Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-09 Thread Christopher Barker
belinda thom wrote:
> For anyone in my boat following this thread, here's what I ended up doing:

Thanks for the summary -- it's really nice to find this sort of thing 
when scanning archives in the future.

> I'm sad to hear that its not as easy to use matplotlib to write more 
> sophisticated apps than it is w/matlab

Well, there are balances to be struck here. If we wanted MPL to be full 
featured for GUI stuff -- we have to either pick on GUI toolkit, or 
essentially write full GUI toolkit -- and there really are enough already!

Maybe Matlab's gotten better than it was in my day (version 5), but 
while simple GUI stuff was doable -- it was really pretty limited and 
painful. If you want a GUI -- use a GUI toolkit. Once you get over the 
learning curve, you really will be happier -- so I think John has made 
the right choice limiting MPL's built-in capabilities.

> I intend to write a more serious 
> app using Python that needs a GUI (an audio file viewer and editor to be 
> used for my music perception research).

It will be well worth it to learn a real GUI toolkit for that kind of 
thing. BE sure to check out existing projects to that too -- Audacity, 
transana, etc.

> I've heard that Apple's own InterfaceBuilder is 
> THE WAY to program GUI-based apps and wonder if anyone has had 
> experience using this w/Python?

You can't. If you want Mac-only then you should certainly check out 
PyObjC -- and use InterfaceBuilder with it.

With wx, you can either write the interface code by hand (which I 
advocate), or use one of a handful of GUI-building tools:

Code Blocks
Dabo (I think they have one now)

> I never found the time to finish my matplotlib-scipy install from source 
> (b/c of the apple's wx incompatibility), but I do intend to finish with 
> that business when I return in June and am wondering if your above rec 
> about a wx latest-version would interfere with that?

Nope. I think MPL is working OK with wxPython2.8 now. I hope we'll get a 
build on this week. In any case, FloatCanvas works with 
2.6 and 2.8.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-08 Thread belinda thom
Thanks everyone for the advice.

For anyone in my boat following this thread, here's what I ended up  

Had a stroke of insight and coded the whole thing up (poorly) using  
maptlotlib w/no polling. In other words, the entire API sat in the  
mouse click callback function. Lame, yes---especially since some  
expensive AI search can be going on that takes more than a few  
seconds---but as long as my students take care not to enter more than  
one mouse click before each screen update, the app doesn't seem to  
suffer from inconsistency problems. Its pretty darn nice looking w/ 
matplotlib, too. So, that's the band aid.

I'm sad to hear that its not as easy to use matplotlib to write more  
sophisticated apps than it is w/matlab but am glad that it is  
documented here. To summarize what I gleaned from Chris, the  
maptlotlib (interactive?) thread doesn't handle anything but its own  
stuff (e.g. mouse callbacks) directly, so my attempt to use the  
threading event/wait stuff failed for that reason (?). The pyrobotics  
app would be a good candidate for using matplotlib, but might not be  
easy to use for similar reasons. I am wondering if a socket-based  
approach, where matplotlib served up, for instance, mouse clicks,  
plots, etc, to a client app might be a good compromise.

I am still unclear how John's recs for timer or idler (which I've  
been able to find no accessible documentation on) would have helped  
me. For instance, wouldn't the timer rec fail for the same reason my  
event wait thread hack did? Being sad, however, I understand that the  
main focus of matplotlib is high- and scientific-quality graphics,  
for which it seems to hit the nail on the head.

Francisco's rec to the "for non-programmers programming a GUI"  
document looks very worthwhile (and I am a seasoned programmer). I  
intend to have a serious look at it this summer, b/c I intend to  
write a more serious app using Python that needs a GUI (an audio file  
viewer and editor to be used for my music perception research). The  
document does indeed seem like a good introduction to event-based  
programming, and had I a week or more to spare, would probably have  
tried using the related packages to build the app.

Before the stroke-of-insight, I got lucky and managed to get a simple  
Tk app working that handled displaying the game and processing mouse  
clicks, but I foiled in my attempts to capture keyboard input, so  
after several hours gave up. It does seem wx is more suited for OS X,  
and my brief googling seems to imply that Tk is becoming the thing  
people---esp on OS X---USED to use. I've heard that Apple's own  
InterfaceBuilder is THE WAY to program GUI-based apps and wonder if  
anyone has had experience using this w/Python?

Thanks again for the advice. A last question for Chris...

> If it does look promising, be sure to get the latest version from:

I never found the time to finish my matplotlib-scipy install from  
source (b/c of the apple's wx incompatibility), but I do intend to  
finish with that business when I return in June and am wondering if  
your above rec about a wx latest-version would interfere with that?


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-06 Thread Christopher Barker
Ken McIvor wrote:
>  I recommend you play around with  
> the FloatCanvas demo, then look at the documentation and source code  
> to get an idea of how fast you can get up and running with it.

Thanks for the endorsement, Ken.

I will say that while I think FloatCanvas is a good tool for the job, it 
is going to take more than a "few hours" unless the user is already 
experienced with wxPython

If it does look promising, be sure to get the latest version from:

In addition to a few more features, it includes a bunch of small Demos 
that show you how to do a variety of things with it. There's a mailing 
list for questions, too:


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-06 Thread Ken McIvor
On Apr 5, 2007, at 8:41 PM, belinda thom wrote:
> So, how do the above observations relate to John Hunter's  
> recommendation that I use a timer or idler? It was the reply from  
> him that led me to think I might be able to come up w/something  
> that worked w/o too much dorking.

My understanding is that John was recommending a method for writing a  
GUI application that used matplotlib.  You might be able to use that  
approach to write the whole shebang in pylab, but I suspect it would  
be difficult to do well.

> Understood. If I could get something working really quickly, I  
> might go that route. But it would have to take a few hours tops,  
> and that would include me figuring out how to get in mouse clicks  
> and draw graphics.

If you need a simple front-end for drawing and receiving mouse  
clicks, wxPython's FloatCanvas is probably a fine choice.  The OSX  
version of wxPython includes a demo application that showcases the  
different UI elements it provides.  I recommend you play around with  
the FloatCanvas demo, then look at the documentation and source code  
to get an idea of how fast you can get up and running with it.


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-06 Thread massimo sandal

Christopher Barker ha scritto:
Matplotlib is a plotting library -- it's not a gui development lib. I'd 
think about using a tool designed for the job. I don't know what you 
want the graphics of your game to look like, but depending on that, some 

PyGame -- good for fancy raster graphics, not so good if you have a need 
for other GUI elements -- all the typical controls, text boxes etc.

TkInter -- it has a Canvas people like a lot that gives a lot of 

wxPython -- The wxPython FloatCanvas (full disclosure -- it's my baby) 
could probably help you out a lot here, if you're dealing with vector 
graphics, and particularly if you want zooming and panning.

I'm sure you could do it with pyGTK or pyQT also.

Deciding between all these options is hard, they all have their 
strengths. What's best for you is a function of what the needs of your 
app are, what your future needs may be, what platforms you need to 
support, and taste.

Even if MPL is a perfect fit for your graphics, if you get beyond a 
basic "calculate and plot" app, you'll probably want to use MPL embedded 
in a GUI toolkit, TK, GTK or wx.

I fully endorse what it's said here. I only want to add: Don't let 
yourself confused by the fact that most MPL documentation makes 
references to Pylab. This is a really confusing aspect that I've already 
pointed out in this ml. MPL is a fully featured Python plotting library. 
It is conceived (also) to be used inside a fully featured GUI app, and 
addons like wxMPL make the merging quite painless. Pylab is a Pythonic 
interactive environment that makes use of MPL and it's good for people 
that already have confidence with python AND want an interactive 
environment for quick scripts and interaction à là Matlab. But MPL is 
*much more* than Pylab.


Massimo Sandal
University of Bologna
Department of Biochemistry "G.Moruzzi"

snail mail:
Via Irnerio 48, 40126 Bologna, Italy


tel: +39-051-2094388
fax: +39-051-2094387
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org:University of Bologna;Department of Biochemistry
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Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-05 Thread Fernando Perez
On 4/5/07, belinda thom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Darn. I am writing this reply as a desperate attempt to make sure
> there's not some quick fix to make it work in my specific case; I'm
> about ready to give up or try something like Tk, but am running out
> of time. We might, alas, have to settle for a command-line based
> game :-(.

This has already been mentioned, but not in this theread:

You may find it useful, he describes a number of concepts that are
involved in this discussion in a step-by-step fashion.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-05 Thread belinda thom

On Apr 5, 2007, at 1:20 PM, Ken McIvor wrote:

> On Apr 5, 2007, at 2:14 PM, belinda thom wrote:
>> I do think its valuable to be able to write a blocking mouse
>> function. After your pointer to Timer (which led me to the threading
>> Python library) and idle handler (which I didn't find useful doc on,
>> so didn't persue), I came up with the code I'll append below. My
>> printing of time elapsed seems to imply the thing is working as I'd
>> expect (I see times that differ by about 1 second). Problem is, I
>> still get the twirling wheel of deadness on my Mac that led me to
>> post my original message.
> You will probably always have this problem when you do things that  
> prevent the GUI's event loop from running.

Hmmm. Makes sense. I'll include a tidbit from Chris that I received  
via personal email b/c it relates:

Thinking about your issue a bit -- the problem here is that MPL does  
not provide an event loop. In Matlab, the command line and figure   
windows share an event loop. In MPL, the event loop is provided by  
the hosting GUI toolkit, and is separate from command line event  
loop. For that reason, MPL itself is a bit divorced from the process.  
That why Ken and I have suggested that you'd be better off embedding  
MPL in a gui toolkit, if it's just the kind of plotting you need, or  
using another drawing widget in a GUI toolkit if you really need non- 
plotting type drawing.

If it hadn't been for the bugs, TK probably would have been a fine  
option for you.

> Are you running your code from within iPython or as a script?
>> And then I got Chris's great reply, which makes me wonder if I'm
>> trying to do too much.
> I'd have to agree with Chris that you are trying to do too much  
> from within pylab.

Darn. I am writing this reply as a desperate attempt to make sure  
there's not some quick fix to make it work in my specific case; I'm  
about ready to give up or try something like Tk, but am running out  
of time. We might, alas, have to settle for a command-line based  
game :-(.

So, how do the above observations relate to John Hunter's  
recommendation that I use a timer or idler? It was the reply from him  
that led me to think I might be able to come up w/something that  
worked w/o too much dorking.

>> I've been using pyrorobotics, which relies heavily on Tk, but their
>> plotting facilities are not great. So I started using matplotlib and
>> really like it. And I ran into problems w/their Tk interface where
>> windows wouldn't update correctly on the mouse unless the mouse was
>> clicked in the window. Found some stuff via google implying this was
>> some nasty bug on Mac, didn't find an easy work around, so now try to
>> use matplotlib whenever possible, which explains my current path to
>> trying to use it to provide a simple graphic interface to a python
>> Connect 4 game that I wrote so my students can have fun writing
>> "smart" game players in my AI course.
> If that's what you're aiming for you'd probably be happier with the  
> result if you write something using Tkinter's Canvas or the  
> wxPython FloatCanvas.

Understood. If I could get something working really quickly, I might  
go that route. But it would have to take a few hours tops, and that  
would include me figuring out how to get in mouse clicks and draw  

>> In Matlab, I'm used to building applications, so I was hoping it
>> would be possible to do something similar in matplotlib.
> Well, it's entirely possible to build applications that use  
> matplotlib.  The thing to remember is that matplotlib isn't its own  
> programming language or development environment -- it ties Python  
> and and bunch of libraries together to provide a Matlab-like  
> interface in the 'pylab' module.

Fair enough. Thanks for the valuable observation.

>> Perhaps matplotlib is not currently set up for such things (in  
>> which case I'd
>> like to ask if this is something you'd like to include in the  
>> future).
> Although I'm matplotlib is going to continue becoming more powerful  
> and flexible, I'd personally be surprised if that ever becomes one  
> of the project's goals.  I obviously can't speak for anyone else,  
> but it seems to me that people who want to build GUI applications  
> using matplotlib should be doing so by using matplotlib from within  
> Python.  I also suspect that the engineering effort involved in  
> making this functionality happen might be beyond the scope of the  
> project.




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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-05 Thread Ken McIvor
On Apr 5, 2007, at 2:14 PM, belinda thom wrote:
> I do think its valuable to be able to write a blocking mouse
> function. After your pointer to Timer (which led me to the threading
> Python library) and idle handler (which I didn't find useful doc on,
> so didn't persue), I came up with the code I'll append below. My
> printing of time elapsed seems to imply the thing is working as I'd
> expect (I see times that differ by about 1 second). Problem is, I
> still get the twirling wheel of deadness on my Mac that led me to
> post my original message.

You will probably always have this problem when you do things that  
prevent the GUI's event loop from running.

Are you running your code from within iPython or as a script?

> And then I got Chris's great reply, which makes me wonder if I'm
> trying to do too much.

I'd have to agree with Chris that you are trying to do too much from  
within pylab.

> I've been using pyrorobotics, which relies heavily on Tk, but their
> plotting facilities are not great. So I started using matplotlib and
> really like it. And I ran into problems w/their Tk interface where
> windows wouldn't update correctly on the mouse unless the mouse was
> clicked in the window. Found some stuff via google implying this was
> some nasty bug on Mac, didn't find an easy work around, so now try to
> use matplotlib whenever possible, which explains my current path to
> trying to use it to provide a simple graphic interface to a python
> Connect 4 game that I wrote so my students can have fun writing
> "smart" game players in my AI course.

If that's what you're aiming for you'd probably be happier with the  
result if you write something using Tkinter's Canvas or the wxPython  

> In Matlab, I'm used to building applications, so I was hoping it
> would be possible to do something similar in matplotlib.

Well, it's entirely possible to build applications that use  
matplotlib.  The thing to remember is that matplotlib isn't its own  
programming language or development environment -- it ties Python and  
and bunch of libraries together to provide a Matlab-like interface in  
the 'pylab' module.

> Perhaps matplotlib is not currently set up for such things (in  
> which case I'd
> like to ask if this is something you'd like to include in the future).

Although I'm matplotlib is going to continue becoming more powerful  
and flexible, I'd personally be surprised if that ever becomes one of  
the project's goals.  I obviously can't speak for anyone else, but it  
seems to me that people who want to build GUI applications using  
matplotlib should be doing so by using matplotlib from within  
Python.  I also suspect that the engineering effort involved in  
making this functionality happen might be beyond the scope of the  


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-05 Thread belinda thom

On Apr 5, 2007, at 6:27 AM, John Hunter wrote:

> On 4/5/07, belinda thom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My app needs to look something like this:
>> --
>> create a game and display it in a matplotlib figure
>> while game not over :
>> if its player 1's turn, get player 1's valid mouse input,
>> otherwise get player 2's
> You need to get out of the mold of thinking about while loops with
> blocking input.  Instead make everything event driven and track state
> variables to decide which player's mouse events to process.  So
> instead of getting a blocking input, simply do nothing on events
> unless you are in a certain state.  You can use a timer or an idle
> handler for recurring processing rather than a while loop.

This was the kind of advice I was looking for. Being so new to  
Python, I hadn't a clue what to look for.

I do think its valuable to be able to write a blocking mouse  
function. After your pointer to Timer (which led me to the threading  
Python library) and idle handler (which I didn't find useful doc on,  
so didn't persue), I came up with the code I'll append below. My  
printing of time elapsed seems to imply the thing is working as I'd  
expect (I see times that differ by about 1 second). Problem is, I  
still get the twirling wheel of deadness on my Mac that led me to  
post my original message.

And then I got Chris's great reply, which makes me wonder if I'm  
trying to do too much.

I've been using pyrorobotics, which relies heavily on Tk, but their  
plotting facilities are not great. So I started using matplotlib and  
really like it. And I ran into problems w/their Tk interface where  
windows wouldn't update correctly on the mouse unless the mouse was  
clicked in the window. Found some stuff via google implying this was  
some nasty bug on Mac, didn't find an easy work around, so now try to  
use matplotlib whenever possible, which explains my current path to  
trying to use it to provide a simple graphic interface to a python  
Connect 4 game that I wrote so my students can have fun writing  
"smart" game players in my AI course.

In Matlab, I'm used to building applications, so I was hoping it  
would be possible to do something similar in matplotlib. Perhaps  
matplotlib is not currently set up for such things (in which case I'd  
like to ask if this is something you'd like to include in the future).

Thanks again,


class Mouse :
 def __init__(self,f,cb) : = None
 self.cb = cb
 def getClick(event) : = event.xdata

def blockMouse(f,rng) :
 import threading
 import time
 startTime = time.time()
 e = threading.Event()
 def cb() :
 m = Mouse(f,cb)
 def valid(val,rng) :
 print "time elapsed is %g" % (time.time()-startTime)
 if val == None :
 return False
 for i in rng :
 if i-.4 <= val <= i+.4 :
 return True
 return False
 # poll til valid
 while True :
 if valid(,rng) :
 e.clear() = None

def app() :
 import pylab
 f = pylab.figure()
 rng = [1,2,3]
 while True :
 mouse = blockMouse(f, rng)
 if mouse == 2 :
 else :
 print mouse

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Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-05 Thread Christopher Barker

While I'm sure you can find a way to do what you want with MPL, it 
sounds like you're really pushing the bounds of what it's designed for. 
Having been a Matlab user myself, I can see how you've gotten here, but 
I think you should consider other options.

Matplotlib is a plotting library -- it's not a gui development lib. I'd 
think about using a tool designed for the job. I don't know what you 
want the graphics of your game to look like, but depending on that, some 

PyGame -- good for fancy raster graphics, not so good if you have a need 
for other GUI elements -- all the typical controls, text boxes etc.

TkInter -- it has a Canvas people like a lot that gives a lot of 

wxPython -- The wxPython FloatCanvas (full disclosure -- it's my baby) 
could probably help you out a lot here, if you're dealing with vector 
graphics, and particularly if you want zooming and panning.

I'm sure you could do it with pyGTK or pyQT also.

Deciding between all these options is hard, they all have their 
strengths. What's best for you is a function of what the needs of your 
app are, what your future needs may be, what platforms you need to 
support, and taste.

Even if MPL is a perfect fit for your graphics, if you get beyond a 
basic "calculate and plot" app, you'll probably want to use MPL embedded 
in a GUI toolkit, TK, GTK or wx.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception


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Matplotlib-users mailing list

Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-05 Thread John Hunter
On 4/5/07, belinda thom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My app needs to look something like this:
> --
> create a game and display it in a matplotlib figure
> while game not over :
> if its player 1's turn, get player 1's valid mouse input,
> otherwise get player 2's

You need to get out of the mold of thinking about while loops with
blocking input.  Instead make everything event driven and track state
variables to decide which player's mouse events to process.  So
instead of getting a blocking input, simply do nothing on events
unless you are in a certain state.  You can use a timer or an idle
handler for recurring processing rather than a while loop.


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Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-04-05 Thread belinda thom
Hi Angus and the Matplotlib community,

I'm finally getting around to trying your suggestions, which at first  
blush seem like they'd do what I want, so THANKS for that!

But I'm still running into issues for which I'm uncertain how to  
proceed. I outline my stumbling blocks below, which have to do with  
what I'd like my app to do. No doubt my understanding of writing GUI- 
style code in Python/matplotlib is lacking, but it seems my app needs  
more structure than the typical usage of mouse clicks in matplotlib.

I outline my thinking below.

On Mar 23, 2007, at 6:11 PM, Angus McMorland wrote:

> ---
> from pylab import figure
> class gui :
> def __init__(self, callback) :
> self.f = figure()
> = self.f.add_subplot(111)
> = None  # valid mouse click hasn't yet happened
> def clicker(event):
> = event.xdata
> if 1 <= <= 3:
> callback(
> self.f.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event",clicker)
> print "Waiting for valid mouse click..."
> then in your application (or shell):
> def my_cb(inp):
> # processing here
> print inp
> g = gui(my_cb)
> No polling required, and you only get the valid clicks calling your
> routine. I hope that helps,

My app needs to look something like this:


create a game and display it in a matplotlib figure

while game not over :

if its player 1's turn, get player 1's valid mouse input,  
otherwise get player 2's

once we've got a valid mouse click, update game to make the  
corresponding move for the current player's turn

update the figure to display this change

check if someone's won or game's a draw, only upon which do we  
break out of the while

after having a result, report the answer, do some book keeping, and  
then return from the app


I've not been able to figure out how to unwind this app into  
something that only needs to progress when there's been a valid mouse  
click. If I understand your suggestion correctly, it seems the entire  
app should be the callback, but the processing of the clicks by the  
app is complicated.

I wonder if you mean I should massage the app so that it IS the  
callback, but its got enough state that to figure out how to execute  
the appropriate next portion of code seems like it would be a big  
mess (e.g. I'd have to write some kind of FSM whose transitions were  
mouse clicks). I might be able to make this work, but its gonna be  
ugly. It also breaks some of the OO I'd been using in other settings.

What I think I want is a way to get blocking valid mouse input. I had  
thought the Python yield statement might help me (for instance, when  
I'm supposed to get the next mouse click, I call yield and then the  
callback would somehow wake the application back up), but it is  
described in Python as being used only with generator functions, so I  
don't think that does the trick.

I'm fairly new to Python, and even more so to maptlotlib, but I've  
used matlab plenty. There, there's a ginput function that returns a  
value only when the mouse's been clicked. Obviously there's some dual- 
threading going on, but I've never had to write it myself.

I've spent several hours searching on the internet and haven't come  
up with much. One scheme that might work would be to use sockets to  
control the passing of info. But that seems overkill.

A big part of my problem from the matplotlib end is the only info  
I've been able to find on using mouse clicks are basically not app- 
based, e.g. 
Interactive_Plotting. There, the callbacks simply redraw the screen  
by labeling data or whatnot, but there's no sophisticated "main"  
program running at the same time.

Any ideas?



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-03-23 Thread Angus McMorland
On 24/03/07, belinda thom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to write a very simple GUI using matplotlib and have
> gotten stuck. Hopefully someone out there has done something similar
> and can point me on my way.
> First, I should mention that the examples provided with matplotlib
> weren't immediately helpful to me, because when I try to run various
> demos (like pick_event_demo or object_picker) it fails b/c I'm
> relying on (and have to rely on) TkAgg. Sadly, I'm too new to
> understand what I would need to do to get those demos working. So I
> found someone processing mouseclicks using a Mac online and started
> there.
> I ended up with something like this:
>from pylab import *
>class gui :
> def __init__(self) :
> self.f = figure()
> = None  # valid mouse click hasn't yet happened
> def clicker(event):
> = event.xdata
> self.f.canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event",clicker)
> def getNextValidClick(self) :
> (data, = (None, None)
> while True :
> print "Waiting for valid mouse click..."
> while == None :
> pass # keep polling
> if 1 <= <= 3 :
> # consider this a valid next mouse click
> (data, = (, None)
> break
> return data
> With which I tried:
> g = gui()
> x = g.getNextValidClick()
> but the latter line caused me to experience the spinning wheel of
> dead that we mac users so enjoy.
> I have the feeling I need to explicitly yield or some such in the
> poll loop, but I don't know how to do that.
> Advice greatly appreciated, both on the code I've provided, and on if
> there is a better way altogether to provide an app with data obtained
> via a matplotlib mouse click callback.
> Thanks,
> --b

It's the polling that's the problem. Why not use a slightly different
approach, like this:

from pylab import figure

class gui :
def __init__(self, callback) :
self.f = figure() = self.f.add_subplot(111)[1,2,3]) = None  # valid mouse click hasn't yet happened
def clicker(event): = event.xdata
if 1 <= <= 3:
print "Waiting for valid mouse click..."

then in your application (or shell):

def my_cb(inp):
# processing here
print inp

g = gui(my_cb)

No polling required, and you only get the valid clicks calling your
routine. I hope that helps,

AJC McMorland, PhD Student
Physiology, University of Auckland

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Matplotlib-users mailing list

[Matplotlib-users] passing mouse clicks back to a polling application

2007-03-23 Thread belinda thom

I'm trying to write a very simple GUI using matplotlib and have  
gotten stuck. Hopefully someone out there has done something similar  
and can point me on my way.

First, I should mention that the examples provided with matplotlib  
weren't immediately helpful to me, because when I try to run various  
demos (like pick_event_demo or object_picker) it fails b/c I'm  
relying on (and have to rely on) TkAgg. Sadly, I'm too new to  
understand what I would need to do to get those demos working. So I  
found someone processing mouseclicks using a Mac online and started  

I ended up with something like this:

   from pylab import *
   class gui :
def __init__(self) :
self.f = figure() = None  # valid mouse click hasn't yet happened
def clicker(event): = event.xdata

def getNextValidClick(self) :
(data, = (None, None)
while True :
print "Waiting for valid mouse click..."
while == None :
pass # keep polling
if 1 <= <= 3 :
# consider this a valid next mouse click
(data, = (, None)
return data

With which I tried:

g = gui()
x = g.getNextValidClick()

but the latter line caused me to experience the spinning wheel of  
dead that we mac users so enjoy.

I have the feeling I need to explicitly yield or some such in the  
poll loop, but I don't know how to do that.

Advice greatly appreciated, both on the code I've provided, and on if  
there is a better way altogether to provide an app with data obtained  
via a matplotlib mouse click callback.



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