Re: [Midnight Commander] #279: Autorename when copying/moving files

2009-02-22 Thread Ticket System
#279: Autorename when copying/moving files
  Reporter:  styx |   Owner:   
  Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  new  
  Priority:  major|   Milestone:  4.7  
 Component:  mc-core  | Version:  4.6.2
Resolution:   |Keywords:   
  Blocking:   |   Blockedby:   

Comment(by kdave):

 Replying to [ticket:279 styx]:
  When files with the same names already exists, should be a button, to
 copy the files with autorenaming.

 Sounds reasonable. Howeve I see problems with the autorename rules. I
 think regexp pattern is not the best way to do that, since filenames can
 be of any form (eg. no .extension, etc).

  result: file.txt, 2.file.txt 3.file.txt 4.file.txt

 This does not seem good since I want to see the renamed files togather.
 They may have same name but different contents. Prefixing the name with
 number will list the files far away from each other.

  or: file.txt, file.txt.2 file.txt.3 file.txt.4

 This resembles manpage names, it does add anotherl level of extension
 wich again may lead to different associated program to call via mcext.

  or: file.txt, file(2).txt file(3).txt file(4).txt

 This one is good, preserves the extension (if there is any), number can be
 extracted and incremented.

  maybe user should have a posibility to set a rule how to rename via
 regexp or something like that.

 Rather some printf-like syntax using %f %e %n, f - filename up to last
 ., e - extension, n - the number to increment. Using regexp for such
 task does not seem to be appropriate.

 I think MC should use a robust renaming scheme internally, and user should
 not need to change it in most cases, but it should be possible. Eg. to
 change the scheme to %f_%n.%e.

 Thinking further, the regex approach may nicely extend the printf
 scheme. Each of the %x macros can have it's own regexp configurable. Eg.

Ticket URL:
Midnight Commander
Midnight Development Center
Mc-devel mailing list

[Midnight Commander] #279: Autorename when copying/moving files

2009-02-21 Thread Ticket System
#279: Autorename when copying/moving files
 Reporter:  styx |   Owner:   
 Type:  enhancement  |  Status:  new  
 Priority:  major|   Milestone:  4.7  
Component:  mc-core  | Version:  4.6.2
 Keywords:   |Blocking:   
Blockedby:   |  
 When files with the same names already exists, should be a button, to copy
 the files with autorenaming.

 result: file.txt, 2.file.txt 3.file.txt 4.file.txt
 or: file.txt, file.txt.2 file.txt.3 file.txt.4
 or: file.txt, file(2).txt file(3).txt file(4).txt
 maybe user should have a posibility to set a rule how to rename via regexp
 or something like that.

Ticket URL:
Midnight Commander
Midnight Development Center
Mc-devel mailing list