RE: MC/RR and Email launching

2003-08-14 Thread Ken Ray
Title: Message


you just do: 



Ken RaySons of Thunder SoftwareEmail: 

  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 
  2003 8:30 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: MC/RR 
  and Email launchingI am presently Mac-less 
  :(Could one of you let me know if this works on both 
  flavours? put "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" into tURL if 
  the platform is "MacOS" then get the 
  systemversion set the itemdel to 
  "." if item 1 of it = 10 then # OS 
  X put "open location"  quote  
  tURL  quote into tScript do tScript as 
  AppleScript else # 
  MacOS send tUrl to program "Finder" with 
  "GURLGURL" end if end ifMany 

Revolution 2.1 Beta 3 now available

2003-08-14 Thread Heather Williams
Dear Listees,

We're happy to inform you that Revolution 2.1 Beta 3 is now in testing -
thanks for all the feedback! Download from

And as always, back up your files and report all bugs via Bugzilla

Warm Regards,

Heather Williams ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~
Runtime Revolution - User-Centric Development Tools
~~~ Check our web site for new Revolution editions  special offers ~~~

metacard mailing list

Does your MC crash too?

2003-08-14 Thread MisterX
Hi everyone,

Im getting hyperFrustrated due to the amount of crashes I get in MC.

For the most part, the one factor that is present in my stacks that seems
to cause the crashes is images and htmltext with pictures.

It's now 2 weeks Im trying to resolve these without any success. And the
number of crashed stacks, LOST HOURS is starting to get on my nerves.

Can anyone confirm that they have the same problems?

Is there Anywhere or anyone who can explain how to clear correctly an image?

In this case, I just changed a blend level on a background picture, save the
stack and crash... Stack corrupted AGAIN!!!

(french obscene wording like in the matrix skipped for your comfort) ;)

Who do we write for support now?


metacard mailing list

Re: Does your MC crash too?

2003-08-14 Thread xbury . cs

So, just to be clear, you are rotating an image by setting its angle
property, enlarging the image, and then setting it's blendLevel?

Not really. One image with the blend level is the static not-moving/resizing/rotating
background image.

The browser image is the one that resized or rotated. This one hasn't posed a 
problem yet (other than rotation and display speed).

If so, I would try fewer manipulations of the image object and see if you
still run into the same problem (try eliminating the angle property in the

This is what happened:
Changed an image's blend effect to srcCopy, save stack, 
change srcCopy effect to blend, save = crash...

Sorry for the confusion...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

metacard mailing list

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Re: script limits

2003-08-14 Thread José L. Rodríguez Illera

I think that setting the script of an objetc/stack is widely used, so with a
very serious problem of backwards compatibility for already shipped
products, and limiting new ones.

There are more situations than already  discussed (speed, dynamic
programming, limits of 'do') on which setting the scripts is very important.
For example:

- upgrading old version of documents created with a MC/RR standalone.  New
versions of the standalone may include new functionalities for the documents
and you have to update the scripts in the document or add objetcs to the
interface, etc
- letting the user to password his documents. You may put the password into
a custom property but this not sure as to put it into a script and protect
the stack. If you put the password out (external pref file) of the
document/stack then it is more difficult to distribute/send it.

Really I do not understand the reasons for this. The consequence  seems a
move to let developers develop plug-ins and stacks for use inside the IDE
more than  real and competitive applications for end users. It is very
strange that you have language features on the IDE not present on the
standalone (they are addressed only to the developers!).

Hope this is not a decission taken...

José L. Rodríguez

metacard mailing list

RE: Does your MC crash too?

2003-08-14 Thread Thomas McCarthy

Yes, under these circumstances:

MAC OS 8.6 (9.1 also?)
Print--anything once or twice...
save stack

No corruptions so far (except for my patience!)

tom mccarthy


metacard mailing list

Re: Script Limits

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Gaskin
Mark Talluto wrote:

 In my case, I usually am updating code to controls with the set the
 script of   There is no other way to use the same control with new

While I agree that the proposed change to script limits is likely more of a
problem in itself than a solution, there is at lease one other alternative
for your scenario.

Rather than writing self-modifying code you could set a property in the
object and handle the various behaviors in a backscript using a switch

  on MySpecialBehavior
   switch the uBehaviorClass of the target
case Something
case SomethingElse
   end switch
  end MySpecialBehavior

The overhead of the switch block is a fraction of a millisecond and allows
you to centralize your code into a common library.  This may simplify
debugging, and likely simplify maintenance as well should you ever need to
alter the behavior.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717   AIM: FourthWorldInc

metacard mailing list

RE: Does your MC crash too?

2003-08-14 Thread xbury . cs

Weird cause Im using windows with some 750 MB's of ram (*1.2 swap files)
MC usually doesn't go beyond 30MB's of ram usage (go figure for what!)

To me part of the problem seems that the allocation of the image space in the
stack is not solid - it is not compactable it seems for one, and once an image
is decompressed, that's it, you're stuck with that size...

Is this due to either a flaw in code or the emptying of the image?
It's a fact that no one seems to know HOW to empty an image (or imagedata) 
properly for example. Put empty into image or set the imagedata of img 1 to 
seem like 2 different usages neither of which are FULLY documented. 

I doubt it's an OS problem if it happens on more than one platform.

BTW, a clean OS resinstall is mandatory by us. It assures that there is no
flaw coming from the OS or the old system. It's worth it, believe me... 

On 13/08/2003 11:12:15 metacard-admin wrote:
Yes, I have a similar problem. I am told however that
it is due to the memory management of the OS, which I
believe since OS architecture was designed around
supporting Kbytes of memory and drive space and now has
to support Mbytes and GBytes. Not only HTML images but
the MC help stacks also do this. Rev incidentally also
does this, only more often! So I'm planning to get a
mac rev license in the hope that this problem is
confined to the PC platform. Ideas?

I have not solved this problem because this is my
work-machine and my sysadmin is already nervous enough
about me knowing more about the system and trying to
push it to its limits. So I don't want to get under
her skin by saying Hey, can we do a clean install of
the OS in case there is an OS problem?

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2003-08-14 Thread xbury . cs

Hi all,

Just wondering whether the efforts are justified...

How many of you would like me to finish:
a) the enhanced script editor (incl. variable browser) I've made?
b) complete Control Browser (with all properties available for editing in any object)
c) both a and b
d) you prefer the editor in MC/RR

Survey 2
Assuming these tools work seemesly with (at least) MC
a) it should be freeware (no support guarantee, infrequent updates)
b) it should be shareware (some support for licensees, updates once in a while)
c) it should be commercial (support + regular updates)

Thanks very much for your answers.

Xavier Bury
ext 6465

Visit us at

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Re: Script Limits

2003-08-14 Thread Robert Brenstein

BTW could someone eventually post Shari's informal poll to the
Rev list ? I'm not on the Rev list myself...
I believe that such a list-based poll makes no sense for a number of 
reasons. If we are serious about it, it should be set up somewhere on 
the web and an address to posted to both lists. We will get better 
participation and more immediate results (and if IP addresses are 
recorded, we can judge if someone was trying to skew the results).

And BTW again, did anyone contact Kevin privately about this
script limit thing, as suggested in his original message ?
And did anyone get an answer ?
I did. No answer. But I did not list any specific product that is 
immediately impacted.

metacard mailing list

Re: Admin Detection

2003-08-14 Thread xbury . cs

On 12/08/2003 20:51:49 metacard-admin wrote:
Has anyone come up with a way to determine the user privileges of the
current user without writing a file to the drive?

I'm trying to detect whether or not the current Windows user has Admin
rights. If the only way to determine this is to attempt to create a file,
what is the best path to use?


on NT4 or W2K only... (it would be nice if someone posted the osx and linux variants ;)

echo %username%
will give you the current user name.

Then, put the result in comparison with 
c:\net localgroup 
Choose the administrator group
net localgroup administrators
you should see your user name in there.

In a NT domain, the local admin may be useless!
You can find the admins in net group domain admins -- but only from the PDC...
Unless you have EnterpriseAdmin (obsolete I believe) -- more below...

So one simple solution to find out if you are an administrator is this:
c:\net sessions
System error 5 has occurred.

Access is denied.

c:\net sessions

ComputerUser name  Client Type   Opens Idle time

\\BELLINI  Windows NT 1381 0   00:07:10
The command completed successfully.

For enterprise admin

global EAAvailable 

 put shell(EA) into x
 put The name specified is not recognized is not in x into EAAvailable
 if not EAAvailable then answer EA - Enterprise Administrator is required for this program to work. Maybe EA's path is not in your system's PATH environment variable.

on CheckUserIsAdmin
if EAAvailable then
 local eainfo
 local marshalindomain,deputyindomain
 put shell(ea info) into eainfo
 -- parse this
 --  Marshal in Focus Domain?  Yes, Marshal with all Deputy powers
 --  Deputy in Focus Domain?   Yes
 put line lineoffset(Marshal in Focus Domain,eainfo) of eainfo into marshalindomain
 put line lineoffset(Deputy in Focus Domain,eainfo) of eainfo into deputyindomain
 get yes is in marshalindomain and yes is in deputyindomain
 get access denied is not in shell(net sessions)
end if
 return it
end CheckUserIsAdmin

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Internet communications are not secure and therefore Clearstream International does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message.

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RE: Does your MC crash too?

2003-08-14 Thread Ken Ray

If you could post exactly what you're doing that causes the crash, we
could try it on our own systems. Images and htmlText with pictures
doesn't quite cut it. When you say changed a blend level on a
background picture do you mean a group that contains an image with its
backgroundBehavior true?

Let us know and we can help out...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MisterX
 Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 12:27 AM
 Subject: Does your MC crash too?
 Hi everyone,
 Im getting hyperFrustrated due to the amount of crashes I get in MC.
 For the most part, the one factor that is present in my 
 stacks that seems to cause the crashes is images and htmltext 
 with pictures.
 It's now 2 weeks Im trying to resolve these without any 
 success. And the number of crashed stacks, LOST HOURS is 
 starting to get on my nerves.
 Can anyone confirm that they have the same problems?
 Is there Anywhere or anyone who can explain how to clear 
 correctly an image?
 In this case, I just changed a blend level on a background 
 picture, save the stack and crash... Stack corrupted AGAIN!!!
 (french obscene wording like in the matrix skipped for your 
 comfort) ;)
 Who do we write for support now?
 metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: A task for Binary decode?

2003-08-14 Thread Dar Scott
On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 03:22 PM, jbv wrote:

At first glance, the data looks like octal (base 8), and therefore
But I'm somewhat puzzled by things like Exif or MM in the
It may be that the binary blob was forced to ASCII printable to be 
saved in the database.  Those bytes that are already in that range, 
such as MM are left as they are.  It looks like there might be some 
null terminated strings in the data, also, and those are printable 
ASCII.  I suspect that those bytes outside the printable ASCII range 
are encoded as \nnn where nnn is the octal representation of the byte.

If so, the conversion from the database form to the raw binary may 
simply be this:

   put format(asciifiedData) into binaryData

I didn't see any indication of this, but there might be some constraint 
as to a maximum line length in the database and some line-end is 
inserted to comply.  Those should be removed before the format() is 

The binary data is then available for use as binary as a whole.  If 
parts are needed, then binaryDecode() can be used, but if not, then it 
will not be needed.

Dar Scott

Dar Scott Consulting
Programming Services

metacard mailing list

Re: Script Limits

2003-08-14 Thread Shari
It is my understanding that these are OK.  The limit of 0 for 
standalones would apply to 'set the script of ... during the 
execution of the standalone.  If you don't do that in your scripts, 
then you are OK.
Currently I do not believe you can set a script in a standalone.  A 
Hypercard game I created used setting scripts.  When I recreated the 
game in Metacard, I had to remove that because it didn't work once 
the game was compiled into a standalone.  Something about the 
limitations apparently prevented it.

So presumably, this is not something that the new limit affects.

Shari C
Gypsy King Software
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: [OT] Thumbs up!

2003-08-14 Thread Ray Horsley
Congratulations Shari!  You've worked hard on this software and this is
certainly a feather in our cap!

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

on 8/5/03 7:29 AM, Shari at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As many of you know, I've been Mac based for years.  Metacard has
 allowed me to go cross platform.
 I recently released my first two Windows games (both have been
 available for Mac for quite awhile).
 The Mac versions are pop picks on and Tucows, and have
 won quite a few kudos in the Mac world.  The Windows versions just
 won their first kudos... five stars each from Paul's Picks :-)
 Just thought I'd share the happy news.
 Shari C
 Gypsy King Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Script Limits

2003-08-14 Thread Shari
What would this affect?  Presumably if we create a standalone, and 
distribute it, this would affect scripts within the standalone, 
correct?  Right now a standalone can have unlimited lines in the 
script, but not in a do command.  I don't know about other folks, 
but I use the do command a LOT in my standalones.  Even with the 10 
line limit.

I use custom properties a lot, as well.

What exactly would this affect?

Shari C
Gypsy King Software

As part of the transition process in the MetaCard acquisition, we're working
out what to with the scriptLimits property when not developing with a
licensed IDE or the 30 day trial.  We plan to reduce the first value in the
property, the one that lets you set scripts of 10 lines, to 0.  So you'll
still be able to use do but otherwise this loophole will be closed.
If anyone has any objections to this, please contact me off list.  The main
objection I can see that someone might have is that they use this in their
existing standalone.  If that is the case, we'll work something out with you
before making this change.
Kind regards,

--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Admin Detection

2003-08-14 Thread Scott Rossi
Has anyone come up with a way to determine the user privileges of the
current user without writing a file to the drive?

I'm trying to detect whether or not the current Windows user has Admin
rights.  If the only way to determine this is to attempt to create a file,
what is the best path to use?

Thanks  Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

metacard mailing list

RE: Drawers

2003-08-14 Thread Ken Ray
OS X only; on other platforms, it just opens the stack window that
you're drawering (if there is such a word :-).

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon Lord
 Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 1:26 AM
 Subject: Re: Drawers
 I haven't tried this yet (I may have back during the beta), 
 but can you 
 tell me if this works on all platforms or is this an OSX only thing?
 On Sunday, August 10, 2003, at 01:57 AM, Tuviah M Snyder wrote:
  Create three drawer stacks whose sum of heights is the 
 height of the 
  base stack (or otherwise, if you like).
  It is hasn't been documented for some reason
  drawer x1 at right,top in stack parent
  drawer x2 at right,center in stack parent
  drawer x3 at right,top in stack parent
  Same goes for other directions where the syntax is
  drawer stackname [at pintoside,[alignment]]
  So you can have multiple drawers on one side.
  Tuviah Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED] Runtime 
  Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought 
  metacard mailing list
 metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

[ANN] New website with Revolution files

2003-08-14 Thread Alejandro Tejada
I present my excuses to everyone. 
There was an error in the link to
the root directory. It's solved now.

Thanks again for the feedback.


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metacard mailing list

OZ-RUG moving

2003-08-14 Thread Monte Goulding

Hi All

Due to spam concerns with Yahoo! I'm moving OZ RUG to use Majordomo on my

To subscribe just send an email to:

Put 'subscribe ozrug' in the message body. Then send email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Only subscribed people can post messages.

There's no way that anyone (other than me) can find out a scriber address
and there won't be an archive.

I'll set up a web page when we need one.

Cheers to all

Monte Goulding
B.App.Sc. (Hons.)

Executive Director
Sweat Technologies

mobile (International): +61 421 138 274
   (Australia): 0421 138 274

metacard mailing list

Re: Drawers

2003-08-14 Thread Scott Rossi
 the question is like asking can you use your own
 routines to similuate the Aqua feel for all platforms, yes, by using
 custom graphics and other methods you can.

On a related note, you might like to take a look at the search feature in
the current version of our mcnews stack, which includes a custom answer
sheet routine.  Since it is built using native Rev objects and uses our own
ease-in script, it is more flexible (can display any control including
fields, images, etc.) and it is cross platform.

(Warning: grabbing more than 1 month's worth of content could take several
minutes, might bog down your system, and may be hazardous to your health.)

In your message box:

  go stack url;

Kind of amusing to see Apple-like stuff on Windows.  :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

metacard mailing list

getting the MP3 duration

2003-08-14 Thread Shao Sean
someone was looking at how to get the duration of an MP3
file.. here's a method that can be used..  the file used was
Jethro Tull's Songs from the Woods MP3 (the complete album
as one file).. it's a MPEG 1.0 layer 3 file.. if more
advanced file info is needed feel free to contact me


on mouseUp
  --- these constants come from my full album mp3 of Jethro
Tull's Songs From The Woods
  constant kFileSizeInBytes = 50034954  -- as returned by
the 'detailed files'
  constant kFileBitRate = 160   -- the bitrate
(displayed as 160kbit)
  local tTotalDurationInSeconds, tMM, tSS, tMMSS
  put ((kFileSizeInBytes * 8) / kFileBitRate / 1000) into
  put trunc(tTotalDurationInSeconds / 60) into tMM
  put trunc(tTotalDurationInSeconds MOD 60) into tSS
  # WinAMP returns the total duration as: 2501 seconds
  #returns the total time in MM:SS as: 41m 41s
end mouseUp
metacard mailing list

Windows Version Numbers

2003-08-14 Thread Scott Rossi
I thought the following might prove helpful for folks doing version
detection on Windows...

Determining the current Windows version in Rev/MC may require a slight
change on the scripting side.  I've been doing a project with a client that
used a script similar to the following to detect the current system version:

switch the systemVersion
  case Windows 4.0
put Windows 95 into tVersion
  case Windows 4.10
put Windows 98 into tVersion
  case Windows 4.90
put Windows ME into tVersion
  case NT 4.0
put Windows NT into tVersion
  case NT 5.0
put Windows 2000 into tVersion
  case NT 5.1
put Windows XP into tVersion
end switch

After some testing, the client found that my project failed on some
variations of Windows 98 and Windows ME (the client has a fairly extensive
QA department).  Apparently these Windows variations return systemVersions
other than 4.10 and 4.90. The way I seemed to have solved the problem was to
compare number *ranges* in the systemVersion, instead of exact values:

put word 2 of the systemVersion into V
if word 1 of the systemVersion = Windows then
case V=4 and V4.1
  put Windows 95 into tVersion
case V=4.1 and V4.9
  put Windows 98 into tVersion
case V=4.9
  put Windows ME into tVersion
  end switch
case V=4 and V5
  put Windows NT into tVersion
case V=5 and V5.1
  put Windows 2000 into tVersion
case V=5.1
  put Windows XP into tVersion
  end switch
end if

Hope this saves folks some debugging time.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

metacard mailing list

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