> Also one would have to ask what would be the incencitive for someone to act
> as a backup server... or prevent them from "stealing the work" as it were, by
> using high-speed computers to finish the test a month before the main person
> does in hopes of getting the prize.

I think that the new licence could stop people from doing this, or could
quickly be altered to say so, as I assume that a new version would need to
be bought out to support it possibly... or at least make it easier...

In my personal opinion, the best way of doing this would be to set up 3
computers in a 'loop' all doing the same exponent. Then they could
communicate at regular intervals. Although it would mean working at the
slowest speed, it might be a good idea to, along with backing up, get the
to cmpare exponents at the same time. This would fix the problem of one of
them quitting, another could be 'bought in', and also would allow
double=checking as the check went along. However, I suspect the
programming would be quite difficult.....


>  -Donwulff
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