[MediaWiki-l] New extension: External Content

2022-05-06 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

You can now embed external content into your wiki pages via our new

Announcement blog post: https://professional.wiki/en/news/external-content
Short demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U65NhBwnCMU


Jeroen De Dauw
CEO Professional.Wiki | Developer & Architect | Creator Wikidata.org
@JeroenDeDauw <https://twitter.com/JeroenDeDauw> | www.EntropyWins.wtf
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MediaWiki-l mailing list -- mediawiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org
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[MediaWiki-l] New extension that connects Wikibase and SMW

2020-09-06 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

You can now use data stored inside of Wikibase directly in your semantic
wiki via our new Semantic Wikibase extension!

Release announcement:

Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovZl_ZoGkc0

Feedback is very welcome. You can leave a comment
* on Twitter https://twitter.com/ProWikiExperts/status/1301536263401598977
* on Telegram https://t.me/joinchat/MCG84ky2cSjSvfHAgGwY4A
* or on this mailing list ;)


Jeroen De Dauw | www.EntropyWins.wtf <https://EntropyWins.wtf>
Professional wiki hosting and services: www.Professional.Wiki
Entrepreneur | Software Architect | Open Source | Longtermism
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[MediaWiki-l] New extension to visualize links between pages

2020-08-11 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

We have created a new extension to visualize links between pages.
Visualization is done via an interactive network graph.

To learn more see https://github.com/ProfessionalWiki/Network#network

We would like to thank KDZ - Centre for Public Administration Research
<https://www.kdz.eu/> for funding development.


Jeroen De Dauw, Technical Director of www.Professional.Wiki
Entrepreneur | Software Architect | Open Source | Longtermism
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] New documentation and features for Maps

2020-06-22 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

The Maps documentation now has a new home: https://maps.extension.wiki

The documentation got a big overhaul and now includes previously
undocumented features such as distance queries and query templates. The new
dedicated wiki should make navigation a lot easier.

Since the last release announcement on this list two years ago, no less
than 47 releases were made, adding many new features and bringing quality
to a new high. You can view the full list at [0]. Here are some recent

* Image layers [1]
* Visual map editor [2]
* Integration with Cargo [3]

[0] https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Maps/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES.md
[1] https://twitter.com/JeroenDeDauw/status/1260071975558488066
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TictndP793M&t=2
[3] https://twitter.com/JeroenDeDauw/status/1259684751566344193


Jeroen De Dauw | www.EntropyWins.wtf <https://EntropyWins.wtf>
Professional wiki hosting and services: www.Professional.Wiki
Entrepreneur | Software Architect | Open Source | Longtermism
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] MediaWiki user survey

2020-04-20 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

We are running a survey to find out how MediaWiki can be improved for the
typical non-Wikimedia user.

Does MediaWiki work well for your company, organization or personal
project? What are the pain points and what do you love? Take a few minutes
to let us know your thoughts.

Please share the survey with (other) MediaWiki users. We are particularly
interested in the experience of the typical user rather than the expert. We
already know a lot about what expert users want. Hence this survey
explicitly is not for MediaWiki developers, wiki consultants, Wikimedia
employees and primarily Wikipedia editors. If you are one of those, please
do still share the survey.

Survey for MediaWiki users: https://forms.gle/Ah9xL5KjroLwLpkGA

If you are not using MediaWiki, but are considering to do so, or have
investigated it in the past, we have an alternative survey for you. Again
we ask everyone to share this survey.

Survey for people not using MediaWiki: https://forms.gle/BqFyR6kPRi5z6DtQ6

We will share results of the survey on our blog.

Thank you for helping to make MediaWiki even better!

Jeroen De Dauw | www.EntropyWins.wtf <https://EntropyWins.wtf>
Professional wiki hosting and services: www.Professional.Wiki
Entrepreneur | Software Crafter | Open Source | Speaker ~=[,,_,,]:3
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[MediaWiki-l] Maps 6.0.0 released!

2018-09-04 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I am happy to announce the immediate availability of Maps 6.0. Maps is the
extension for to work with and visualize geographical information in

You can find installation and upgrading instructions in the documentation:

This release brings support for GeoJson. You can now display markers and
shapes defined in GeoJson files on maps and you can manage GeoJson on
special wiki pages in the new GeoJson namespace. This allows for visual
editing of map data via standard GeoJson editors. For more info, see

Other improvements made since 5.0:

* Added GeoJson namesapce. Pages in this namespace can only contain GeoJson
* Added geojson parameter to #display_map, available only for Leaflet
* Improved support for the latest MediaWiki versions
* Added Geoportail (France) layers for Leaflet (by Gilles Cébélieu)
* Improved geocoding service fallback order (by Karsten Hoffmeyer)
* Added scrollwheelzoom parameter for GoogleMaps (by hidrarga)
* Added support for installation of Maps in non standard directories (using
wgExtensionDirectory) (by Tobias Oetterer)
* Added egMapsGeoCacheTtl setting (by Máté Szabó)
* Added scrollwheelzoom parameter for Leaflet that allows disabling scroll
wheel zoom (by hidrarga)
* Improved layer support for Leaflet (by Peter Grassberger)
* Custom marker icons on Leaflet maps are now scaled correctly (by hidrarga)
* Updated Leaflet library from version 1.1.0 to version 1.3.4
* Updated Leaflet plugins to their latest versions
* Fixed #display_map parameter imageoverlays: title, text and link are no
longer ignored
* Fixed #display_map parameter polygons when using Leaflet
* Fixed popups for lines, polygons, circles and rectangles when using
* Fixed display of popups with no content for Google Maps
* Fixed fatal error when geocoding fails for addresses in circles and
* Fixed #display_map parameters icon and visitedicon when using a namespace
prefix (ie. File:FileName.png)
* Fixed icon and visited icon modifiers of #display_map parameter locations
when using a namespace prefix
* Fixed #display_map parameter circles when using Leaflet
* Fixed the visited icon modifier of the #display_map parameter locations
(it is no longer ignored)
* Fixed fatal error when using #display_map parameter circles
* Fixed fatal error when using #display_map parameter rectangles
* Fixed #display_map parameter rectangles fill color modifier (it is no
longer ignored)
* Fixed #display_map parameter rectangles fill opacity modifier (it is no
longer ignored)

The documentation also got a big overhaul since 5.0. See
https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps for the feature

If you are interested in contributing to the project, have a look at the
issues suitable for newcomers: https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Maps


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software Crafter | Speaker | Student | Strategist | Contributor to Wikimedia
and Open Source
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] Maps extension: new version and documentation

2018-07-09 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I am happy to announce that after a long period of disrepair, the documentation
of the Maps extension
<https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps> [0] is now in much
better shape.

Many fixes have been made recently to customization of markers and display
of shapes such as polygons and circles. Get the latest version of the
extension <https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Maps/blob/master/INSTALL.md> [1]
to use these. The syntax of custom markers and shapes
[2] is now also documented.

[0] https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps
[1] https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Maps/blob/master/INSTALL.md
[2] https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps/Displaying_maps


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software Crafter | Speaker | Student | Strategist | Contributor to Wikimedia
and Open Source
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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Re: [MediaWiki-l] Aggregate MediaWiki pingback data available

2018-03-09 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

This is really nice.

As an extension maintainer I am particularly interested in the used
MediaWiki and PHP versions. Is there a way to combine those two? For
instance to show the PHP version distributions for people using MediaWiki
1.29 or later.


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software Crafter | Speaker | Student | Strategist | Contributor to Wikimedia
and Open Source
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] Maps 5.0 released!

2017-10-16 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I am happy to announce the immediate availability of version 5.0 of Maps,
the extension for to work with and visualize geographical information in

You can find installation and upgrading instructions in the documentation:

New features in this release include:

* Added persistent geocoding cache (by hidrarga)
* Fixed rendering of wikitext in popups of the map result format when using
the template parameter (by hidrarga)
* Fixed random loading failure of Leaflet maps (by Peter Grassberger)
* Image overlays used in #display_map now support geocoding for their

The main change in 5.0 is simplification of the geocoding functionality,
which comes down to removal of many not-so-useful features:

* Removed geoservice parameters from the #display_map parser function
* Removed geoservice and allowcoordinates parameters from the #geocode
parser function
* Removed mappingservice and geoservice parameters from the #geodistance
parser function
* Removed mappingservice, geoservice and allowcoordinates params from the
#finddestination parser function
* Removed geoservice parameter from the SMW result formats
* Removed service parameter from the geocode API module
* Removed egMapsUserGeoOverrides setting
* Removed egMapsAvailableGeoServices setting
* Removed egMapsAllowCoordsGeocoding setting
* Removed support for the GeocoderUS geocoding service as it appears to
have shut down

Other improvements made since 4.0:

* Added layer support for Leaflet (by Peter Grassberger)
* Added static map support for Leaflet (static=true) (by hidrarga)
* Fixed custom marker icon bug when using Leaflet (by hidrarga)
* Fixed compatibility conflict with the GitHub MediaWiki extension
* Fixed bug in Nomatim geocoder that caused page loading to fail when
Nomatim is down
* Fixed bug in Nomatim geocoder that caused page loading to fail when
Nomatim returned an invalid response
* Updated Leaflet from 1.0.0-rc to 1.0.3
* Fixed rendering of area query values (they now work properly in SMW
"further result" links)
* Fixed type warning in SMMapPrinter::getMapHTML
* Added missing geographical polygon type i18n messages
* Fixed i18n issue in the mapsdoc parser hook
* Fixed encoding of special characters in the Google geocoder (by somescout)
* Improved PHP 7 compatibility (by Andre Klapper)
* Fixed fatal error caused by double loading of initialization code on some

If you are interested in contributing to the project, have a look at the
issues suitable for newcomers:


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] Breaking changes in the Maps extension

2017-09-28 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey users of the Maps extension,

I'd like to get your input on making breaking changes in the Maps extension
[0]. With breaking changes I mean those that remove existing functionality
or those that change it in some way that they will behave differently or be
broken if you as a user do not take action to migrate.

Are there any features that you think are not worth the confusion they
cause? Are features you do like confusing to use, perhaps because of
something like badly named parameters? In either case, please write me, and
perhaps I'll add this to the list of things to be removed or changed.

These are the breaking changes already made for the 5.0 release, to give
you an idea:

* Removed geoservice parameters from the #display_map parser function
* Removed geoservice and allowcoordinates parameters from the #geocode
parser function
* Removed mappingservice and geoservice parameters from the #geodistance
parser function
* Removed mappingservice, geoservice and allowcoordinates params from the
#finddestination parser function
* Removed geoservice parameter from the SMW result formats
* Removed service parameter from the geocode API module
* Removed egMapsUserGeoOverrides setting
* Removed egMapsAvailableGeoServices setting
* Removed egMapsAllowCoordsGeocoding setting
* Removed support for the GeocoderUS geocoding service as it appears to
have shut down

Only the major releases of Maps (3.0, 4.0, 5.0, etc) contain breaking
changes. This is why I'm now looking for good candidates to put in the 5.0,
as after this release it won't be possible to make such changes for a year
or so.


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany
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Re: [MediaWiki-l] Introducing the MediaWiki Platform Team!

2017-04-04 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

I'd like to clarify two points about my previous email:

1. it is purely my own personal opinion. It is loose from any of the
MediaWiki related projects I am "involved" with.

2. The questions I asked are not meant as criticism on the concept of
having a core platform team, treating MediaWiki as a product, or improving
the design and quality of the MediaWiki codebase. I think all of these are
good ideas and hope WMF is very successful in pursuing them. This is why
I'm asking hard questions about problems that I perceive to seriously
undermine the chances of meeting the stated goals.


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate

On 3 April 2017 at 09:34, Jeroen De Dauw  wrote:

> Hey,
> > Like any significant codebase with a long development history, there are
> remnants of design choices and experiments that are no longer in use, and
> some areas of code are in need of modernization. However, at its core is a
> large amount of highly functional, secure, performant code, capable of
> supporting a robust platform through the use of extensions and hooks. There
> is also a great amount of flexibility to adapt to new requirements.
> This makes it sound like the MediaWiki codebase is pretty well designed.
> That is in stark contrast to my view, which is that it is a typical big
> ball of mud with serious pervasive issues too numerous to list. So I'm
> curious how you arrived at your view.
> > ...
> The stated goals and lineup strike me as very WMF, and something I've seen
> often enough before. What makes you think the results will not be poor
> leadership and disastrous technical results (in my estimation costing WMF
> many millions of USD) like in the past? What will be different this time?
> Cheers
> --
> Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
> Software craftsmanship advocate
> ~=[,,_,,]:3
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Re: [MediaWiki-l] Introducing the MediaWiki Platform Team!

2017-04-03 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> Like any significant codebase with a long development history, there are
remnants of design choices and experiments that are no longer in use, and
some areas of code are in need of modernization. However, at its core is a
large amount of highly functional, secure, performant code, capable of
supporting a robust platform through the use of extensions and hooks. There
is also a great amount of flexibility to adapt to new requirements.

This makes it sound like the MediaWiki codebase is pretty well designed.
That is in stark contrast to my view, which is that it is a typical big
ball of mud with serious pervasive issues too numerous to list. So I'm
curious how you arrived at your view.

> ...

The stated goals and lineup strike me as very WMF, and something I've seen
often enough before. What makes you think the results will not be poor
leadership and disastrous technical results (in my estimation costing WMF
many millions of USD) like in the past? What will be different this time?


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] Maps 4.0 released!

2016-11-18 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of Maps 4.0.

Maps is a MediaWiki extension to work with and visualize geographical
information. Maps 4.0 is the first major release of the extension since
January 2014, and it brings a ton of "new" functionality.

For an overview of what's new, see https://www.entropywins.wtf/

For installation instructions, user documentation and examples, an overview
of all the features, and notes on how to contribute, see the documentation
at https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Maps#maps


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] Maps 4.0.0-RC1 released

2016-11-10 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I'm happy to announce the first release candidate for Maps 4.0. Maps is a
MediaWiki extension to work with and visualize geographical information.
Maps 4.0 is the first major release of the extension since January 2014,
and it brings a ton of "new" functionality. This release candidate is meant
to gather feedback and not suitable for usage in production. The 4.0
release itself will be made one week from now if no issues are found.

For an overview of what's new, see


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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Re: [MediaWiki-l] Update reliability

2016-11-01 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> - No KML support:
> KML support (e.g. display of trails) suddenly was lost when updating maps.

I think this has already been reported at
https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Maps/issues/259 and welcome contributions
that pinpoint or even fix the issue.


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] Semantic Result Formats 2.4 released

2016-10-14 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hello everyone,

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of the fifth feature
release in the Semantic Result Formats 2.x series.

Semantic Result Formats 2.4 is a feature release that adds several new
features, enhancements and bug fixes. It does not contain any breaking
changes, so upgrading is both easy and recommended.

## New features and enhancements

* Added link support to the media format (by James Hong Kong)
* Added displaytitle label support to filtered format (by Simon Heimler)
* Improved list and page widget CSS (by James Hong Kong)
* Updated jplayer to version 2.9.2 (by James Hong Kong)
* Improved compatibility with the latest versions of MediaWiki (by Florian
* Improved internationalization (by Karsten Hoffmeyer)
* Made installation via Composer more robust (by Cindy Cicalese)
* Removed the Ploticus format previously disabled due to security concerns
(by Jeroen De Dauw)

## Bugfixes

* Fixed RuntimeError when selecting excel format in Special:Ask (by Stephan
* Fixed bug causing occasional exceptions in the calendar format (by Mark
A. Hershberger)
* Fixed bug in timeseries format that caused the value 0 to be excluded (by
James Hong Kong)
* Fixed bug in the calendar parser functions (by James Montalvo)
* Fixed bug in the datatables format when having empty printouts (by Fr
Jeremy Krieg)
* Fixed bug in filtered format that broke the format on browsers supporting
the Array.prototype.values() method

The full list of changes be viewed at [0]. The installation and upgrading
procedure [1] has not changed since 1.9.0.

- The Semantic Result Formats development team

[0] https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticResultFormats/blob/
[1] https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticResultFormats/blob/
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[MediaWiki-l] Semantic Maps 3.4 has been released

2016-09-22 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of Semantic Maps 3.4. This
release adds support for SMWs record data type and for the Maps tracking

Support for older versions of its dependencies have been dropped. You now
need PHP 5.5 or later, MediaWiki 1.23 or later and Maps 3.8 or later.
Installation and upgrading can be done as usual.

You can find an overview of the changes in the release notes [0] and links
to installation and usage instructions in the readme [1].

This will be the last release of Semantic Maps as a dedicated extension.
It's features are being merged into the Maps extension, and will be
available there with the Maps 4.0 release.

[0] https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMaps/blob/master/
[1] https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMaps/blob/master/README.md


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] Maps 3.8 has been released!

2016-08-30 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of Maps 3.8.

This feature release adds clustering and fullscreen support for Leaflet, a
new OSM geocoder and support for the latest changes to the Google Maps API.
You can read more about this release at


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] Semantic MediaWiki 2.4 released!

2016-07-12 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
MediaWiki/pull/1550> Fixed
   SPARQLStore XML response parsing for strings that contain UTF-8
   - #1562
   <https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/pull/1562> Fixed
   fatal error in FeedResultPrinter due to usage of an interwiki assignment
   - #1568
   <https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/pull/1568> Fixed
   usage of invalid characters/tags in property name
   - #1594
   <https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/pull/1594> Fixed
   handling of numbers with scientific notation in Special:SearchByProperty
   - #1597
   <https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/pull/1597> Fixed
   possible ID collision in DependencyLinksTableUpdater
   - #1598
   <https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/pull/1598> Fixed
   content language setting for InfoLinks
   - #1589
   <https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/pull/1589> Fixed
   display precision constraint during condition building
   - #1608
   <https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/pull/1608> Fixed
   that a #info without a message will create an empty tooltip or when used
   as  causing a failure
   - #1610
   <https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/pull/1610> Fixed
   a potential exception in the postgres implementation when creating
   temporary tables
   - #1628
   <https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/pull/1628> Fixed
   exception when NumberValue tries to use a NULL as numeric value.
   - #1638
   <https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/pull/1638> Fixed
   possible invalid property in case the label contains [

## Contributors ##

   - James Hong Kong
   - Jeroen De Dauw
   - Karsten Hoffmeyer
   - Felipe de Jong
   - Florian Schmidt
   - Niklas Laxström
   - Ahmad Gharbeia
   - Stephan Gambke
   - Amir E. Aharoni
   - Siebrand Mazeland
   - Cindy Cicalese
   - Hangya
   - Sébastien Beyou
   - Aaron Schulz
   - Jaider Andrade Ferreira
   - Kunal Mehta
   - Ori Livneh
   - Peter Grassberger
   - Reedy
   - Vitaliy Filippov
   - Wolfgang Fahl
   - Alexander Gesinn
   - TranslateWiki.net translators

The full list of changes be viewed at [0]. The installation procedure [1]
has not changed since 1.9.0. To upgrade, you will need to get the new
version of SMW, follow the usual upgrading procedure of running MediaWikis
update.php, and running SMWs refresh data script [2]. There is a short
video showing an upgrade from SMW 2.1.3 to 2.2 at [3]. We already started
work on SMW 2.5 and welcome your contributions [4].

- The SMW development team

[0] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMW_2.4
[1] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation
[2] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation#Upgrading
[3] https://vimeo.com/127356533
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[MediaWiki-l] Semantic MediaWiki 2.4 - first release candidate

2016-06-25 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I am happy to announce the first release candidate for Semantic MediaWiki 2.4.
This is a development version - do NOT use it in production.

Semantic MediaWiki 2.4 is the first feature release after SMW 2.3. It
brings new functionality, enhancements and stability improvements. Since it
is a feature release, it does not include any breaking changes.

Preliminary release notes:
Compatibility tables:

This release candidate is meant to gather feedback and to allow you to do
testing against the new version. You can try out the new features on the
SMW sandbox wiki at http://sandbox.semantic-mediawiki.org, or upgrade your
own wiki. If you find any issues, please report them on our issue tracker:

The target for the actual 2.4 release is July 3rd. You can follow the
release process in this tracking issue:

### Upgrading instructions ###

If you are using SMW via Composer, update the version in your composer.json
to "~2.4@rc" and run "composer update".

If you are using the tarballs, you can download SMW 2.4 RC1 here:
(note that we switched from SourceForge to GitHub)

More detailed upgrading instructions will be made available for the 2.4

### Help wanted ###

You can help with this release by improving the release notes. If you have
any questions, please post them on the release tracking issue.

There is also a list of issues suitable for newcomers to the project:


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] SubPageList 1.4 released

2016-06-25 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I am happy to announce the immediate availability of SubPageList 1.4 [0].
This release features support for redirects, and improved alphabetic
sorting. It also drops support for MediaWiki older than 1.23 and PHP older
than 5.5.

You can view the changes in the release notes [1]. Installation
instructions are unchanged. Upgrading can be done by running "composer
update". Consult the installation instructions [2] for more information.

[0] https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/SubPageList
[2] https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/SubPageList/blob/master/doc/INSTALL.md


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany
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[MediaWiki-l] Maps 3.7 and 3.6 released

2016-06-24 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of Maps 3.7.

This feature release adds a rotate control for Google Maps, makes minor
cosmetic enhancements, comes with newer versions of JavaScript mapping
libraries, and improves security. Everyone is recommended to upgrade. You
can read more about this release at

Last month Maps 3.6 was released, which brings a number of new options for
marker clustering and several bugfixes. It also changes the minimum version
of MediaWiki to 1.23 and PHP to 5.5. You can read more about this release


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany
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[MediaWiki-l] Maps 3.5 and Semantic Maps 3.3 released!

2016-04-04 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I’m happy to announce the immediate availability of Maps 3.5 and Semantic
Maps 3.3. You can read more about these releases at


Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw
Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany
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[MediaWiki-l] Semantic MediaWiki 2.3 released!

2015-11-07 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
* Fixed silent annotations added by the Factbox when content contains
[[ ... ]]
* Fixed resource loading issue on Windows when using
* Fixed disabling of
* Fixed re-setting of smw-admin user group permission to its default
* Fixed #set rendering of template supported output
* Fixed inverse prefix for predefined properties that caused
misinterpret Concept queries
* Fixed context awareness of ParserAfterTidy in connection with the
purge action
* Fixed "duplicate key value violates unique constraint" for PostgreSQL
on conjunctive and disjunctive queries
* Fixed further link to use the format parameter as specified by #ask
* Fixed usage of the !~ comparator for properties that have a limited
set of allowed values

### Improved handling of removed entities in SQLStore ###

In previous releases it could happen that deleted entities (subject,
property) reappeared in queries even though they have been removed. This
release introduces several changes to eliminate some of the issues

* introduced a deletion marker on entities that got deleted, making
them no longer available to queries or special page display.
* Added --shallow-update to rebuildData.php, to only parse those
entities that have a different last modified timestamp compared to that of
the last revision. This enables to run rebuildData.php updates on deleted,
redirects, and other out of sync entities.
Solved an unconditional namespace query [[Help:+]] would display
deleted subjects (in case those subjects were deleted)
* Added filter to mark deleted redirect targets with
* Added filter to mark outdated subobjects with SMW_SQL3_SMWDELETEIW
* Added removal of unmatched "ghost" pages in the ID_TABLE

## Contributors ##

Code contributors

* MWJames
* Jeroen De Dauw
* Karsten Hoffmeyer (kghbln)
* Felipe de Jong (jongfeli)
* Vitaliy Filippov (vitalif)
* paladox
* Amir E. Aharoni
* Joel K. Pettersson
* umherirrender
* Kunal Mehta (legoktm)
* TranslateWiki.net

We'd also like to thank

* yoonghm
* cicalese
* bogota
* plegault3397

The full list of changes be viewed at [0]. The installation procedure [1]
has not changed since 1.9.0. To upgrade, you will need to get the new
version of SMW, run MediaWikis update.php, and run SMWs refresh data script
[2]. There is also a short video showing an upgrade from SMW 2.1.3 to 2.2
at [3]. We already started work in SMW 2.4 and welcome your contributions

- The SMW development team

[0] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMW_2.3
[1] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation
[2] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation#Upgrading
[3] https://vimeo.com/127356533
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Re: [MediaWiki-l] Updating a 2007 MediaWiki?

2015-10-17 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> Not sure how well Semantic extensions handle that, but probably also well

I don't know, though this does not seem to be very important. You can just
disable SMW while you upgrade and then install it again once you are done
(perhaps nuke the old tables first). It's all secondary data anyway, so it
can easily be rebuild.


Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
Software craftsmanship advocate
Developer at Wikimedia Germany
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[MediaWiki-l] Semantic MediaWiki sandbox available

2015-10-07 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I am happy to announce there now is a Semantic MediaWiki sandbox wiki at
http://sandbox.semantic-mediawiki.org. This wiki is meant to allow you to
easily experiment with Semantic MediaWiki and many of its extensions. The
software is updated daily, so you can try out features that are not yet
part of a stable release.

Many thanks to Karsten Hoffmeyer and wikihoster.net for the creation and
hosting of this sandbox!


Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
Software craftsmanship advocate
Developer at Wikimedia Germany
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Re: [MediaWiki-l] Free MediaWIki hosting sites

2015-06-30 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey Breton,

Have you seen Referata? http://referata.com


Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
Software craftsmanship advocate
Developer at Wikimedia Germany
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] Semantic MediaWiki 2.2 has been released!

2015-05-14 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hello everyone,

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of the third stable
release in the Semantic MediaWiki 2.x series.

Semantic MediaWiki 2.2 is a minor release that adds several new features,
some enhancements and fixes various issues. It does not contain any
breaking changes, so upgrading is both easy and recommended.

Thanks to all those who contributed: MWJames, Jeroen De Dauw, Karsten
Hoffmeyer, Felipe de Jong, Hermann Schwärzler, Kunal Mehta, Chris Koerner,
Yaron Koren, Purodha, m4tx, paladox2015. Together we changed 952 files
across a total of 666 sets of changes to the code. Thanks also go to all
those who helped with testing and to TranslateWiki.net and its contributors
for providing numerous translations. There are various ways in which you
can help as well, see our contribution documentation [4].

## New features ##

* Added named args as parameter to CategoryResultPrinter
* Added sep as parameter to the TableResultPrinter to define a
separator for cell values
* Added template support to the #set parser function
* Added the --no-cache option to rebuildData.php and the --debug option
to rebuildData.php and rebuildConceptCache.php (refs #749, #766)
* Added support for wgCategoryCollation setting in
CategoryResultPrinter (#699, T40853)
* Added the --report-runtime option to rebuildConceptCache.php
* Extended rules on how an ImportValue need to contain a valid type
* Enforced strict type declaration for properties with import
references (type of the imported reference takes precedence over any
user-defined type declaration)
* Added support for  in order for a RDF export to point to
a "real" file resource
* Added information about "improper value for" to the statistics
overview and as API parameter (&errorcount)
* Fixed exception for usage of Has subobject as free annotation
* Added restriction for "manual" annotation use to some pre-defined
properties (e.g. Has subobject, Has query)

## Enhancements ##

* Replaced defunct SMWRegsitry wiki registration on Special:SMWAdmin
with a link to WikiApiary
* Reduced the number of pages on which SMW JavaScript and CSS is loaded
* Made small performance improvements

## Bug fixes ##

* Fixed Missing parentheses in SQL for disjunctions when temporary
tables are not used by the SQLStore
* Fixed DB error when a #ask query contains order=random for a sqlite
or postgres DB platform (disabled smwgQRandSortingSupport for postgres)
* Fixed escape character usage in SPARQLStore, SQLStore
* Fixed handling of an empty result send by the SPARQLStore Sesame
* Fixed owl property export declaration
* Fixed missing interwiki encoding for the RDF export
* Fixed empty searchlabel raw wikitext display for a QueryResultPrinter
with limit=0
* Fixed data update when moving a page to a non-enabled semantic
* Fixed #set where an error from a previous parse call could have
affected succeeding #set error messages
* Fixed exception in SMWExportController caused by an empty property
* Fixed fetching of import vocabularies to be language independent
* Fixed pre element rendering for the template "furtherresult" output
* Fixed empty caption for false when using the#x format option
* Fixed exception in SMWExportController for use of &stats option
* Fixed nesting of self-referenced concepts in a concept query
* Fixed inconsistency when using headers=plain in CategoryResultPrinter
also fixed the __NOTOC__ hack

The full list can also be viewed at [0]. The installation procedure [1] has
not changed since 1.9.0. To upgrade, you will need to get the new version
of SMW, run MediaWikis update.php, and run SMWs refresh data script [2].
There is also a short video showing an upgrade from SMW 2.1.3 to 2.2 at [3].

Work on SMW 2.3 has already started, and includes performance enhancements
and improvements to SPARQLStore support. Again, your contributions are
welcome! [4]

- The SMW development team

[0] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMW_2.2
[1] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation
[2] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation#Upgrading
[3] https://vimeo.com/127356533
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Re: [MediaWiki-l] Upgrade to 1.24.2 fails because extension doesn't recognize version number

2015-04-03 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey Ad,

Apparently for some reason, the code doing this check is not getting the
actual version number. Which implies the problem lies elsewhere and this is
just the first thing that is blowing up. My guess is that there is
something wrong with when your extensions are getting loaded. I don't quite
remember the details, though suggest that you look at the installation
instructions of the relevant extensions for MediaWiki 1.24, and make sure
you are doing what is outlined there, and no additional (outdated) things.

> it must be 1.16 or higher

I just realized that the current constraint is 1.17, so perhaps you are
simply running a too old version of the extension?


Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
Software craftsmanship advocate
Developer at Wikimedia Germany
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[MediaWiki-l] New extension: Semantic Meta Tags

2015-03-02 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of the new Semantic Meta
Tags extension.

It is a Semantic Mediawiki extension for adding meta tags to a page with
content generated from semantic annotations.

This extension enables to automatically extend the HTML  tags of a
page with content generated from selected properties with:

* Standard tags (e.g. meta name="keywords") as well as
* Summary card and Open Graph protocol tags (e.g. meta property="og:title"
or "twitter:description")

You can find installation and usage instructions for the extension at

This extension has been created by James Hong Kong, with some minor
contributions by Karsten Hoffmeyer, Jamie Thingelstad and myself.


Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
Software craftsmanship advocate
Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany
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Re: [MediaWiki-l] Remove downloadable files from SourceForge

2015-02-19 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

+1, even though this is kinda amusing:

> Looking for the latest version? Download mediawiki-1.9.3.tar.gz


Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
Software craftsmanship advocate
Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] Semantic Breadcrumb Links and Semantic Interlanguage Links released!

2015-02-13 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of two entirely new
extensions to Semantic MediaWiki!

*## Semantic Breadcrumb Links*

Semantic Breadcrumb Links is a Semantic Mediawiki extension to aid in-page
navigation by building breadcrumb links from an attributive property
filter. It uses a pattern match strategy to filter property usage (e.g. Has
parent page) that ascribe the location of a page relative to its parent and
provides navigational help by generating a breadcrumb trail.

You can find installation and usage instructions for the 1.0 release at

*## Semantic Interlanguage Links*

Semantic Interlanguage Links is a Semantic Mediawiki extension to create
and manage interlanguage links. This extension creates interlanguage links
and provides queryable annotations that can connect pages with similar
content for different languages to be accessible via the sitelink
navigation by using the INTERLANGUAGELINK parser function.

You can see the extension in action at https://vimeo.com/115871518

Installation and usage instructions for the 1.0 release can be found at

Both these extensions were created by MWJames. Some minor contributions
where made by Karsten Hoffmeyer, Jaider Andrade Ferreira and myself.


Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
Software craftsmanship advocate
Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] Semantic MediaWiki 2.1 released

2015-01-21 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hello everyone,

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of the second stable
release in the Semantic MediaWiki 2.x series.

Semantic MediaWiki 2.1 is a minor release that adds several new features,
many enhancements, addresses numerous issues and adds support for
additional platforms. It does not contain any breaking changes.

## Highlights ##

### Support for semantic queries in Special:Search ###

This release adds support for semantic queries run directly from
MediaWiki's standard search. You can enable this feature by setting
$wgSearchType to "SMWSearch". The related configuration parameter
$smwgFallbackSearchType allows specifying which search engine to fall back
to in case "SMWSearch" returns no results. (#450, #496, #505)

### SPARQLStore improvements ###

The SPARQLStore now supports concept queries (#696) and regex like queries
([[Url::~http://*query=*]] OR [[Url::~*ccc*]]) for Page and URL values

Notable performance improvements and many other fixes (can be found in the
bug fix list) have been made to broaden the SPARQLStore support.

### Enhanced platform support ###

* SMW has partially supported PostgreSQL for a long time. This new release
brings SMW's PostgreSQL support to the same level as MySQL and SQLite,
making it the third fully supported relational database.
* HHVM (HipHop Virtual Machine) 3.3 or above is now supported along with
all previously supported PHP versions.
* Although earlier versions of SMW probably work with MediaWiki 1.24, this
new release officially supports it.

You can find a full overview in our compatibility matrix [0]. This matrix
now also includes planned compatibility for future releases, to the extend
this is known.

## Other new features ##

* Concepts can now be nested (bug 15316)
* Modernized Special:SearchByProperty interface
* Added subobject parameter to the BrowseBySubject API module and imporved
resolving of circular redirects
* Added --page as export option to the dumpRDF.php maintenance script
* Made ouput decoding for uri's human readable (bug 35452)
* Added --runtime option to rebuildData.php. It allows you to see how much
time was spend and how much memory was used.
* Added $smwgEnabledEditPageHelp option that enables showing a contextual
help text on the edit page
* Enabled semicolon escaping for record-type values (\;) (bug T17732)
* Added Special:Log support for events enabled in smwgLogEventTypes

## Bug fixes ##

* Fixed the SPAPRQLStore to return a FalseCondition instead of an exception
for not supported data types (e.g Geo)
* Fixed the SPAPRQLStore query selection for subobjects used with a
namespace condition
* Removes invalid category value links to SearchByProperty on
Special:Browse (bug 33449)
* Fixed parameter encoding in Special:SearchByProperty for hyphens and
spaces (bug 16150)
* Enhanced concept pages to provide time and date of the last update
* Fixed the SPARQLStore query result display for moved pages (a.k.a. "gost"
* Fixed movability for predefined property pages
* Fixed data display inconsistency for pre-existing redirects
* Fixed circular UpdateJob caused by redirects
* Fixed exception in dumpRDF.php caused by resolving a subobject for a
* Fixed cache id mismatch for redirects in SQLStore
* Fixed exception for when a null is returned by
* Enhanced SPARQLStore XML result parser to support Virtuoso singelton
* Fixed subobject disjunctive/conjunctive subquery handling
* Fixed named subobject encoding in the Exporter to support accented
* Fixed browse link generation for wikipages in Special:Browse
* Fixed the hard-coded upper bound for the offset option of an inline query
by replacing it with configuration parameter $smwgQUpperbound
* Fixed postgres temporary table generation issue (bug 34855, #455, #462)
* Fixed QueryProcessor to allow query conditions to contain = (bug 32955)
* Removes service info links from the Factbox
* Fixed broken field detection in record-type caused by html encoded
strings (bug T23926)
* Fixed #REDIRECT detection in MW 1.24+
* Fixed regex search (~/!) for page-type property values (bug T36665,
T49073, T33151, T35854)
* Fixed regex search support for uri-type property values
* Fixed invalid :smw-redi marker when #REDIRECT is removed manually
* Fixed probable race condition for SQLStore(postgres) when creating
temporary tables
* Fixed http header in SPARQLStore to be Sesame complaint

The full list can also be viewed at [2]. The installation procedure [3] has
not changed since 1.9.0. To upgrade, you will need to get the new version
of SMW, run MediaWikis update.php, and run SMWs refresh data script [4].

- The SMW development team

[2] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMW_2.1
[3] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation
[4] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation#Upgrading

[MediaWiki-l] Semantic MediaWiki 2.0 released!

2014-08-11 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hello everyone,

We are happy to announce the immediate availability of the first stable
release in the Semantic MediaWiki 2.0.x series.

Semantic MediaWiki 2.0 is a big release that adds several new features,
many enhancements, and addresses numerous issues.

## Compatibility changes ##

Semantic MediaWiki 2.0 is compatible with MediaWiki 1.19 up to MediaWiki
1.23, and possibly later versions. Support for both MediaWiki 1.23 and
MediaWiki 1.24 was improved compared to SMW 1.9. PHP compatibility remains
the same as in SMW 1.9: all versions from PHP 5.3.2 to PHP 5.6.x. For a
full overview, see our compatibility matrix [0].

## Quality and stability improvements ##

A great deal of effort has been put into ensuring both existing and new
features work well. Not just at present, but also in future releases. And
not just with MySQL and one version of MediaWiki, but on all platforms we
support. This dedication to quality has resulted in many bugs being
discovered and fixed, and makes future regressions much less likely.

Continuous integration is now an integral part of the development process
behind SMW. As of the 2.0 release, SMW has over 2300 automated tests, which
cover two thirds of the codebase. These tests are run automatically for
every change made to the code, on machines with different databases,
different versions of PHP, different SPARQL stores and different versions
of MediaWiki.

## Semantic Versioning ##

As of the 2.0 release, Semantic MediaWiki adheres to the Semantic
Versioning standard [1]. This makes our version numbers more meaningful and
makes it easier for administrators to determine if a new release is
relevant to them.

## Improved SPARQLStore support ##

Semantic MediaWiki 1.6 introduced support for data synchronization with RDF
back-ends. SMW 2.0 makes this functionality a first class citizen through
many enhancements and stability improvements.

* New and full support for Jena Fuseki 1.0
* Enhanced and full support for Virtuoso 6.1
* Enhanced support for 4store 1.1

## Improved subobject support ##

Support for subobjects has been added to the RDF export. This new
capability is used by the RDF store functionality to also synchronize
subobjects. (#344)

Subobjects now support sorting via the `@sortkey` annotation that stores an
individual sortkey per subobject. (#225)

## Notable bug fixes ##

* #279 Fixed undefined index in `DataTypeRegistry::getDefaultDataItemTypeId`
* #282 Output a message instead of an exception in
`Special:WantedProperties` for unknown predefined properties
* #308 Fixed caching issue in `DataRebuilder` for duplicate title objects
* #312 Fixed fatal error in `CategoryResultPrinter` for when a mainlabel is
* #322 Fixed file names containing spaces or non-ASCII characters for
downloadable result formats (csv, excel)
* #379 Modernized `dumpRDF.php` while deprecating the use of
`SMW_dumpRDF.php` (bug 35679)
* #425 Deprecated `SMW_setup.php` in favour of `setupStore.php`
* #444 Fixed language namespace alias issue
* #420 Extended `ContentParser` to mitigate issues caused by the 62856 bug
in MW 1.24+
* #405 Added a compatibility fix to mitigate issues caused by the
`RefreshLinksJob` in MW 1.23+


* #291 Fixed call to undefined method in `SPARQLStore`
* #338 Fixed exception in `ResultParser` for an invalid datatype (bug 62218)
* #385 Fixed '#' encoding for subobjects in
`SMWExporter::findDataItemForExpElement` to enable `SPARQLStore` result
* #387 Fixed `SPARQLStore` namespace query support (e.g `[[:+]]` )
* #415 Fixed `SPARQLStore` usage for `rebuildConceptCache.php` and
* #460 Fixed `SPARQLStore` subobject sub query and pre-defined property
query support

This list can also be viewed at [2]. The installation procedure [3] has not
changed since 1.9.0. To upgrade, you will need to get the new version of
SMW, run MediaWikis update.php, and run SMWs refresh data script [4].

- The SMW development team

[1] http://semver.org/
[2] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/SMW_2.0
[3] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation
[4] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation#Upgrading
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Re: [MediaWiki-l] [Wikitech-l] ExtensionDistributor updates on mediawiki.org

2014-07-31 Thread Jeroen De Dauw


Feature request 1: be able to download specific versions of extensions
based on the tags their provide.

Feature request 2: include dependencies defined in composer.json.

Feature request 3: be able to specify a bunch of extensions to download and
have a compat check be done (based on the package definitions), after which
they are bundled together


Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
Software craftsmanship advocate
Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany
MediaWiki-l mailing list
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[MediaWiki-l] Semantic Extra Special Properties 1.0 released!

2014-03-01 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I am happy to announce the 1.0 release of the Semantic Extra Special
Properties extension!

This release fixes various issues and makes the extension compatible with
the latest MediaWiki, Semantic MediaWiki and PHP versions. It adds several
new special properties such as PAGEID and EXIFDATA, as well as providing
performance improvements. A more verbose, though also more technical,
overview of the changes can be found at [0].

For upgrading you will need to run update.php and it is recommended you
also run SMW_refreshData.php. Documentation on how to configure the
extension can now be found at [1].

As of this release is is also possible to install the extension via
Composer. (Manual installation is still supported.) The package name is

Many kudos go to MWJames for doing essentially all of the development work
in this new version. I'd also like to thank Karsten for helping with the
documentation and testing.



Jeroen De Dauw - http://www.bn2vs.com
Software craftsmanship advocate
Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [MediaWiki-l] Extension Installer v2.2 on 1.21.x

2014-02-10 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey Tom,

> skipped the step, "Copy the example.json file"

Ah, that explains it!

> because I focused on the statement, "The default contents of the json
file specifies nothing should be installed, and looks as follows:" and
nothing else. :)

I have now changed to wording to avoid such confusion.

And will this:
> if ( is_readable( __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php' ) ) {
>  include_once( __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php' );
> }
> will have to be changed to
> if ( is_readable( __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php' ) ) {
>  include_once( __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php' );
> }
> or ExtensionInstaller to work because we are only going up one directory
> since w/ doesn't exist

No, you should not change this, as it is not affected by where you put your
wiki. (The path only goes back to the root of your wiki, not further.)

> Maybe serendipity was telling me to throw everything into the
/ExtensionInstaller directory because I'll have to edit .htaccess to allow
direct calls to /vender through Ugh!

I'm not fully sure what you mean here, though the ExtensionInstaller ought
to be put in the extensions directory, as is done with any other extension.


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil. ~=[,,_,,]:3
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [MediaWiki-l] Extension Installer v2.2 on 1.21.x

2014-02-09 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

Which I don't think is what was supposed to happen.
> ExtensionInstaller/
> -extensions/
> ---SubPageList/
> ---Validator/
> -vendor/

If you use the most recent release of SubPageList, version 1.1, which is
over 2 months old by now, this ought to not occur. Is there any reason why
you are trying to install 1.0?


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil. ~=[,,_,,]:3
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[MediaWiki-l] Semantic MediaWiki 1.9 released!

2014-01-05 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Dear all,

we are happy to announce the immediate release of Semantic MediaWiki 1.9,
the next big release after SMW 1.8. It brings many new features,
enhancements and bugfixes.

### Platform compatibility changes

* Changed minimum PHP version from 5.2. to 5.3.2.
* Changed minimum MediaWiki version from 1.17 to 1.19.
* Full compatibility with MediaWiki 1.19, 1.20, 1.21, 1.22 and
forward-compatibility with 1.23.
* Changed minimum Validator version from 0.5 to 1.0.
* Added beta support for PostgreSQL.

### New features

* SMW (and its dependencies) can now be installed via Composer
* Added maintenance script rebuildPropertyStatistics.php to rebuild the
property statistics
* (271864f) The property type String is now an alias for Text and has no
more length restrictions
* (38499a8) Special:Statistics now shows a "semantic statistics" version
(only when using a recent version of MediaWiki)
* (ed52df7) (Bug 50844) Special:Properties now provides a form to search
user-defined properties
* (a949f04) (Bug 33181) Add page Special:Concepts that lists available
* (0c971f8) (Bug 46458) Extend smwinfo API module to provide additional
* (b8aea6c) (Bug 48840) Add a smw-admin right to enable restricted access
to Special:SMWAdmin
* (9714d04) (a33411f) Add new "browsebysubject" API module to fetch
semantic data for a given subject

### Enhancements

* (Bug 36309) and (Bug 39019) Add +sep= as multiple value separator for
#set and #subobject parser function
* (6dd845e) (Bug 34477) Add cache information to concept pages
* (Bug 34172) Add individual CSS class injection for further result links
* (I2e509e) Improved efficiency of property statistics rebuilding script
* (8bcee83) (Bug 44696) Fix XML output for AskApi
* (bb35e8a) (Bug 47123) Aggregate numbers based on the label/group
* (5cda766) (Bug 46930) SMWSQLStore3Writers::changeTitle only create
redirects when appropriate conditions are met
* (e4a5fb8) (Bug 31880) Formatting numbers in tables based based on a
customizable typeId
* (e4a2035) Modify SMW\RecurringEvents to use a subobject as datamodel to
represent individual events within a page
* (7d1e2ad) (Bug 34782) Add note parameter to #info parser function

### Fixed bugs

* The property statistics rebuilding is no longer done whenever you run
* (Bug 42321) Fixed issue frequently causing notices in SQLStore3
* (5fdbb83) Fix offset display in Special:Ask
* (9113ad1) (Bug 47010) SMWInfoLink
* (af0cbe0) Fix escaping issue on Special:Ask
* (ba74804) Fix construction of SMWExpLiteral
* (d16a103) (Bug 45053) Fix quantity display support in
* (9b2b5c7) (Bug 44518) Do not display  elements for |format=list
* (Bug 43932) Fix html tag support for non-list results in
* (Bug 44275) Fix .data( 'sortkey' ) support in SMW\ListResultPrinter
* (fcb7da9) (Bug 42324) fix SQlite support in sqlstore3
* (3507f84) (Bug 21893) Fixed queries that use the like comparator for
properties with a restricted set of values

### Platform stability

* Over 130 PHPUnit tests have been added
* Over 10 QUnit tests have been added
* The tests now run on TravisCI
** Compatibility is now ensured against all supported MediaWiki and PHP
** Compatibility is now ensured for all supported databases

A full list of changes can be found at [0]. Installation and upgrading
instructions reside at [1].

[0] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki_1.9.0
[1] https://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation

As always, this SMW release is the result of a team effort. We would not
have this release without the significant contributions from many great
people contributing new functionality, improving documentation, organizing
conferences, reporting issues and providing support.

We hope you enjoy the new release.


James & Jeroen
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[MediaWiki-l] Wikibase Database 0.1 released!

2013-11-01 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I'm happy to announce the immediate availability of Wikibase Database 0.1.


An overview of the functionality, installation instructions, usage
instructions and technical documentation can be found at


For a writeup on why this library was created and some technical notes, see



Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil. ~=[,,_,,]:3
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[MediaWiki-l] SubPageList 1.0 released

2013-10-13 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

I am happy to announce the immediate release of SubPageList 1.0.

This release packs a ton of improvements over the last one, which was
almost two years ago. Particular attention has been paid to making the
extension more maintainable, solid and flexible. The documentation has also
been updated and now includes descriptions for all supported parameters.

Installation and usage instructions can be found via the README:


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil. ~=[,,_,,]:3
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [MediaWiki-l] Running PHPUnit tests from Eclipse?

2013-10-10 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

I don't know about doing this with the MediaWiki tests, though I'm doing
something very similar for the code I work on. All my repos have a
phpunit.xml file in their root, so you can just run "phpunit" in there and
have all the tests run. Which is the standard way of doing things, and
recognized by lots of IDEs and plugins.

I'm currently using this handly little Node script to run my tests on file
change: https://npmjs.org/package/phpunit-testrunner

Or "grunt watch" in the repos where I'm using the Grunt task runner. When
running Linux you can write a 3 line bash script that already gets you most
of the value. As long as there is a sane test runner that is...

What tests do you want to run anyway? Not all MW tests I imagine, as they
take many minutes to run, which clearly is to long when you run this on
every file change.


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil. ~=[,,_,,]:3
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [MediaWiki-l] MediaWiki now has code coverage for PHP

2013-03-26 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

This is fantastic! Thanks for setting this up.

Question: will this be done for all git repos? In particular MW extensions?

Remark: currently files that the tests do not hit are not included in the
coverage report. This means the overall coverage stats are displayed much
higher then they actually are. We ran into the same issue with the Wikidata
coverage stats. There is some setting that allows you to include all files
in some directory.


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [MediaWiki-l] Transclusion from private wiki

2013-03-04 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

There is also the Push extension [0] which is there to facilitate pushing
pages from one wiki (ie a private one) to another (ie a public one).

[0] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Push


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [MediaWiki-l] can MediaWiki show some of the same content on two pages?

2013-02-18 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

As mentioned, templates will do the job is you just want to embed some
other page. However if you want more powerful data re-use, have a look at
Semantic MediaWiki: https://semantic-mediawiki.org/


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [MediaWiki-l] survey radio buttons multiple response

2013-02-12 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

is there an opportunity to allow multiple responses for radio buttons in
> the survey extension (checking more than 1 answer)?

Not if the input type is radio button. You can however make it a dropdown.
For instance see the last question here:


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[MediaWiki-l] Diff 0.4 released

2013-01-08 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I'm happy to announce the immediate release of Diff 0.4 [0].

Notable changes in this version where moving the diff creation code from
static methods in the diff representation classes to dedicated differ
classes and the introduction of patching functionality. Next to several
code quality and design improvements, a lot of tests where also added.

The documentation on mediawiki.org got updated accordingly and new examples
where added.

[0] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Diff


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [MediaWiki-l] How to make ImageGallery of articles

2012-12-28 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

Sounds like what you want to do can be achieved using the gallery format of
Semantic Result Formats, see

Typically you want to send such questions to wikitec...@lists.wikimedia.org,
not this list :)


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[MediaWiki-l] Maps and Semantic Maps 2.0.1 released

2012-12-13 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I am happy to announce the immediate availability of Maps and Semantic Maps

This minor release includes some important bugfixes for Google Maps, most
notably the working of infowindows, which broke due to a change in the
Google Maps API. It also improved compatibility with SMW 1.8 and the
upcoming 1.9.

The releases are tagged as "2.0.1" in git and can also be obtained as zip
archive from the extension pages:

* https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps
* https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Maps


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [MediaWiki-l] Problem downloading Extension:Cite

2012-10-22 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

You can get the current most recent version here:

Unfortunately it does not appear to have any release tags.


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [MediaWiki-l] [Semediawiki-user] Maps and Semantic Maps 2.0 released!

2012-10-09 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> Nice  Looking forward to demos at SMWCon :)

There will indeed be demo's, see

> BTW, is Semantic Bundle going to be updated with the latest maps soon?

This depends, we've not seen a new Semantic Bundle for a while due to the
git migration, and no one seems to be willing to update the build scripts.
That should be rather simple though, so if any developers wants to help out

> If not, are there any dependencies that will break if I upgrade to Maps

Maps 2.0 requires Validator 0.5. So if you have any extensions that use
Validator, I'd recommend you get their latest version. There is a
compatibility layer that should prevent breakage, but updating is still
advisable. In particular Semantic MediaWiki and Semantic Result Formats.
Both these extensions have not seen a new release yet using this version of
Validator, but they are close to seeing a release, and should be pretty
stable at this point. If you don't want to run beta versions you'll be
better off waiting another month or so with upgrading your extensions.

I'd recommend the same for anyone using OpenLayers and wants high
stability, there are some non-trivial open issues which are also present in
the 2.0 release.


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [MediaWiki-l] [Wikitech-l] New extension: Diff

2012-09-26 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> Is there a reason we don't just put this in the core?

One of the reasons is that from my experience the MediaWiki core dev
community is not very open to such things. I think Tim is illustrating the
point pretty well, by implying what I did is total nonsense. Having tried
to get this into core would have lead to more insults getting thrown at my
head. Of course this is nonsense, as I'm sure some core developer will
point out in a reply.

Another reason is that although this is a rather generic diff utility, the
number of extensions that could make use of this seems rather limited. And
I don't think we want to just put any generic component into core without
good reason.

> It has about 50 lines of useful code wrapped in 1600 lines of
> abstraction. I don't think it is the sort of style we want in the core.

Unsurprisingly I'm going to Agree with Denny that this is rather harsh.
This kind of attitude is not very welcoming to other developers, especially
if you make such comments where they are not applicable.

And yes, I'm going to maintain it's not applicable. Being the genius that
you are, I challenge you to put your money where your mount is to write a
50 line extension that offers the same functionality as this extension.

One might discuss the suitability of using a class hierarchy to
> represent different DiffOps. But then again, that is the same class
> design as in the DairikiDiff engine, included in core as well.

Although you find small things to nitpick over, I'm confident the overall
design is sound. The Diff and DiffOps are following the composite pattern,
which seems very much like the right choice to me. I would not mind being
proven wrong or having other constructive discussion though.

"This is crap" is not constructive.


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[MediaWiki-l] New extension: Diff

2012-09-25 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

I'm happy to announce the first release of a new little extension I wrote
called Diff.


It's a small utility library which might be of use to anyone creating a new
extension :)


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] New Extension: AllTimeZones

2012-04-04 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
There already is such unit conversion code. In parserFunctions extension

Sent from my Android phone.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] New Extension: AllTimeZones

2012-04-04 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

I had a quick look at this extension and have some suggestions:

* Escape ALL variables in HTML you are building. You can use
htmlspecialchars, the methods of MediaWikis HTML class, and in this case
probably want to just construct the whole thing with XmlSelect.

* You are not fully following the style guidelines. The spacing is off and
you are using underscores in var names instead of lowerCamelCase. See

* Don't use the 'description' in wgExtensionCredits, use 'descriptionmsg'
instead, and properly internationalize it.

Next to that it looks great, although I'm not completely sure the i18n is
all in order when using the native PHP time functions :)


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] [WikiEN-l] Invitation to help beta-test the MediaWiki 1.19 extension for the Wikipedia Education Program

2012-03-06 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> The users that are assigned this user access level will inherit
privileges from the ep-instructor, ep-campus-ambassador, and
ep-online-ambassador, and will be able to administer those user access
levels. Other than that, it's a typical autoconfirmed user.

For a more complete overview of the rights, see

Note that the skip captcha one currently assigned to all of the education
groups is just present on the demo wiki and won't be copied over to any


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[Mediawiki-l] Semantic MediaWiki 1.7.1 released!

2012-03-05 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

We are proud to announce the immediate release of Semantic MediaWiki 1.7.1,
the next minor version after 1.7, which brings a few cool new features and
a ton of bugfixes.

Many thanks go to all the people that contributed to this release, without
you this release would not have been possible :)

== What's new ==

* Added basic support for OpenLink Virtuoso RDF database. In addition to
  $smwgDefaultStore = 'SMWSparqlStore', users should set
  $smwgSparqlDatabase = 'SMWSparqlDatabaseVirtuoso' and use Virtuoso's
  endpoint at ./sparql/ for query and update alike. for further remarks and
  limitations, see the file
./includes/sparql/SMW_SparqlDatabaseVirtuoso.php .
* Added ability to sort dates as dates in tables generated by SMW (bug
* Added "Last editor is" and "Is a new page" special properties (bug 34359).

== Bug fixes ==


* When there are only invalid query conditions, query answering is stopped
(bug 33177).
* Fixed display of nearby values on Special:SearchByProperty (bug 34178).
* Fixed display of URL values (bug 34312, 34044).
* Fixed warning when browsing certain property pages (bug 34306).
* Fixed failure of SMW_setup --delete when using postgresql (bug 31153).
* Fixed division by 0 error when setting the "Corresponds to" property to 0
(bug 32594).
* Fixed accept header send with SPARQL query requests (bug 32280).
* Fixed unresolved prefixed name in SPARQL queries (bug 33687).
* Fixed issues with modification date property occurring when using
SMWSparqlStore (bug 30989).
* Fixed erroneous SPARQL for property value comparison queries (bug 30993).
* Fixed broken +index=x for records (bug 30284).
* Fixed querying of subobjects using 4store as a datastore.
* Fixed issue with namespace internationalization (bug 34383).

Plus these fixed after 1.7:

* Fixed creation of concept cache and display of matching objects on
concept pages (bug 32592, 32718).
* Fixed fatal error occurring for some invalid property definitions (bug
* Fixed error in RSS when using creator or date parameters (bug 33721).
* Fixed incorrect offset of export formats (bug 33726).
* Fixed bug in "further results" links causing the main column to be
displayed twice on Special:Ask (bug 33473).
* Fixed incorrect case-sensitivity of the format parameter (bug 31138).
* Fixed internationalization of magic words.
* Fixed offset and limit value in further results links (bug 33575).

== Compatibility changes ==

None. The next scheduled release of SMW, which is SMW 1.8, will drop
support for MediaWiki 1.16.x.

== Download ==

You can get this release from

* SourceForge:
* SVN:

== Installation / Upgrading ==

You can install or upgrade as usual. You will need to run the table update
script via Special:SMWAdmin or maintenance/SMW_setup.php.

More detailed installation instructions can be found on the SMW wiki:

A slightly more extensive overview of this release can be found here:


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] update version 1.15 to 1.18

2012-02-09 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

Sent from my Android phone.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] How to get page ID and title

2012-01-22 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> how can I get the page ID and title

Where do you need this? And what MediaWiki version(s) are you developing

If you are developing for MW 1.18 or later, on a lot of places you'll be
able to call ->getTitle either on $this or some object passed along. This
method is available on all stuff deriving from RequestContext. For earlier
versions you can get the title object via the global $wgTitle. Once you
have the title you can get the page name via ->getText or similar methods
and the article id via ->getArticleID.

btw, such questions are better asked on wikitech:


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] Best way to get html/parsed version of a wiktionary

2012-01-09 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> What is the best/easiest way to get a parsed version (including template
> resolution) of all entries of a wiktionary (separate html files for each
> entry for example).

AFAIK action=render: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/foobar?action=render


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[Mediawiki-l] Semantic Result Formats 1.7 released

2012-01-02 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I am proud to announce the immediate release of Semantic Result Formats 1.7,
the next major version after 1.6.2, which brings several new features,
internal improvements and bugfixes.

== Compatibility changes ==

* Compatibility with SMW 1.7 and later.
* Dropped support for MediaWiki 1.15.x and SMW < 1.7.
* Full compatibility with MediaWiki 1.18 and foreward-compatibility with

== What's new ==

* Added value distribution support to jqplotpie and jqplotbar.
* Added min parameter to jqplotbar to set the minimun value for the Y-axis.
* Added pointlabel parameter to jqplotbar and chartlegend, legendlocation,
  datalabels and datalabeltype parameters to jqplotpie based on a patches
by James Hong Kong.
* Made array and hash formats compatible with 'Array' extension 2.0 and
'HashTables' 1.0.
* Added summary parameter to the icalendar format.
* Added warning message to jqplotpie and jqplotbar shown when there are no
results instead of a non-working chart.

== Download ==

You can get this release from

* Google Code:
* SVN:

More info on the Semantic Result Formats extension can be found here:


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[Mediawiki-l] Semantic MediaWiki 1.7 released

2012-01-02 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

We are proud to announce the immediate release of Semantic MediaWiki 1.7,
the next major version after 1.6.1, which brings many new features,
internal improvements and bugfixes.

Many thanks go to all the people that contributed to this release, without
you this release would not have been possible :)

== What's new ==

* Added native "internal objects" that can be set using #setobject.
* Added support for selecting a default graph when using RDF stores,
  configuration called $smwgSparqlDefaultGraph
* Use of native MediaWiki sortable tables for the table formats.
* Added value distribution functionality that can be used by result
* Added validation and manipulation of the format paremeter using Validator.
* Added 'class' parameter to the 'table' format, which allows setting the
* Added automatically-generated CSS classes for rows and cells in 'table'
* Added alpha version of native SMW Ask API with modules 'ask' and
* Added setting to choose which optional special properties are enabled
* Added creation date special property (disabled by default) (bug 32165).
* Added support for altitudes in geographic coordinates (bug 32698).
* Added definitions for missing params (sort, order, searchlabel) to the
base query printer.
* Added automatic invocation of the SMW_setup maintenance script when
  update.php (for MW >= 1.19).
* Added support for the Page Schemas extension.

== Compatibility changes ==

* Dropped compatibility with MediaWiki 1.15.x (and earlier).
* Dropped compatibility with old-style (SMW < 1.6) query printers.
  This means that older versions of extensions that add result formats,
  such as Semantic Result Formats, will no longer work with SMW 1.7.
  More recent versions will of course work properly.
* Full compatibility with MediaWiki 1.18 and foreward-compatibility with

== Bug fixes ==

This release comes with a load of bug fixes, of which some are listed below:

* Fixed separator and filename parameters for the DSV format.
* Fixed display of properties of type URL (bug 30912).
* Fixed hide query functionality on Special:Ask (bug 30768).
* Fixed display of internal SMW helper constants in certain queries (bug
* Fixed some issues with the category result format (including bug 30761).
* Fixed email validation issue (bug 32295).
* Fixed incorrect handling of sort and order parameters on Special:Ask (bug
* Fixed display of images to old behaviour after a recent regression.
* Fixed fatal error in the concept cache maintenance script (bug 32592).
* Fixed factbox links to Special:SearchByProperty containing numerical
numbers for
  wikis in languages with the comma as decimal separator instead of a dot.
* Fixed the "hide incoming properties" link on Special:Browse.

== Download ==

You can get this release from

* SourceForge:
* SVN:

== Installation / Upgrading ==

You can install or upgrade as usual. You will need to run the table update
script via Special:SMWAdmin or maintenance/SMW_setup.php.

More detailed installation instructions can be found on the SMW wiki:

A slightly more extensive overview of this release can be found here:


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] How to add new special page group?

2011-12-13 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> That's for Special:Version.

Oops. You're right, somehow managed to misread that.

Robert, in that case what you have ought to work. It's what I'm doing here,
and it works just fine:


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] How to add new special page group?

2011-12-12 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> I'd like my extension's new special page to go under a new special page
group in Special:SpecialPages

Assuming you are developing for 1.17 and later, you can use this hook:


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] ExtensionDistributor

2011-11-07 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> Today tried twice to download ParserFunctions using the extension
> distributor in the MediaWiki page but it says: "Unable to contact remote
> subversion client". There is another way to download extensions?

In case of ParserFunctions, no one makes actual releases with tarballs, so
you need to either get it via subversion, or some tool that does that for
you and gives you a tarball, such as the extension distributor.

You can get a days old checkout of the extension by grabbing the latest dev
build of Semantic Bundle, which includes Parser Functions:


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[Mediawiki-l] MediaWiki 1.18 release plans

2011-10-14 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

I'm curious to what the release plans for 1.18 are. 1.18wmf1 has been
deployed on the wmf wikis, but still there is no beta release for 1.18. For
when is such an initial beta planned, and what's the target data for the
actual 1.18 release?


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] Copy batch of pages from one wiki to another

2011-09-06 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

The Push extension [0] can do what you want. It allows pushing a single page
from one wiki to another, or a list, which can be constructed manually or by
specifying namespaces or categories, much like you can on Special:Export.
This also takes care of transferring embedded files and templates when
specified. Pages are handled one by one, so it won't timeout when
transferring many pages.

[0] https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/mediawiki/wiki/Extension:Push


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] [Semediawiki-user] Improved speed for loading pages in SMW sites

2011-08-26 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> Are there ways to speed up the page load time?

Not mentioned in the stuff liked by people so far, but highly relevant: Get
MediaWiki 1.17 or later when using older versions, so you get all the wins
from the Resource Loader: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Resource_loader


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[Mediawiki-l] Semantic Result Formats 1.6 released

2011-07-31 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I'm happy to announce the release of Semantic Result Formats 1.6 [0]. This
release adds several new features and compatibility with Semantic MediaWiki

Changes in this version:
* Added compatibility with SMW 1.6.
* Rewrote math formats for efficiency, correct recursion and handling of
multiple numerical properties.
* Cleaned up the graph format.
* Fixed division by zero issue (oh shii~) in the tagcloud format.
* Added parameter descriptions to the graph and ploticus formats.
* Added support for SMW 1.6 style parameter handling to the tagcloud format.
* Somewhat cleaned up the BibTeX format.
* Fixed double HTML escaping issue in the tagcloud format.
* Added fileextensions parameter to the Gallery format and added missing
parameter description messages.

New result formats in this version are:
* product
* median

You can find download and installation instructions here [1]. This version
of SRF has been included in the Semantic Bundle [2] that was released
yesterday, so can be obtained by downloading SB as well.

Thanks to all people that helped out with this release by finding bugs,
submitting patches, testing, translating, ect.

The Exhbit format is currently broken with MW 1.17 and above, and is in need
of a maintainer. If you are interested in taking care of that format,
definitely poke me.

[2] https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/mediawiki/wiki/Semantic_Bundle


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[Mediawiki-l] New extension: Semantic Watchlist

2011-07-30 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

We're very happy to announce the first release of a new (Semantic) MediaWiki
extension titled Semantic Watchlist.

Semantic Watchlist extends Semantic
MediaWiki<http://semantic-mediawiki.org/>by adding the capability to
watch/follow sets of properties for groups of
pages (that can be specified with categories and namespaces). You can view
changes to these properties via Special:SemanticWatchlist, which works
similar to the regular MediaWiki watchlist. You can also request to be
notified via email when a change is made.

There are already two extensions that notify users about changes to SMW
property values: Semantic Notifications [2] and Semantic NotifyMe [3]. We
decided to create a new extension because we wanted the ability for users to
get notifications in ways other than email: via a watchlist on the page, or
potentially via other ways in the future as well, like Twitter updates.

A writeup of the functionality of this extension, including some screenshots
and download links can be found on Jeroens blog [0]. Documentation for the
extension can be found on MediaWiki.org [1].



Jeroen De Dauw & Yaron Koren
MediaWiki-l mailing list

[Mediawiki-l] Semantic MediaWiki 1.6 released

2011-07-30 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I'm very happy to announce the release of Semantic MediaWiki 1.6.

This release has been in the making over the past four months and includes
contributions by many people. It brings significant improvements to SMWs
architecture and introduces many new features. The most important changes
are listed below:

* Full support added for storing SMW data directly within an RDF
triplestore, and for answering #ask queries based on this data.
* The Type namespace has been abolished. Builtin types now are displayed by
the special page Special:Types, and there are no "custom types" any longer.
* Changed the way in which units of measurement work. Type:Number now does
not accept any units, and a new type "Quantity" is used for numbers with
* The declaration of Type:Record properties has changed. Instead of a list
of datatypes, the declaration now requires a list of properties that are to
be used for the fields of the record.
* Introduced pre-defined builtin properties for every datatype.
* Changed the way parameters in query printers are specified and handled
using the Validator extension.
* Added UNIX-style DSV (Delimiter-separated values) result format.
* Reworked internal data model.
* Fixed PostgreSQL issues with the installation and upgrade code.
* Added #smwdoc parser hook that displays a table with parameter
documentation for a single specified result format.
* Fixed escaping issues in the JSON result format.

For a more comprehensive list of these changes, see the release notes [0]
and blog post I made about this release [1]. As usual, you can also consult
the SMW 1.6 page on the SMW wiki [2] and the installation and upgrade
instructions [3].

To keep up to date with SMW developments, you can follow the SMW Twitter [4]
or Indenti.ca [5].

[1] http://blog.bn2vs.com/2011/07/30/semantic-mediawiki-1-6-released/
[2] http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki_1.6
[3] http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Installation_1.6
[4] https://twitter.com/#!/SemanticWiki
[5] https://identi.ca/smw


Jeroen De Dauw
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Re: [Mediawiki-l] sementics mediawiki compatibility with oracle database.?

2011-05-26 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

I'm not really familiar with Oracle, but SMW currently only supports MySQL
and PostGres. Not sure how hard it would be to support Oracle.


Jeroen De Dauw
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[Mediawiki-l] Maps compatibility note

2011-03-16 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

A quick warning for people using the Maps [0] (and Semantic Maps [1])
extension from svn: the code on trunk has just became dependent on MediaWiki
1.17 or above. If you are running an older version of MediaWiki and want to
continue update (Semantic) Maps 0.7.x from svn, "svn switch" to these

* Maps: http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/branches/Maps0.7.x/
* Semantic Maps:

[0] https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/mediawiki/wiki/Extension:Maps


Jeroen De Dauw
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MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] mediawiki+security

2011-03-11 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

Why would you want to store passwords in a wiki? They are not really
something you collaboratively edit.

In any case, MediaWiki is not build with the idea of hiding content in mind,
so I highly recommend against using it to store passwords.


Jeroen De Dauw
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[Mediawiki-l] New MediaWiki extension: Push

2010-12-15 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I’m happy to announce the release of a new MediaWiki extension titled
'Push'. It enables you to easily push content of wiki pages to one or more
other MediaWiki installs. The extension documentation is located here [0]
and a blog post going over the usage of the extension can be found at [1].

Feedback is welcome on the documentation talk page.

[0] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Push
[1] http://blog.bn2vs.com/2010/12/15/new-mediawiki-extension-push/


Jeroen De Dauw
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[Mediawiki-l] Semantic MediaWiki 1.5.3 released

2010-11-04 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

I' happy to announce that Semantic MediaWiki 1.5.3 [0] has been released and
is available for download [1]. This release adds several new comparators,
compatibility with the upcoming MediaWiki 1.17 and several internal
improvements. Some security enhancements have also been made, so upgrading
is recommended.

[0] http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki_1.5.3
[1] https://sourceforge.net/projects/semediawiki/files/


Jeroen De Dauw
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Re: [Mediawiki-l] [Maps] Unknown Method

2010-10-21 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

> Fatal error: Call to undefined method Title::isSpecialPage() in...

It appears I made the extension incompatible with MW 1.15 in the latest
release without realising it. Either downgrade to Maps 0.7, or upgrade to MW
1.16. I will ensure compatibility is regained in the next release.


Jeroen De Dauw
* http://blog.bn2vs.com
* http://wiki.bn2vs.com
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[Mediawiki-l] Maps 0.7.1: images as layers

2010-10-20 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

Maps 0.7.1 [0] and Semantic Maps 0.7.1 [1] are now available for download
[2]. The main new feature in this release is the long awaited images as
layers [3]. It allows you to display images with OpenLayers, so users can
pan and zoom around, and markers can be placed to draw attention to certain
area's and provide additional information.

[0] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps_0.7.1
[1] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Semantic_Maps_0.7.1
[2] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Download
[3] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Images_as_layers


Jeroen De Dauw
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[Mediawiki-l] Maps and Semantic Maps 0.7 released

2010-10-16 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

Version 0.7 of both the Maps and Semantic Maps extensions is now available
for download [0]. This release is made after 3 beta's and a release
candidate, so should be stable. The most notable new features in this
release are tag extension support for all the Maps parser functions, more
consistent error handling via Validator  0.4 and compatibility with the
upcoming MediaWiki 1.17. Most changes are internal improvements, but there
are also several bug fixes and minor new features.

For a complete list of changes, see the release announcement on the wiki

[0] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Download
[1] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps_and_Semanic_Maps_0.7_released


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[Mediawiki-l] Maps and Semantic Maps 0.7 beta available

2010-10-09 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

I'm happy to announce version 0.7 beta of the Maps [0] and Semantic Maps [1]
extensions. The most notable new features in this release are tag extension
support for all the Maps parser functions, more consistent error handling
and compatibility with the upcoming MediaWiki 1.17. Most changes are
internal improvements, but there are also several bug fixes and minor new
features. More at [2].

You can get the latest beta here [3], or simply get the extensions from SVN
trunk. Please report any issues you find on the discussion page of the
relevant extension.

[0] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps
[1] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Semantic_Maps
[3] https://code.google.com/p/semanticmaps/downloads/list


Jeroen De Dauw
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[Mediawiki-l] Maps and Semantic Maps 0.6.6 released

2010-08-27 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

Maps and Semantic Maps 0.6.6 are now available for download [0]. This
release addresses some problems with coordinate parsing, wikitext in marker
pop-ups and geocoding from behind proxies. It should be the most stable
release of both extensions to date, so you are advised to upgrade if
stability is important for you. More information about this release can be
found on my blog [1] and on the documentation wiki [2].

[0] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Help:Download
[1] http://blog.bn2vs.com/2010/08/27/maps-and-semantic-maps-0-6-6-released/
[2] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Mapping_on_MediaWiki


Jeroen De Dauw
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[Mediawiki-l] Maps and Semantic Maps 0.6.5 released

2010-07-28 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

Maps [0] and Semantic Maps [1] 0.6.5 are now available for download [2].
This release contains mainly internal changes to improve code modularity and
fix some security concerns. Several bugs have been fixed as well, and a new
hook has been added to Semantic Maps. Everyone running 0.6.2 or older is
advised to upgrade as soon as possible. More information can be found in
this blog post [3].

[0] https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/mediawiki/wiki/Extension:Maps
[2] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Help:Download
[3] http://blog.bn2vs.com/2010/07/28/maps-and-semantic-maps-0-6-5-released/


Jeroen De Dauw
* http://blog.bn2vs.com
* http://wiki.bn2vs.com
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[Mediawiki-l] Maps and Semantic Maps 0.6.4 released

2010-07-08 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

Maps and Semantic Maps 0.6.4 are now available for download [0]. This
release contains several new features, amongst which basic KML support for
Google Maps, a new OSM service implementation and re-added service links
support to the Geographical Coordinates data-type in Semantic Maps. For a
full list of changes since 0.6.3 see changes to Maps and changes to SM.
Everyone running 0.6.2 or older is advised to upgrade as soon as possible.

You can find a more detailed description of the new features and other
changes on my blog [1].

[0] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Help:Download
[1] http://blog.bn2vs.com/2010/07/08/maps-and-semantic-maps-0-6-4-released/


Jeroen De Dauw
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[Mediawiki-l] Maps and Semantic Maps 0.6.4 rc1

2010-07-05 Thread Jeroen De Dauw

For the early adopters and people having issues with the latest release of
Maps and Semantic Maps:

You can now download and try out 0.6.4 release candidate 1 [0]. This release
contains mainly bugfixes, but also some new features. View the changes to
Maps and Semantic Maps made so far here [1] and here [2]. I will release
0.6.4 in a couple of days, before Wikimania, so please be quick reporting
any issues you might find.

[0] http://semanticmaps.googlecode.com/files/MapsAndSemanticMaps0.6.4rc1.zip
[1] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps/Version_history#Maps_0.6.4


Jeroen De Dauw
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[Mediawiki-l] Maps and Semantic Maps 0.6.3 released

2010-06-20 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Maps [0] and Semantic Maps [1] 0.6.3 are now available for download [2].
This release is one aimed to improve stability and addresses a number of
bugs that where present in 0.6.x. Some notable fixed issues are a failure of
parsing any coordinates containing a degree symbol that surfaced in 0.6.2,
and the failing of non-Google Maps form inputs. Some internal rewriting has
also been done, which was needed to address some of these bugs, and will
enable future awesomeness increase. The included OpenLayers library has also
been upgraded to 2.9.1. (changes to Maps [3], changes to SM [4]). People
running any 0.6.x are advised to upgrade. Especially people using Semantic
Maps in conjunction with Semantic Forms [5], as both 0.6 and 0.6.1 contain
undesired behaviour in the forms.

A new release of Semantic Bundle [6], which will include these versions of
the mapping extensions, is likely to soon be released as well :)

You can also read the release notes on my blog [7] and on the documentation
site [8].

[0] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps
[1] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Semantic_Maps
[2] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Help:Download
[3] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps/Version_history#Maps_0.6.3
[5] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Semantic_Forms
[6] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Semantic_Bundle
[7] http://blog.bn2vs.com/2010/06/20/maps-and-semantic-maps-0-6-3-released/
[8] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps_and_Semantic_Maps_0.6.3_released

Jeroen De Dauw
* http://blog.bn2vs.com
* http://wiki.bn2vs.com
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[Mediawiki-l] Maps and Semantic Maps 0.6.2 released

2010-06-07 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Hey all

Maps and Semantic Maps 0.6.2 are now available for download [0].

This release contains improvements to parameter handling, case insensitivity
has been re-added, and using default parameters together with named ones
will work more intuitive. In Maps the handling of distances has also been
considerably improved: there is a new #distance parser function, additional
distance related parameters in #geodistance, and new settings that allow you
to customize the default distance behaviour. In Semantic Maps a rather
important bugfix has been made which solves a problem with editing articles
with forms that contain maps that arose in 0.6.1. (changes to Maps [1],
changes to SM [2]). People running 0.6 and 0.6.1 are advised to upgrade.
Especially people using Semantic Maps in conjunction with Semantic Forms
[3], as both 0.6 and 0.6.1 contain undesired behaviour in the forms.

You can also read this message on the documentation wiki [4].

[0] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Help:Download
[1] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps/Version_history#Maps_0.6.2
[3] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Forms
[4] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps_and_Semantic_Maps_0.6.2_released


Jeroen De Dauw
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[Mediawiki-l] Maps and Semantic Maps 0.6.1 released

2010-06-03 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Maps [0] and Semantic Maps [1] 0.6.1 have been released, and are available
for download [2]. This release does not add any new features to 0.6, but
contains multiple important bugfixes [3, 4]. People running 0.6 are advised
to upgrade. Especially people using Semantic Maps 0.6 in conjunction with
Semantic Forms, as the mapping form inputs in 0.6 will output invalid
coordinates when editing existing ones or inserting new ones.

[0] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps
[1] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Semantic_Maps
[2] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Help:Download
[3] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps/Version_history#Maps_0.6.1

Jeroen De Dauw
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[Mediawiki-l] Maps (and Semantic Maps) 0.6 released

2010-05-31 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
Maps <http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps> [0] and Semantic
Maps<http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Semantic_Maps>[1] 0.6 are now
available for download [2].

This is a big update, including a lot of new features, bug fixes, security
patches, and most of all, internal improvements, making both extensions more
modular and extendible (these changes are not covered here, see the relevant
change logs for more info). It is also the first release of Semantic Maps
that requires you to run the SMW update script, as it requires a new table
layout to store coordinates (more info on

The important new features are:

   - Maps now supports real coordinate parsing and formatting, which allows
   you to input coordinates in any of the supported notations at any point in
   the extension, and can also request any output to be in the notation of your
   choice. This means you can now choose what format Semantic
coordinates in, such as in ask queries. The supported notations are
   DMS, decimal degrees, decimal minutes and floats. All those can be either
   directional or non directional. A new parser function has been added that
   allows you to convert between any of these formats:

   - New geographical functions:
#geodistance<http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Geodistance>and #
   finddestination <http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Finddestination>. You
   can use the #geodistance parser function to calculate the geographical
   distance between two points, from and to any of the supported formats. The
   #finddestination parser function can be used to find a destination given a
   starting point, an initial bearing and a distance.

   - Related to the new geographical functions is a rewritten distance query
   in Semantic Maps. It now takes into account performance and is scalable,
   which the old query was not, by using the new storage structure for
   coordinates. The notation for distance queries has also changed. Instead of
   using the like operator and a global distance parameter ( like
   #ask:[[Property: :~coordinates]]|distance=42 ) you now only have to specify
   your distance locally in the coordinate criteria itself like
   #ask:[[Property: :coordinates (42 km)]]. Like you can see you can now also
   specify a unit, which can be any of the supported

   - Support for various width and height notations. Previously Maps only
   accepted width and height values is px, forcing you to use maps of fixed
   sizes. Since most people want to have their complete page width visible even
   on small screens, this resulted in a lot of people using rather small maps,
   and so wasting screen space. 0.6 allows you to specify the size in px, ex,
   em, and most importantly, in %. The syntax is what you’d expect:
   width=”420px”, width=”420em”, width=”42%”. width=”420″ will default to using
   px, so is backward compatible. When using the % values, maps will even adapt
   their size when the screen width or the height of the container they are in
   is changed after the page has loaded.

   - Not a new feature, but rather one that’s removed:
OSM<http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/OSM>support. The OSM service has
been completely removed from Maps and Semantic
   Maps as it was rather broken and not easy to upgrade to the internal
   structure of Maps 0.6. I’m planning to add it back later on, rewritten from
   ground up, in 0.6.1 or 0.6.2 or so. Note that you can still view OSM maps on
   your wiki using the
OpenLayers<http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/OpenLayers>service, which
has build in OSM layers, and also allows you to define your
   own layers since 0.5.5.

The most notable bugfixes are:

   - Fixed conflict with prototype library that caused compatibility
   problems with the Halo extension.
   - Added automatic icon image sizing for Google Maps and Yahoo! Maps
   - Various security fixes, mostly preventing XSS attacks.

If no serious bugs are found in this release, a minor update can be expected
in a month or so.
[0] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Maps
[1] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Semantic_Maps
[2] http://mapping.referata.com/wiki/Help:Download

Jeroen De Dauw
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Re: [Mediawiki-l] api.php & SMW

2010-04-14 Thread Jeroen De Dauw
I'm not aware of any. There is an extension [0] for doing write queries
though. What do you need this for?

The Semedia-user list [1] is probably the best place to ask questions like

[0] http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:SMWWriter
[1] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=semediawiki-user
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On 14 April 2010 23:33, MK  wrote:

> Are there any extensions to the MW API to do semantic property
> queries, eg, to return a list of pages where ?prop=value or some such?
> --
> MK 
> ___
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[Mediawiki-l] Maps: OpenLayers: What layer do YOU want?

2010-02-08 Thread jeroen De Dauw

This is a request for feedback from people who are (or are going to) using the 
Maps extension with the OpenLayers service.

The next version of Maps will feature the awesome ability to define your own 
layers by putting stuff in LocalSettings, so you're not longer limited to the 
ones that are hardcoded in. On top of this I'd also like to review the layers 
that come with the extension as default. This are the services supported as 
layers ATM:

* Google Maps (streets, satellite, hybrid and terrain)
* Yahoo! Maps (streets, satellite and hybrid)
* Bing Maps (streets, satellite and hybrid)
* OpenStreetMap (osmarender, mapnik, cycle map)

There are probably a lot of awesome tile sources out there that are useful to a 
lot of users but that are not in yet. So if anyone knows a data source that 
he/she would like to be able to use via Maps with OpenLayers, just give me a 
poke, and a lot of chance I'll put it in :)



Jeroen De Dauw 

* Wiki: wiki.bn2vs.com
* Blog: blog.bn2vs.com

* Skype: rts.bn.vs

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[Mediawiki-l] Google Summer of Code 2010

2010-01-26 Thread jeroen De Dauw
Hey all,

Google Summer of Code 2010 [0] has been announced [1] by Google's open source 

I'm assuming Wikimedia Foundation will again apply as mentoring organization 
this year. Can anybody confirm this? Also, who is (or will be) coordinating 
GSoC efforts? I have several suggestions to improve how things are done 
compared to last year, and am willing to help :)

I'd also like to point out that WE NEED MENTORS. Last year the amount of 
students that could be accepted, and therefore projects that could be done, was 
limited by the amount of available mentors, and currently only Yaron Koren has 
signed up. I'm fairly certain there are a lot of awesome people in the 
community who would want to mentor a student though. If you are one of them, 
please add your name to the list of the GSoC 2010 page [2]. Also, please add 
any idea's you have for projects to this page.


[2] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Summer_of_Code_2010



Jeroen De Dauw 

* Wiki: wiki.bn2vs.com
* Blog: blog.bn2vs.com

* Skype: rts.bn.vs

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[Mediawiki-l] Maps and Semantic Maps 0.5 released

2009-12-17 Thread jeroen De Dauw

I'd like to announce the latest release of Maps [0] and Semantic Maps
[1]. These new versions include a bunch of new features, as well as a lot 
improvements to the code itself.

Some highlights:

* Strict parameter validation which allows you to get specific errors or 
warnings when entering
invalid values or parameters. This functionality is obtained by relying
on the Validator [2] extension, which saw it’s first release today. This
makes Maps dependent on Validator. Every distribution of Maps does
include Validator, and Maps will automatically load Validator when it’s
not loaded yet, so no extra installation work is required (unless you
get the code from SVN).

* Static map support makes you able to display maps as plain images instead of 
via a
JavaScript (or other non-html language, for example flash) mapping API.
This is very important since it makes viewing the maps possible for
people who are browsing the web with a browser that does not support
JavaScript (or this other language), or simply have it disabled for
some reason.

* Added support for GUI parameter selection of Yaron’s new version of SMW’s 
Special:Ask page to the query printers.

* Moved the geographical coordinate data type handling from Semantic
MediaWiki to Semantic Maps.

For a complete list of changes, see the relevant change logs [3], or my blog 
post about this release [4].


I created some new documentation, in the form of 2 screencasts; one 
demonstrating the use of display_map [5], and one covering display_point(s) 
[6]. The developer documentation on how to extend Maps has also been completely 

To ensure maximum stability, I encourage everyone using Maps or Semantic Maps 
to update as soon as possible.

If you have any suggestions, or find any bugs, let me know!

[0] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps
[1] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Maps
[2] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Validator
[3] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps/Version_history#Maps_0.5, 
[4] http://blog.bn2vs.com/2009/12/17/maps-and-semantic-maps-0-5-released/



Jeroen De Dauw 

* Forum: code.bn2vs.com
* Blog: blog.bn2vs.com

* Skype: rts.bn.vs

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[Mediawiki-l] Maps and Semantic Maps 0.4 released

2009-11-04 Thread jeroen De Dauw

I'd like to announce the latest release of Maps [0] and Semantic Maps [1]. 
These new versions include a load of under the hood changes, as well as new 
functionality, and the usual bugfixes. Some highlights:

* Added display_map parser function. This parser function is optimized for 
simply displaying a map without any markers.
* Added OpenStreetMap service, using OpenLayers, but optimized for OSM
* Added 'smart geocoding'. Maps will now auto-detect if a value is an address, 
and if so, attempt to geocode. This allowed for the removal of 
display_address(es). All maps with markers are now handled by display_point(s).

For a complete list of changes, see the relevant change logs [2].

I encourage everyone using Maps or Semantic Maps to upgrade as soon as 
possible, for maximum stability, and use of the new syntax.

If you have any suggestions, or find any bugs, let me know!

[0] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps
[1] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Maps
[2] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps/Version_history#Maps_0.4, 



Jeroen De Dauw 

* Forum: code.bn2vs.com
* Blog: blog.bn2vs.com

* Skype: rts.bn.vs

Don't panic. Don't be evil.70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 6D 69 6E 67 20 34 20 6C 69 66 

MediaWiki-l mailing list

Re: [Mediawiki-l] [SMW-devel] Maps and Semantic Maps released

2009-08-23 Thread jeroen De Dauw

Those services are indeed impressive. Thanks a lot for the awesome suggestion! 
I'm going to try to add a handler for this service right away :)

Jeroen De Dauw

Forum: code.bn2vs.com
Blog: blog.bn2vs.com

Skype: rts.bn.vs  ; Xfire: bn2vs

Don't panic. Don't be evil.
70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 6D 69 6E 67 20 34 20 6C 69 66 65!

From: Joel Natividad 
To: jeroen De Dauw 
Cc: semediawiki-de...@lists.sourceforge.net; mediawiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 4:30:17 PM
Subject: Re: [SMW-devel] Maps and Semantic Maps released


Have you looked at geonames?  They have an impressive list of free web services 

I used them myself for a project 2 years back and its pretty good.


On Aug 23, 2009, at 8:12 AM, jeroen De Dauw wrote:

>I see your point. Would you find the geocoding approach acceptible if an open 
>source service was available next to the ones of Google and Yahoo? I've been 
>seraching for such an altternate and open source service before the 0.2 
>release, but simply was unable to find a decent working one. If you know one, 
>please let me know!
>I'm going to poke Yaron about your suggestion to add the DMS notation, if he 
>thinks it's a good idea, I'll implement it before 0.4. Of course, if someone 
>feels like doing that, feel free to do so, but give me a poke to avoid double 
>Jeroen De Dauw
>Forum: code.bn2vs.com
>Blog: blog.bn2vs.com
>Skype: rts.bn.vs ; Xfire: bn2vs
>Don't panic. Don't be evil.
>70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 6D 69 6E 67 20 34 20 6C 69 66 65!

From: Temlakos 
>To: jeroen De Dauw 
>Cc: semediawiki-de...@lists.sourceforge.net; mediawiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org
>Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 1:47:14 PM
>Subject: Re: [SMW-devel] Maps and Semantic Maps released
>Geocoding means using a proprietary service, and getting a license that could 
>easily be revoked. I don't know how acquainted you are with American politics, 
>but let me tell you this: Google.com has been playing politics with their 
>search engine, their tools, everything. They have rigged their searches to 
>push politically conservative and religiously oriented sites to the bottom of 
>the rankings--which is why my wiki never bears mention in any search on 
>Google, but they bear plenty of good mention on other search engines.
>If they have demonstrated their willingness to play politics with their search 
>engine, what is to stop them from playing politics with any of their other 
>/proprietary/ APIs? A /proprietor/ reserves the right to refuse service to 
>anyone, for any reason or no reason.
>I don't want to be held at the mercy of any /proprietor/. That rather defeats, 
>even violates, the purpose of open-source. I want to be able to do all my maps 
>on OpenLayers, and stay away from Google, if I can. I'm not even sure that our 
>license (the GFDL) would even /allow/ us to do anything else. That aside, we 
>have a policy to stay a million kilometers away from anything that even hints 
>at a legal encumbrance.
>Besides: some of my sites are ancient, and might not even exist anymore. For 
>such sites, geocoding, even /open-source/ geocoding, would be flatly 
>jeroen De Dauw wrote:
>> Hey,
>> >Does either Maps or Semantic Maps provide a means by which to display a
>> map with a marker at a set of coordinates given in degrees, minutes, and
>> seconds?
>>  No, they do not support that notation. It would not be that hard to 
>> implement, but no one has asked for it before, so I guess the demand is 
>> pretty low.
>> Is simply geocoding the actual addresses with the build in #geocode parser 
>> function [0] not an option? That way you can avoid having to work with 
>> coordinates all together.
>> [0] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps#Geocoding
>> Cheers,
>> Jeroen De Dauw
>>  Forum: code <http://code.bn2vs.com>.bn2vs.com <http://code.bn2vs.com>
>> Blog: blog.bn2vs.com <http://blog.bn2vs.com>
>> Skype: rts.bn.vs ; Xfire: bn2vs
>> Don't panic. Don't be evil.
>> 70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 6D 69 6E 67 20 34 20 6C 69 66 65!
>> *From:* Temlakos 
>> *To:* jeroen De Dauw 
>> *Cc:* semediawiki-de...@lists.sourceforge.net; 
>> mediawiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org
>> *Sent:* Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:18:19 AM
>> *Subject:

Re: [Mediawiki-l] [SMW-devel] Maps and Semantic Maps released

2009-08-23 Thread jeroen De Dauw

I see your point. Would you find the geocoding approach acceptible if an open 
source service was available next to the ones of Google and Yahoo? I've been 
seraching for such an altternate and open source service before the 0.2 
release, but simply was unable to find a decent working one. If you know one, 
please let me know!

I'm going to poke Yaron about your suggestion to add the DMS notation, if he 
thinks it's a good idea, I'll implement it before 0.4. Of course, if someone 
feels like doing that, feel free to do so, but give me a poke to avoid double 

Jeroen De Dauw

Forum: code.bn2vs.com
Blog: blog.bn2vs.com

Skype: rts.bn.vs  ; Xfire: bn2vs

Don't panic. Don't be evil.
70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 6D 69 6E 67 20 34 20 6C 69 66 65!

From: Temlakos 
To: jeroen De Dauw 
Cc: semediawiki-de...@lists.sourceforge.net; mediawiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 1:47:14 PM
Subject: Re: [SMW-devel] Maps and Semantic Maps released


Geocoding means using a proprietary service, and getting a license that could 
easily be revoked. I don't know how acquainted you are with American politics, 
but let me tell you this: Google.com has been playing politics with their 
search engine, their tools, everything. They have rigged their searches to push 
politically conservative and religiously oriented sites to the bottom of the 
rankings--which is why my wiki never bears mention in any search on Google, but 
they bear plenty of good mention on other search engines.

If they have demonstrated their willingness to play politics with their search 
engine, what is to stop them from playing politics with any of their other 
/proprietary/ APIs? A /proprietor/ reserves the right to refuse service to 
anyone, for any reason or no reason.

I don't want to be held at the mercy of any /proprietor/. That rather defeats, 
even violates, the purpose of open-source. I want to be able to do all my maps 
on OpenLayers, and stay away from Google, if I can. I'm not even sure that our 
license (the GFDL) would even /allow/ us to do anything else. That aside, we 
have a policy to stay a million kilometers away from anything that even hints 
at a legal encumbrance.

Besides: some of my sites are ancient, and might not even exist anymore. For 
such sites, geocoding, even /open-source/ geocoding, would be flatly impossible.


jeroen De Dauw wrote:
> Hey,
> >Does either Maps or Semantic Maps provide a means by which to display a
> map with a marker at a set of coordinates given in degrees, minutes, and
> seconds?
>  No, they do not support that notation. It would not be that hard to 
> implement, but no one has asked for it before, so I guess the demand is 
> pretty low.
> Is simply geocoding the actual addresses with the build in #geocode parser 
> function [0] not an option? That way you can avoid having to work with 
> coordinates all together.
> [0] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps#Geocoding
> Cheers,
> Jeroen De Dauw
>  Forum: code <http://code.bn2vs.com>.bn2vs.com <http://code.bn2vs.com>
> Blog: blog.bn2vs.com <http://blog.bn2vs.com>
> Skype: rts.bn.vs ; Xfire: bn2vs
> Don't panic. Don't be evil.
> 70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 6D 69 6E 67 20 34 20 6C 69 66 65!
> *From:* Temlakos 
> *To:* jeroen De Dauw 
> *Cc:* semediawiki-de...@lists.sourceforge.net; mediawiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:18:19 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [SMW-devel] Maps and Semantic Maps released
> Dear Jeroen:
> Does either Maps or Semantic Maps provide a means by which to display a
> map with a marker at a set of coordinates given in degrees, minutes, and
> seconds? All your examples for simple display of a single point use
> floating-point degree quantities. This would force me to hand-convert,
> and that seems rather pointless to me.
> What I would like to do is design a template for a settlement, or a
> landmark (e.g., mountain, hill, valley), that will include a map of the
> immediate region and automatically place a marker at the specified
> coordinates in the article on that settlement or landmark.
> A query formatted as a map with many points on it looks great. And it
> would be wonderful for an article on a country, because I could place
> markers for every city and/or landmark in that country. But when I write
> an article for a city or a mountain, I annotate coordinates in degrees,
> minutes, and seconds. Or must I get used to specifying them in floats?
> Temlakos
> jeroen De Dauw wrote:
> > Hey,
> >
> > First of all, let me introduce myself.
> > I'm Jeroen De Dauw, one

Re: [Mediawiki-l] [SMW-devel] Maps and Semantic Maps released

2009-08-23 Thread jeroen De Dauw

>Does either Maps or Semantic Maps provide a means by which to display a 
map with a marker at a set of coordinates given in degrees, minutes, and 

No, they do not support that notation. It would not be that hard to implement, 
but no one has asked for it before, so I guess the demand is pretty low.
Is simply geocoding the actual addresses with the build in #geocode parser 
function [0] not an option? That way you can avoid having to work with 
coordinates all together.

[0] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps#Geocoding

Jeroen De Dauw

Forum: code.bn2vs.com
Blog: blog.bn2vs.com

Skype: rts.bn.vs  ; Xfire: bn2vs

Don't panic. Don't be evil.
70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 6D 69 6E 67 20 34 20 6C 69 66 65!

From: Temlakos 
To: jeroen De Dauw 
Cc: semediawiki-de...@lists.sourceforge.net; mediawiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 3:18:19 AM
Subject: Re: [SMW-devel] Maps and Semantic Maps released

Dear Jeroen:

Does either Maps or Semantic Maps provide a means by which to display a 
map with a marker at a set of coordinates given in degrees, minutes, and 
seconds? All your examples for simple display of a single point use 
floating-point degree quantities. This would force me to hand-convert, 
and that seems rather pointless to me.

What I would like to do is design a template for a settlement, or a 
landmark (e.g., mountain, hill, valley), that will include a map of the 
immediate region and automatically place a marker at the specified 
coordinates in the article on that settlement or landmark.

A query formatted as a map with many points on it looks great. And it 
would be wonderful for an article on a country, because I could place 
markers for every city and/or landmark in that country. But when I write 
an article for a city or a mountain, I annotate coordinates in degrees, 
minutes, and seconds. Or must I get used to specifying them in floats?


jeroen De Dauw wrote:
> Hey,
> First of all, let me introduce myself.
> I'm Jeroen De Dauw, one of the GSoC students for Wikimedia foundation 
> this year. During the last 2 months I've been working on 2 new mapping 
> extensions for MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki 
> <http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki> [0] with Yaron 
> Koren <http://yaronkoren.com/> [1] as mentor. You can read more about 
> this at my blog <http://blog.bn2vs.com/tag/semantic-maps/> [2].
> The first version of both extensions has just been released. These are 
> the extensions:
> Maps
> Maps <http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps> [3] is an 
> extension that provides the ability to display coordinate data, using 
> multiple mapping services, including Google Maps [4], OpenLayers [5] 
> and Yahoo Maps [6], and allows users to geocode addresses.
> Semantic Maps
> Semantic Maps <http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Maps> 
> [7] is an extension that adds semantic capabilities to the Maps 
> extension, and therefore provides the ability to add, view and edit 
> coordinate data stored through the Semantic MediaWiki extension, using 
> multiple mapping services. These include Google Maps, OpenLayers and 
> Yahoo Maps. Semantic Maps and Maps are based on Semantic Google Maps 
> and Semantic Layers, and are meant to replace these extensions. For 
> this extension to work, you need to have both Semantic MediaWiki and 
> Maps installed.
> You can download both extensions via their documentation pages. 
> Suggestions and feature requests are welcome.
> [0] http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki
> [1] http://yaronkoren.com/
> [2] http://blog.bn2vs.com/tag/semantic-maps/
> [3] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Maps
> [4] http://code.google.com/apis/maps/
> [5] http://openlayers.org/
> [6] http://developer.yahoo.com/maps/
> [7] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Semantic_Maps
> Cheers,
> De Dauw '[RTS]BN+VS*' Jeroen
> Forum: code <http://code.bn2vs.com>.bn2vs.com <http://code.bn2vs.com>
> Blog: blog.bn2vs.com <http://blog.bn2vs.com>
> Xfire: bn2vs ; Skype: rts.bn.vs
> Don't panic. Don't be evil.
> 70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 6D 69 6E 67 20 34 20 6C 69 66 65!
> --
> ___
> Semediawiki-devel mailing list
> semediawiki-de...@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/semediawiki-devel
