MD: Happy New Year, or Farewell

1999-12-31 Thread PrinceGaz

Hi friends,

Just in cast the net begins crashing and this is one of the last messages
I get through [to Australia certainly] I'd like to wish you all the best for the
new year celebrations and the future.  Don't drink too much :)

And if its not just the end of the 'net but the end of the world, farewell- it's
been fun chatting!

PrinceGaz -- "if it harms none, do what you will"

ICQ: 36892193

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Re: MD: Happy New Year, or Farewell

1999-12-31 Thread Rodney Peterson

It is indeed the end of the world! But there are some things you can do
to make the end of the world a fun experience! Who says total
annhiliation has to be dull? Of course, be sure to dress appropriately
and memorize long winded, meandering speeches to the God of your choice.
(Note: Atheists can simply substitute God of their choice for Idol of
their choice.) In addition, here are a few helpful hints to make the
coming of Armageddon a totally fun experience:


Your local Phone Company would like to remind you to repeatedly and
often pick up the phone at exactly Midnight New Years Eve to check for a
dial tone. Your local officials would like to remind you nothing says
New Years Celebration like the joyous sound of guns being fired into the
air! Persons with Uzis and automatic submachine guns are especially
encouraged to discharge automatic gunfire to welcome the New Millemium!
Those lucky Americans fortunate enough to own anti aircraft artillery
are also encouraged to welcome the Millenium with a bang! And for Gods
sake, don't let the start of another Millenium pass you by without
starting a few neighborhood riots! Remember, nothing puts the fun in
Millenium like a little well planned looting!

Unfortunately, I myself was unable to secure any anti aircraft
artillery, TNT or other Armageddon type party favors despite my
connections at the DAT Store, so I myself will be celebrating New Years
Eve in a much more controlled, but equally fun environment.

I will be spinning my collection of 500 or so MiniDiscs at Farfalla at
143 North La Brea in Hollywood. Please stop by and say hi-but leave the
automatic weapons at home, please. It's just possible we can start the
next thousand years without a hitch. But memorize those meanderig
speeches, just in case.

Best in 2000


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MD: Copyrights etc. etc. etc.

1999-12-31 Thread Indiana

OK, enough already.

Those of you who are non-lawyers who seem intent 
on interpretation of the law to your own devices and 
opinions are free to do so.  But, when you wish to debate
whether the law matches what you think and attempt
to impose what you think via debate rather than action,
then you don't hold your convictions well enough to 
act them out.

So, you feel that the copyright/AHRA don't hold any muster?
Feeling froggy and want to jump?

Then feel free if you're so convinced that its not illegal to make
copies and distribute them to do the following.

Go to your local CD store and pick three CDs, especially  hot new
releases which are likely to be a million sellers.  Fire up you CDR and
your MD and make some copies.  Shoot, while you're at it rip the 
files all to MP3 and put them on disk too. Find the name and address of
the President of the recording company listed on each of the CDs.  

Send the copies along with this letter (cut the paragraph which applies)
You can adjust the letter as needed, but you'll get my drift.

Dear Record Company Executive:

I've just purchased your new CD called  by
.  I like it so much that I'm going to share
it with all of my friends.

I've made copies on MD and intend to trade it with my buds on
the internet.  I've enclosed a copy and hope you like it as MD is 
portable and a very nice format.  If you don't have MD I could make
another copy for you on CDR, but you already have all those CDs
to sell don't you?

I've also made copies on MP3 and will be sending it to lots of people 
on the internet.  If you give me your email address I'll send it to you.
If you don't have email, you can find the MP3 on my site at 

Thanks for recording this group, I love their music and want
to share it with everyone I know.

Best Regards,

Your Pal
Joe Pirate
12342 Digital Avenue
Your City, Your State   Zipppy

Now my point is the effective law really is what gets interpreted 
and utilized not just the words in the statute.  If you REALLY 
believe that the law has no teeth and you ~can't~ be prosecuted, 
jump little froggy.

Don't be confused by the following differing terms.

The law -- what the statute says.
Prosecution attitude -- when the state or fed chooses to use the law.
The LAW -- what really happens with the statue.
Ethics -- when you're doing the right thing (or not)
Chances of getting prosecuted -- will you be "seen" or discovered and
will they care enough to go after you, is it worth it to them?

You folks that are TRUE BELIEVERS that the copyright law protects
you from:

1)  Borrowing a CD and making copies
2)  Buying a CD and making copies for others
3)  Copying music in MP3 format and distributing it
4)  Trading copyrighted material (including public performances)
5)  Exchanging copies of music you own with someone else who
owns another CD

can test the law for us.  WRITE THE LETTER!!!  Put up or shut up!!!

Otherwise please get back to talking about MD.

(Consider this my millennium troll.  C'mon little fishies.)
No more posts from me on this subject.

Gary Warren

"That's just my opinion, I could be wrong."
Dennis Miller
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MD: pac-man

1999-12-31 Thread Steve

Prince --

I have played pac-man many times while listening to minidiscs.  When I
play pac-man, I think of the little dots I eat as new minidisc
recordings I have made with no fee going to the recording industry,
and I think of the evil characters who chase me for doing so as the
recording industry.  I think of the bigger dots I eat, which empower
me to chase and eat the evil recording industry characters, as my
Constitutional rights.   ; )

Regards to the list,  Steve

On Thu, 30 Dec 1999 19:43:53 -, in  you wrote:

 (shift to screen and music between pac-man levels two and three.)

I trust you have bought Pacman, or if downloaded from my website as
a ROM image that you also have the appropriate arcade console or
permission from the copyright owner :-)

Of course since no-one would put 10p or whatever in the slot to play
it anyway, there is no commercial gain... ummm!

PrinceGaz -- "if it harms none, do what you will"

ICQ: 36892193

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Re: MD: Constitution Quickie

1999-12-31 Thread Steve

The short answer to your questions is that other considerations may
and have many times superseded the strict letter of the copyright law
in the United States.  The American Home Recording Act is just one of
many, many instances.  Find yourself a nice big recent treatise on
American copyright law and read the whole thing.  If you tell me what
book you read I'll read it too.  You're smart, you can hold your own
with me after that.
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Re: MD: Constitution Quickie

1999-12-31 Thread Neil

On Fri, 31 Dec 1999 12:26:35 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The short answer to your questions is that other considerations may
  and have many times superseded the strict letter of the copyright law
  in the United States.  The American Home Recording Act is just one of
  many, many instances.  Find yourself a nice big recent treatise on
  American copyright law and read the whole thing.  If you tell me what
  book you read I'll read it too.  You're smart, you can hold your own
  with me after that.

I'm assuming this is in response to the questions I posted regarding
constitutional issues...

Assuming it is - there was no included text to suggest so, nor any direct
reference to either question or poster, I simply have one point to make:-

Re-read what I wrote - then on the list post answers to each question -
there's no catch, no hidden meaning - just answer them all, they all have
direct relevance to whether it is legal to make copies of copyright material
that you don't own, that has appropriate copyright restrictions.

It's really quite that simple - it's not a trap, answer the questions, they
directly relate. If you won't it speaks volumes about the validity of your
standpoint - there's nothing nasty or tricky in the questions, there merely
there to identify the other areas in which copyright infringements quite
possibly would be pursued.

Consider this, if it was completely legal to make copies of copyright
material that you don't own, by recording it in your own home, so long as no
fiscal transaction took place, then why would anyone ever by original CDs or
other prerecorded music media?

Just for the original artwork - I mean even if this is copyrighted, by your
logic people should be able to take copies of this too. Or simply their

With this rationale, I would have thought that music libraries in the US
would do a storm - I mean all people would ever need to do was obtain an
original copy, and copy it themselves.

I can only imagine the only people legally committed to actually purchase
original copies of the copyright material being those who use it
commercially, DJs and those involved in the music / entertainment industry
with this logic.

I would imagine prospective campaiging politicians could really leverage
this..."Hey vote for me and you can copy all the 10,000 CDs in my personal
collection - for free!...", sure sounds better than kissing babies to me!


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Re: MD: mz-r30 vs. sharp 702 ( long post)

1999-12-31 Thread Stainless Steel Rat

Hash: SHA1

* Michael Hooker [EMAIL PROTECTED]  on Fri, 31 Dec 1999
| first, i notice that the line level on the sharp has to be set much higher
| while recording than i would with the sony. i used the line in, with a
| battery box and sound pro mics, the same set up i've always used with the
| sony.

That is likely the problem.  The impedance on the line and mic inputs is
very different on the 702; they cannot be used interchangeably, even with a 
battery box.  Try using the mic input.  And don't use the battery box; the
mic jack provides power, so you probably do not need it.
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Re: MD: Sony MZ-R90

1999-12-31 Thread Act444

Depends on how much money you want to spend. 

I'd get it, 

I have one already (black one) and it's pretty cool. If you want me to I can 
tell you about it. 
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