Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-11 Thread Dar Scott
On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 03:47 PM, Ray G. Miller wrote:

Ok, who's faster now!

I am pleased that we can get the longs in 2 to 4 microseconds.

Dar Scott


  Dar Scott Consulting  

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-11 Thread Ray G. Miller
From: Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You can get even shorter times on the longs, if you throw away the
> first long of each type.  For example...
>put the long seconds into junk

> Put that just before your first use of the long seconds.  Do likewise
> with other longs.

The original way:
the long seconds: 1057959579.060119 delta: 0.09
the ticks: 63477574743 delta: 0
the milliseconds: 1057959579062 delta: 0
the long ticks: 63477574743.85434 delta: 0.000366
the long milliseconds: 1057959579065.631958 delta: 0.005981
And with "put the long  into junk"

the long seconds: 1057959894.692325 delta: 0.03
the ticks: 63477593681 delta: 0
the milliseconds: 1057959894695 delta: 0
the long ticks: 63477593681.815025 delta: 0.000122
the long milliseconds: 1057959894698.46106 delta: 0.002075
the long seconds: 1057959900.740434 delta: 0.04
the ticks: 63477594044 delta: 0
the milliseconds: 1057959900744 delta: 0
the long ticks: 63477594044.748299 delta: 0.61
the long milliseconds: 1057959900747.609985 delta: 0.002075
Ok, who's faster now!

let's go rotate our tires

Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491
metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-11 Thread Dar Scott
On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 12:24 PM, Ray G. Miller wrote:

Looks like mine is a bit quicker ;-)
You can get even shorter times on the longs, if you throw away the 
first long of each type.  For example...

   put the long seconds into junk

Put that just before your first use of the long seconds.  Do likewise 
with other longs.

With that, I got 3, sometimes 4, microseconds to get the value.

Which is quicker now?


  Dar Scott Consulting Programming Services [EMAIL PROTECTED]
metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-11 Thread Dar Scott
On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 12:54 PM, Ray G. Miller wrote:

Adding three more zeros yielded:
And right about here (depending on how quoting is handled in your mail 
client and whether you use a fixed-pitch font) is a column that 
consists of only 0's and 9's.  I think that means the real resolution 
is 1 microsecond.  The rest is all binary-to-decimal.  The binary 
floating point can only represent values to about 1/9 of a microsecond. 
 The extra digits are the results of the number not being able to get 
closer than 1/9 microsecond.

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-11 Thread Ray G. Miller
From: Nelson Zink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Microseconds? Now we're talkin'.

OK, here's the deal:
A high quality Random Number Generator (RNG) needs two things: a good seed
and a clever algorithm to turn the seed into pattern-less numbers.

Just running Dar's script with a pause between clicks, I got (Scott, 
avert your eyes or you'll get another haedache):

the long seconds: 1057947474.546898 delta: 0.07
the ticks: 63476848472 delta: 0
the milliseconds: 1057947474549 delta: 0
the long ticks: 63476848473.015358 delta: 0.000359
the long milliseconds: 1057947474551.332031 delta: 0.005005
the long seconds: 1057948125.980394 delta: 0.11
the ticks: 63476887558 delta: 0
the milliseconds: 1057948125983 delta: 0
the long ticks: 63476887559.09742 delta: 0.000298
the long milliseconds: 1057948125986.495972 delta: 0.005005
the long seconds: 1057948145.708382 delta: 0.13
the ticks: 63476888742 delta: 0
the milliseconds: 1057948145711 delta: 0
the long ticks: 63476888742.800217 delta: 0.000359
the long milliseconds: 1057948145714.977051 delta: 0.005005
the long seconds and the long ticks did generate a delta, but the long 
millseconds did not.

So, compute something meaningless like deriving God's last name (about a
half second)
(I got "Yenarttocs" for god's last name. What did you get?)

and use the run time as a good unpredictable seed for the rest
of the RNG. Thus it would be possible to have a high quality RNG based in
software alone.

set the numberformat to "0."
put the long seconds
Punches up the fraction with digits other than zeros, where they come from I
don't know.
I got:

Adding three more zeros yielded:
The last three digits seem to be repeating...


Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491
metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-11 Thread Ray G. Miller
From: Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

try this:
on mouseUp
   put the long seconds into time1
   put the long seconds into time2
   put "the long seconds: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF 
into field "Report"
   put the ticks into time1
   put the ticks into time2
   put "the ticks: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF after 
field "Report"
   put the milliseconds into time1
   put the milliseconds into time2
   put "the milliseconds: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF 
after field "Report"
   put the long ticks into time1
   put the long ticks into time2
   put "the long ticks: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF 
after field "Report"
   put the long milliseconds into time1
   put the long milliseconds into time2
   put "the long milliseconds: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field "Report"
end mouseUp

On my OS X, I get this:

the long seconds: 1057873624.51924 delta: 0.09
the ticks: 63472417471 delta: 0
the milliseconds: 1057873624527 delta: 0
the long ticks: 63472417471.80954 delta: 0.000778
the long milliseconds: 1057873624533.140991 delta: 0.014038

Yep, the same thing (at a different time ;-) ) with MOS 9.2...

the long seconds: 1057947474.546898 delta: 0.07
the ticks: 63476848472 delta: 0
the milliseconds: 1057947474549 delta: 0
the long ticks: 63476848473.015358 delta: 0.000359
the long milliseconds: 1057947474551.332031 delta: 0.005005
I guess we can compare the actual speed of our CPUs.

Looks like mine is a bit quicker ;-)

Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491
metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds

2003-07-11 Thread Dar Scott
On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 01:04 AM, Nelson Zink wrote:

results are predictable, completion time wobbles. The finer time is 
cut, the
greater the unpredictability.
The problem I see is that the ruler you use to measure the time is not 
independent.  You are using a timer based on the same clock.

However, because there is a lot going on in OS that can add randomness, 
such as communications interrupts, fan control interrupts or whatever, 
there will be some.

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

Smaller than milliseconds

2003-07-11 Thread Nelson Zink

> You can collect some random bits using the long seconds, I think, but I
> don't think you want to base it on how long it takes to execute some
> code.  You might want to harvest it from operator interactions and if
> you don't have enough of those, from Internet response times.  The
> number of bits you can harvest depends on your estimate of
> predictability.

Good ideas.

As far as I know there is no calculation one can make that 'wobbles'--that
is, you always get the same answer. And healthy computers work the same way.
The result is the same, but the time to complete it isn't. Computational
results are predictable, completion time wobbles. The finer time is cut, the
greater the unpredictability. And while it may not be obvious, most events
we think of as being random are random only in the time dimension.


metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread xbury . cs

Not to sound like a specialist but I've read quite a bit on randomness theory.

1st, nothing is truely random. 
Calculating something truely random is of truely infinite complexity.

2nd, celular automata are just like digits in a number (or sequence of #s)
 BUT consider each to be individually picked based on some neighbor number rules
Meaning one affects the other... This means there is a pattern - it's time-based! 

If you want truely random without much fuss do this:
take a serie of long numbers 
pick random digits in them
associate them randomly... 
repeat a random number of times...

This can easily be done picking some random digits in random picks of the milliseconds.

Last but not least...

To make it even more random, you can change the randomseed global before any use
of the random function... 

And even make sure that any pick is not = to the last or within a Standard deviation of last
picked choices... 

How much more random do you want?


On 11/07/2003 00:34:16 metacard-admin wrote:
>If you're looking for a random number generator you should check out "a
>new kind of science" by stephen wolfram. They are using an automata to
>generate a map that contains extremely (he claimed completely) random
>sequences. This should not be a computationally intensive process and,
>again according to him, gives good randomness (good enough to be the
>random number generation technique used in mathematica where the audience
>is made up of picky people who actually care). He mentioned this as an
>aside during a lecture at xerox parc, so I suspect the full algorithm is
>somewhat more complex. Interesting stuff.
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 7/10/2003 3:11 PM
>>Microseconds? Now we're talkin'.
>>OK, here's the deal:
>>A high quality Random Number Generator (RNG) needs two things: a good seed
>>and a clever algorithm to turn the seed into pattern-less numbers. A good
>>seed is one that's unpredictable. And for good security RNGs, the seed often
>>comes from some real world event--quantum stuff like radioactive decay or
>>chaos stuff like lava lamps. (see the current WIRED, p. 88) For low-level
>>security or something with no security concerns one can use computer clock
>>time and be done with it.
>>My idea is this: the time it takes to run some little bit of code isn't
>>predictable (temperature of the processor and about a zillion other factors)
>>and changes from moment to moment, and is specific to every local machine
>>and circumstance. So it might be possible to write a very secure RNG that
>>uses the unpredictability of run time for the seed.
>>So, compute something meaningless like deriving God's last name (about a
>>half second) and use the run time as a good unpredictable seed for the rest
>>of the RNG. Thus it would be possible to have a high quality RNG based in
>>software alone.
>>set the numberformat to "0."
>>put the long seconds
>>Punches up the fraction with digits other than zeros, where they come from I
>>don't know.
>Jonathan Feinstein
>Shrink2Fit Software
>metacard mailing list

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Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 09:12 PM, Nelson Zink wrote:

But do you have any reason to believe the processor clock and the long
seconds clock are not the same?
Generally no, but strictly? I suppose I do. My long seconds are being
displayed to 20 magnitudes of precision (with proper numberFormat
adjustment). Either an alien technology has taken up residence in my 
or something's screwy. I'm betting on the later.
The results of many operations and functions are internally double 
precision floating point numbers.  They are converted to strings when 
they need to be.  We can do much of our scripting without knowing or 
caring.  The floating point representation is binary.  There are 52 
bits in the precision plus an invisible bit for the left most one (for 
non-zero values).

The current date-time in seconds is about 1,058,000,000.  (1Gs = 32 
years, 1 year = 31 Ms, 1Ms = 11 1/2 days, 1ks = 17 minutes, approx.)  
The floating point number can represent about 16 digits.  That means 
you can't do better than about 100 ns (with the current number scheme).

I think we are seeing 1 microsecond resolution on OS X and 1 ms 
resolution on XP.  All those extra digits are from the binary to 
decimal conversion and are not meaningful, that is, not meaningful in 
time, but are predictable meaning they are worthless to as random bits. 
 (I think 1 microsecond 'long seconds' resolution is a reasonable goal 
for all platforms for the time being.)

You can collect some random bits using the long seconds, I think, but I 
don't think you want to base it on how long it takes to execute some 
code.  You might want to harvest it from operator interactions and if 
you don't have enough of those, from Internet response times.  The 
number of bits you can harvest depends on your estimate of 

If we are really seeing only 1 ms on XP, then you have less bits to 
harvest and it will take you longer to get enough for a seed; save 'em 

Dar Scott

  Dar Scott Consulting Programming Services [EMAIL PROTECTED]
metacard mailing list

Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Nelson Zink

> If you're looking for a random number generator you should check out "a
> new kind of science" by stephen wolfram.

Wolfram's Rule 30 thing is great at producing a string of random digits, but
what we need is a random seed. What we need is the finger that points out
the section of Wolfram's string to use. The digits of Pi are random so we
could do the same thing with a huge file of Pi digits. We still need the

The whole deal with RNGs used for security purposes isn't about having
random digits, it about my picking a certain group of the digits and you not
being able to guess which group I chose. We're talkin' encryption.


> But do you have any reason to believe the processor clock and the long
> seconds clock are not the same?

Generally no, but strictly? I suppose I do. My long seconds are being
displayed to 20 magnitudes of precision (with proper numberFormat
adjustment). Either an alien technology has taken up residence in my machine
or something's screwy. I'm betting on the later.


metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Shrink2Fit

If you're looking for a random number generator you should check out "a 
new kind of science" by stephen wolfram. They are using an automata to 
generate a map that contains extremely (he claimed completely) random 
sequences. This should not be a computationally intensive process and, 
again according to him, gives good randomness (good enough to be the 
random number generation technique used in mathematica where the audience 
is made up of picky people who actually care). He mentioned this as an 
aside during a lecture at xerox parc, so I suspect the full algorithm is 
somewhat more complex. Interesting stuff.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 7/10/2003 3:11 PM

>Microseconds? Now we're talkin'.
>OK, here's the deal:
>A high quality Random Number Generator (RNG) needs two things: a good seed
>and a clever algorithm to turn the seed into pattern-less numbers. A good
>seed is one that's unpredictable. And for good security RNGs, the seed often
>comes from some real world event--quantum stuff like radioactive decay or
>chaos stuff like lava lamps. (see the current WIRED, p. 88) For low-level
>security or something with no security concerns one can use computer clock
>time and be done with it.
>My idea is this: the time it takes to run some little bit of code isn't
>predictable (temperature of the processor and about a zillion other factors)
>and changes from moment to moment, and is specific to every local machine
>and circumstance. So it might be possible to write a very secure RNG that
>uses the unpredictability of run time for the seed.
>So, compute something meaningless like deriving God's last name (about a
>half second) and use the run time as a good unpredictable seed for the rest
>of the RNG. Thus it would be possible to have a high quality RNG based in
>software alone.
>set the numberformat to "0."
>put the long seconds
>Punches up the fraction with digits other than zeros, where they come from I
>don't know.

Jonathan Feinstein
Shrink2Fit Software

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 04:24 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

A headache, from looking at all those digits
OK, this has less digits.
But this is better.  The first call to long seconds or long 
milliseconds is thrown away on this one.  It takes longer for some 

on mouseUp
  set the cursor to watch
  put "Upper bounds on time resolution:" & LF into field "Report"
  put the seconds into time1
  put the seconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the seconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the seconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the long seconds into junk
  put the long seconds into time1
  put the long seconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the long seconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the long seconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the ticks into time1
  put the ticks into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the ticks into time2
  end repeat
  put "the ticks resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field "Report"
  put the long ticks into time1
  put the long ticks into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the long ticks into time2
  end repeat
  put "the long ticks resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the milliseconds into time1
  put the milliseconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the milliseconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the milliseconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the long milliseconds into junk
  put the long milliseconds into time1
  put the long milliseconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the long milliseconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the long milliseconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after 
field "Report"
end mouseUp

Now, I'm really really gone for the evening.


metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 04:04 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

What do you folks get?
A headache, from looking at all those digits
OK, this has less digits.

on mouseUp
  set the cursor to watch
  put "Upper bounds on time resolution (maybe 10 to 20 microseconds 
high):" & LF into field "Report"
  put the seconds into time1
  put the seconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the seconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the seconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the long seconds into time1
  put the long seconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the long seconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the long seconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the ticks into time1
  put the ticks into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the ticks into time2
  end repeat
  put "the ticks resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field "Report"
  put the long ticks into time1
  put the long ticks into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the long ticks into time2
  end repeat
  put "the long ticks resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the milliseconds into time1
  put the milliseconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the milliseconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the milliseconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after field 
  put the long milliseconds into time1
  put the long milliseconds into time2
  repeat while time1 is time2
put the long milliseconds into time2
  end repeat
  put "the long milliseconds resolution: " & (time2-time1) & LF after 
field "Report"
end mouseUp

My OS X result:

Upper bounds on time resolution (maybe 10 to 20 microseconds high):
the seconds resolution: 1
the long seconds resolution: 0.15
the ticks resolution: 1
the long ticks resolution: 0.000847
the milliseconds resolution: 1
the long milliseconds resolution: 0.010986
I would guess the XP result will show ms resolution.

Note that the long milliseconds seems to be faster than the long 

You guys pick up the ball; I'm out the door.

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 04:10 PM, Nelson Zink wrote:

My idea is this: the time it takes to run some little bit of code isn't
predictable (temperature of the processor and about a zillion other 
and changes from moment to moment, and is specific to every local 
and circumstance. So it might be possible to write a very secure RNG 
uses the unpredictability of run time for the seed.
But do you have any reason to believe the processor clock and the long 
seconds clock are not the same?

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Nelson Zink
Microseconds? Now we're talkin'.

OK, here's the deal:
A high quality Random Number Generator (RNG) needs two things: a good seed
and a clever algorithm to turn the seed into pattern-less numbers. A good
seed is one that's unpredictable. And for good security RNGs, the seed often
comes from some real world event--quantum stuff like radioactive decay or
chaos stuff like lava lamps. (see the current WIRED, p. 88) For low-level
security or something with no security concerns one can use computer clock
time and be done with it.

My idea is this: the time it takes to run some little bit of code isn't
predictable (temperature of the processor and about a zillion other factors)
and changes from moment to moment, and is specific to every local machine
and circumstance. So it might be possible to write a very secure RNG that
uses the unpredictability of run time for the seed.

So, compute something meaningless like deriving God's last name (about a
half second) and use the run time as a good unpredictable seed for the rest
of the RNG. Thus it would be possible to have a high quality RNG based in
software alone.

set the numberformat to "0."
put the long seconds

Punches up the fraction with digits other than zeros, where they come from I
don't know.


metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "Dar Scott"  wrote:

> On my OS X, I get this:
> the long seconds: 1057873624.51924 delta: 0.09
> the ticks: 63472417471 delta: 0
> the milliseconds: 1057873624527 delta: 0
> the long ticks: 63472417471.80954 delta: 0.000778
> the long milliseconds: 1057873624533.140991 delta: 0.014038
> I forgot how many digits we get with double floating point.  Between 14
> and 15?  This might limit how small of a time we can measure.
> What do you folks get?

A headache, from looking at all those digits



Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 02:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

try this:
put the long ticks into tTicks
wait 1 tick
put(the long ticks - tTicks)
on WINXP pro, the result is in microtick resolution
put the long seconds into tSecs
wait 1 second
put(the long seconds - tSecs)
gives only millisecond resolution
H.  LONG ticks?  Hey, I just noticed there are LONG milliseconds!  

For this handler (needs field "Report"):

on mouseUp
  put the long seconds into time1
  put the long seconds into time2
  put "the long seconds: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF 
into field "Report"
  put the ticks into time1
  put the ticks into time2
  put "the ticks: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF after 
field "Report"
  put the milliseconds into time1
  put the milliseconds into time2
  put "the milliseconds: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF 
after field "Report"
  put the long ticks into time1
  put the long ticks into time2
  put "the long ticks: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & LF 
after field "Report"
  put the long milliseconds into time1
  put the long milliseconds into time2
  put "the long milliseconds: " & time2 && "delta: " & (time2-time1) & 
LF after field "Report"
end mouseUp

On my OS X, I get this:

the long seconds: 1057873624.51924 delta: 0.09
the ticks: 63472417471 delta: 0
the milliseconds: 1057873624527 delta: 0
the long ticks: 63472417471.80954 delta: 0.000778
the long milliseconds: 1057873624533.140991 delta: 0.014038
I forgot how many digits we get with double floating point.  Between 14 
and 15?  This might limit how small of a time we can measure.

What do you folks get?

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread miscdas
Ken Ray writes: 

1057853216369 1057853216.369436 

OS X 10.2.6 on MDD G4 dual 1.25 GHz.  Nyah-nyah! Nyah! Nyah! 

Test seem to indicate that I really get microseconds, yes, right down 
to the microsecond. 

(Some clever person can find out when we did the tests.) 

What wimpy OS are you using?  ;-)
You're right! It's OS-dependent. The "wimpy" OS was Windows XP; I
checked it on my Mac (same config as yours) and I get the extra
microseconds. Cool! 

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
try this: 

put the long ticks into tTicks
wait 1 tick
put(the long ticks - tTicks) 

on WINXP pro, the result is in microtick resolution 


put the long seconds into tSecs
wait 1 second
put(the long seconds - tSecs) 

gives only millisecond resolution 

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 11:38 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

What wimpy OS are you using?  ;-)
You're right! It's OS-dependent. The "wimpy" OS was Windows XP; I
checked it on my Mac (same config as yours) and I get the extra
microseconds. Cool!
It might not be XP's fault.  I have used NT and Win2K system calls that 
had nanosecond resolution.  This does not mean the OS or the hardware 
can handle that, but it does hint at greater time resolution (smaller 
than ms).

The same engine is used for all supported Windows platforms, whether 
95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP, whether home, pro or server.  I imagine parts of 
the engine might use the reduced common capability and parts might make 
runtime decisions based on the OS.  Perhaps the long seconds is in the 
first part.

I, personally, wouldn't mind if the Windows engine split into two if 
the 2K and XP Pro got some improvement or features.

BTW, the microseconds in OS X (and, it seems from Ray's comments, Mac 
OS 9.2) are handy for timing operations when using a repeat loop is 
awkward or otherwise inappropriate.

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Ray G. Miller
From: Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Ken Ray wrote:

> Dar, I think "the long seconds"
> returns milliseconds as well, but in a slightly different format: I
> opened the message box and typed:
>   put the milliseconds && the long seconds
I got 1057862149009 1057862149.009601

running MOS 9.2 with MC 2.5. Looks like microseconds to me, too (unless 
the random generator is running in overdrive ;-) ).


Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
(V) 510.530.1971
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metacard mailing list

RE: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Ken Ray

> 1057853216369 1057853216.369436
> OS X 10.2.6 on MDD G4 dual 1.25 GHz.  Nyah-nyah! Nyah! Nyah!
> Test seem to indicate that I really get microseconds, yes, right down 
> to the microsecond.
> (Some clever person can find out when we did the tests.)
> What wimpy OS are you using?  ;-)

You're right! It's OS-dependent. The "wimpy" OS was Windows XP; I
checked it on my Mac (same config as yours) and I get the extra
microseconds. Cool!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Dar Scott
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 09:57 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

Dar, I think "the long seconds"
returns milliseconds as well, but in a slightly different format: I
opened the message box and typed:
  put the milliseconds && the long seconds

and got this:

  1057852538054 1057852538.054

Identical, except for where the decimal point was placed...
1057853216369 1057853216.369436

OS X 10.2.6 on MDD G4 dual 1.25 GHz.  Nyah-nyah! Nyah! Nyah!

Test seem to indicate that I really get microseconds, yes, right down 
to the microsecond.

(Some clever person can find out when we did the tests.)

What wimpy OS are you using?  ;-)

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

RE: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread Ken Ray
> the ticks is the smallest unit I think...

Actually, ticks are 1/60 of a second, whereas MC/Rev supports
milliseconds (1/1000 of a second). Dar, I think "the long seconds"
returns milliseconds as well, but in a slightly different format: I
opened the message box and typed:

  put the milliseconds && the long seconds

and got this:

  1057852538054 1057852538.054

Identical, except for where the decimal point was placed...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Nelson Zink
> > Sent: Thursday, 10 July, 2003 04:31
> > Subject: Smaller than milliseconds?
> > 
> > 
> > Is there any way to access a time period/measurement smaller than 
> > milliseconds in either MetaCard or Rev?
> > 
> > Nelson Zink
> > 
> > ___
> > metacard mailing list
> >
> > 
> ___
> metacard mailing list
>> ard

metacard mailing list

RE: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-10 Thread MisterX

the ticks is the smallest unit I think...

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Nelson Zink
> Sent: Thursday, 10 July, 2003 04:31
> Subject: Smaller than milliseconds?
> Is there any way to access a time period/measurement smaller than
> milliseconds in either MetaCard or Rev?
> Nelson Zink
> ___
> metacard mailing list
metacard mailing list

Re: Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-09 Thread Dar Scott
On Wednesday, July 9, 2003, at 08:30 PM, Nelson Zink wrote:

Is there any way to access a time period/measurement smaller than
milliseconds in either MetaCard or Rev?
the long seconds

I get microsecond resolution on OS X on my blue & white and on my MDD 
Macs.  It may be different on other OS's.

Dar Scott

metacard mailing list

Smaller than milliseconds?

2003-07-09 Thread Nelson Zink
Is there any way to access a time period/measurement smaller than
milliseconds in either MetaCard or Rev?

Nelson Zink

metacard mailing list