MD: SCMS question

2001-08-31 Thread Clinton, Martin

Last night I made a compilation CD on a Pioneer twin deck recorder for a
mate of mine, using a number of Minidisc tracks. The first few were
ANALOGUE copies of MD's as the MD's were digital copies of the original
CD. The last few were digital copies (bringing my Sony MZ-1 out of
retirement and using its digital output to feed into the CD deck! I KNEW
it would come in useful one day!), as the source was an MD recording of
an analogue tape
Once having compiled this I thought 'Hmmm, I'll make a copy of this for
myself', and put the new CD (a mixture of analogue and digital tracks)
into the CD recorder, and managed to copy it all to a blank CD.
My question is because the first few tracks were analogue copies of the
MD, the burner was quite happy to record these, but I was surprised the
last few were allowed as these were digital copies of the MD. When does
the SCMS check get done? At the start of the disc or at the start of
each track? If its the start of the disc, the analogue tracks seem to
have let the digital ones slip through. The only alternative I can think
of is that the CD recorder switched to an analogue copy for the last few
Sorry if I've not explained this very well, but anyone got any ideas?
Thanks a lot

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MD: Sony MiniDisc advert circa 1996

2001-08-23 Thread Clinton, Martin

Hi Ornette,
If I remember correctly the track was 'I want you' by the Inspiral

Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 16:15:13 +0100
From: Ornette Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: MD: Sony MiniDisc advert circa 1996


I am trying to get an ID for a song featured in a Sony MiniDisc advert
1996/97.  The advert 
features a man speeding down an open road (in America or something).

As for the song, its sort of a modern rock sounding tune.  The lyrics go
something like:
Noone ever said it was gonna be easy...

Can anyone help me

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MD: NH14WM batteries in the UK

2001-08-21 Thread Clinton, Martin

For those in the UK, the latest Index catalogue has spare NH14WM
batteries for sale for £7.99 (approx $11.50), the cheapest I've seen
from a 'standard' high street retailer.

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MD: USB Power

2001-06-18 Thread Clinton, Martin

Hi everyone,

Howard Chu wrote: 
USB and power: USB only supplies 5V @ 500mA max per device. Fine for
keyboards and mice, but nowhere near enough to run a printer or scanner, so
forget that issue.

I hope I'm not misinterpreting your comment Howard, but my Canon scanner
connected to my laptop works just this way, its a CanoScan N1220U , and has one USB
cable that supplies power and is the data connection. This may well mean it
runs slower than wall-socket powered devices, but lack of access to power
points made this a good choice for me when I got it. Admittedly this is
about the only scanner on the market that DOES work this way, but it seems
like it is possible.

All the best


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MD: Analogue copy of CDR

2001-01-25 Thread Clinton, Martin

Hi everyone,
My Dad is going to borrow a 'Music' CD-R of a Bing Crosby album, which he
wants to copy onto MD using his MXD-D3. Now if I've got this right, the
original was a CD, copied onto 'music' CD-R on a Traxdata home hi-fi deck.
Therefore the CD-R will have SCMS on it to prevent another digital copy? If
so, he'll need to do an analogue copyif this is the case, will the
analogue copy have track marks etc. or will my Dad need to do this himself
Thanks for any help

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MD: How times change.

2000-12-20 Thread Clinton, Martin

Hi everyone,
I know this may not be a piece of particularly useful information in the
days of R900's etc., but in Curry's (a large chain of electrical shops here
in the UK) in Beckton, East London, they are selling Sony LIP-12 batteries
for £5 (about $7.50). Now I know that these days its only the Sony R30 and
Kenwood G7 (or something like that) owners that this would interest. But
considering that these batteries were going for about TEN times that price a
few years ago, I was just a bit surprised.
All the best

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MD: TOS Link Stupid Question

2000-08-30 Thread Clinton, Martin

Hi Everyone,
This may sound a bit of a basic question, but my Toshiba DVD player has an
optical output (Toslink I think it is). Anyway, is it possible to connect
this to an MD portable recorder via a toslink/mini jack-style optical cable?
If so, are there concerns about sample rate conversion etc..? Or is it
impossible? If so, what do you use the optical output for?
I hope I've explained myself well enough, any help gratefully received.

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MD: The The Vs. The Corporate Monster

2000-08-22 Thread Clinton, Martin

Hi everyone,

Thought people might be interested in the article posted by Matt Johnson on
his band's site:


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MD: Sony R91 in T3

2000-06-23 Thread Clinton, Martin

Hi everyone,

The latest issue of UK gadget magazine T3 has an excellent review of the
Sony R91. And almost as if the reviewer had been reading the recent topic of
'can Minidisc survive?' (maybe he has!), he comments that while there seems
to be such a hoo-hah about MP3, Memory stick walkmen etc.. while Sony keep
knocking out things like the R91 that are fairly cheap, stylish, good
battery life, cheap media etc..he finds it strange that more media attention
isn't given to this sort of technology. 

Mind you someone on one of the lists made a very good point that perhaps
BECAUSE MD is such an established product now in the UK, that there isn't
such a kerfuffle every time a new portable comes out. Even my Dad (who is
67) took the plunge recently and got an MXD-D3 from Richer sounds! His
comment after playing around with it for a few days was along the lines of
"I wish we'd had these 30 years ago".

All the best


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MD: Latest issue of T3

2000-02-29 Thread Clinton, Martin

In the latest issue, a report from the CES show:

"Conspicuous by its absence from most CES stands this year, good old
Minidisc only really showed its face in the Sony hall. Launching a handful
of MD portables, Sony had to admit that while the digital recording format
had taken hold of Europe, it had all but died a death in the US of A"

Well I hope this is just some magazine hack looking for a headline! I can't
imagine Sony owning up to that anyway...would they?


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MD: New Sony kit

2000-02-28 Thread Clinton, Martin

Hi everyone,

Up the West End of London on Saturday I noticed most shops has the R91 (a
nice blue with pale yellow LCD screen), the R70 in black and blue, and the
E90 in silver. no sign of the E60 though.

All the best 


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2000-01-10 Thread Clinton, Martin

Hi everyone,

Wandering round the sales with the missus yesterday, we cut round the back
of Oxford Street through Great Marlborough Street. Halfway down I saw the
'' shop that was on the MDCP the other week. It was closed, but
looked quite flashy...and get this! Guess who's next door?? Sony Music's
offices!! Coincidence or not??


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