Re: [Matplotlib-users] backend with edition capabilities

2012-03-01 Thread Matt Newville
Dear Andrea, All

On 1 March 2012 22:31, Andrea Gavana wrote:

 I thought the OP's original question was something like the Matlab
 plot editor (or whatever is its name), which allows you to edit line
 colours, styles, gridlines styles, this kind of stuff on a live plot
 (mind you, it's been 6 years since I used Matlab for the last time and
 I may have forgotten what the plot editor does).

 Anyway, if I am not completely off-track, this is something I had been
 looking for as well in matplotlib a while back (3, 4 years ago), but
 at that time I was told it would have been complicated to implement it
 for all the live backend (I can't recall the exact reason).

 I would say that, at least for the backends based on wxPython, this
 kind of modify-the-live-plot-via-GUI-interaction should be relatively
 straightforward, at least for the GUI part and for the basics (line
 styles, colours, markers and so on). However I am not sure what are
 the implications on the core matplotlib code.

 But if I have misunderstood, I apologize for the noise :-) .

For the wx backend to matplotlib, wxmplot
(, does provide some of the basic
editing features for simple 2d line plots such as changing colour,
style, markers, text labels and so on via a GUI form, much as you
describe.  For image displays, it allows changing the colour table,
smoothing, and rotating and so on.

It is definitely not as complete as all of matplotlib, and I'm sure it
could be improved.  Still,  it can serve many simple plotting needs
where one wants to give the end-user the ability to customize the
plots, and wx/matplotlib developers needing might find it useful.

--Matt Newville

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Nasty mouse event problem with wxPython

2010-05-03 Thread Matt Newville
Hi Stefan,

 I've hit a problem when using the button_press_event to pop up a
 wx.MessageBox. After the messagebox is loaded the mouse becomes completely
 unresponsive (even outside the application) until the application is shut
 down (by using ALT+F4). I'm making a feature where the user, after right
 clicking on the figure (after doing some manipulations etc), are requested
 to answer a question in a message box.

 This problem seems only to occur on Linux..

 Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

 I've attached the source that demonstrates the problem.

Oddly, I saw very similar behavior recently (I didn't see the
attachment...).  What I found was that the canvas was still
responsive, but that it stole the mouse from any other window (wx
widgets or system widgets) and that this happened on Linux but not

I believe that adding
at the end of the event handler will alleviate this problem.  It might
be best to do (assuming you bound mouse events with the
Canvas.mpl_connect() ) to do
if self.HasCapture(): self.ReleaseMouse()

I haven't fully explored this problem myself, but I am no longer
experiencing it...


--Matt Newville newville at

Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] figure in wxpython

2007-06-29 Thread Matt Newville

I don't think you need to change the wx backend to make a MPL plot
appear in a dockable pane.You can definitely create a wx.Panel and
put a MPL Figure in it such as (untested code):

untested code snippet
import wx
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

class MyPlotPanel(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, **kw):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1, **kw)
self.fig = Figure(self,(6.0,4.0), dpi=96)
self.axes = self.fig.add_axes([0.15,0.15,0.75,0.75])
self.canvas = FigureCanvasWxAgg(self,-1, self.fig)

/untested code snippet

and then use self.axes.plot() (or other methods) and canvas.draw().
Of course, you'll have to put that Panel someplace.   I haven't tried
to make a plot in a dockable window myself, but I'd be surprised if
you couldn't do it.

Take a look at wxmpl
and/or my own PlotPanel code from MPlot:
and/or read
for more hints and examples.


--Matt Newville

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] SVG vs PNG

2007-05-11 Thread Matt Newville
 All I want is to: a) Insert all of the plots I create with  MPL onto a Word 

If you're fortunate enough to be using the wx backend, there is a
Copy_to_Clipboard() method which works great: In a wx App, Ctrl-C can
easily be bound to copy the figure to the clipboard,  then paste it
into apps such as Word.I tend to find better results from saving a
higher-resolution PNG and inserting that into documents, but this
copy-and-paste works great for quick prints (whereas printing directly
from a wxApp seems to be very fragile and change with every wxPython

I think pylab may not give you access to the Copy_to_Clipboard() method.

--Matt Newville

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