converting stacks to html

2004-07-17 Thread RCS
> Did you could export animation too?
> That could be astounding!!!

Converting stacks to html...hasn't everyone figured out how to do this? It's
quite simple actually...


> Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 22:34:19 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Alejandro Tejada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Update on WYSIWYG editor of Alain
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hi Alain,
> on Thu, 15 Jul 2004
> Alain Farmer wrote:
> > Here is an updated version of the software (in
> > French)
> > that Im crafting for a francophone school
> > commission.
> Did they have a website?
> > The relevance, for this mostly-anglo maillist, is
> > that
> > it implements a bunch of features that can be
> > re-used
> > as-is (or with a tiny bit of adaptation). The
> > "killer"
> > one is the WYSIWYG web-site editor that transforms
> > MC
> > layout of a stack into the corresponding website
> > coded
> > as DHTML that runs on ALL browsers, including
> > Explorer
> > 6.x and browsers as ancient as Netscape 4.7.x (
> > which
> > is what Im using on my Mac running OS 8.6 ).
> Did you could export animation too?
> That could be astounding!!!
> I have downloaded the Zip file and i'm ready to
> test this wysiwyg editor. :-)
> > La piece
> > de resistance to top-it-all-off is that it comes
> > with
> > a toolbar that allows you to format the text, create
> > http links, include images, etc. This toolbar can be
> > used separately, furthermore, with *any* other
> > stack.
> Interesting!!!

metacard mailing list

What is the engine doing with datagram sockets?

2004-01-28 Thread RCS
I have been using sockets successfully (in MC and RunRev) for quite a while is one of their strengths. Now I need to use datagram sockets, (in
particular 'broadcasting') and I am discovering that this seems to be very
different...and I cannot get datagram broadcasting working in Linux at all
(error 13).

In all fairness, it seems like opening a 'single' specific datagram socket
works like a regular socket...but what I am trying to accomplish is
broadcasting on to a specific port for multiple devices, and
it is very strange:

(Windows XP - engine 2.5 or 2.5.1)
- My broadcast computer generates it's own 'alias' datagram socket, and
sends the data back to itself.
- Since it does this, it gets to my 'receiving' handler first, and stops
anything else from coming in:

local udpSocket

on mouseUp
 put into "" udpSocket
 open datagram socket to udpSocket  with message "ACCEPTED"
 accept datagram connections on port "199" with message "ACCEPTED"
 write "Roll Call" to socket  udpSocket  with message "getData"
 send "resetUDP" to me in 50
end mouseUp

on ACCEPTED s,data
  put RETURN & s && data after message -- for testing

on getData s,data
  put s && data & RETURN after message -- for testing
end getData

on resetUDP
  close socket udpSocket
end resetUDP

If I use the above script to broadcast to multiple devices, only the
originating computer gets to the 'ACCEPTED' handler the first time (with
it's 'alias' address)...what I discovered is, that I must close the socket,
and repeat this process twice to get 'any' of the information from the other
devices (basically pressing the button twice). But it really is worse than
that...I must parse each response after that, and generate a listening port
for each device:

on ACCEPTED s,data
  set itemDelimiter to ":"
  put item 2 of s into thePort
  startListeningTo thePort

on startListeningTo thePort
  if thePort is NOT among the lines of the openSockets then
   accept datagram connections on port thePort with Message "tryItAgain"
  end if
end startListeningTo

on tryItAgain s,data
  if "OK" is NOT among the words of data then -- the devices respond with
  write "ROLL CALL" to socket s with message "getData"
  end if
end tryItAgain

This actually works (this script is written from memory however...but the
'theory' is here), and I can now do my UDP broadcast (but only on XP so
far). My question is...what is the engine doing with datagram sockets? Is
this really how I must handle multiple responses from a broadcast? Has
anyone had any better success at doing this?

Here is what I believe the problem is:

Opening a broadcast datagram socket is not really connecting to anything
specific, so the MC/RunRev engine is somewhat in 'oblivion' about what is
going on...and it generates it's own internal connection socket in response
to receiving data on the listening port (becoming one of the responding
devices). When multiple devices respond on the same port (i.e. receiving
many messages on a datagram port) the engine is only accepting the 'first'
one (itself), and ignoring the rest...but the data is in a buffer somewhere.
So, when I close the socket, and reopen, the data that was 'buffered' is
ready to be 'read' again.

Hopefully, someone will look at this and say "you need to do this" , and
everything will work. But, I have been through this enough now to feel that
something else is happening 'behind the scenes' that I just don't have
enough information about.

Thanks for any info,


metacard mailing list

Re: Things that don't work in Linux - RedHat 9

2004-01-26 Thread RCS
Thank you so much for all of the details for Linux and audio/video!!!

It is sad that Linux seems 'barely' supported by MetaCard/RunRev
lately...maybe they are waiting for the final outcome of the lawsuit?


> [snip]
> And, I would add to them:
> -The xanim file bundled never worked for me. I always have to use the one
> bundled with the distro (I use SuSE)
> -There is a conflict in KDE which don't let you to use the demo or
> that have a backdrop window. There is a workaround:
> The workaround is going to be not have it show the backdrop window on
> systems.  If you want to see the demo, you can do this yourself with "edit
> script of stack" in the MB and just comment out the section at
> bottom of the preOpenStack handler where it sets the backdrop.  Then "save
> stack" and then "go" to run it. (Scott Raney)
> -There is a conflict between KDE clipboard manager and MetaCard. When
> it renders the script editor useless. There is a workaround:
> Did you desactive the KDE's clipboard (visible in the KDE's toolbar as a
> red and white icon) ? Else, i don't have this kind of problem in using
> Suse 8.2 Pro (KDE 3.1.1). [Pierre Sahores]
> -and, the worst to me is spotty sound support, particularly in the area of
> simultaneous sounds. I had to write the following lengthy troubleshooting
> file in Spanish and English, to help my users!
> --
> Q: I can't hear any sound!
> A: You need to have xanim installed, otherwise, no sound is going to be
> played.
> Open a terminal, and type "xanim". If you receive a message like "command
> found", you don't have xanim in your system. Please download a version of
> xanim appropiate for your distro.
> Q: I hear music, but no sound effects! or
> Q: I hear sound effects, but no music!
> A: I was afraid you reach this point, but, well...
> CircusTux requires you have a soundcard capable of playing different audio
> files simultaneously (like mine, a SoundBlaster Live! card).
> If you don't have such card, is still possible to hear music AND audio
> if you use a sound server, such as aRts or Enlightenment Sound Daemon
> If you want to use aRts on KDE, do the following:
> 1. Open Control Center, Sound & Multimedia, Sound System.
> 2. Select "start aRts soundserver on KDE startup".
> 3. Make sure that "enable full duplex operation" in the "Sound I/O" tab is
> unchecked, because it messes the operation of the program in some sound
> cards.
> 4. In a Konsole, go to the directory where CircusTux is located, and type
> "artsdsp ./circus" (Of course, you can also create a KDE Menu or Desktop
> Entry to ease access)
> If you use GNOME or Enlightenment with a sound card or driver not capable
> handling simultaneous sounds, there are a few issues...
> The esd daemon likes to startup with the following parameters:
> esd -terminate -nobeeps -as 2 -spawnfd [some number]
> Unfortunately, CircusTux does not like the "-terminate" and "-as 2"
> parameters.
> So, if you have a GNOME desktop, you would need to do the following:
> 1. Deactivate "Enable sound server startup" in Sound Preferences, close
> restart the session
> 2. Open a terminal, type "esd" (you can still use the "-nobeeps" and
> [some number]" parameters if you like)
> 3. In a gnome terminal, go to the CircusTux directory, and type "esddsp ./
> circus" (Of course, you can also create a GNOME Menu or Desktop Entry to
> access, or recompile your GNOME environment without the offending
> parameters ;P)
> If you have an Enlightenment desktop:
> 1. Right click on the desktop, Audio Setting, deselect "Enable Sounds"
> 2. Open a terminal, type "esd" (you can still use the "-nobeeps" and
> [some number]" parameters if you like)
> 3. In a Enlightenment terminal, go to the CircusTux directory, and type
> "esddsp ./circus" (Of course, you can also create a Menu Entry to ease
> access, or recompile your Enlightenment environment without the offending
> parameters ;P)
> Q: I did all the above, but the sound is all choppy/incomplete/delayed/
> randomly appearing!
> A: CircusTux requires a Pentium III equivalent or better to work properly.
> However, it is possible to run the program in older computers, with
> sound support, or even without sounds :(
> To run CircusTux without sound support, click the "Sound" button, and
> "Ambient music" and "Sound Effects". You could also try only one sound
> (music OR effects) to see if that fits in your configuration.
> If you use aRTs Sound Server and KDE, you can try to augment the audio
> response time by going to Control Center, Sounds & Multimedia, Sound
> Sound I/O. There you can experiment with some value in the Audio Buffer
> bar.
> Q: The images in CircusTux look awful!
> A: The program works better in 24 bpp. If you h

Things that don't work in Linux - RedHat 9

2004-01-25 Thread RCS
Here are a few things that do not work in Linux RedHat 9:

'set the BackDrop to 90,80,144'
This forces the screen to color you want...but in front of everything! In
other words, you can't get to your computer anymore (you can't even alt-tab

- TrueType fonts

- Xanim (or any video/music playback). Maybe I am not using this correctly?
There do not seem to be any instructions on how to use this...

- You 'always' have a window border no matter what.

- Hiding/showing a window (or simply re-openning) cause the window to move
slightly from it's last position by about 4 pixels (down, and to the
left)...eventually you wind up off the screen!

- Setting the loc of a window from a mouseMove 'loop' cause the window to
shoot off the screen (bad data I suppose). The same code works in Windows
(98-XP) and Mac (OS 8-10).

- Cannot open a datagram socket on a specific port for broadcasting (this
may be related to Linux itself though).

I thought MetaCard was developed in a Linux environment? Is it just RedHat?


metacard mailing list

Re: MC-REV Event similar to AppleEvent?

2004-01-25 Thread RCS
I am trying to stay away from anything 'interpreted. Unless I am
misunderstanding how MetaCard/RunRev works, I believe scripts are converted
to something 'native' when you close the script for that object...using the
'do' command requires that your script be interpreted 'on the fly'. This can
make things very slow. I know I read this somewhere in the docs or an
email...something like "using the 'do' command can slow your script
execution down by a factor of 10". I was also in correspondence with Scott
Raney about some script debugging, and he mentioned that a feature I wanted
was not possible because the saved scripts are in a form similar to C++ or
Java...leading me to believe that they are in some kind of 'bytecode' form.

Having a 'built-in' handler simply pass the event (with related data) to my
object would have allowed me to, in turn, pass that on to my 'Main' handler
using a very small script...making it possible to use the 'set script'
command in a stand-alone to update my objects to a 'native' script form
(rather than using your proposed method).

Am I making any sense?


> Hummm .. Seems easy enough to me. Integrate one or
> more "do" statement[s] in your generic handler. The
> script that gets 'done' can be located elsewhere, e.g.
> in a field, in a file, from a URL...

metacard mailing list

Re: MC-REV Event similar to AppleEvent?

2004-01-21 Thread RCS
> What is the benefit of parsing an event rather than handling them

I need to be able to update a stack/card script in a standalone, and I
cannot because of the limit imposed. The stack script contains (mostly)
typical handlers (i.e. openStack, resumeStack, etc.) for handling messages
that are sent to the stack. If I had a 'single' handler in the script that
could handle 'all' stack messages, I 'might' be able to update the script
because the size of the script would be greatly reduced. I really wish
RunRev would allow 'some' things in a stand-alone for licensed users, or a
special license for increasing the script limit 'just a litlle'.

> You could, for example, have a frontScript

Since I already have a few 'idle' handlers running, I really did not want to
add another...especially one that parses 'everything'! Things are a little
sluggish as it is...

> That's an invalid address, requiring hand-editing.  Odd.
> Who's the list mom for this list?

I am starting to feel like an 'abandoned child' on this list (or at least
the uncle that everyone is ashamed to talk about)...also, (maybe it is just
me though) any message I post to the 'RunRev' list does not go through.

I can take a hint ;-)


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 9:00 AM
Subject: metacard Digest, Vol 4, Issue 18

> Send metacard mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of metacard digest..."
> This is the Metacard mailing list.
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: MC-REV Event similar to AppleEvent? (RCS)
>2. Re: MC-REV Event similar to AppleEvent? (Richard Gaskin)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 12:53:47 -0800
> Subject: Re: MC-REV Event similar to AppleEvent?
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> on hWindowEvent theEvent, theData
>  SWITCH theEvent
>   CASE "openStack"
>-- do this
>   CASE "mouseDown"
> if theData = 3 then
>  -- right-click
>  else
>  -- do that
> end if
>-- do the other
>  end SWICH
> end hWindowEvent
> I really don't want an 'idle' handler (or 'send to' handler) parsing
> everything that is happening in my environment...I thought there might be
> something 'native' that was not mentioned in the docs.
> Thanks,
> JR
> - Original Message - 
> Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 9:00 AM
> Subject: metacard Digest, Vol 4, Issue 17
> >
> > To craft a solution that better meets your needs, can you tell us a bit
> more
> > about the specifics of what you're looking to do, maybe with an example
> > how you'd like to use it?
> >
> > -- 
> >  Richard Gaskin
> >  Fourth World Media Corporation
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 13:21:42 -0800
> From: Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: MC-REV Event similar to AppleEvent?
> To: MetaCard List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> RCS wrote:
> >> To craft a solution that better meets your needs, can you tell us a bit
> >> more about the specifics of what you're looking to do, maybe with an
> >> example of how you'd like to use it?
> > on hWindowEvent theEvent, theData
> >
> > SWITCH theEvent
> > CASE "openStack"
> > -- do this
> > break
> > CASE "mouseDown"
> > if theData = 3 then
> > -- right-click
> > else
> > -- do that
> > end if
> > break
> > -- do the other
> > break
> > end SWICH
> >
> > end hWindowEvent
> >
> >
> > I really don't want an 

Re: MC-REV Event similar to AppleEvent?

2004-01-19 Thread RCS

on hWindowEvent theEvent, theData

 SWITCH theEvent
  CASE "openStack"
   -- do this
  CASE "mouseDown"
if theData = 3 then
 -- right-click
 -- do that
end if
   -- do the other
 end SWICH

end hWindowEvent

I really don't want an 'idle' handler (or 'send to' handler) parsing
everything that is happening in my environment...I thought there might be
something 'native' that was not mentioned in the docs.



- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 9:00 AM
Subject: metacard Digest, Vol 4, Issue 17

> To craft a solution that better meets your needs, can you tell us a bit
> about the specifics of what you're looking to do, maybe with an example of
> how you'd like to use it?
> -- 
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation

metacard mailing list

Re: MC-REV Event similar to AppleEvent? (John Rule)

2004-01-18 Thread RCS
Not 'quite' what I was looking for, but it could be used to get the same
result. I am not sure what the overhead cost would be though...I was hoping
for something 'native'.

Thanks for the response...


> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 15:27:59 -0800 (PST)
> From: Alejandro Tejada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: MC-REV Event similar to AppleEvent?
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> on Fri, 16 Jan 2004 04:39:21 -0800
> "RCS" wrote:
> > Is there a master 'Event' that we can use to tell
> > what handler is being
> > called (similar to the 'AppleEvent')? Rather than
> > trapping 20 (or more)
> > handlers in my window for events passed to it, I
> > would like to 'discern'
> > from a generic handler what message is being
> > sent...and any data that was
> > involved.
> Richard Gaskin has an utility named 4W_UmbrellaMan
> that does exactly what you want:
> <>
> al

metacard mailing list

MC-REV Event similar to AppleEvent?

2004-01-16 Thread RCS
Is there a master 'Event' that we can use to tell what handler is being
called (similar to the 'AppleEvent')? Rather than trapping 20 (or more)
handlers in my window for events passed to it, I would like to 'discern'
from a generic handler what message is being sent...and any data that was

Thanks, John

metacard mailing list

New stack - MD5 (JR)

2003-12-27 Thread RCS
Is a new stack represented in memory as a chunk of data? I am using MD5 to
check to see of a stack has changed on saved files (by using get URL), but I
cannot seem to reference a new stack (in memory)  that has not been saved as
a file yet...any ideas?

Thanks JR

metacard mailing list

Fonts in Linux

2003-12-23 Thread RCS
Has anyone found a workaround to the MC font problems in Linux? Particularly
Red Hat 9, TrueType fonts just do not work...well, they work in everything
but MC.


metacard mailing list

Open driver?

2003-12-23 Thread RCS
Has anyone successfully used 'open driver' - 'write to driver' etc.?

metacard mailing list

Re: Multiple sounds playing at once - how?

2003-12-16 Thread RCS
I had four audio clips playing at the same time with only 25% cpu usage (900
mhz pc)...try the 'play audioClip' command.


metacard mailing list

ticks and seconds ahould have a fixed reference

2003-12-16 Thread RCS
I thought the 'ticks' and 'seconds' were supposed to references to January
1,1904 or something...they change if you change the computers time/date!!!

 I am trying to build a time limited demo...


metacard mailing list

Rev 2.x vs MetaCard 2.5

2003-11-14 Thread RCS
Do you think it would be possible to post new features of the 'engine' of
new RunRev versions so people who are still using the older MetaCard 2.5
engine will know exactly what is changing? I don't mean the IDE or
externals...just the engine.

Who knows, it might even be persuasive enough to convince me to make the
change to RunRev  ;-)


metacard mailing list

Re: RunRev 2.1

2003-08-26 Thread RCS
OK, so let me get this straight...

MetaCard users who just paid for a 1 year renewal, need to upgrade ($299) to
be able to use the new 2.1 RunRev engine.

RunRev 2.0 users may consider this a free upgrade.

I will never see fixes to the MetaCard 2.5 engine.

Am I close?


> Dear Listees,
> We are delighted to announce that Revolution 2.1 is now shipping.
> Revolution 2.1 includes dozens of new features and improvements:
> * Improved conformity with the Mac OS X interface style guidelines
> * All editions include support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC and Valentina
> * Improved support for Mac OS X Aqua appearance
> * Support for drawers and metal appearance on Mac OS X
> * System palettes which float above all applications
> You can download it from
> Information about upgrading is available here:
> Warm Regards,
> Heather

metacard mailing list

Re: Script Limits - clarify please (JR)

2003-08-15 Thread RCS
As the original poster of that message, I too am pleased at the
that has ensued. Left to our own speculation, we can only entertain wild
(and unfounded) ideas about how things are progressing. These 'well
crafted' responses have been very helpful to dispell rumors and 'myths'.

You must understand the orientation from which we (the end user) must
'speculate' from. The only changes I have seen (real changes, not just
promises) have been in RunRev's best interest...not mine. I have decided
to have faith that the promises that I have been reading on this post (from
Kevin, and others) are not merely 'damage control', but 'real' promises.

Only time will tell now, and I wish you [RunRev] all the blessings you
deserve...good luck!


> Let me join with the thanks for making a clear and exhaustive
> statement, Kevin. I am glad to hear that my fears were unfounded and
> the interests of this group are important to Rev.
> Robert Brenstein

metacard mailing list

Re: Script limit - clarify please

2003-08-14 Thread RCS
What exactly does all of this mean anyway? I cannot distinguish between
rumor and fact:

- Scott promises the MetaCard IDE will always work with the Revolution
Is this his 'wish' or is this in writing somewhere.

- Revolution promises that the Revolution engine will work with the MetaCard
I see no time frame here. My MetaCard engine could be broken with the next
update to Windows or OSX...maybe next week?

- Scott promises that the MetaCard IDE is 'open source'.
Wasn't it always?

- Scott Raney works 'for' Revolution.
I doubt that.

- Revolution takes orders from Scott.
I doubt that too.

This is what I have interpereted from all of this (and my general 'gut'

The MetaCard IDE is open source (a lot of good that does for me...really).
The MetaCard IDE depends on several features that Revolution is taking out
(or deciding to).
Revolution will NOT maintain the MetaCard engine (i.e. to be compatible with
the Revolution changes).
Revolution will NOT update the MetaCard engine with bug fixes, even for
current license holders.
There is NO upgrade path for current MetaCard users (current license).
Scott Raney is on a beach somewhere...never to be heard from again.

Am I close?


metacard mailing list

Re: Script Limits - not good

2003-08-09 Thread RCS
I too must voice an opinion...I would NOT like this to change.


> Roughly the same for me. Think I used the starter kit for around 4
> months to build things before getting a licence. I would be using
> another language if I had not been able to do this. Using "do" alone
> would not suffice as I'd have lost the speed reasons for using MC.

metacard mailing list

Re: Emagic did it

2003-07-11 Thread RCS
Yes, but they upgraded the engine several times after that...fixing
bugs AND adding features.


> I feel that the odds of me, and some other MC developers, being Rev
> customers increase greatly if they cross grade us now without the fee.
> not like it's never been done before... Emagic did it.  They said that
> were no longer going to make the Windows version of Logic, and so they
> offered a cross-grade to the Mac version for free.

metacard mailing list

Re: Why maintain Metacard

2003-07-11 Thread RCS
The user license is different for MetaCard...


> In short, (putting it bluntly) why would anyone want to spend effort 
> maintaining/updating MetaCard's development environment when the 
> Revolution environment is also customizable?

metacard mailing list

2 upgrades are guaranteed

2003-07-10 Thread RCS
I don't think this has been discussed enough. As someone
who just paid $300 for :

"free access to all MetaCard updates that are released or go to 
beta within that 1 year period. At least 2 upgrades are guaranteed 
to be released within the duration of each subscription."

i feel like this is being swept under the rug. We need an official
response so we can decide our course of action.

What about the bugs that still exist? What if Apple's 'Panther' breaks


> This sums up rather well my gut-feeling on this issue
> as well. MC and RR have merged into one.. so should
> we, but not by immediately dishing out more cash. Our
> investment in MC should 'port' to RR without any
> hassle whatsoever. That's what would make us happy. 
> ;-)
> Alain Farmer

metacard mailing list

Interface on top of IDE

2003-07-09 Thread RCS
I am not sure what all of this 'hype' is about. The MetaCard 'front end'
source has always been available to every licensed user...which is how
RunRev developed their interface. Let's not make this something 'magical',
please. Revolution is an interface on top of the MC IDE...a lot of work went
into that, so I respect it. But it is something anyone had the opportunity
to do...but not anymore. THAT is what this is about. Revolution had to
secure this 'loop hole', and I don't blame them. But if Scott wasn't aware
that he was helping them secure this position, I would have to say he is
quite naiive.

Well, at least it can't be done with MC anymore...that doesn't mean there
are no other options. Revolution does not 'own' xTalk. There are a number of
things happening that should make all of this a minor point...


> By creating an OpenSource front end, Scott has assured the future of this
> product, regardless of what happens. This is enough insurance for me.
> --Chipp

metacard mailing list

re: Staying with MC IDE

2003-07-09 Thread RCS
It wasn't so much the IDE for me (but I know from personal experience that
the 'Rev' interface on top of the MC engine can be quite distressing), it
was more the licensing.

Does anyone know what I mean? Please compare the two...

I would vote to stay with the current licensing and IDE.


> > I am just curious to know how many people are planning on staying with
> > MC and being active in maintaining its IDE?

metacard mailing list


2003-07-09 Thread RCS
What in the heck does this mean?

>Existing customers will get a free upgrade to Revolution with
>their next subscription renewal. 

So after paying for a subscription, you get a free upgrade?! I think
you guys have had a little too much champagne...

Tell me if I am wrong:
I just paid for my license to MetaCard, and I am no longer entitled 
to engine upgrades. This is bad business in my book.

metacard mailing list

Re: metacard digest, Vol 1 #688 - 13 msgs

2003-07-08 Thread RCS
The MetaCard group already exists:


> Scott Raney wrote:
> > The first order of business will be to set up a mailing
> > list so that we can start discussions of how that group should be
> > organized and later, what changes to the UI everyone wants (and are
> > willing to contribute to!).  That should help keep this list focused
> > on *using* the UI, with some discussions of the engine technology it
> > shares with the new "standard" development environment, Revolution.
> > 
> > OK, so who wants to host that mailing list?
> If Yahoo Groups is OK I could set one up in a few minutes.
> -- 
>  Richard Gaskin 
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
>  Developer of WebMerge 2.2: Publish any database on any site
>  ___
metacard mailing list

Re: MetaCard acquired - wake up call

2003-07-08 Thread RCS
It makes me realize that this technology can be pulled out from underneath
us...I feel pretty rattled. What would happen if Apple buys this? Do you
think they will support Windows and Linux? Do you think RunRev has any more
loyalty to us than Scott? There are no guarantees anywhere (what a sad
statement!), so I don't blame Scott...but my heart sank when I read this for
some reason. It seems like the beginning of the end, not a new beginning.

It's definitely a wake-up call for me...I think I'll go see how Java is


> > Your thoughts?
> >
> >
> The writing was on the wall that this was going to happen eventually.
> I would say congratulations are in order for both Scott and Kevin's
> respective teams.  I look forward to embracing the future of this
> technology at its new home.
> Best regards,
> Mark Talluto

metacard mailing list

Re: Gane available for test

2003-07-04 Thread RCS
Worked fine for me (MetaCard 2.5).

Nice work! The combination of the 'flying text', the transparency, and the
unique window shape makes you think you are looking at a Flash creation (I
am sure that was your intention).

It's nice to see the cool things you can do with MetaCard!


> To grab the game, type the following in your message box:
> go stack url "";
> Should be very simple but let me know if you continue to have problems.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

metacard mailing list

Re: 'Real' file names

2003-07-03 Thread RCS


Yes, I downloaded your example stack...thank you.

The only problem is, I was doing the 'resource' method before... then I
realized that MetaCard was not copying files properly in OSX. I had to
revert to using Applescript (gag!). In Windows, I had to use 'shell'
commands to accomplish the same. I haven't checked if new fonts are
recognized or not using the 'resource' way...I will look at it again.


> On Wednesday, July 2, 2003, at 09:13 AM, RCS wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to get 'real' file names (as opposed to 'DOS'
> > filenames) in Windows?
> >
> > This is related to installing fonts, which I see that I must modify the
> > registry to have new fonts recognized...but the 'key' is the long name
> > of
> > the font. Do I really need to parse the font file data looking for
> > this?
> >
> >
> JR,
> We have been marketing our fonts for over a year now.  To meet those
> needs, we created a simple font installer (available through RevNet).
> Our installer simply copies the fonts into the users fonts folder.
> Nothing has been done to the registry to make them show up in every
> application on the system.  I am not aware of why modifying the
> registry would be needed.  We have had zero complaints from our users.
> I am interested to hear your thoughts though.
> Best regards,
> Mark Talluto

metacard mailing list

'Real' file names in Windows

2003-07-02 Thread RCS
Does anyone know how to get 'real' file names (as opposed to 'DOS'
filenames) in Windows?

This is related to installing fonts, which I see that I must modify the
registry to have new fonts recognized...but the 'key' is the long name of
the font. Do I really need to parse the font file data looking for this?


metacard mailing list

Re: a new problem with standalone (J. Landman Gay)

2003-06-30 Thread RCS

I had to give up using this method (because of Linux actually). Your best
bet is to get the long id of your startup stack, and parse the location from without fail. 'DefaultFolder' in Linux reports the default
'user' folder, which has nothing to do with the engine folder.


> >
> > Please, couldn´t You give me a hint, how to get the files?
> The files returns a file list for the current defaultfolder. When a
> standalone starts up, the defaultfolder is the same as the one
> containing the standalone. I just made a test application and it seems
> to work fine. Does your script change the defaultfolder (also called
> "the directory") before getting the files?
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> HyperActive Software   |
> --__--__--
> ___
> metacard mailing list
> End of metacard Digest

metacard mailing list

Re: Font Installer

2003-06-19 Thread RCS

I would be interested in your font installer!

> 1.  Is highly geared towards our needs, but you can modify to suite
> your needs.

Does this mean you would release the code?

All I really needed was the 'magic incantation' to get newly installed fonts
recognized by the OS...Windows and Mac. Linux is for another day...


> I have made a font installer that we use for our font products.  If you
> or anyone would like a copy I can make it available via revnet.
> Pros:
> 1.  Installs fonts on either Mac or Win
> 2.  You can registration number protect the installer so only your
> users can install fonts
> 3.  Could be modified to install other files as well with a little
> extra work.
> 4.  Is commented pretty well.  No docs for it though.
> Negatives:
> 1.  Is highly geared towards our needs, but you can modify to suite
> your needs.
> Best regards,
> Mark Talluto

metacard mailing list

Re: Installing fonts - Windows weirdness

2003-06-18 Thread RCS
Thanks Ken...

These are .ttf (TrueType) fonts...I am also starting to discover the 'fun'
involved with installing things in Linux too!


> From: "Ken Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Installing fonts - Windows weirdness
> Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 16:29:28 -0500
> Organization: Sons of Thunder Software
> JR,
> What kind of fonts are they (TrueType, OpenType, PostScript)? If you
> don't know, post the names of the files you're trying to install.
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
> Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Installing fonts - Windows weirdness

2003-06-17 Thread RCS
  I have a strange problem when installing fonts on Windows computers. The
fonts will install correctly (just copying them from a 'source' folder to
the 'Fonts' folder) but the system will not recognize them...even after
restart. The strange thing is, when I go to the fonts folder (checking if
they are there), they are now 'seen' by the system (I guess openning the
folder is refreshing something?). Is there something else I am supposed to

Thanks for any help,

metacard mailing list

Re: Broadcast?

2003-06-08 Thread RCS
Thanks Dar.

I thought that is what I did (for UDP), and MC went into oblivion for about
2 minutes (and didn't broadcast). I will try it again...

open datagram socket to ""

This works for other UDP IP addresses, but maybe this is incorrect?


> Message: 6
> Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2003 16:49:39 -0600
> Subject: Re: broadcast?
> From: Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Saturday, June 7, 2003, at 04:30 PM, RCS wrote:
> > Has anyone been able to do a broadcast message using TCP sockets or
> > UDP? How
> > did you do it?
> No broadcast for TCP.  Use UDP.
> Use as your ip destination address in open.
> Or, better yet, use the subnet broadcast address.  For example if your
> subnet is with mask then use as
> your broadcast address.
> I have seen my OS X translate to a subnet broadcast on
> my primary adaptor.  My XP (or was it W2K?) did not.  Perhaps there
> will be a difference in behavior only if there is more than one subnet
> on the LAN.  I'm not sure what happens when you have more than one
> adaptor and you use as the address.
> Accept as usual (remember to close UDP these days).  Send as usual.  I
> don't know if the new ability to reply to UDP will work with
> broadcast--that would be cool.
> Dar Scott
> Mostly-Lurking Revolution User

metacard mailing list


2003-06-07 Thread RCS
Has anyone been able to do a broadcast message using TCP sockets or UDP? How
did you do it?

Thank you,

metacard mailing list

Step Over = Step Into

2003-04-06 Thread RCS
Could someone please verify if the 'Step Over' script debugging feature
works (any platform, any version). It just seems to act like 'Step Into' for


metacard mailing list

communication from a web browser

2003-03-19 Thread RCS
Can someone please point me in the right direction for any information about
communication with Metacard from a typical web browser?

I imagine that I will have to do 'GET' and 'POST' commands or something, but
I thought I would post here first so anyone could stop me (or encourage me)
before I have wasted too much time on this...


metacard mailing list

RE: Script commands? - I meant Script Debugging commands

2003-03-16 Thread RCS
Sorry about that...I wasn't very specific.

I want to build a 'better mousetrap'. I have some ideas to improve script
debugging, and I can only get so far without any documentation (or help!).
There is nothing in the MetaCard reference, but I know they are there...


Does this set something in MetaCard to parse the 'following lines' of code
together as a whole? In other words, you cannot 'step' through each line of
code by using the 'do' or 'debugdo' will just trigger each line, and
stop at lines that make no sense (i.e. 'if', 'else', 'end if'). It doesn't
seem to do anything for me...

Are these commands in there for us to play with? Am I venturing into
forbidden territory?

Thanks for any info,
John Rule

> From: "Ken Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Script commands?
> Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 15:13:10 -0600
> Organization: Sons of Thunder Software
> When you say "control Script execution", what do you mean? Do you mean
> conditionals (like "if", "repeat", etc.)? Or something else?
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
> Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Script commands?

2003-03-15 Thread RCS

Are there, or are there NOT commands for us to use to control Script
execution? Actually, I know there are, but there is no reference to them in
the MetaCard online docs. Is there something that exists?

Thank you,
John Rule

metacard mailing list

Re: standalone_builder

2003-03-04 Thread RCS
Here is a link to the standalone builder mod on my server:


> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2003 08:04:40 -0800
> Subject: Re: Standalone Builder mod
> From: Ray Horsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'd love to see this but when I click your link I'm taken to a Yahoo page
> which asks me for a user name and password.  How do I get to the Stand
> Profile stack from there?
> Ray Horsley
> Developer, LinkIt! Software

metacard mailing list

answer file problem - never mind

2003-03-02 Thread RCS

I got it...

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 8:14 AM
Subject: answer file problem

> I can't seem to set the directory I want for the 'answer file' dialog.
> though the defaultFolder (or directory) is something else, MetaCard will
> always start with it's own folder (Windows 98 - 2.4.3).
> Thanks,
> JR

metacard mailing list

answer file problem

2003-03-02 Thread RCS
I can't seem to set the directory I want for the 'answer file' dialog. Even
though the defaultFolder (or directory) is something else, MetaCard will
always start with it's own folder (Windows 98 - 2.4.3).


metacard mailing list

Standalone Builder mod

2003-03-02 Thread RCS
I got tired of reconstructing my stand-alone builds, so I modified the
Standalone Builder to load and save 'profiles'. The two stacks it took are
now combined into one. You can download it from my Yahoo 'Metacard' group:

Read the latest post to that group for details about the mod...



metacard mailing list

Custom cursors

2003-03-01 Thread RCS
  Is editing cursors actually working in 2.4.3? I just wasted too much time
trying to 'tweak' some of the cursors in the "Cursors" stack of my
application. Part of the problem is MetaCard is getting confused whose stack
I am editing (even if I open the "Cursors" stack directly from the
'Components' of my stack) since MetaCard has it's own internal stack called

  Aside from that, using the pencil tool is confusing. No matter what I used
for the background, I could not get a transparent 'color' for the cursor. I
used other cursors as a reference (using the same background they had) but
it would not work. I would also like to know if anyone has successfully used
different sized (or even 'color') cursors...we're supposed to be able to use
any image, right?


metacard mailing list

Windows CE?

2003-02-26 Thread RCS
What ever happened to Windows CE compatibility for MetaCard? Anything?


metacard mailing list

Resizing an animated gif

2003-02-26 Thread RCS
Does anyone know of a way to resize an animated gif? All of the techniques
that work on regular gifs do not work on an animated gif...I can understand
why though. I have tried stopping the animation on frame 1 and getting the
imageData, but it is just would be OK to just get one frame (I
don't need to resize the actual animation...but that would be nice!).


metacard mailing list

re: forced to use Applescript - hope

2003-02-10 Thread RCS
  This is kind of how this thread started. I had an awesome routine for
files and folder that would not work under OSX. It was traced down to the
type and creator signatures, and Scott is aware...I thought they did away
type and creator?

  I will just be glad when I don't have to wait for Applescript to 'kick in'
to copy a
few files...maybe that is just OS9 though.

Windows is fine.


> Actually this is a bad idea under OSX.  Even though this is a perfect
> solution for copying some files, many files and applications in OSX
> still have resource info attached to them.  I'm stuck with 5gigs of
> data that I am slowly resurrecting by reseting the file creators etc.
> (no backup).

> Anyhow, if you want to use the command line to copy files around, a
> PERFECTLY SOUND solution as Brian points out, you need to use the
> following command instead:

> ditto -rsrcFork /Users /Volumes/OtherPartition/Users

> Do a man on ditto to learn more.

metacard mailing list

Scrollbars on groups

2003-02-09 Thread RCS
Is there a procedure for setting the color for a scrollbar on a group? It
seems like I can get the colors I want on a field scrollbar, but group
scrollbars have a mind of their own...


metacard mailing list

re: What drive am I running from?

2003-02-08 Thread RCS
Thanks Klaus!


> Message: 4
> Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 19:16:06 +0100
> Subject: Re: What drive am I running from?
> From: Klaus Major <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi JR,
> > Does anyone know how to determine what drive your application is 
> > rinning
> > from in OSX? You do not get the full path when you do a 
> > defaultDirectory on
> > startup...the drive is missing!
> >
> > If you are going to suggest that I do a 'get drives' and parse all of 
> > the
> > folders on all of the drives until I figure it out...well, you know 
> > what I
> > would say to that.
> Thank you? ;-)
> Try this:
> function where_am_i
>set the itemdel to "/"
>return item 3 of the effective filename of this stack
> end where_am_i
> Works fine here...
> > Thanks,
> > JR
> Have a nice weekend.
> Regards
> Klaus Major

metacard mailing list

What drive am I running from -- never mind

2003-02-07 Thread RCS
Sometimes you just don't know where to look in the docs...
I suppose 'Directory' will do the trick.


metacard mailing list

What drive am I running from?

2003-02-07 Thread RCS
Does anyone know how to determine what drive your application is rinning
from in OSX? You do not get the full path when you do a defaultDirectory on
startup...the drive is missing!

If you are going to suggest that I do a 'get drives' and parse all of the
folders on all of the drives until I figure it out...well, you know what I
would say to that.


metacard mailing list

Re: forced to use AppleScript

2003-02-07 Thread RCS
Thanks Brian, I will try it.

It does not solve my OS9 problem, however...

My only question is, if the copy routines are so different for each platform
(or there is some kind of 'trick or 'quirk'), why isn't that explained in
more detail in the docs?


> Why not use shell() on OS X?
> get shell("cp -R /MyFolder/ /AnotherFolder/")
> Brian

metacard mailing list

Forced to use Applescript

2003-02-06 Thread RCS
What started this 'copying files' rant for me was the fact that I MUST use
AppleScript to copy 'Application' files on the's why (and tell me
if I am wrong):

*Note: When I say copying an Application file, I mean the data and resource
fork, and doing a copyResource if you have to, as well as type and creator.

Copying any 'Application' file using either 'open/write/close as binFile' or
'URL binFile:' will trash the custom icon property. And you cannot set that
with MetaCard. You can set some flags, but not that one...
Test: Copy your stand-alone that has your custom icon.

You cannot copy Application' files in OSX  using ANY MetaCard
method...MetaCard sees '.app' files as folders. That is also why you cannot
create an 'alias' to an 'Application' file (i.e .app package) using 'create
alias' in MetaCard.

Test:  Do a "put files" on a directory in OSX that has files (both documents
and Application files) and won't see any '.app' files like
'iTunes'. But you will if you do a 'put folders'.

  Windows works took me a few hours. I have a really high speed
interface that I am proud of. As far as OS9 and OSX...I have been grappling
with this AppleScript BS for a few days now, and the final result stnks. I
have an Apple dialog that pops up for every file and folder I am copying.

  The only thing that didn't work using native MetaCard routines in OSX was
copying the 'Mach-O' resource from an '.app' package. There was some kind of
corruption going on, and I couldn't track it down any further than to the
Metacard engine itself.

This is all using MetaCard 2.4.3 by the way.
OSX 10.1.5
OS 9.2.1
Windows 98SE


metacard mailing list

create alias does not work in WIndows?

2003-02-06 Thread RCS
I can get it to work in Mac OS9 (I havn't tried OSX yet) but the same line
of code in Windows (98SE right now) produces a file that goes to nowhere and
has no icon...


metacard mailing list

re: copying files

2003-02-05 Thread RCS
Thank you for the responses to my 'copying files' with Applescript request! 

I think I get it now...


metacard mailing list

copying files

2003-02-04 Thread RCS
I have looked everywhere!

Could somebody PLEASE tell me how to copy a file using Applescript in
MetaCard? An example unsing shell would be much appreciated does
not have to be extensive (I am doing error checking before and after the
actual copy). I just need to use something other than the built in copy
routines in Metacard.

  It is very frustrating to not have any reference in MetaCard on how to
integrate these external scritping capabilities. There are too many
unanswered questions to NOT have something...for instance:

HOW do I integrate Applescript?! Do I use the exact same structure as the
Applescript editor? I did notice ONE brief mention in the MetaCard reference
about using the 'do' command with other languages...that's IT!

I am getting the impression that I need to replace the "/" delimiter for
files with ":". Do I also replace the "/" at the beginning of file
references that MetaCard uses with the ":"?

Is there a 'result' for any errors that AppleScript encounters?

Sorry for my frustration, but I have been to quite a few Applescript web
sites last nite and this morning to no avail. The AppleScript Language Guide
from Apple's site (and the Internet) seems to be gone, so I have NO

Thank you,

metacard mailing list

Re: copying packages in OSX

2003-02-03 Thread RCS
> Just a thought without seeing your scripts: are you using "binfile:" URLs
> reference the files?
> Brian

  I am using binary to read and write the files, and it is actually working
correctly (I can copy 'almost' any package) just doesn't work with
stand-alone 'packages' created with Metacard (actually just the
MetaCardCarbonMach-O file in the MacOS folder). I wrote an email to support
describing what I discovered...

> Why are you trying to copy an OS X package? Perhaps there is a better way
> accomplish what you're trying to do...
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software

I want to get this to work with the method that I am using, and I do not
want to use Applescript for two reasons:

- Apple is notorious for dropping support on things.

- There is no Applescript in Windows.


metacard mailing list

copying packages in OSX

2003-02-02 Thread RCS
  Has anyone been able to successfully copy an OSX package with MetaCard
scripting (no Applescript). I am close. I get all of the files (the package
list, contents folder, icons, etc), and I even get the .app icon...but
something is still not right. I can open the list in the list editor, and
everything looks right, and I can view the icons as well. Double-clicking
the application icon starts it up, but it never finishes (doesn't crash

  When I compare the file sizes (original and copy) I see no difference, but
going back to OS9, and using ResEdit, I do notice that some of my files have
garbage in the 'Creator' (the 'Type' is empty). In the 'good' file, these
are supposed to be empty...changing this and saving the file does not work
of course.

Any info is appreciated,

metacard mailing list

Getting a files icon...

2003-02-01 Thread RCS
  Is there any way to get a files icon from MetaCard? There is nothing in
the 'detailed files', and I do not see anything obvious in the docs...

Thank you,

metacard mailing list

Alias - never mind

2003-02-01 Thread RCS
I looked through the docs again...and there it was!


metacard mailing list


2003-02-01 Thread RCS
I am sure this has been covered, but evidently, nobody told me...

How do you do an alias (or shortcut)? I do not see any function that would
allow me to do anything like this...


metacard mailing list

Set custom Icon property - Mac OS9

2003-02-01 Thread RCS
  Is there a way to set the custom icon propety of a file to TRUE on Mac
OS9? The problem is, when I copy a file and it's resources, the resulting
files icon reverts to the internal reference...

  I did see that 'some' of the flag properties are supported...but not the
one I want! Maybe it is undocumented?


metacard mailing list

Re: say it isn't so

2003-02-01 Thread RCS
Thanks for the replies and the code example...I guess I was just

  If I parse the files in a repeat (checking the first item in each line)
and exit when I find it, it is fast enough. Sometimes I think in terms of
'toolbox' calls that we used to have to do direct manipulation on stuff...


> RCS wrote:
> > Do I really have to do a 'files' function, and 'walk' through all of the
> > files (possibly hundreds) in the list until I find the one I am
intereted in
> > just to get the file 'type' and 'creator' on a Mac?
> Not if you have a couple minutes to turn it into a one-liner:
> function fwMacFileType pPath
>   local tSaveDir, tShortFileName, tFileList, tLine, tType
>   --
>   put the directory into tSaveDir
>   set the itemdel to "/"
>   put the last item of pPath into tShortFileName
>   delete last item of pPath
>   set the directory to pPath
>   put the detailed files into tFileList
>   put lineoffset(cr&urlEncode(tShortFileName)&comma, cr&tFileList&comma)
> into tLine
>   if tLine > 0 then
> set the itemdel to comma
> put last item of line tLine of tFileList into tType
>   end if
>   set the directory to tSaveDir
>   return tType
> end fwMacFileType
> --__--__--

> Well, it depends how do you know which file you are interested in. If
> you know the file name up front, then you can fetch the info
> directly. Otherwise, if you use some rules to determine which file is
> THE one to check, then I see no other way. Of course, you may be able
> to use your determination rules to either sort or search through the
> list of filenames to bring those of interest to top or extract them
> from the list, thus reducing your investigation to a subset of files.
> Robert
> --__--__--

metacard mailing list

Say it isn't so

2003-01-31 Thread RCS
Do I really have to do a 'files' function, and 'walk' through all of the
files (possibly hundreds) in the list until I find the one I am intereted in
just to get the file 'type' and 'creator' on a Mac?

Please say it isn't so...


metacard mailing list

re: cgi scripting

2003-01-30 Thread RCS
Thanks is the 'analyzed' packet from the device to the server (I
used CommView...minus the hex info):

GET /cgi/input.cgi?INPUT=RGB1&lang=e&x=39&y=11 HTTP/1.0..Accept: image/gif ,
image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/msword, */*..Referer: en-us..User-Agent:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)..Host:  Keep-Alive

('INPUT=RGB1' is the actual 'command' or syntax)

The server responds with :

HTTP/1.0 2 OK..Server: Dahlia/1.0.9a..Connection: Keep-Alive..

And the very next packet is:

Content-Type: text/html

When I try to send this information, the server responds, but instead of
'OK', there is an 'ERROR 400' or something...and obviously it does not do
anything to the device.

I hope this makes sense...

(This is a web browser based interface to get the status of a device on the
network...from IE or Netscape, etc.).

John (RCS)

> --On Wednesday, January 29, 2003 11:18:34 -0800 RCS
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I just thought I would post this in the hopes that someone has already
> > worked this out:
> >
> >   I need to respond to a device that has a simple server (a network
> > appliance). The server needs to be 'fed' cgi responses (i.e. GET or
> > and I have 'analyzed' the device that I am trying to emulate for the
> > format (basically a web interface from within a browser). I have the
> > format that the device is sending, but it has information embedded that
> > do not think is relevant to me (referrer: Mozilla, etc.). So when I
> > simply send this 'GET' command from an open socket (port 80) from
> > MetaCard, I get a response from the server, but it tells me there is an
> > error in the format.
> >
> >   I suppose my question is: when replying to a server in this
> > should I say the referrer is? Do I need this? I know I need to read up
> > cgi scripting, but I thought this might be a simple procedure...
> It is simple when you know it, why don't you post what exactly the server
> sends and what your script replies, you give no "helpful" information.
> >
> > Thanks for any info,
> > RCS
> >
> > ___
> > metacard mailing list
> >
> >
> Regards, Andu Novac

metacard mailing list

cgi scripting and MetaCard

2003-01-29 Thread RCS

I just thought I would post this in the hopes that someone has already
worked this out:

  I need to respond to a device that has a simple server (a network
appliance). The server needs to be 'fed' cgi responses (i.e. GET or POST),
and I have 'analyzed' the device that I am trying to emulate for the format
(basically a web interface from within a browser). I have the format that
the device is sending, but it has information embedded that I do not think
is relevant to me (referrer: Mozilla, etc.). So when I simply send this
'GET' command from an open socket (port 80) from MetaCard, I get a response
from the server, but it tells me there is an error in the format.

  I suppose my question is: when replying to a server in this manner...who
should I say the referrer is? Do I need this? I know I need to read up on
cgi scripting, but I thought this might be a simple procedure...

Thanks for any info,

metacard mailing list

Great movie!

2003-01-27 Thread RCS
Your movie answered at least a dozen questions I was getting ready to

Thanks Mark!


> > How do I change the 'MetaCard' default menu in a Mac OSX stand-alone
> > to (my
> > Application name) or anything else? I have tried a few menu
> > definitions, but
> > it seems like this is it?
> >
> > I really wish we could define information for stand-alones like we can
> > in
> > Windows...this is frustrating.  :-(
> >
> > Thanks,
> > JR
> >
> >
> Take a look at my mute video.  It may be of some help:
> Best regards,
> Mark Talluto

metacard mailing list

Thanks for the detailed response!

2003-01-27 Thread RCS
Thanks Ken! It's nice to know the matter how ugly they are.

Nice web-site too...many helpful bits and pieces.


> How do I change the 'MetaCard' default menu in a Mac OSX stand-alone to
> Application name) or anything else? I have tried a few menu definitions,
> it seems like this is it?
> I really wish we could define information for stand-alones like we can in
> Windows...this is frustrating.  :-(
> Thanks,
> JR
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> From: "Ken Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Metacard menu in OSX stand-alone
> Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2003 21:15:57 -0600
> Organization: Sons of Thunder Software
> Well, it's a long story. But the short form is this - the name of the
> application that is used to display the application menu name in OS X is
> stored in the info.pList file that is inside the "Contents" folder of the
> application bundle (to see it, control-click on your MC app and choose
> Package Contents", then double-click on the "Contents" folder). If you
> that file in a text editor, you will see a bunch of XML, and near the
> you'll see:
> CFBundleName
> MetaCard
> change the  to the name of your app, save the file, and the next
> time you launch it, it will have your app name in the Application Menu.
> remember I said it was a long story? There's more to personalizing an MC
> standalone than just this. Take a look at my "Understanding Processes" tip
> at to see
> what I mean...
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
> Web Site:

metacard mailing list

Metacard menu in OSX stand-alone

2003-01-26 Thread RCS
How do I change the 'MetaCard' default menu in a Mac OSX stand-alone to (my
Application name) or anything else? I have tried a few menu definitions, but
it seems like this is it?

I really wish we could define information for stand-alones like we can in
Windows...this is frustrating.  :-(


metacard mailing list

RE: New Group Info?

2003-01-24 Thread RCS
  Yes, 'create group' does indeed create an empty group, and return the id
in the variable 'it'. The 'group' command also creates a new group, but it
does not return anything. The 'group' command is better because you can
select several objects, call 'group', and create a new group with the
selected controls all in one shot...but you have no reference to what the id
of the new group is.

  The id that is assigned using 'group'  is the very next id in line for
groups, so I suppose you could call 'create group'...get that
'group'...and then use the next id for your group (and delete the other
group afterwards). I detest workarounds though...


> Message: 9
> From: "Ken Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: New Group info?
> Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 12:27:26 -0600
> Organization: Sons of Thunder Software
> JR,
> Here's what I tried that worked for me - see if you can get it to do the
> same thing:
> on mouseUp
>   create group
>   put the long id of it
> end mouseUp
> => This put "group id 1001 of ..." in the message box.
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
> Web Site:
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 12:22 PM
> Subject: New Group info?
> > Hello,
> >
> >   I do not seem to be able to get any information when a new group is
> > created (in the variable 'it' or anything else). I also tried handling
> > 'newGroup' message to no avail (using 'it', 'selObj', selectedObjects',
> > etc.).
> >
> > Thanks,
> > JR
> >

metacard mailing list

New Group info?

2003-01-22 Thread RCS

  I do not seem to be able to get any information when a new group is
created (in the variable 'it' or anything else). I also tried handling the
'newGroup' message to no avail (using 'it', 'selObj', selectedObjects',


metacard mailing list

Hide menubar on Mac?

2003-01-10 Thread RCS
Is there a way to hide the menubar on the Mac in OSX? I use the 'Bartender'
Control Panel for OS9 (it is a little flaky though).

Why doesn't MetaCard hide the menubar on the Mac? It works great on


metacard mailing list

Hide menubar on Mac - never mind!

2003-01-10 Thread RCS
I did a 'Google' search and found a MetaCard digest at
'' seems that you have to manually do it for the Mac.

It works though...that's all that matters!


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 6:48 PM
Subject: Hide menubar on Mac?

> Is there a way to hide the menubar on the Mac in OSX? I use the
> Control Panel for OS9 (it is a little flaky though).
> Why doesn't MetaCard hide the menubar on the Mac? It works great on
> Windows...
> Thanks,
> JR

metacard mailing list

Scrollbar rudeness

2003-01-07 Thread RCS
  I was trying to do a simple calculation within a 'scrollBarDrag' when I
realized that the numberFormat seems to be 'fixed'  as '0.#' (or so)
within this handler. I can get the thumbPosition as a number without this
resolution (i.e. no numbers to the right of the decimal point) and the
number I am adding is simply 300 (this number varies). So adding 300 + (the
thumbPosition of me) was resulting in numbers like  '303.01112'  no matter
what. Yes, I tried many different numberFormats for the object setting
itself with no effect.

  If I 'put the thumbPosition of me && 300' from within the handler just to
see if the thumbPosition was giving me this resolution, I would get '3 300'
as you would expect (no decimal place). It was the 'addition' of these two
numbers within the handler that was creating the anomoly...


I had to 'put round (300 + (the thumbPosition of me)) into myNum' to get it
to work.

Is that the way it is supposed to work? This is strange...if not rude.   ;-)


metacard mailing list

DrawString equivalent?

2003-01-05 Thread RCS
Does anyone know of a way to quickly draw text on the screen without
creating an object? I am thinking of the old Macintosh ToolBox 'DrawString"
function (or 'textBox') that allowed you to just draw a text string anywhere
on the screen. I would like to use this for information 'on the fly', and
the circumstances would be different enough that there could not be an
existing object that I could use (i.e. a field, button, etc.)


metacard mailing list


2002-12-01 Thread RCS
Anybody? mouseDownInbackDrop and mouseUpInBackDrop do not seem to be
happening (in 2.4.3) Windows or Mac...

Could someone please verify...


metacard mailing list

re: mouse in backDrop

2002-11-28 Thread RCS
I think you misunderstood...I am referring to backDrop messages. When you
click in the backDrop, you are supposed to get a message (either
mouseDownInBackDrop or mouseUpInBackDrop).


> RCS wrote:
> > I cannot get a message to the current card (or stack, or anything) for
> > either mouseDownInBackdrop or mouseUpInBackdrop. I thought I tried
> > everything...but evidently not the right thing! I am only setting the
> > backdrop with a color, no pattern or image.
> Set the backgroundBehavir property of the group to true, then it will
> respond to the normal messages ("mouseUp", "mouseDown", etc).
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World Media Corporation
>  Developer of WebMerge 2.1: Publish any database on any site

metacard mailing list

mouse in backDrop

2002-11-27 Thread RCS
What is the trick?

  I cannot get a message to the current card (or stack, or anything) for
either mouseDownInBackdrop or mouseUpInBackdrop. I thought I tried
everything...but evidently not the right thing! I am only setting the
backdrop with a color, no pattern or image.


metacard mailing list

Another round of applause...

2002-11-13 Thread RCS
I have to mention this again...I am very pleased with the execution speed of
the MetaCard engine (on all platforms). And I am soo glad I have this
alternative to other languages. I imagine that Scott has to use the 'real'
compiling environments that I found to be so inordinate (Code Warrior), so
lets have another round of applause...



> | >>> So ! MC as far so fast than Pascal ! Is'nt it great ? And, thanks
> | >>> to Scott, for that too !
> | >>
> | >> It's enough to make a Java programmer cry. ;)
> | >
> | > Java ? Help me to remember... Are you speaking, Richard, in about this
> | > dead marketed toy that crashes any time he search some more ram to eat

metacard mailing list

timeout (or 'force-quit') for 'open socket' needed

2002-10-29 Thread RCS
  More specifically, I would like to 'force-quit' (from a script) a request
to open a socket. I can get the effect I want by doing a 'Control-Period',
but that does not work from a script. It seems like you do have the control
from your engine to abandon this OS request...I would just like to be able
to control it from my program too.

  Would there really be any harm in requesting an open socket from the OS,
but if I do not get a response within 5 seconds, just abort? Even if the OS
responds (one or two minutes later!), I have already moved on to something
else (i.e. trying another socket). It's like trying to go to URL from your
browser, but pressing the STOP button (because it is taking forever), and
moving on to another URL. Eventually the targeted URL may respond, but you
are already 'gone'. I can't imagine what it would be like if my browser
forced me to complete each call to a URL...I would be drinking way too much
coffee, that is for sure!  ;-)

  I just can't see a customer sitting in front of the computer for that long
before they realize that the device they want to communicate with is not
responding (power off, wrong IP, not connected, etc.). Since I cannot even
'ping' the device without opening a socket first, I too am subject to this
'waiting' from the I see no way around this.


> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 11:21:16 -0700 (MST)
> From: Scott Raney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Invalid socket connect timeout?
> On Sun, 27 Oct 2002 "RCS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   Is there a way to set the time that the internal MetaCard engine takes
> > 'try' to open a socket? I have found that if a socket is not valid (or
> > host is not on the network) MetaCard will try to connect for up to one
> > minute until it returns a this normal?
> It'd be helpful to have the platform and the script you used for
> reports like this.
> The only problem I know of in this area is that "open socket .. with
> message" doesn't work right if a connection fails on MacOS.  This has
> already been fixed for 2.5 alpha 7.  In general, though, this sort of
> thing unfortunately is never going to work as well on MacOS (including
> OS X) as it does on Win32 and UNIX because of limitations in the way
> OpenTransport and the underlying socket implementation works (indeed,
> even the standard UNIX utilities like ping and telnet take a long time
> to time out compared with the equivalents on Win32 and other UNIX
> platforms).  In some specific cases, specifically failed DNS lookups,
> that 60 second timeout is actually hard-coded into the OS and so is
> not anything we can change without writing a whole bunch of new code
> so that we don't have to rely on OS routines to do these lookups.
>   Regards,
> Scott
> > Thanks,
> > JR
> Scott Raney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

metacard mailing list

socketTimeoutInterval is NOT for connecting

2002-10-28 Thread RCS
  I use 'socketTimeoutInterval' quite often...but that is for reading and
writing to a socket that is already open. I am looking for a timeout setting
for 'connecting' to a socket. If I use 'open socket' to connect to a device
that is either offline (or invalid), I would like to set a time out of 5 or
10 seconds (the device usually responds in 1) instead of the default 1
minute. I can only get so many cups of coffee in a day you know...

Of course, I may be missing something  ;-)

You may reprimand me at your leisure...


> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 00:17:30 +0100
> From: Pierre Sahores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Invalid socket connect timeout?
> RCS a écrit :
> >
> >   Is there a way to set the time that the internal MetaCard engine takes
> > 'try' to open a socket? I have found that if a socket is not valid (or
> > host is not on the network) MetaCard will try to connect for up to one
> > minute until it returns a this normal?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > JR
> >
> Try >> set the socketTimeoutInterval to "10"
> --
> Cordialement, Pierre Sahores

metacard mailing list

Invalid socket connect timeout?

2002-10-27 Thread RCS
  Is there a way to set the time that the internal MetaCard engine takes to
'try' to open a socket? I have found that if a socket is not valid (or the
host is not on the network) MetaCard will try to connect for up to one
minute until it returns a this normal?


metacard mailing list