[Matplotlib-users] Matplotlib Windows binaries - problem

2010-11-26 Thread Fred Pollard

I'm trying to install matplotlib on a windows machine at work to try and
demonstrate its usefulness.  I have Python 2.6 installed and managed to use
the numpy binary install without admin priviledges.

The matplotlib binary installer, however, requires admin priviledges, and I
don't understand why - is an alternative installer available, because
otherwise, I'll have to drop matplotlib and Python for somethign else, as IT
will take a month or two to install it for me.

I know I could build it myself, but the same restrictions are causing
problems getting the pre-requisites installed!

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Plotting with custom symbols

2009-02-24 Thread Fred Mailhot

I've looked through the documentation, and see that it's possible to
plot a variety of symbols, including some customization, but what I'd
really like to do is use a text character as the point marker. The
only way I can think of doing this right now is to annotate the point
(with zero offset) with the text in question, and somehow hide the
actual point itself (is that even possible?).

Is there something easier/more obvious that I'm missing?


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] Point-specific colors with scatter

2008-03-13 Thread Fred Mailhot
Hi there,

I've got 4 time series that live in a 2-d space (imagine points at
(1,1), (1,2),(2,1), and (2,2) that drift a little over time), and I'm
using scatter() to show them. How can I plot so that each of the
groups of points has the same colour?

I've checked the docs and examples and can't seem to find quite what
I'm looking for. A sample script or indication of where to look in the
docs would be appreciated.

Many thanks!
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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Simple Matplotlib usage and Gnuplot

2007-08-28 Thread fred
John Hunter a écrit :
> I matplotlib svn (as of June) there is a plotfile function.  From the 
> docstring:
Great !



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Simple Matplotlib usage and Gnuplot

2007-08-27 Thread fred
Matt Fago a écrit :
> I'm elated to have found matplotlib after struggling with octave and 
> gnuplot.
> There is one thing that I think matplotlib could improve on (or that I 
> cannot find)
> -- quick plotting a la gnuplot:
>plot "file.txt" using 1:2 with lp
> For matplotlib, perhaps something like the following:
>fplot("filename", cols=(1,5), delimiter=',', numheader=2)

Fred, who struggled against octave/gnuplot for many years too (too much years 

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Vertical bar - making the bar fixed width

2007-08-25 Thread Fred Ludlow
So, if I understand correctly, this is a cosmetic issue: If you let it 
sort out its own scale, it looks a bit ugly when there are a small 
number of data points? And using a fixed re-scale of 0-10 isn't too 
great either 'cause they're all together at one side of the image... (or 
off the edge of it if there are more than 10 points)

With the normal caveat that my suggestion is unlikely to the best way of 
doing it, how about:

If there are less than some number of datapoints, say 5, move the 
datapoints to higher x and rescale the axis, if there are more than 5, 
let matplotlib handle everything automatically:

ind = arange(N, dtype=float)  # the x locations for the groups
if N < 5.0:

 ind += (5.0-N)/2.0 # Slide the x points up

# draw the bars here

if N < 5:
 xlim(0, 5) # Rescale

If you do this I think (but I haven't checked) you'll also need to change:

 for i in xrange(N):
 text(i, 0, " %s" etc...)


 for i in ind:
text(i, 0, etc...)

in order to keep the text lined up right.

Hope that helps,


Alen Ribic wrote:
> Thanks again Fred. Its looking much better now. However, one last
> related thing, the x axis plots are not centered in the middle. Now
> they are left aligned. For example, If there are only 1 or 2 plots on
> the x axis, they get displayed from the 0, origin point, the immediate
> left of the graph. How do I, if possible, have the x plots centered in
> the middle of the graph?
> I just saw an example that seems to have the x plots centered. Here is
> the link to it.
> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html
> Its the table_demo.py example.
> I have also attached the code if you don't mind having a quick look.
> Much appreciated,
> -Alen
> On 8/24/07, Fred Ludlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Alen Ribic wrote:
>>> Thanks Fred.
>>> Thant did the trick. However now, when I have many plots on x axis,
>>> the last few plot shoot of the end of the x axis. It seems to start
>>> the plotting the middle move to the right. Do I just have to adjust
>>> the xlim on the axes[0]? I fiddled with the "align" parameter, set it
>>> to "center", on the bar function and it didn't do much.
>>> -Alen
>> Hi Alen,
>> The align parameter sets whether the left, or the center of the bar
>> should be aligned with the x-value you give for that bar. So the right
>> hand edge of the bar would be at x+width (or x + (width/2) for center),
>> and you'd need to set x_lim to include this. If I've misunderstood your
>> problem can you post the code that's causing trouble?
>> Cheers,
>> Fred
>> ps.
>> gca() also gets the current axes object, which is marginally less typing
>> than what I said before, so you can use:
>> gca().set_xlim([0.0, 10.0])
>> draw()
>> to re-scale the x-axis on the last thing you plotted to 0.0-10.0.
>> -
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Re: [Matplotlib-users] reversing the y axis

2007-08-24 Thread Fred Ludlow
# Get min and max from current axes
y_min, y_max = gca().get_ylim()

# Set the other way round for current axes
gca().set_ylim(y_max, y_min)

# Redraw

Emre Ayd?n wrote:
> hi. i'm a new user of matplotlib. i've searched through the arhieves
> of the mailing list but couldn't find a quick solution. i simply need
> to reverse the y axis of my plots. for example in a range of 0-10, 0
> must seem at the top of the plot where 10 is lowest, near to the x
> axis. is there a quick solution for this. (x axis must stay as it is)
> thanx...

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Vertical bar - making the bar fixed width

2007-08-24 Thread Fred Ludlow
Alen Ribic wrote:
> Thanks Fred.
> Thant did the trick. However now, when I have many plots on x axis,
> the last few plot shoot of the end of the x axis. It seems to start
> the plotting the middle move to the right. Do I just have to adjust
> the xlim on the axes[0]? I fiddled with the "align" parameter, set it
> to "center", on the bar function and it didn't do much.
> -Alen

Hi Alen,

The align parameter sets whether the left, or the center of the bar 
should be aligned with the x-value you give for that bar. So the right 
hand edge of the bar would be at x+width (or x + (width/2) for center), 
and you'd need to set x_lim to include this. If I've misunderstood your 
problem can you post the code that's causing trouble?



gca() also gets the current axes object, which is marginally less typing 
than what I said before, so you can use:

gca().set_xlim([0.0, 10.0])

to re-scale the x-axis on the last thing you plotted to 0.0-10.0.

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Vertical bar - making the bar fixed width

2007-08-24 Thread Fred Ludlow
Alen Ribic wrote:
> How do I set my vertical bar to be fixed width?

By default, bars are created with a fixed width of 0.8, which can be
changed with the width keyword arg like so:

bar(range(2), range(1,3), width = 0.5)

> Depending on amount of data on my x axis, the bars get created
> accordingly and the width gets adjusted to fit into the graph.
The width in pixels/proportion of axis is dependent on the range of the
x-axis, which you can set manually too.

There's probably a more elegant way of doing this, but here's a quick 
and dirty method for interactive mode (ipython/pylab):

# Make a figure, catch the reference as f
f = figure(1)

# Draw some bars
bar_list = bar(array([0,0.5,1.0]), array([1.0,2.0,3.0]), width = 0.25)

# Get the subplot (f.axes is a list containing the subplots)
s = f.axes[0]

# Set the x-axis limits of the subplot
s.set_xlim((-5.0, 5.0))

# Redraw


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] Probing scalar values...

2007-08-06 Thread fred
Angus McMorland a écrit :

> Since all sorts of data can be displayed in am mpl window (e.g. a
> plot, a contour...) you have to tell it how to access the correct
> scalar value to display. You could do this with the
> motion_notify_event. Register it during init, something like:
> self.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move_callback)
> then in mouse_move_callback:
> def mouse_move_callback(self, evt):
> xpos, ypos = evt.xdata, evt.ydata
> val = self.data[numpy.floor(xpos), numpy.floor(ypos)]
> status_str = "x: %4.2f  y: %4.2f   I:%4.2f" \
>   % (xpos, ypos, val)
> self.SetStatusText(status_str)
> where data is your image variable. This works in a wx.Frame object,
> which has a SetStatusString method for displaying the values. I'm sure
> you could find an equivalent in your traits app.
Thanks, I'll look at this asap (as I got other stuff "on fire").

BTW, I can't ever get (in fact, I don't know how) working
the coords to be displayed in my traits app.
I guess this is more related to traits, not to mpl.
But the "mpl embedded in traits app guru" is on holydays for now.

Let's wait...



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[Matplotlib-users] Probing scalar values...

2007-08-03 Thread fred
John Hunter a écrit :
> But you can just ask us -- maybe we can help.

Well, running mpl examples (say image_demo.py),
you can see the point coordinates under the pointer.
Good point ;-)

I would like to have the scalar value under the pointer to be displayed

How could I do this ?

In fact, I use mpl in a traits app,
which looks like this:

In my traits app, no point coords under pointer are displayed.

Am I missing something obvious ?

snippet code:
da = self.display.axes
self.img = da.imshow(self.current_data.array,
 vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax,




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Re: [Matplotlib-users] matplotlib digest...

2007-08-03 Thread fred
Michael Droettboom a écrit :
> Darren Dale wrote:
>> On Friday 03 August 2007 08:03:31 am fred wrote:
>>> Is there any tarball for ml archives ?
>> You can search the user and developer archives here:
>> http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=80706
Yes, but with "probing" keyword,
results are not relevant:
"Could not fire up pylab in Japanese XP"

I can't believe that no one has asked before about this issue ;-)


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[Matplotlib-users] matplotlib digest...

2007-08-03 Thread fred

Is there any tarball for ml archives ?

In fact, I'm looking for something related to values probing (with a 
for example).

So I want, before asking, to have a look in the archives.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] getting list of interpolation functions...

2007-07-19 Thread fred
Eric Firing a écrit :
> I don't understand; it seems to me that all you need is 
> _interpd.keys(), and since this is specific to AxesImage, it should be 
> an attribute of that class, say AxesImage.interpolations.  You can't 
> add interpolation methods, and they have no meaning outside AxesImage 
> (or the code it calls).  The colormap dictionary is different: much 
> more general and flexible, so it is where it belongs: outside any class.

Well..., can you look at this ?


I hope you can see what I want.

I agree with you that interpolation functions have no meaning outside,
but I only want to get their names, to let the user choose, as he
can choose the colormap.

The interpolation functions list has to be created before the user has 
loaded any data.

I hope I'm more clear.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] getting list of interpolation functions...

2007-07-19 Thread fred
Eric Firing a écrit :
> Fred,
> In image.py, the AxesImage.__init__() includes:
>self._interpd = {
> 'nearest'  : _image.NEAREST,
> 'bilinear' : _image.BILINEAR,
> 'bicubic'  : _image.BICUBIC,
> 'spline16' : _image.SPLINE16,
> 'spline36' : _image.SPLINE36,
> 'hanning'  : _image.HANNING,
> 'hamming'  : _image.HAMMING,
> 'hermite'  : _image.HERMITE,
> 'kaiser'   : _image.KAISER,
> 'quadric'  : _image.QUADRIC,
> 'catrom'   : _image.CATROM,
> 'gaussian' : _image.GAUSSIAN,
> 'bessel'   : _image.BESSEL,
> 'mitchell' : _image.MITCHELL,
> 'sinc' : _image.SINC,
> 'lanczos'  : _image.LANCZOS,
> 'blackman' : _image.BLACKMAN,
> }
> Logically I suspect this should be a class attribute, not an instance 
> attribute, which would make things easier for you (and is an easy 
> change to make--I can make it unless someone quickly points out why 
> this would be a mistake.)  Maybe the keys should be a separate class 
> attribute, with no underscore, since although the values in this 
> dictionary may be implementation-dependent, the keys should not 
> be--they are part of the external interface.
> Let me know if making these changes in svn is worthwhile.
In fact, I would like something like datad for colormaps.
I use it like this:

def __init__(self, **traits):
HasTraits.__init__(self, **traits)
dict_colormaps = copy(datad)
self.cmap = get_cmap(self.default_colormap)
for cm in dict_colormaps.keys():
if (cm[-2:] == '_r'):

Doing this, I can display in my traits app the list of colormaps.

I would like to have something similar for available interpolation

I guess that implies to remove intperd from the AxesImage class,
as datad does not belong to any class, IIUC.
Obviously, I can build this list myself, hard-coding it,
but I would prefer something "cleaner".



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] getting list of interpolation functions...

2007-07-19 Thread fred
Eric Firing a écrit :
> fred wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How can I get the list of the available interpolation functions
>> used by imshow() ?
>> TIA.
>> Cheers,
Sorry, I was not clear.

I want to get the list, not to know, in order to set it in a trait 
object, for instance,
using something like interpd.keys().




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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] getting list of interpolation functions...

2007-07-19 Thread fred

How can I get the list of the available interpolation functions
used by imshow() ?




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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] numpy and matrix operations

2007-06-28 Thread fred
Alexander Dietz a écrit :
> Hi,
> I hope this is the right place to post this question, which is related 
> to numpy, or numeric or something else...
I guess you should try scipy-user at scipy.org ml.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] multiple line title

2007-06-27 Thread fred
David D Clark a écrit :
> Is there a way to make a multiple line title?  I have looked through the
> documentation and googled, but have not found an answer.  I would like
> something that looks like this
> This is the first line
>  second:line
title('This is the first line\nsecond:line') ?


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] keeping zoom...

2007-06-18 Thread fred
fred a écrit :

I get anoter issue now.

How can I know if the displayed image has been zoomed or not
(I mean not on testing xlim & ylim) ?



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] keeping zoom...

2007-06-18 Thread fred
fred a écrit :
> Sorry for the noise.

Thanks anyway, Jouni, I fixed my issue thanks to you ;-)

You showed me that the get_?lim methods were right,
so I followed my feeling further.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] keeping zoom...

2007-06-18 Thread fred
fred a écrit :
> Maybe I'm doing something wrong ?
Yes :-)

You only need to set extent to the const xmin/xmax & ymin/ymax
and not those you get with get_xlim & get_ylim.

Sorry for the noise.



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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] keeping zoom...

2007-06-18 Thread fred
Jouni K. Seppänen a écrit :
> Try:
> imshow(rand(50,50))
> # zoom with mouse
> xlim=getp(gca(), 'xlim'); ylim = getp(gca(), 'ylim')
> imshow(rand(50,50))
> setp(gca(), 'xlim', xlim); setp(gca(), 'ylim', ylim)
Well..., I forgot to mention something, sorry ;-)
I already apply this trick: I use get_{x,y}lim and set_{x,y}lim.
Which works almost fine.

In fact, I use a grid, which is defined by xmin, xmax, dx & ymin, ymax, dy.
I don't want do display on the axes the number of points, but the real world
axis dimension.

If xmin=ymin=0 and xmax=ymax=500 with dx=dy=1,
the trick does work fine.

Now, if I set xmax=ymax=1000 but dx=dy=2 (so I have the same number of 
I have to use imshow extent option, because of the use of _xlim & _ylim.

Please see http://fredantispam.free.fr/a.png without extent option,
http://fredantispam.free.fr/b.png with extent option.

But in this case, after zoomed,

see http://fredantispam.free.fr/c.png

the trick does not work anymore: x & y limits are right,
but the whole data is displayed by imshow.

see http://fredantispam.free.fr/d.png.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong ?




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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] keeping zoom...

2007-06-18 Thread fred

I want to keep the image zoomed to the same factor for all my images.

If I try

ipython -pylab

then zoom with the mouse and redo


the zoom factor is not kept, ie xrange/yrange are still (0,50).

How can I keep the zoom factor ?




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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] [Fwd: Re: contour & colorbar...]

2007-06-12 Thread fred
Eric Firing a écrit :
> im = imshow(a)
> cb = colorbar()
> cs = contour(a, [0.8], norm = im.norm, cmap=im.cmap)
> cb.add_lines(cs)
> Is this in fact what you want?  
Exactly, perfect !

Thanks a lot.



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[Matplotlib-users] contour & colorbar...

2007-06-11 Thread fred


Please look at the short example attached showing the issue.

I want to display only one contour line, with value 0.8.

Obviously, the color associated with this contour line is bad
(blue instead of red color).

I think the reason is that the contour has its own colormap,
so for only one value, the color is blue.

I don't see anything about this issue in the contour help.

How can I fix this ?

Thanks in advance.



#! /usr/bin/env python

from scipy import *
from pylab import *

x, y = ogrid[-3:3:10*1j,-3:3:10*1j]

a = cos(x)*sin(y)

contour(a, [0.8])
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Re: [Matplotlib-users] displaying only one colorbar... [fixed]

2007-06-07 Thread fred
Eric Firing a écrit :
> You may need to post a small code example so we can see what you are 
> doing; but an interactive example using ipython -pylab may give you 
> enough information to answer your question:
Hi ,

Not really ;-), but no problem.

I got a fix.
The trick is to pass axes colorbar as argument to colorbar function:

def update_colorbar(self):
if (self.cb is None):
self.cb = self.display.figure.colorbar(self.img,

that works perfectly.



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[Matplotlib-users] displaying only one colorbar...

2007-06-04 Thread fred

My issue is quite simple: I reload several times an image
with the colorbar enabled, and thus, I have several colorbars, not only one.

How can I disable this, and thus, get only one colorbar ?



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[Matplotlib-users] some curves not legended

2006-09-22 Thread fred
Hi the list,

Is it possible to have some curves not legended ?

A sample example is better :


I whish the pointed curves to be not displayed in the legend box.

How can I do this ?


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] fonts_demo.py warnings

2006-09-22 Thread fred
Hi the list,

I have looked for in mailing-list archive, but did not find anything

I use matplotlib 0.87-5 and I want to try some examples concerning fonts
in .examples/.

When I run fonts_demo.py, I get the following messages :

:~...matplotlib-0.87.5/examples/{58}/> python fonts_demo.py
UserWarning: Could not match cursive, normal, normal.  Returning
  warnings.warn('Could not match %s, %s, %s.  Returning %s' % (name,
style, variant, self.defaultFont))
UserWarning: Could not match fantasy, normal, normal.  Returning
  warnings.warn('Could not match %s, %s, %s.  Returning %s' % (name,
style, variant, self.defaultFont))
UserWarning: Could not match sans-serif, italic, normal.  Returning
  warnings.warn('Could not match %s, %s, %s.  Returning %s' % (name,
style, variant, self.defaultFont))

What am I doing wrong ?

In fact, all fonts displayed in the window are the same.

Any suggestion ?


PS : python 2.4, freetype-2.1.7-6, libpng-1.2.8 on a debian sarge linux box.

« Python, c'est un peu comme la baïonnette en 14, faut toujours sortir avec,
et pas hésiter d'en mettre un coup en cas de besoin. »
J.-Ph. D.

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