntee, a Uniondale commercial litigation lawyer.

Activists with dueling opinions had gathered to support and oppose America’s 
five-year campaign.

As Zirkel was being wheeled to the police car, the crowd chanted “We shall not 
be moved!” Moments later, they moved; police and mall security had ordered them 
off the property. Many joined a larger anti-war crowd assembled by the mall’s 
entrance, off mall property, on Veterans Memorial Highway.

They were complemented nearby by protesters saying the Iraq war is vital for 

Copyright © 2008, Newsday Inc.

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135 Comments so far 
greatbear215 March 30th, 2008 10:23 am 
Life in a police state; thanks to conservative political ideology. A lot like 
the “nipple,” the “tee-shirt” is also a big threat to America’s security. 
Perhaps they should cover the nipple with the tee-shirt; that way America won’t 
be so frightened.

MeAlsoToo_ARealist March 30th, 2008 10:23 am 
“But Zirkel said he was sitting in the food court drinking coffee with his wife 
Marie, 77, and several others when police and mall security officers approached 
and demanded they remove their anti-war T-shirts.”

They should be glad they weren’t Tasered by Security, forcibly stripped of 
their tee-shirts, then arrested for ‘Indecent Exposure’ once the official 
Policia-arrived on-scene…[maybe during the next-Admin…as Kerry so obviously 
would have approved-of in FL…?].
“Don’t Taze me, Bro”

truthmonger March 30th, 2008 10:33 am 
I guess it’s okay for war recruiters to hand out pro-war pamphlets but not for 
anti-war folks to hand out anti-war pamphlets. I guess freedom isn’t free.

citizen1 March 30th, 2008 10:37 am 
Police and corporate state …. that’s how you get fascism.

lino March 30th, 2008 10:43 am 
yes, sad to see army recruitment spots on prime time tv, mulit-million dollar 
“recruitment centers” being built everywhere, even in towns of under 25,000 
population, army recruiters on high school campuses, seeing recruiters driving 
star-spangled hummers along freeways in major cities. but try wearing the wrong 

even sadder to see, here, only three posts on this article. perhaps the poor 
response here is due to the fact that the names of nader or clinton or obama 
were omitted.

KEM PATRICK March 30th, 2008 10:46 am 
Well, the GOOD news is, he was released on bail. _ Wonder how long that 
benefit will still be in effect?

barksnotbites March 30th, 2008 10:47 am 
Okay all you non-Americans sitting in judgement of the American people. Do you 
get it? The Empire wants ALL under its thumb. There is no place on the planet 
to be free of these criminals - unless all Earth citizens unite. There is not a 
living creature that is not being or is to be - 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Vienna Circle ettc.

2008-03-31 Thread rasherrs
The argument between the Vienna Circle and Karl Popper on the matter of 
the verification principle. Popper susbtituted the falsficaion principle for 
the verification principle. I believe that this and related issues have been 
at best neglected by marxism. Yet is a matter of signifcance.
  The problem of  the entire relationship between the physical sciences, the 
human sciences and what is known as everyday common sense is one that needs 
badly to be solved. Without a solution to it  communism stands on weak and 
unconvincing ground.
  Perhaps it should be recalled that the Vienna Circle contained socialists 
and was not a right wing intellectual circle. Even Popper had been 
associated with marxism in his youth.  He was later to become a liberal. 
These people as marxism often suggests were not extreme right wing 
ideologues. Bertrand Russell exercised an enormous influence on the Vienna 
Circle and on Popper. Yet it cannot be said that he was politically 

Paddy Hackett 

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Vienna Circle ettc.

2008-03-31 Thread Charles Brown

The argument between the Vienna Circle and Karl Popper on the
matter of 
the verification principle. Popper susbtituted the falsficaion
principle for 
the verification principle. I believe that this and related issues have
at best neglected by marxism. 

CB: Marxist Philosopher Maurice Cornforth wrote a 350 page book all on
Popper , including extensive discussion of falsifiability. Cornforth
isn't the only Marxist to discuss it.

See Ralph Dumain's discussions of Cornforth

Yet is a matter of signifcance.
  The problem of  the entire relationship between the physical
sciences, the 
human sciences and what is known as everyday common sense is one that
badly to be solved. Without a solution to it  communism stands on weak
unconvincing ground.
  Perhaps it should be recalled that the Vienna Circle contained
and was not a right wing intellectual circle. Even Popper had been 
associated with marxism in his youth.  He was later to become a
These people as marxism often suggests were not extreme right wing 
ideologues. Bertrand Russell exercised an enormous influence on the
Circle and on Popper. Yet it cannot be said that he was politically 

Paddy Hackett 

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Vienna Circle ettc.

2008-03-31 Thread Charles Brown

rasherrs rasherrs 

The argument between the Vienna Circle and Karl Popper on the
matter of 
the verification principle. Popper susbtituted the falsficaion
principle for 
the verification principle. I believe that this and related issues have
at best neglected by marxism. Yet is a matter of signifcance.
  The problem of  the entire relationship between the physical
sciences, the 
human sciences and what is known as everyday common sense is one that
badly to be solved. Without a solution to it  communism stands on weak
unconvincing ground.
  Perhaps it should be recalled that the Vienna Circle contained
and was not a right wing intellectual circle. Even Popper had been 
associated with marxism in his youth.  He was later to become a
These people as marxism often suggests were not extreme right wing 
ideologues. Bertrand Russell exercised an enormous influence on the
Circle and on Popper. Yet it cannot be said that he was politically 

CB: Yea, Russell was a liberal. 

Jim F. can tell you who was a Marxist and who not in the Vienna Circle
, and among the logical positivists.  The name of the Marxist among them
will come to me in a minute.

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Vienna Circle ettc.

2008-03-31 Thread Jim Farmelant
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 15:22:21 -0400 Charles Brown
 rasherrs rasherrs 

 The argument between the Vienna Circle and Karl Popper on the
 matter of 
 the verification principle. Popper susbtituted the falsficaion
 principle for 
 the verification principle. I believe that this and related issues 
 at best neglected by marxism. Yet is a matter of signifcance.
   The problem of  the entire relationship between the physical
 sciences, the 
 human sciences and what is known as everyday common sense is one 
 badly to be solved. Without a solution to it  communism stands on 
 unconvincing ground.
   Perhaps it should be recalled that the Vienna Circle contained
 and was not a right wing intellectual circle. Even Popper had been 
 associated with marxism in his youth.  He was later to become a
 These people as marxism often suggests were not extreme right wing 
 ideologues. Bertrand Russell exercised an enormous influence on the
 Circle and on Popper. Yet it cannot be said that he was politically 
 CB: Yea, Russell was a liberal. 
 Jim F. can tell you who was a Marxist and who not in the Vienna 
 , and among the logical positivists.  The name of the Marxist among 
 will come to me in a minute.

Among the Vienna Circle, Otto Neurath was an avowed
Marxist.  He was by training a mathematician, an economist and
a sociologist.  At the time of the 1919 revolution in
Germany, he was appointed by the Social Democratic
government in Bavaria to run a commission for overseeing
the socialization of the economy.  Not long after that,
the Social Democrats were displaced by a radical
left government comprised of Communists,
left Social Democrats and anarchists. They
kept Neurath in his post.  Later after the 1919
revolution was suppressed, Neurath was arrested
and put on trial for treason.  The treason charges
against him were eventually dropped after
protests from the Austrian government and
the intercession of prominent academics
in Germany, including his old teacher
Max Weber.  After that, he returned
to his native Austria, where he remained
active in the Austrian SPD and became very
much involved in worker education.
As an admirer of Ernst Mach, Neurath
fell in with a loosely knit group of
scientifically minded philosophers
and philosophically minded scientists
who were concerned with updating
Mach's philosophy in light of then
recent developments in science and
mathematical logic.  This group
became known as the Vienna
Circle and although Moritz Schlick
was its titular head. Otto Neurath
and Rudolf Carnap were its dominant
figures.  It was Neurath and Carnap
who drew up the group's manifesto,
The Scientific Conception of the
World;  The Vienna Circle.
In that document, Neurath and
Carnap emphasized the broader
concerns of the circle which extended
beyond logic and the philosophy
of science to encompass issues
in culture, education and politics.
They made clear their orientation
to socialism and they included
Karl Marx in their list of thinkers
who considered to be progenitors
of the scientific conception of the

Politically, most of the Vienna Circle
were left social democrats. However,
there were a few members like Schlick,
and Richard von Mises (the brother of
economist Ludwig von Mises) who were
not all socialists or social democrats but
were liberals in the continental European
senses (that is they were they were free

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Deleuze/Guattari on fascism: blast from the past

2008-03-31 Thread CeJ
Proyect seems to have skimmed the anti-Oedipus book and then read one
pamphlet Negri wrote with Guattari.

((By the way, let me point out that the excitement about the Empire
book (Hardt and Negri) might have actually come with a bit more
reading comprehension if some of the many Americans who acclaimed it
had actually read it in relation to Lyotard and D-G. ))

At any rate, Proyect has read more of D-G than most 'Marxists'. But he
is wrong to see them as belonging to some simple Nietzschean tradition
(I have to assume to see them as irrationalist in order to dismiss
them). And he seems to have got so many of the basic facts about them
and their authoring relationship wrong. But then again, most Americans
of his age don't know much about France 1968 because they were caught
up in 1968 US. I really have to recommend D-G's 'What is Philosophy'.
It's a great read, and if someone wants to pay me to review it, I'll
be happy to. I could imagine Wittgenstein would have love it. Some
very interesting analysis of Heidgegger too. It wouldn't be fair to
Louis or his sophomoric attempt at a review of D-G to tell him to read
'What is Philosophy' as some sort of corrective, since the review was
written in 1996 and I think the English-language version of 'What is
Philosophy' came out in 1998. It was, by the way, a bestseller in


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Vienna Circle ettc.

2008-03-31 Thread rasherrs

Are there available any English copies of The Scientific Conception of the 

- Original Message - 
From: Jim Farmelant [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 1:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Vienna Circle ettc.

On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 15:22:21 -0400 Charles Brown

 rasherrs rasherrs


 The argument between the Vienna Circle and Karl Popper on the
 matter of
 the verification principle. Popper susbtituted the falsficaion
 principle for
 the verification principle. I believe that this and related issues
 at best neglected by marxism. Yet is a matter of signifcance.
   The problem of  the entire relationship between the physical
 sciences, the
 human sciences and what is known as everyday common sense is one
 badly to be solved. Without a solution to it  communism stands on
 unconvincing ground.
   Perhaps it should be recalled that the Vienna Circle contained
 and was not a right wing intellectual circle. Even Popper had been
 associated with marxism in his youth.  He was later to become a
 These people as marxism often suggests were not extreme right wing
 ideologues. Bertrand Russell exercised an enormous influence on the
 Circle and on Popper. Yet it cannot be said that he was politically


 CB: Yea, Russell was a liberal.

 Jim F. can tell you who was a Marxist and who not in the Vienna
 , and among the logical positivists.  The name of the Marxist among
 will come to me in a minute.


Among the Vienna Circle, Otto Neurath was an avowed
Marxist.  He was by training a mathematician, an economist and
a sociologist.  At the time of the 1919 revolution in
Germany, he was appointed by the Social Democratic
government in Bavaria to run a commission for overseeing
the socialization of the economy.  Not long after that,
the Social Democrats were displaced by a radical
left government comprised of Communists,
left Social Democrats and anarchists. They
kept Neurath in his post.  Later after the 1919
revolution was suppressed, Neurath was arrested
and put on trial for treason.  The treason charges
against him were eventually dropped after
protests from the Austrian government and
the intercession of prominent academics
in Germany, including his old teacher
Max Weber.  After that, he returned
to his native Austria, where he remained
active in the Austrian SPD and became very
much involved in worker education.
As an admirer of Ernst Mach, Neurath
fell in with a loosely knit group of
scientifically minded philosophers
and philosophically minded scientists
who were concerned with updating
Mach's philosophy in light of then
recent developments in science and
mathematical logic.  This group
became known as the Vienna
Circle and although Moritz Schlick
was its titular head. Otto Neurath
and Rudolf Carnap were its dominant
figures.  It was Neurath and Carnap
who drew up the group's manifesto,
The Scientific Conception of the
World;  The Vienna Circle.
In that document, Neurath and
Carnap emphasized the broader
concerns of the circle which extended
beyond logic and the philosophy
of science to encompass issues
in culture, education and politics.
They made clear their orientation
to socialism and they included
Karl Marx in their list of thinkers
who considered to be progenitors
of the scientific conception of the

Politically, most of the Vienna Circle
were left social democrats. However,
there were a few members like Schlick,
and Richard von Mises (the brother of
economist Ludwig von Mises) who were
not all socialists or social democrats but
were liberals in the continental European
senses (that is they were they were free

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