KSM, untuk JJTT - Re: [mediacare] Re: 9/11 mastermind admits killing reporter

2007-03-21 Terurut Topik amartien
KSM mengatakan bahwa dia di aniaya.  
Dia hanyalah mengikuti petunjuk al Qaeda di pelajaran ke 8 sbb:
  1 . At the beginning of the trial, once more the brothers must insist on 
proving that torture was inflicted on them by State Security [investigators 
]before the judge. 
  2. Complain (to the court) of mistreatment while in prison.
  Anehnya, tanggapan anda sama sekali tidak mengkritik sikap KSM yang bangga 
bahwa dia telah menggorok leher Daniel Pearl.  Bahkan sebaliknya anda 
mengatakan bahwa itu hanyalah 'komedi lain yang diciptakan oleh regime Bush'.
  Apakah anda setuju dengan perbuatan KSM si penggorok leher yang bangga atas 
perbuatannya tsb.?
  Di pelajaran pertama dari manual al qaeda tsb. dikatakan sbb.:
  Missions Required of the Military Organization: 
  The main mission for which the Military Organization is responsible is: 
  The overthrow of the godless regimes and their replacement with an Islamic 
regime. Other missions consist of the following: 
  1. Gathering information about the enemy, the land, the installations, and 
the neighbors. 
2. Kidnaping enemy personnel, documents, secrets, and arms. 
3. Assassinating enemy personnel as well as foreign tourists. 
4. Freeing the brothers who are captured by the enemy. 
5 .Spreading rumors and writing statements that instigate people against the 
6. Blasting and destroying the places of amusement, immorality, and sin; not a 
vital target. 
7. Blasting and destroying the embassies and attacking vital economic centers. 
8 .Blasting and destroying bridges leading into and out of the cities. 
  'Rumors' yang disebarkan oleh al qaeda seperti yang diajarkan di butir no. 5 
diatas hanyalah salah satu dari modus operandi jaringan teroris Islam tsb. 
  Saya katakan teroris Islam, sebab di manualnya jelas2 dikatakan bahwa 
tujuannya adalah mendirikan negara Islam.  Dan disitu dikatakan, saya kutip:
  -*-The confrontation that we are calling for with the apostate regimes does 
not know Socratic debates..., Platonic ideals..., nor Aristotelian diplomacy. 
But it knows the dialogue of bullets, the ideals of assassination, bombing, and 
destruction, and the diplomacy of the cannon and machine-gun. 
  Islamic governments have never and will never be established 
through peaceful solutions and cooperative councils.  They are established as 
they [always ]have been 
  by pen and gun 
  by word and bullet 
  by tongue and teeth 
  Saya hanya sekedar mengutip apa yang dikatakan oleh al Qaeda.  Jika menurut 
anda itu bukanlah ajaran Islam yang sebenarnya, tidak perlulah anda memberi 
penerangan kepada saya, melainkan berikanlah penerangan anda tsb. kepada 
teroris jihadis. 
justjoiningthetribe2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hukuman terhadap pengkhianat Yahudi itu adalah sesuai dengan kitab
suci orang Yahudi sendiri yang memang terkenal keras. Dan ini atas
masukan dari orang Yahudi sendiri.

Dan mengenai Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, ini adalah komedi lain yang
diciptakan oleh regime Bush, surat kabar barat Mainstream sendiri
bahkan menuliskan "admits guilt" dalam tanda kutip, yang artinya
mereka tidak mempercayai hasil dari proses pengadilan yang dilakukan
secara internal di Gulag itu, belum lagi torture yang diterima KSM.
Dari pengamatan saya, tidak satupun artikel yang ada di surat kabar
mainstream yang menanggapi positif testimony KSM tersebut.

If anything, testimony ini justru backfire terhadap "war on terror"
yang diusung oleh Bush, yang dipercayai kuat untuk mengalihkan
perhatian dari kasus Rodgriguez

Don't believe the hype ...

--- In mediacare@yahoogroups.com, Sato Sakaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bukan Banu Quraisy tetapi suku Yahudi Banu Quraizah.
Ini dibeberkan dengan jelas oleh Mohammad Hussein
Haekal pakar Islam Mesir dalam bukunya yang
diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia oleh Ali Audah:
Riwayat Hidup Muhammad. Bisa di-search postingan saya
di milis ini mengenai hal itu. Judul thread-nya:
Jangan Seperti Katak: Ethnic Cleansing Banu Quraizah.

--- jp2success <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Re: [mediacare] Re: 9/11 mastermind admits killing reporter

2007-03-20 Terurut Topik amartien
Utk sdr. Firman dan Eka Zulkarnaen,
  di artikel saya ada link ke artikel mengenai pembunuhan ke 700 orang Kuraish 
tsb.  Silahkan di klik linknya. (yang hurufnya berwarna biru).

jp2success <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Saya setuju dengan Mas Eka Zulkarnain, dan Mas Amartin mohon silahkan 
tunjukan literatur yang dimaksud, disamping menjadi sumber bahan 
bacaan baru buat member yang lain, juga agar pernyataan Mas Amartin 
tidak dianggap sebagai provokasi.


--- In mediacare@yahoogroups.com, eka zulkarnain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Maaf mas Amartien, 
> saya suka baca literatur Islam dan sejarahnya baik
> karangan intelektual Islam maupun Barat. Saya belum
> pernah baca tentang adanya instruksi Nabi Muhammad
> kepada pengikutnya untuk membunuh 700 orang dari Bani
> Quraisy di Madina dengan cara digorok lehernya. 
> Tolong mas amartien, sumbernya darimana ya? Kali
> aja bisa jadi bahan bacaan baru saya...
> Thanks
> --- amartien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > KSM:
> > "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head
> > of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of
> > Karachi, Pakistan," Mohammed is quoted as saying in
> > a transcript of a military hearing at Guantanamo
> > Bay, Cuba, released by the Pentagon.
> > "For those who would like to confirm, there are
> > pictures of me on the Internet holding his head," he
> > added.
> > amartien:
> > Hanya orang2 yang barbar saja yang membanggakan
> > menggorok leher orang. Begitupun yang membela atau
> > menganggap orang2 seperti ini sebagai pahlawan,
> > sama2 barbar juga. 
> > Mungkin mereka hanya menurut/mengikut contoh apa
> > yang diperintahkan oleh Muhammad untuk membunuh
> > dengan cara menggorok 700 dari bani Quraisyah di
> > Medina.
> > Tidak heran Islam penggorok leher ini bangga akan
> > perbuatan biadabnya itu!
> > 
> > 
> >
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070315/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/
> > By KATHERINE SHRADER, Associated Press Writer Thu
> > Mar 15, 11:37 AM ET 
> > WASHINGTON - Suspected 9/11 mastermind Khalid
> > Sheikh Mohammed confessed to the beheading of
> > American journalist Daniel Pearl and a central role
> > in 30 other attacks and plots in the U.S. and
> > worldwide that killed thousands of victims, said a
> > revised transcript released Thursday by the U.S.
> > military. 
> > "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head
> > of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of
> > Karachi, Pakistan," Mohammed is quoted as saying in
> > a transcript of a military hearing at Guantanamo
> > Bay, Cuba, released by the Pentagon.
> > "For those who would like to confirm, there are
> > pictures of me on the Internet holding his head," he
> > added.
> > Mohammed's claimed involvement in the 2002 slaying
> > of the Wall Street Journal reporter was among 31
> > attacks and plots — some of which never occurred —
> > he took responsibility for in a hearing Saturday at
> > the U.S. naval prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the
> > Pentagon said.
> > It released the bulk of the transcript late
> > Wednesday, but held back the section about Pearl's
> > killing to allow time for his family to be notified,
> > said Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman.
> > The Associated Press reported Wednesday that it
> > had learned that the transcripts released Wednesday
> > evening had blacked out the reference to Mohammed's
> > confession about the Pearl slaying. Pearl was
> > abducted in January 2002 in Pakistan while
> > researching a story on Islamic militancy. Mohammed
> > has long been a suspect in the slaying, which was
> > captured on video.
> > Sealing a legacy of historical notoriety, Mohammed
> > portrayed himself as al-Qaida's most ambitious
> > operational planner in a confession to a U.S.
> > military tribunal that said he planned and supported
> > a series of terrorist attacks, topped by 9/11. The
> > gruesome attacks range from the suicide hijackings
> > of Sept. 11, 2001 — which killed nearly 3,000 — to a
> > 2002 shooting on an island off Kuwait that killed a
> > U.S. Marine, according to an account released by the
> > Pentagon.
> > Many plots, including a previously undisclosed
> > plan to kill several former U.S. presidents, were
> > never carried out or were foiled by international
> > counterterror authorities.
> > "I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A
> > to Z," Mohammed said in a statement read Saturday
> > during a Combatant Status Review Tribunal at the
> > U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
> > Mohammed's confession was read by a member of the
> > U.S. military who is serving as his personal
> > representative.
> > The Pentagon had released a 26-page transcript of
> > the closed-door proceedings on Wednesday night. Some
> > material was omitted, and it wasn't possible to
> > immediately verify details. The document refers to
> > locations for which the United States and other
> > nat

[mediacare] Re: 9/11 mastermind admits killing reporter

2007-03-20 Terurut Topik justjoiningthetribe2
Hukuman terhadap pengkhianat Yahudi itu adalah sesuai dengan kitab
suci orang Yahudi sendiri yang memang terkenal keras. Dan ini atas
masukan dari orang Yahudi sendiri.

Dan mengenai Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, ini adalah komedi lain yang
diciptakan oleh regime Bush, surat kabar barat Mainstream sendiri
bahkan menuliskan "admits guilt" dalam tanda kutip, yang artinya
mereka tidak mempercayai hasil dari proses pengadilan yang dilakukan
secara internal di Gulag itu, belum lagi torture yang diterima KSM.
Dari pengamatan saya, tidak satupun artikel yang ada di surat kabar
mainstream yang menanggapi positif testimony KSM tersebut.

If anything, testimony ini justru backfire terhadap "war on terror"
yang diusung oleh Bush, yang dipercayai kuat untuk mengalihkan
perhatian dari kasus Rodgriguez

Don't believe the hype ...

--- In mediacare@yahoogroups.com, Sato Sakaki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Bukan Banu Quraisy tetapi suku Yahudi Banu Quraizah.
Ini dibeberkan dengan jelas oleh Mohammad Hussein
Haekal pakar Islam Mesir dalam bukunya yang
diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia oleh Ali Audah:
Riwayat Hidup Muhammad. Bisa di-search postingan saya
di milis ini mengenai hal itu. Judul thread-nya:
Jangan Seperti Katak: Ethnic Cleansing Banu Quraizah.

--- jp2success <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Saya setuju dengan Mas Eka Zulkarnain, dan Mas
> Amartin mohon silahkan
> tunjukan literatur yang dimaksud, disamping menjadi
> sumber bahan
> bacaan baru buat member yang lain, juga agar
> pernyataan Mas Amartin
> tidak dianggap sebagai provokasi.
> Trims
> Firman
> --- In mediacare@yahoogroups.com, eka zulkarnain
> wrote:
> >
> > Maaf mas Amartien,
> > saya suka baca literatur Islam dan sejarahnya baik
> > karangan intelektual Islam maupun Barat. Saya
> belum
> > pernah baca tentang adanya instruksi Nabi Muhammad
> > kepada pengikutnya untuk membunuh 700 orang dari
> Bani
> > Quraisy di Madina dengan cara digorok lehernya.
> > Tolong mas amartien, sumbernya darimana ya?
> > Kali aja bisa jadi bahan bacaan baru saya...
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > --- amartien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > KSM:
> > > "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the
> head
> > > of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city
> of
> > > Karachi, Pakistan," Mohammed is quoted as saying
> in
> > > a transcript of a military hearing at Guantanamo
> > > Bay, Cuba, released by the Pentagon.
> > > "For those who would like to confirm, there
> are
> > > pictures of me on the Internet holding his
> head," he
> > > added.
> > > amartien:
> > > Hanya orang2 yang barbar saja yang
> membanggakan
> > > menggorok leher orang. Begitupun yang membela
> atau
> > > menganggap orang2 seperti ini sebagai pahlawan,
> > > sama2 barbar juga.
> > > Mungkin mereka hanya menurut/mengikut contoh
> apa
> > > yang diperintahkan oleh Muhammad untuk membunuh
> > > dengan cara menggorok 700 dari bani Quraisyah di
> > > Medina.
> > > Tidak heran Islam penggorok leher ini bangga
> akan
> > > perbuatan biadabnya itu!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > By KATHERINE SHRADER, Associated Press Writer
> Thu
> > > Mar 15, 11:37 AM ET
> > > WASHINGTON - Suspected 9/11 mastermind Khalid
> > > Sheikh Mohammed confessed to the beheading of
> > > American journalist Daniel Pearl and a central
> role
> > > in 30 other attacks and plots in the U.S. and
> > > worldwide that killed thousands of victims, said
> a
> > > revised transcript released Thursday by the U.S.
> > > military.
> > > "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the
> head
> > > of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city
> of
> > > Karachi, Pakistan," Mohammed is quoted as saying
> in
> > > a transcript of a military hearing at Guantanamo
> > > Bay, Cuba, released by the Pentagon.
> > > "For those who would like to confirm, there
> are
> > > pictures of me on the Internet holding his
> head," he
> > > added.
> > > Mohammed's claimed involvement in the 2002
> slaying
> > > of the Wall Street Journal reporter was among 31
> > > attacks and plots — some of which never occurred
> —
> > > he took responsibility for in a hearing Saturday
> at
> > > the U.S. naval prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
> the
> > > Pentagon said.
> > > It released the bulk of the transcript late
> > > Wednesday, but held back the section about
> Pearl's
> > > killing to allow time for his family to be
> notified,
> > > said Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman.
> > > The Associated Press reported Wednesday that
> it
> > > had learned that the transcripts released
> Wednesday
> > > evening had blacked out the reference to
> Mohammed's
> > > confession about the Pearl slaying. Pearl was
> > > abducted in January 2002 in Pakistan while
> > > researching a story on Islamic militancy.
> Mohammed
> > > has long been a suspect in the slaying, which
> was
> > > captured on video.
> > > Sealing a legacy of hi

Re: [mediacare] Re: 9/11 mastermind admits killing reporter

2007-03-20 Terurut Topik Sato Sakaki
Bukan Banu Quraisy tetapi suku Yahudi Banu Quraizah.
Ini dibeberkan dengan jelas oleh Mohammad Hussein
Haekal pakar Islam Mesir dalam bukunya yang
diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia oleh Ali Audah:
Riwayat Hidup Muhammad. Bisa di-search postingan saya
di milis ini mengenai hal itu. Judul thread-nya:
Jangan Seperti Katak: Ethnic Cleansing Banu Quraizah. 

--- jp2success <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Saya setuju dengan Mas Eka Zulkarnain, dan Mas
> Amartin mohon silahkan 
> tunjukan literatur yang dimaksud, disamping menjadi
> sumber bahan 
> bacaan baru buat  member yang lain, juga agar
> pernyataan Mas Amartin 
> tidak dianggap sebagai provokasi.
> Trims
> Firman
> --- In mediacare@yahoogroups.com, eka zulkarnain
> wrote:
> >
> > Maaf mas Amartien, 
> > saya suka baca literatur Islam dan sejarahnya baik
> > karangan intelektual Islam maupun Barat. Saya
> belum
> > pernah baca tentang adanya instruksi Nabi Muhammad
> > kepada pengikutnya untuk membunuh 700 orang dari
> Bani
> > Quraisy di Madina dengan cara digorok lehernya. 
> >Tolong mas amartien, sumbernya darimana ya?
> > Kali aja  bisa jadi bahan bacaan baru saya...
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > --- amartien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > >   KSM:
> > >   "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the
> head
> > > of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city
> of
> > > Karachi, Pakistan," Mohammed is quoted as saying
> in
> > > a transcript of a military hearing at Guantanamo
> > > Bay, Cuba, released by the Pentagon.
> > >   "For those who would like to confirm, there
> are
> > > pictures of me on the Internet holding his
> head," he
> > > added.
> > >   amartien:
> > >   Hanya orang2 yang barbar saja yang
> membanggakan
> > > menggorok leher orang.  Begitupun yang membela
> atau
> > > menganggap orang2 seperti ini sebagai pahlawan,
> > > sama2 barbar juga.  
> > >   Mungkin mereka hanya menurut/mengikut contoh
> apa
> > > yang diperintahkan oleh Muhammad untuk membunuh
> > > dengan cara menggorok 700 dari bani Quraisyah di
> > > Medina.
> > >   Tidak heran Islam penggorok leher ini bangga
> akan
> > > perbuatan biadabnya itu!
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> >
> > >   By KATHERINE SHRADER, Associated Press Writer
> Thu
> > > Mar 15, 11:37 AM ET 
> > >   WASHINGTON - Suspected 9/11 mastermind Khalid
> > > Sheikh Mohammed confessed to the beheading of
> > > American journalist Daniel Pearl and a central
> role
> > > in 30 other attacks and plots in the U.S. and
> > > worldwide that killed thousands of victims, said
> a
> > > revised transcript released Thursday by the U.S.
> > > military. 
> > >   "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the
> head
> > > of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city
> of
> > > Karachi, Pakistan," Mohammed is quoted as saying
> in
> > > a transcript of a military hearing at Guantanamo
> > > Bay, Cuba, released by the Pentagon.
> > >   "For those who would like to confirm, there
> are
> > > pictures of me on the Internet holding his
> head," he
> > > added.
> > >   Mohammed's claimed involvement in the 2002
> slaying
> > > of the Wall Street Journal reporter was among 31
> > > attacks and plots — some of which never occurred
> —
> > > he took responsibility for in a hearing Saturday
> at
> > > the U.S. naval prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,
> the
> > > Pentagon said.
> > >   It released the bulk of the transcript late
> > > Wednesday, but held back the section about
> Pearl's
> > > killing to allow time for his family to be
> notified,
> > > said Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman.
> > >   The Associated Press reported Wednesday that
> it
> > > had learned that the transcripts released
> Wednesday
> > > evening had blacked out the reference to
> Mohammed's
> > > confession about the Pearl slaying. Pearl was
> > > abducted in January 2002 in Pakistan while
> > > researching a story on Islamic militancy.
> Mohammed
> > > has long been a suspect in the slaying, which
> was
> > > captured on video.
> > >   Sealing a legacy of historical notoriety,
> Mohammed
> > > portrayed himself as al-Qaida's most ambitious
> > > operational planner in a confession to a U.S.
> > > military tribunal that said he planned and
> supported
> > > a series of terrorist attacks, topped by 9/11.
> The
> > > gruesome attacks range from the suicide
> hijackings
> > > of Sept. 11, 2001 — which killed nearly 3,000 —
> to a
> > > 2002 shooting on an island off Kuwait that
> killed a
> > > U.S. Marine, according to an account released by
> the
> > > Pentagon.
> > >   Many plots, including a previously undisclosed
> > > plan to kill several former U.S. presidents,
> were
> > > never carried out or were foiled by
> international
> > > counterterror authorities.
> > >   "I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from
> A
> > > to Z," Mohammed said in a statement read
> Saturday
> > > during a Combatant St

[mediacare] Re: 9/11 mastermind admits killing reporter

2007-03-20 Terurut Topik jp2success
Saya setuju dengan Mas Eka Zulkarnain, dan Mas Amartin mohon silahkan 
tunjukan literatur yang dimaksud, disamping menjadi sumber bahan 
bacaan baru buat  member yang lain, juga agar pernyataan Mas Amartin 
tidak dianggap sebagai provokasi.


--- In mediacare@yahoogroups.com, eka zulkarnain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Maaf mas Amartien, 
> saya suka baca literatur Islam dan sejarahnya baik
> karangan intelektual Islam maupun Barat. Saya belum
> pernah baca tentang adanya instruksi Nabi Muhammad
> kepada pengikutnya untuk membunuh 700 orang dari Bani
> Quraisy di Madina dengan cara digorok lehernya. 
>Tolong mas amartien, sumbernya darimana ya? Kali
> aja  bisa jadi bahan bacaan baru saya...
> Thanks
> --- amartien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   KSM:
> >   "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head
> > of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of
> > Karachi, Pakistan," Mohammed is quoted as saying in
> > a transcript of a military hearing at Guantanamo
> > Bay, Cuba, released by the Pentagon.
> >   "For those who would like to confirm, there are
> > pictures of me on the Internet holding his head," he
> > added.
> >   amartien:
> >   Hanya orang2 yang barbar saja yang membanggakan
> > menggorok leher orang.  Begitupun yang membela atau
> > menganggap orang2 seperti ini sebagai pahlawan,
> > sama2 barbar juga.  
> >   Mungkin mereka hanya menurut/mengikut contoh apa
> > yang diperintahkan oleh Muhammad untuk membunuh
> > dengan cara menggorok 700 dari bani Quraisyah di
> > Medina.
> >   Tidak heran Islam penggorok leher ini bangga akan
> > perbuatan biadabnya itu!
> >
> >  
> >
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070315/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/
> >   By KATHERINE SHRADER, Associated Press Writer Thu
> > Mar 15, 11:37 AM ET 
> >   WASHINGTON - Suspected 9/11 mastermind Khalid
> > Sheikh Mohammed confessed to the beheading of
> > American journalist Daniel Pearl and a central role
> > in 30 other attacks and plots in the U.S. and
> > worldwide that killed thousands of victims, said a
> > revised transcript released Thursday by the U.S.
> > military. 
> >   "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head
> > of the American Jew, Daniel Pearl, in the city of
> > Karachi, Pakistan," Mohammed is quoted as saying in
> > a transcript of a military hearing at Guantanamo
> > Bay, Cuba, released by the Pentagon.
> >   "For those who would like to confirm, there are
> > pictures of me on the Internet holding his head," he
> > added.
> >   Mohammed's claimed involvement in the 2002 slaying
> > of the Wall Street Journal reporter was among 31
> > attacks and plots — some of which never occurred —
> > he took responsibility for in a hearing Saturday at
> > the U.S. naval prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the
> > Pentagon said.
> >   It released the bulk of the transcript late
> > Wednesday, but held back the section about Pearl's
> > killing to allow time for his family to be notified,
> > said Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman.
> >   The Associated Press reported Wednesday that it
> > had learned that the transcripts released Wednesday
> > evening had blacked out the reference to Mohammed's
> > confession about the Pearl slaying. Pearl was
> > abducted in January 2002 in Pakistan while
> > researching a story on Islamic militancy. Mohammed
> > has long been a suspect in the slaying, which was
> > captured on video.
> >   Sealing a legacy of historical notoriety, Mohammed
> > portrayed himself as al-Qaida's most ambitious
> > operational planner in a confession to a U.S.
> > military tribunal that said he planned and supported
> > a series of terrorist attacks, topped by 9/11. The
> > gruesome attacks range from the suicide hijackings
> > of Sept. 11, 2001 — which killed nearly 3,000 — to a
> > 2002 shooting on an island off Kuwait that killed a
> > U.S. Marine, according to an account released by the
> > Pentagon.
> >   Many plots, including a previously undisclosed
> > plan to kill several former U.S. presidents, were
> > never carried out or were foiled by international
> > counterterror authorities.
> >   "I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A
> > to Z," Mohammed said in a statement read Saturday
> > during a Combatant Status Review Tribunal at the
> > U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
> > Mohammed's confession was read by a member of the
> > U.S. military who is serving as his personal
> > representative.
> >   The Pentagon had released a 26-page transcript of
> > the closed-door proceedings on Wednesday night. Some
> > material was omitted, and it wasn't possible to
> > immediately verify details. The document refers to
> > locations for which the United States and other
> > nations have issued terrorism warnings based on what
> > they deemed credible threats from 1993 to the
> > present.
> >   Whitman said authorities would decide how credible
> > it is that Mohammed participa