Re: ColorizeScript challenge

2006-04-27 Thread Geoff Canyon

On Apr 26, 2006, at 2:17 PM, Dave Cragg wrote:

On 26 Apr 2006, at 20:06, J. Landman Gay wrote:

I played with this for about an hour last night. I was using the  
same technique, converting the script to htmltext using the  
replace command. I had it mostly working but got stuck on exactly  
the issue you mention. So let's let Geoff do it. :)

I probably should, but a challenge is hard to resist.

Attempting to take back the beer (I don't drink, so I'm not sure why  
I'm bothering...)

I tidied up my script and added support for some comment forms. It's  
fractionally (5%) slower than before.

Having assessed a bit, I think this:

 -- preservesand whitespace
 -- colorizes of course
 -- handles standard comments
 -- does libURL in 23 ticks on my 1ghz machine, of which over half  
is in the single step of setting the htmlText of the field.

It does not handle block comments. It can also be fooled by lines of  
the form:

  put (oh no, #this will be a comment)

Everything after the # would be colored as a comment. I didn't know  
until now that the above breaks the quoted text is one word rule.  
There are eight words in that line according to Revolution.

Here's the script. Note that I broke out the HTML form of the  
colorization values into a global, and put the initialization of that  
into a separate handler. Also, forgive that I speak Transcript with a  
Revolution accent ;-)

function colorizeScript pScript -- takes a script, returns colorized  

  global gREVScriptHTMLColors
  if gREVScriptHTMLColors[if] is empty then revSetupHTMLColors
  replace  with amp; in pScript
  replace  with lt; in pScript
  replace  with gt; in pScript
  repeat for each line L in pScript
put 0 into i
repeat for each word W in L
  add 1 to i
  if gREVScriptHTMLColors[W] is not empty then
put gREVScriptHTMLColors[W] into word i of L
add 1 to i
  else if char 1 of W is # or char 1 to 2 of W is -- then
put font color=DarkOrchid4 before word i of L
put /font after L
exit repeat
  end if
end repeat
put p  L  /p  cr after tReturn
  end repeat
  return tReturn
end colorizeScript

on revSetupHTMLColors -- initializes gREVScriptHTMLColors global
  global gREVScriptColors,gREVScriptHTMLColors
  if gREVScriptColors[if] is empty then revSetupColors
  delete variable gREVScriptHTMLColors
  put gREVScriptColors into tColors
  combine tColors with cr and tab
  set the itemdelimiter to tab
  repeat for each line L in tColors
-- watch out for text wrap with this line:
put format(%s\tfont color=\%s\%s/font\n,item 1 of L,item  
2 of L,item 1 of L) after gREVScriptHTMLColors

  end repeat
  split gREVScriptHTMLColors with cr and tab
end revSetupHTMLColors

metacard mailing list

Re: ColorizeScript challenge

2006-04-27 Thread Geoff Canyon

On Apr 26, 2006, at 11:46 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:

I've been silently following this thread, and one more out-of-the- 
box idea comes to mind. What about just colorizing the lines of the  
script currently visible in the editor, and updating when the user  
scrolls? If that limited the whole job to say, 50 lines of script,  
would the original slower, simpler version of the script suffice?

It might not give live scrolling in color - but the update could  
still be snappy enough to not slow down anyone actually reading the  

My current effort does roughly 400 lines per tick on a 1ghz machine,  
not counting setting the htmlText. (note that it doesn't handle block  
comments, among other things)

More importantly, it seems to scale linearly. Colorizing a script  
four times as long as the libURL script takes four times as long as  
the libURL script.

Given that, it would be nice to be able to handle truly mammoth  
scripts. I think you're right that it would require some sort of  
color-on-the-fly-as-you-scroll method. Given the speeds we've  
reached, live colorization while scrolling doesn't seem out of the  


metacard mailing list

Re: ColorizeScript challenge

2006-04-27 Thread Geoff Canyon

On Apr 27, 2006, at 6:28 AM, Dave Cragg wrote:

On 27 Apr 2006, at 12:31, Geoff Canyon wrote:

Attempting to take back the beer (I don't drink, so I'm not sure  
why I'm bothering...)

And I don't colorize my scripts. How pathetic are we? Make sure  
Richard buys you a nice meal.

I don't colorize either. What a couple of saps.

put (oh no, #this will be a comment)

Everything after the # would be colored as a comment. I didn't  
know until now that the above breaks the quoted text is one word  
rule. There are eight words in that line according to Revolution.

I'm not sure I want to know that. One more things to worry about.

I think if I really want the beer (maybe tonight) I'd rewrite my code  
to simply loop through the characters of the script and keep my own  
state variables: inBlockComment, inQuotedString. Assemble words, put  
them into the HTML, etc. sigh

What's the use of lines, words, etc. for a task like this? Not much,  
I'm afraid.

metacard mailing list

Re: ColorizeScript challenge

2006-04-27 Thread Geoff Canyon

On Apr 27, 2006, at 8:31 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Here's a tough one:  Your script works great in MC (I've had to  
modify it to use it there, and changed some color assignments while  
I was at it -- see below), but it doesn't set the color of function  
names when the function is used in the traditional parenthetic form  
rather than with the, e.g.:

  put the length of Hello -- colorizes length
  put length(Hello) -- doesn't colorize length

I began exploring ways to use token instead of work, but I couldn't  
do it without changing the actual text.  Maybe with a little more  
dilligence token might be the magic key we're looking for

I haven't tried it lately, but in the past my experience using tokens  
has been as useful as words are proving here: useless.

The above is failing of course because my code is looking for a word  
length and there is no word length in

  put length(Hello)

This brings me back to the suggestion I made a few minutes ago -- the  
only way I see to handle this reliably is character by character.  
Then it would be easy to use spaces, tabs, and parentheses (any  
others?) as delimiters outside strings and comments.

I'm motivated enough to do this tonight, assuming I don't just go to  
sleep -- I was up until 4 last night...

metacard mailing list

Re: ColorizeScript challenge

2006-04-26 Thread Geoff Canyon

On Apr 25, 2006, at 4:00 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Anyone have ideas on how to speed up MC's script colorizing?

Funny you should ask. I did this once as a thought experiment, with  
an eye to never storing the colorized version of the script but  
generating it on the fly.

I changed the script to get the text of the script into a variable,  
then build the HTMLtext necessary, then set the HTMLtext of the field.

The code is about 100 times as fast as the existing code -- it does  
the libURL script in about half a second on my PowerBook.

I can send the stack if you like -- it's thought experiment quality  
i.e. no documentation and not guaranteed.

metacard mailing list

Re: ColorizeScript challenge

2006-04-26 Thread Geoff Canyon

On Apr 26, 2006, at 4:34 AM, Dave Cragg wrote:

In a bid to steal Geoff's beer, I took a look at using the htmlText  
to do this. It's certainly much faster. (A first attempt below.)

Well, I'll see your colorization and raise you a justification. I've  
sent it off to Richard. The justification wasn't 100%. It didn't  
handle all the possible if statement forms, if I remember correctly.  
(I wrote the code back in 2003)

If anyone else wants the code just ask.

metacard mailing list

Re: ColorizeScript challenge

2006-04-26 Thread Geoff Canyon

On Apr 26, 2006, at 2:17 PM, Dave Cragg wrote:

On 26 Apr 2006, at 20:06, J. Landman Gay wrote:

I played with this for about an hour last night. I was using the  
same technique, converting the script to htmltext using the  
replace command. I had it mostly working but got stuck on exactly  
the issue you mention. So let's let Geoff do it. :)

I probably should, but a challenge is hard to resist.

I should point out that I have _no_ idea whether mine would handle  
any of the issues mentioned. I wrote it as a frustrated thought  
experiment three years ago, and haven't looked at it since.

All the testing I remember doing is copying a large script to the  
source field, hitting the button, and looking at the output and  
saying, Yup, that's a colorized script.


So it's anyone's guess how fast it is, and whether it even works  

metacard mailing list

Re: Houston, We Have A Problem

2005-07-13 Thread Geoff Canyon

That's a puzzler. This works in either environment:

on mouseUp
  go stack test1
  import snapshot from rect (rect of grc 1) of window (windowID of  
stack test1)

  go stack test2
  create img

  -- here's the change:
  set the rect of the last img of stack test2 to the rect of the  
last img of stack test1
  set the imagedata of the last img of stack test2 to the  
imagedata of the last img of stack test1

end mouseUp

On Jul 12, 2005, at 11:59 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

on mouseUp
  go stack test1
  import snapshot from rect (rect of grc 1) of window (windowID of  

  go stack test2
  create img
  put last img of stack test1 into last img of stack test2
end mouseUp

metacard mailing list

Re: Not only in Houston . . .

2005-07-13 Thread Geoff Canyon
grc is short for graphic, which is different than an image. Create a  
rectangle or a polygon in stack test1

On Jul 13, 2005, at 4:19 AM, Mathewson wrote:

Now this is where I feel I am missing something; can find
no reference to 'grc' anywhere in the documentation.

metacard mailing list

Re: 1000 objects

2005-05-28 Thread Geoff Canyon
I'm assuming you're drawing something like face-down playing cards.  
If the appearance is always the same, another way to handle something  
like this would be to have one graphic instead of many, calculate  
where the click occurred and then do what is appropriate based on that.

As far as really nice graphics go -- hire Scott ;-)


On May 27, 2005, at 8:04 PM, Shari wrote:

It seems unlikely that a player is going to be able to interact  
with 142
separate objects at one time on their screen, much less 1000.  I  
wonder if
they would even fit on the screen, if your game contains  
environmental art
(card table, other players, etc).  But assuming there was space, I  
would say
it's up to you to effectively manage what players have access to,  
and to use
representations of groups of chips when appropriate.  If a players  
stacks 10

chips, you replace the stack of 10 objects with a single chip stack
object.  If the player wants to play with the chips separately,  
maybe they
have to place the stack on the table (or whatever is  
appropriate).  This

requires some efficiency planning on your part.

Just because you *can* have access to 1000 objects/chips doesn't  
mean you

*have* to make them separate objects.


Scott Rossi

Actually it fits very well :-)  I had the same issue when I changed  
how I approached the cards.  I had to have 416 objects for the  
cards, representing 8 decks times 52 cards.  The original version  
didn't do it that way, but a recent upgrade did.  You don't believe  
one could use that many cards at once?  Well, seven players times  
multiple hands per player times multiple cards per hand... plus the  
dealer... can add up to a lot of cards.

And it isn't up to me, this particular version upgrade is about  
beating out the competitors.  There are quite a few competitors  
that have come into this, and from a marketing perspective, if I  
don't compete, I am dead in the water.

From a marketing perspective there are two ways to approach it:

1.  You give them more bang for the buck.  If there are 10 programs  
each selling for the same price, yours better have more goodies  
than the other 9.

2.  You drop the price and hope they don't want those goodies bad  
enough to pay your competitors the extra bucks.

I'm competing with not only other shareware authors and retail  
games, but now the casinos have jumped into it and have put out  
freebie versions.  As this game is my bread and butter of software  
sales, either it grows or dies.  Man, the graphics of one of the  
competitors just blows me out of the water.  So I'm stuffing this  
version with every danged possible option anybody could want, and  
one last tweak of the graphics... the chips.  And even then it will  
be missing things others have.  Geez, there are so many things I  
can put into this thing.  The list never runs out.  But even so it  
will have things others are missing.  So I guess it's all about  
what's most important to those spending their money.

If you've ever gambled, it's pretty big watching those chips either  
stack up or dwindle away.  The visual aspect of it ... pretty big.  
So visually the chips are going to be just as if it were a real  
casino... chips stacking up, if the stack gets a certain height the  
chips will color up...

The game itself doesn't slow down for the additional overhead, just  
Metacard itself when the Control Browser is open.  Actually I take  
that back, I haven't finished the coding to play the game in its  
newest incarnation :-)  But I don't think it will slow the game down.

I have a memory card I've never installed, maybe it's time to go  
from 128 MB RAM to 256... (yup, I'm in the dark ages as usual)

Mac and Windows shareware games
metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: 1000 objects

2005-05-28 Thread Geoff Canyon

Two suggestions:

Could you group the chips and then move the group? Might be easier/ 
faster, especially if you have several moves to do over the course of  
time and can leave the chips grouped. Note that you can move chips  
into/out of the group by setting their layer.

If all you're talking about is a stack of gambling chips, why not  
create a set of graphics for 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., up to the maximum  
height of the stack, and then just use the appropriate graphic rather  
than have individual images for each chip. That would have _much_  
lower overhead and be easier to deal with.


On May 28, 2005, at 12:08 PM, Shari wrote:

Moves a group of objects all at one time.  In other words, a stack  
of chips :-)

metacard mailing list

Re: 1000 objects

2005-05-27 Thread Geoff Canyon
You will probably find Navigator to be much faster, while offering  
many (most? all? more?) features. You can limit the number of  
controls Navigator will attempt to display. You can turn off auto- 
hiliting, so it doesn't update each time you select an object.  
Generally it's _much_ faster. It works with MetaCard as well as Rev.

The latest beta (recommended) is at:

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

On May 27, 2005, at 6:42 AM, Shari wrote:

The verdict is in... it did not add much overhead (disk space used)  
to create 1000 objects, however using the Control Browser is now  
virtually impossible.  When it is open, everything I do has slowed  
to such a crawl it is impossible to get anything done.  I can click  
on an object, and actually count the seconds until the object is  
officially selected.

metacard mailing list

Re: is prime

2004-12-09 Thread Geoff Canyon
On Dec 8, 2004, at 10:39 AM, MisterX wrote:
 put (x div 2) into xfactors
I haven't read through the rest carefully, but shouldn't this be 
trunc(sqrt(x))? You don't need to check for factors beyond the square 

Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: Can MC drag and drop with a list field?

2004-11-05 Thread Geoff Canyon
Navigator does this (it's in your plugins folder and the code is 
unprotected). It's not clean and the code is laced with specifics 
related to Navigator's needs. There used to be examples up on the web 
site, not sure now.

Look at the related messages in the documentation: dragMove is key.
Geoff Canyon
On Nov 5, 2004, at 6:10 AM, Ray Horsley wrote:
Sure would be nice.  I'd like to have a simple way to do this, too.  
But if nobody responds with an easy solution you might find it not 
that much harder to create a graphic to highlight the lines (clone it, 
resize it and position it as needed) and then you can work with a 
simple field with the text locked which might offer the flexibility 
you need to get lines of text from and to various destinations.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
On Thursday, November 4, 2004, at 05:53  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Has anyone found a way to drag and drop among the lines of, from, or 
to a field with list behavior? I want to be able to select one or 
more lines, then drag and drop it or them to a different line or to 
some other control; and also be able to drag from other controls and 
drop on some line of the list.

David Epstein
metacard mailing list
metacard mailing list
metacard mailing list

Re: hand cursor

2004-09-17 Thread Geoff Canyon
On Sep 16, 2004, at 2:47 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
I recognize that RunRev believes the current implementation is 
complete, but it appears they did not implement or perhaps 
misunderstood the spec that they'd worked on which would have also 
provided backward compatibility as well.

ID 28 is used by the splitter.  We could change that too, and the 
arrow cursor and its affected compliment along with them and other IDs 
in use for a decade before Rev was born, but before we slide down that 
slippery slope I'd prefer to ask that the team review the spec and 
decide if they're fully satisfied with the current implementation.
The original spec doesn't seem to be linked on the wiki anymore, but 
here it is:
I think they have largely implemented the spec as written, with a few 
omissions and a gotcha. The omission is that that the spec called for a 
preference setting. No big deal it seems to me.

The gotcha is that in writing the spec, I used 28 as an example: 
Tuviah changes the engine to use a currently unused id as the default 
browse cursor. Let's say it's 28, for the sake of discussion.

I didn't check to see that 28 wasn't already used, since I was just 
giving an example. I'm guessing that's the heart of the current issue.

On Sep 16, 2004, at 2:15 PM, Ken Ray wrote:
Personally I think this is invasive and IMHO unnecessary. What was the
problem with just setting the defaultCursor when the IDE starts up? 
I just don't get it...
The idea was to implement something that could transparently make the 
switch through the entire development process. setting the 
defaultCursor would have broken if anyone set the defaultCursor and 
then emptied it, expecting to get back to the arrow. It also would have 
required inserting code into the developer's project at build time, 
which is something I wanted to avoid completely.

Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: hand cursor

2004-09-17 Thread Geoff Canyon
On Sep 17, 2004, at 6:08 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Maybe something simpler is in order:  new cursors use new IDs.
The spec as written doesn't overwrite any cursors (except by accident 
as described previously). For the benefit of those who don't have 
access, here is the meat of the spec:

1. Tuviah changes the engine to use a currently unused id as the 
default browse cursor. Let's say it's 28, for the sake of discussion.
2. Likewise, Tuviah changes the engine to use another currently unused 
id as the default edit cursor. Let's say it's 29.
3. We leave 28 alone -- no image id 28.
4. We create an edit pointer and assign it id 29. So far the consensus 
seems to be a hollow arrow, by the way. We duplicate this image and 
give the duplicate an id of 30.
5. We create a preference setting to restore the original settings.
6. Setting the preference to original does two things: it deletes the 
edit cursor image (id 29) and it duplicates the hand image, and gives 
the duplicate an id of 28.
7. Setting the preference to standard does two things: it deletes image 
id 28, and duplicates image id 30, and sets the duplicate's id to 29.

I'm sick, so it could be that Rev 2.5 doesn't match this. I don't think 
they've implemented #5, 6, or 7. Also, obviously, ID 28 was just an 
example, so some other ID would have to be used.

But items 1-4 the above should give this result:
First, there would be no difference between Revolution and MetaCard. 
Behavior should be the same, and predictable, in both.

In Revolution or MetaCard, the default browse tool is the native arrow. 
This is regardless of the defaultCursor. Setting the defaultCursor to 
hand would cause the hand cursor to be used. Setting the cursor to hand 
should display the hand. Setting the cursor to 8 should display the 

If that breaks functionality, how?
Apart from the fact that they seem to have used 28 when they should 
have used an unused ID, have they followed that spec?

Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: hand cursor

2004-09-17 Thread Geoff Canyon
On Sep 17, 2004, at 2:13 PM, Ken Ray wrote:
On 9/17/04 11:14 AM, Geoff Canyon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In Revolution or MetaCard, the default browse tool is the native 
This is regardless of the defaultCursor. Setting the defaultCursor to
hand would cause the hand cursor to be used. Setting the cursor to 
should display the hand. Setting the cursor to 8 should display the

If that breaks functionality, how?
Apart from the fact that they seem to have used 28 when they should
have used an unused ID, have they followed that spec?
No. In addition to using ID 28, if you set the cursor to 8, you get the
arrow, not the hand. And if you set it to 29, you get the arrow, not 
edit pointer.

Ken Ray
Then I don't know what they did ;-)
Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: 10000 fields and crash

2003-10-06 Thread Geoff Canyon
Have we established yet why 10,000 fields on one card are necessary?


On Sunday, October 5, 2003, at 01:07  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On  Sun, 05 Oct 2003 jbv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

J. Landman Gay :

MetaCard's Save menu command includes a compact stack. That's
what is probably taking the time. It should save much faster if you
type save this stack into the message box.

Just tried it : things get even worst : saving a stack with 2000 flds 
15 min, when it took only 9 min with the Save menu...

My stack here with about 3,000 controls on one card (size 10 MB 
because a lot of
color information is stored in a number of arrays) takes 1 minute 10 
seconds to
be saved on a Windows computer with 800 MHz and 256 MB RAM.


Wilhelm Sanke
metacard mailing list


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list


2003-08-24 Thread Geoff Canyon
On Friday, August 22, 2003, at 09:18  AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

So far I haven't seen any reason for such a document, because so far I 
haven't found any problems with just dropping the latest Rev engine 
into the MC folder. I've currently got 2.5.1b3 running in the MC IDE 
without any issues.
May be a wacky question, but it just occurred to me so I thought I'd 
shake up some dust: how do you (anyone) plan on handling documentation? 
You say you don't have any problems with just dropping in the latest 
engine -- but that doesn't update the documentation.


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list


2003-08-24 Thread Geoff Canyon
On Sunday, August 24, 2003, at 03:02  PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

I would guess Richard just meant the docs stack/s, not the whole
I'm questioning whether the Rev doc stacks would go willingly -- 
whether they have dependencies on the Rev environment that would 
require correcting before they'd run standalone in MC.


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: open source (Richard Gaskin)

2003-07-18 Thread Geoff Canyon
Somewhere lost in the prior emails of the thread, Richard had asked 
about source control. There is no public method for source control with 
RunRev at this point. So you could submit a bug through bugzilla, and 
include code to fix it, but there's no guarantee that the code in 
question hasn't already been modified internally, which complicates the 

But yes, the way to do it would be through bugzilla, of course.

On Friday, July 18, 2003, at 06:34  AM, Ben Rubinstein wrote:

Not wanting to speak for the Rev team - but I'd have thought the 
answer for the Rev IDE is their bug reporting database, which IIRC is 
open to all comers.  Go to, click Developers, scroll 
to Feedback.  They use bugzilla - it's hairy but basically great.  
- doesn't seem to play well with Safari - try iCab or IE if you're on 


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: open source (Richard Gaskin)

2003-07-17 Thread Geoff Canyon
On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 09:51  AM, Sadhunathan Nadesan wrote:

3. MC IDE   open source
4. RR IDE   not open source
Both IDEs are more or less open source, inasmuch as the source is 
largely exposed in each, available for modification if you wish. The 
larger difference is that the RR IDE will continue to be maintained by 
Runtime, while the MC IDE will be left to a set of developers to be 
named later.


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: open source (Richard Gaskin)

2003-07-17 Thread Geoff Canyon
On Thursday, July 17, 2003, at 07:20  PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Geoff Canyon wrote:

Both IDEs are more or less open source, inasmuch as the source is
largely exposed in each, available for modification if you wish.
How does one submit bug fixes in the Rev IDE?
There is (as yet) no defined policy for submitting bug fixes either 
IDE. In the case of Rev, emailing them to one of the various @runrev 
addresses would do the trick, if anything would.


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: Moving the MC IDE forward

2003-07-12 Thread Geoff Canyon
On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 10:32  AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

several good examples of how MC is simpler than Rev omitted

These are very minor examples, none of which are crucial or 
insurmountable. I can customize my way out of the first two of them 
easily. But the lean IDE in MC has its appeal -- precisely because I 
*don't* have to customize it. It just stays out of my way. I think it 
is this kind of thing that causes experienced MC users to accuse 
Revolution of bloat. It is also this feeling of steamlined 
useability that caused HyperCard people to accuse MetaCard of bloat 
as well. ;) Hypercard's huge advantage is the way its own IDE remains 
completely out of sight until you need it.
Then I don't understand all the talk of customizing MC. If it's near 
perfect (for those who like simplicity) the way it is, let it stay that 
way. It won't take a team effort to keep it compatible with any 
foreseeable changes to the engine.

The most likely answer to your question is that, given human nature, 
people don't easily change their habits. For myself, I find I use 
Revolution far more from the message box than from within its many 
palettes. It's just how I'm used to doing things, and it is much 
faster because I type fast and I don't have to wait for interface 
elements to load. The good news for MC users who are moving to Rev is 
that it works just fine that way.
That's what troubles me: that people will remain with MC, and spend 
effort on adding features into it that already exist in Revolution, out 
of human nature.

Wouldn't it be easier to address the issues you see in Revolution, and 
get the rest of what Rev offers (and will be updated to offer) for 
free, rather than having to re-implement the wheel in MC?

Finally, everyone (who prefers MC) seems bothered by the palettes in 
Revolution. Wouldn't it be possible to simply not open/use those 


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: Moving the MC IDE forward

2003-07-12 Thread Geoff Canyon
On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 11:42  AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

So putting it just as bluntly, that there is a perception of MC's 
value is
reason enough.  If that perception changes over time the MC engine will
whither away naturally.  There should be no need to force change, and 
so would not have the liberating feeling of a choice.
I'm not proposing forcing anyone to switch. That's not even what I'm 
asking about. I'm specifically curious why people would expend 
significant effort updating/enhancing the MC environment. If all we're 
talking about is maintaining compatibility with new engines, then 
that's a minimal task and I don't see any reason not to.


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: MC Documentation in wiki format...

2003-06-07 Thread Geoff Canyon
The Revolution documentation is already up in this format:

Note this is the 1.1.1 documentation, so it's somewhat behind the 
current version.

I should have the 2.0 documentation up late June/early July.

On Saturday, June 7, 2003, at 04:22  AM, David Bovill wrote:

If there aree a few people on the list who would value and contribute 
to a
public Wiki for issues related to Metacard and Rev - I'll put one up. I
think it could help with the support / documentation?

Scott - any issues problems taking existing MC help material and ReadMe
files and putting them up?
My guess is that you're interacting with your blogs
with a MC-client, whereas the wikis you have used only
have a web interface. If so, you have not founf the
right wiki yet, e.g. the ones you can remote control
with XML-RPC.
Working as we type on an MC client for a Zope backed Wiki and project
management system. Basically the MC client acts as a front end for the 
objects (loosely Wiki pages) - the XML-RPC interfaces are set up and 
- just testing and tweaking them now.

Next thing to look at is how the MC client can help graph the web site 
make maps and show entity relationships. Also how Zope can call MC 
components server side. Either way you can post and edit direct to the 
from MC right now through XML-RPC.

metacard mailing list

I hope this helps. Feel free to contact me if you have any further 


Geoff Canyon
Revolution Support
Runtime Revolution Limited: Software at the Speed of Thought
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.
metacard mailing list

Re: indexing slow-down (i.e., speeding up programs)

2003-04-12 Thread Geoff Canyon
If you have enough memory, convert the second list to an array. Then 
your process will run linearly.

If you don't have enough memory, break the second list into chunks by 
letter, and then probably still do the array conversion. That or just 
use your regular routine.

On Saturday, April 12, 2003, at 01:14 PM, John Vokey wrote:

  Here's my task:  I've got two LARGE text files, one a spelling 
dictionary (from Excalibur) and the other a dictionary of lexical 
frequencies (i.w., item and frequency); there over 113,000 unique 
words (as lines) in the first, and about a million different entries 
(as separate lines) in the second, many not regular words (e.g., 
dates, numbers, etc.); furthermore, in the second, the same word is 
listed multiple times depending on use (e.g., ``rose'' as a noun and 
``rose'' as a verb).  I want to extract the lexical frequency 
(ignoring use type) of each of the words in the first from the second, 
including assigning a frequency of zero for those from the first not 
found in the second.

  Fortunately, both are already alphabetised, so as I move 
sequentially through the first, I can simply start searching from 
where I last left off in the second, summing over multiple use 
listings of the same word.  So far so good.   I use the ``repeat for 
each ... in ... '' construct for the first dictionary, and a variable 
pointer for the second that I advance as I find each word from the 
first (I call a simple function that skips over non-words and advances 
the pointer, returning the line of the next word in the lexical 
dictionary).  Both text files are read into memory at the start of the 
routine (which takes less than a second using the'' url file://...'' 
command (way to go, metacard!).

  Here's my problem: initially, the routine takes much less than 1 
second per hundred words (which, when multiplied by the number of 
words remaining to index, results in an estimate of some small 
fraction of an hour to do the whole task).  However, it rapidly (as an 
exponential function) slows down, so that by the time it reaches the 
middle of the alphabet (M), it takes many minutes per 100 words, and 
an ever-increasing time estimate for the remaining items (now over 60 
hours!).  Clearly, either the ``repeat for each'' command for the 
first dictionary  or the ``get line pointer...'' for the second (or 
both) get(s) slower and slower as I progress through the dictionaries, 
presumably because to do one or the other (or both), metacard counts 
carriage returns from the beginning of the dictionary.

  I've tried: deleting the items from the front of the lexical 
dictionary as I've searched them, so that each new search starts at 
line 1 of the edited list [i.e., put line pointer to (the number of 
lines of dict2) of dict2 into dict2)], but that slows it down even 
more (presumably because metacard needs to count crs to find the 
number of the last line each time).  I've tried various machinations 
of offset(,,skip) using the skip variable as an absolute pointer, but 
it also appeared to make things slower presumably because it counts 
chars from the start of the dictionary.  I guess I could divide dict2 
(or dict1) into many small segments, moving to each successive segment 
as the previous one was exhausted, but I was hoping for something more 

  What I need are *absolute* pointers (preferably a memory address, or 
a pointer or a handle to such), rather than the relative (to the 
beginning of the list) pointers given by the line (and possibly ``for 
each'') construct.  Arrays presumably would work (but doesn't metacard 
then have to search the indices to resolve the array reference?), and 
reading the million length file into the array just sets the problem 
back one step.

  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  As I receive the list in 
digest form, if you have a scathingly brilliant idea, please send a 
copy of it directly to my email address.  TIA
John R. Vokey, Ph.D.   |\  _,,,---,,_
Professor  /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience  |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
University of Lethbridge  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

metacard mailing list

I hope this helps. Feel free to contact me if you have any further 


Geoff Canyon
Revolution Support
Runtime Revolution Limited: Software at the Speed of Thought
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.
metacard mailing list

Re: MC 2.5B6 Bug in Cloning

2003-03-29 Thread Geoff Canyon
copy graphic MyGraphic of cd 1 to this cd

On Saturday, March 29, 2003, at 11:25 PM, Ray Horsley wrote:

I'm on card 2 in a stack and I issue the command:

  clone graphic MyGraphic of cd 1

This used to put a copy of the graphic directly onto card 2 or 
whatever card
I'm on when the command is issued, but it no longer does this in 
2.5B6.  I
hate to ruin whatever the user may have on the clipboard by using the
obvious work around of selecting it and then doing a doMenu Copy.  Any
comments or insight on this anybody?

Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: listBehavior problem

2003-01-12 Thread Geoff Canyon
You should be able to prevent this by placing a field (that can receive 
focus) on a (lower|higher) layer than the listbox. I think it's lower 


On Sunday, January 12, 2003, at 09:18 PM, kweto wrote:

Upon a stack opening for the first time, it automatically and 
_unwantedly_ selects the top line of a field with listBehavior set to 
true. How do I prevent this (i.e., so that the list-field remains 
I tried switching the layer of the list-field, as well as this piece 
of pre-emptive script, but no luck:
on openCard
  set the hilitedLines of field fImageList to 0,0
  set the hilitedLines of field fImageList2 to 0,0
end openCard
Thank you.
Nicolas Cueto
P.S. Thanks to Klaus Major for the answer printer fix.

I hope this helps. Feel free to contact me if you have any further 


Geoff Canyon
Revolution Support
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development
Tel: +44 (0) 870 747 1165.  Fax: +44 (0)1639 830 707.

metacard mailing list

Re: Quintessential XCMDs

2002-12-25 Thread Geoff Canyon
For anyone who's interested, the list in question is at:

Alas, I don't know the available XCMDs well enough to know what each of 
the ones on the list does. I'm curious, though -- what were the seven 
and what do they do?

On Tuesday, December 24, 2002, at 08:45 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

I thought this was interesting: Today on the HyperCard mailing list a 
member posted a list of 66 XCMDs/XFCNs that he considered 
quintessential -- externals that a serious developer simply could 
not do without. I was familiar with almost all of them, having used 
most of them myself. Scanning the list, I found only seven that 
MetaCard could not do natively, and one of those seven I left in the 
list because I wasn't sure exactly what its purpose was.


Geoff Canyon

metacard mailing list

Re: Publishing an article on xTalk and JavaScript?

2002-10-10 Thread Geoff Canyon

eric engle wrote:

 I have written an primer which compares syntax in
 xTalk and javascript. I would like to publish this
 paper somewhere, anywhere. Does anyone have any ideas?

You can add it to my site. :)

But ever better would be to try O'reilly Net first, then maybe slashdont and
other nerd haunts.

 Richard Gaskin 

Once you're done with the more official outlets (or now if you like) you're welcome to 
put it up at the wiki: 

You can create a link to a new page for it from the main page, then click the button 
to create the page and paste in your content. If you don't want it changed, you can 
lock the page(s) with a password.


Geoff Canyon

metacard mailing list

Re: MC Book-other ideas

2002-10-07 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 03:38 PM 10/4/2002 -0500, you wrote:
1. Wouldn't this be a good use of a Wiki? Karl B., are you able to set up 
a Wiki rather than a website?

There is already a Wiki available. Currently it contains the entirety of 
the Revolution documentation, as well as some other material that has been 
added. It's at and everyone is free 
to add pages as they choose.


metacard mailing list

Re: MC Book-other ideas

2002-10-07 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 10:52 AM 10/4/2002 -0700, you wrote:
One possibility (maybe more easily doable, probably less fraught with 
ownership issues, and certainly more current, than a book) would be to 
create a MC documentation site similar to the one for MySQL (see ). In that site, each docs page 
allows registered webusers to add comments at the end. Check it out - some 
are very helpful, sometimes taking the form of a conversation. Here's an 

The wiki will allow you to do that without a registration, and you can edit 
the actual page -- or add comments if that's all you want to do. I've put 
up an outline at



metacard mailing list

Book Wiki

2002-10-07 Thread Geoff Canyon

I've put up a possible book outline on the wiki. It's Revolution-centric, 
but don't let that stop you -- edit it to your taste! As usual, everyone is 
free to edit/contribute right now, no logins required.



metacard mailing list

The Revolution Wiki has moved

2002-09-24 Thread Geoff Canyon

The Revolution Wiki has moved to its own server. That means that it now runs on the 
standard port :80, so everyone should be able to get to it. The new url is:

Please use the new address going forward. I will leave the old wiki's home page in 
place for a few days, with a notice of the change.

So if you have code to share, or a tip or trick, or a note about compatibility, or 
anything that might help Revolution developers, post it at the wiki. You don't need a 
password, you can do it right now. It's easy and quick.

If anyone has suggestions on how to make the wiki more useful, feel free to email me, 
or better yet, post it at the wiki.

For those who missed the earlier notices, the wiki contains exports of almost all of 
the Revolution 1.1.1 documentation. In addition there are numerous other pages with 
more information on Revolution. The best part is that anyone with knowledge to 
contribute can add to an existing page ,or add a whole new page, just by going to the 
wiki web site and clicking an edit button on the page. No prior authorization or setup 
is required.


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: hide/show menu buttons

2002-09-10 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 4:12 PM -0400 8/30/02, Shari wrote:
I have a menubar on each card (in the background layer, so it automatically appears 
on each card).  On a Mac, of course it's the regular Mac menubar.  On windows, the 
menubar is part of the card. Standard so far.

Works perfectly except for one thing.

I want to hide/show menu buttons when entering a card.

Instead of hiding/showing them, you could move them into and out of the group. You can 
do this by setting their layer to a layer outside/inside the group. Note that you must 
set relayerGroupedControls to true:

Also note that the menus show up in their layer order, _not_ in the order they are 
positioned in the group. In other words, if you move a button out of the menu group, 
and then put it back, but in the wrong layer, the menu bar will be messed up on 
Macintosh even though it looks fine on windows.

Both those links are quoted from the documentation for Revolution, but the concepts 
are the same.


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: htmlText

2002-07-18 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 10:12 PM -0400 7/15/02, Simon Lord wrote:
I need to allow a user to type as regular text with formatting etc and then at the 
flip of the switch convert that to html and back again.  Can htmlText do that?  
Anyone do anything fancy with it?

Sure, but don't actually convert. Instead, when you want to switch from raw HTML to 
rendered, do something like this:

set the storedHTML of this fld to this fld
set the htmlText of this fld to this fld

Then to switch back,

put the storedHTML of this fld into this fld.

Note that this won't allow for the possibility of the user editing the field while it 
is rendered. If you need that, it's a different kettle of fish.


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard is 10

2002-07-07 Thread Geoff Canyon

Hi Everyone,

A big round of applause for Scott Raney and his team, as, for those of you
who don't know, MetaCard turned ten this weekend.



Scott, you rock the world.


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: Synchronous FTP upload?

2002-06-26 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 10:36 PM -0700 6/25/02, Richard Gaskin wrote:
Geoff Canyon wrote:

 At 11:35 PM -0700 6/24/02, Richard Gaskin wrote:
 I have a fairly complex setup in which I nee to avid race conditions, and
 using put seems to allow processing of other messages while it's
 connecting and uploading.
 Could you simply store and cancel all the pendingMessages, and then restore
 them when you're done?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean.  It's the native system messages I
would ideally like to suppress.  Once upon a time I had thought put was
synchronous that way

Ah... I thought you were talking about the processing of messages They 
could also go off during a lengthy download.

Postpone and handle later, or simply ignore?

If ignore (and maybe if postpone as well) you could insert a script in front that 
traps and discards all messages.


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard 2.4.3 alpha 1 release

2002-05-21 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 7:27 PM -0600 5/19/02, Scott Raney wrote:
The major feature implemented in this release is that the Carbon
engine for OS X is now a Mach-O format executable

You rock the world, Scott. Seriously.

I assume this means that you can no longer run a Carbon executable on a non-OS X 
system (i.e. OS 9 or 8.6), correct? 


Geoff Canyon

metacard mailing list

Re: script limits

2002-05-16 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 8:24 PM -0500 5/15/02, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 5/15/02 4:50 PM, erik hansen wrote:
  i will assume that mac OS 9.2.2 can
 handle a lot more than 30,000.

If I remember right, the script limit is in gigabytes -- 4, I think.

It's in the docs someplace. Everything that has a limit of 4 gigabytes has to live in 
the same 4 gigabytes. So all your scripts combined with all your fields, etc., has to 
total less than 4 gigabytes. When someone bumps into _that_ limit, I'd like to see the 
project. ;-)

I should add that, of course, 4 gigabytes will be a tight fit in less than 10 years. I 
hope Scott is ready by then ;-)


Geoff Canyon
metacard mailing list

Re: script limits

2002-05-16 Thread Geoff Canyon

 I should add that, of course, 4 gigabytes will be a tight fit in
 less than 10 years. I hope Scott is ready by then ;-)

We're already there: MetaCard has already been ported to 64-bit
systems, including DEC Alpha (which as it turns out we no longer
support: Compaq discontinued that processor line because apparently
the world doesn't really need 64 bit computing just yet ;-)

You'll still be limited to 4GB per object until/unless we change the
file format, but that 4GB address space is not shared on 64-bit
systems like it must be on 32-bit systems.

Nice to know you're thinking ahead, Scott -- I can hardly wait to get started writing 
systems with multiple gigabyte-plus scripts! ;-)


Geoff Canyon

metacard mailing list

Re: script limits

2002-05-16 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 11:58 PM + 5/16/02, jbv wrote:
One last question (from the devil's advocate) : does MC
really features the right tools to write (and debug) several
GB of script ?

Heck no! I'd be curious to see what a field would do trying to display such a script, 
but I'm betting it wouldn't be pretty.

Then if it did, think about trying to scroll through perhaps twenty million lines of 
code! Or deal with, oh, half a million handlers.

It reminds me of the classic Tick comic, Night of a Million Billion Ninjas


Geoff Canyon

metacard mailing list

Re: Displaying long lines in 'Don't Wrap' fields

2002-04-26 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 11:57 AM -0400 4/26/02, Shari wrote:
I'm using fields with the Don't Wrap property set to true to store long lines of 
data.  The fields display fine for, say, 300 words in a line, but when there's 700 or 
more, the words are superimposed on one another.  Is this to be expected?  It's not a 
problem if the fields are being used only for storage and not display because the 
data integrity isn't compromised (e.g., you can still get at word 3 of line 1287).


I experienced the same problem.  In my case, the fields were for storage only, 
hidden, so the visuals didn't matter.  And as you said, they still functioned 
properly otherwise.

So it's not just you :-)

If they're just for storage, consider custom properties instead. In either case, load 
them into varibles for speed.

If they're really large, use external files that can be read into a variable and then 
closed, so there is only one copy of the really large data in memory.

Regarding fields, I'm not seeing the text display issue, but the formattedWidth is 
wrapping around to 0 after it reaches 65000, tending to indicate that it is stored as 
an unsigned two-byte value. Maybe that's leading to your issue as well?


Geoff Canyon

metacard mailing list

Re: calling handlers with keys

2002-03-16 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 2:50 PM +0100 3/15/02, Uwe Friese wrote:
The problem with the keyDown messages is that I need the rest of the script inside 
the repeat loop to be executed constantly (to present a stream of objects on the 
screen). Like this:

presentSomeObjects -- this has to be performed constantly
   -- sometimes there is a key pressed; in this case 
I need:
end repeat

I have the strong feeling, that I´m missing something here. Of course on keyDown 
won´t work, but how else can I achieve this behavior?

You can use keyDown as long as you get rid of the repeat loop, and you can do that 
using Basically your code will look something like:

on presentSomeObjects
 -- do something here
 send presentSomeObjects to me in 1 second -- or whatever time
 put the result into gPresentMessage -- allows you to cancel if needed
end presentSomeObjects

on keyDown pWhichKey
 -- do something based on the key
end keyDown


metacard mailing list

Re: MC2.4.2 beta 1 truncated text

2002-02-14 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 12:10 PM +0100 2/14/02, eugen helbling wrote:
  When the a field has a vertical grid, text is now truncated within a
  cell rather than being pushed off to the next tab stop location.

just tried to setup a textfield to check this new behavior but do not see
any changes to the last version. 
Which properties do I have to set?

You have to set the tabStops. The default won't truncate.

I'd like to suggest that the truncation behavior be optional. Perhaps a property of 
the field, tabStopsTruncate, or tabStopsTruncation.

Also, anyone interested in this feature should take a look at text selection when text 
is truncated. There are some tricky UI decisions that need to be made regarding how 
text that is truncated reacts to being selected, and it would be good to get this 
right from the beginning.



metacard mailing list

Re: Programs on CD

2002-02-14 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 10:39 AM -0500 2/14/02, Shari wrote:
As CD's cannot write to themselves, and all of my programs write to themselves, 
saving user info in fields etc., I am assuming the only way to put a program on CD is 
to have it write all data to an external file on the user's hard disk.  So if a user 
is playing a game with high scores, the high score data is stored in a file on the 
HD, even if the program itself is on a CD.

I don't allow the user to run the program from the cd. The main (unchanging) data for 
the application can stay on the cd, but the actual application has to go to the hard 
drive. I don't have an installer, but it just involves dragging a single folder to the 
hard drive, and I haven't had any problems.



metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard 2.4.2 beta 1

2002-02-14 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 4:53 PM + 2/14/02, David Bovill wrote:
 Holding down the control key (command key on MacOS) while
 double-clicking on a stack now will start up MetaCard with the full
 development environment if the engine can find it.

Aww go-on - let us have it the other way around - maybe just an option? I
know it's against your principles - but it's for the first time user type???

I don't speak for Scott, but the problem with having it the other way around is that 
it defeats the entire purpose of being able to run without the development environment 
-- you want cgis and the like to be able to launch fast and run tight, and they 
obviously can't press the control key when they run.



metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard 2.4.2 beta 1

2002-02-13 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 12:38 PM -0700 2/13/02, Scott Raney wrote:
new regex library

From the readme:
This release uses a new Perl-compatible regular expression library.
This library includes new support for Perl pattern characters and
non-greedy matches.  Any Perl regular expression reference can be used
for documentation ( is
a good one).



metacard mailing list

Re: Exemplar: Analogue Clock

2002-02-04 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 12:31 PM -0800 2/4/02, Phil Davis wrote:
Another way you can open the clock stack is:
- copy the link
- open MC
- open the message box
- type in msg box (but don't hit enter when done!):
 go url 
- paste the link after the quote you typed
- put a quote at the end of the link
- hit enter

That should open the stack as a stack. Then you can save it to your hard disk, or not.

I like this suggestion best of all. 

Browsers? We don't need no stinking browsers! -- note that this is not actually a 
quote from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. The actual qoute is, Badges? We ain't 
got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges!



metacard mailing list

Re: Launching a URL in OSX is Cake?

2002-01-24 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 10:31 AM -0800 1/24/02, Scott Rossi wrote:
Am I missing something or is the launching URLs and mail links extremely easy in OSX?

Using the following seems to launch IE or Mail perfectly:

   ### tURL is the HTTP or mail address to be launched
   put open location  quote  tURL  quote into s
   do s as AppleScript

Does anyone know of a reason why this method should be avoided?

Because programming should be hard! I remember when we had to write our own compilers 
BY HAND -- on an abacus! You kids today don't know how easy you have it...




metacard mailing list

Re: Launching a URL in OSX is Cake?

2002-01-24 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 11:40 AM -0800 1/24/02, Scott Rossi wrote:
On a related note, I come from a print background where we created page layouts by 
having type set for us on photo paper and pasting it down onto boards with rubber 
cement.  Making corrections to anything required cutting the paper with an Exacto(TM) 
blade and pasting new type into position.  Try this sometime with 6 point legal type 
and make it straight.  You kids today with your fancy shmancy page layout programs 
and printers don't know how easy you have it...

I yield -- that sounds harder than writing a compiler, even on an abacus...

At any rate, it seems that launching any old document is also possible without having 
to reference the document's creator application:

  answer file Locate file:
  put it into tPath
  delete char 1 of tPath
  replace / with : in tPath
  put tell application  quote  Finder  quote  cr \
  open file  quote  tPath  quote  cr \
  end tell into s
  do s as AppleScript

This should open the target document as if it was doubleclicked.

Shouldn't this be more difficult?

It _is_ slightly more difficult, since you need to watch out for the / character in 
the legitimate path, which will have been translated to a :

You could either escape the : which always gives me a headache, or do a 
character-by-character switch. I generally go the headache route, but I have no 
aspirin handy at the moment...



metacard mailing list

Re: Launching a URL in OSX is Cake?

2002-01-24 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 4:18 PM -0600 1/24/02, J. Landman Gay wrote:
Geoff Canyon wrote:

 It _is_ slightly more difficult, since you need to watch out for the / character 
in the legitimate path, which will have been translated to a :
 You could either escape the : which always gives me a headache, or do a 
character-by-character switch. I generally go the headache route, but I have no 
aspirin handy at the moment...

I sometimes do it this way:

replace colon with numToChar(8) in tPath
replace / with colon in tPath
replace numToChar(8) with / in thePath

I like using the ascii for delete as a placeholder, because it works
fine and there's no way a user has typed it.

I have some Tylenol if you want it...

You know, that's a good point about not being able to type delete. I would have:

replace : with -: in tPath
replace / with +: in tPath
replace -: with / in tPath
replace +: with : in tPath



metacard mailing list

February Programmer's Challenge is open to us

2002-01-16 Thread Geoff Canyon

This month's programmer's challenge in MacTech magazine is open to us, and actually 
offers some advantage to users of high-level tools: up to a 25% bonus is offered for 
good presentation of the results and other niceties.

I've given a bit of thought to what algorithm might work to solve the problem and I'd 
be happy to share with anyone who wants to tackle this. I suspect that anyone who's 
familiar with chip-design software algorithms will be way ahead of me, since the 
problem seems similar.

It's due Feb. 1. The details are available at:


metacard mailing list

Re: power tools

2002-01-14 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 6:12 PM -0800 1/14/02, erik hansen wrote:
in the tutorial i got all my objects grouped, but
none of them appeared on my next card. i'll just
have to do it again a couple of times and it sold
be clear.

set the backgroundBehavior of the group to true and then this will work the way you 
expect. Note that you can have more than one background in a stack, or on a particular 
card. Many, in fact.



metacard mailing list

Re: power tools

2002-01-14 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 7:14 PM -0800 1/14/02, erik hansen wrote:
this will get fun when button animation is introduced...

Button animation? You should be able to do something like this already -- create an 
image and reference an animated gif.

metacard mailing list

RE: why metacard?

2002-01-09 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 6:02 PM +0900 1/9/02, cowhead wrote:
?I think I'm stupid.  Check that.  I know I'm stupid, but I think I've
displayed blatantly once again.  I just bought Rev.  Why?  Because I've
been a long time hyper/super/meta card user and they had such a good
cross-grade deal.  I saved 800 bucks. Also, I kinda thought meta and rev
were the same company or something.  I was under the impression that
Meta was being phased out and would soon be replaced by Rev.  I once
asked on this list what the relationship was, but no one replied or
explained. So does Metacard have the same cross-grade deal?  If they do,
and I had known, I would've gone for meta, because it's tried and true.
And as someone mentioned...on all platforms and computers I have tried,
it is stable as a rock.  I love metacard.  When I beta tested Rev, it
was of course, very buggy.  But I have to say, they did a dynamite job
on the interface and cleaining up most of the bugs.  It looks beautiful
now and for the most part, behaves beautifully.  But when it doesn't
behave, there is a sly work-around.  You can develop in Rev and then
open the stack in Metacard (starter kit).  Now save.  Presto!  You have
a metacard stack.  No need for a standalone.  So if you are worried
about the stability of your Rev (non-standalone) stacks, I would suggest
simply converting them to metacard.

mark mitchell

MC and Rev are two separate companies. One's in the U.S., one's in Scotland. They are 
closely associated by the fact that Rev licenses the MC engine. MC isn't being phased 
out -- it's just that Rev is getting a lot of attention right now, especially in the 
Mac universe. The cross-grade offer was/is available for both, although MC isn't 
making such a big deal of it as Rev. At some point it was stated that there would be 
cross-grades available from MC to Rev and from Rev to MC. I don't know the status of 
that now. There are plans for a Rev player that would allow you to run Rev stacks 
without the development environment. Everything I create (other than development 
utilities) is delivered as a standalone, so the player doesn't do much for me. It 
sounds like you would appreciate the player. 


metacard mailing list

Re: ss (searchScript)

2002-01-08 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 3:17 PM -0800 1/8/02, erik hansen wrote:
i am trying not to use the list or support until 
completing the tutorials and at least skimming
everything on the Help palette.

however... i can't find anything like the HC ss
(searchScript) handler to help find expressions
like keyboard focus that are not listed in the

thanks for and tips.

If you are still in the evaluation phase, you might have a look at Revolution (also 
based on the MetaCard engine). It has a search feature that allows you to specify a 
search of scripts, as well as other options.


metacard mailing list

Re: why MetaCard?

2002-01-07 Thread Geoff Canyon

I chose Revolution, but one reason to choose MetaCard would be if your development 
machine isn't recent. Revolution (on a Mac) isn't happy on pretty much anything short 
of a 128MB machine. The standalones you build will have the same memory appetite as 
MetaCard standalones, but to develop, you need more memory to run Revolution.

Another reason to choose MetaCard is Scott Raney. I have no complaints about 
Revolution's support, but Scott is in a class by himself. Hi, Scott! :-)

Apart from Scott's jedi-like support skills, there's also the fact that he's in the 
U.S. -- if you are in the U.S. and your support needs tend to be immediate and in the 
afternoon (when it's late at night in Scotland) then that is a factor as well. On the 
flipside, if you are in Europe, then Revolution's support is likely to be more timely. 
If you are in New Zealand and you have a burning question at 3PM, then the list is a 
wonderful thing :-)


metacard mailing list

Re: why MetaCard?

2002-01-07 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 5:13 PM -0800 1/7/02, erik hansen wrote:
one of the key questions for me was the
restrictions RunRev puts on Rapid Application
Development (whatever that is (and as i hear 2nd
hand)). this issue does NOT seem to have struck a
nerve .

The restrictions are much the same, but not quite. Rapid Application Development is 
what MetaCard and Revolution are. What Revolution is saying, basically, is don't 
compete with us.

There was a(n) (in)famous case in the SuperCard world where someone used SuperCard to 
produce a SuperCard-alike. This is possible because the SuperCard development 
environment is built in SuperCard. The same is true of MetaCard -- that's why 
Revolution is possible. The Rev crew licensed the engine from the MetaCard crew. The 
license simply means that you won't do the same thing the Revolution crew did 
_without_ bothering to get a license.

The end result is very similar between the two environments, although I once called 
Scott to ask about an idea I had for a tool that I thought pushed the limits of this, 
and he simply told me that if it didn't violate the script limits (allowing the end 
user to write a script more than 10 lines long) then it was fine. I think the answer 
from the Rev crew would be about the same.


metacard mailing list

Re: Stackfile Handler in OS X

2002-01-05 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 10:10 PM -0500 1/4/02, Gregory Lypny wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I noticed that calls to substacks (e.g. go to stack X) based on the stackfile 
handler below, that I use in all my older stacks, does not work in OS X unless each 
of the substacks is opened individually first.  Any thoughts on this?

-- script in main stack ---
on preOpenStack
  get the effective fileName of this stack
  set the itemDelimiter to /
  put empty into last item of it
  set the directory to it
  set the itemDelimiter to comma
end preOpenStack
--- end --


You shouldn't need to do this -- the directory is automatically set to wherever the 
current executable is. That means that when you build an application, go stack x 
will open a stack named x as long as it is in the directory with your app. While you 
are developing, that means you need to have these substacks in the directory with 


metacard mailing list

Re: Two handlers sharing time

2001-12-18 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 3:19 PM -0500 12/18/01, Shari wrote:
Is it possible to have handlers share time?  So that when it is idle, the second 
handler runs?

I have a very lengthy handler, that does certain things, calls other handlers, and 
they in turn call other handlers.  This sets up the data for the user.

As it takes more than a few seconds, I've created things for the user to do while 

One way to accomplish something like this is to break the setup task into individual 
steps (the smaller the better) and then do something like:

global gSetupDone

on setup
  put false into gSetupDone
  doSetupStep 1
end setup

on doSetupStep pWhichStep
  switch pWhichStep
  case 1
blah blah
  case 2
blah blah
  case 32 -- last step
put true into gSetupDone
  end switch
  if not gSetupDone then 
send (doSetupStep  (pWhichStep + 1)) to me in 1 millisecond
  end if
end doSetupStep

What this will do is process your setup just about as fast as if it were all done at 
once, but automatically put the process on hold for anything the user does. Note that 
you can't break a task up any way you like -- each time through the doSetupStep is a 
different execution, so local variables are lost, loops or branches that go across the 
separate cases would fail, etc.

You should try to break the setup task into steps that will take no more than .1 
seconds each on a medium-speed computer. That way the user will never feel that the 
system is unresponsive.



metacard mailing list

Re: More problem when moving files

2001-12-11 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 5:19 PM +0100 12/11/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
put URL \\boldini\e$\apps-prod\Cre-Pro\iml\CRE-TEST-DAT.mdb into URL
Of course I tried, 
put URL e:\test.txt into URL h:\test.txt with the same successful result
but no files being copied...

Shouldn't most (all?) of that be forward slashes?



metacard mailing list

Re: Talk about major speed killer!

2001-12-07 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 9:24 AM -0500 12/7/01, Shari wrote:
This script is rather detailed and split into a million pieces.  The gist of it is 
that I locked the screen, moved things around, and then unlocked the screen.  In this 
case it's okay to let the user see the moves.

In another part of the script, lock screen didn't lock the screen, and you could see 
all the things moving.  In that case I took the lock screen out, created a card sized 
graphic to show to block everything from view while the moves were occurring.

After so many years tweaking Hypercard to do more than it was intended to do, if 
there's a way to work around a problem, I will probably find it :-)

I'd still be interested in having a look if you're willing -- lock screen shouldn't be 
slow, so (hopefully) there's something else going on...


metacard mailing list

Re: Talk about major speed killer!

2001-12-06 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 11:30 AM -0500 12/6/01, Shari wrote:
I've written the code five different ways looking to increase the speed, as it just 

And each time it just got slower.

I found the culprit, and I do not understand it...

lock screen

Can you post the script in question?



metacard mailing list

Re: More re: visual effects

2001-12-06 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 8:32 PM -0500 12/6/01, Shari wrote:
several examples, and the lockScreen is set to false for all of them (i put an 
answer lockScreen to test just before the effect, and took it out again)

Note that this should be answer the lockScreen MetaCard is more particular about 
the than HyperCard is.

note:  the visuals don't even work from the message box, such as:
show cd btn you with visual effect iris open

This works for me. (Mac OS 9, QT 5.?, MC 2.4.1)

on nextLevel -- 2657 -- 11
  global level,myNum
  hide cd btn you with visual effect iris close very slowly with sound 

I'm not sure you can use a sound within a hide command -- the documentation doesn't 
show that -- only hide with visual effect



metacard mailing list

Re: [Metacard] Good ol' MC

2001-11-27 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 9:30 PM +0100 11/27/01, Eva Isotalo wrote:
I have been developing my new game with another, which I thought more game friendly 

_Now_ my curiosity is piqued -- what more game friendly program did you try?



metacard mailing list

[Metacard] Re: CGI under OS X via Darwin Success...

2001-11-26 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 4:24 PM -0500 11/24/01, Richard MacLemale wrote:
This unlocks the candy store for me.  One thought goes through my mind,
though... Suppose an individual were to download the darwin engine, and the
home and tools stacks... And suppose they install them and write some neato
mt scripts for their OS X based web site.  Scott says that the script limit
does not apply to the Darwin engine when running in non-GUI mode.  Doesn't
this mean that anyone who wanted to could do CGI stuff with MetaCard for
free?  If this is intentional, then it should be, well, advertised.  Maybe
as a way of getting some UNIX or Mac OS X people in the door.  MetaTalk is a
kabillion times easier to learn than Perl...

It does mean that people can write CGI in MC for free. It is intentional. Let the 
games begin!



metacard mailing list

Re: Printing Field Text

2001-11-20 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 10:29 AM +0100 11/20/01, Vinciane BAUDOUX wrote:
Yes, this is really a problem. I tried to print an exerpt of the MetaTalk
Reference stack because reading the documentation on the screen is a strain
to the eyes and you cannot underline important words or, for that matter, go
to the cafetaria with your documentation, but indeed, it dosn't work : it is
only the visible part of the card that is being printed. Moreover, all the
coded parts of the cards come out as junk fonts. Is this last problem
Windows related ?

Vinciane Baudoux.

The RTFer stack makes it easy to export all the information in the help stacks, to 
RTF, TEXT, or HTML. It's easy to print at that point. It's on the Revolution site and 
also at:



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Re: Printing Field Text

2001-11-20 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 9:33 PM +0100 11/20/01, Vinciane BAUDOUX wrote:
I saw that this is the documentation package for Revolution, not for
Metacard. Are they interchangeable ?

Arrgh. RTFer won't work in MetaCard. It will open, but the stacks it looks for won't 
be there. The documentation concerns many of the same topics, however, so much of the 
information is transferrable, and you can use RTFer with the starter kit.

I'll have to look at doing the equivalent of RTFer for MetaCard.



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Re: Printing Field Text

2001-11-19 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 5:48 PM -0800 11/19/01, Sadhunathan Nadesan wrote:
Hi Geoff,

I saw your post, looked at the scripts in the 'print field' stack.  Wow,
it seems so complicated.  From what I could glean, it seems you cannot
just print a field,  you have to put the stuff into a card, and print
the card.

So anyway, my problem is, I have a scolling field that is larger than
the visible portion of the card.  Thus, when I print the card, only part
of the field shows up.

It sounds as though the revPrintField command will do the trick. Be sure to read the 
dictionary entry for it -- there are some details you need to know in order to be 
successful with it.



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Re: Printing Field Text

2001-11-19 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 5:48 PM -0800 11/19/01, Sadhunathan Nadesan wrote:
Hi Geoff,

I saw your post, looked at the scripts in the 'print field' stack.  Wow,
it seems so complicated.  From what I could glean, it seems you cannot
just print a field,  you have to put the stuff into a card, and print
the card.

So anyway, my problem is, I have a scolling field that is larger than
the visible portion of the card.  Thus, when I print the card, only part
of the field shows up.

Sorry, got my wires crossed -- the revPrintField command is in Revolution, of course. 
The basic principle is that yes, you set up a special card/field that is page-sized, 
in order to print the whole thing. But I'm not the expert at this.



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Fwd: QA#1 for December Conferences Challenge

2001-11-18 Thread Geoff Canyon

Further info on the challenge -- gc

Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 12:42:33 -0500
From: Bob Boonstra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: QA#1 for December Conferences Challenge
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Q1:  Points for dual-parent conferences

   Johnny Smith, Donald Smith, Marilyn Waters-Smith
  Johnny Smith, Rene Descartes, 9
Does this imply that if neither parent has met Rene Descartes, I obtain 2*9=18 
penalty points

A1: No, only 9.  The requirement is that at least one of Jonny's parents meet with 
the teacher.

Q2:  Parents with multiple children

May the same parent have several children in school e.g
  Johnny Smith, Donald Smith, Marilyn Waters-Smith
   Laura Smith, Donald Smith, Marilyn Monroe

A2: Yes, the same parent might have more than one child in school. And, although I 
hadn't thought of it before, two children of one parent might have different second 
parents, as in your example.

Q3:  Points for multiple children with the same teacher

If the same parent have several children in school e.g
  Johnny Smith, Donald Smith, Marilyn Waters-Smith
  Laura Smith, Donald Smith, Marilyn Monroe
And they have the following desire for a conference
  Johnny Smith, Rene Descartes, 9
  Laura Smith, Rene Descartes, 5
Does a conference between Donald Smith ond Rene Descartes clear all 14 points?

A3a: Yes.  One conference between a parent and a teacher can satisfy requests on 
behalf of more than one child of that parent.

Does a conference between Donald Smith, Marilyn Waters-Smith ond Rene Descartes 
clear 23 points?

A3b: No, there are only 14 points involved in these two conferences, no matter how 
many parents attend the conferences.

Q4:  Number of test cases

  The final data set, in a file named schedulesNN.txt, identifies which
parents are available at which times. The first line in this file
contains the number N of conference periods available for scheduling.
All teachers can be available for any or all of the periods from

... and this assumes that...

N  10

right (just as in the files' names definition where a 'N' means only one
numeral byte)?

A4: Actually, NN100.  The file name contains two digits, so the problem should say 
the number NN of conference periods ...

Q5:  Should timing include file I/O?

  Finally, your solution needs to produce a log file (log.txt) that
contains, for each test case, the execution time in milliseconds that
your solution required to process the test case.

I guess that this log file being produced in test code fashion, we
would start measuring after the files are loaded into memory and would
stop right after the actual solving function returns, thus stopping right
before the returned data is written into the output (conferencesNN.txt)

i.e. file i/o would not be counted in the execution time?

A5: A reasonable interpretation, but actually, test time should measure from entry to 
exit of your program.  If there were a test driver, it would measure from when your 
code is called to when it returns.  In this case, your code does the I/O, so all 
should be included.  (Obviously you cannot time writing the timing measurement.)

Q6:  Are parent names unique?

Your problem statement doesn't preclude the possibility of multiple
parents having the same name. Parents could have multiple children in the
school and different parents could have the same name. Can we assume that
all parent names will be unique?

A6: Good point.  Yes, you can assume parent names will be unique.

Q7:  May I use Perl?

Any problems if I code an entry in Perl? I'll do this on OS X which includes
a perl distribution so you should already have it.

A7: No problem with Perl.  If you prefer to use OS 9.x, I also have MacPerl.  Suggest 
you send me a test solution and build instructions at some point so that I can verify 
that I can successfully build the solution.

-- Programmer's Challenge-- Bob Boonstra

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Fwd: December 2001 Programmer's Challenge Problem Statement

2001-11-17 Thread Geoff Canyon

In case anyone is interested in entering:

Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 10:14:41 -0500
From: Bob Boonstra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: December 2001 Programmer's Challenge Problem Statement
List-Subscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Enclosed is the Programmer's Challenge for December 2001.

Mail solutions to:

Due Date:  11:59PM, ET, 1 December 2001

Test code is not needed for this Challenge, as you will provide a complete 
application.  Test data will be available shortly.

Note that we are allowing solutions built using alternative development environments 
(e.g., REALbasic, MetaCard, Revolution).

-- Bob


If you have children in school, you are familiar with parent-teacher conferences. 
Little Johnny isn't doing so well in French, or Algebra, or perhaps Advanced Calculus 
if your school has a gifted and talented program. Or Sally is doing very well in 
Subatomic Physics, and you'd like to hear her teachers tell you so.

I was reminded recently of a Challenge suggested by Ernst Munter to write code that 
would help schools schedule these conferences. Your Challenge this month is to arrange 
a set of parent-teacher conferences that maximize the parents' satisfaction and 
minimize the amount of time wasted by both parents and teachers in between conferences.

You will be given three data sets to work with for each test case. The first, in a 
file childrenNN.txt (where NN is a number from 01 to the number of test cases), will 
have one line for each child in the school, containing the child's name followed by 
the names of one or two parents. No child will appear on more than one line, and there 
will be no duplicate names of children. A sample would be the following:

Johnny Smith, Donald Smith, Marilyn Waters-Smith
Sally Jones,Samantha Jones

The second data set, in a file named teachersNN.txt, maps children to their teachers. 
Each line contains the name of a child, followed by the name of one of his/her 
teachers, followed by a number from 0 to 9 indicating the strength of the parents' 
desire to talk with that teacher. A value of 0 indicates no conference is desired, up 
to a value of 9 indicating the strongest desire for a conference. Example lines from 
this file might be:

Johnny Smith, Richard Darwin, 3
Johnny Smith, Rene Descartes, 9
Johnny Smith, Edgar Allen Poe, 0
Sally Jones, Rene Descartes, 5
Sally Jones, Albert Einstein, 9

The final data set, in a file named schedulesNN.txt, identifies which parents are 
available at which times. The first line in this file contains the number N of 
conference periods available for scheduling. All teachers can be available for any or 
all of the periods from 1..N. Subsequent lines contain the names of parents, along 
with the first and the last conference period for which they will be available. 
Parents will be available for any period between their first and last available 
periods, inclusive. Each parent whose name appears in the children.txt file will 
appear on one line in the schedules.txt file. Example lines from this file might be:

Donald Smith, 1,9
Samantha Jones, 4,9
Marilyn Waters-Smith,4,6

Finally, the number of test cases is provided in a file input.txt, with a single line 
containing the number of test cases:


Your code needs to produce output that provides the matching of parents to teachers. 
The output (conferencesNN.txt) should contain one line for each conference, with the 
name of the teacher first, the name of the parent second, and the conference period 
third. No parent or teacher can be in more than one conference during a given period. 
Both parents of a given child can participate in a conference with a teacher if they 
are both available during that period (two lines would be output in such a case). One 
line in such a file might be:

Richard Darwin,Marilyn Waters-Smith,5

Finally, your solution needs to produce a log file (log.txt) that contains, for each 
test case, the execution time in milliseconds that your solution required to process 
the test case.

Once again, the objective is to maximize parents' satisfaction with the conference 
schedule, and to minimize wasted time. The Challenge will be scored based on the 
number of penalty points accumulated by each entry. If a desired conference is not 
accommodated, you will accumulate 1-9 penalty points, depending on the strength of the 
parents' desire for that conference as expressed in teachers.txt. If a parent has a 
gap in the conference schedule, where a conference is scheduled during periods N and 
N+2, but not in N+1, you will accumulate one penalty point for each unscheduled period 
in the gap. Similar penalty points will accumulate for gaps in the conference schedule 
for teachers. Finally, the penalty will be increased by 10% 

Re: Fwd: December 2001 Programmer's Challenge Problem Statement

2001-11-17 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 6:35 PM -0500 11/17/01, andu wrote:
 Test code is not needed for this Challenge, as you will provide a complete 
application.  Test data will be available shortly.
 Note that we are allowing solutions built using alternative development 
environments (e.g., REALbasic, MetaCard, Revolution).
 -- Bob

How does one get the text files mentioned?

I assume they'll send out an announcement. As soon as they do, I'll forward it to this 

Here's the information on the challenge list:

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Re: Programming language

2001-11-13 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 8:36 PM -0800 11/13/01, Richard Gaskin wrote:
 Thanks for the input Richard but the problem I have had with MetaCard (which I
 love!) is that I cannot import or export vector graphics.

If you don't need gradients or other such features, and the problem is
limited to import/export, writing an external to handle that should work
very well, no?

An excellent example of this is Groboto:

It's actually built using SuperCard, but the principle is the same: the heavy lifting 
is done with a low level language, and all the funky interface stuff is done in a 
high-level tool, in this case SuperCard.



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Re: Array Puzzler

2001-11-08 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 8:02 PM -0500 11/8/01, Raymond E. Griffith wrote:
 To get the results back in numeric order, after the combine try:
 sort lines of B numeric
This won't work. Suppose that that array A is [[ -4  -3  -2  -1   0   1   2
3 ]] and that the operation is put A*A into B

Ah -- sorry, I was just proposing that based on the specific case you offered. What 
you need is not a way to sort the results into numeric order, but into the order of 
the original keys. I think you're out of luck.

The result should be [[ 16   9   4   1   0   1   4   9 ]]

Also, consider two arrays with numeric nonordered data which are added

Sort numeric on the combined array would defeat the proper order. What we
need is a way to get the array to not mix up its keys upon split, or else
to return the proper order upon combine.

But thanks! Any other suggestions?

I'll think about it...


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Re: Mac-text

2001-10-31 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 9:54 AM -0600 10/31/01, Ken Ray wrote:
This has to do with the fact that the Mac uses a carriage return/line-feed
combination (CRLF) at the end of each line, and Windows generally uses just
LFs (or is just CRs? I can't remember right now). CRs are ASCII 13, LFs are
ASCII 10, BTW. In any event, when it gets to the Mac, it is missing the
extra charater to indicate the end of the line. You can handle this in MC
by reading in the text, doing a simple replace operation on the text
before processing it.

Macs use cr, Windows uses crlf, UNIX uses lf. Now all we need is a platform still 
using EBCDIC and we'll have a full house! :-)



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Re: wait for moves

2001-10-31 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 7:08 PM +0100 10/31/01, Klaus Major wrote:
Hi Michael,

 I have a script with a repeat loop that causes objects to move around the
 screen.  Depending
 on user choices, sometimes there are simultaneous moving objects ( because
 without waiting
 was used for the objects move).
 This is the problem.. I want all the objects to finish their moves before the
 rest of the
 script executes.  I need a line after the repeat loop like wait until the
 moves are done but
 that doesn't exist.  Anyone have any ideas?

check out
the movingcontrols or movingcontrols()

Also the moveStopped message.



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Re: Arrays! We have arrays?!?

2001-10-31 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 1:37 PM + 10/31/01, Ray G Miller wrote:
Do squre brackets, [], define an array? Are arrays tab delimited, comma
or can any char work? Besides itemArray, what are the other array tools?
So many questions, so little doc...

How many other undocumented functions are there? [Of course, only Scott

Often it's more a case of there's so much to know, rather than there not being docs.

In any case, if you open the help index and scroll to arrays, associative and click on 
it, you'll see the entry for containers. This does have a bit on arrays, you just have 
to scroll down to it.

Arrays are denoted by brackets: a[1] is an array element.

Arrays are not delimited by anything (although check out the new split and combine 
commands in 2.4)

Arrays are associative. This means that anything is a valid key, rather than just 
numbers. You can use numbers, but you don't need to predefine the valid range of 
numbers, nor do you have to use them consecutively. Again, _anything_ is a valid key. 
phoneNumbers[Geoff Canyon] is perfectly valid, and could store my phone number. This 
fact combined with the keys() function can be used in some interesting ways.

Have fun, associative arrays are a kick!


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Re: Wrong Path?

2001-10-24 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 10:23 PM +0200 10/24/01, JJB wrote:
I've got a problem, probably basic, but annoying for me.
I build stacks with images and sounds 16 bit. To prevent my stacks to need
too muchm memory, I don't import the sounds. They stay in a folder called
Data. My players for the sounds have a path like this: Hard Drive/MetaCard
On my own Mac, everything works fine, but when I want to give these stacks
to anybody else or copy them on a CD, the sounds don't work anymore. Seems
like M.C. doesn't recognise the path for my sounds (the folder Data is but
even so present in my copy)

What can I do to solve this problem?

Use relative paths. The base starts with your application, so if the data directory 
were in the same folder as your app, the path would be Data/somePic.jpg



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Re: Mod function

2001-10-16 Thread Geoff Canyon

Hi Everyone,

   Just confirming that MC does not have a mod function.  Right?  So, I would use 
something like

   5/2 - trunc(5/2) = 0.5


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put 10 mod 3
--results in 1



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Re: Performance: .mt scripts accessing data outside script

2001-10-13 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 7:39 PM -1000 10/12/01, Sivakatirswami wrote:
2) In terms of speed: We have three options for containers I can use to
store the needed data for the different responses and email text that have
to be sent out... which of these three will be fastest? I am trying to save
some dozen hours of testing if some wizard out there already knows the

 a) as functions at the end of the script,


  b) read single small text files from disk as needed... I am already
doing this from some purposes and it seems quite fast...

c) for organization purposes and maintenance it would be very cool
 to create a stack and have all the data needed in the stack in
different cards/fields then just upload this stack to the site along side
the .mt script. This way you have only to maintain, FTP, upload download a

Does the script have persistence? If it does I would think the fastest way would be an 
associative array. In the setup, you could read in the text files, something like:

put url file:canadaEmail.txt into theEmailReply[canada]


Then your script could simply use theEmailReply[canada]

But if the script is triggered anew each time, that wouldn't be the way to go.



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Re: Scrolling two fields simultaneously

2001-10-11 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 2:06 PM -0700 10/11/01, Kevin Wilson wrote:
I am new to meatard, and am hoping that I can get some advise on what I am sure is a 
simple question. I have two text fields that a side by side and hold related data. I 
would like to be able to lock them together so that when I scroll in one field they 
both scroll at the same time. Any suggestions as to a simple solution to this? Thanks 
in advance for the help. Kevin

Many of the same tricks that work with HyperCard will work with MetaCard as well:

on scrollbarDrag
set the scroll of fld otherField to the scroll of me
end scrollbarDrag

or something like that.

But also consider that MetaCard fields understand tabs. It's entirely possible to 
store all the data in one field, and that way the simultaneous scrolling is 
automatic, because there really is only one field, instead of two pretending to be one.



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Re: Go to card by its name?

2001-10-09 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 8:42 PM +0200 10/9/01, Domi wrote:
I noticed that the index is not refreshed if its window stays opened...

A change in the title field or a new card  is not immediately acknowledged (I resort 
to opencard ;-))

You can move the index-building code into another handler, buildIndex for example. 
Then put buildIndex into your openCard handler, and in the stack with the cards, 
insert a 'send buildIndex to stack indexStack' in the appropriate places to get 
the updates done.



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Re: regExp to verify email address

2001-10-04 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 5:19 PM -1000 10/3/01, Sivakatirswami wrote:
It appears obvious that at least  I have to unspecialize PERL special
characters by removing the forward slashes for:
@,[ and then the second

If I remember correctly, the regEx engine used in MetaCard has a doesn't properly 
escape square brackets: \] won't work. It might be possible to work around the 
limitation. A replacement regEx engine is planned for a future version of MC.



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Re: Currency format

2001-10-02 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 10:53 AM -0700 10/2/01, F. Ricardo, Ph.D. wrote:
Now, it does nothing about the $ prefix, which if absolutely necessary would need 
implementation in something like the following abominable manner. In apps like Excel, 
the $ in cells are not part of the data. Rather they are part of the metadata of a 
cell, which means that something similar would need to be reflected in MetaCard. 
Among the 2 options are to store the data in one (hidden) metadata field and to 
display the pretty version of it in another. This means building a 2-field 
management subsystem. The hidden metadata field would keep a totally different 
version of the data, for instance,

name:Net Sales

Instead of using another field, couldn't you simply use custom properties of the field 
with the data in it?



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Re: ImageData help.... getting the rgb value of the first pixel

2001-09-28 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 5:32 PM -0400 9/28/01, Raymond E. Griffith wrote:
 Now here's my question:  What's the most efficient way to parse a chunk of
 data into every four characters and discard the first one?   So many ways to
 slice that one, and I haven't had time lately to run routines through

Hmmm. What about...

repeat with i = 1 to length(tstr) div 4
  put char 4*i-2 to 4*i of tstr into item i of tparsed
end repeat  


Throwing out another example, how about this -- it's more verbose, but probably a lot 
faster for large inputs:

  put the imagedata of image tSomeImage into tStr
  put 0 into tCharCount
  put empty into tColors
  repeat for each char X in tStr
add 1 to tCharCount
switch tCharCount
case 1
case 4
  put charToNum(X)  cr after tColors
  put 0 into tCharCount
  put charToNum(X)  , after tColors
end switch
  end repeat
  put tColors into fld tSomeField



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Re: Cases in the switch statement

2001-09-21 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 2:03 PM -0400 9/21/01, Gregory Lypny wrote:
 Can the switch control structure handle inequalities in the cases, 
such as

  case  = 0.235  ?

Not as you specified above, but instead of:

switch x
case 1
case 2
end switch

You can do:

case x = 1
case x = 2
case x  2
end switch

You can put any boolean you like in that way.



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Re: more quicktime problems

2001-09-18 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 11:06 AM -0700 9/18/01, Jeff Reynolds wrote:
any ideas for trying to prevent the flashing while the movie is paused 
w/o setting its alwaysbuffer to true?

I haven't tried this, but is it possible to set the alwaysBuffer to true when pausing 
the movie, and false when playing the movie?


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Re: Windows Services

2001-09-14 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 4:07 PM +0200 9/14/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The application runs with a delayed idle message.

Are you using idle or messages? Not that idle shouldn't work, but in the 
minds of the MC developers it's been completely superseded by (rightly so, 
by the way) In any case, just to say that I'd trust the robustness of far 
above the robustness of idle messages.



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Re: File creation date

2001-09-13 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 1:48 PM -0400 9/12/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a way to read the Creation, Modified, or Last Accessed date of a

Available in 2.4, the detailed files function:

  The function the detailed files returns a comma-delimited list of
  file attributes including the urlEncoded file name, size, resource
  size, creation date, modification date, access date, backup date,
  user and group id, permissions, and creator code and file type.  The
  term detailed is a synonym for long and so can also be used with
  the date and time functions.



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Re: Quicktime stuttering

2001-09-13 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 12:09 AM -0700 9/13/01, Jeff Reynolds wrote:
I'm having some movie stuttering on quicktime player playback in metacard 
on the mac. The movies are sorenson compressed and 30fps and play fine in 
apple quicktime player, but in metacard it seems to go at a rate of about 
12-15fps. giving the stack lots of memory and alwaysbuffer is true.

looks the same in 2.3 and 2.4. havnt tried the pc side since this will be 
playing on an imac for an exhibit.

the stack only has two players, one that plays aiffs and the other that 
plays the movies. movies are on the hard drive, not a cd.

anyone got any ideas?

You might try setting alwaysbuffer to false. Is the movie referenced or imported? 
Imported would take a lot more memory, so I wouldn't think that's the way to go.



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Re: disabled in 2.4

2001-09-13 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 11:46 AM +0200 9/13/01, Signe Marie Sanne wrote:
What happened to the disabled appearance of a button in MC2.4? I have a standard 
button, with show border,3D, opaque and disabled, white text (255,255,255) on red 
background. On Mac (8.5) there's no difference in the disabled/enabled states, on 
Windows 2000 the white text seems greenish, but otherwise there is no difference from 
the enabled state. Is it no longer enough just scripting: enable/disable btn x or 
checking/unchecking the disabled in the button properties?

Since I have not received any comments to my posting above, I can supply further 
details: The buttons above have no icons, just Show name. On PC the reason for the 
greenish look was set the selectionhandlecolor to green. When I removed it, the 
text in the disabled state became grey as in MC2.3. So on PC it looks OK. On Mac 
there is still no discernible difference in the disabled/enabled states. Is this a 

I'm seeing the text go grey when I disable the button, no matter what else I do. Mac 
OS 9.0.4, MC 2.4.



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Re: Opening substacks as invisible

2001-09-12 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 7:17 AM + 9/12/01, jbv wrote:
How can I open a substack, rearrange (by script) various controls
on it, and then print it, without ever disokaying it on screen ?

go invisible stack somestack



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Re: Problem with pasting from SimpleText

2001-09-08 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 9:07 PM -0400 9/8/01, Raymond E. Griffith wrote:
Copying and pasting within the stack worked, but copying
from SimpleText does not work.

I just tried BBEdit 6.1 lite. Copying from that program and pasting into MC
works. Also works with TexEdit.

It's just a guess, but that sounds like a problem with the way (I understand) the 
clipboard works. SimpleText supports styled text; BBEdit, and I'm assuming TexEdit, 
don't. So when you copy text from BBEdit, it copies only one thing: the text. When you 
copy from SimpleText, it copies the text in two forms: both styled text and plain 
text. The application you paste into is supposed to figure out what it can accept, and 
use that.

I just tested out of AppleWorks, and even with text that has been styled, it works. It 
only pastes the plain text, but it works. Cutting from SimpleText and pasting into 
AppleWorks works, though. So does pasting into BBEdit, where it only handles plain 
text. So maybe SimpleText is doing it strangely, and AppleWorks and BBEdit are able to 
figure it out, but MetaCard for whatever reason doesn't.



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Re: 'delete' deletes right away... trash?

2001-09-04 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 9:21 PM +0200 9/4/01, Sjoerd Op 't Land wrote:
It'd be nice when MetaCard put the files in the trash when using the
'delete' command, because then there still was a way to recover the files.

On a Mac, at least, with the new AppleScript support:

tell application finder to move file tFilePath to the trash

Or something similar to that, at least.



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Re: Julian Dates

2001-08-31 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 4:55 PM -0700 8/30/01, Richard Gaskin wrote:
This raises a question:  Wouldn't it be cool if there were some repository
of such snippets, like a code stream we could dip into when we're thirsty
for knowledge?

I don't know how such a thing could work, or how folks would submit
contributions, or even a taxonomy for finding things.  But if someone comes
up with some sort of knowledge base like this, I'd be happy to contribute.
Indeed, I'm much obliged. :)

People may not like the infrastructure (FileMaker) or the interface (web) but that's 
pretty much what I created TUT for. It offers searching by keyword and full text, and 
optionally stores the email of the contributor for future reference. It's rough, since 
I threw it together in a couple hours, but it could be improved/modified if people are 
happy with the basis for it.



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Re: A little troublesome script

2001-08-22 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 8:04 AM +0200 8/22/01, MisterX wrote:
on mouseUp
  put fld HistoryChanges into HC -- ;)
  put  the short date  into todaysdate
  put line 3 of HC into lastDateEntry
  if lastDateEntry is not todaysdate then
type todaysdate  return  return before line 3 of fld HistoryChanges
type return before line 4 of fld HistoryChanges
  end if
end mouseUp

try put instead of type -- type doesn't support the targeted syntax you're using, 
but put does.



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Re: Interconnecting Metacard apps via sockets...

2001-08-15 Thread Geoff Canyon

At 10:04 PM +0100 8/14/01, David Bovill wrote:
 I am looking for a way to interconnect apps running on the same machine (on
 any platform), and thinking of using sockets. I will be programming the
 basic modules in MC, but want to leave the door open for modules to be coded
 in other languages, and on other machines...

Why are the apps separate if they are talking on the same computer? Why not 
incorporate one into the other?



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