Re: Mersenne: Factoring beyond ECM

2000-01-22 Thread Foghorn Leghorn

On Sun, 23 Jan 2000 02:06:26 +0100 (CET), you wrote:
>MPQS is ok for numbers up to about 100 digits, at which time NFS takes

Is there a good implementation of this available online?

>Have a look at Conrad Curry's NFSNET, 

Foghorn Leghorn
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Re: Mersenne: Factoring beyond ECM

2000-01-22 Thread Henrik Olsen

On Sat, 22 Jan 2000, Foghorn Leghorn wrote:
> I'm interested in trying to factor composite numbers with 100 to 200
> digits. ECM becomes impractical for numbers without any factors below
> 50 digits or so. I have heard of algorithms such as MPQS which are
> used to tackle larger numbers. Are there any (preferably free)
> implementations of this method (or another) that would be feasible to
> run on a home PC or Unix workstations?
MPQS is ok for numbers up to about 100 digits, at which time NFS takes

Have a look at Conrad Curry's NFSNET,>

> Foghorn Leghorn

Henrik Olsen,  Dawn Solutions I/S   URL=
 Thomas Daggert to Lucifer:
  I have my soul, and I have my faith.  What do you have...  angel?
 The Prophecy

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Mersenne: Demonstration of LL test for M7

2000-01-22 Thread STL137

<< A while ago someone posted a demonstration of the Lucas-Lehmer test
 for, I think, 2^7-1. >>

LL test:
S[0] = 4
S[k+1] = S[k] ^2 - 2  mod 2^P - 1
2^P - 1 is prime if and only if S[P-2] = 0.
Demonstration for 2^7 - 1 = 127:
S[0] = 4
S[1] = 4^2 - 2 mod 127 = 14
S[2] = 14^2 - 2 mod 127 = 194 mod 127 = 67
S[3] = 67^2 - 2 mod 127 = 4487 mod 127 = 42
S[4] = 42^2 - 2 mod 127 = 1762 mod 127 = 111
S[5] = 111^2 - 2 mod 127 = 12319 mod 127 = 0
S[7-2] = S[5] = 0, hence 2^7 - 1 is prime.

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Mersenne: Factoring beyond ECM

2000-01-22 Thread Foghorn Leghorn

I'm interested in trying to factor composite numbers with 100 to 200
digits. ECM becomes impractical for numbers without any factors below
50 digits or so. I have heard of algorithms such as MPQS which are
used to tackle larger numbers. Are there any (preferably free)
implementations of this method (or another) that would be feasible to
run on a home PC or Unix workstations?

Foghorn Leghorn
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Re: Mersenne: Best chance to make a "real" contribution?

2000-01-22 Thread St. Dee

At 15:14 01/22/2000 -0500, George Woltman wrote:
>Finding new factors isn't hard.  Over half of the candidates are eliminated
>by finding a factor rather than the expensive LL test.  GIMPS by default
>assigns slower machines to do the factoring work.  Thus, it is not
>uncommon for powerful machines to always get LL assignments and
>never find a factor.

This brings up something I've been wondering about.  I have a dual Celeron
setup running 2 instances of mprime under Linux.  With both processors
crunching on LL tests, I get iteration times for each processor of around
.263 for exponents around 899 (where they are presently cranking).
However, if one of them factors while the other does LL testing, the
processor doing the LL testing takes about .220 seconds per iteration,
while the one factoring also shows a factoring speed more consistent with
the speed I would expect for the processor speed.

My question is:  Do I get more "work" done by having both doing LL testing,
or would this box contribute more to the effort by having one CPU
performing factoring while the other does LL testing?

Kel, coming up on 4 years of hunting for Mersenne primes
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Re: Mersenne: Best chance to make a "real" contribution?

2000-01-22 Thread George Woltman

Hi Gerry,

At 11:35 AM 1/22/00 -0800, Gerry Snyder wrote:
>First of all, let me say that it is a thrill to be helping in the GIMPS.

Welcome aboard!

>Getting more computing power for the search is the main reason my new
>linux system is a dual Celeron rather than a single.

The second processor is a cheap way to add horsepower.  It will help
on many other computing tasks.  An excellent decision.

>But finding a factor (or another factor) of a Mersenne number would seem
>more real.

Finding new factors isn't hard.  Over half of the candidates are eliminated
by finding a factor rather than the expensive LL test.  GIMPS by default
assigns slower machines to do the factoring work.  Thus, it is not
uncommon for powerful machines to always get LL assignments and
never find a factor.

If you want the thrill of finding a factor, ask one of your CPUs to get
factoring work only (the Test/Primenet dialog box).  You can change this
setting back at a later time.

Finding new factors of small Mersennes, so called Cunningham factors, is
getting more difficult.  ECMNet and GIMPS have picked off most of the 
"easy" factors.  I have two CPUs running ECM full-time.  The last 
Cunningham factor I found was last summer.  I do occasionally find new
factors of medium-sized (1200 to 10) Mersenne numbers.

In any event, choose the type of work you find most interesting.
The goal here is to have fun while contributing to math research.

Best regards,

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Mersenne Digest V1 #682

2000-01-22 Thread Mersenne Digest

Mersenne Digest   Saturday, January 22 2000   Volume 01 : Number 682


Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 03:11:37 -0700
From: "Aaron Blosser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Mersenne: Doubling PIII (500) Memory To Increase LL Performance

> Would increasing PIII (500MHz) memory from 128M to 256M improve
> L-L performance?  Current exponent being tested is in range  9,xxx,xxx.

The best way to find out is to profile your memory usage right now.

With NT, it's as easy as bringing up Task Manager when your system is doing
what it normally does.  Look at the "Performance" tab, and pay attention to
the Physical Memory (K) section.  For instance, my system shows total
196148, and available as 117332 right now.  Obviously, I have plenty of
extra memory (this is with Windows 2000 Professional, by the way).  Your
load will definitely vary depending on what other programs you have loaded.

If your free memory is still pretty high, adding more won't be much help
most of the time.

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Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 03:14:28 -0700
From: "Aaron Blosser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: Unusual request...

I have a bit of an odd request, but one that is peripherally related to
Mersenne Primes.

Today (Thursday the 20th of January) at 2:00 PM Mountain time, I will be
going in with my lawyer to meet someone from the Attorney General's Office.

For those of you familiar with my plight, it would mean *a lot* to me if
those of you who are religous would say a little prayer for me.  If you're
not religious, maybe just cross your fingers and hope for the best.

I know it's an odd request, but I'm just a bit nervous about the meeting.

Thanks all,

Aaron Blosser

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Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 09:55:03 +1300 (NZDT)
From: Bill Rea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: LL Test for M7


A while ago someone posted a demonstration of the Lucas-Lehmer test
for, I think, 2^7-1. Would that person be so kind as to email me
another copy or point me to an archive if the posts on this list
are saved somewhere.


Bill Rea, Information Technology Services, University of Canterbury  \_ 
E-Mail b dot rea at its dot canterbury dot ac dot nz
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Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 19:57:20 -
From: "Brian J. Beesley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mersenne: Doubling PIII (500) Memory To Increase LL Performance

On 20 Jan 00, at 0:36, Stefan Struiker wrote:

> Would increasing PIII (500MHz) memory from 128M to 256M improve
> L-L performance?  Current exponent being tested is in range  9,xxx,xxx.

Increasing the amount of memory will have _no effect whatsoever_ 
unless the system is short of memory. LL testing an exponent in the 9 
million range uses less than 10 MBytes of memory in total.

I don't know what else you're running on your system, but I'm running 
similar exponents in a system with 32 MBytes memory (running under 
linux), and it's just FINE. Windoze will need a tad more memory but 
64 MBytes would be more than sufficient so far as running Prime95 is 

An easy way to see if you have sufficient memory - irrespective of OS 
etc - is to look at the disk access light. If it's off most of the 
time you probably have at least enough memory in the system. If it's 
constantly or almost constantly on, and you hear lots of clattering 
from the head actuators, you *may* be short of memory - but, 
alternatively, it could just be that whatever you're running is doing 
a lot of file access. Anyway, if the disk isn't being accessed much, 
it isn't even worth thinking about adding more memory.

Brian Beesley
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Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 21:58:21 -0800
From: Spike Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mersenne: 1E7 digit primes

I did not find in the faq where one can reserve a number of 1E7 digit
I was able to sell the notion of running GIMPS to the IT people at my
job, but only by offering the possibility of a monetary prize.  Please,
how may I reserve about 50 1E7 digit primes that have been prechecked
for small factors?  Thanks!  spike

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Re: Mersenne: Factoring Mersenne

2000-01-22 Thread Will Edgington

Daniel Grace writes:

   > Anyway, any mersenne's factor can be written as 2kp+1
   > directly). Call (P-1)/p = Q
   > Then 2n = Q mod p
   > n = Q/2 mod p which is well defined
   > Therefore we can find the sun of the two factors mod p.

   I think what you are trying to say is
   M_p is composite for p a prime iff
   1+2kp divides (2^(p-1)-1)/p - k for some k>0.
   If I am not mistaken factoring this using current methods
   is harder than factoring 2^p - 1.

Yup, almost certainly, if only because k is needed twice.  The current
trial factoring method does not even use k per se.

   Remeber it is easy to trial divide 2^p - 1 using bit wise
   operators, because 2^p - 1=1+2+2^2+...+2^(p-1).  Let u be a
   potential divisor (e.g. u=2kp+1) then let j be smallest int. such
   that 2^j-1>u then you can try dividing 2^p-1 using just j bits of
   storage.  e.g. start with 1+2+2^2+...+2^(j-1), subtract u, shift to
   the left appending 1's at the start, until you get v>u, subtract u
   and so on.  I think that the software stops if it gets a residue of
   0 before all p bits have been eliminated - in this case u divides
   some smaller Mersenne.

Not quite.  My "reverse method" works that way, and will find the
smallest Mersenne exponent which is a multiple of a given odd number,
but the fastest-so-far trial factoring method actually squares and
perhaps multiplies by two modulo the trial factor each loop, starting
with two and looping over the _bits_ of the Mersenne exponent, making
it quite fast.  If the particular bit is one, the multiply by two
occurs; if it's zero, it doesn't.  That is, it calculates the Mersenne
number (two to the exponent power) mod the trial factor.

This algorithm is in Knuth, apparently, which I don't have a copy of.
Before GIMPS, I was doing something slower; George Woltman told me
about this method, speeding up my then-current trial factoring program
by a factor of about three (in Jan. 1996 or so).

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Mersenne: Best chance to make a "real" contribution?

2000-01-22 Thread Gerry Snyder

Hello, Mersenners;

First of all, let me say that it is a thrill to be helping in the GIMPS.
Getting more computing power for the search is the main reason my new
linux system is a dual Celeron rather than a single.

If all I ever do is LL tests of non-primes, that will be fine. That
helps the cause, and I have no expectation of finding a prime.

But finding a factor (or another factor) of a Mersenne number would seem
more real.

Is there any significant probability that two 500 MHz Celerons and one
333 MHz Celeron could accomplish such a feat in a couple of years?

Just thought I'd ask.

Thanks for any help,

Gerry Snyder, AIS Symposium Chair
Region 15 Ass't RVP, JT Chair
Member San Fernando Valley, Southern California Iris Societies
in warm, winterless Los Angeles
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