Re: MD: Elektor SCMS Stripper. German help needed...

2001-03-26 Thread Tsuki_yomi

 = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
 = be more selective when quoting text =
 My self built Elektor SCMS stripper also pass the trackmarks through and
 strips the SCMS correctly.
 If it strips the trackmarks then it does not function correctly...

Hmm... Seems I need to do a little tweaking.

Any hints of where to begin? (eg which pot to adjust)

I'm guessing from what I remember that its pot 1 that needs the tinkering?


James Budworth
ICQ# Tsuki_yomi - 684547

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Re: MD: Elektor SCMS Stripper. German help needed...

2001-03-25 Thread Tsuki_yomi

 I've built one, it worked first time.

Same here.

 You can adjust the potentiometers just by playing music though it and
 listening to the results - adjust them until music appears! You may then
 need to make slight correction to make sure track marks also make it through
 the SCMS sripper.

I have never gotten it to pass the track marks however.  I always thought it
was just because of the design of the circuit itself.

Is there a way to get it to pass the track marks?

I set mine up by using the voltage levels as guides to the adjustments.


James Budworth
ICQ# Tsuki_yomi - 684547

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Re: MD: headphones and airplanes

2000-08-28 Thread Tsuki_yomi

 Unless someone knows of a specific model, you are going to have to do some
 Like speakers, headphones all have difference efficiency .  Some require large
 amounts of power while others will produce high volume from a small amount of
 power. I wish I cold be more helpful.
 I think that you many also be able to acquire an external headphone amp.  But
 I'm not sure how portable they are.  Probably the best person to check with
 about that would be Len Moskowitz at Core Sound.

A good place to look for all this sort of thing is..

They have projects for making your own headphone amps as well as give you a
better idea as to what headphones might be better...


James Budworth
ICQ# Tsuki_yomi - 684547
The Complete Clow

The Ranmascan Project (Australian Mirror)

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Re: MD: Sharp Titling Aids

2000-08-16 Thread Tsuki_yomi

 From: Ian Horsey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 05:28:12 -0700 (PDT)
 Subject: RE: MD: Sharp Titling Aids
 TitleAid is the titling program you have heard of.  It can be run
 from a PC as well from the parallel port.  The only thing is that you
 have to build the cable yourself.  All the instructions can be found

This works very well for what it can do.  The Sharp is quite limited on the
functions you can perform from the remote.

I had problems with different parallel ports.  Some it worked on some it
didn't  a little odd that one...

 Or alternatively, if you have access to a Sony deck, buy WinRemote
 from Martin Danek - it is the most useful thing I have ever bought
 for my hi-fi, and very versatile also.  If you have Sony seperates,
 you cannot afford to be without this device!

The other option is Easytext, which I use.

You can also have a remote control with the same hardware.

My option is Easytext over Winremote.

Winremote may have more options but Easytext is FREE, and does everything I
The hardware costs about $20 to make and quite a few other programs can use
it (Like MosterClicker )


James Budworth
ICQ# Tsuki_yomi - 684547
The Complete Clow

The Ranmascan Project (Australian Mirror)

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Re: MD: External MD Power Supply for 722

2000-08-03 Thread Tsuki_yomi

My own personal 701 experience...

The original internal battery recently began to fail.

However I had 12x 4V lithium cells laying around doing nothing (from an old
laptop battery where the circuitry died not the batteries)

Now the internal battery is 3.6V where as these were 4V...  Hmm, voltage a
bit off, but I decided to give it a try.  I made up a "Dummy" battery where
the terminals lead off to the outside.  Only mod I had to make was to the
battery cover to enable the wire to get out.

I hooked up the battery... and no smoke (boy was I relieved!)

Power on and everything works OK!

After a quick test I made the connection semi permanent and left it playing.

10 Hours later its still going and on the last battery bar.

Interestings thing to note -

With the fully charged Lithium connected it thought it was connected to the
power adapter!

When the Lithium was then recharged by the MD it was charged back up to the
Preset point suitable for the 3.6V original.  After that (not REALLY fully
charged Lithium) I've been getting about 6-8 hours playtime.

At some point I'll make up a charger to FULLY charge the lithium and then
run from that.


James Budworth
ICQ# Tsuki_yomi - 684547
The Complete Clow

The Ranmascan Project (Australian Mirror)

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Re: MD: MS Media Player 7 is so cool!

2000-07-21 Thread Tsuki_yomi

 From: "PrinceGaz" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 21 Jul 2000 04:52:14 +0100
 Subject: MD: MS Media Player 7 is so cool!
 Hi guys,
 Its been around for months but the first official release version of
 MS Media Player 7 is on the Microsoft Windoze update site, and though
 I shudder as I type the following words about an MS product-- this is
 just too cool to believe.
 I've just touched the surface of its features but even its audio
 playback screen has a fancy sound-to-light converter with loads of
 types to choose from.  I believe it can rip CDs to MP3s but havent
 checked for that yet.  At any rate it is light years ahead of the
 previous version of Media Player (everytime I went to the MS update
 and saw the Media Player 7 beta listed, I was tempted but resisted).
 Normally I tend to slag off MS but this product at first sight seems
 great, wots more it's free!!!  Is this MS trying to kill of Real and
 MusicMatch and other multimedia software producers?  There must be an
 ulterior motive behind this seemingly wonderful piece of software.
 You guys are the best I know to ask, any thoughts on it?

Personally I'm staying away from it.

I have installed it to try it out, but it was removed almost immediately.

I have a lot of video clips that play fine fullscreen under 6.4.  I tried
them in 7 and it was like I had a low end Pentium instead of the 550@645
that I run.

WMP7 suffers BADLY from terrible refresh rate and laggy control response.

It may have some really cool features but if its that slow I'm willing to do
without them.

The one good thing I will say is that it seems to uninstall cleanly ^_^


James Budworth
ICQ# Tsuki_yomi - 684547
The Complete Clow

The Ranmascan Project (Australian Mirror)

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Re: MD: Disc vs Disk

2000-07-16 Thread Tsuki_yomi

 Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 00:39:48 -0400
 Subject: MD: Disc vs Disk
 Please don't answer my question by saying, "so you can tell the
 Why are computer floppy disks spelled disk??  Yet CDs, CD ROMs, and Mini
 Discs spelled DISC??

As far as computer disks are concerned "DISK" is an abbreviation of

Where as MD and CD refer to DISC as a flat circular object.

Beyond that *shrug* who knows?

Possibly the thickness of the disc?

Like cigar - cigarette?


James Budworth
ICQ# Tsuki_yomi - 684547
The Complete Clow

The Ranmascan Project (Australian Mirror)

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Re: MD: inserting blank space between tracks when recording mp3 to md

2000-05-17 Thread Tsuki_yomi

 At 19:20 17/05/2000 -0400, you wrote:
 does anyone know of a program or plugin for winamp that can insert blank
 space between tracks on a playlist so tracks don't get recorded together?
 it's a pain to go back and divide the tracks that are recorded together.
 The more recent versions work a lot better - it used to play snippets of
 the next track before the pause, doesn't any more. And you can switch off
 the annoying system tray icon as well :)

Yay I've been looking for a plugin for just this...  I even toyed with the
idea of making one myself.. except I have no idea about programming.


James Budworth
The Complete Clow
The Ranmascan Project (Australian Mirror)

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