MD: Digital recording via Mac

2000-04-22 Thread Dale Greer

I recently saw on the MDCP a Macintosh tutorial for analog recording to
MiniDisc, which gave me the idea to  put together a tutorial for digital
recording to the Mac.

I've been an MD'er for nearly seven years, but I'm new to the Mac-MD scene
(I just got all the hardware two days ago!), so I hope I haven't made any
major gaffs with the instructions.

If anyone has any corrections or suggestions, please let me know.

The URL:



Dale Greer
Webmaster, A1A Archives
The Internet's Most Complete Jimmy Buffett Collector's Guide

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MD: Well I did it.

2000-04-22 Thread Neon John

Hi guys.  I was on here a few days ago asking about Sony players. 
Well I did it, I went hog-wild.  I just received from Minidisco an
MZ-R90, a spare battery and an Xtel Storm Platinum optical output
sound card.  I wasted most of the day playing with this stuff.  OK,
I'm won over.  For once my membership in Procrastinator's Anonymous
paid off.  I waited long enough to buy an MP3 player that I (re)
discovered MD.

OK, I have some questions.  I've been burning my MP3 music to MD all
afternoon and I have some problems/questions.

The biggie.  The Sony doesn't detect intersong spaces and lay down a
mark in any mode.  I have the WinAmp inter-song silence plugin and
it's working.  Using the optical interface, I've tried both manually
recording and using sync record.  Nadda.  Records OK, just no track
marks.  What's the trick.

I notice that the optical output of the sound card is on all the
time.  Is that normal?  From what I've read in the archives and on
the MD boards, I get the notion that some optical devices turn the
light off when not transmitting data.  Could this be the root of my
problem above?  If I momentarily remove the fiber optic cable from
the sound card, the MD recorder DOES write a track marker.

The audio level to the recorder is low from all digital sources. 
MP3, RealAudio, CD player, etc.  I have the SP/DIF slider on volume
control wide open and yet I still have to run the manual gain on the
MZ up all the way to get the VU meter to even occasionally bump 20
over.  This is what sounds the best too.  Left on auto gain, the
playback audio at full volume is barely useable through my

An interesting observation.  This unit is claimed to have 40 seconds
of anti-skip memory.  IT seems to have a lot more.  It sounds like
it rips at least a song's worth of data into memory and then turns
off the disc drive.  The unit is totally silent for several
minutes.  This must be the trick that has let Sony get 16 hours of
playback on the lipstick battery.

I think I'm going to really like this little unit!

BTW, I can't say enough nice about MiniDisco.  Almost the cheapest
price.  I asked for email confirmation of my order and ship date
independently of their mail robot.  I got that.  Then someone called
to confirm the order right before shipping.  Finally, it arrived
right on time this morning, second day service just like I asked.

John De Armond
Neon John's Custom Neon
Cleveland, TN
"Bendin' Glass 'n Passin' Gas"
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RE: MD: Well I did it.

2000-04-22 Thread Tony Antoniou

Flick your Sync Rec switch to the "ON" position.

Yes, the optical output being constantly on is normal.

If you're recording digitally, you shouldn't have to worry about the gain
control as whatever bits it receives, it records.


---  TAMA - The Strongest Name in Drums  ---

 -Original Message-
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  On Behalf
Of Neon John
Sent:   Saturday, 22 April 2000 17:43
To: Mini disc mailing list
Subject:MD: Well I did it.

The biggie.  The Sony doesn't detect intersong spaces and lay down a
mark in any mode.  I have the WinAmp inter-song silence plugin and
it's working.  Using the optical interface, I've tried both manually
recording and using sync record.  Nadda.  Records OK, just no track
marks.  What's the trick.

I notice that the optical output of the sound card is on all the
time.  Is that normal?  From what I've read in the archives and on

The audio level to the recorder is low from all digital sources.

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Re: MD: Need help from anyone with a Rio MP3 player!

2000-04-22 Thread Matt Wall

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

If you have a best buy nearby, go purchase an original rio, re-format it,
then take the rio back, they have a 30 day no questions asked policy on
stuff like that.  yeah it's not the most honest thing to do but to save
$ on the smartmedia it would probably be worth it.

-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, April 22, 2000 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: MD: Need help from anyone with a Rio MP3 player!

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

 I've sent this letter out before, but have gotten no reply.  So, I
 figured I'd try again.  I bought a Rio mp3 player (the first version) and
 used it to format a smartmedia card that I already had, thinking that I
 reformat it for use in my digital camera if I wanted to use it for such
 things.  Anyway, I returned the Rio (I'll stick to MD) then discovered
 the only way that the card will be reformattable is if I format it once
 in a Rio player with the latest version of their software.  So, I am
 with an expensive and useless smartmedia card and no way to fix it.  I
 wondering if I could send my card to anybody out there who has a rio MP3
 player, and they could reformat it and send it back to me.  Thanks alot!

Short of finding someone with a Rio to reformat it, you could try your
local electrical retailer (in the UK that would be somewhere like Dixons
for a national outlet, though a smaller chain might be a better bet).

I'm sure they'll let you use a Rio for a few minutes if either you are a
regular customer, or indicate you'll purchase something afterwards.  Okay
the assistant is sure to watch you but if you then buy a load of blank MDs
I reckon they'd be happy to let you reformat your card.  Actually (flash
of inspiration) in Britain, Argos let you return almost any item within
15-days for a full refund, no questions asked, not that I condone abusing
that service however :)  Dunno which country you live in though...

Good luck!
 ___  ___
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|   |Gareth Bell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   |
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|   |   ICQ: 36892193|   |
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|   |"An it harm none, do what thou wilt"|   |
| o || o |

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Re: MD: Well I did it.

2000-04-22 Thread Matt Wall

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

as for the track seperation, dont use the plugin, i manually use a 2 to 4
second silent mp3, it's easy to make one yourself, if you dont know how
e-mail me and i'll send em to ya.  also as per the optical out and volume of
it being a little low, i remember there is a registry key that allows you to
bump it up a little bit, also if you cant find that at let
me know and i'll try and find the url.  hope that helps a little bit :P

Matthew Wall

-Original Message-
To: Mini disc mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, April 22, 2000 3:46 AM
Subject: MD: Well I did it.

Hi guys.  I was on here a few days ago asking about Sony players.
Well I did it, I went hog-wild.  I just received from Minidisco an
MZ-R90, a spare battery and an Xtel Storm Platinum optical output
sound card.  I wasted most of the day playing with this stuff.  OK,
I'm won over.  For once my membership in Procrastinator's Anonymous
paid off.  I waited long enough to buy an MP3 player that I (re)
discovered MD.

OK, I have some questions.  I've been burning my MP3 music to MD all
afternoon and I have some problems/questions.

The biggie.  The Sony doesn't detect intersong spaces and lay down a
mark in any mode.  I have the WinAmp inter-song silence plugin and
it's working.  Using the optical interface, I've tried both manually
recording and using sync record.  Nadda.  Records OK, just no track
marks.  What's the trick.

I notice that the optical output of the sound card is on all the
time.  Is that normal?  From what I've read in the archives and on
the MD boards, I get the notion that some optical devices turn the
light off when not transmitting data.  Could this be the root of my
problem above?  If I momentarily remove the fiber optic cable from
the sound card, the MD recorder DOES write a track marker.

The audio level to the recorder is low from all digital sources.
MP3, RealAudio, CD player, etc.  I have the SP/DIF slider on volume
control wide open and yet I still have to run the manual gain on the
MZ up all the way to get the VU meter to even occasionally bump 20
over.  This is what sounds the best too.  Left on auto gain, the
playback audio at full volume is barely useable through my

An interesting observation.  This unit is claimed to have 40 seconds
of anti-skip memory.  IT seems to have a lot more.  It sounds like
it rips at least a song's worth of data into memory and then turns
off the disc drive.  The unit is totally silent for several
minutes.  This must be the trick that has let Sony get 16 hours of
playback on the lipstick battery.

I think I'm going to really like this little unit!

BTW, I can't say enough nice about MiniDisco.  Almost the cheapest
price.  I asked for email confirmation of my order and ship date
independently of their mail robot.  I got that.  Then someone called
to confirm the order right before shipping.  Finally, it arrived
right on time this morning, second day service just like I asked.

John De Armond
Neon John's Custom Neon
Cleveland, TN
"Bendin' Glass 'n Passin' Gas"
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Re: MD: Well I did it.

2000-04-22 Thread Brett Tyre

I've had this problem too, and while having the songs blended together is
nice for something like a DJ mix, its a minus not having track markers.  I
usually create my playlists in Real Jukebox, and between each track (unless
it has a proper fade), I place recorded silence.  I took one of my albums
with secret tracks and I recorded 2 seconds of silence as an MP3.  This adds
two seconds on to the end of whatever song I'm recording, causing my deck to
read it as time for a new track.  (I have the MDS-S707, which uses two or
three seconds bursts of silence as track spacers).
Brett Tyre
London Drugs, Comp. Dept.
"My 98 is fly, I don't drive no junk" -Chuck D
- Original Message -
From: "Neon John" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Mini disc mailing list" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2000 12:43 AM
Subject: MD: Well I did it.

 The biggie.  The Sony doesn't detect intersong spaces and lay down a
 mark in any mode.  I have the WinAmp inter-song silence plugin and
 it's working.  Using the optical interface, I've tried both manually
 recording and using sync record.  Nadda.  Records OK, just no track
 marks.  What's the trick.

 John De Armond
 Neon John's Custom Neon
 Cleveland, TN
 "Bendin' Glass 'n Passin' Gas"
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 "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: MD: discussion on advertising

2000-04-22 Thread las

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

Hi.  If they haven't already done so, USPS was supposed to begin having
tracking service.

UPS sent to my office must be signed for.  However if the same exact package is
sent to my house, they can just leave it with no signature!  I don't understand
that one.

Kheops GlassArt wrote:


 Personally, on our website, we offer Priority Mail...

 But, in fact, since we had some problem in the past with USPS (people who
 told they don't receive their order and you have any proof with USPS except
 if you use a return receipt service).

 So I offer the USPS priority mail with the return service... and with this
 service it's nearly the same price as UPS !!!

 However, I could use only USPS Priority Mail but what could I do with
 customers who don't receive the stock ??? Who I have to blame ??? USPS or
 the customer ???

 At least, with UPS, we have a tracking number, and with USPS priority mail
 with return receipt too...

 If you have any better idea for shipping, I'm really open to it...

 Don't hesitate to reply to me, or visit my website and let your comments...
 or place order...

 Pierre Forest
 Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

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Re: MD: discussion on advertising

2000-04-22 Thread David W. Tamkin

Larry Sherry wrote,

| Hi.  If they haven't already done so, USPS was supposed to begin having
| tracking service.

They do.  It's 35c extra for Priority Mail (and I think the same for Express
Mail), 60c extra for first class.  You get a twenty-digit tracking number
that can be looked up on the web or touch-toned to a toll-free phone number,
and the response states the time and zip code of acceptance by the USPS until
it is delivered, when it states the time and zip of delivery with an option
to state the earlier information if you're still interested.  I've found it
pretty useful, and I email the tracking number to the recipient so that (s)he
can keep tabs on it as well.

| UPS sent to my office must be signed for.  However if the same exact
| package is sent to my house, they can just leave it with no signature!  I
| don't understand that one.

UPS has a pollyanna delusion about certain "safe" zip codes, where packages
can be left unattended unless the specific item is marked "signature re-
quired," in which case the driver pays no attention, drops it at the door,
looks at the doorbell without touching it, and drives off just the same.

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Re: MD: discussion on advertising

2000-04-22 Thread las

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

Hi David,

 They do.  It's 35c extra for Priority Mail (and I think the same for Express
 Mail), 60c extra for first class.  You get a twenty-digit tracking number
 that can be looked up on the web or touch-toned to a toll-free phone number,
 and the response states the time and zip code of acceptance by the USPS until
 it is delivered, when it states the time and zip of delivery with an option
 to state the earlier information if you're still interested.  I've found it
 pretty useful, and I email the tracking number to the recipient so that (s)he
 can keep tabs on it as well.

 Well there you go.  That should be of interest to our High Space dealer.  Now
 if he could only come up with prices that beat Art Munson's specials.  Either
 the manufacture is giving Art a better deal, or Art is using it as a loss
 leader (doubtful).

 UPS has a pollyanna delusion about certain "safe" zip codes, where packages
 can be left unattended unless the specific item is marked "signature re-
 quired," in which case the driver pays no attention, drops it at the door,
 looks at the doorbell without touching it, and drives off just the same.

Both my office and house are in the same sip code.  In fact they are on the same
street located about 3 and a half miles from each other.


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Re: MD: Well I did it.

2000-04-22 Thread Neon John

Matt Wall wrote:
   = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
   = be more selective when quoting text =
 as for the track seperation, dont use the plugin, i manually use a 2 to 4
 second silent mp3, it's easy to make one yourself, if you dont know how
 e-mail me and i'll send em to ya.  also as per the optical out and volume of
 it being a little low, i remember there is a registry key that allows you to
 bump it up a little bit, also if you cant find that at let
 me know and i'll try and find the url.  hope that helps a little bit :

Thanks for the offer, Matt.  I assume one would make a silent MP3
file by activating the sound recorder with no input and then
converting the .wav file to .mp3, right?  I've tried manually
pausing Winamp between selections to no avail.  The player doesn't
lay down a track mark even at the end of the play list when things
go silent.  Hmmm.

John De Armond
Neon John's Custom Neon
Cleveland, TN
"Bendin' Glass 'n Passin' Gas"
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Re: MD: UPS safe zip codes

2000-04-22 Thread David W. Tamkin

Larry elaborated,

| Both my office and house are in the same zip code.  In fact they are on the
| same street located about 3 and a half miles from each other.

Maybe UPS has different rules for residential addresses and commercial

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Re: MD: Cheap semi-pro interconnects

2000-04-22 Thread Richard Wright

  = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
  = be more selective when quoting text =

At 11:07 21/04/00 +0100, you wrote:

Yes Richard (Wrighty) I did sorta pinch your sig, and yes you are spot
on when you said it is just *too* cool.  I love it, I mean really love
it, but Ralph may be right about it being rather long :-)

Did you copy your sig from someone or did you design it yourself?

Glad you like it :-)

No, I designed it myself. I found a program ages ago which did the bubble 
writing. Can't remember what it was called now. The printer paper idea just 
hit me when I was messin' about with my sig one afternoon!



  ___ _ ___
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|   | Richard Wright - [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   |
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| o |   Find me on ICQ - UIN: 4050545  (   | o |
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MD: Oh whoa MD-L, look at this!!

2000-04-22 Thread MiniDisc comedy

Hey MD-L!

It's me, your good buddy, MiniDisc comedy!

Anyway I just found this awesome site, AIRTOONS. It's at ... 
But I found this one toon that I thought you'd really like. Hopefully your email 
program allows you to click URL's but if not, just copy and paste it into your web 
browser! Here it is! Go check it out.

See you later! Hey, email me sometime... We never talk any more, I miss you!

-MiniDisc comedy
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Re: MD: analog to digital?

2000-04-22 Thread David W. Tamkin

Matthew Updike asked,

| Here's a newbie question.  Is there some way I can put my tapes onto
| minidisc??  Here's the equipment I have:  Aiwa CX-NA31 (this is a 3 cd shelf
| system with dual cassette, also has an optical out so I can put my cd's onto
| md but nothing else:(  and a Sharp 702.  Is there some sort of cable I can
| run out of the headphone jack of the Aiwa that will convert the signal to
| digital for my Sharp?  Or how else might I do this?

Seems to me that, even if the shelf system has an ADC and can send out an
optical signal from cassettes that it plays, it makes more sense to make an
analog connection to the 702 and to use the 702's internal ADC, because then
the MD copy of the music on cassette will be SCMS-penultimate.  A digital
transfer from the shelf system to the MD recorder would surely result in an
SCMS-final MD recording.

So I think Matt should copy his cassettes to MD over an analog connection
with an ordinary 3.5mm stereo cable.

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