Re: Mersenne: P-1 Stage 2

2001-12-09 Thread Alexander Kruppa

Daran wrote:
> The math page explains how to do a stage 1
> P-1 test with given bound B1, but it omits the explanation of the
> enhansement that uses B2 in stage 2.  Anyone care to explain
> how this is done?
> Cheers
> Daran G.

P-1 stage 1 computes x = a^E (mod N), where E is the product of all
primes and prime powers <= B1.
If stage 1 does not find a factor, gcd(x-1, N) = 1, we go to stage 2.

The idea behind a second stage for P-1, P+1 and ECM is that a random
number will usually have its biggest prime factor quite a bit larger
than the second biggest, so it is worthwhile to figure something out to
include a single big prime more quickly.

We can go from x^p_i to x^p_{i+1}, where p_i is the i-th prime, quickly
by multiplying by x^(p_{i-1} - p_i). The difference between consecutive
primes is relatively small, apparantly no bigger than (log(B2)^2),so we 
have no problem precomputing x^n for even n to cover all the possible
differences of consecutive primes we're having in our stage 2.

For each x^p_i we compute this way, we multiply this x^p_i-1 to an

We find the factor f of N if there is a prime p within our stage 2
interval so that f-1 | E*p (more specifically, ord(a) mod f | E*p), 
since then a^(E*p) - 1 == 0 (mod f), thus the accumulator == 0 (mod f)
and a final gcd will reveal f.

We get something like: (x is assumed intact from stage 1)

xn[j] = x^(2*j), 1 < 2*j < max(p_{i+1} - p_i), p_{i+1} <= B2
last_p = last prime done in stage 1
for B1 < p <= B2, p prime
  x = x * xn[(p - last_p)/2]
  accu *= x-1
  last_p = p
print gcd(accu, N)

This needs two multiplies per prime in the stage 2 interval, as opposed
to about 20 squarings (for a prime around 2^20) if it had been included
in stage 1.

We can speed that up further. x^n - x^m = x^m (x^(n-m) - 1),  thus we
can get the (x^p - 1) we want by a single subtraction if we can write p
as n-m. (The extra x^m factor on the right side does not hurt.)

For example, for D ~= sqrt(B2-B1) store values 
xm[i] = x^i, 1 <= i < D  
xD[i] = x^(i*D) , B1/D < i < B2/D+1

Since we have only odd p, we can make D even and store xm only for 
odd i.

Now we can do

for B1 < p <= B2, p prime
  accu *= (xD[i] - xm[j) where Di-j = p
print gcd(accu, N)

Thus we need only one multiply per prime in the stage 2 interval, aside
from the about 2*sqrt(B2-B1) multiplies in setting up the tables.
However, we need more storage for precomputed values.

It can be done even faster, by pairing up primes, which can reduce the
number of multiplies again by almost half.

The definitive source for info on these algorithms is Montgomery,
Speeding the Pollard and elliptic curve methods of factorization, Math.
Comp. Vol. 48, 1987, pp. 243-265.

There are other enhancements that are even faster but require much more
memory (and which I don't quite understand), try P. Montgomery & R.
Silverman, An FFT extension to the P-1 factoring algorithm, Math. Comp.
Vol. 54, 1990, pp. 839-854, also available online at .

BTW, Prime95 uses the one-multiply variant with prime-pairing, plus
something stange called "Suyama's powers" (don't ask me), for both P-1
and ECM.

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Mersenne: new stats and updated software

2001-12-09 Thread Henk Stokhorst


Time to play a little with the stats again. I made a graph of the amount 
of participating machines based on the following new definition:

Blue line: a pc is participating on the day it checked in a result and 
all days in between the first and last time it checked in a result if it 
checked in more than one result. A result can either be a LL test or a 
factor found.
Purple line: a pc is participating if it checked in at least one result, 
the period is extended up to the last day it reported progress on a new 
assignment to the server.

The image can be viewed at:

(day 291 is the day of the last server synchronization, day 680 is this 
Saturday, the stats are based on cleared.txt and status.txt)

The program to monitor progress on factoring work done has had a little 
update. The graph of this weekend can be found at:

The program to create this graphic now shows an empty screen immediately 
when started, shows the lower and upper border after the first pass and 
all elements when processing is completed. This makes it look more 
responsive than the previous version. The Delphi sourcecode in the 
zipfile can be trown away if not wanted. To use the program run the 
'decomp -n lowerlimit upperlimit' utility first. The program can be 
found at:


Henk Stokhorst

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Mersenne: P-1 Stage 2

2001-12-09 Thread Daran

The math page explains how to do a stage 1
P-1 test with given bound B1, but it omits the explanation of the
enhansement that uses B2 in stage 2.  Anyone care to explain
how this is done?


Daran G.

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Mersenne: Why is the default page...

2001-12-09 Thread Daran

... of the GIMPS website a list of other
distributed computing projects?  By all means link to and support these
projects, but wouldn't prime.htm be a more sensible starting point?


Daran G.

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