Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Launching Language: The Gestural Origin of Discrete Infinity

2010-05-26 Thread CeJ
>>Charles, I don't understand the purpose of so many posts. Since reading
them all is out of the question, and I  have no principle of selection
that would work, I end up not reading any of them, thogugh some of them
must be important or at least inteesting.


I'm not sure which Charles you are addressing, but I will point out I
was attempting to consolidate the discussion
somewhat by putting all the replies to replies into one post, under
one related thread.

Is the issue the number of posts or the total volume of text?

I could try a summary if you want.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Launching Language: The Gestural Origin ofDiscrete Infinity

2010-05-26 Thread Carrol Cox
Charles, I don't understand the purpose of so many posts. Since reading
them all is out of the question, and I  have no principle of selection
that would work, I end up not reading any of them, thogugh some of them
must be important or at least inteesting.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Recursion

2010-05-26 Thread CeJ
I wrote:

>>f you step back and examine what must have gone into producing such a
sequence, it's obvious the planning stage in the 'mind' wouldn't have
to be limited to such a sequence. In fact, such a sequence would make
language impossible. So, for example, if I know I'm going to
say/produce the words 'top place' in one of my phrases, in terms of
articulation I may well be planning and then articulating sounds that
come after my initial [t] of 'top'.<<

Let me try that again. I got distracted by the fact that I can't load
the utah edu pages where the list is archived.
And then the usual 'phonetic miscues' that seem to come more and more
into my English as I live longer and longer
outside an anglophone culture and as my brain gets older.

Try 2

If you step back and examine what must have gone into producing such a
sequence (in terms of language control, planning on the part of the
language producer), it's obvious that the planning stage in the 'mind'
wouldn't have to be limited to such a sequence. In fact, such a
sequence might make using a language to communicate cognitively

So, for example, if I know I'm going to say/produce the words 'top
place' in one of my phrases, in terms of planned articulation and even
articulation before phonation, I may well be planning and even
articulating sounds that come after the initial aspirated [t] of 'top'
before I actually pronounce that initial aspirated sound. I should add
electromyographic research I did on some of the key muscles in
articulating and producing speech actually revealed this. So, for
example, we could see in terms of 'muscular signature' the
'swalllowed' glottalized final [p] of 'top' and the initial aspirated
[p] of 'place' coming into play before the initial [t] of 'top' was
actually pronounced. In other words, in controlled speech processes,
you plan and even articulate some sounds across whole syllables and
words, even though the illusion is one of a simple sequence of sounds.

So one side of the illusion is a simple sequence of sounds, syllables,
words, phrases, clauses, etc.

The other side of the illusion is a complex recursion into an infinity
that seems to swallow itself.

However, you still have to move forward through to actual articulation
with phonation/vocalization, and so an actual sequence does emerge.
It's a somewhat recursive one, but not that recursive. Real time and
linguistic time make sure it isn't. It's not a simple sequence of
notes, but a complex sequence of plucked chords, to use a musical


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Launching Language: The Gestural Origin of Discrete Infinity

2010-05-26 Thread CeJ
>>CB: In other words,
the fact that the signifier is _not_ the "thing" or processes that it
signified is the characteristic that allows it to get across the death
barrier that the body of the ancestor faces.<<

So that which crosses the death barrier is not actually a thing? So
what is it? Isn't there a danger here of the usual
structuralist idealism? That somehow the social-symbolic defies our
material world, subsisting in a 'third realm' that is crystalline and
godless but still immaterial?

Also, I think you have to separate that (1) language life and
development transcends the 'death barrier' and (2) that language, in
part, and only in part, conveys the information and knowledge we use
to learn and to work with others to create, produce, change our world.

Still, languages change over time, given enough time, because every
act of decoding and encoding in the real world of social being brings
about change, such that we would have a hard time communicating in
'English' with Geoffrey Chaucer (even if he didn't speak the way he

And all it takes is one failed generation of knowledge transfer and
transformation and cultures can break down, fail to reproduce into
future generations.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Recursion

2010-05-26 Thread CeJ
>> Recursion in language
The use of recursion in linguistics, and the use of recursion in
general, dates back to the ancient Indian linguist Pāṇini in the 5th
century BC, who made use of recursion in his grammar rules of

Linguist Noam Chomsky theorizes that unlimited extension of a language
such as English is possible only by the recursive device of embedding
sentences in sentences. <<

I think this gets overdone. First, I doubt that one of Chomsky's
challengers has actually found a human language without some recursion
(as broadly defined here).

Two, I doubt that anyone will ever be able to prove its recursion than
makes human language unique from other forms of communication.

Three, recursion in language more than anything, I think, means that
nothing is conceived and planned  in a simple SEQUENCE, even though
that is the illusion of language--a sequence of sounds, a sequence of
syllables, a sequence of words, a sequence of phrases, a sequence of
clauses, building up to sequenced discourse.

f you step back and examine what must have gone into producing such a
sequence, it's obvious the planning stage in the 'mind' wouldn't have
to be limited to such a sequence. In fact, such a sequence would make
language impossible. So, for example, if I know I'm going to
say/produce the words 'top place' in one of my phrases, in terms of
articulation I may well be planning and then articulating sounds that
come after my initial [t] of 'top'.

So although one side of the illusion is a nice sequence of segments,
my prearticulated language is not such a nice sequence of segments.
And this then builds up across my entire control and ability to
produce a message in discourse.

However, the other side of the illusion of recursion is the illusion
of infinity. Speech (and its 'mental' planning) happen in the real
world, in real time. And they happen in the phenomenological world of
the speaker/writer/interlocuters/listeners/readers. And they happen in
'linguistic time'. None of these can transcend the limits of the real
world into 'infinity'.
Try to over-embed and use recursion too much and you end up
incomprehensible. Indeed, one of the challenges for people learning to
write their own language is to simplify their language so their reader
can understand it more easily.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Evolutionary timeline for language

2010-05-26 Thread CeJ
Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Evolutionary timeline for language

>>> The entire article looks dubious and would require a lifetime to discuss.

CB: A lifetime ?  What is dubious ?<<

Most articles on linguistics at wiki are awful. Any attempt to revise
them will result in a small clique 'reverting' them.

I was however jokingly referring to the many 'dubious discuss'
comments that peppered the article.

>> I think the overall thrust of the accounts I posted excerpts from is
> formed thus: that syntactisized upper body

CB: Why upper body ?  Body language includes the lower body , too, the
whole body.<<

Yes but gesturing with syntax and coordinated (mentally controlled)
with vocalization limits you to the upper body. And it is on the face
and the upper respitory and digestive traces where the two systems

>>Gesturing and sophisticated
> vocalization abilities

CB: A lightbulb just went on for me with your emphasis on gesturing.
You are just saying that a "sign language" came before a vocalized
medium for language, no ?<<

A type of 'sign language' is still found in speech, even though we are
dominated by the vocal aspects of the system. Try speaking without
moving your body. Try speaking to someone without 'gesturing'. People
who are fluent sign language users still VOCALIZE when they gesture.
Their language is as human and as much a language as any other, but
with a different emphasis. And what does their sign language have in
common with our speech? One, it has a 'phonology' in that we (at least
think we) can analyze into sub-lexical 'units'. Two, it is controlled
from the top down (the 'mind' must first conceive a thought to be
communicated and then in some sort of 'buffer' structure and plan it,
and then realize it). Three, it is kinesthetically experienced by the
person controlling and producing it.


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