[Marxism-Thaxis] Rosa Lichtenstein vs. Andrew Kliman on dialectics

2009-09-08 Thread farmela...@juno.com


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Thirty Death Threats per day

2009-09-08 Thread c b
The right-wing hate speech polluting the debate over health care is
generating more and more threats against President Obama, some truly

CNN anchor Rick Sanchez reports that when President Obama visited
Phoenix, Ariz. on August 17, local minister Steven Anderson of the
Faithful World Baptist Church, who strongly expresses hatred for Obama
in many of his sermons, told his congregation that he wished him dead.
In a disturbing twist, it was discovered that Chris Broughton, the man
who brought an AR 15 assault rifle to the Phoenix rally where Obama
spoke, had attended Anderson's sermon. In a later interview, Broughton
said he concurred with his pastor's wish to see Obama die and go to
hell. As many as twelve men were seen walking around the Phoenix
Convention Center with guns on that day.

President Obama faces 30 death threats a day, a 400 percent increase
from former President Bush, according to Ronald Kessler, a veteran
investigative journalist and conservative who recently authored a book
about the Secret Service.

Kessler notes that funding cutbacks have already left the first
African-American president in U.S. history particularly vulnerable.
The book, which alleges that the cash-strapped Secret Service is
endangering the president by cutting corners, has sent shockwaves
through Washington. There's no question his life is in danger.
Tomorrow, Obama could be assassinated ... simply because the Secret
Service was not doing what it used to do,  said Kessler.

We have half the number of agents we need, but requests for more
agents have fallen on deaf ears at headquarters, a Secret Service
agent told Kessler.

There's a tremendous feeling within the Secret Service that they are
risking an assassination, Kessler told Canadian TV.

As CNN's Rick Sanchez said on the air, This looks serious. This
almost looks like this is coming to the point where we are even beyond
maybe where this nation was on November 22 of 1963, when JFK was
assassinated, when there was also an environment of hate in this

As racist attacks increase and protestors continue to bring guns to
presidential events, it is strikingly clear that President Obama is
vulnerable to harm. Are the Secret Service and FBI doing enough to
protect him? Will they confront and investigate those who threaten our
president so that they can be prosecuted and jailed?

We cannot allow funding problems to weaken the organizations charged
with protecting the life of our nation's president. In 2003, the
Secret Service and FBI became part of the Department of Homeland
Security and now must compete with 20 other agencies for oversight
from their chief, Janet Napolitano. She must use her authority to
ensure that the Secret Service and FBI put more agents on the ground
to protect President Obama and confront and investigate those who
threaten him. It is time for Americans of every stripe to insist that
the Secret Service and FBI operate at the highest levels of

Sign your name to this petition so that Janet Napolitano, Secretary of
Homeland Security hears the message loud and clear. And please pass
this message on to your friends and colleagues. It is a difficult time
in America, and we have to stand up and make sure our president is


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Rosa L

2009-09-08 Thread c b
Here part of my old exchange with Rosa. The same issue of the
contradiction in John is a man came up in Kliman's exchange with her

Rosa gets CB
Charles Brown charlesb at cncl.ci.detroit.mi.us
Thu Aug 23 09:48:11 MDT 2007

I may be lliterate, but at least she admits I'm logical.



Logical Illiterates Strike Again

A year or so ago I had the great misfortune to correspond with an
irascible fellow who could not resist making ill-informed comments
about my Essays, all the while refusing to read them.

I refused to continue to correspond with him on that basis, and, it
seems, he has been sulking ever since. Last year I had occasion to
slap some materialist sense into him (here), but I fear that this
incorrigible Idealist is beyond even my help. Despite several attempts
to inoculate him from his own folly, Mr B has once again demonstrated
that he is immune to the influence of modern logic, preferring his own
brand of sub-Hegelian make-believe. Commenting on an argument of mine,
he had this to say:

CB: The sentence 'John is a man' means John is both the same and
different from Joe, Jack, Rosa, Charles...  It is precisely the 'is'
of predication that is a unity and struggle of opposites. The 'is' of
identity  'He is John.' -- that is not a tautology.

CB: This should be 'that is a tautology'. [Quotation marks changed to
conform to the conventions adopted here.]

This odd piece of reasoning was exposed for what it is here, and here.

Despite this, Mr B hopes to neutralise my arguments by referring
merely to his own not inconsiderable authority in this field -- that
is, the field usually occupied by Popes and assorted dictators whose
word is law. And in matters logical, that should be enough for us. It
certainly is for Mr B.

He now deigns to comment on the musings of my colleague Babeuf; here
is an example of truly innovative historical materialism:

CB: Another fundamental activity was the raising of children. I'm
thinking language/culture emerged between parents and children.

It is reasonably clear that Mr B has shot from the hip again -- or
rather shot from the holster and into his foot --, for if the above
were the case, not only would parents and children confront each other
like Pentecostal ecstatics, mouthing incomprehensible noises at one
another, no two families would share the same idiolect. Communication
between families would thus be impossible. In that case, 'culture', as
Mr B sees it, would soon begin to resemble that cacophony which
constantly sounds in his head.

Now, in Essay Twelve Part One, I asserted that most Marxists give
lip-service to the idea that language is a social phenomenon, but fail
to think through the implications of that fact, and talk and write as
if language were a private affair. Mr B has shown once again that when
it comes to getting things wrong, he is keen to elbow his way to the
front of the queue. How language can be social, but remain a family
affair is perhaps another one of the 'contradictions' that still
compromises his thought processes:

Before I had even heard of dialectics -- living in the a mental (sic)
world of strict formal logic -- I started to 'run into' lots of
contradictions and paradoxes. My own road to dialectics was a
posteriori, not a priori.

Mr B here confuses matters biographical with matters logical; unless
--, of course, he thinks paradoxes are a posteriori. But, even if he
were right, this otherwise commendable public confession of his own
confused thought should not be read as mere humility. On the contrary,
the road to Hermetic-enlightenment -- a path which all true
dialecticians have to pass along in order to qualify as adepts (and
the reasons for this are exposed here)  -- elevates them way above the
rest of us mortals. This means that if ever they regain power
somewhere they can screw-up once more in a truly almighty and
awe-inspiring manner. After all, they have a suitably screwy theory to
help them on their way.

But what is this? It is none other than our old friend Mr D, who
volunteers a riposte so devastating I hesitate to post it here for
fear it might affect the reader's sanity:

This is just stupid, even more stupid than the Trotskyist recitations
of dialectics.

Mr D, someone who is not known for his ability to string a clear
argument together -- but a well-respected expert at drawing attention
to that fact --, probably does not know that the material about which
he is commenting has to be compressed into a three minute slot, and
has to be kept to a level that makes it comprehensible to mere
workers. And here he can be forgiven, for over the years, at his site,
he has developed an enviable skill at repelling such lowly types, and
to the extent that he has probably forgotten their limitations. One of
which is that they find the mystical ideas he spouts incomprehensible.
It's a good job then that we have substitutionists of his calibre 

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Rosa Lichtenstein vs. Andrew Kliman on dialectics

2009-09-08 Thread Ralph Dumain
I can't make a lick of sense out of Andrew Kliman's side of the 
debate with Rosa.

But note that none of it has any relationship to dialectical 
materialism or the Marxist-Leninist notion of dialectical logic, 
which is really all that pedestrian Rosa has to argue against. And in 
that arena Rosa and Charles deserve one another.

Rosa = sectarian Trotskyism plus Wittgenstein: a formula for 
mediocrity is ever there was one.

At 01:08 PM 9/8/2009, farmela...@juno.com wrote:


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