Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-16 Thread Pierre Sahores
Dear All,

Thanks Alain, for sharing this,...

Runs perfectly after opened it under both HC 2.4.1 and Rev 2.1.2...

Description: Macintosh archive

Le 16 févr. 04, à 08:33, Chipp Walters a écrit :

I have a HyperCard-based example of a forward-chaining
rule-based inference engine. It's very very simple to
understand and to use; so much so that you may not see
how ths is different from traditional scripting. Here
is the URL just in case your interested :

Alain, any chance your stack (and/or the accompanying stack on Neural 
Nets) be converted to RR? I'm mostly on PC and don't have HC. I don't 
know how much trouble it would be, but if it's easy...

Are we having fun yet ?  ;-))
-- I am.
I'm too.


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Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de productivité
metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-16 Thread Alejandro Tejada

on Sun, 15 Feb 2004
Richard MacLemale wrote:

 For a couple of years I've
 thought about how cool it
 would be to write software that would do something
 similar to what MOSI had.
 On one level, it could be done purely as
 entertainment - get 6 people on six
 computers in one lab, get six people on six
 computers in another lab, and
 they're each on a ship.  Naturally they'd do
 battle, hiding from each
 other behind planets, and whatnot.

Hi Richard,

Could this game help you with this project?

Galactic Conquest
Scott Slaugh
15th December,2001

A game which communicates using sockets. 



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Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-16 Thread jbv
On the topic of this link :
AFAIR someone mentioned Terminator,
but did anyone noticed that Stephen Thaler's
Creativity Machine Paradigm has been used
to design warheads for US Air Force ?


metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-16 Thread Alain Farmer
Hello Pierre,

 Thanks Alain, for sharing this,...

My pleasure.  :)

 Runs perfectly after opened it under
 both HC 2.4.1 and Rev 2.1.2...

That's quite a *feat*, indeed, because I have never
used Rev before nor do I have it on any of my
machines. Thank Runtime I guess, for insuring such
good HC-compatibility with a stack crafted with HC

 ATTACHMENT part 2 application/x-stuffit

Tsk tsk tsk ... ;-)

I am quite astonished, actually, that this got thru
the list's filters. Big Brother is watching, but He is
not always paying attention.  ;-)



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Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-16 Thread Alain Farmer
Hello Chipp,

 Alain, any chance your stack (and/or the
 stack on Neural Nets) be converted to RR? I'm mostly

 on PC and don't have HC. I don't know how much
 trouble it would be, but if it's easy...

Plug-and-play, apparently.
Pierre has graciously answered for me. :)

 Are we having fun yet ?  ;-))
 -- I am.
 I'm too.

Y'all ain't seen *nothing* yet!  ;-))

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RE: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-16 Thread Chipp Walters
Thanks both Pierre and Alain!


metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-15 Thread Chipp Walters
Hi Alain,

Thanks for the synopsis. How would you see a very basic agent as being 
able to accomplish all of what you said, in RunRev?

Do you typically need self-modifying code? If so, aren't RR's script 
limits somewhat of a problem. Also, how do IA's differ with Neural 
Nets? Expert Systems? Genetic Algorithms?

I'd be interested in seeing a very simple IA implemented to do 
something (find the best price online for a product) using RR. Do you 
know of such an example?



metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-15 Thread Pierre Sahores
Hi Alain,

Many Thanks too, from Paris, for your previous post.

I'm associating me to the Chipp's second question : how could we gohead 
with good practices to design and code to life a small team of 
intelligent agents in MC/Rev ?

There is, among some other great books about Artificial Life, an 
usefull title, unfortunally only available in french, i'm refering all 
the time, in about this matter : Vie Artificielle by Jean-Philippe 
Rennard. Editions Vuibert Informatique. 2002, 408 pages.

Le 15 févr. 04, à 09:40, Chipp Walters a écrit :

Hi Alain,

Thanks for the synopsis. How would you see a very basic agent as being 
able to accomplish all of what you said, in RunRev?

Do you typically need self-modifying code? If so, aren't RR's script 
limits somewhat of a problem. Also, how do IA's differ with Neural 
Nets? Expert Systems? Genetic Algorithms?

I'd be interested in seeing a very simple IA implemented to do 
something (find the best price online for a product) using RR. Do you 
know of such an example?



Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours

GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:   +33 1 41 60 52 68
Dom:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:   +33 1 64 45 05 33
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Applications et SGBD ACID SQL (WEB et PGI)
Penser et produire delta de productivité
metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-15 Thread jbv

Pierre Sahores a *crit :

 I'm associating me to the Chipp's second question : how could we gohead
 with good practices to design and code to life a small team of
 intelligent agents in MC/Rev ?

Same interest here...

 There is, among some other great books about Artificial Life, an
 usefull title, unfortunally only available in french, i'm refering all
 the time, in about this matter : Vie Artificielle by Jean-Philippe
 Rennard. Editions Vuibert Informatique. 2002, 408 pages.

As for books on that topic, I can recommend :

a bit verbode at times, but a good survey


great introduction - a few years back I tried to reproduce some
of the experiments described in that book with OMO and MC...


metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-15 Thread Alain Farmer

 How would you see a very basic agent as being 
 able to accomplish all of what you said, in RunRev?

This is one of those 64,000 dollar questions of AI,
but let me just allude, for now, to several MC
features that could be useful to us :

* MetaCard multi-platform deployment (serverside as
well as clientside) makes it a very good candidate for
widely distributed agent-based achitectures. As good
as Java for what we need, but a *LOT* less complicated
than Java for most people.

* MC's web-savvy-ness makes it an excellent for
crafting web-based agents. This is *extremely*
relevant given the importance and spread of the
Internet. Every agent based system currently in the
running, and all those that will follow, need to be
web-savvy. There's no get around this constraint.
Without the web, you're out of the game from the very

* In case some of you don't know, MC's web-savvy-ness
is not limited to getting URLs. It goes as deep as
creating your own web protocol with [secure] sockets.
Instead of HTTP or FTP, we could have an agent
protocol; something like this :


The proverbial HTTP protocol was designed to
accomodate the many needs of hypertext. FTP was
optimized for quick file transfers. And so on... Our
AGENT protocol would be optimized for
knowledge-exchange and agent-coordination.

* The try .. on error.. control structure which
allows a handler to catch its own errors and execute
meta-code that can fix the problem, allowing the agent
to continue with its on-going mission. As a bonus, it
also optimizes performance because it always tries to
do the best thing first  handles exceptional stuff
exceptionally. No un-necessary if .. then ..

* MC features GREP, which allows agents to smartly
parse informally-structured information. Locating
links inside web pages with the help of GREP is a
cinch, which means that it s very very easy to create
a hyper-bot, with MC, that traverses the web as easily
as any web-indexing bot can.

* Several people on this list have crafted some
XML-RPC stuff from within MC. I am presently seeking
some help in this regard. Ian Gordon was kind enough
to point me in the right direction, albeit I've not
had enough time to follow up on it yet. My development
team is about to embark on the open-source development
of some XML-RPC capabilities for MetaCard, including
compatibility with the blogger API. With the latter
our agents will be able to inter-operate with blogs,
wikis, and other opensource wares that are very hot
right now. In general, XML-RPC capability will allow
us to send Remote Procedure Calls to any program that
supports XML-RPC, e.g. *LOTS*

 Do you typically need self-modifying code?

Not necessarily. On the one hand, self-modifying code
is so dangerous that most operating systems don't
allow em to do this. On the other hand, life and
intelligence are self-modifying... it's what gives
these 'systems' their strength, you might say. I don't
have any easy answer[s] for this issue [yet] ...
except one, perhaps. We script the agents so that
their 'thinking' is data-driven, and their behavior
determined at runtime. In plain english, we script the
hooks, but all of the [operational] info is stored in
external files, fetched by URL, etc. Only these
external sources change; not the program itself.

 If so, aren't RR's script limits
 somewhat of a problem.

Yes. That's why an open source (LGPL) alternative to
the MC engine, e.g. FreeCard, is still a crucial
project for the xCard community.

 Also, how do IA's differ with Neural Nets?
 Expert Systems? Genetic Algorithms?

Neural Nets, Expert Systems, Genetic Algorithms are
some of the ways that cognitive scientists have
attempted to model intelligence with computers. They
each have their merits and their shortfalls. None are
as effective as we would like them to be. But there is
no need to *choose* one at the expense of the others.
Each agent's internals are irrelevant at the social
level. One agent can be an expert system, another
implemented as a neural net, etc. At the social level,
where the agents interact with each other, a diversity
of implementations is even desirable, because then the
agents could collaborate in such a way that they
complement each other, e.g. the shortfalls of one
agent systemically compensated for by the different
strengths of the other agents.

 I'd be interested in seeing a very simple IA
 implemented to do something (find the best
 price online for a product) using RR. Do you 
 know of such an example?

I have a HyperCard-based example of a forward-chaining
rule-based inference engine. It's very very simple to
understand and to use; so much so that you may not see
how ths is different from traditional scripting. Here
is the URL just in case your interested :

Are we having fun yet ?  ;-))
-- I am.

Alain F
The UFP guy

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Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-15 Thread Richard MacLemale
I apologize in advance for the length of my post!

I've been following the AI discussion with GREAT interest.  I've always
wanted to write some server based software using metacard that would control
a simulation that teams of 8 people on separate computers on a network would
interact with.  AI is not necessarily mandatory but the more complex the
program, the cooler the simulation would be.

Specifically, this:  Years ago, when I was a 5th grade teacher, we took our
kids to the Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa, FL (MOSI) and they had
a space ship simulator - the kids dressed up in pseudo astronaut type
outfits, like flight suits, that fit on over their clothes, and then they
went into this room that looked like the bridge on the Enterprise, in the
sense that it had different workstations that did different things.  Kids
paired up and they wore headphones with microphones.  Each station had a set
of directions... One station operated a robotic arm that was outside the
spaceship and you could see it out the window (really it was in a closet
set up to look like the surface of the moon, with a robotic arm.  Instead of
a closet door, there was a door with a window in it, and the door was worked
into the wall so that you didn't know it was a door.)  Each station did
something different, and all stations had controls and monitors.  Over your
headphones, mission control would tell you to do certain tasks, and the
card instructions told you how to do them.  You and your partner had to
accomplish the tasks.  It was AWESOME.  It was also expensive.  At the time,
pretty much all of the stations were Apple IIGS computers.  And mission
control was a separate room, manned by 4 people - they'd be talking to the
teams in their mics and switching between teams and they used several
Macintosh computers to monitor the progress of the teams.  And those 4
people had to be on their toes, obviously, because the kids would do
unpredictable things - mistakes they had not anticipated.

It left a huge, lasting impression on me, because it was educational and it
was extremely fun!  It was learning and playing and acting and just about
the coolest thing I'd ever seen as a teacher.  I thought about how cool it
would be to be able to put something like that together, but obviously it
was too expensive.

Fast forward to now.  For a couple of years I've thought about how cool it
would be to write software that would do something similar to what MOSI had.
On one level, it could be done purely as entertainment - get 6 people on six
computers in one lab, get six people on six computers in another lab, and
they're each on a ship.  Naturally they'd do battle, hiding from each
other behind planets, and whatnot.  Each station would have directions, and
each team would have a Captain.  To be a captain, you'd need to
participate in each position at least once and achieve a minimum score -
the server program would track the response time and decision making of each
person and assign a score for that position.  The person with the highest
score would be the Captain, though you could work out some other system.
The server program would throw in random elements like suddenly appearing
hostile ships and whatnot.  This would be an OUTSTANDING project for some of
our seniors to put together - writing the code, designing the stations,
filming video to be triggered by the server program when a hostile ship
shows up out of nowhere (You know, wearing an alien mask and screaming We
will DESTROY your SHIP into the camera.)  What could be more fun?

OR I could see writing something more like the original MOSI simulator, and
selling a kit with the software installers for Mac or Windows.  That would
make money but would not be as much fun.

Anyway, Alain's post got me thinking of how the server software might
operate...  Great discussion here.  I think everything I stated above could
be done in MetaCard (or Revolution.)

Richard MacLemale
Network Administrator
J. W. Mitchell High School

metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-15 Thread Alain Farmer
Hello Richard MacLemale and y'all,

 I've been following the AI discussion
 with GREAT interest.

Excellent, we seem to be generating a groundswell! :))

 I've always wanted to write some server
 based software using metacard ...

For years now, it's been possible to create
server-side CGI programs with MetaCard (and other
xCards too). But our agent idea takes this much
further. Imagine P2P MC programs that communicate via
the internet, with other [MC] clients that support
XML, XML-RPC and blogger API.

 ... that would control a simulation that teams
 of 8 people on separate computers on a network
 would interact with.

This will indeed be do-able with the [agent] software
we're using and developing. Why not! The essence of it
is that we will have the ability to coordinate MC pgms
via the web. All kinds of distributed architectures
will become possible.

 AI is not necessarily mandatory but the more complex

 the program, the cooler the simulation would be.

Agreed. You don't necessarily need AI to do it, albeit
it might be a big plus when it comes to modelling the
systemic impacts of the interactions of all the

 Specifically, this: Years ago, when I was a 5th
 grade teacher, we took our kids to the Museum of 
 Science and Industry in Tampa, FL (MOSI) and they
 had a space ship simulator

Very interesting!  :))

 One station operated a robotic arm that was
 outside the spaceship and you could see it
 out the window... Each station did something 
 different. All stations had controls  monitors.

Long ago, I scripted some automation stuff with the HC
Serial Port Toolkit (for HyperCard). The toolkit was
basically an XCMD to control one/both the serial
ports. Does MetaCard or Rev have a similar XCMD to
control the serial ports of various computer hardware
(PC and Mac), while maintaining cross-platform
compatibility? If not the *serial* port, then perhaps
another port? (USB, for example). The point, of
course, is that with this XCMD (or whatever) we could
script automation applications.

 It was AWESOME.

Sounds like a b-l-a-s-t indeed!  :))

 It was also expensive.

It will still be expensive if and when it is
implemented as a coordinated set of MetaCard programs,
but at least the programming will be cheap, which is
not negligeable in these ambitious types of projects.
You still need the stations (cheaper these days), the
location, the robotic stuff, as well as all the
audiovisual material. Don't be discouraged by this,
however. Forge ahead!

 they used several Macintosh computers
 to monitor the progress of the teams.

It would be interesting to find out whether they were
using HyperCard for their scripting.  ;-)

 And those 4 people had to be on their toes,
 obviously, because the kids would do
 unpredictable things - mistakes they had
 not anticipated.

This is where AI might be helpful.

 It left a huge, lasting impression on me, because
 it was educational and it was extremely fun! It was 
 learning and playing and acting and just about the 
 coolest thing I'd ever seen as a teacher.

I am sure students of many ages might be thrilled with
such an extremely fun way to learn. :)

 I thought about how cool it would be to be able to
 put something like that together, but obviously it
 was too expensive.

Using an xCard makes every project seem do-able! ;-)

 Fast forward to now. For a couple of years
 I've thought about how cool it would be to
 write software that would do something
 similar to what MOSI had.

Do it!  :)

 On one level, it could be done
 purely as entertainment ...

Good way to get *funding*.  ;-)

 the server program would track the response time
 and decision making of each person and assign a
 score for that position.

Another area where AI might be helful : user modeling.

 The server program would throw in random elements
 like suddenly appearing hostile ships and whatnot.

Or just random in appearance, in order for the
teacher to spike the game towards situations where
learning will take place [optimally]. 

 This would be an OUTSTANDING project for some of
 our seniors to put together - writing the code,
 designing the stations, filming video to be
 triggered by the server program when ...

Are you in a position, as teacher, to locate and
create such apprenticeships? Can you put such a team

 What could be more fun?

Especially for Trekkies!  :))

 OR I could see writing something more like the
 original MOSI simulator, and selling a kit
 with the software installers for Mac or Windows.
 That would make money but would not be as much fun.

Making money is important too. You choose what is best
for you. Personally, I'm inclined to release
EVERYTHING that I craft as open-source (LGPL),
resorting instead to contracts to earn my living as a
value-added consultant. The kicker: I'm increasingly
successful at persuading my clients to pay me for my
work but to release the results to the open-source
community; [strategic] wares and all. It is in their
best interest as well 

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-15 Thread Chipp Walters

I have a HyperCard-based example of a forward-chaining
rule-based inference engine. It's very very simple to
understand and to use; so much so that you may not see
how ths is different from traditional scripting. Here
is the URL just in case your interested :

Alain, any chance your stack (and/or the accompanying stack on Neural 
Nets) be converted to RR? I'm mostly on PC and don't have HC. I don't 
know how much trouble it would be, but if it's easy...

Are we having fun yet ?  ;-))
-- I am.
I'm too.


metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-14 Thread Alain Farmer
Hello Pierre Sahores, Chipp Walters, and
y'all who are interested in MetaCard-based AGENTS

 w/out going too much into it, can you explain
 what an Intelligent Agent does in MC? Perhaps
 an example? I'm interested in learning more:-)

When discussing software agents, as we are now, one
has to almost immediately talk about agent
*architectures*, because software agents, unlike their
human counterparts in 'espionnage' circles, are
especially interesting when they work together as
coordinated teams.

I will attempt, nonetheless, to define a single
agent. It's a software program that can autonomously
accomplish the task it was crafted-or-evolved for. It
automatically adapts to unexpected changes in its
working environment (the Internet, an intranet, or a
single desktop system). 
Because these changes are unexpected, a rigid
algorithm does not make the grade. Unexpected
situations  changes require an intelligent
adaptation to maximize gains  minimize losses. And
this is all happening dynamically, of course, which
means that the agent has to be active and perpetually
reviewing itself ( its programming and the agent's
impacts on its environment, including other agents ).

In sum, here are the capabilities an agent needs
to be truly autonomous. The agent must :

* be conscious of its environment ;
* be aware of its self ;
* be able to grow and prune its knowledge ;
* be able to transform itself (adaptation) ;
* be able to transform itself over time (evolution) ;
* coordinate its activities with other agents ;
* communicate fluently with human-user[s] ;
* adapt to the human-users' preferences, habits, etc.

Hummm ... Pretty good definition of a single agent
after all, albeit I alluded to other agents several
times in my above description.

The main reason why having MORE THAN ONE AGENT working
together is a **really** good idea is that human-level
intelligence is [nearly] impossible to achieve as
single programs. According to Marvin Minsky in the
Society of Mind, and other authors too, even *human*
intelligence may in fact be a variety of different
intelligences that work together synergetically to
form 'The One' that we are aware of.

The theoretical foundations of the above rest upon
some very solid principles of hard as well as 'soft'
science. Namely: the dynamics of open-ended systems
that are far from equilibrium. To deal with a constant
influx of new energy, these self-organizing systems
evolve dissipative structures (order) that *reverse*
the universal tendency towards entropy (disorder).

The gist of it is that *order* emerges [by chance]
from chaos. This spontaneous order feeds on itself to
create ever higher forms of order. Collective
properties emerge at a systemic level that are NOT
sustained by any given component but is more like a
regularity due to the high number of *interactions
between* the components. As the old saying goes : The
whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

On a practical basis, this means that we can create AI
systems by creating societies of coordinated
autonomous agents. Each singular agent can/should be a
very simple program that accomplishes one very modest
goal. Complex goals are accomplished by making the
agents collaborate amongst themselves. Not a rigid
architecture, where all the links are PRE-established,
but rather a runtime env where the relationships among
the agents are negotiated amongst themselves (and
guided by the user, of course). IOW, a dynamic
open-ended society of agents from which systemic
properties will emerge from their interactions with
themselves and their environment.

If you're thinking that this is how *human*
intelligence came about, in our own [social]
evolution, then you are indeed an astute
reader/thinker. Btw, YES, I am indeed saying that
intelligence is a emergent systemic property AND,
furthermore, I suspect that [our] intelligence is a
*collective* property, e.g. shared by many
'components'  at once (humans in this case) but not in
any particular component of the system! R-a-d-i-c-a-l,
eh!  ;-)

IOW : If it were not for y'all, I'd be pretty dumb! As
would anyone else be in a singular world. We mutually
define and expand each others' minds. It just occurred
to me that this is a bit like the matrix. You have
just been told that you do not have a singular
intelligence, albeit you always thought you had, up
til now that is! You have selected the blue pill
instead of the red one. You cannot turn back, Alice.
The matrix (society) *is* your mind. Well .. not
yours actually .. everyones!

Life is such a TRIP!  :))


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Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-14 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Fri, 13 Feb 2004 08:42:56 -0500
Rich Mooney wrote: 

 I can't find this there.  Can you provide and exact

This course is ideal for beginners.


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Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-13 Thread tech
Did you look at the MetaTalk Programmer course
in the MetaCard site?

It's a very interesting introduction
to MetaCard and it's language.

Any comments about it?


I can't find this there.  Can you provide and exact link?

Rich Mooney

metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-13 Thread xbury . cs

Just found this

food for RunRev thoughts

Enjoy the noise...

On 13/02/2004 02:42:56 PM metacard-bounces wrote:
Did you look at the MetaTalk Programmer course
in the MetaCard site?

It's a very interesting introduction
to MetaCard and it's language.

Any comments about it?


I can't find this there. Can you provide and exact link?

Rich Mooney

metacard mailing list

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metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-13 Thread Alex Rice
On Feb 13, 2004, at 8:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

food for RunRev thoughts

Kind of surprising a lot of the claims that are being made in there. I 
believe however, that particular kind of AI is fundamentally limited: 
Humans have awareness and understanding as a consequence of our 
embodied physical existence. At the lowest level, all our concepts and 
metaphors are understood in terms of the physical embodiment of our 
bodies. Therefore to create a comparable artificial brain, first a 
comparable artificial body would have to be created. Bots like 
Terminator, Data, C3PO and R2D2 are not foreseeable. See the books 
_The Embodied Mind_ and _Women Fire and Dangerous Things_ for the 
scientific proofs that our awareness and understanding directly arise 
from physical embodiment and our (uniquely) human interaction with the 

OTO if that article is not stretching the truth then maybe there are 
Terminator Bots already created, ready to break out of some US Army 
facility somewhere, then maybe I will buy a Sidearm HERF Gun instead of 
a new Mac G5 ;-)

Some of you know already that I wrote a CLIPS external for runrev. 
CLIPS can be very useful for creating domain-specific expert systems or 
Rule-based AI as opposed to kind of connectionist-evolutionary AI 
like that article discusses.

Alex Rice | Mindlube Software |
metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-12 Thread Alain Farmer
Hello Richmond Mathewson,

 I am in the process of submitting a Master's
 proposal at the University of Abertay with a
 view to doing research into intelligent agents
 for teaching xTalk to teachers..

Very interesting project, Rich. I did some
undergraduate studies in AI at the Univ of Toronto.
I've been working on the idea of xCard-based agents
for years now. It has also been a subject of *many*
exchanges on the HyperCard list. So I would be pleased
if you could keep us abreast on your progress.

Btw, I created an AI-based tutoring system with 5
levels of interaction (demo, tutorial, CBT, coaching,
formative and summative evaluations). Moreover, the
system's goal was to teach HyperTalk to teachers. I
did this back in 1992. It's still around, but much of
it has drifted into bugginess, and I have learned so
much since then, that I am a bit embarassed to release
it as it is. I could give you some tips though.

If there is a LOT of interest in this group for
MC-based agents .. I mean people REALLY interested and
willing to dedicate some time to it .. then, who
knows, I may just launch an initiative with y'all to
make our xCards into the very-best environment for
agent research/development the World has ever seen!
The kicker: contracts for cash, work-from-home kinda

Entrepreneurially yours,  ;-)

Alain F

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RE: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-12 Thread Chipp Walters

w/out going too much into it, can you explain what an Intelligent Agent does
in MC? Perhaps an example? I'm interested in learning more:-)


metacard mailing list

Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-12 Thread Alejandro Tejada
on Thu, 12 Feb 2004 04:37:45 -0500
Richmond Mathewson wrote:
 I am in the process of submitting a Master's
 proposal at
 the University if Abertay with a view to doing
 into intelligent agents for teaching xTalk to
 I am at present looking for a copy of 'Eager', an IA
 developed for HyperCard

Did you look at the MetaTalk Programmer course
in the MetaCard site?

It's a very interesting introduction
to MetaCard and it's language.

Any comments about it?


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Re: Intelligent Agents......

2004-02-12 Thread Pierre Sahores

I would be greatly interested, too.


Bests, Pierre

Le 13 févr. 04, à 05:20, Chipp Walters a écrit :


w/out going too much into it, can you explain what an Intelligent 
Agent does
in MC? Perhaps an example? I'm interested in learning more:-)


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