RE: [media-dakwah] Muhammadiyah Belum Bersikap Soal Perda Syariat Islam

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik Tampubolon, Mohammad-Riyadi
terus, infotainment dan sms berhadiah kenapa tidak jadi dibahas walau
sudah diagendakan...?
dealing untuk pernyataan Pancasila sebagai azas tunggal lebih penting..?
kemana ulama yang katanya pewaris Nabi itu..

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of andallas thofansa
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 3:25 PM
Subject: [media-dakwah] Muhammadiyah Belum Bersikap Soal Perda Syariat

Hari Gini Pemimpin Ormas Islam takut Islam jadi ideologi

Muhammadiyah Belum Bersikap Soal Perda Syariat Islam
Sabtu, 29 Juli 2006 | 14:51 WIB 
TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta: Muhammadiyah belum mengambil sikap terhadap
munculnya peraturan daerah (Perda) Syariat Islam di sejumlah daerah.
Ketua Pengurus Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah Din Syamsuddin enggan
mengomentari urgensi munculnya Perda tersebut.

"Kami belum bahas soal itu," kata Din saat dihubungi Tempo, Jum'at
(28/7). Seperti diberitakan, Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama
(PBNU), KH Hasyim Muzadi menegaskan Muktamar tahun 1984 menyebutkan NU
menerima Pancasila sebagai azas tunggal. 

Hasyim mensinyalir ada berbagai kelompok yang berusaha untuk menjadikan
Islam sebagai ideologi negara. Oleh karenanya dia khawatir upaya itu
akan membawa Indonesia ke jurang perpecahan. "Saat ini ada tarikan ke
kiri dan ke kanan yang begitu rupa," katanya dalam Musyawarah Alim Ulama
dan Konferensi Besar Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya.

Rini Kustiani 

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[media-dakwah] All Islamic states except Iran are controlled by US administration

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

All Islamic states except Iran are controlled by US administration

By Dr. Abbas Bakhtiar

07/30/06 "Information Clearing 
House" -- -- The House of Saud’s weapon is money. The petro-dollar can buy 
a lot of silence. In the Arab world nothing critical about it is allowed to 
be published. Even the so called independent Arab press in Europe and US 
are afraid of saying anything even remotely critical of it. If one dares to 
go and publish an article critical of it, the author is automatically 

It is OK to criticise the US, Israel, UK, France, Iran or any other non 
Arab country, as long as it is not the House of Saud or Arab regimes 
friendly to it. Recently I wrote an article (“When will the House of Saud 
feel safe?”) questioning the Saudi Arabia’s huge ($268.6 billion) military 
expenditure. Up to this point some well known press agencies were happy to 
publish my previous articles that were critical of Israel and US. But this 
time they all refused to publish the article. I subsequently was black 
listed. All except one refused even to give me an answer or a reason. The 
only response that I got is the following:

“First,  does not publish articles calling for regime change in any 
Arab-Muslim country. The horrors of the regime change in Iraq provide the 
explanation. We don’t want to contribute to the neo-con permanent war 

Second, why singling out Saudi Arabia? What about the rest of the GCC 
countries, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, 
Mauritania… etc.? There’s no Arab or Muslim state today (except Iran) that 
is NOT under the US hegemony. What you said about Saudi Arabia can be said 
about all of them. ”

This above response is from one of the most popular English Arab online 
news and analysis providers. The Editor asked why I single out Saudi Arabia 
and not others. It is because the Saudi Arabia’s actions and money have 
caused and are causing so much suffering for the rest of the Muslim world. 
The rest of the GCC countries live under the shadow of the Saudi Arabia. 
The other Arab country that is as important as Saudi Arabia is Egypt. Egypt 
is not only the intellectual centre of the Arab world it is its most populous.

Egypt and the Last Pharaoh

Today Egypt is run by President Hosni Mubarak (born May 4, 1928), the 
Supreme Commander, (and at wartime) Field Marshal of the army, Admiral of 
the navy, Chief Air Marshal (Colonel General) of the Air Forces and Air 
Defence Forces.

Mubarak is a military man, through and through. He received his bachelor’s 
degree from Egyptian Military Academy in 1949. In 1950 he started his 
studies at Air Force Academy, where he eventually obtained a bachelor’s 
degree in Aviation Sciences. Later he attended pilot training in the former 
Soviet Union. After his training he started to rise in the ranks from 
bomber pilot to base commander, and later to the position of Commander of 
the Air Force and deputy minister of war (1972). Mubarak was appointed as 
Vice-President in 1975.

On October 6, 1981, a few army officers and enlisted men, shouting "Death 
to the Pharaoh!" assassinated Anwar Sadat, president of Egypt since 1970. 
The assassins were all members of Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Sadat like all 
his predecessors was a dictator. His death was mourned more in the West 
than in Egypt. He presided over a corrupt and dictatorial regime that prior 
to his assassination had arrested and imprisoned thousand of intellectuals, 
Islamists, university professors, journalists, students, and anyone else 
who disagreed with him.

After Sadat’s assassination, Mubarak became president. Mubarak is perhaps 
one of the longest serving “presidents” in the world. He has reigned for 
the past 25 years. He, with the help of the military and the Egyptian 
secret services, has “won” every election since 1981.

Mubarak has been a good friend of the United States and has been friendly 
towards Israel. In return, Egypt has received considerable U.S. financial 
and military aid. But since the American largesse has mostly benefited the 
military and the ruling elite, the ordinary Egyptians’ attitude to United 
States has remained hostile.

Often Egyptian ideas and sentiments set the tone for the discussions in the 
Arab world. The ideas such as Arab Nationalism, Muslim Brotherhood, and 
Arab independence mostly originated in Egypt. Egyptians are heavily 
involved in international anti-American movements. The number two of 
Alqaeda, Mr. Ayman Zahahiri is an Egyptian. Prior to joining al-Qaeda, he 
was a member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, and later a member of the 
Egyptian Islamic Jihad.

Egyptians, except a short period (1924-1936), have not experienced 
democracy. Over the years, their demands and wishes for a representative 
government have been m

[media-dakwah] When Jews behave like Nazis, they become Nazis

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

When Jews behave like Nazis, they become Nazis

By Khalid Amayreh

Jul 30, 2006, 01:24

On 23 March, 1944, 33 German soldiers were killed when members of an 
Italian resistance group set off a bomb close to a column of German troops 
who were marching on via Rasella. Adolph Hitler got furious and ordered 
that within 24 hours, ten Italians were to be shot for each dead German. 
Herbert Kappler, the local German commander, quickly compiled a list of 320 
civilians who were to be killed. On 24 March, the victims were transported 
to Adreatine caves where they were summarily executed by the SS.

Numerous similar “pacification operations” were carried out by the Nazi 
armies against civilians throughout Nazi-occupied Europe, where men, women 
and children were brutally killed to avenge the death of German soldiers by 
local resistance fighters.

I know it is a taboo, especially in the West, to compare Israel, let alone 
Jews, to the Third Reich. However, if truth is to be upheld as an 
intrinsic, paramount value, it is inescapable to call things by their real 

Today, in light of what Israel’s criminal aggressions in Lebanon and Gaza, 
there is no doubt that Israel is thinking, behaving and acting like the 
Third Reich. And when Jews, or some Jews, think, behave and act like the 
Nazis, they become Nazis themselves.

Zionists are behaving like Nazis because they are murdering innocent 
civilians en mass to avenge the death of a few Israeli soldiers killed by 
resistance fighters in Lebanon or Palestine.

Needless to say, these fighters, whether you call them Hamas or Hizbullah, 
are struggling to rid their countries of a brutal Israeli occupation, very 
much like European resistance fighters in Nazi-occupied Poland, France, 
Greece, and other countries fought to get rid of the brutal Nazi occupation 
of their countries.

There is no doubt Jews suffered a lot during WWII. Nobody can deny this 
fact. But Jewish suffering in Europe six decades ago by no means entitles 
Jews to commit another holocaust against the peoples of the Middle East. 
Indeed, a Jewish holocaust against the peoples of the Middle East is no 
less evil (and no less-Nazi) than the German holocaust against Jews.

Evil crimes don’t become lesser when perpetrated by Jewish hands. There is 
no such thing as kosher genocide, or kosher holocaust or Kosher massacres.

Actually, if Jews are so intent on avenging the holocaust, the “logical” 
thing, at least from a Talmudic perspective, is that Zionists should direct 
their wrath to the Germans, the children and grandchildren of the 
Wehrmacht, Gestapo and SS, not to the innocent Palestinians and Lebanese 
who don’t have the means to protect themselves and their children.

Isn’t a sign of criminality and cowardice to target innocent and helpless 
civilians with the most potent machines of death?


I know that many Jews get vociferously furious whenever Israeli-Nazi 
analogies are drawn, especially by Europeans and westerners. They would 
claim that the holocaust was a unique event compared to what Israel is 
doing in Lebanon and Gaza.

Well, nobody is claiming that Gaza is becoming a new Auschwitz. However, 
nobody can deny that numerous helpless civilians are exterminated by the 
Israeli war machine. After all there are other means to “evaporate” people 
than sending them to gas chambers and incinerators. (I am using the word 
“evaporate” because an Israeli newspaper, the Jerusalem Post, gleefully 
used this very word recently on its internet site in reference to 
Palestinians killed in one Israel aerial bombing of a crowded Gaza street 
in mid July.)

In the final analysis, if brutal collective punishment is a criterion for 
qualifying anybody for the “Nazi” label, then Israeli behavior and Israeli 
leaders, politicians and military commanders alike, are undoubtedly the 
Nazis of our time.

Just compare Israel’s behavior in Gaza and Lebanon, following the capturing 
by resistance fighters of three Israeli soldiers during military 
operations, to Gestapo and SS behavior in similar circumstances in 
Nazi-occupied Europe, and you certainly will discover the striking similarity.

Following that capture of an Israeli soldier by Palestinian resistance 
fighters at Kerem Shalom on 25 June, the Israeli army immediately started a 
month-long genocidal campaign against Gaza, destroying homes, schools, 
colleges, power stations, streets, orchards, citrus groves and annihilating 
entire families while sleeping in the privacy of their homes.

Indeed, by the time of writing this article (29 July), as many as 183 
Palestinians, among them 37 children, have been mercilessly killed in the 
Gaza Strip alone as a result of sustained aerial bombing and artillery 
bombardment of civilian neighborhoods.
Yes, all of this pornographic bloodshed and wanton destr

[media-dakwah] Tangga Menuju Kebahagiaan

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik agussyafii
Tangga Menuju Kebahagiaan

Di dalam keluarga akan selalu hadir bagi mereka yang tahu dimana 
letak tangga sesungguhnya berada. Seringkali kita tersesat pada 
tangga semu dalam hidup ini. Gambaran mobil mewah, kekayaan yang 
melimpah, kedudukan bagai tangga fatamorgana yang justru menjauhkan 
diri kita menuju kebahagiaan.  Allah SWT sudah memperingatkan kita 
dalam surah al-Anfal (8:63) "Law anfaqta ma fil ardhi jami'an ma 
allafta baina qulubihim" Walaupun kau belanjakan semua kekayaan yang 
berada dimuka bumi, kau tidak akan bisa mempersatukan hati mereka.  
Itu berarti bahwa tangga yang sesungguhnya untuk mencapai 
kebahagiaan bukanlah kondisi material namun lebih bersifat essensial.

Oleh sebab itu kondisi materi tidak bisa menjadi tolok ukur 
kebahagiaan dalam keluarga, ada keluarga yang sangat kaya raya 
bahagia, juga ada keluarga yang tidak punya justru menderita. Namun 
sebaliknya ada keluarga yang tidak berpunya namun sangat bahagia dan 
ada juga orang yang  kaya raya justru menderita karena harta 
bendanya. Semua itu tergantung sejauhmana keluarga tersebut 
menemukan tangga kehidupan menuju kebahagiaan yang hakiki.

Dalam perjalanan hidup saya pencarian tangga menuju kebahagiaan 
seperti tak pernah henti sebagaimana halnya anda. Kali ini saya 
menawarkan pilihan tangga bagaimana dalam keluarga untuk bisa 
mencapai kebahagiaan.

Tangga pertama, "Man arofa nafsahu wa man arofa robbahu." Kenalilah 
dirimu, maka engkau akan mengenal Tuhanmu. Mengenali diri berarti 
juga mengenali Tuhan. Kenapa mengenali diri berarti mengenali Tuhan? 
Mengenali diri diawali mengenali suara hati kita. Suara hati akan 
terdengar jika kita mampu mengendalikan hawa nafsu yang bagaikan 
kuda liar. Membiarkan tubuh dikendalikan hawa nafsu akan membuat 
tubuh menjadi sarang penyakit. Membiarkan jiwa dikendalikan hawa 
nafsu maka berbagai penyakit jiwa akan bersarang. Dengan 
mengendalikan hawa nafsu maka akan terdengar suara hati. Pada suara 
hati kita melihat Allah SWT sebagai tujuan akhir. "Wa ilallahi 
turja'ul umur" (Dan hanya pada Allah-lah dikembalikan segala 
urusan). SQ. Al-Baqoroh 2:210.

Tangga kedua, Belajarlah menerima diri sendiri. Ada cerita seorang 
istri yang bersuamikan ekspatriat. Suatu hari sang suami pulang ke 
Belanda. Tanpa seijin suaminya sang istri melakukan operasi plastik 
untuk memancungkan hidungnya. Begitu suaminya pulang dari Belanda 
melihat hidung istrinya yang berubah menjadi mancung membuat sang 
suami menjadi marah besar. Istri keheranan, kenapa suaminya marah. 
Kata suaminya, "saya itu mencintai kamu karena hidung kamu yang 
pesek itu." 

Dari cerita itu dapatlah kita petik bahwa menerima diri sendiri 
berarti menerima segala bentuk kekurangan dan kelebihan diri kita. 
Menerima kelebihan dan kekurangan diri sendiri berarti menemukan 
sinergi didalam diri sendiri sebab didalam diri itulah kita juga 
terdapat  perbedaan.

Tangga ketiga, belajarlah memberi. Ada seorang kawan yang selalu 
berbuat baik kepada orang lain. Jika lagi tanggal tua gaji udah 
habis, dia malah mentraktir  makan soto. Kawan saya itu mengatakan, 
jika ingin mendapatkan sesuatu belajarlah dengan memberi. Jika ingin 
kebahagiaan, berikanlah kebahagiaan itu pada orang lain. Jika kita 
ingin kebaikan berikanlah kebaikan itu kepada orang lain. Jika ingin 
kekayaan maka sering-seringlah bersedekah. Maka kita akan 
mendapatkan dari apa yang kita berikan pada orang lain.

Tangga keempat, temukanlah guru sejati kehidupan.  Disekolah 
seringkali saya dipusingkan jika berhadapan dengan siswa yang suka 
pacaran disekolah, tidak ikut sholat jumat, datangnya suka terlambat 
rasanya tidak tahan menghadapinya, malah ada rekan pengajar yang 
mengatakan pada saya, "Kita harus bersyukur sebab dari merekalah 
kita sebenarnya menemukan guru sejati kita., kita bisa belajar 
sabar, ikhlas, dan membuat kita semakin memahami kehidupan." 

Dari ucapan sahabat tersebut maka makna yang bisa dipetik bahwa 
bersyukurlah kita jika memiliki istri yang sangat cerewet, atau 
suami yang susah diatur, murid yang bandel datangnya suka terlambat 
sebab dengan demikian kita akan menemukan guru sejati kehidupan. 
Dari sanalah kita bisa belajar makna kehidupan.

Tangga kelima, "baiti jannati." rumahku adalah surgaku. Puncak 
tangga didalam keluarga menuju kebahagiaan adalah jika kita mampu 
menjadikan rumah sebagai surga. Rangkaian tangga menjadi diri 
sendiri, belajar menerima, belajar memberi dan menemukan guru sejati 
adalah rangkaian sikap kita untuk membangun rumah tangga kita 
menjadi surga pada semua anggota keluarga, baik suami, istri dan 
anak-anak. Dengan demikian pada tangga yang terakhir adalah menuju 
rumahku adalah surgaku. Lantas bagaimana dengan tangga kehidupan 
yang anda miliki?


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[media-dakwah] FW: Si pembuat karikatur NABI MUHAMMAD SAW terbakar hidup2....!!!

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik Tjitji Utari
Subject: FW: 'Danish Editor burnt alive' 



-Original Message- 
Sent:   Thursday, July 13, 2006 9:27 AM 
To: Subject: FW: 'Danish Editor burnt alive' 

The editor of the Danish newspaper 'Jyllands Posten' was burnt to death 
when a fire mysteriously broke out in his bedroom, a Saudi newspaper 
According to the newspaper, the editor was sleeping in his bedroom when 
the fire ravaged his bedroom. He and his newspaper became controversial 
 when it had published blasphemous caricatures of Prophet Muhammad

 The paper claims that the Danish govt is trying to cover up the news of

 the death. He was hit by divine retribution, the paper added. Muslims,
 over the world, strongly denounced this blasphemous act and massive 
 protests were held in all Muslim countries including Pakistan. Text 
 messages and emails that claim that the editor or the cartoonist has
 burnt alive have also been circulating since Tuesday, lending support
 this report. The paper named the editor as Elliot Back. However, Back
 merely a senior in Computer Science at Cornell University, who had 
 published the caricatures on his website. Name of the culture editor of

 Jyllands Posten, who commissioned the caricatures, is Flemming Rose.
 Julius is the name of one of the cartoonists that drew the images.
 were 12 cartoonists in all, who according to the BBC have gone into 
 hiding. - NEWS DESK 


 The artist who drew the pictures of the Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) has 
 died in a fire. He was burned alive. Denmark government is hiding the
 from the public and everyone has got to know. Plz spread this (Its
 price one must pay 4 the insult of 's Prophet). 


 Why is it so hard to tell the truth... yet so easy to tell a lie, why we sleep in the mosque during jumaah service. but when the
 is over we suddenly wake up? , why is it so hard .to talk about 
 ...Allah... but so easy to talk about sex?, why are we so bored to look
 a holy magazine and hard to read the Quran...but so easy to read a
 magazine.?, why is it so easy to delete a Godly offline messages 
 ...yet we forward the nasty ones...? Why is it that mosque is getting 
 smaller...but yet bars and clubs are growing?? .think about
it.Just remember Allah is 
 watching you if u love Allah . 



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[media-dakwah] Dicari: lulusan teknik elektronika untuk dididik jadi pengusaha control & system

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik Dinamika Sentosa
Dicari: Rekan Bisnis teknik elektronika & mekanik untuk dididik jadi pengusaha 
control & system
  Dicari Lulusan Teknik Elektro dan mekanik (fresh graduated atau pengalaman 
kerja 1-2 tahun) untuk dididik menjadi pengusaha di bidang control dan 
automation system lainnya.  
  Kami menyediakan fasilitas belajar sambil praktek bekerja.  Sampai anda 
benar-benar mampu menguasai bidang yg spesifik sebagai ahli bidang control 
dan/atau bidang automation system.  
  Persyaratan:  Muslim yang jujur dan ta'at (+attitude).
  Kirimkan data diri anda ke [EMAIL PROTECTED], kami akan menghubungi Anda.  
Wilayah kerja kami adalah Jakarta dan sekitarnya.

Apakah Anda Yahoo!?
Lelah menerima spam?  Surat Yahoo! memiliki perlindungan terbaik terhadap spam 

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[media-dakwah] Imam Saat Beribadah

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik agussyafii
Imam Saat Beribadah

Manusia adalah makhluk sosial dan budaya. Salah satu wujud
kebudayaan dan kesosialannya, mereka mengenal lembaga kepemimpinan.
Di mana pun dan pada zaman kapan pun masyarakat manusia mengenal
kepemimpinan. Dalam bahasa Arab, pemimpin disebut imam, amir, ra'is,
za'im dan qa'id. Dalam Iingkungan Islam, Imam dipergunakan untuk
menyebut pemimpin ibadah dan pemimpin dalam pengertian umum, Amir
(umara/amirul mukminin) dipergunakan untuk menyebut panglima, qa'id
digunakan untuk menyebut komandan, sedangkan rais digunakan untuk
menyebut kepala negara atau Presiden dan za`im untuk menyebut
pemimpin kemasyarakatan (non formal).

Agama Islam sangat menganjurkan ummatnya untuk menjalankan ibadah
salat berjamaah. Salat jama'ah dipimpin oleh seorang imam, dan
selebihnya menjadi makmum di belakangnya. Dalam salat jamaah,
laiknya kepemimpinan dalam masyarakat, juga dikenal kriteria-
kriteria (a) siapa yang layak menjadi imam salat, (b) apa etika
seorang imam, (c) apa kewajiban makmum, dan (d) hak-hak makmum.
Secara fiqhiyyah, siapa saja dengan syarat-syarat tertentu bisa
menjadi imam salat, tetapi pada hakekatnya, karena salat merupakan
amal ibadah dimana manusia menghadap, melapor dan berdialog dengan
Tuhan Yang Maha Agung, maka hanya orang-orang tertentu yang layak
menjadi imam salat jamaah.

Imam Ghazali dalam Ihya `Ulum ad Din, kitab fiqh yang sufistik,
menyebut enam kriteria persyaratan etis seorang imam. (1) Mempunyai
kredibilitas moral dan senioritas keilmuan agama; Bermakmum kepada
orang yang dikenal rendah kredibilitasnya akan membuat makmum tidak
dapat tuma'ninah (2) Tidak boleh rangkap jabatan, sebagai muazzin
dan imam sekaligus, (3) Sang imam sendiri harus terbiasa disiplin
salat awal waktu setiap harinya, (4) Imam harus ikhlas menjalankan
amanah Allah, (5) Sebelum bertakbir harus meyakinkan dirinya bahwa
barisan makmum di belakangnya telah berbaris rapih, dan (6)
bertakbir dengan suara lantang serta membaca Al Qur'an dengan fasih.

Shalat berjamaah melambangkan sistem kepemimpinan dalam masyarakat,
oleh karena itu, karena seorang imam akan menjadi panutan yang
diikuti secara patuh oleh makmum di belakangnya, maka seorang imam
harus mengerti aspirasi makmum di belakangnya. Seorang imam salat
berjamaah tidak boleh beruku' atau sujud berlama-lama, karena belum
tentu semua makmum di belakangnya sanggup melakukannya. Ia juga
tidak boleh membaca ayat Al Qur'an terlalu panjang sekiranya ia tahu
bahwa jamaah di belakangnya sedang berpacu dengan berbagai urusan
pekerjaan. Imam juga harus memberi peluang makmum menggenapi
kekurangannya, yakni diam sejenak sebelum membaca ayat Al Qur'an,
memberi kesempatan makmum yang belum sempurna membaca Fatihah.
Laiknya sistem kepemimpinan, makmum harus patuh total mengikuti
gerak imam yang sudah dipilih secara syah, tidak boleh pula
mendahului gerakan imam, tetapi jika imam melakukan kekeliruan,
makmum diberi hak untuk mengingatkan, yakni dengan mengucapkan
kalimat Subhanallah. Sebagai imbangan dari keharusan makmum mematuhi
imam, seorang imam secara sportif langsung harus mengundurkan diri
jika di tengah-tengah salat ia terkena hadas, buang angin misalnya,
karena buang angin membatalkan wudu, dan batalnya wudu membuat
salatnya tidak sah.

"Jabatan" Imam salat sangat tinggi kedudukannya dalam agama,
melebihi jabatan muazzin. Tetapi profesi imam bukan bersifat
duniawi, oleh karena itu banyak orang justeru merasa tidak layak
menjadi imam salat jamaah. Para sahabat dulu juga tidak berebutan
untuk menjadi imam, sebaliknya justru saling dorong-mendorong yang
lain. Seorang imam salat yang ideal adalah imam yang bisa meneladani
perilaku Rasulullah dan sahabat model Abu Bakar dan Umar bin
Khattab. Imam salat adalah teladan bagi makmum, karena semua gerakan
imam akan diikuti oleh makmum di belakangnya. Karena itu Imam
Ghazali membuat bab tentang imam dengan judul (al-bab fi al imamah
wa al qudwah) Bab tentang keimaman dan keteladanan di dalam buku
karya utamanya Ihya'.


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RE: [media-dakwah] Re: [eramuslim-1] Re: Sejahat apa sih Islam itu? (tatacara shalat)

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik Ketut Junaedi
Assalamu'alaykum wr wb.

Ini saya sampaikan berita tentang penipuan yg selama ini dikumandangkan
para musuh Islam untuk menyamarkan keberadaan Masjidil Aqsa,
mudah-mudahan dapat menambah pencerahan kita...

Wassalamu'alaykum wr wb.

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Mas No
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 7:58 AM
Subject: Fw: [media-dakwah] Re: [eramuslim-1] Re: Sejahat apa sih Islam
itu? (tatacara shalat)

kang Debu punya data bahwa "masjidil Aqsa dibangun 58 setelah" wafatnya

saya curiga dengan kalimat diantara tanda 2 apit,
dapatkah saudara yang tersanggah, mengirimkan artikel yang jadi
siapa tahu bisa membantu. (saudara seakidah) harus tolong-menolong?

- Original Message - 
From: "fauzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 1:24 AM
Subject: [media-dakwah] Re: [eramuslim-1] Re: Sejahat apa sih Islam itu?
(tatacara shalat)

> sudah sy duga.
> maaf sy tanya lagi.
> dari mana nara sumber anda soal artikel sholat itu?
> bagaimana cara sholat nara sumber anda? apakah sama dengan cara sholat
> seperti yg saya tanyakan sebelumnya, apakah anda punya data2/bukti 
> otentik, mengenai cara sholat Rasul?
> kang Debu punya data bahwa masjidil Aqsa dibangun 58 setelah wafatnya
> mosok, anda nggak punya data mengenai bagaimana sholat Rasul?
> apakah anda lebih tertarik untuk mengetahui soal masjid Aqsa daripada 
> cara sholat Rasul?
> bukankah Rasul adalah pengejawantahan terbaik dari al Quran?
> mosok (lagi) anda nggak mau mencari tahu bagaimana sholat Rasul? kan 
> kalau sholat Rasul sesuai dengan cara sholat anda, maka tak ada 
> seorangpun yg akan membantah anda lagi soal tatacara sholat.
> Anda nggak pernah nanya2 dengan guru2 anda?
> Atau guru2 anda juga bilang :"silahkan anda pikir sendiri.."
> debusemesta wrote:
>> Salam,
>> Rasulullah Muhammad menerima pelajaran dari Allah berupa wahyu2 yang
>> kemudian dihimpun di dalam kitab al-Qur'an.
>> Di dalam al-Qur'an itu diajarkan pula ketentuan dan tatacara shalat.
>> Lalu dengan cara apa Nabi shalat? Silahkan anda pikir sendiri...
>> Salam
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[media-dakwah] Qana 1996, Qana 2006 and The Arab Dis-League

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Qana 1996, Qana 2006 and The Arab Dis-League

By Mohamed Khodr

07/30/06 "Information Clearing 
House" -- -- The Arab Dis-League and Arab leaders "condemnation", "express 
of outrage", "placing responsibility on Israel", or "complain to the United 
Nations Security Council" brought any comfort to a Muslim mother burying 
her killed and burned children in Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, or Afghanistan?

Have Arab conferences, meetings, or speeches for sixty years ever prevented 
Israel from acting as the world's sole terrorist state against the 
abandoned Arab masses to invade, massacre, and steal their land? Since 1948 
Israel's history of expansionism follows the same pattern: It provokes, 
receives American "Green Light" to "defend itself", tells inhabitants to 
leave for self protection, kills them as they leave their land, then 
invades and annexes their land, while Arabs are sideline observers and 
"condemners". Israel's perfected talent lies in massacres and creating 
refugees damn the entire world.

While America supports all of Israel's military massacres, the Arab world 
runs and begs America for help and protection from Israel. The very same 
Judeo-Christian world that massacres and occupies Muslim land is the same 
world the Arab and Muslim world go to beg for mercy. What an embarrassing, 
self disrespecting and humiliating spectacle. But despite our oil wealth, 
our enlightened courageous leaders, our submissive masses, and our 
collusion with America for protection; what can we expect? 
Qana I in 1996 
and Qana II in 2006 
happened under the cover of the "Peace Process", "The Road Map", the "Saudi 
Arab League Surrender Plan", and Arab condemnation of Hezbollah. After all 
who cares about the Lebanese and Palestinians; they've been an Arab 
nuisance to Israel for decades.

The Muslim "Ummah" deserves its leaders. The Muslim masses very silence is 
a betrayal to our faith, lands, resources, and brotherhood. Israel kills, 
America supports, and Arabs accept what they must. Not one Arab nation 
pulled its Ambassadors out of Israel or America, not one called for 
boycotts or massive protests, not one leader went to Lebanon for support, 
not one dares challenge America lest there be a "regime change". How much 
Muslim blood must be shed before Muslims awaken their souls and spirit to 
challenge the modern killers of Muslims? The twelve year old Palestinian 
girl in Gaza while watching her entire family murdered by an American made 
Israeli rocket fueled by Arab oil screamed on behalf of the entire Muslim 
Nation: "Father, Father, forgive me". Don't forgive us little girl, we 
don't deserve your courage. We fear America, not Allah (swt).


Related News:

Another massacre at Qana - Analysis: A second Qana Massacre?

Movie at:

for more news on Qana go to:


-muslim voice-

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[media-dakwah] Slaughter at Qana: Just Arabs, Never Mind

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Slaughter at Qana: Just Arabs, Never Mind

by Kurt Nimmo

July 30, 2006

According to the scurrilous war criminal 
Jacob Dallal of 
the IOF Wehrmacht, the children and old people of Qana, Lebanon, are guilty 
of firing rockets on Israel, and that’s why his outlaw nation targeted a 
building where refugees slept, killing sixty of them.

Some civilians are less innocent than others, as the moral derelict Alan 
Dershowitz tells us, and really the Lebanese have nobody to blame but 
themselves for making the mistake of living in the same country as 
Hezbollah. Besides, the IOF leafleted the Lebanese, telling them to get out 
of their country, never mind the roads, bridges, and ports were long ago 

On April 18, 1996, the IOF shelled a refugee camp at Qana, killing 106 
civilians seeking refuge in a Fijian UNIFIL compound. "The Lebanese refugee 
women and children and men lay in heaps, their hands or arms or legs 
missing, beheaded or disemboweled. There were well over a hundred of them. 
A baby lay without a head. The Israeli shells had scythed through them as 
they lay in the United Nations shelter, believing that they were safe under 
the world’s protection," wrote 
Robert Fisk at 
the time (warning, link contains gruesome photo of headless baby).

Of course, then as now, Arabs are not safe from the morally and spiritually 
bankrupt Israelis, who consider a million Arabs not worth a Jewish 
fingernail, as Rabbi Yaacov Perrin told the New York Times (Feb. 28, 1994, 
p. 1).

As Edward S. Herman notes, 
the Israeli public has no problem with ethnic cleansing and slaughtering 
sleeping children, same as the German people had no problem with their 
beloved Hitler killing millions, from Jews to Poles and 25 million 
Russians. "Palestinian stone throwing can mean [home] demolition," writes 

On the other hand, if a Baruch Goldstein slaughters 29 Palestinians, his 
home is not demolished. In fact, a memorial to this mass murderer was 
erected near his home, although destroyed by the army under court order in 
1999, and he is honored by significant numbers within Israel. At his 
memorial service in 1994, Rabbi Yaacov Perin stated that "One million Arabs 
are not worth a Jewish fingernail." As Amira Hass contends, this Nazi-like 
mindset has grown under the occupation, where the military superiority, 
abuse of the inferiors, and fear that they might not remain quiet, has made 
for an increasingly racist perspective that now characterizes the majority 
of the Jewish population of Israel. Speaking of Israeli attitudes toward 
the intensified repression in 1996, David Hoffman reported that "few 
Israelis have objected to going back to the old methods against the 
Palestinians; many, in fact, have complained that the reaction was too 
timid" (WP, March 15, 1996). Phyllis Bennis states that "The majority of 
Israeli Jews are willing to accept the killing of Palestinians and 
collective punishment of the Palestinian people as justified state policy."

Likewise, they support the slaughter of sleeping babies in Lebanon. "We 
warned the residents that we would be attacking there," a high-ranking IOF 
officer told the Likudnik and neocon infested 
Post. "We work under the assumption that the villages are empty and that 
whoever is there is affiliated with the Hizbullah."

In other words, if the Lebanese are so stupid as to remain in their 
country, or they have no means of escape, unlike the upper classes and 
elite, they deserve to be killed. After all, they are only Arabs, hardly 
worth a fingernail.

In response to the massacre, Lebanese PM Fuad Siniora told Condi Rice to 
take a hike. Of course, Siniora should have told Rice to bugger off from 
the outset, but then he is little more than a lackey of international 
finance, that is to say the neolib shark set, in particular Group 

"There is no place on this sad morning for any discussion other than an 
immediate and unconditional ceasefire as well as an international 
investigation into the Israeli massacres in Lebanon now," said Siniora, 
according to 
"Rice, who said she was 'deeply saddened’ [by] Qana bombing, is currently 
in Israel but had been expected to visit Beirut during her Middle East trip 
to press for talks between leaders from Israel and Lebanon," al-Jazeera 
continues. Indeed, so "deeply saddened" was Condi, she was photographed 
smiling with Israeli foreign minister 

[media-dakwah] "THE KANA MASSACRE -- A WAR CRIME!"

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===



Tel Aviv July 30, 2006: Immediately after the news about the Kana Massacre 
became known today (July 30), spontaneous protest demonstrations started 
near the Ministry of Defense compound in Tel-Aviv. In the evening, a larger 
demonstration was held. In spite of the fact that there was hardly any 
prior notice, more then 200 demonstrators gathered, including activists of 
Gush Shalom, Hadash, Anarchists Against Walls, Ta'ayush and other 

This time, a group of Meretz member, who rebelled against their party 
leadership, was also present. They included former Meretz MKs Ya'el Dayan 
and Naomi Hazan. Also present were Hadash MK Dov Hinin and former MK Tamar 

Conspicuous by its absence was Peace Now. The director of this 
organization, which has ceased to exist as an active peace movement years 
ago, appears now in the Media as one of the most enthusiastic supporters of 
the war. When a journalist wrote by mistake that Peace Now had taken part 
in a demonstration, the director denied it vigorously.

Meretz leaders Yossi Beilin, Haim Oron and the others, except MK Zahava 
Galon, also publicly supported the war.

"Peretz, Peretz, don't worry / Bush will meet you at The Hague!" shouted 
the demonstrators through their megaphones, which could be clearly heard in 
the ministry compound. The Hague, of course, is the seat of the 
International Criminal Court. "Peretz, you have promised education and 
pensions / all you gave us is tanks and dead bodies!" - "Children want to 
live / both in Beirut and in Haifa!" - "Killing Children is a war crime!" - 
"Labor in government / brings only war!" - "Olmert's agreement with Bush: / 
War and occupation!" (All these rhyme in Hebrew.)

"It is rank hypocrisy to assert that the Kana inhabitants have been warned 
to leave their homes," former MK Uri Avnery said. "From the first day of 
the war, our army has bombed the roads and whole families were killed on 
the way. They have concluded that it is safer to stay in a shelter at home 
than to move on the roads." Avnery added that a commander who bombs and 
shells an inhabited area must know such disasters are bound to happen."

"The criminal returns to the scene of the crime," commented Gush Shalom 
spokesman Adam Keller, referring to the massacre that happened in Kana in 
1996, when Shimon Peres started a war in Lebanon. "That massacre compelled 
Peres to break off his war. The conclusion is that we must stop this war at 
once, before it is too late."

Opposite, a small counter-demonstration took place. Usually, the fascists 
of the Kahane group play this role, but this time they were Labor Party 
members, who support the war completely.

In the course of the demonstration, a special unit of the riot police 
appeared and for a moment it seemed that they were about to attack the 
protesters, but they only drove them off the road.

After two and a half weeks of suppressing every voice against the war, this 
demonstration was covered on TV and the radio.

At the same time, demonstrations were held around the country, mostly by of 
Arab citizens.

Montreal Muslim News Network -

Relataed News:

Human Rights Watch: Israel Responsible for Qana Attack, Indiscriminate 
Bombing in Lebanon a War Crime

Qana Massacre - SEE FOR YOURSELF. Made in the USA, imported by Israel.

Photos from the most recent Qana Massacre (Graphic photos of dead babies)

Qana: Photographic Evidence of Israeli Crimes against Humanity


-muslim voice-

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[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 5 Rajab 1427 H - 31.7.06

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer
s were killed when members of an 
Italian resistance group set off a bomb close to a column of German troops 
who were marching on via Rasella. Adolph Hitler got furious and ordered 
that within 24 hours, ten Italians were to be shot for each dead German. 
Herbert Kappler, the local German commander, quickly compiled a list of 320 
civilians who were to be killed. On 24 March, the victims were transported 
to Adreatine caves where they were summarily executed by the SS.


Map of Greater Israeli as submitted by the Word Zionist Organization soon 
after the end of WWI


U.S. shares blame with Israelis: U.S. shows ruthlessness, ignorance of 
reality, contempt for Arabs

THE devastation that is being wrought in Lebanon — the destruction of 
civilian infrastructure, the death of hundreds of innocent civilians, the 
displacement of well over half a million inhabitants, the deliberate 
collective punishment of an entire population in an attempt to defeat 
Hezbollah — is not simply Israel's doing. It is also America's.


Realities, absurdities of Israel-U.S. policies

The humanitarian and moral crises in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip are the 
inevitable outcome of Israeli-American exceptionalism elevated to dangerous 
levels under George W. Bush and now adopted holus bolus by Stephen Harper.

It was a given that Israel would respond to the abductions and killings of 
its soldiers in Gaza and Lebanon. But there are many theories about how and 
why its response became so disproportionate that it triggered worldwide 


The “Human Shield” LIE Exposed

Hezbollah would never use civilians as human shields because they know 
Israel doesn't hesitate to kill civilians.


The Israel You Don't See on the News

So I ask all of the blind supporters of Israel this question: If Israeli 
news media clearly and openly take part in complete government censorship, 
how can you possibly trust them and how can you logically dismiss news and 
information that contradicts their claims?


Eyewitness: Mass burial in Lebanon

"I love the people of America. It's the government I hate. Tell the 
American people that we received their gift. The missile that they gave to 
Israel - we have received it, and this is the result," he says, motioning 
to the coffins.


The next wave of massacres begins

Israel's inability to beat Hezbollah directly leads it to retreat to its 
enduring strengths - long range destruction. I do not say indiscriminate 
destruction, since it is clear that they are extremely discriminating - 
when they kill civilians, they do so with precision-guided rockets and 
missiles. They've also continued to destroy the routes of escape for 
civilians, and appear to be readying themselves for war with Syria. Oh, and 
they're continuing the killing in Gaza despite rumours of a peace deal.


Lebanon & Gaza: "Nothing Is Safe"

Washington's Wars and Occupations: Month in Review #15 - July 30, 2006

Israel's continuing military offensives in Lebanon and Gaza are producing a 
human catastrophe, and have immense political consequences.


34 Youths Among 56 Dead in Israeli Strike

Israeli missiles hit several buildings in a southern Lebanon village as 
people slept Sunday, killing at least 56, most of them children, in the 
deadliest attack in 19 days of fighting. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert 
expressed "great sorrow" for the airstrikes but blamed Hezbollah guerrillas 
for using the area to launch rockets at Israel, and said he would not halt 
the army's operation.


Breaking News: Angry Beirut Protesters Storm U.N. Building

CNN International is reporting that thousands of Lebanese protesters have 
stormed the U. N. compound in Beirut. The crowd is growing by the minute 
and includes Christians as well as Muslims, all praising Hezbollah and 
expressing their hatred of the U. S., Israel and the U. N. CNN reports that 
earlier today Israel bombed a four-story apartment

RE: [media-dakwah] Tolong kirim Kumpulan doa

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik Ahmadi Agung

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[media-dakwah] ALLAAAHUAKBAR....

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik Kali Grindulu

Pasukan TERORIS amerika di Iraq mengalami segala macam Ketakutan &
Kebingungan menghadapi Ke -TANGGUH -an Para MUJAHIDDIN


*Tentara AS yang Frustrasi dan Masa Depan Irak yang Suram*
 Jumat, 28 Jul 06 15:45 WIB *Diskusikan
(0)*| Kirim

Keraguan mulai menyelimuti banyak tentara AS yang bertugas di Irak. Mereka
mulai meragukan alasan mengapa mereka harus berperang di Irak dan apakah
mereka bisa memenangkan perang melawan para pejuang Irak yang tangguh.

"Tak seorang-pun ingin berada di sini. Anda tahu, tak seorang-pun yang
benar-benar antusias melakukan apa yang kami lakukan," ungkap Sersan
Christhoper Dugger, komandan Batalyon dari Resimen Infanteri Divisi
Persenjataan pasukan AS pada harian Washington Post.

"Dulu kami merasa bersemangat, tapi kemudian tidak lagi. Saya ingin
bertempur seperti pada Perang Dunia II. Saya ingin menghadapi musuh. Di
sini, ada musuh tapi tanpa sosok. Mereka ada, tapi mereka bersembunyi,"
papar Dugger.

Seorang staff militer AS, Sersan Jose Sixtos juga mengungkapkan
kekesalannya. "Memikirkan apa yang paling menyebalkan tentang pekerjaan
Anda. Kemudian, memikirkan bahwa Anda melakukan pekerjaan yang paling anda
benci selama lima jam terus menerus, setiap hari, kadang dua kali sehari, di
tengah suhu udara panas 120 derajat," tuturnya pada Washington Post.

"Lantas bagaimana dengan moral, frustrasi? Anda sendiri tidak tahu,"

Tentara lainnya, bernama Joshua Steffey,24, mengungkapkan,"Pertama kali Anda
melihat orang yang Anda kenal tewas, yang pertama kali terlintas di benak
Anda adalah pertanyaan,'untuk apa dia tewas'?"

"Para komandan di Baghdad dan Pentagon selalu melihat sebuah gambaran yang
besar. Tapi bagi kami, Kami tidak melihat apa-apa kecuali bom-bom yang
meledak di luar sana," ujar Steffey.

"Anda kehilangan beberapa teman dan ini sangat berat. Jujur saja, rasanya
seperti... kami sedang berkendaraan menunggu untuk diledakkan," tambah Tim
Ivey, serdadu AS berusia 28 tahun.

Serdadu lainnya, David Fulcher, 22, mengatakan perang di Irak tidak
sebanding dengan perang dunia II. "Dalam perang dunia II, gambarannya jelas,
anda memahami mengapa harus bertempur, karena segelintir orang yang ingin
mengambil alih dunia. Sedangkan di sini, untuk apa sebenarnya Kita melakukan
invasi?" tanya Fulcher.

Serdadu Steffey melanjutkan, "Adakah seseorang yang bisa menjelaskan pada
kami, yang kita lakukan ini untuk apa?"

"Mereka bilang, Kami di sini dan Kami sudah memberi mereka kebebasan, tapi
sebenarnya kebebasan apa? Fulcher kembali bertanya.

Kondisi perang di Irak, bukan hanya membuat tentara AS mulai meragukan maksu
dan tujuan pemerintahnya menginvasi Irak. Tapi juga membuat sebagian mereka
frustrasi bahkan mengalami gangguan jiwa.

Sebuah studi di AS mengungkapkan, pasukan AS yang baru pulang dari medan
perang di Irak, sebagian besar membutuhkan konsultasi kesehatan mental dan
mengalami gangguan psikologis, dibandingkan dengan para tentara yang baru
pulang dari Afghanistan atau daerah-daerah konflik lainnya.

*Masa Depan Irak Suram*

Sementara itu, Duta Besar Inggris di Irak, mengaku pesimis dengan masa depan
Irak. William Patey mengungkapkan, rakyat Irak sudah tidak percaya lagi pada
polisi, karena beberapa anggotanya menjadi bagian dari pasukan pembunuh di
negeri itu.

Meski pesimis, Patey mengatakan masih melihat harapan dan semangat di Irak.
"Saya pikir, betapapun buruknya situasi di Irak, Kita bisa membuatnya lebih
baik," harapnya.

"Dan ini sangat tergantung pada rakyat Irak. Itulah sebabnya Saya tetap
memberikan penilaian itu sampai Saya melihat seberapa besar kemajuan yang
bisa dilakukan dalam minggu-minggu ini, bahkan berbulan-bulan dalam proses
rekonsiliasi nasional ini," papar Patey. (ln/iol/bbc)

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Fw: [media-dakwah] Re: [eramuslim-1] Re: Sejahat apa sih Islam itu? (tatacara shalat)

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik Mas No
kang Debu punya data bahwa "masjidil Aqsa dibangun 58 setelah" wafatnya Nabi.

saya curiga dengan kalimat diantara tanda 2 apit,
dapatkah saudara yang tersanggah, mengirimkan artikel yang jadi permasalahan?
siapa tahu bisa membantu. (saudara seakidah) harus tolong-menolong?

- Original Message - 
From: "fauzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 1:24 AM
Subject: [media-dakwah] Re: [eramuslim-1] Re: Sejahat apa sih Islam itu? 
(tatacara shalat)

> sudah sy duga.
> maaf sy tanya lagi.
> dari mana nara sumber anda soal artikel sholat itu?
> bagaimana cara sholat nara sumber anda? apakah sama dengan cara sholat anda?
> seperti yg saya tanyakan sebelumnya, apakah anda punya data2/bukti 
> otentik, mengenai cara sholat Rasul?
> kang Debu punya data bahwa masjidil Aqsa dibangun 58 setelah wafatnya Nabi.
> mosok, anda nggak punya data mengenai bagaimana sholat Rasul?
> apakah anda lebih tertarik untuk mengetahui soal masjid Aqsa daripada 
> cara sholat Rasul?
> bukankah Rasul adalah pengejawantahan terbaik dari al Quran?
> mosok (lagi) anda nggak mau mencari tahu bagaimana sholat Rasul? kan 
> kalau sholat Rasul sesuai dengan cara sholat anda, maka tak ada 
> seorangpun yg akan membantah anda lagi soal tatacara sholat.
> Anda nggak pernah nanya2 dengan guru2 anda?
> Atau guru2 anda juga bilang :"silahkan anda pikir sendiri.."
> debusemesta wrote:
>> Salam,
>> Rasulullah Muhammad menerima pelajaran dari Allah berupa wahyu2 yang
>> kemudian dihimpun di dalam kitab al-Qur'an.
>> Di dalam al-Qur'an itu diajarkan pula ketentuan dan tatacara shalat.
>> Lalu dengan cara apa Nabi shalat? Silahkan anda pikir sendiri...
>> Salam
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> Ajaklah teman dan saudara anda bergabung ke milis Media Dakwah.
> Kirim email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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[media-dakwah] Dicari: Rekan Bisnis Teknik Elektro & Mekanik untuk dididik jadi pengusaha control & system

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik Dinamika Sentosa
Dicari: Rekan Bisnis teknik elektronika & mekanik untuk dididik jadi pengusaha 
control & system
  Dicari Lulusan Teknik Elektro dan mekanik (fresh graduated atau pengalaman 
kerja 1-2 tahun) untuk dididik menjadi pengusaha di bidang control dan 
automation system lainnya.  
  Kami menyediakan fasilitas belajar sambil praktek bekerja.  Sampai anda 
benar-benar mampu menguasai bidang yg spesifik sebagai ahli bidang control 
dan/atau bidang automation system.  
  Persyaratan:  Muslim yang jujur dan ta'at (+attitude).
  Kirimkan data diri anda ke [EMAIL PROTECTED], kami akan menghubungi Anda.

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2006-07-30 Terurut Topik Benny Kurniawan

Menyingkap Konspirasi Besar Zionis-Salibis dan Neo Syiah-Shafawis
terhadap Ahlussunnah di Semenanjung Arabia

Editor dan Penerjemah: Muhammad Ihsan Zainuddin[1]
"Dari semua yang terungkap dan terbaca,
ada banyak rahasia yang tak terketahui.
Karena itu, jangan pernah tertipu
mendengar lolongan serigala,
Menyaksikan musang kenakan sorban,
sebab mereka-lah penipu tercerdik dalam sejarah."
(Suara hati sendiri)

[1] Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam
Universitas Indonesia Jakarta Angkatan IX 2005/2006.

Catatan Editor:
Dalam hitungan hari saja, dunia terperangah. Dan seolah tak pernah jemu,
seluruh wajah dunia kembali berpaling ke wilayah paling panas di
seantero jagat: Palestina dan Lebanon. Ada puluhan rudal mungkin yang
ditumpahkan ke kepingan wilayah itu, dan kemudian ada puluhan -bahkan
mungkin ratusan- nyawa tak berdosa yang melayang, ratusan rumah tempat
bernaung nyaris rata dengan tanah, dan gelombang pengungsian lalu
menjadi fenomena yang tak terbendungkan.

Hampir bisa dipastikan, bahwa mayoritas -jika tidak semua- korban
kekejian itu -baik yang meninggal maupun yang harus berlari dengan wajah
ketakutan meninggalkan negrinya- adalah sekumpulan manusia yang tidak
tahu menahu mengapa orang-orang tercinta mereka harus menjadi korban...
mengapa tempat bernaung yang selama ini mereka bangun bata demi bata
harus diremukkan begitu saja...Yah, mereka tidak pernah tahu, setidaknya
hingga kini.

Mereka tidak tahu... dan kita, kaum muslimin di Indonesia pun mungkin
tak tahu mengapa Hizbullah Lebanon menculik 2 tentara Israel. Tapi
ketika Presiden Iran, Ahmadi Nejad datang ke Indonesia beberapa waktu
yang lalu, kita dihinggapi sebuah euphoria yang gempita. Sebagian kita
bahkan seperti menyambut seorang pahlawan agung. Kita kagum hanya karena
kesederhanaannya... (Memang susah kita ini, karena jarang menemukan
pemimpin yang sederhana, maka musang yang berlagak sederhana pun dengan
mudah kita percayai...) Apakah kita kagum akan keberanian Iran -yang
merupakan representasi kekuatan Syiah abad ini- 'melawan' Amerika dalam
hal nuklir? Apakah sebagai umat yang selama ini roda peradabannya sedang
berada di bawah, kita menganggap 'keberanian' Iran itu sebagai awal
kemenangan Islam? Bila jawabannya adalah 'iya', maka ketahuilah ada
banyak hal yang tidak kita ketahui dari semua peristiwa itu...

Dalam terminology Sunnah, kita saat ini sedang berhadapan dengan sebuah
fitnah. Fitnah itu adalah saat berbagai peristiwa berkalut-kelindan satu
sama lain, hingga kita terjebak dalam situasi dimana kita kehilangan
nalar sehat untuk memilah mana hal dan pernyataan yang harus diapresiasi
secara positif dan tidak. Atau dalam bahasa yang lebih tegas: nalar
syar'i kita menjadi tumpul dalam menentukan yang haq dan yang batil.
Akibatnya, karena kita merasa sebagai umat yang kalah, segala bentuk
perlawanan yang memakai label keummatan kita dengan segera kita anggap
sebagai pahlawan Islam. Meski sesungguhnya ia tak lebih dari musang
berbulu domba!

'Tulisan' ini sebenarnya adalah pengantar saja terhadap sebuah tulisan
yang ditulis untuk menyikapi berbagai 'kekacaubalauan' yang hingga kini
terus terjadi di Semenanjung Arabia; secara spesifik di Irak, dan
Palestina serta Lebanon belakangan ini. Tulisan ini sengaja saya
terjemahkan dengan harapan agar kita semua dapat melihat krisis
Timur-Tengah itu dengan pandangan yang jernih. Agar simpati yang
terkirim tak menjelma menjadi simpati yang sia-sia karena salah alamat
(Hmm, bukankah salah alamat jika Anda bersimpati pada musang dan
serigala??). Tulisan yang saya maksud adalah: Mengapa Hizbullah Menyulik
2 Tentara Israel?; Membaca Tujuan Hakiki di Balik Itu. Ditulis oleh DR.
Muhammad Bassam, anggota Dewan Pendiri Rabithah Udaba' al-Syam (Ikatan
Sastrawan Syam). Artikel ini dimuat dalam situs, edisi
Semoga bermanfaat!

Membaca Tujuan Hakiki di Balik Itu
DR. Muhammad Bassam

Pada awal tulisan ini, menjadi penting untuk dijelaskan bahwa Israel
tidak lebih dari sebuah lembaga zionis yang 'disisipkan' dalam tubuh
wilayah Arab-Islam kita. Dan sang penyusup ini harus dilawan dengan
segala cara yang memungkinkan, hingga Palestina dapat dibebaskan.
Seluruh Palestina...dari ujung laut hingga sungainya. Lembaga zionis ini
tidak lebih dari sebuah kangker yang ditanamkan Barat di pusat kawasan
Islam demi melanggengkan tujuannya: memecah belah dan menghalangi
terwujudnya sebuah kekuatan negara berperadaban yang menjadi Islam
sebagai referensi tertingginya. Meskipun kita sangat yakin, bahwa
'proyek' zionis itu akan berjalan menuju kepunahannya sebagai sebuah
akibat yang pasti dari Sunnatullah di muka bumi ini.

Musibah apapun yang menimpa lembaga zionis itu, dan apapun yang menimpa
tentara-tentara negara pencuri itu; semuanya akan membuat kita gembira,
ridha dan semakin yakin bahwa lemb

[media-dakwah] Dukung Padang

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik mista an janat
Deklarasi Penegakan Syariat Islam
Jum'at 28 Juli 2006

Sumber : Kompas edisi cetak terbitan Jakarta hari ini

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[media-dakwah] Terror in the Name of US War's Error - Headlines News 4 Rajab 1427 H - 30.7.06

2006-07-30 Terurut Topik muslim insuffer

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Lies Israel Tells Itself (and We Tell on Its Behalf)

The "apparent" murder of four UN monitors, however, is a deeper challenge 
to our faith in our moral superiority, which is why that "apparently" is 
held on to as desperately as a talisman. No civilized country could kill 
peacekeepers, especially ones drawn from our own societies, from Canada, 
Finland, and Austria. That is the moral separation line that divides us 
from the terrorists. Were that line to be erased, we would be no different 
from those whom we must fight.


Israel has a long history of abusing the United Nations

Deadly air strike highlights jewish state's traditional disregard for 
safety of peacekeepers


Israel's secret war: The humanitarian disaster unfolding in Palestine

A 12-year-old boy dead on a stretcher. A mother in shock and disbelief 
after her son was shot dead for standing on their roof. A phone rings and a 
voice in broken Arabic orders residents to abandon their home on pain of 


'Ship of Fools': Like the Jews in 1930s Germany, Palestinians are 
Scrambling to Get Out, notes Jane Stillwater


Evangelicals unite for Israel

While the Lebanese are fighting for survival amidst relentless deadly 
attacks by Israel, the Jewish State is receiving strong encouragement and 
support from an unusual source; Evangelical Christians.


What We Hear About Hezbollah and What We Don’t Hear About Israel

A lot of attention has been paid to the Katyusha rockets used by Hezbollah. 
We have been told time and time again that they are being loaded with ball 
bearing so that they can cause damage when they land. Today I heard CNN 
tell us about how they are now being made larger and more powerful. As a 
matter of fact the new versions of this rocket are capable of having 250 
lbs of explosive. Of course CNN, in a blatant attempt to exaggerate the 
situation described the 20 lb. bomb as a half of a 500 lb bomb. 
Unbelievable! Why not just say it has a fraction of the power of a nuclear 
bomb and start refereeing them to as nukelettes?


Israelis Rain Down Deadly DU On Lebanese Civilians

Esteemed depleted uranium expert Dr. Doug Rokke is pointing the finger at 
Israel for using deadly and illegal depleted uranium munitions against the 
Lebanese people which were sold to them by the U.S. government


Israel to Napalm All of Southern Lebanon - You're all targets, Israel tells 
Lebanese in South

Everyone remaining in southern Lebanon will be regarded as a terrorist, 
Israel's justice minister said yesterday as the military prepared to employ 
"huge firepower" from the air in its campaign to crush Hizbollah.


Israel Violates Law on U.S. Weapons in Mideast

Israel is in violation of U.S. arms control laws for deploying U.S.-made 
fighter planes, combat helicopters and missiles to kill civilians and 
destroy Lebanon's infrastructure in the ongoing six-day devastation of that 
militarily-weak country.


Lebanon's Children: Voices of the Unheard


Imperial Rulers and the Deadly Games They Play - Lamentations for the 
Sacrificial Pawns

"The shells and rockets ripping apart Muslim bodies in Gaza and Lebanon are 
not only Israeli (weapons), but are supplied by all the countries of the 
crusader coalition. Therefore, every participant in the crime will pay the 


Rationalizing murder: 'IDF may be morally justified in flattening terror 

The man who wrote the IDF code of ethics, Professor Asa Kasher, has 
indicated that in the current circumstances in southern Lebanon, provided 
the appropriate precautions are taken, it may be "morally justified" to 
obliterate areas with high concentrations of terrorists, even if civilian 
casualties result.


The “Honest Broker’s” Plan for occupying Southern Lebanon

The Bush administration has played an integral part in the war on Lebanon. 
They blocked the “peace initiative” proposed by the 15-member coalition at 
the Rome Conference and they supplied “precision-guided weapons” during the 
hostilities so Israel could continue to pulverize Beirut and the cities in 
the south. They have been as engaged in the fighting