[meteorite-list] New Meteorite Dealers Website Coming

2005-12-22 Thread Gary K. Foote
Dear Listers,

In case y'all didn't know it, I am in the business of website design and search 
optimization.  I am creating a website to list all meteorite dealers worldwide 
possible anyway] and would like to include your business in the database. 

What's in it for you?  Business, plain and simple.  As an example, I created 
NorthConwayLodgings.com on Dec 12th.  As of yesterday it is #1 on MSN and will 
penetrating the top listings in Yahoo and Google within the next few months.  

This new Meteorite Dealers site will be broken down by region and will launch 
within a 
week.  It should be placed well before the Tucson show at MSN and If you want 
to be 
listed in what will quickly become the premier meteorite dealer's listing 
website just 
shoot me an email using the email link near the end of this post.  Click it and 
subject should be included in your to me email automatically.

Include your business name, address and phone number and if you specialize in a 
particular type of meteorite include that info too.

How much will this cost you?  Nothing!  Zip!  Nada!  Why do I do this?  
Business, pure 
and simple.  I hope that, when the site's positioning gets to the top you all 
will be 
interested in trading high visibility sponsorship spots for some meteorites for 
collection.  This trade offer is for people on this list only!  Others who come 
to me 
through other channels will have to pay me $$$&& to get sponsorsahip listings

So help me help you while in the end you can maybe help me back.  Win-win, eh?

Here's the email address


If your email program doesn't carry forward the subject please type it in to 
help me 
place you ASAP.

Gary K. Foote
Newbie Meteorite Fanatic
Old Guard Web Design and SEO

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] New Meteorite Dealers Website Coming

2005-12-22 Thread Gary K. Foote
Yes, but you have to know what you want.  This will be listings of all dealers 
who want 
to participate by location.  And I bet I can take top position in the major 
engines too.  I've been at this for 13 years now.


On 22 Dec 2005 at 8:04, steve eshbaugh wrote:

> I think they have something like that already out there similar to that. 
> It's called the "The Meteorite Exchange"
> Steve
> "Gary K. Foote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Listers,
> In case y'all didn't know it, I am in the business of website design and 
> search engine
> optimization. I am creating a website to list all meteorite dealers 
> worldwide [if
> possible anyway] and would like to include your business in the database. 
> What's in it for you? Business, plain and simple. As an example, I 
> created 
> NorthConwayLodgings.com on Dec 12th. As of yesterday it is #1 on MSN and 
> will be
> penetrating the top listings in Yahoo and Google within the next few 
> months. 
> This new Meteorite Dealers site will be broken down by region and will 
> launch within a
> week. It should be placed well before the Tucson show at MSN and If you 
> want to be
> listed in what will quickly become the premier meteorite dealer's listing 
> website just
> shoot me an email using the email link near the end of this post. Click 
> it and the
> subject should be included in your to me email automatically.
> Include your business name, address and phone number and if you 
> specialize in a 
> particular type of meteorite include that info too.
> How much will this cost you? Nothing! Zip! Nada! Why do I do this? 
> Business, pure and
> simple. I hope that, when the site's positioning gets to the top you all 
> will be
> interested in trading high visibility sponsorship spots for some 
> meteorites for my
> collection. This trade offer is for people on this list only! Others who 
> come to me
> through other channels will have to pay me $$$&& to get sponsorsahip 
> listings
> So help me help you while in the end you can maybe help me back. Win-win, 
> eh?
> Here's the email address
> If your email program doesn't carry forward the subject please type it in 
> to help me
> place you ASAP.
> Gary K. Foote
> Newbie Meteorite Fanatic
> Old Guard Web Design and SEO
> http://www.webbers.com
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 
> http://mail.yahoo.com 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Rocks From Space Picture of the Day - December 22, 2005

2005-12-22 Thread SPACEROCKSINC

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] edm wire cut meteorite

2005-12-22 Thread harlan trammell
for those curious, here's some interesting fodder:
i just got done PARALELL slicing my huge social circle , ga slice. as i did not need that much of it and wanted to sell some to defray cost, i also wished to retain a COMPLETE slice for my collection. so i took the big slice over to http://www.atlantaedm.com and they said that they could do it. we thought about using a magnet to hold the unusually- shaped piece, but we decided to balk on that as we were afraid that the powerful neodymium magnet would mess up the computer in the $250,000 charmilles edm machine or that the voltage through the wire would demagnetize the permanent magnet and the piece would drop, etc. we opted for a vise instead. we clamped it on one end and the wire was to start in at the clamp, turn 90 degrees and continue through the slice and out the end. $200 and 6 hours later the job was done- a perfect, 
lengthwise bisection on the slice accurately paralell to the finished surface to 15/1,000th of an inch. i wound up with 3 pieces and with loss of only 15/1,000th, it  was so not an issue. what we learned about cutting iron skyrox on edm:
plan on ALOT of wire breaks- the magnetite/ rust rind is NOT nearly as conductive as the rich metal interior and it BREAKS the wire as there is no abrasive action (it is all eletric spark vaporizition- like millions of tiny lightning hits along the wire surface to the meteorite surface). to do it right, you first need to grind the rim down to the silver metal to avoid breaks. with that done you can pretty much walk away from it and come back when it is done. this process also takes place UNDERWATER- rusters need not apply. TROILITE is also a wire breaker as it too, has a different electrical conductivity. the FINISH is a very smooth, unusually FROSTED, colored surface with rainbow tones from the burning (similar to color/ tecture of heat-tempered file handle, etc.). this is easily buffed off w/ 600# sandpaper, and does not affect the etch pattern. the ACCURACY is beyond what any 
abrasive saw could even hope to deliver. the COST is very high and the TIME is very slow. that should answer most q's about this unusual method of cutting irons. i will take PIX of all piece b4 etch for those intersted.
i will be gradually switching over to yahoo mail (it has 100 FREE megs of storage). please cc to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] ASU Geologists Suggest Mars Features Are Result of Meteorite Strikes, Not of Evaporated Lakes

2005-12-22 Thread Ron Baalke

Public release date: 21-Dec-2005

Contact: Skip Derra
Arizona State University 

ASU geologists suggest Mars features are result of meteorite strikes,
not of evaporated lakes

Geologic features at the Opportunity landing site on Mars were formed
not by a lake that evaporated but by constant strikes from meteorites,
say two Arizona State University geologists.

The site where the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity landed has
sediments and layered structures that are thought to be formed by the
evaporation of an acidic salty sea. The prevailing thought is that when
this Martian sea existed it may have supported life forms and thus would
be a prime site to explore for fossils.

However, ASU geologists L. Paul Knauth and Donald Burt, who along with
Kenneth Wohletz of Los Alamos National Laboratory, say that base surges
resulting from massive explosions caused by meteorite strikes offer a
simpler and more consistent explanation for the rock formations and
sediment layers found at the Opportunity site. The researchers published
their findings in the current issue of Nature.

The research could impact where and how scientists continue their
exploration of Mars in search for past life forms.

Impact surges "present a simple alternative explanation involving
deposition from a ground-hugging turbulent flow of rock fragments,
salts, sulfides, brines and ice produced by a meteorite impact," the
three state in their article "Impact Origin of Sediments at the
Opportunity Landing Site on Mars."

"Subsequent weathering by inter-granular water films can account for all
of the features observed without invoking shallow seas, lakes or near
surface aquifers," they added. "Layered sequences observed elsewhere on
heavily cratered Mars and attributed to wind, water or volcanism may
well have formed similarly."

When the Opportunity lander touched down on the Meridiani Planum in
January 2004, it began a very important period in planetary exploration.
The rover has operated for nearly two years -- when it was designed to
operate for 90 days -- and has returned many breathtaking images of the
Martian surface, as well as measurements of the surrounding geologic
features and chemistry.

Researchers on the Mars Exploration Rover team feel these observations
of this site point to an area once drenched in water, providing an
environment that could have supported life. The body of water gradually
evaporated away, due to the thin Mars atmosphere, leaving high
concentrations of salt behind and several telltale mineral deposits and
geologic formations. Because the observed signs point to an area that
once was a lake, or large body of water, it would be a good choice to
further explore the Meridiani Planum for fossils or other relics of
previous life forms.

But to Knauth, Burt and Wohletz the geologic features at the Opportunity
landing site can also be explained as being artifacts of a meteorite
strike rather than a one-time lakebed.

"When a meteorite hits there is a tremendous blast, like a nuclear
explosion," Knauth said. "On a planet with an atmosphere, around the
base you get a turbulent ground-hugging cloud of debris that goes out
and makes a sedimentary deposit. You get deposits that can go up to
almost 100 kilometers from big volcanoes. A big [meteorite] impact can
provide deposits over tens of thousands of square kilometers.

"Mars is cratered from one end to the other. All of these should have
made base surges," Knauth said.

Upon examining the evidence, the researchers believe the sediments and
structures at the Opportunity landing site are more likely caused by a
base surge than an evaporated lake. Some of the questions concerning the
observed sediments include a mixing of evaporative salts, textures of
the sediments and the existence of small spheroid concretions at the
landing site.

"The mixed chemistry of the salts is all wrong at the Opportunity site,"
Burt said. "If it were a large lake that slowly evaporated, then the
salt deposits would be more uniform going from least soluble (calcium
sulfate, jarosite) to most soluble (halides and Magnesium-sulfate).

"With evaporated deposits you would not get what you are seeing
chemically or mineralogically on Mars," Burt added. "At the Mars site,
they have their most soluble salts mixed with the least soluble salts.
On Earth, the least soluble evaporates first (like a bathtub ring) and
the most soluble last, but in this deposit it is a complete mix."

The researchers explained that from orbital imagery it seems clear that
Mars had a "warm-wet" interval very early in its history when there was
water briefly on its surface. Most of the water escaped from the planet
leaving behind brine that seeped into the rubble created from the early
large meteorite impacts, the so-called "megaregolith."

When the planet froze, salts formed in the subsurface along with ice and
residual brine. All of this would then be "excavated," basically thrown
all together in s

[meteorite-list] New Meteorite Dealers Website

2005-12-22 Thread Gary K. Foote
Hi Listers,

I just wanted to reiterate that free listings include only the following info;

Phone number
Specialty [if you want to list one]

Things like email addresses, website URLs and banners are add-ons for either 
$$$ or for 
trade for meteorites.

If anyone wants an advance look at the site as it grows go to;


The website lists dealers by region.

For now the front page is empty as we will write effective copy soon.  The 
eventual URL 
will be;


Thanks - and many thanks to all who have sent their listings so far,

Gary Foote

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Mystery Ice Chunk Falls From Sky in Japan

2005-12-22 Thread Ron Baalke


Mystery chunk falls from sky
December 22, 2005

Tokyo - A disc-shaped piece of ice of unknown origin plummeted from the
sky onto a golf course near Tokyo, narrowly missing players on the
fairway but causing no injuries, police said.

Authorities were investigating the bizarre incident, said Saitama
prefectural (state) police spokesperson Masahiko Kuwashima.

Four players at the Heisei Club golf course in Saitama, just outside
Tokyo, heard a loud thud on Wednesday and found a disc-shaped hunk of
ice about 50 centimetres in diameter, 15 centimetres thick and weighs
2kg, Kuwashima said.

The disc had broken into several pieces, the spokesperson said.

He said police investigators have asked the Transport Ministry to check
into the possibility that ice stuck on an airplane might have fallen,
and are waiting for the ministry's response.

There have been several past reports of ice falling in Chiba prefecture
(state) near Tokyo's Narita International Airport, Kuwashima said.

But there is no airport in Saitama, and the golf course involved on
Wednesday is not known to be beneath a flight route, he said.

No one has claimed responsibility for the mysterious incident, Kuwashima

"It's puzzling," he said, adding that the ice was being kept in a police
department freezer.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Scientists Discover Two More Rings Around Uranus

2005-12-22 Thread Ron Baalke


Scientists discover two more rings around Uranus
Associated Press 
December 22, 2005

LOS ANGELES -- Astronomers announced today they have spied two more
rings encircling Uranus, the first such discovery since the Voyager 2
spacecraft flew past the planet nearly two decades ago.

The faint, dusty rings orbit outside of Uranus' previously known ring
system, but within the orbits of its large moons, said Mark Showalter,
an astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, who
made the discovery.

Details will appear online Friday in the journal Science.

In 1986, Voyager 2 became the first spacecraft to zip past Uranus and
beam back thousands of images of its dazzling rings and numerous moons.
Uranus, the seventh planet from the sun, possesses 11 known rings. Nine
thin rings were previously discovered on Earth, and Voyager 2 found the
10th and 11th arcs.

Scientists peering through the Hubble Space Telescope made the latest
ring discoveries in 2004. Then they went back to process hundreds of
images taken by Voyager and found the rings in the pictures. Scientists
speculate that the rings may not have been discovered during the
spacecraft flyby because of their faintness.

The newly discovered rings are made up of short-lived, faint bands of
dust grains that are constantly being replenished by erosion of larger
space bodies. Scientist think the dust in the outermost ring is being
supplied by the moon Mab, discovered in 2003.

Scientist also measured changes in the orbits of Uranus' inner moons
since 1994. The new measurements suggest the moons are in a "random and
chaotic" fashion, said Jack Lissauer of the NASA Ames Research Center.

Because of the moons' instability, scientists think the satellites will
collide with one another in the next couple of million years.

Uranus, four times the size of Earth, is one of the solar system's
giant, gaseous planets that also include Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] edm wire cut meteorite

2005-12-22 Thread Michael L Blood
on 12/22/05 9:34 AM, harlan trammell at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> i will take PIX of all piece b4 etch for those intersted.

The thing that sometimes has me hazy is whether it is them or I that's
Albert Einstein
"He is not a lover who does not love forever." - Euripides (485-406BC)

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] edm wire cut meteorite

2005-12-22 Thread MexicoDoug
Nice fodder.  How much $ & how figured?

skyrox writes:
for those curious, here's some interesting  fodder:
i just got done PARALELL slicing my huge social circle , ga slice. as  i did 
not need that much of it and wanted to sell some to defray cost, i also  
wished to retain a COMPLETE slice for my collection. so i took the big slice  
to http://www.atlantaedm.com and they said that they could do it. we  thought 
about using a magnet to hold the unusually- shaped piece, but we decided  to 
balk on that as we were afraid that the powerful neodymium magnet would mess  
up the computer in the $250,000 charmilles edm machine or that the voltage  
through the wire would demagnetize the permanent magnet and the piece would  
drop, etc. we opted for a vise instead. we clamped it on one end and the wire  
to start in at the clamp, turn 90 degrees and continue through the slice and  
out the end. $200 and 6 hours later the job was done- a perfect, lengthwise  
bisection on the slice accurately paralell to the finished surface to 
15/1,000th  of an inch. i wound up with 3 pieces and with loss of only 
15/1,000th, it  
 was so not an issue. what we learned about cutting iron skyrox on edm:
plan  on ALOT of wire breaks- the magnetite/ rust rind is NOT nearly as 
conductive as  the rich metal interior and it BREAKS the wire as there is no 
abrasive action  (it is all eletric spark vaporizition- like millions of tiny 
lightning hits  along the wire surface to the meteorite surface). to do it 
you first need  to grind the rim down to the silver metal to avoid breaks. with 
that done you  can pretty much walk away from it and come back when it is 
done. this process  also takes place UNDERWATER- rusters need not apply. 
is also a wire  breaker as it too, has a different electrical conductivity. 
the FINISH is a very  smooth, unusually FROSTED, colored surface with rainbow 
tones from the burning  (similar to color/ tecture of heat-tempered file 
etc.). this is easily  buffed off w/ 600# sandpaper, and does not affect the 
etch pattern. the ACCURACY  is beyond what any abrasive saw could even hope to 
deliver. the COST is very  high and the TIME is very slow. that should answer 
most q's about this unusual  method of cutting irons. i will take PIX of all 
piece b4 etch for those  intersted.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] NASA's Hubble Discovers New Rings and Moons Around Uranus

2005-12-22 Thread Ron Baalke

Dec. 22, 2005

Dwayne Brown/George Deutsch
Headquarters, Washington
(202) 358-1726/1324

Ray Villard
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore
(410) 338-4514 

RELEASE: 05-590


NASA's Hubble Space Telescope photographed a new pair of rings around 
Uranus and two new, small moons orbiting the planet. 

The largest ring is twice the diameter of the planet's previously 
known rings. The rings are so far from the planet, they are being 
called Uranus' "second ring system." One of the new moons shares its 
orbit with one of the rings. Analysis of the Hubble data also reveals 
the orbits of Uranus' family of inner moons have changed 
significantly over the past decade. 

"The detection of these new interacting rings and moons will help us 
better understand how planetary systems are formed and sustained, 
which is of key importance to NASA's scientific exploration goals," 
said Dr. Jennifer Wiseman, program scientist for Hubble at NASA 

Since dust orbiting Uranus is expected to be depleted by spiraling 
away, the planet's rings must be continually replenished with fresh 
material. "The new discoveries demonstrate that Uranus has a youthful 
and dynamic system of rings and moons," said Mark Showalter of the 
SETI Institute, Baltimore. 

Showalter and Jack Lissauer of NASA's Ames Research Center, Moffet 
Field, Calif., propose that the outermost ring is replenished by a 
12-mile-wide newly discovered moon, named Mab, which they first 
observed using Hubble in 2003. 

Meteoroid impacts continually blast dust off the surface of Mab. The 
dust then spreads out into a ring around Uranus. Mab's ring receives 
a fresh infusion of dust from each impact. Nature keeps the ring 
supplied with new dust while older dust spirals away or bangs back 
into the moon. 

Showalter and Lissauer have measured numerous changes to the orbits of 
Uranus' inner moons since 1994. The moon's motions were derived from 
earlier Hubble and Voyager observations. "This appears to be a random 
or chaotic process, where there is a continual exchange of energy and 
angular momentum between the moons," Lissauer said. His calculations 
predict moons would begin to collide as often as every few million 
years, which is extraordinarily short compared to the 4.5 billion 
year age of the Uranian system. 

Showalter and Lissauer believe the discovery of the second ring, which 
orbits closer to the planet than the outer ring, provides further 
evidence that collisions affect the evolution of the system. This 
second ring has no visible body to re-supply it with dust. The ring 
may be a telltale sign of an unseen belt of bodies a few feet to a 
few miles in size. Showalter proposes that a previous impact to one 
of Uranus' moons could have produced the observed debris ring. 

Hubble uncovered the rings in August 2004 during a series of 80, 
four-minute exposures of Uranus. The team later recognized the faint 
new rings in 24 similar images taken a year earlier. Images from 
September 2005 reveal the rings even more clearly.

Showalter also found the rings in archival images taken during Voyager 
2's flyby of Uranus in 1986. Uranus's first nine rings were 
discovered in 1977 during observations of the planet's atmosphere. 
During the Voyager encounters, two other inner rings and 10 moons 
were discovered. However, no one noticed the outer rings, because 
they are extremely faint and much farther from the planet than 
expected. Showalter was able to find them by a careful analysis of 
nearly 100 Voyager images.

Because the new rings are nearly transparent, they will be easier to 
see when they tilt edge-on. The new rings will increase in brightness 
every year as Uranus approaches its equinox, when the sun shines 
directly over the planet's equator. When it happens in 2007, all of 
the rings will be tilted edge-on toward Earth and easier to study. 
These research data will appear in an upcoming issue of the journal 

The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation 
between NASA and the European Space Agency. The Space Telescope 
Science Institute in Baltimore conducts Hubble science operations. 
The Institute is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities 
for Research in Astronomy, Inc., Washington. The Harvard-Smithsonian 
Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass. is a joint collaboration 
between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard 
College Observatory. 

For images and information about Hubble and this research on the Web, 





Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD: Large Ureilite meteorite ending on ebay tonight.

2005-12-22 Thread Michael Farmer
Hi everyone, just got home from Japan, traveling over 30 hours now, so time 
for bed.

I have a very nice large piece of the NWA 2634 Ureilite for sale tonight. It 
was started at one cent! This piece weighs 261 grams, worth several thousand 

High bidder takes all.

Take a look at this oriented Sikhote-Alin.

Some other nice items ending this evening as well.


I lost a lot of emails while in Japan, a deletion error, so if you got now 
response, please email again.


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Flat Laps

2005-12-22 Thread McCartney Taylor
The time has come for me to buy a flat Lap for polishing slices.  
Who can recommend a tried and true Flap lap and what size?


--  McCartneyTaylor, IMCA 2760
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] trade offer/53 gram of esquel pallasite

2005-12-22 Thread Steve Arnold, Chicago!!
Hi and good evening list.I have a 53 gram slice of ESQUEL pallasite for
trade.It is a $2000 value.I am looking for rare us falls or rare aussie
falls.Or any nevada falls.Let me know what you have off list.

   steve arnold,chicago

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 

Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!

website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

Yahoo! for Good - Make a difference this year. 
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Flat Laps

2005-12-22 Thread dfreeman
More of an issue of the flat lap  brand is the making sure you do not 
cross contaminate the grit sizes.  I had one here in Wyoming and kept 
getting dirt blown in on the finer grits because I had the flat lap out 
of doors.  They can be messy so get a garage.  I sold my like new 24" 
for $25 so I didn't have to look at it.
To do over again, get about six flat laps and dedicate each one to a 
specific grit.  Throughly wash and wash the pieces before moving to the 
next grit size and keep the dirt contamination away.

I now use a contour polishing grinder.
I might suggest trying out a flat lap with something else before working 
on a meteorite.  Just my 2 Cents for your thought.

It is a merry Christmas!
Dave Freeman

McCartney Taylor wrote:

The time has come for me to buy a flat Lap for polishing slices.  
Who can recommend a tried and true Flap lap and what size?


--  McCartneyTaylor, IMCA 2760
Meteorite-list mailing list


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] New Meteorite Dealers Website

2005-12-22 Thread Thomas Uza

The price of a meteorite is arbitrary, as are your
services, how can we balance the two? Nobody agrees on
prices to begin with. Will you accept what you can get
or will you hold out for the value that you perceive
your services are worth? This perception, on your
part, is as you have pointed out very limited. I mean,
an hundred dollars for your services equals an hundred
dollars of what meteorites?

It's a reasonable plan that needs to be more specific.
Maybe you could compile a meteorite by meteorite rate
based on average selling prices of any given meteorite
and an exchange value for your time in relation to
your effort, etc.

Good Idea,


--- "Gary K. Foote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Listers,
> I just wanted to reiterate that free listings
> include only the following info;
> Name
> Address
> State/Province/Zip
> Phone number
> Specialty [if you want to list one]
> Things like email addresses, website URLs and
> banners are add-ons for either $$$ or for 
> trade for meteorites.
> If anyone wants an advance look at the site as it
> grows go to;
> http://www.webbers.com/meteorite-dealers
> The website lists dealers by region.
> For now the front page is empty as we will write
> effective copy soon.  The eventual URL 
> will be;
> http://www.meteorite-dealers.com
> Thanks - and many thanks to all who have sent their
> listings so far,
> Gary Foote
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com

--- "Gary K. Foote" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Listers,
> I just wanted to reiterate that free listings
> include only the following info;
> Name
> Address
> State/Province/Zip
> Phone number
> Specialty [if you want to list one]
> Things like email addresses, website URLs and
> banners are add-ons for either $$$ or for 
> trade for meteorites.
> If anyone wants an advance look at the site as it
> grows go to;
> http://www.webbers.com/meteorite-dealers
> The website lists dealers by region.
> For now the front page is empty as we will write
> effective copy soon.  The eventual URL 
> will be;
> http://www.meteorite-dealers.com
> Thanks - and many thanks to all who have sent their
> listings so far,
> Gary Foote
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] trade offer/53 gram of esquel pallasite

2005-12-22 Thread M come Meteorite Meteorites
$2000 value? I have pay the same weight $1063 1 year


--- "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto: 

> Hi and good evening list.I have a 53 gram slice of
> ESQUEL pallasite for
> trade.It is a $2000 value.I am looking for rare us
> falls or rare aussie
> falls.Or any nevada falls.Let me know what you have
> off list.
> arnold,chicago
> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
> Illinois Meteorites,Ltd!
> website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com
> __ 
> Yahoo! for Good - Make a difference this year. 
> http://brand.yahoo.com/cybergivingweek2005/
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com

M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY
Sale Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.it 
Collection Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.info
MSN Messanger: spacerocks at hotmail.com

Yahoo! Mail: gratis 1GB per i messaggi e allegati da 10MB 
Meteorite-list mailing list