Re: Menubar revisited

2002-10-23 Thread Shari
This is my point: you don't.  Either build the required information
into the product, download raw information and format and display it
however you want, or construct it on the fly using a CGI application
on the server.

Assuming that a system has a correctly configured browser is just a
recipe for a tech support nightmare, not to mention all the
vendor/version incompatibility problems you open yourself to if you're
so brave (or so foolish) as to point them at sites not under your
direct control.  Which is why we do not, and will not, support this as
a built-in feature of MetaCard.

I guess I'll take my chances with it.  One of the primary sites is 
the online order page, which is hosted thru my payment processor, 
using their CGI.  This is a KEY point in selling software, to make it 
easy for people to pay, make it easy for them to do it right NOW :-)

I am also advertising my other websites, a new feature I am adding to 
my programs.  (I run a 50 freebie site.)  And obviously, the goal is 
to get the folks onto the internet and to the actual website.

None of my sites have CGI capability.

Presumably I can script it to trap for errors.

--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: Menubar revisited

2002-10-23 Thread Tariel Gogoberidze

Recently, "Scott Raney"  wrote:

> I don't know if this may be the same problem as one we diagnosed in RR
> a couple of months ago, but apparently one of the Norton security
> products (AntiVirus?) prevents shell() from working entirely.

Also, "Norton Internet Security" (NIS) bundled on some Win XP computers
prevents Post calls from been executed from MC (Post tdata to Url
MyUrl). Disabling NIS doesn't help, it leaves some NIS processes
running. One should actually uninstall NIS or kill NIS processes to
allow MC to communicate with the Internet.

I know this from our client reports and I don't have XP box with NIS
installed to test it, so if somebody will find a work around for this I
would really appreciate it.

BTW it's a second day link to  is
not working from my location. I tried Anarchy, Explorer etc. Hangs up
for 5 min and then reports "refused by server"

Best regards
Tariel Gogoberidze
metacard mailing list

Re: Menubar revisited

2002-10-23 Thread Scott Raney
On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 Shari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >There is no workaround for
> >this other than my usual one: design your app so that you don't have
> >to start up a browser.  The bonus being that doing so will save your
> >sanity in a lot more ways than just this ;-)
> >   Regards,
> > Scott
> So then, how would you send someone to a web page on the internet?

This is my point: you don't.  Either build the required information
into the product, download raw information and format and display it
however you want, or construct it on the fly using a CGI application
on the server.

Assuming that a system has a correctly configured browser is just a
recipe for a tech support nightmare, not to mention all the
vendor/version incompatibility problems you open yourself to if you're
so brave (or so foolish) as to point them at sites not under your
direct control.  Which is why we do not, and will not, support this as
a built-in feature of MetaCard.

MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

metacard mailing list

RE: Menubar revisited

2002-10-22 Thread Monte Goulding

Is there not a public API for launching a file on each system? If there
isn't then how do email apps that handle attachments ever get written? What
about making a general openFile command that can handle urls and unix
formatted file paths?

For a number of reasons this is a must have for me as I'm sure it is for


 There is no workaround for
> this other than my usual one: design your app so that you don't have
> to start up a browser.  The bonus being that doing so will save your
> sanity in a lot more ways than just this ;-)
>   Regards,
> Scott
> Scott Raney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...
> ___
> metacard mailing list

metacard mailing list

Re: Menubar revisited

2002-10-22 Thread Shari
There is no workaround for
this other than my usual one: design your app so that you don't have
to start up a browser.  The bonus being that doing so will save your
sanity in a lot more ways than just this ;-)

So then, how would you send someone to a web page on the internet?

I've never seen that done without a browser.

Is this a new trick?
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: Menubar revisited

2002-10-22 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "Scott Raney"  wrote:

>> I've had a couple of reports of this kind of goURL script failing on
>> Win98 and WinMe.  Apparently some (but not all) versions of these
>> OSes do not accept this line:
>> get shell("start" && theTitle && tURL)
> I don't know if this may be the same problem as one we diagnosed in RR
> a couple of months ago, but apparently one of the Norton security
> products (AntiVirus?) prevents shell() from working entirely.
> Actually the problem is often worse than that, with a BSOD being your
> reward if you try this on some systems.  There is no workaround for
> this other than my usual one: design your app so that you don't have
> to start up a browser.  The bonus being that doing so will save your
> sanity in a lot more ways than just this ;-)

If you guys want to build a full blown HTML parser/renderer into MC, I'll be
the first the renew my MC license agreement.  :-)

Otherwise, there's always the brute force and klumsy workaround of writing a
an HTML jump page the temp directory, launching that, and letting the system
run the browser using its own "intelligence".


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

metacard mailing list

Re: Menubar revisited

2002-10-22 Thread Scott Raney
> I've had a couple of reports of this kind of goURL script failing on
> Win98 and WinMe.  Apparently some (but not all) versions of these
> OSes do not accept this line:

> get shell("start" && theTitle && tURL)

I don't know if this may be the same problem as one we diagnosed in RR
a couple of months ago, but apparently one of the Norton security
products (AntiVirus?) prevents shell() from working entirely.
Actually the problem is often worse than that, with a BSOD being your
reward if you try this on some systems.  There is no workaround for
this other than my usual one: design your app so that you don't have
to start up a browser.  The bonus being that doing so will save your
sanity in a lot more ways than just this ;-)

MetaCard: You know, there's an easier way to do that...

metacard mailing list

Re: Menubar revisited

2002-10-21 Thread Shari
Shari - this is a common problem for people who skip the 
auto-configure when setting up a mac.

Well then how come it works for me??
I don't use Internet Config.
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
metacard mailing list

Re: Menubar revisited

2002-10-21 Thread Mark Luetzelschwab
Shari - this is a common problem for people who skip the 
auto-configure when setting up a mac.

I have one last thing to try.  And quite a few bugs to squish that
aren't going to be easy ones.  Apparently the script to go to an URL
fails on some.  Printing too.


Did not work to go to website---had to force quit, then it asked me
if I was set up for internet access. Was connected via DSL.

Check for the existence of a file something like Internet Addn Prefs 
(look in the prefs folder - double check the name, I'm working from 

If its there, all is fine.

If its not, the finder brings up a dialog in the background *but does 
not notify you or switch to the finder*. This is the hanging that you 
are experiencing. So..

1. Check for the file
2. If its not there on 9.x, then

	a. Warn the user (They MUST click ok, or all fails)
	b. Activate the Finder (using appleevents)
	c. Hope that they click ok.

It might not be necessary - try using the "open location" instead - 
it should work on 9 - and may bypass this.

Good luck


-- She's testing on system 9.x.  Another fella with 9.x succeeded
with no troubles.

on goURL
   global tURL
   if tUrl is empty then
 exit goURL
   end if
   if tURL contains "@" then put "mailto:"; before tURL
   if (the platform) is "MacOS" then
 get the systemversion
 set the itemdel to "."
 if item 1 of it >= 10 then # OS X
   put "open location" && quote & tURL & quote into s
   do s as AppleScript
 else # MacOS
   send tUrl to program "Finder" with "GURLGURL"
 end if
   else if (the platform) is "Win32" then
 set the hideConsoleWindows to true
 put empty into theTitle
 if "NT" is in the systemVersion then
   set the shellCommand to "cmd.exe"
   put quote & quote into theTitle
 end if
 get shell("start" && theTitle && tURL)
 # local intApp
 # local EXE_off
 # put
into intApp
 # if char 1 of intApp is quote then clear char 1 of intApp  #
strip leading quote
 # put offset("EXE",intApp) into EXE_off
 # put char 1 to (EXE_off+2) of intApp into intApp
 # launch tURL with intApp
   end if
   put empty into tUrl
   set the itemDel to comma
end goURL
--Shareware Games for the Mac--


metacard mailing list

End of metacard Digest

metacard mailing list

Re: Menubar revisited

2002-10-21 Thread Scott Rossi
I've had a couple of reports of this kind of goURL script failing on Win98
and WinMe.  Apparently some (but not all) versions of these OSes do not
accept this line:

get shell("start" && theTitle && tURL)

It would be great if there was some way to format the title/URL string such
that this code would work, but unless someone on the list can reproduce the
problem, it's doubtful there's any way to fix it.  The two workarounds I
know of are:

1) go back to the old pull the default browser from the registry, etc etc.

2) write a simple HTML "jump file" to the temp directory

Neither of these is a great solution; it would be better to find out how to
make the shell command usable on the problem systems.  The lame thing is,
the code works fine on Win95 and 98 over here...

Recently, "Shari"  wrote:

> Apparently the script to go to an URL
> fails on some.  Printing too.
> Error:
> Did not work to go to website---had to force quit, then it asked me
> if I was set up for internet access. Was connected via DSL.
> -- She's testing on system 9.x.  Another fella with 9.x succeeded
> with no troubles.
> on goURL
>  global tURL
>  if tUrl is empty then
>exit goURL
>  end if
>  if tURL contains "@" then put "mailto:"; before tURL
>  if (the platform) is "MacOS" then
>get the systemversion
>set the itemdel to "."
>if item 1 of it >= 10 then # OS X
>  put "open location" && quote & tURL & quote into s
>  do s as AppleScript
>else # MacOS
>  send tUrl to program "Finder" with "GURLGURL"
>end if
>  else if (the platform) is "Win32" then
>set the hideConsoleWindows to true
>put empty into theTitle
>if "NT" is in the systemVersion then
>  set the shellCommand to "cmd.exe"
>  put quote & quote into theTitle
>end if
>get shell("start" && theTitle && tURL)
># local intApp
># local EXE_off
># put 
> queryRegistry("hkey_local_machine\software\classes\http\shell\open\command\")
> into intApp
># if char 1 of intApp is quote then clear char 1 of intApp  #
> strip leading quote
># put offset("EXE",intApp) into EXE_off
># put char 1 to (EXE_off+2) of intApp into intApp
># launch tURL with intApp
>  end if
>  put empty into tUrl
>  set the itemDel to comma
> end goURL


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

metacard mailing list