Re: Mersenne: Fw: numeric hazards of high performance CPU design =Pentium 4 - constant speed problem

2001-05-19 Thread Chris Jefferson

I just felt I had to say, that I am very disturbed by this. The idea of my
CPU simply shutting down when it overheats is a sensible idea. This is
much more dodgy, espicaly as there doesn't seem to be any way of finding
out, short of lots of benchmarks, if your processor is doing this... :-(

It also raises problems for prime95, as it looks like running prime95 will
reduce your PC's speed by half. I am going to recieve a pentium 4 shortly,
and although I shall try to send it back for an AMD processor, if I can't
I shall run tests with prime95. However if these figures are true then it
won't be searching for primes :-(


Chris Jefferson, Girton College, Cambridge, CB3 0JG
Don't bother, it's not worth looking at.

On Sat, 19 May 2001, Roger Gariépy wrote:

 I came about this information on degrading calculations after about 10
 minutes of usage.

 I think it can help explain stange behavour on your test of Prime 95 for P4.

 Don't be confuse by the web page title.

 Roger Gariépy  :-)   -   :-(

 - Original Message -
 From: validlab [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 5:20 PM
 Subject: numeric hazards of high performance CPU design

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Re: Mersenne: missing exponents?

2001-05-12 Thread Chris Jefferson

 You should use another MailClient as Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.1   8)
 Didn't you read all the bad things about Mailwurms etc?

Sorry, I just felt the urge to say this. There is nothing particualarily
bad about Outlook Express, these various viruses require you to excute
attachments, and you can do that in any mail client.. If any other mail
client gets as popular as OE, then it will start to have viruses aimed at
it's address book too!


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Re: Mersenne: missing exponents?

2001-05-12 Thread Chris Jefferson

 Checking the status page, we seem to be stuck on 26 exponents between
 6,325,000 and 6,972,593 - that haven't had one LL test.  I've been double
 checking exponents in this range for months (and getting them done at the
 rate of more than 1 per month).  I've been double checking because that is
 work makes the most sense, but does it make sense to double check this
 range when there are untested ones?  If these 26 were actually being
 tested, they would be knocked off at the rate of at least one per day, and
 it has been a while since one has been finished.

Haven't we had enough discussions about taking bnumbers people are takingf
a long time to test / not chexcking uin very often? :)


 | Jud McCranie   |
 | former temporary part-time adjunct |
 | instructor of a minor university   |

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Re: Mersenne: Check This Out! Just got a new email at THEMAIL.COM

2000-08-31 Thread Chris Jefferson

Just so everyone knows, I have reported this person and his account will
be canceled with the day.

Chris Jefferson, Girton College, Cambridge, CB3 0JG
Disclaimer: Please do not read any hidden messages
from my e-mails, as anything that looks like it is
is simply my bad English. If I want to say something
I will :-)

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

qing he wanted us to inform you that 
 THEMAIL.COM is now giving out a powerful free email service.
 Best of all, I get paid for reading email! - Check it out for yourself at: PostMaster

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Re: Mersenne: The recent popularity of Single-Checking

2000-05-24 Thread Chris Jefferson

 Nathan Russell wrote:
 There is a user, "sd70045", who has almost 100 single-checking
 assignments out on a single machine ID

 In any case, these exponents will expire in 16 days.  As a
 result, I'm not concerned about it.  Within 3 weeks
 they'll be re-circulated among other users.  The only thing
 that would cause concern, is if the user intentionally updates
 these exponents in the next two weeks...

xactly! Last time I checked there was an infinate number of possible
mersenne candidates and using the current version of prime95/NT/whatever,
we are umlikely to run out any time soon,so unless things get REALLY
serious, surely with things like this it's best to just wait till they
expire and let the automatted system deal with it?


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Re: Mersenne: GIMPZ

2000-02-28 Thread Chris Jefferson

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jukka Santala wrote:
 First of all, I take offence at the use of the term "hacker" here.
 I would have thought most people following this list are knowledgeable
 enough to make the distinction - what GIMPS for example does is hacking
 Thanks for clearing me up on that - I was under the (apparently misguided)
 impression that GIMPS was about recreational mathematics. My sincerest
 apologies. I shall begin to recode all my software, er, I mean to say,
 warez, immediately.

And this is the reason why 'hackers' get such bad press. hackers are not
interested in "warez", "crackz" , or anything similar. The people who
wrote Linux were hackers, as were the people who originally wrote DOS (big
bill never was. =\ )

We are hackers here, we are trying to combine together to power of many
computers to see what happens and what interesting results we might


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Re: Mersenne: The return of poaching?

2000-02-04 Thread Chris Jefferson

On Fri, 4 Feb 2000, John R Pierce wrote:
 ... I think the 10 intervals might be a bit too draconian...

I agree, 30 days should be considered a minimum. I don't know it if could
be put into the primenet server, but could a 'trust' setting be put in?
Maybe for the first 15 days a new person has an exponent, they should be
limited to a max of 30 days with it. This could be set into the software,
just so any people who join then immediatly quit don't chug up the system.
Also, maybe the smallest components could be given to people with a high
'trust' rating, so we think they will get done. Obviously, anyone could
fiddle their trust rating, I don't think it is worth getting too advanced,
just stick in the first started date in the .ini file, don't put too much
into it...


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Mersenne: Factoring Mersenne

1999-11-24 Thread Chris Jefferson


I was fiddling around with Mersenne factors the other day and came across
an interesting result. I'm not sure if it is of any use, but I think if
anyone can extend it just a little further, then it would cut down the
numbers we would have to try to factor by a HUGE amount...

Anyway, any mersenne's factor can be written as 2kp+1

So any persenne number 2^p - 1 (here on written as P) can be written as

(2ap+1)(2bp+1) = P i.f.f. it is not a prime
Now define x = p(a+b)+1, y=p(a-b)
Then x+y=2ap+1, x-y=2bp+1
so P=(x-y)(x+y)
x^2 - y^2 = P
Now write n=a+b, m=a-b so x=pn+1 , y=pm
Then (pn)^2 + 2pn + 1 + (pm)^2 = P
taking this mod p^2 and rearranging a little

2pn = P-1 mod p^2

this means 2pn = (P-1) + pZ for some integer Z
so (P-1) must have a factor of p, which we can cancel (we also know this
directly). Call (P-1)/p = Q

Then 2n = Q mod p
n = Q/2 mod p which is well defined
Therefore we can find the sun of the two factors mod p.

I have tried (and failed so far) to get a similar relationship for y (or a
or b)

If we could get such a relationship for y, and we assumed we were looking
for the smallest factor, then we could work out something about that
factor (hopefully it's value mod p) which would cut down on factoring

Any ideas?

Chris Jefferson, Girton College, Cambridge, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Someone may have beaten me to Fermat's Last Theorem, but I've done
Riemann's general equation. However it won't fit in my signature file...

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Re: Mersenne: Re: splitting up 10m digit primes

1999-10-16 Thread Chris Jefferson

On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, Jukka Santala wrote:

 "Brian J. Beesley" wrote:
  On 14 Oct 99, at 18:15, Chris Jefferson wrote:
  Surely this isn't really an issue. PrimeNet would surely recognise a
  result submitted by a "poacher" as such  either disqualify it
  automatically, or credit the actual owner of the assignment instead
  of the "poacher".
 Except that PrimeNet doesn't control the prize. This is the error everybody is doing.
 EFF is adminstrating the competition and prize, given by anonymous donaters to
 advance distributed computing / mathemathical algorithms on computers. PrimeNet is
 just one of the organizations (With largest changes known!) to get that prize, but it
 doesn't decide upon who gets it. The first person to present a prime filling the
 requirements will - and that's why result-files "few iterations short" will be worth
 more than their weight in gold.

Yes, but the licence for Prim95/NT specifies that anyone who uses this
program must obey it's licence. Someone using a partly completed file
would also be liable under this. However, proving that they has used the
interim file generated by this particular program might be difficult...

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Mersenne: Modular arthimatic..

1999-10-15 Thread Chris Jefferson


Just something I was pondering a couple of days ago...

Consider a general number (odd) number c which can be factored into ab=c

W.L.O.G. assume b is greater than a

then let x=(a+b)/2 , y=(b-a)/2

then (x+y)(x-y)=c

x^2 - y^2 = c

x^2 = c + y^2

So if we can find if this equation has any integer solutions, we've found
our factors...

Ways of doing this:

The difference of two squares is always an arthimetic progression of odd
numbers. Here is an example..

2^2 - 1^2 = 3
3^2 - 2^2 = 5
4^2 - 3^2 = 7

and so on... So look at general sum of an arthimetic series

S(n) = (n/2)(2a + (n-1)d) In this case d=2 and a is odd, so need to try to
solve c = na + n(n-1)/2 for integers n,a

Also, try to solve x^2 - y^2 = 0 mod c

As if this is solvable, then (x-y)(x+y)=nc, for integer n, so must be able
to cancel out all factors of n in either (x-y) or (x+y) to get back to a
solution of equation..

Alternativly, could try to find out by some kind of set notation what the
size of the group of solns. is... This is where I come unstuck.

I believe this is an example of an eliptic curve, and I want the c'th term
in it's L-series. Could we transform it into a modular form and then
quickly work out this term. I could well be in cloud-cockoo land now, as I
aren't even totally sure what a modular form is, but I know that the
L-series of modular forms, and some series related to modular forms are
the same, and this proof lead the the solution of Fermat's Last

Anyway, if anyone could just vaguely point me in the right direction, or
tell me if I am talking rubbish before I go and start reading up on all
this... Thanks!

Chris Jefferson, Girton College, Cambridge, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Someone may have beaten me to Fermat's Last Theorem, but I've done
Riemann's general equation. However it won't fit in my signature file...

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Re: Mersenne: Re: splitting up 10m digit primes

1999-10-14 Thread Chris Jefferson

 Also one would have to ask what would be the incencitive for someone to act
 as a backup server... or prevent them from "stealing the work" as it were, by
 using high-speed computers to finish the test a month before the main person
 does in hopes of getting the prize.

I think that the new licence could stop people from doing this, or could
quickly be altered to say so, as I assume that a new version would need to
be bought out to support it possibly... or at least make it easier...

In my personal opinion, the best way of doing this would be to set up 3
computers in a 'loop' all doing the same exponent. Then they could
communicate at regular intervals. Although it would mean working at the
slowest speed, it might be a good idea to, along with backing up, get the
to cmpare exponents at the same time. This would fix the problem of one of
them quitting, another could be 'bought in', and also would allow
double=checking as the check went along. However, I suspect the
programming would be quite difficult.


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Re: Mersenne: Front-end design

1999-09-23 Thread Chris Jefferson

Sorry, I've deleted the mail. QWhere can I get the most recent Prime95
source code from, and what should I compile it with? I'd like to at least
try to make a front-end, and I'm sure at least the base of a screen saver
would take all of 30 minutes. I know that we'd perfer people to use
prime95 all the time, but a screen saver would be useful for people who
refuse to...

Chris Jefferson, Girton College, Cambridge, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Someone may have beaten me to Fermat's Last Theorem, but I've done
Riemann's general equation. However it won't fit in my signature file...

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Mersenne: A slight divergence...

1999-07-19 Thread Chris Jefferson

It is well known that n is prime if for all prime factors of n-1, a^(n-1)
= 1 mod n and a^((n-1)/q) is not 1 mod n.

For example, take a=2, and 2^p+1 (p is prime, yes, that IS a plus)

Then we need to check if 2^(2^p)=1 mod (2^p -1) and 2^((2^p)/2) is not 1.

Now, we know that 2^p = 1 mod (2^p - 1)

so, 2^n = 2^n*2^p mod (2^p - 1)

It is a simple extension to say that (2^n = 2^(n mod p) ) mod 2^p-1

So 2^(2^p) = 2^(2^p mod p) mod (2^p - 1) (Still following?)

So to check primality of 2^p+1, only need to check value of 2^p and
2^(p-1) (which is obviously (2^p)/2).

The main reason I am asking this is that I know that to check whether a
number is a factor of a mersenne prime involves checking 2^p - 1 mod n for
a number n and I was wondering if anyone's factoring code would go that
high and wether it would be quicker to check this than the traditional 2^p
- 1.

Chris Jefferson, Girton College, Cambridge, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Someone may have beaten me to Fermat's Last Theorem, but I've done
Riemann's general equation. However it won't fit in my signature file...

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Mersenne: Factoring

1999-06-14 Thread Chris Jefferson

I was just wondering, could anyone give me any info on how factoring is
done, is there a preliminary factoring before numbers send out, how high
we factor, what possible factors are, etc. and also, I would really like
to see the maths behind it as well. I need something to study over summmer
vac :)

Chris Jefferson, Girton College, Cambridge, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Someone may have beaten me to Fermat's Last Theorem, but I've done
Riemann's general equation. However it won't fit in my signature file...

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Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18

1999-06-05 Thread Chris Jefferson

 If what you say is true, then whoever designed version 17 acted in a
 completely unconscionably rash manner by releasing it without thoroughly
 testing it for problems as serious as that. And has therefore shot the whole
 GIMPS effort in the foot by setting it back many weeks.
 Hopefully, realization of the impact on GIMPS is punishment enough to make
 sure this won't happen again...

On the other hand, it is often difficult to find out when trying to
squeeze speed out of programs if you've gone too far, and the only way to
test the program is the do entire LL tests in both this and another
program we are sure works.. Doing it for more than a couple of exponents
is VERY slow...

Although I do agree, I hope that it doesn't happen again..

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Mersenne: Back to the maths of primes for a sec....

1999-05-16 Thread Chris Jefferson

Sorry, just a quick question!
In various places, I have read that the generalized Riemann hypothesis is 
true, then there is a very simple test for primeness, namely if n is an
a-SPRP for all integers a2(log n)^2, then n is prime. From a computation
viewpoint, is this actually of any use, as it will show if numbers are
composite and if it is quick, then primes could be checked using it, then
double checked via another means, also giving the opportunity to disprove
a major hypothesis of maths...

Chris Jefferson, Girton College, Cambridge, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a proof that x^n+y^n=z^n never has integer solutions for n2.
However, it won't fit into my signature file

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Re: Mersenne: Stoopid Bureaucracies!

1999-05-15 Thread Chris Jefferson

 I tried at my company too (A very large Aerospace company based in
 Washington) and my boss said that it didn't add any value to the company
 so she couldn't approve it. I gotta find a way to show it does have

If you find one...
1) £50,000
2) Lots of free publicity

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RE: Mersenne: I am curious

1999-05-15 Thread Chris Jefferson

I was being a little sarcastic.  I think that the original poster who was
wanting to team up with other people running at least 10 machines is not in the
spirit of the adventure.  I think it is fine to make a team if everyone on the
team has regular physical access to each machine, but I don't like the idea of
teaming up with unknown people.  That's why I said "why not make everyone a big
team", with a little sarcasm that was probably too subtle.

Yes, I would have to agree here. Trying to create groups to get nice big
numbers of CPU years I do agree with, but not for the money. By the way,
aren't we forgetting something? I hope if anyone DOES win, they will give
a reasonable portion to the people who wrote the very highly optimised
software to do it, and the people who made sure they weren't re-checking
an exponent that hadn't been checked a hundred times before 

Just out of interest, can I have someone demand I give them a share of the
money / stop being in GIMPS if they really wanted to (not that I should
think they would...)

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Mersenne: PrimeNT

1999-04-27 Thread Chris Jefferson


I'm sure this is asked time and time agai, but I'm new, so could someone
point me in the right directio to install and maintain NTPrime over a
large number of computers from an NT Server. Is it possible? if not, what
is the best way to go about setting it up on a large number of machines
(That have to be secure..)?

Chris Jefferson, Girton College, Cambridge, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a proof that x^n+y^n=z^n never has integer solutions for n2.
However, it won't fit into my signature file

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