Mersenne: Smallest Prime Number Discovered, Soon After Largest

2003-12-14 Thread Stephen Whitis
From a Satire site...
Smallest Prime Number Discovered, Soon After Largest

DETROIT - Wallace Bonownski says you don't have to have
200,000 computers and a grad student to discover a new
prime number. You just gotta use yer thinker, is all, said
the Michigan State University groundskeeper. I heard about
Michael's big find, and I thought, 'Hey, if that's the largest
prime number, then I'll bet the negative version would be
the smallest. And I discovered it!'

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[Re: Mersenne: Serious problems with v.18]

1999-06-06 Thread Stephen Whitis

At 03:53 PM 6/6/99 +0200, you wrote:
To everyone reading (and answering) this subject:

The guy is trolling. We are all going into his troll. (This is proven by the 
fact that he just *wont* stop.)

I agree, he's trolling.  He claimed to be a programmer, but then over and 
over he claimed that bugs should *always* be caught in testing, prior
to release.  That proves he's lying, because no programmer can believe
that happens in the real world.  Shoot, I wouldn't think any computer
user, much less programmer, would believe that.  I'd been about to cuss 
him out prior to realizing that he was a troll.

Maybe we'll get lucky and his ISP will screw him again...  :^)

Stephen Whitis
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Re: Mersenne: Screen saver killers?

1999-05-16 Thread Stephen Whitis

At 02:37 PM 5/16/99 +, you wrote:
I _know_ it's not as efficient in the absolute sense, but, if people would
prefer to run a screensaver _and_ a version of Prime95, I wonder if it
would be worthwhile updating the old Win 3.1 screensaver version. The point
is, we want to make it attractive for people to participate.

I don't read the group regularly.

But I guarantee that if you try to tell me that I can't run a screen saver on
my machine, then I'll tell you to jump off a bridge.  (Disclaimer : I probably
will be somewhat less polite than that.)

Telling me "Oh, you can run our program, *and* if you want to run a screen
for some stupid reason, you can run out screensaver" isn't any better.

You'll lose more cpu cycles than you'll gain if you try to tell people "Do
it our way
or else".  

I run Prime NT as a service.  I run a screensaver, *just because I like
it*.  IF you tell
me that I can't do that, *I* will dump PrimeNT in a heartbeat.  There isn't
in it for me.  I do it to help out, because it sounded like a cool project.
 Now you
guys think you are big brother, able to control what I can and can't do with my
machine.  That plan sucks.

Stephen Whitis
Visit for information 
about Delphi, NT4.0 software, and more.

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