Re: [meteorite-list] Feedback: try this specific crater "R5" in Argentina: Darren Garrison: Rich Murray 2009.10.15

2009-10-15 Thread Rich Murray
Re: [meteorite-list] Feedback: try this specific crater "R5" in Argentina: 
Darren Garrison: Rich Murray 2009.10.15

Hello Darren Garrison,

Very apt!  You have very high aptitude...

Here's a nice view to try Google Earth on:

R5 -41.474665 -67.912145 3.0 round,
flat shallow 1.3 white core, .968, 1.167 area el 1 km N
also crater 1.2X.6 on SW rim,
5 km E of Rd 8 ns, 28 km N of Rds 5 and 7.
1X.5 green [farm?] on NW rim of white core, with road.
Part of a regional crater field on a dark, incised plateau -- the
edges of the plateau are dark layers .1 km deep at least.
This area is 130 km N of the Bajada del Diablo impact crater field.

Sometimes clouds and their shadows look like craters,
and some features are sinkholes, circle irrigation farm fields,
farming terraces on hillside slopes, multitudes of oval
freeze-thaw lakes in permafrost regions, orphan oxbow loops
in river valleys, volcanos, and calderas,
or mud, ice, or human dams on rivers, as well as mines,
springs, inclined surface faults, valleys in mountain fold belts.
I was fooled this year by piles of yellow sawdust in an
abandoned sawmill yard in Las Vegas, New Mexico,
until I visited the site.  Cowpaths that radiate from a central
stock tank make intriguing patterns, seen from above.

However, impacts can initiate, modify, or overlap any of
these -- for instance, an impact could create a shallow
long crater of cracked rocks on the west side of Santa Fe
Baldy, that might supply ground water and sustain an unusually
high altitude pine forrest, readily seen from Santa Fe.
On the east side I see [ 35.84 -105.75 ] a .13X.08 pond
at 3.494 km altitude on Google Earth.  Google Maps- Terrain
often colors many ponds and lakes blue, expediting searches.

Briefly, Carolina Bays (bays mean a particular type of tree in
North and South Carolina) are in the range 0.1 to 20 km,
probably ice or slushy comet fragment impacts at low
velocity ( 5 km/sec ), commonly carrying white sand and
minerals, at small angles under 10 degrees, like raindrops
on a moving car's windshield, leaving shallow, flat craters,
blasted but not melted or vaporized, with low rims, higher
on the exit direction of movement, with little or no metal
or stone from the objects. The shapes include round, oval,
and irregular. They are especially visible on flat, dry bedrock
areas above 1 km altitude, slower to be eroded, filled,
or overgrown.

There is a typical region from Las Vegas, New Mexico,
north, east, and south for 10 to 30 miles, with scores
of impacts, usually with associated white deposits,
which, of course, would be moved a lot by wind and water.
The uniform character of these unburied craters hints at
a recent Holocene origin. I've found many samples of
bedrock sandstone and lava rocks that seem to have
been coated with a firm 0.1 to 10 cm layer of white minerals --
I envison it coming from a high-pressure blast of very hot mineral
laden steam.

Drawing upon ideas from many sources, many of which will
be soon domumented in other posts, I agree that many ice
comets exist, with great variation in origin (early solar system
accretion, impacts and collisions on moons and planets with
surface water or ice), variable composition (mostly water,
any amount of various minerals, some inclusion of ordinary
metals, stones, organics, common gases), size, temperature
(cyrogenic solid, hot or warm from recent impacts or
solar perigees, surface only wamth), density ( solid to boulder
piles to spongey fractal types to dust balls), fragmentation
(none, a few huge pieces in a cluster or line of flight, fractal
cloud of pieces, velocity, angle of approach, orbital
reoccurence), spin (direction and amount), and target areas
(mountains, bare plateaus, lowland deserts, jungles, and coasts,
human development, water and ice areas and depths).

Impact scenarios for 5 km/sec low velocity impacts at low
angles (5-10 degrees), with significant air resistance at 125 km
for a mostly ice, cyrogenic, dense comet with 1,000 kg/m**3
density might be:

1. surface melting creates streamlining, enough to prevent
breakup and explosive airbursts, and creating enough lift
to lower the angle of descent and reduce the velocity
(or later enough drag to cause a lower velocity falling impact
at high angles).

2. As the lower surface encounters denser air, spinning
may be caused, which may around the axis of velocity as a
evolving cigar shape, or like a wheel, forming a sideways
spinning sausage vortex, bent back on both sides like
a "V".

3. Thus, the start of contact might leave 1, 2, 3, or more
parallel grooves, growing in width and depth.

4. The dense core of the object may often leave a
characteristic entry corridor, a valley with increasing
depth -- showing the effective diameter of the object.

5.The main impact of the dense core will make the
deepest part of the crater, still with little melting or
vaporizing of the target rock, but it will be highly cracked,
fragmented, and powdered, while the mineral
laden high pressure h

[meteorite-list] Test - Ignore it please

2009-10-15 Thread Abdelaziz Alhyane
Test - Ignore it please


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Looking for Gujba

2009-10-15 Thread André Moutinho

Hello, does anyone have a nice 3-4 g Gujba slice for a good price? Email me at

Thank you!
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Feedback -- will get both from fine town library interlibrary loans -- you sold me MIA about 2 months ago -- Thanks muchly!: Ed Grondine: Rich Murray 2009.10.15

2009-10-15 Thread Darren Garrison
On Thu, 15 Oct 2009 22:14:36 -0600, you wrote:

>Paul H, since I started posting about April to various lists, no one has 
>agreed with me...

Well, you said that there was a new consensus, after all...
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad Sales bickering, debates and the Really Good Stuff

2009-10-15 Thread Brian Cox
I personally think at this point that Art should be getting a quarter or at 
least some monetary amount for each post. If this were a Google click 
environment he'd be making some money.  ;-)

I'm all for you Art, and thanks for setting up the list. You honestly should 
be running for public office since you must have really strong and think 
skin to have all of this bouncing off of you.

Hang in there my friend. I appreciate your many years of the list and your 
services. Thanks for all the information we have had and are still gleaming 
from the list.

Keep up the great work for many years to come.

All the best!


IMCA  #6387

searchingforfun is my ebay User Id 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Feedback -- will get both from fine town library interlibrary loans -- you sold me MIA about 2 months ago -- Thanks muchly!: Ed Grondine: Rich Murray 2009.10.15

2009-10-15 Thread Rich Murray
Re: Feedback -- will get both from fine town library interlibrary loans --  
you sold me MIA about 2 months ago -- Thanks muchly!: Ed Grondine: Rich 
Murray 2009.10.15

Paul H, since I started posting about April to various lists, no one has 
agreed with me...

Well, I'm only presenting evidence for possibly a million 0.1 km diameter 
ice fragment impacts -- a fractal distribution, of course, in size, 
velocity, location, and angle of impact, within a time frame of a day to a 
few decades.

Fact is, after looking over many ice impact fields in many parts of Earth, I 
am confident of my findings, and suspect I will turn out to be barely ahead 
of a very large, exponentially evolving pack -- this is my goal.

The high (> 1 km), plateaus of Argentina, Oregon, New Mexico, and Texas are 
good places to apply Google Maps and Earth.

I'm interested in whether and why you might explore this.

I totally support the independence of all others.

Rich Murray, 1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 505-501-2298

- Original Message - 
From: "E.P. Grondine" 

Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 8:42 PM
Subject: Feedback

Hi Rich -

But yourself copies of Clube and Napier's books "Cosmic Winter" and 
"Cosmic Serpent", and then get a copy of my own book "Man and Impact in 
the Americas".


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] The Ad controversy.

2009-10-15 Thread GREG LINDH

  1 Ad per Week and person?

  O - Yes 
  O - No
  Greg L. 
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Groningen Bolide

2009-10-15 Thread Jerry Flaherty

Oh happy day I get to witness this!

From: "christopher sharp" 
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:22 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Groningen Bolide

Higher resolution image:

Robert Mikaelyan got in a great couple of shots! He wouldn't have had a 

of time.

Meteorite-list mailing list 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] One-Complaint Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Jerry Flaherty


From: "Frank Cressy" 
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:41 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] One-Complaint Per Week Rule

I'd vote for the one complaint per week rule...maybe even a one complaint 
per month rule!

Meteorite-list mailing list 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] MRO HiRISE Images - October 14, 2009

2009-10-15 Thread Jerry Flaherty

Tyrrhena Terra Crater with Central Uplift and Hydrated Minerals
In the above image, is the "rusty" patch in the lower right quad., the 
hydrated minerals??

Thanks in advance
Jerry Flaherty

From: "Ron Baalke" 
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 3:56 PM
To: "Meteorite Mailing List" 
Subject: [meteorite-list] MRO HiRISE Images - October 14, 2009

October 14, 2009

o USGS Dune Database Entry

o Slope Streaks in Olympus Mons Aureole

o Light-Toned Units along the Wallrock and Floor of Melas Region

o Tyrrhena Terra Crater with Central Uplift and Hydrated Minerals

o Gullies on South-Facing Slopes of Crater

o Disappearing Craters

All of the HiRISE images are archived here:

Information about the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is
online at The mission is
managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division
of the California Institute of Technology, for the NASA
Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. Lockheed
Martin Space Systems, of Denver, is the prime contractor
and built the spacecraft. HiRISE is operated by the
University of Arizona. Ball Aerospace and Technologies
Corp., of Boulder, Colo., built the HiRISE instrument.

Meteorite-list mailing list 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Jerry Flaherty

Sounds like a valid historic summary and I don't advertize.

From: "dean bessey" 
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

advertising in his forum.  Advertising is a privilege, not a right and Art 
was considering having no ads at all due to abuse.  The consensus, at the 
time, was that way too many ads were being posted and that one-ad-per-week 
should be  a rule.   List members input was taken into account so this was 
not only Art's wishes but the majority of other members as well.> 

This is flat out wrong. There never was any consensus. Art went on record 
as saying that he did not mind ads.
What happened was that 4 or 5 people decided that they would hijack Art's 
list as if it was their own and decide to prevent people from making "to 
many" (Whatever that means) ads. After months and months of bombarding the 
list with anti ad attack postings Art basically tried to shut up the 
malcontents that dont appriciate the fact that they have the privelidge 
being a part of what is  basically the best online meteorite forum and 
said "OK, one a week".
Then, rather than shut up,  these 4 or 5 people decide to declare 
themselves sherrif and kept going on with this anti ad campaign and even 
the most minor offence (Even during big shows like tucson and munich) was 
enough to make attack postings. They decided to continue making an ass of 
themselves and continue their efforts to hijack arts list as if it was 
their own.
Then after people started leaving the list because of all these attack 
postings they had the gall to claim that "They left because of the ads". 
(The fact that people werent leaving before their hijacking and attacking 
efforts is conveniently ignored).
Nobody leaves this list because of the ads (Well there may have been 2 or 
3 people who left because they are to stupid to use the delete button or 
block sender button in their email settings and dislaike the fact that 
people are allowed to own meteorites like the cultural property people in 
some governments but its an insignificant few). People leave because of 
the bickering. Dont try and twist it around that its not because of those 
4 or 5 people that is basically ruining things for everybody.
Becides why are you 4 or 5 people constantly harrassing the other 1000 of 
us with your diatrabes? An iq of about six would enable you to understand 
that the only person who matters is art so why dont you email him rather 
than the rest of us who cant do anything even if we did buy the fact that 
you somehow have the right to unilaterally declare yourselves sherrif even 
though you have no ownership or control of this list?

The answer of course is that Art has the smarts to ignore the whackos.
Nobody is forcing anybody to be a part of this list. You dont even need 
arts permission to leave. You can do it yourself.
Stop this assanine BS and let us talk meteorites and have sales. If you 
have a problem dont complain to the other 1000 of us.
And the "Majority consensus" that you refer to is about the same as what 
the "Majority consensus" of an iranian election would be. It is flat out 
not the will of the majority of list members or the list owner but the 
will of 4 or 5 people who wants to run the list as they see fit (Like the 
aftermat of an Iranian election).
I suspect that cottingshams lastest excessive postings are designed to 
entertain and see how big an ass that certain paople can make of 
themselves by complaining about them. Some people has posted 2 anti ad 
attacks for every one of cottingshams supposedly excessive ads. The other 
1000 of us are surely happy about that.
Go away. The consensus of the silent majority dont want to listen to your 
attacks anymore


Meteorite-list mailing list 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

2009-10-15 Thread Mexicodoug
Hallo Rob and everyone else cntributing to this topic...just wanted to 
thank you for sharing the fireball link with the list. The sequence was 
almost too spectacular to believe. Absolute shock and awe! Best wishes, 

-Original Message-
From: Rob Lenssen 
To: Meteorite List 
Sent: Thu, Oct 15, 2009 12:50 pm
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

Complete series of photographs: 
- Original Message - From: "Michael Groetz"  
To: "Meteorite List"  
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 2:36 PM 
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen 

Meteorite explodes over north Groningen 
Wednesday 14 October 2009 
Hundreds of people report seeing a spectacular fireball or meteorite 
over the Netherlands in Tuesday's clear evening skies. 
The police emergency number, Dutch coastguard and KNMI weather bureau 
report dozens of phone calls about the meteorite, which was seen in 
Germany and Belgium. 
'I was standing in front of my window when there was a bright flash 


light and a white fireball in the sky fell apart into three smaller 
ones,' eyewitness Erik Alberts from Zuidbroek in Groningen province 
told Nos tv. 'Like fireworks. A few seconds later, perhaps half a 
minute, there was a low rumble and the windows shook.' 
Excellent Photographs: 
Meteorite-list mailing list  

Meteorite-list mailing list 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] I will be retiring from the meteorite list - so please join my sales group which I started in 2000

2009-10-15 Thread michael cottingham


In 2000 I started a sales list and I have decided to use it again. I  
have decided for many reasons to leave the meteorite list and I offer  
those of you who want to continue receiving sales info please join by  
clicking the link and sending a blank email. You will be signed up  
automatically.  My entire collection is on the verge of being sold,  
but if not, I will begin the slicing and selling of all of my  
meteorite material starting in January, I will be selling over 20,000  
meteorite specimens and will be trying to do that from January to June  
of 2010. Yes, with the slicing of my entire collection I do indeed  
have over 20,000 specimens that will come onto the market. Hopefully,  
the collection will sell in its whole state. It sure would save a lot  
of trouble!

Anyways, if you would like to stay incontact and enjoy many great  
discounted sales to come, please join my newsletter below.

Just click and send blank email

Best Wishes

Michael Cottingham

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] You learn something new everyday

2009-10-15 Thread E.P. Grondine
Hi Paul - 

I was amazed to learn of the iron impactor which killed the dinosaurs.
I was also amazed to learn how very large comet fragments further fragment when 
they hit the Earth's atmosphere at hypervelocities. Well, then, they don't all 
just turn into magic comet dust then, the earlier load from NASA.

You learn something new everyday. Today I learned that it pays to tow the line 
that comet impacts are no more than 5% of the impact hazard.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Groningen Bolide

2009-10-15 Thread christopher sharp
Higher resolution image:

Robert Mikaelyan got in a great couple of shots! He wouldn't have had a lot
of time.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] M Cottingham statement

2009-10-15 Thread Michael Blood
How about respecting:
1) The rules the maker and maintainer of this list set up instead
Of SAYING you would abide by a rule voted upon?
2) What the hell is a "real" vote? There is, was and always will be
Only ONE "real" vote - and that is Art's. Just because he hasn't
Chosen to take you off the list indefinately does not mean he won't
AT ANY TIME do so. Additionally, he tends to be VERY SLOW in
Reinstating people he removes. Though I am not aware of anyone
(except a particularly abrasive and obscene list member from Texas
Several years back) that he has not reinstated after a year or so.
Wonder how it would effect your business if you were suddenly
Off the list for 6 months to a year? Is it worth continually posting
Ads 4,5 or more times a week? Are you TRYING to find out at what
Point he will take you off the list? If so, the problem with that is it
Will then be too late to do anything but wait for a goodly number of
Months to be reinstated.
And that's the way it is, Michael

On 10/15/09 1:10 PM, "Michael Cottingham"  wrote:

> Dude you are one of the people who are clueless and YES a vote BY
> Everyone ON The Issue Once And For ALL would be great. I would even
> abide by a REAL vote.
> Michael Cottingham

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Michael Blood
Hi Dean and All,
This is not a democracy,
It is a newsletter set up, managed by and paid for
By Art. Art and only Art has "a say" in the rules -
Michael Cottingham (and more than a few others)
Choose to ignore the rule about one ad per week per person.
Matteo sets himself apart from all others, having broken
So many rules in such a serious manor (obscenities and the like)
that Art took him off the list.
Matteo, however, simply made up an endless chain of
New email addresses to make it impossible for Art to assert
Consequences for his blatant rule braking. Art just said, "screw
It" in his instance, as it would have required so much work by
Art and a change in the way people could join the list freely that
It actually threatened the nature of the list, itself to attempt to
Deal with Matteo.
So, some of you may or may not care a good deal, very little
Or not at all about how often one advertizes on the list. However,
That does not mean you - or anyone else, has "a say" in the rules
Or how they are enforced.
To some degree, the list has to be self monitoring or it will be
More than Art will want to deal with. For that reason, I do not
Respond to or acknowledge anything Matteo posts on the list. Off
List, I am fine with Matteo and interact with him like any other
Member of the meteorite community.
My point is, when one of us blatantly abuses the list by
Braking any of the VERY REASONABLE rules, it threatens the
List, itself - therefore, I choose to TRY to ignore posts engaged
In list braking - so do most list members (except when it concerns
Chicago Steve - for some reason, there are two or three dozen members
Who feel free to point out his transgressions instantly and with great
Force and fierce contempt. Having the skin of a rhino, this appears
To phase Chicago Steve very little).
In any event - those of you who brake the list rules should be
Prepared for a s**t storm, should the villagers arise with pitch forks
And torches. Those of you who do NOT address (or dress down) people
Braking list rules would perhaps be better served utilizing the ol'
"DELETE" key on posts of said threads.
Best wishes, Michael

On 10/15/09 1:27 PM, "dean bessey"  wrote:

> Great Idea=2C have a real vote by all 900 members to see if they want to ha=
> ve an ad post by each and every member every other day which is still less =
> than your average.
> =20
> Gary
> But that snot what the question for the referendum would be.
> The referendum question should read:
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] One-Complaint Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread dave carothers

1)  The list was owned, set up, and run by Art.

2)  Art establish a "one ad per week" rule.

3)  A vote?  It's pointless (see 1 and 2 above)

Geez... what's so hard about showing a little respect for Art and living
within the rules he established?  Personally, I respect those sellers that
abide by the rules and I'm inclined to buy from them as opposed to those who
do not.  If you can't follow a simple rule in a list, I would alsways worry
about the conditions of any sale.  My opinion.


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule - with link to Art's original message

2009-10-15 Thread Jason Utas
Hello All,
I'm not saying it's necessarily a good or bad thing, but - first-off,
it seems like we should clear up some misconceptions.  I just went
through the list archives and turned this up:

There you have a copy of the original message that Art sent back in
2005.  He actually does state fairly clearly that ads "should" be
limited to one per week.  The problem there is the wording - "should"
doesn't imply that they will actually be limited to
one-per-seven-days, and it doesn't mean that someone will get kicked
off of the list of they overdo it.

I would go so far as to say, however, that one who does not limit ads
to one per week *is* going against list policy.
That much seems clear.

I will not judge as to whether or not what has been happening is good
or bad; personally, I find the ads annoying, but I also recognize the
fact that whether or not I find them annoying is entirely irrelevant.

Do I believe that there are currently certain list members who are
using the list exclusively for their own financial gain?


Is this a bad thing?

- Only if they exploit it in such a way that in doing so they hurt the
educational aspect of the list.

Now, as to whether or not this has been happening is open to debate,
but what seems clear is that some people are annoyed, and, I think I
would go so far as to say that rules have been broken.

Now, I'm not a stickler for rules, so saying that someone is "breaking
the rules" isn't *necessarily* a bad thing.

However, I would point out the fact that common courtesy would dictate
that such rules should be adhered to - insofar as that particular rule
was added by Art because of problems - problems exactly like this - in
the past.  Whether or not you like Cottingham's meteorites or prices
has little to do with whether or not he is being considerate in is
rampant postings.  And I agree with what another list-member said
about learning a great deal from the variety of specimens in his
store.  In fact, I bought something from him yesterday, and am elated
about the deal.  But one must realize that if he posted ads
once-weekly, those pictures and specimens would still be there, and
one could still see the specimens at his or her leisure.

To get to the point - while I do not believe it my place to criticize
someone for posting "too much," he is technically breaking list
policy.  As are others.

Would it be an issue if people weren't complaining?


But there are rule-abiding (and rule-breaking) list-members who have a
problem with what he's doing, and it is against the rules, so it's an
issue, and one that must be dealt with.

Someone [Bill, others] should talk to Art about the matter if they
have a problem with it.  All of this anti-Cottingham posting is just
giving him more publicity, which is exactly what he wants, if I'm not

I believe this is a situation in which Art should feel obliged to act;
list policy has been stated - and is now being broken, and certain
people are angry about it.  This seems like a pretty clear-cut
And if he doesn't act, there's really nothing to be done.  I suppose
you could boycott certain sellers, kick them out of the IMCA, that
sort of thing, but those are issues for people to deal with
personally, or within the IMCA, as they see fit.  As a non-member, I
can't speak for how they would act, and doubt that he is breaking any
of their policies, but feel unqualified to comment.


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Howard Steffic  wrote:
> One ad per person per week is my vote,
> Also, if this fails I am willing to sign on to Gary's idea of posting an ad 
> everytime the spammer violates the unwritten rule.  Will 900 people do this?  
> No, but maybe enough will to break the back of this spammer.
> Howard Steffic
>> From:
>> Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 18:25:10 -0400
>> To:;
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule
>> In a message dated 10/15/2009 2:39:26 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
>> writes:
>> Hi Dean,
>> Simple minds like me need simple questions:
>> 1 Ad per Week and person?
>> - Yes
>> - No
>> - I don't care
>> s difficult it isn't, is it?
>> YES!
>> ONE ad a week at most, any week, anyone.
>> This site is supposed to be about exchanging information about meteorites,
>> learning, and helping new people learn.
>> Apparently you have all forgotten that if you want to post more ads, there
>> is a mailing list specifically for that, as a reminder here it the address:
>> .
>> _meteoritecollect...@yahoogroups.com_
>> (
>> Please use it.
>> Anne M. Black
>> Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.

Re: [meteorite-list] Clovis consensus and AD

2009-10-15 Thread E.P. Grondine
Hi Paul, all - 

While NASA still has its head up its arse, CNRS does not:

2009 FALL AGU San Francisco, CA
Field-Analytical approach of land-sea records for elucidating the Younger Dryas 
Boundary syndrome
SECTION/FOCUS GROUP: Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology (PP)
SESSION: Younger Dryas Boundary: Extraterrestrial Impact or Not? (PP15)
Francois Guichard3
1. Geoarcheology, INRAP, Pessac, France.
2. Prehistory -IPHES-ICREA, CNRS-MNHN, Tarragona, Spain.
3. Paleoocenography, CNRS-CEA UVSQ, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.

Linking lonsdaleite crystals, carbon spherules and diamond polymorphs from the 
North American dark layers at 12.9 cal yr B.P. to a cosmic event has questioned 
the nature and timing of the related impact processes. A global signal should 
trace the invoked airshocks and/or surface impacts from a swarm of comets or 
carbonaceous chondrites.

Here we report on the contextual analytical study of debris fall events from 
three reference sequences of the Younger Dyras period (11-13 ka cal BP):

(1) sand dune fields along the French Atlantic coast at the Audenge site;
(2) A 10 m record of detrital/bioorganic accumulation in the southern basin of 
the Caspian Sea with regular sedimentation rate (0.1 to 3 mm per year) from 14 
to 2-ka BP cal;
(3) the Paijan sequence (Peruvian coastal desert) offering fossiliferous 
fluvial layers with the last large mammals and aquatic fauna at 13 ka BP sealed 
by abiotic sand dunes.

The three sequences display one remarkable layer of exogenous air-transported 
microdebris that is part of a complex time series of recurrent fine 
dust/wildfire events. The sharp debris-rich microfacies and its association to 
ashes derived from calcination of the local vegetation suggest instantaneous 
deposition synchronous to a high intensity wildfire. The debris assemblage 
comprises microtektite-like glassy spherules, partly devitrified glass shards, 
unmelted to partly melted sedimentary and igneous clasts, terrestrial native 
metals, and carbonaceous components. The later occur as grape-clustered 
polymers, vitrified graphitic carbon, amorphous carbon spherules with a 
honeycomb pattern, and green carbon fibres with recrystallized quartz and metal 
blebs. Evidence for high temperature formation from a heterogeneous melt with 
solid debris and volatile components derived from carbonaceous precursors 
supports an impact origin from an ejecta plume. The
 association of debris deposition to total firing would trace a high energy 
airburst with surface effects of the fireball. In contrast, microfacies and 
debris composition of the recurrent fine dust/wildfire events would trace a 
series of a low energy airburst. Their record is expressed in the Audenge 
sequence by a series of water-laid laminae of charred pine residues formed of 
carbonaceous spherules wrapped by carbonaceous polymers that includes 
lonsdaleite crystals as detected by high resolution in situ micro-Raman 
analysis. This association suggests recurrent flash forest wildfires ignited by 
hot spray of carbon-rich debris, followed by heavy snow falls. The record from 
the Peruvian desert suggests a possible linkage between the repeated debris 
fall/wildfires during the Younger Dryas and the following irreversible aridity 
along the Peruvian cost. In contrast the Caspian record of the Younger Dryas 
period indicates more gradual changes, possibly
 buffered by the hydrological functioning of the Caspian sea in a complex 
region. The Audenge context offers the amplified signal needed to understand at 
local to global scales the spatio-temporal pattern of impact-airburst events.

KEYWORDS: [4901] PALEOCEANOGRAPHY / Abrupt/rapid climate change, [1029] 
GEOCHEMISTRY / Composition
of aerosols and dust particles, [4924] PALEOCEANOGRAPHY / Geochemical tracers, 
SCIENCES: SOLID SURFACE PLANETS / Impact phenomena, cratering.
Previously Presented Material: Original results, never presented, never 

There was no reason for the peoples living here to make up their stories of 
comet impact:,1093.0.html 

Based on an eyeball estiamte of quarry usage, as well as the mammoth, this one 
killed about 95% of the people living in North America.

I hope Administrator Bolden will be taking care of this situation shortly.

Copies of my book Man and Impact in the Americas are available to list members 
for $20 plus shipping. Contact me off list.

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD: High quality specimens

2009-10-15 Thread Dave Gheesling
Hello again List,

I have a couple of nice pieces on a short eBay run this week in my
twice-annual listing ;-)

Thanks for looking, and all best regards,

Dave Gheesling
IMCA #5967 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] TEST Sorry... Please Delete

2009-10-15 Thread dave carothers

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread bill kies

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
MIME-Version: 1.0

One ad per week=2C per person. Yes.
The rule is already in place. If people feel they have a good reason to pos=
t daily or even hourly ads=2C they need only take their concerns directly t=
o Art and wait for him to change the rule.=20
Until he makes that change=2C any ad posts to the contrary are an insult to=
 him and to the majority that follow the rules.

> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu=2C 15 Oct 2009 17:09:12 -0600
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule
> One ad per person per week is my vote=2C
> Also=2C if this fails I am willing to sign on to Gary's idea of posting a=
n ad everytime the spammer violates the unwritten rule. Will 900 people do =
this? No=2C but maybe enough will to break the back of this spammer.
> Howard Steffic=20
>> From:
>> Date: Thu=2C 15 Oct 2009 18:25:10 -0400
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule
>> In a message dated 10/15/2009 2:39:26 PM Mountain Daylight Time=2C=20
>> writes:
>> Hi Dean=2C
>> Simple minds like me need simple questions:
>> 1 Ad per Week and person?
>> - Yes
>> - No
>> - I don't care
>> s difficult it isn't=2C is it?
>> YES!
>> ONE ad a week at most=2C any week=2C anyone.
>> This site is supposed to be about exchanging information about meteorite=
>> learning=2C and helping new people learn.
>> Apparently you have all forgotten that if you want to post more ads=2C t=
>> is a mailing list specifically for that=2C as a reminder here it the add=
>> .=20
>> _meteoritecollect...@yahoogroups.com_=20
>> (
>> Please use it.
>> Anne M. Black
>> Vice-President=2C I.M.C.A. Inc.
>> __
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> _
> Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
>   =0A=
Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.=0A=
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Mark Bowling
I strike my comments (good points Adam, Gary and Martin).  Rules usually have a 
good reason.

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, Adam Hupe  wrote:

> From: Adam Hupe 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule
> To: "Adam" 
> Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 7:12 AM
> Dear List,
> The fact seems to be forgotten that a consensus was taken
> by Art about advertising in his forum.  Advertising is
> a privilege, not a right and Art was considering having no
> ads at all due to abuse.  The consensus, at the time,
> was that way too many ads were being posted and that
> one-ad-per-week should be  a
> rule.   List members input was taken into
> account so this was not only Art's wishes but the majority
> of other members as well. 
> I know of several people who will not subscribe due to the
> number of ads, some of which instead read the archives on a
> daily basis. Even then, scrolling through hundreds of ads
> would drown out more useful information in the archives
> which are permanent and cannot be deleted. An ads usefulness
> disappears immediately, yet it is stuck for eternity in the
> archives.  The delete key will not help here.  A
> lot of forums will not allow any advertisements so we should
> feel lucky.
> Art would not have made the rule if he felt it was not
> important. Out of respect for him and other members, I feel
> the rule should be honored or we might all lose our
> advertising privileges due to a few members who cannot and
> will not control themselves.
> Best Regards,
> Adam
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Simple answer to AD "controversy"

2009-10-15 Thread Dave Gheesling
Gary & All,
Yes indeed.  But it should be noted that I'm not interested in taking sides
in the fight-to-the-death AD war nonsense...about to post one after this, in
fact (no, this will not be my second this week, as I was posting for Robert
earlier in the week).  And I personally have no problem finding the delete
key.  It's just that the wrong issues are being debated.  It's Art Jones'
list.  He has, in fact, published clear policies.  Out of simple respect for
what he has provided to the international meteorite community, these
policies should be respected unless and until he modifies his position.
Period.  It just doesn't get simpler than that...
All the best,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Gary Chase
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 7:54 PM
To: meteoritecentral
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Simple answer to AD "controversy"

But Dean said that Adam was making all this up.  Why are you trying to
confuse the issue with facts and actual written rules? LOL!
> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 19:35:32 -0400
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Simple answer to AD "controversy"
> Hello All,
> That a vote ensues at the moment on this matter is best. 
> That "gentlemen's agreements," the notion that no written policy 
> exists, etc, persist is, well, beyond bizarre. See below the very 
> specific policies of the list that are sent by Art Jones to new list 
> members. Note in particular "7. Limit AD posts to once-per-week (i.e. 
> refrain from spamming the list with ads)" Is this really so difficult?
> All the best,
> Dave
> ==
> General List Policies - 1. All posts need to 
> relate to meteorites in some way 2. Please be courteous and 
> professional at all times 3. Do not post -private messages- or 
> -personal attacks- to the list (direct all personal replies to the 
> specific recipient) 4. Please include a relevant
> -subject- in the subject of the email 5. Do NOT send -HTML- or -Rich 
> Text- formatted emails ... only TEXT will be posted 6. Do NOT send 
> emails with -file
> attachments- to the list (include a web link to the file) 7. Limit AD 
> posts to once-per-week (i.e. refrain from spamming the list with ads) 
> 8. All AD posts should contain the words -SALE- or -AD- in the subject 
> of the email
> Your support of these policies will lead to an interesting and 
> positive forum environment, thank you!
> Art Jones - Meteorite Mailing List Admin>>
> Dave Gheesling
> IMCA #5967
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ad Ban Cho Lae part slice

2009-10-15 Thread Jack Schrader
Good evening list members, 

 I have just listed the fourth of the five lots of the fourth meteorite 
from Thailand, Ban Cho Lae.  I am listing the remaining four lots at the rate 
of approximately one per week until all gone.  This auction is for the fourth 
largest specimen, a .2774 gram beautiful part slice with great fusion crust 
along one edge and measuring approximately 12mm x 7mm giving good surface 
area.  This meteorite, with the exception of the first lot sold, does not exist 
in any private or institutional collections and is a true rarity.  I hold the 
main mass of 3.35 kg.  The specimens being sold were removed at the time of 
preparing a 20 gram sample for classification more than two years ago.  The 
details of this meteorite can be found in the Meteoritical Bulletin by 
searching "Ban Cho Lae".  Below is the eBay link:

Thanks for looking and have a great evening! Jack

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Space debris hits roof in UK

2009-10-15 Thread ensoramanda
Hi All,

Just seen this...

Does look ablated...

I wonder what sort of fireball that made without being reported? !!!

Graham Ensor UK wrote: 
> In a message dated 10/15/2009 2:39:26 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 
> writes:
> Hi Dean,
> Simple minds like me need simple questions:
> 1 Ad per Week and person?
> - Yes
> - No
> - I don't care
> s difficult it isn't, is it?
> YES!
> ONE ad a week at most, any week, anyone.
> This site is supposed to be about exchanging information about meteorites, 
> learning, and helping new people learn.
> Apparently you have all forgotten that if you want to post more ads, there 
> is a mailing list specifically for that, as a reminder here it the address:
>   .   
> _meteoritecollect...@yahoogroups.com_ 
> ( 
> Please use it.
> Anne M. Black
> Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Richard Kowalski

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, Howard Steffic  wrote:

> From: Howard Steffic 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule
> To:
> Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 4:09 PM
> ... Will 900 people do this?  No, but
> maybe enough will to break the back of this spammer.
> Howard Steffic 

Sorry Howard,

this will never be the result. The spammer will ignore everyone elses spams and 
continue to send out their own...

Since the beginning of spam 31.5 years ago, the only solution has been to set 
up your 1) filters, 2) use your delete, 3) let the list administrator handle it.

If the list administrator does nothing, there is nothing you can do except to 
continue to do 1 & 2, or leave the list entirely.

Sorry to be so blunt, but that's the unfortunate truth...

Actually, now that I think of it, there are other things you can do. Contact 
the ISP of the spammer and complain the account is being used to send spam. 
They'll shut down the account, especially if they get multiple complaints.

Some states also have laws against spammers too.

For me, I've been dealing with spam for almost two decades. I just do 1, 2 & 
finally 3 if the problem becomes too great.

Richard Kowalski
IMCA #1081

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] [meteorite-list

2009-10-15 Thread Dave Myers

Hi all,

Sorry for starting a( big fire)-Let alone an atomic bomb, on hear!

Just trying to get great info. on meteorites!

 Thanks, ever so much to Carl, James Baxten and to Anna Black, Who all sent me, 
web-site info: on resource material, or web-sites to research about meteorites,

I just started collecting back in May, and most of what I buy is for 2 schools 
in Ohio to inspire Kids about space and science, When I get enough material, 
and put together a manual for them. All the stones will be loaned to the 
schools, For as long as the teachers use them in the class to teach! Hopefuly 
testing what can be done in a high school on meteorites

Dave Myers ..Cincinnati


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Simple answer to AD "controversy"

2009-10-15 Thread Gary Chase

But Dean said that Adam was making all this up.  Why are you trying to confuse 
the issue with facts and actual written rules? LOL!
> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 19:35:32 -0400
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Simple answer to AD "controversy"
> Hello All,
> That a vote ensues at the moment on this matter is best. That
> "gentlemen's agreements," the notion that no written policy exists, etc,
> persist is, well, beyond bizarre. See below the very specific policies of
> the list that are sent by Art Jones to new list members. Note in particular
> "7. Limit AD posts to once-per-week (i.e. refrain from spamming the list
> with ads)" Is this really so difficult?
> All the best,
> Dave
> ==
> General List Policies - 1. All posts need to relate to
> meteorites in some way 2. Please be courteous and professional at all times
> 3. Do not post -private messages- or -personal attacks- to the list (direct
> all personal replies to the specific recipient) 4. Please include a relevant
> -subject- in the subject of the email 5. Do NOT send -HTML- or -Rich Text-
> formatted emails ... only TEXT will be posted 6. Do NOT send emails with
> -file
> attachments- to the list (include a web link to the file) 7. Limit AD posts
> to once-per-week (i.e. refrain from spamming the list with ads) 8. All AD
> posts should contain the words -SALE- or -AD- in the subject of the email
> Your support of these policies will lead to an interesting and positive
> forum environment, thank you!
> Art Jones - Meteorite Mailing List Admin>>
> Dave Gheesling
> IMCA #5967
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Simple answer to AD "controversy"

2009-10-15 Thread Dave Gheesling
Hello All,
That a vote ensues at the moment on this matter is best.  That
"gentlemen's agreements," the notion that no written policy exists, etc,
persist is, well, beyond bizarre.  See below the very specific policies of
the list that are sent by Art Jones to new list members.  Note in particular
"7. Limit AD posts to once-per-week (i.e. refrain from spamming the list
with ads)"  Is this really so difficult?
All the best,


Dave Gheesling
IMCA #5967 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] One-Complaint Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Frank Cressy
I'd vote for the one complaint per week rule...maybe even a one complaint per 
month rule!

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Howard Steffic

One ad per person per week is my vote,
Also, if this fails I am willing to sign on to Gary's idea of posting an ad 
everytime the spammer violates the unwritten rule.  Will 900 people do this?  
No, but maybe enough will to break the back of this spammer.

Howard Steffic 

> From:
> Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 18:25:10 -0400
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule
> In a message dated 10/15/2009 2:39:26 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 
> writes:
> Hi Dean,
> Simple minds like me need simple questions:
> 1 Ad per Week and person?
> - Yes
> - No
> - I don't care
> s difficult it isn't, is it?
> YES!
> ONE ad a week at most, any week, anyone.
> This site is supposed to be about exchanging information about meteorites, 
> learning, and helping new people learn.
> Apparently you have all forgotten that if you want to post more ads, there 
> is a mailing list specifically for that, as a reminder here it the address:
> . 
> _meteoritecollect...@yahoogroups.com_ 
> ( 
> Please use it.
> Anne M. Black
> Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Matthias Bärmann

1 Ad per Week and person?

-> Y E S

Best regards,

Matthias Baermann

- Original Message - 

To: ; 
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

In a message dated 10/15/2009 2:39:26 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
Hi Dean,

Simple minds like me need simple questions:

1 Ad per Week and person?

- Yes
- No
- I don't care

s difficult it isn't, is it?

ONE ad a week at most, any week, anyone.

This site is supposed to be about exchanging information about meteorites,
learning, and helping new people learn.

Apparently you have all forgotten that if you want to post more ads, there
is a mailing list specifically for that, as a reminder here it the 


Please use it.

Anne M. Black
Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
Meteorite-list mailing list 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Impactika
In a message dated 10/15/2009 2:39:26 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
Hi Dean,

Simple minds like me need simple questions:

1 Ad per Week and person?

- Yes
- No
- I don't care

s difficult it isn't, is it?

ONE ad a week at most, any week, anyone.
This site is supposed to be about exchanging information about meteorites, 
learning, and helping new people learn.
Apparently you have all forgotten that if you want to post more ads, there 
is a mailing list specifically for that, as a reminder here it the address:
Please use it.

Anne M. Black
Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

2009-10-15 Thread Meteorites USA

Hi all,

Those are AWESOME images!!!

Reminds me of Peekskill a bit but sharper and more colorful.


Linton Rohr wrote:

Awesome photos! Thanks Rob and Michael.
I just forwarded this to a Dutch gentleman whom I just shipped a scope 


- Original Message - From: "Rob Lenssen" 
To: "Meteorite List" 
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

Complete series of photographs:

- Original Message - From: "Michael Groetz" 
To: "Meteorite List" 
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 2:36 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen 

Meteorite explodes over north Groningen
Wednesday 14 October 2009

Hundreds of people report seeing a spectacular fireball or meteorite
over the Netherlands in Tuesday's clear evening skies.

The police emergency number, Dutch coastguard and KNMI weather bureau
report dozens of phone calls about the meteorite, which was seen in
Germany and Belgium.

'I was standing in front of my window when there was a bright flash of
light and a white fireball in the sky fell apart into three smaller
ones,' eyewitness Erik Alberts from Zuidbroek in Groningen province
told Nos tv. 'Like fireworks. A few seconds later, perhaps half a
minute, there was a low rumble and the windows shook.'

Excellent Photographs:
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Atacama Desert Meteorites

2009-10-15 Thread Mike Bandli

Rodrigo use to have an English version, but I can't seem to find it. I think
there are some good Atacama adventures on one of Notkin's sites as well.

Mike Bandli
Historic Meteorites
IMCA #5765

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Galactic
Stone & Ironworks
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 1:36 PM
To: Meteorite List
Subject: [meteorite-list] Atacama Desert Meteorites

Hi List,

Does anyone know of a good link with information about meteorites
found in the Atacama Desert of Chile?  Something with photos, like an
expedition article, would be perfect.   A Facebook friend of mine is
visiting the Atacama and I want to put a bug in his ear about
meteorites so he can keep an eye out for them.

Best regards and clear skies,


Michael Gilmer (Florida, USA)
Member of the Meteoritical Society.
Website -
FaceBook -
MySpace -
Twitter - Twitter -
eBay -
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Linton Rohr

1 Ad per Week and person?

O  - Yes
O  - No
X  - I don't care!

And no, this will NOT lead to 1000 ads per day. Good grief.


- Original Message - 
From: "Martin Altmann" 

Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 1:38 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

Hi Dean,

Simple minds like me need simple questions:

1 Ad per Week and person?

O  - Yes
O  - No
X - I don't care!

s difficult it isn't, is it?

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von dean
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2009 22:28
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

Great Idea=2C have a real vote by all 900 members to see if they want to 
ve an ad post by each and every member every other day which is still less 

than your average.

But that snot what the question for the referendum would be.
The referendum question should read:


Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

2009-10-15 Thread Linton Rohr

Awesome photos! Thanks Rob and Michael.
I just forwarded this to a Dutch gentleman whom I just shipped a scope to.

- Original Message - 
From: "Rob Lenssen" 

To: "Meteorite List" 
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

Complete series of photographs:

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Groetz" 

To: "Meteorite List" 
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 2:36 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

Meteorite explodes over north Groningen
Wednesday 14 October 2009

Hundreds of people report seeing a spectacular fireball or meteorite
over the Netherlands in Tuesday's clear evening skies.

The police emergency number, Dutch coastguard and KNMI weather bureau
report dozens of phone calls about the meteorite, which was seen in
Germany and Belgium.

'I was standing in front of my window when there was a bright flash of
light and a white fireball in the sky fell apart into three smaller
ones,' eyewitness Erik Alberts from Zuidbroek in Groningen province
told Nos tv. 'Like fireworks. A few seconds later, perhaps half a
minute, there was a low rumble and the windows shook.'

Excellent Photographs:
Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Atacama Desert Meteorites

2009-10-15 Thread Galactic Stone & Ironworks
Hi List,

Does anyone know of a good link with information about meteorites
found in the Atacama Desert of Chile?  Something with photos, like an
expedition article, would be perfect.   A Facebook friend of mine is
visiting the Atacama and I want to put a bug in his ear about
meteorites so he can keep an eye out for them.

Best regards and clear skies,


Michael Gilmer (Florida, USA)
Member of the Meteoritical Society.
Website -
FaceBook -
MySpace -
Twitter - Twitter -
eBay -
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread GeoZay
>>Great Idea=2C have a real vote by all  900 members to see if they want to 
ve an ad post by each and every member  every other day which is still less 
than your  average.<<

I can't imagine that all 900 members will have a  meteorite that they want 
to sell each and every other day. If there were and  most produced sales,  
it would seem that business would be just booming and  everyone would be 
happy. If sales were persistently low, I'd imagine it wouldn't  take too long 
before the sellers get tired and pack up. Also if all 900 members  posted 
every other day, I'd think some interesting material will come out of the  wood 
work from time to time. Let them post...I know its annoying, but as long as  
the AD is in the subject line, I'm sure I'll have no trouble in finding the 
 delete button.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Martin Altmann
Hi Dean,

Simple minds like me need simple questions:

1 Ad per Week and person?

- Yes
- No
- I don't care

s difficult it isn't, is it?

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von dean
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2009 22:28
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

Great Idea=2C have a real vote by all 900 members to see if they want to ha=
ve an ad post by each and every member every other day which is still less =
than your average.
But that snot what the question for the referendum would be.
The referendum question should read:

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread dean bessey
Great Idea=2C have a real vote by all 900 members to see if they want to ha=
ve an ad post by each and every member every other day which is still less =
than your average.
But that snot what the question for the referendum would be.
The referendum question should read:

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Fw: Grimsby, Ontario bolide info

2009-10-15 Thread Fries, Marc D (3225)
Well ain¹t that a hoot - I sent him the same images a couple of weeks ago.
I even used the same background image!  Peter Brown probably thinks we're a
single person with multiple personalities or something.

I'd say there's a potential return in the next data set at about 2.5 km
altitude, but it is down in the noise and open to interpretation.

Marc Fries

On 10/15/09 3:04 PM, "Darren Garrison"  wrote:

> To: ,
> Subject: Grimsby, Ontario bolide info
> From: "Matson, Robert D." 
> Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 11:16:08 -0700
> Hi Darren,
> (Please feel free to forward to the list on my behalf.)
> At the beginning of the week I contacted Dr. Peter Brown at University
> of Western
> Ontario, letting him know that the Grimsby bolide terminal burst had
> been captured
> on NexRad Doppler radar images taken in Buffalo, New York. I created
> several maps
> of the radar returns at three different altitudes, showing that the
> terminal burst
> location is in perfect agreement with UWO's solution (triangulated from
> seven
> all-sky cameras). I shared this information with Dr. Tony Phillips at
> SpaceWeather,
> and he has provided links on his site to a couple of the radar images I
> created:
> A wide-area map is here:
> And a second map zoomed in on the terminal burst cloud is here:
> As the filenames suggest, the Doppler beam altitude at this location was
> a little
> over 5 km, and the area covered is roughly a mile wide by 2 miles long.
> (There
> were also colocated radar returns at 6.5 km and 3.7 km, though the
> largest
> returns were at 5.1 km.)  Judging from where meteorites were found in
> Park
> Forest and Ash Creek (West), I would expect a number of meteorites to be
> found
> directly beneath the strongest radar returns, with sizes generally
> increasing
> as you move to the east-southeast.
> I have not yet seen any images of the purported golf-ball-sized
> meteorite that
> hit the SUV, nor do I know where this SUV was parked, so can't judge
> whether
> it's a legitimate possibility.
> --Rob
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Darren
> Garrison
> Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Time to play "Hammer or Scammer"
>  Grimsby meteorite found
> Updated 32 mins ago
> The Grimsby space rock has been found.
> A fragment of meteorite the size of a golf ball smashed in the
> windshield of a Grimsby family's sport utility vehicle on Sept. 25,
> according to a media release from the University of Western Ontario.
> Astronomers released a video Oct. 7 of a blinding meteor streaking
> across the skies of Southern Ontario three weeks ago, estimating pieces
> may have landed in Grimsby or West Lincoln.
> Meteorite hunters have been scouring the area ever since.
> A press conference to discuss the find is scheduled for Friday morning.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD Whiners, Dealers, Lurkers, & Info Junkies

2009-10-15 Thread Meteorites USA

Dear List,

All this whining and complaining on both sides is pointless. Dealers 
aren't going anywhere, whiners and complainers will always be here, and 
the rest of the list will just have to deal with it... It's a simple 
fact. No regulation means no rules and this breeds disrespect and 
stupidity on all sides and the rest of the list members must put up with 
it or leave.

Good meteorite information always filters through all the BS, and it's 
why most people are here. To learn about meteorites, to trade 
meteorites, and yes, to sell meteorites too. That's all good.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread dean bessey
> Dean,
> Check the archives. As usual, you are flat out wrong. Art
> made the rule, not four or five members.  This is his
> forum and his rules. Several members weighed in before the
> decision was made.
> Take Care,
> Adam
Art made the rule after declaring that he dont care (Check the archaives) and 4 
or 5 people bombarded the list with hundreds of anti ad postings making the 
list unbearable.
But my real question is "What are you trying to acompolish by bombarding the 
other 1000 of us with multiple postings about the fact that you dont like lots 
of ads". We have no say in the matter wither we like it or not. Lets say that 
me the the other 1000 list members agree with you 100% and we want cottingham 
and big steve kicked off the list? What do you want us to do? Bombard Art with 
hundreds of complaints in the same way that these 4 or 5 people are bombarding 
the rest of us about the compalints about ads?
You are complaining to the wrong people in your effort to stop all of these ad 
postings. The other 1000 of us have no say in the matter.
This has been going on your years and years. We have had to put up with these 
hundreds of anti ad postings for years. Dont you think its time to give it a 
rest? If Art actually cared he would do something about it. These 4 or 5 people 
evidently care more than art does so dont try creating this holier than thou 
attitude in the name of art.
Ad's arent the problem. These attack postings are the real problem (5 postings 
per as commenting on how bad the ad postings are dont seem like a sensible use 
of posting time.
This has gone on for years. Its time to only email art in private if you dont 
like how the list is run. The other 1000 of us dont really want to be a part of 
this crap.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread michael cottingham
Dude you are one of the people who are clueless and YES a vote BY  
Everyone ON The Issue Once And For ALL would be great. I would even  
abide by a REAL vote.

Michael Cottingham

On Oct 15, 2009, at 1:03 PM, Gary Chase wrote:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
MIME-Version: 1.0

Great Idea=2C have a real vote by all 900 members to see if they  
want to ha=
ve an ad post by each and every member every other day which is  
still less =

than your average.

Date: Thu=2C 15 Oct 2009 12:50:13 -0700
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule


DITTO. Also the days when we had the MOST ads=2C were the most
topic is BULLSHIT. If you really want to do it right for THE FIRST
TIME -have a real vote. I HAVE BEEN ON THIS LIST LONGER THAN 70% of
the folks on this list. So if you want a true historical perspective
maybe ask someone who's been here a lot longer than the critics...

Michael Cottingham
On Oct 15=2C 2009=2C at 12:13 PM=2C dean bessey wrote:

about advertising in his forum. Advertising is a privilege=2C  
not a

right and Art was considering having no ads at all due to abuse.
The consensus=2C at the time=2C was that way too many ads were being
posted and that one-ad-per-week should be a rule. List members
input was taken into account so this was not only Art's wishes but
the majority of other members as well.>=20

This is flat out wrong. There never was any consensus. Art went on
record as saying that he did not mind ads.
What happened was that 4 or 5 people decided that they would hijack
Art's list as if it was their own and decide to prevent people from
making "to many" (Whatever that means) ads. After months and months
of bombarding the list with anti ad attack postings Art basically
tried to shut up the malcontents that dont appriciate the fact that
they have the privelidge being a part of what is basically the best
online meteorite forum and said "OK=2C one a week".
Then=2C rather than shut up=2C these 4 or 5 people decide to declare
themselves sherrif and kept going on with this anti ad campaign and
even the most minor offence (Even during big shows like tucson and
munich) was enough to make attack postings. They decided to continue
making an ass of themselves and continue their efforts to hijack
arts list as if it was their own.
Then after people started leaving the list because of all these
attack postings they had the gall to claim that "They left because
of the ads". (The fact that people werent leaving before their
hijacking and attacking efforts is conveniently ignored).
Nobody leaves this list because of the ads (Well there may have been
2 or 3 people who left because they are to stupid to use the delete
button or block sender button in their email settings and dislaike
the fact that people are allowed to own meteorites like the cultural
property people in some governments but its an insignificant few).
People leave because of the bickering. Dont try and twist it around
that its not because of those 4 or 5 people that is basically
ruining things for everybody.
Becides why are you 4 or 5 people constantly harrassing the other
1000 of us with your diatrabes? An iq of about six would enable you
to understand that the only person who matters is art so why dont
you email him rather than the rest of us who cant do anything even
if we did buy the fact that you somehow have the right to
unilaterally declare yourselves sherrif even though you have no
ownership or control of this list?
The answer of course is that Art has the smarts to ignore the  

Nobody is forcing anybody to be a part of this list. You dont even
need arts permission to leave. You can do it yourself.
Stop this assanine BS and let us talk meteorites and have sales. If
you have a problem dont complain to the other 1000 of us.
And the "Majority consensus" that you refer to is about the same as
what the "Majority consensus" of an iranian election would be. It is
flat out not the will of the majority of list members or the list
owner but the will of 4 or 5 people who wants to run the list as
they see fit (Like the aftermat of an Iranian election).
I suspect that cottingshams lastest excessive postings are designed
to entertain and see how big an ass that certain paople can make of
themselves by complaining about them. Some people has posted 2 anti
ad attacks for every one of cottingshams supposedly excessive ads.
The other 1000 of us are surely happy about that.
Go away. The consensus of the silent majority dont want to listen to
your attacks anymore


[meteorite-list] MRO HiRISE Images - October 14, 2009

2009-10-15 Thread Ron Baalke

October 14, 2009

o USGS Dune Database Entry

o Slope Streaks in Olympus Mons Aureole

o Light-Toned Units along the Wallrock and Floor of Melas Region

o Tyrrhena Terra Crater with Central Uplift and Hydrated Minerals

o Gullies on South-Facing Slopes of Crater

o Disappearing Craters

All of the HiRISE images are archived here:

Information about the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is 
online at The mission is 
managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division 
of the California Institute of Technology, for the NASA 
Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. Lockheed 
Martin Space Systems, of Denver, is the prime contractor 
and built the spacecraft. HiRISE is operated by the 
University of Arizona. Ball Aerospace and Technologies 
Corp., of Boulder, Colo., built the HiRISE instrument.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Gary Chase

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
MIME-Version: 1.0

Great Idea=2C have a real vote by all 900 members to see if they want to ha=
ve an ad post by each and every member every other day which is still less =
than your average.

> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu=2C 15 Oct 2009 12:50:13 -0700
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule
> Hello=2C
> DITTO. Also the days when we had the MOST ads=2C were the most
> productive on the list. THE BEST TOPICS. THE BEST CONVERSTION ON
> METEORITES COINCIDED WITH THE MOST ADS. So a big part of this whole
> topic is BULLSHIT. If you really want to do it right for THE FIRST
> TIME -have a real vote. I HAVE BEEN ON THIS LIST LONGER THAN 70% of
> the folks on this list. So if you want a true historical perspective
> maybe ask someone who's been here a lot longer than the critics...
> Michael Cottingham
> On Oct 15=2C 2009=2C at 12:13 PM=2C dean bessey wrote:
 about advertising in his forum. Advertising is a privilege=2C not a
>> right and Art was considering having no ads at all due to abuse.
>> The consensus=2C at the time=2C was that way too many ads were being
>> posted and that one-ad-per-week should be a rule. List members
>> input was taken into account so this was not only Art's wishes but
>> the majority of other members as well.>=20
>> This is flat out wrong. There never was any consensus. Art went on
>> record as saying that he did not mind ads.
>> What happened was that 4 or 5 people decided that they would hijack
>> Art's list as if it was their own and decide to prevent people from
>> making "to many" (Whatever that means) ads. After months and months
>> of bombarding the list with anti ad attack postings Art basically
>> tried to shut up the malcontents that dont appriciate the fact that
>> they have the privelidge being a part of what is basically the best
>> online meteorite forum and said "OK=2C one a week".
>> Then=2C rather than shut up=2C these 4 or 5 people decide to declare
>> themselves sherrif and kept going on with this anti ad campaign and
>> even the most minor offence (Even during big shows like tucson and
>> munich) was enough to make attack postings. They decided to continue
>> making an ass of themselves and continue their efforts to hijack
>> arts list as if it was their own.
>> Then after people started leaving the list because of all these
>> attack postings they had the gall to claim that "They left because
>> of the ads". (The fact that people werent leaving before their
>> hijacking and attacking efforts is conveniently ignored).
>> Nobody leaves this list because of the ads (Well there may have been
>> 2 or 3 people who left because they are to stupid to use the delete
>> button or block sender button in their email settings and dislaike
>> the fact that people are allowed to own meteorites like the cultural
>> property people in some governments but its an insignificant few).
>> People leave because of the bickering. Dont try and twist it around
>> that its not because of those 4 or 5 people that is basically
>> ruining things for everybody.
>> Becides why are you 4 or 5 people constantly harrassing the other
>> 1000 of us with your diatrabes? An iq of about six would enable you
>> to understand that the only person who matters is art so why dont
>> you email him rather than the rest of us who cant do anything even
>> if we did buy the fact that you somehow have the right to
>> unilaterally declare yourselves sherrif even though you have no
>> ownership or control of this list?
>> The answer of course is that Art has the smarts to ignore the whackos.
>> Nobody is forcing anybody to be a part of this list. You dont even
>> need arts permission to leave. You can do it yourself.
>> Stop this assanine BS and let us talk meteorites and have sales. If
>> you have a problem dont complain to the other 1000 of us.
>> And the "Majority consensus" that you refer to is about the same as
>> what the "Majority consensus" of an iranian election would be. It is
>> flat out not the will of the majority of list members or the list
>> owner but the will of 4 or 5 people who wants to run the list as
>> they see fit (Like the aftermat of an Iranian election).
>> I suspect that cottingshams lastest excessive postings are designed
>> to entertain and see how big an ass that certain paople can make of
>> themselves by complaining about them. Some people has posted 2 anti
>> ad attacks for every one of cottingshams supposedly excessive ads.
>> The other 1000 of us are surely happy about that.
>> Go away. The consensus of the silent majority dont want to listen to
>> your attacks anymore
>> Sincerely
>> __
>> http://

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread michael cottingham


DITTO. Also the days when we had the MOST ads, were the most  
productive on the list. THE BEST TOPICS. THE BEST CONVERSTION ON  
METEORITES COINCIDED WITH THE MOST ADS. So a big part of this whole  
topic is BULLSHIT.  If you really want to do it right for THE FIRST  
TIME -have a real vote. I HAVE BEEN ON THIS LIST LONGER THAN 70% of  
the folks on this list. So if you want a true historical perspective  
maybe ask someone who's been here a lot longer than the critics...

Michael Cottingham
On Oct 15, 2009, at 12:13 PM, dean bessey wrote:

about advertising in his forum.  Advertising is a privilege, not a  
right and Art was considering having no ads at all due to abuse.   
The consensus, at the time, was that way too many ads were being  
posted and that one-ad-per-week should be  a rule.   List members  
input was taken into account so this was not only Art's wishes but  
the majority of other members as well.> 

This is flat out wrong. There never was any consensus. Art went on  
record as saying that he did not mind ads.
What happened was that 4 or 5 people decided that they would hijack  
Art's list as if it was their own and decide to prevent people from  
making "to many" (Whatever that means) ads. After months and months  
of bombarding the list with anti ad attack postings Art basically  
tried to shut up the malcontents that dont appriciate the fact that  
they have the privelidge being a part of what is  basically the best  
online meteorite forum and said "OK, one a week".
Then, rather than shut up,  these 4 or 5 people decide to declare  
themselves sherrif and kept going on with this anti ad campaign and  
even the most minor offence (Even during big shows like tucson and  
munich) was enough to make attack postings. They decided to continue  
making an ass of themselves and continue their efforts to hijack  
arts list as if it was their own.
Then after people started leaving the list because of all these  
attack postings they had the gall to claim that "They left because  
of the ads". (The fact that people werent leaving before their  
hijacking and attacking efforts is conveniently ignored).
Nobody leaves this list because of the ads (Well there may have been  
2 or 3 people who left because they are to stupid to use the delete  
button or block sender button in their email settings and dislaike  
the fact that people are allowed to own meteorites like the cultural  
property people in some governments but its an insignificant few).  
People leave because of the bickering. Dont try and twist it around  
that its not because of those 4 or 5 people that is basically  
ruining things for everybody.
Becides why are you 4 or 5 people constantly harrassing the other  
1000 of us with your diatrabes? An iq of about six would enable you  
to understand that the only person who matters is art so why dont  
you email him rather than the rest of us who cant do anything even  
if we did buy the fact that you somehow have the right to  
unilaterally declare yourselves sherrif even though you have no  
ownership or control of this list?

The answer of course is that Art has the smarts to ignore the whackos.
Nobody is forcing anybody to be a part of this list. You dont even  
need arts permission to leave. You can do it yourself.
Stop this assanine BS and let us talk meteorites and have sales. If  
you have a problem dont complain to the other 1000 of us.
And the "Majority consensus" that you refer to is about the same as  
what the "Majority consensus" of an iranian election would be. It is  
flat out not the will of the majority of list members or the list  
owner but the will of 4 or 5 people who wants to run the list as  
they see fit (Like the aftermat of an Iranian election).
I suspect that cottingshams lastest excessive postings are designed  
to entertain and see how big an ass that certain paople can make of  
themselves by complaining about them. Some people has posted 2 anti  
ad attacks for every one of cottingshams supposedly excessive ads.  
The other 1000 of us are surely happy about that.
Go away. The consensus of the silent majority dont want to listen to  
your attacks anymore


Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Fw: Grimsby, Ontario bolide info

2009-10-15 Thread Darren Garrison
To: ,

Subject: Grimsby, Ontario bolide info
From: "Matson, Robert D." 
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 11:16:08 -0700

Hi Darren,

(Please feel free to forward to the list on my behalf.)

At the beginning of the week I contacted Dr. Peter Brown at University
of Western
Ontario, letting him know that the Grimsby bolide terminal burst had
been captured
on NexRad Doppler radar images taken in Buffalo, New York. I created
several maps
of the radar returns at three different altitudes, showing that the
terminal burst
location is in perfect agreement with UWO's solution (triangulated from
all-sky cameras). I shared this information with Dr. Tony Phillips at
and he has provided links on his site to a couple of the radar images I

A wide-area map is here:

And a second map zoomed in on the terminal burst cloud is here:

As the filenames suggest, the Doppler beam altitude at this location was
a little
over 5 km, and the area covered is roughly a mile wide by 2 miles long.
were also colocated radar returns at 6.5 km and 3.7 km, though the
returns were at 5.1 km.)  Judging from where meteorites were found in
Forest and Ash Creek (West), I would expect a number of meteorites to be
directly beneath the strongest radar returns, with sizes generally
as you move to the east-southeast.

I have not yet seen any images of the purported golf-ball-sized
meteorite that
hit the SUV, nor do I know where this SUV was parked, so can't judge
it's a legitimate possibility.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Darren
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 11:33 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Time to play "Hammer or Scammer"

 Grimsby meteorite found
Updated 32 mins ago

The Grimsby space rock has been found.

A fragment of meteorite the size of a golf ball smashed in the
windshield of a Grimsby family's sport utility vehicle on Sept. 25,
according to a media release from the University of Western Ontario.

Astronomers released a video Oct. 7 of a blinding meteor streaking
across the skies of Southern Ontario three weeks ago, estimating pieces
may have landed in Grimsby or West Lincoln.

Meteorite hunters have been scouring the area ever since.

A press conference to discuss the find is scheduled for Friday morning.
Meteorite-list mailing list
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Gary Chase

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
MIME-Version: 1.0

You would not believe how many people emailed me directly in support of cal=
ling out Cottingscam on his spamming of the list.
Just wait=2C a few have expressed support of my suggestion to posting "me t=
oo" ads right after the scammer posts more than his one per week allotment.
If it is OK to ignore the one ad per week rule then why not other rules?
I like flame wars=2C I know it is against the rules but I guess under your =
guidelines it would be OK to start one=2C right Dean?   Rules were meant to=
 be broken=2C Right Dean?
This list is quickly decending into anarchy.
> Date: Thu=2C 15 Oct 2009 12:13:11 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule
> This is flat out wrong. There never was any consensus. Art went on record=
 as saying that he did not mind ads.
> What happened was that 4 or 5 people decided that they would hijack Art's=
 list as if it was their own and decide to prevent people from making "to m=
any" (Whatever that means) ads. After months and months of bombarding the l=
ist with anti ad attack postings Art basically tried to shut up the malcont=
ents that dont appriciate the fact that they have the privelidge being a pa=
rt of what is basically the best online meteorite forum and said "OK=2C one=
 a week".=20
> Then=2C rather than shut up=2C these 4 or 5 people decide to declare them=
selves sherrif and kept going on with this anti ad campaign and even the mo=
st minor offence (Even during big shows like tucson and munich) was enough =
to make attack postings. They decided to continue making an ass of themselv=
es and continue their efforts to hijack arts list as if it was their own.
> Then after people started leaving the list because of all these attack po=
stings they had the gall to claim that "They left because of the ads". (The=
 fact that people werent leaving before their hijacking and attacking effor=
ts is conveniently ignored).
> Nobody leaves this list because of the ads (Well there may have been 2 or=
 3 people who left because they are to stupid to use the delete button or b=
lock sender button in their email settings and dislaike the fact that peopl=
e are allowed to own meteorites like the cultural property people in some g=
overnments but its an insignificant few). People leave because of the bicke=
ring. Dont try and twist it around that its not because of those 4 or 5 peo=
ple that is basically ruining things for everybody.
> Becides why are you 4 or 5 people constantly harrassing the other 1000 of=
 us with your diatrabes? An iq of about six would enable you to understand =
that the only person who matters is art so why dont you email him rather th=
an the rest of us who cant do anything even if we did buy the fact that you=
 somehow have the right to unilaterally declare yourselves sherrif even tho=
ugh you have no ownership or control of this list?
> The answer of course is that Art has the smarts to ignore the whackos.
> Nobody is forcing anybody to be a part of this list. You dont even need a=
rts permission to leave. You can do it yourself.
> Stop this assanine BS and let us talk meteorites and have sales. If you h=
ave a problem dont complain to the other 1000 of us.
> And the "Majority consensus" that you refer to is about the same as what =
the "Majority consensus" of an iranian election would be. It is flat out no=
t the will of the majority of list members or the list owner but the will o=
f 4 or 5 people who wants to run the list as they see fit (Like the afterma=
t of an Iranian election).
> I suspect that cottingshams lastest excessive postings are designed to en=
tertain and see how big an ass that certain paople can make of themselves b=
y complaining about them. Some people has posted 2 anti ad attacks for ever=
y one of cottingshams supposedly excessive ads. The other 1000 of us are su=
rely happy about that.
> Go away. The consensus of the silent majority dont want to listen to your=
 attacks anymore
> Sincerely
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
>   =0A=
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.=0A=
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Grimsby, Ontario bolide info

2009-10-15 Thread Richard Kowalski
Rob Matson asked me to forward this to the list
Richard Kowalski
IMCA #1081


RE: Grimsby, Ontario bolide info
Thursday, October 15, 2009 12:23 PM
From: "Matson, Robert D." 

At the beginning of the week I contacted Dr. Peter Brown at University
of Western
Ontario, letting him know that the Grimsby bolide terminal burst had
been captured
on NexRad Doppler radar images taken in Buffalo, New York. I created
several maps
of the radar returns at three different altitudes, showing that the
terminal burst
location is in perfect agreement with UWO's solution (triangulated from
all-sky cameras). I shared this information with Dr. Tony Phillips at
and he has provided links on his site to a couple of the radar images I

A wide-area map is here:

And a second map zoomed in on the terminal burst cloud is here:

As the filenames suggest, the Doppler beam altitude at this location was
a little
over 5 km, and the area covered is roughly a mile wide by 2 miles long.
were also colocated radar returns at 6.5 km and 3.7 km, though the
returns were at 5.1 km.)  Judging from where meteorites were found in
Forest and Ash Creek (West), I would expect a number of meteorites to be
directly beneath the strongest radar returns, with sizes generally
as you move to the east-southeast.

I have not yet seen any images of the purported golf-ball-sized
meteorite that
hit the SUV, nor do I know where this SUV was parked, so can't judge
it's a legitimate possibility.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Adam Hupe

Check the archives. As usual, you are flat out wrong. Art made the rule, not 
four or five members.  This is his forum and his rules. Several members weighed 
in before the decision was made.

Take Care,



- Original Message 
From: dean bessey 
Sent: Thu, October 15, 2009 12:13:11 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

This is flat out wrong. There never was any consensus. Art went on record as 
saying that he did not mind ads.
What happened was that 4 or 5 people decided that they would hijack Art's list 
as if it was their own and decide to prevent people from making "to many" 
(Whatever that means) ads. After months and months of bombarding the list with 
anti ad attack postings Art basically tried to shut up the malcontents that 
dont appriciate the fact that they have the privelidge being a part of what is  
basically the best online meteorite forum and said "OK, one a week". 
Then, rather than shut up,  these 4 or 5 people decide to declare themselves 
sherrif and kept going on with this anti ad campaign and even the most minor 
offence (Even during big shows like tucson and munich) was enough to make 
attack postings. They decided to continue making an ass of themselves and 
continue their efforts to hijack arts list as if it was their own.
Then after people started leaving the list because of all these attack postings 
they had the gall to claim that "They left because of the ads". (The fact that 
people werent leaving before their hijacking and attacking efforts is 
conveniently ignored).
Nobody leaves this list because of the ads (Well there may have been 2 or 3 
people who left because they are to stupid to use the delete button or block 
sender button in their email settings and dislaike the fact that people are 
allowed to own meteorites like the cultural property people in some governments 
but its an insignificant few). People leave because of the bickering. Dont try 
and twist it around that its not because of those 4 or 5 people that is 
basically ruining things for everybody.
Becides why are you 4 or 5 people constantly harrassing the other 1000 of us 
with your diatrabes? An iq of about six would enable you to understand that the 
only person who matters is art so why dont you email him rather than the rest 
of us who cant do anything even if we did buy the fact that you somehow have 
the right to unilaterally declare yourselves sherrif even though you have no 
ownership or control of this list?
The answer of course is that Art has the smarts to ignore the whackos.
Nobody is forcing anybody to be a part of this list. You dont even need arts 
permission to leave. You can do it yourself.
Stop this assanine BS and let us talk meteorites and have sales. If you have a 
problem dont complain to the other 1000 of us.
And the "Majority consensus" that you refer to is about the same as what the 
"Majority consensus" of an iranian election would be. It is flat out not the 
will of the majority of list members or the list owner but the will of 4 or 5 
people who wants to run the list as they see fit (Like the aftermat of an 
Iranian election).
I suspect that cottingshams lastest excessive postings are designed to 
entertain and see how big an ass that certain paople can make of themselves by 
complaining about them. Some people has posted 2 anti ad attacks for every one 
of cottingshams supposedly excessive ads. The other 1000 of us are surely happy 
about that.
Go away. The consensus of the silent majority dont want to listen to your 
attacks anymore

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread dean bessey
This is flat out wrong. There never was any consensus. Art went on record as 
saying that he did not mind ads.
What happened was that 4 or 5 people decided that they would hijack Art's list 
as if it was their own and decide to prevent people from making "to many" 
(Whatever that means) ads. After months and months of bombarding the list with 
anti ad attack postings Art basically tried to shut up the malcontents that 
dont appriciate the fact that they have the privelidge being a part of what is  
basically the best online meteorite forum and said "OK, one a week". 
Then, rather than shut up,  these 4 or 5 people decide to declare themselves 
sherrif and kept going on with this anti ad campaign and even the most minor 
offence (Even during big shows like tucson and munich) was enough to make 
attack postings. They decided to continue making an ass of themselves and 
continue their efforts to hijack arts list as if it was their own.
Then after people started leaving the list because of all these attack postings 
they had the gall to claim that "They left because of the ads". (The fact that 
people werent leaving before their hijacking and attacking efforts is 
conveniently ignored).
Nobody leaves this list because of the ads (Well there may have been 2 or 3 
people who left because they are to stupid to use the delete button or block 
sender button in their email settings and dislaike the fact that people are 
allowed to own meteorites like the cultural property people in some governments 
but its an insignificant few). People leave because of the bickering. Dont try 
and twist it around that its not because of those 4 or 5 people that is 
basically ruining things for everybody.
Becides why are you 4 or 5 people constantly harrassing the other 1000 of us 
with your diatrabes? An iq of about six would enable you to understand that the 
only person who matters is art so why dont you email him rather than the rest 
of us who cant do anything even if we did buy the fact that you somehow have 
the right to unilaterally declare yourselves sherrif even though you have no 
ownership or control of this list?
The answer of course is that Art has the smarts to ignore the whackos.
Nobody is forcing anybody to be a part of this list. You dont even need arts 
permission to leave. You can do it yourself.
Stop this assanine BS and let us talk meteorites and have sales. If you have a 
problem dont complain to the other 1000 of us.
And the "Majority consensus" that you refer to is about the same as what the 
"Majority consensus" of an iranian election would be. It is flat out not the 
will of the majority of list members or the list owner but the will of 4 or 5 
people who wants to run the list as they see fit (Like the aftermat of an 
Iranian election).
I suspect that cottingshams lastest excessive postings are designed to 
entertain and see how big an ass that certain paople can make of themselves by 
complaining about them. Some people has posted 2 anti ad attacks for every one 
of cottingshams supposedly excessive ads. The other 1000 of us are surely happy 
about that.
Go away. The consensus of the silent majority dont want to listen to your 
attacks anymore

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

2009-10-15 Thread Greg Stanley

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
MIME-Version: 1.0

Very nice!=A0 Did everyone make a wish?

Greg S.

> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu=2C 15 Oct 2009 19:50:47 +0200
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen
> Complete series of photographs:
> - Original Message -
> From: "Michael Groetz"=20
> To: "Meteorite List"=20
> Sent: Thursday=2C October 15=2C 2009 2:36 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen
>> Meteorite explodes over north Groningen
>> Wednesday 14 October 2009
>> Hundreds of people report seeing a spectacular fireball or meteorite
>> over the Netherlands in Tuesday's clear evening skies.
>> The police emergency number=2C Dutch coastguard and KNMI weather bureau
>> report dozens of phone calls about the meteorite=2C which was seen in
>> Germany and Belgium.
>> 'I was standing in front of my window when there was a bright flash of
>> light and a white fireball in the sky fell apart into three smaller
>> ones=2C' eyewitness Erik Alberts from Zuidbroek in Groningen province
>> told Nos tv. 'Like fireworks. A few seconds later=2C perhaps half a
>> minute=2C there was a low rumble and the windows shook.'
>> Excellent Photographs:
>> __
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list
Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.=0A=
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Adam Hupe

A well written advertisement only needs to be run once.  Once a week would 
allow for the release of 52 different meteorites in a year!  The point is that 
if everybody ran 20  ads a month X 12months X 900 members you would have over  
216,000 extra posts a year.  It is disprespectful not to honor Art's and the 
majority of the List member's wishes.  List members voted for the 
one-ad-per-week rule and as the above formula suggests, a few bad apples post 
way too many advertisements.  They are jeopardizing the other members' ability 
to advertise just once a week.  Art could just say, "NO MORE ADS, PERIOD" like 
many forums have already done but thankfully he has an extremely long fuse.

Best Regards,


- Original Message 
From: "" 
Sent: Thu, October 15, 2009 10:20:23 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

I think that the adverts add to the list and I would be disappointed if they 
were to disappear altogether...but too many would be a shame.

Michael's email has however done exactly what he intended...I think? and drawn 
even more attention to his sales and many many more emails 'advertising his 
sales' than he might ever post!!!. Great marketing.

Graham E UK

 Adam Hupe  wrote: 
> Dear List,
> The fact seems to be forgotten that a consensus was taken by Art about 
> advertising in his forum.  Advertising is a privilege, not a right and Art 
> was considering having no ads at all due to abuse.  The consensus, at the 
> time, was that way too many ads were being posted and that one-ad-per-week 
> should be  a rule.   List members input was taken into account so this was 
> not only Art's wishes but the majority of other members as well. 
> I know of several people who will not subscribe due to the number of ads, 
> some of which instead read the archives on a daily basis. Even then, 
> scrolling through hundreds of ads would drown out more useful information in 
> the archives which are permanent and cannot be deleted. An ads usefulness 
> disappears immediately, yet it is stuck for eternity in the archives.  The 
> delete key will not help here.  A lot of forums will not allow any 
> advertisements so we should feel lucky.
> Art would not have made the rule if he felt it was not important. Out of 
> respect for him and other members, I feel the rule should be honored or we 
> might all lose our advertising privileges due to a few members who cannot and 
> will not control themselves.
> Best Regards,
> Adam
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

2009-10-15 Thread bernd . pauli
Hello Rob, Richard, and List,

=> Complete series of photographs:

Picture #3 looks almost exactly like the Peekskill multiple
fireball did while fragmenting into several smaller pieces !


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

2009-10-15 Thread Richard Kowalski
Beautiful catch Rob!

Richard Kowalski
IMCA #1081

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, Rob Lenssen  wrote:

> From: Rob Lenssen 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen
> To: "Meteorite List" 
> Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 10:50 AM
> Complete series of photographs:
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Michael Groetz" 
> To: "Meteorite List" 
> Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 2:36 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north
> Groningen
> >
> >
> > Meteorite explodes over north Groningen
> > Wednesday 14 October 2009
> >
> > Hundreds of people report seeing a spectacular
> fireball or meteorite
> > over the Netherlands in Tuesday's clear evening
> skies.
> >
> > The police emergency number, Dutch coastguard and KNMI
> weather bureau
> > report dozens of phone calls about the meteorite,
> which was seen in
> > Germany and Belgium.
> >
> > 'I was standing in front of my window when there was a
> bright flash of
> > light and a white fireball in the sky fell apart into
> three smaller
> > ones,' eyewitness Erik Alberts from Zuidbroek in
> Groningen province
> > told Nos tv. 'Like fireworks. A few seconds later,
> perhaps half a
> > minute, there was a low rumble and the windows
> shook.'
> >
> > Excellent Photographs:
> >
> >
> > __
> >
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

2009-10-15 Thread Rob Lenssen

Complete series of photographs:

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Groetz" 

To: "Meteorite List" 
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 2:36 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

Meteorite explodes over north Groningen
Wednesday 14 October 2009

Hundreds of people report seeing a spectacular fireball or meteorite
over the Netherlands in Tuesday's clear evening skies.

The police emergency number, Dutch coastguard and KNMI weather bureau
report dozens of phone calls about the meteorite, which was seen in
Germany and Belgium.

'I was standing in front of my window when there was a bright flash of
light and a white fireball in the sky fell apart into three smaller
ones,' eyewitness Erik Alberts from Zuidbroek in Groningen province
told Nos tv. 'Like fireworks. A few seconds later, perhaps half a
minute, there was a low rumble and the windows shook.'

Excellent Photographs:
Meteorite-list mailing list 

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread ensoramanda
I think that the adverts add to the list and I would be disappointed if they 
were to disappear altogether...but too many would be a shame.

Michael's email has however done exactly what he intended...I think? and drawn 
even more attention to his sales and many many more emails 'advertising his 
sales' than he might ever post!!!. Great marketing.

Graham E UK

 Adam Hupe  wrote: 
> Dear List,
> The fact seems to be forgotten that a consensus was taken by Art about 
> advertising in his forum.  Advertising is a privilege, not a right and Art 
> was considering having no ads at all due to abuse.  The consensus, at the 
> time, was that way too many ads were being posted and that one-ad-per-week 
> should be  a rule.   List members input was taken into account so this was 
> not only Art's wishes but the majority of other members as well. 
> I know of several people who will not subscribe due to the number of ads, 
> some of which instead read the archives on a daily basis. Even then, 
> scrolling through hundreds of ads would drown out more useful information in 
> the archives which are permanent and cannot be deleted. An ads usefulness 
> disappears immediately, yet it is stuck for eternity in the archives.  The 
> delete key will not help here.  A lot of forums will not allow any 
> advertisements so we should feel lucky.
> Art would not have made the rule if he felt it was not important. Out of 
> respect for him and other members, I feel the rule should be honored or we 
> might all lose our advertising privileges due to a few members who cannot and 
> will not control themselves.
> Best Regards,
> Adam
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Time to play "Hammer or Scammer"

2009-10-15 Thread Darren Garrison

 Grimsby meteorite found
Updated 32 mins ago

The Grimsby space rock has been found.

A fragment of meteorite the size of a golf ball smashed in the windshield of a
Grimsby family's sport utility vehicle on Sept. 25, according to a media release
from the University of Western Ontario.

Astronomers released a video Oct. 7 of a blinding meteor streaking across the
skies of Southern Ontario three weeks ago, estimating pieces may have landed in
Grimsby or West Lincoln.

Meteorite hunters have been scouring the area ever since.

A press conference to discuss the find is scheduled for Friday morning.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Plots About Meteorites

2009-10-15 Thread Richard Kowalski
Just a few others

That horribly bad made for TV movie this year "Meteor"

The disaster movie of the same name from 1979 with a a lot of big name actors, 
including Sean Connery, Brian Keith, Natalie Wood, Karl Malden...

Teenage Monster - Meteor Monster, 1957

The Internet Movie Database also lists a number of other "meteor" movies. 
theater and tv, most of them outside the US: 

If you enter the search term "meteor threatens earth" you find 19 "best of" 
titles, some that are actually interesting and informative documentaries:

Richard Kowalski
IMCA #1081

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, Greg Stanley  wrote:

> From: Greg Stanley 
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Plots About Meteorites
> To:
> Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 9:26 AM
> List:
> This gave me an idea, and I think it would be fun:
> Let's have members start a list of TV shows or Movies where
> the plot is related to meteorites, like the Gilligan's
> Island episode.  I used to watch that show every day in the
> '70's and I don't remember it, and I think I would.
> I'll start with a few:
> "The Meteor Man"
> "Creepshow" Stephen King
> "Outer Limits" episode "The Inheritors" Two parts - This is
> a fantastic Outer Limits
> Greg S.
> _
> Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Plots About Meteorites

2009-10-15 Thread Greg Stanley


This gave me an idea, and I think it would be fun:

Let's have members start a list of TV shows or Movies where the plot is related 
to meteorites, like the Gilligan's Island episode.  I used to watch that show 
every day in the '70's and I don't remember it, and I think I would.

I'll start with a few:

"The Meteor Man"
"Creepshow" Stephen King
"Outer Limits" episode "The Inheritors" Two parts - This is a fantastic Outer 

Greg S.
Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Gilligan's Island - Meet the Meteor

2009-10-15 Thread Greg Hupe

Hi Richard,

And hopefully it will be "Round Trip"! :-)

"A Three Hour Tour..." sounds like a comfortable amount of time...unlike 
some of the 14-hour flights I have been on!!

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

- Original Message - 
From: "Richard Kowalski" 
To: "meteorite list" ; "Greg Hupe" 

Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Gilligan's Island - Meet the Meteor


just make sure your travel agent does not book you on a three hour tour!

Richard Kowalski
IMCA #1081

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, Greg Hupe  wrote:

From: Greg Hupe 
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Gilligan's Island - Meet the Meteor
To: "Richard Kowalski" , "meteorite list" 

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 4:57 AM
Hi Richard,

There are times I feel like Gilligan, the Professor and the
Skipper. Sometimes all in one day, sometimes separately.

I guess I better make that lead suit so I can slide right
through the airport x-ray machines with a few stones and not
get hassled!! ;-) On the other hand, I might get lead
poisoning if I do not mix in enough protective aloe with the
lead based make-up!

On a side note: I won't be able to post any sales Ads for
about two weeks because I will be at an undisclosed

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List,

The fact seems to be forgotten that a consensus was taken by Art about 
advertising in his forum.  Advertising is a privilege, not a right and Art was 
considering having no ads at all due to abuse.  The consensus, at the time, was 
that way too many ads were being posted and that one-ad-per-week should be  a 
rule.   List members input was taken into account so this was not only Art's 
wishes but the majority of other members as well. 

I know of several people who will not subscribe due to the number of ads, some 
of which instead read the archives on a daily basis. Even then, scrolling 
through hundreds of ads would drown out more useful information in the archives 
which are permanent and cannot be deleted. An ads usefulness disappears 
immediately, yet it is stuck for eternity in the archives.  The delete key will 
not help here.  A lot of forums will not allow any advertisements so we should 
feel lucky.

Art would not have made the rule if he felt it was not important. Out of 
respect for him and other members, I feel the rule should be honored or we 
might all lose our advertising privileges due to a few members who cannot and 
will not control themselves.

Best Regards,

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Gilligan's Island - Meet the Meteor

2009-10-15 Thread Richard Kowalski

just make sure your travel agent does not book you on a three hour tour!

Richard Kowalski
IMCA #1081

--- On Thu, 10/15/09, Greg Hupe  wrote:

> From: Greg Hupe 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Gilligan's Island - Meet the Meteor
> To: "Richard Kowalski" , "meteorite list" 
> Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 4:57 AM
> Hi Richard,
> There are times I feel like Gilligan, the Professor and the
> Skipper. Sometimes all in one day, sometimes separately.
> I guess I better make that lead suit so I can slide right
> through the airport x-ray machines with a few stones and not
> get hassled!! ;-) On the other hand, I might get lead
> poisoning if I do not mix in enough protective aloe with the
> lead based make-up!
> On a side note: I won't be able to post any sales Ads for
> about two weeks because I will be at an undisclosed
> location!
> Best regards,
> Greg
> Greg Hupe
> The Hupe Collection
> NaturesVault (eBay)
> IMCA 3163
> Click here for my current eBay auctions: 

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Wildfires and "Clovis Comat"

2009-10-15 Thread Paul
In "Holocene Start Impacts: EP Grondine: Rich Murray 2009.10.15" at ,
Rich Murray wrote:

"I'm glad to see a new consensus rapidly evolving re widespread
Holocene Start impacts from myriad fragments of an 13 Ka BP
ice comet."

What consensus? Given that many paleoclimatologists, archaeologists,
and Quaternary geologists are having extreme problems reproducing
the results by Firestone, West, and others, it looks like the "Clovis Comet"
is turning into fiasco like the Permian-Triassic extinction claims where
Luanne Becker and scientists claimed to have found positive proof of
a Permian--Triassic extraterrestrial impact only to have it all fall apart
when other geologists, paleontologists, and paleopedologists tried to
reproduced their results and critically examined their findings. 

A good example of this is a  recent paper that discusses evidence 
related to the "Clovis Comet" hypothesis of Firestone, west, and 
others is:

Marlon, J. R., P. J. Bartlein, M. K. Walsh, S. P. Harrison, K. J. 
Brown, M. E. Edwards, P. E. Higuera, M. J. Power, R. S. Anderson,
C. Briles, A. Brunelle, C. Carcaillet, M. Daniels, F. S. Hu, M. 
Lavoiem, C. Longn, T. Minckley, P. J. H. Richard, A. C. Scott,
D. S. Shafer, W. Tinners, C. E. Umbanhowar, Jr., and C. Whitlock,
2009, Wildfire responses to abrupt climate change in North America.
Proceedinds of the National Academy of Sciences. vol. 106, no. 8,
pp. 2519-2524. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0808212106 

Abstract at:

The abstract in part states:

"We also test the hypothesis that a comet impact initiated 
continental-scale wildfires at 12.9 ka; the data do not support 
this idea, nor are continent-wide fires indicated at any time 
during deglaciation."


"Biomass burning gradually increased from the glacial period to
the beginning of the Younger Dryas. Although there are changes 
in biomass burning during the Younger Dryas, there is no 
systematic trend. There is a further increase in biomass burning 
after the Younger Dryas. Intervals of rapid climate change at 
13.9, 13.2, and 11.7 ka are marked by large increases in fire 

This paper concluded:

"No continent-wide fire response is observed at the beginning
 of the Younger Dryas chronozone, the time of the hypothesized 
comet impact. The results provide no evidence of synchronous 
continent-wide biomass burning at any time during the LGIT."

Note "LGIT" = last glacial–interglacial transition.

It is quite clear from this paper that the alleged "consensus" on
the "Clovis Comet" is quite imaginary. It looks like the validity
of the Clovis Comet is far from settled as there are many papers,
both pro and con, that are either in press or in preparation. 


Paul H.

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Gary Chase

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
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MIME-Version: 1.0

Martin and List...
You have a good point Martin=2C it is all about respect for other list memb=
ers.  Every dealer bends the rules a little but 10 ads in 14 days?  That is=
 just in your face spamming and disregard for the rules.  Everybody knows h=
e has an ebay store by now unless they have been living under a rock=2C so =
what is so hard to just check it daily for those interested and make a 50% =
offer off of his inflated asking prices?
Matin also has a good point on how this list would die if every dealer post=
ed 10 ads in 14 days.  So I will throw down a challenge to all dealers on t=
he list:
Post an ad of your own every time Cottingham violates the rules.  This will=
force the issue.  Either the rule will be enforced or it will be officially=
Also=2C to those of you who sent me private emails in support of my complai=
ning  about the Nigerian spammer on this list=2C you can participate too.  =
Since you are not dealers=2C just post an ad reminding everyone of other me=
teorites that may be for sale on ebay that are not your own.  This is kind =
of like supporting your favorite dealer.

> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu=2C 15 Oct 2009 15:08:13 +0200
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule
> Hi Jason=2C list=2C
> I found out=2C that Art=2C the administrator IS Steve Arnold=2C Chicago
> and that he has running a bet with Cottingham=2C whether Michael can crea=
> more than hundred repetitions of the name "Cottingham" in the title of
> list-mails=2C reacting on his excessive advertising.
> Jason & newbies. Cottingham is not the only dealer on the planet=2C who h=
as a
> large stock of meteorites for sale. There are several with similar amount=
> of material and interesting meteorites.
> How many members has the list? 1000? Many of them collectors=2C who want =
> sell or swap here and there pieces too.
> Note that all professional major dealers use this list for solely
> advertising: Novelties=2C rare types=2C pieces with exceptional character=
> rare historical specimens=2C "hot" deals below market price.
> Could you imagine=2C how it would end=2C if all of them would advertise l=
ike a
> Cottingham=2C if they would advertise their bulk=2C if all of them would
> obtrusively advertise each single piece with ads so long until it is sold
> like Chicago-Steve is doing it?
> We would have more than a thousand ads a week.
> I guess many=2C if not most members appreciate the list as a source of
> information (to a certain degree ads belong into that category) and
> inspiration and enjoy the discussions.
> I really doubt=2C that anyone of them would be in the mood to rummage dai=
> through hundred ads=2C to find the sparsely scattered posts with some mor=
> witty contents. Neither do have all the time to do that=2C nor is an offe=
> meteorite to the same extend interesting for all meteorite people.
> It would be like the annoying occupation to search through the hundreds o=
> Campos=2C fake Nantans=2C mainstream material on ebay=2C to find the two =
or three
> auctions a week=2C which fit in ones focus=2C budget ect.
> It would be the end of this list. Full stop.
> The newer members maybe don't understand=2C that this vintage-mailing-lis=
> isn't a forum where e.g. ads are sorted in an own board=2C so that they c=
an be
> ignored by those=2C not interested in. And that this form of conversation=
> based on a different etiquette=2C than fast communication forms like a
> chat-room.
> So keeping in mind=2C that here on the list are enrolled quite all of the
> largest dealers=2C the most successful hunters of the planet and a good s=
> of the collectors of the world=2C
> Jason=2C then I have to say=2C the discipline to obey to the 1-Ad-per-wee=
> is remarkable and the rule works well.
> Everyone connives at an offerer=2C if he's somewhat excited and breaks th=
> rule=2C as long it remains an isolated case.
> And if you look back=2C with all those many people here having meteorites=
> sale=2C
> in fact only two persons suffer from incontinence and nocturia.
> and here I see the problem=2C that new members see that the recklessn=
> of two members (out of 1000) isn't sanctioned=2C so that they could feel
> invited to act in the same manner.
> I think=2C they won't sell more=2C if they advertise several times per we=
> Decisive for a purchase are for a collector the properties and the qualit=
> of the offered specimen=2C the price - and often enough his opinion on th=
> seller too. I could imagine=2C that for some collectors it could be even
> deterrent=2C to think about purchasin

Re: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

2009-10-15 Thread Martin Altmann
Hi Jason, list,

I found out, that Art, the administrator IS Steve Arnold, Chicago
and that he has running a bet with Cottingham, whether Michael can create
more than hundred repetitions of the name "Cottingham" in the title of
list-mails, reacting on his excessive advertising.

Jason & newbies. Cottingham is not the only dealer on the planet, who has a
large stock of meteorites for sale. There are several with similar amounts
of material and interesting meteorites.
How many members has the list? 1000? Many of them collectors, who want to
sell or swap here and there pieces too.

Note that all professional major dealers use this list for solely
advertising: Novelties, rare types, pieces with exceptional characteristics,
rare historical specimens, "hot" deals below market price.

Could you imagine, how it would end, if all of them would advertise like a
Cottingham, if they would advertise their bulk, if all of them would
obtrusively advertise each single piece with ads so long until it is sold
like Chicago-Steve is doing it?

We would have more than a thousand ads a week.

I guess many, if not most members appreciate the list as a source of
information (to a certain degree ads belong into that category) and
inspiration and enjoy the discussions.

I really doubt, that anyone of them would be in the mood to rummage daily
through hundred ads, to find the sparsely scattered posts with some more
witty contents. Neither do have all the time to do that, nor is an offered
meteorite to the same extend interesting for all meteorite people.
It would be like the annoying occupation to search through the hundreds of
Campos, fake Nantans, mainstream material on ebay, to find the two or three
auctions a week, which fit in ones focus, budget ect.

It would be the end of this list. Full stop.

The newer members maybe don't understand, that this vintage-mailing-list
isn't a forum where e.g. ads are sorted in an own board, so that they can be
ignored by those, not interested in. And that this form of conversation is
based on a different etiquette, than fast communication forms like a

So keeping in mind, that here on the list are enrolled quite all of the
largest dealers, the most successful hunters of the planet and a good share
of the collectors of the world,
Jason, then I have to say, the discipline to obey to the 1-Ad-per-week-rule
is remarkable and the rule works well.

Everyone connives at an offerer, if he's somewhat excited and breaks the
rule, as long it remains an isolated case.

And if you look back, with all those many people here having meteorites for
in fact only two persons suffer from incontinence and nocturia.

and here I see the problem, that new members see that the recklessness
of two members (out of 1000) isn't sanctioned, so that they could feel
invited to act in the same manner.

I think, they won't sell more, if they advertise several times per week.
Decisive for a purchase are for a collector the properties and the qualities
of the offered specimen, the price - and often enough his opinion on the
seller too. I could imagine, that for some collectors it could be even
deterrent, to think about purchasing from a person, who present himself in
public so impolite, reckless and egomaniac.

Well, my thoughts only,
open the list for unrestricted spamming
and you will loose half of the members.
(and then it won't be attractive anymore to advertise here...)
You'll see.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Jason
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2009 05:18
An: Meteorite-list
Betreff: [meteorite-list] (No More) One-Ad Per Week Rule

Hola All,
The rule was only good so long as dealers upheld it.
It was originally put in place to limit Steve Arnold's (Chicago)
postings, but it failed.  Other dealers seemed happy enough to go
along with it on their own out of, for lack of a better word, courtesy
to other list members, who generally agreed that it was a good thing
to do (at the time).  It seems apparent now that most list members
have no problem with dealers posting to the list as often as they
wish, so it would appear as though the rule is no longer being
advocated by either dealers or common list-users/readers.
Thus the rule is, I would say, now null and void.
For better or worse, so be it.
But if you can't enforce it, and people won't follow it, it doesn't
make much of a rule.  And if a select few choose to go against it, it
kind of screws over the other dealers who still abide by it, so I say
to hell with it.
We'll see what happens to the list...this could be interesting.

Oh - and I'll have some ebay auctions up later tonight for those of
you who may be interested - hopefully within the next hour, but it may
take two to finish it all up.

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorite triggers panic calls to police

2009-10-15 Thread Michael Groetz

UFO scare in Germany as shooting star appears in sky

Panic broke out in northern Germany after hundreds of frightened
residents called police over what they thought was a UFO.

What appears to have actually been a meteorite created a flood of
calls to police and fire departments on Tuesday evening from worried

Officials in Bremen, Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony
received calls from concerned citizens about a “burning ball” and
“bright object in the sky.”

“All of a sudden there was a ball-of-light in the sky, definitely
bigger than a shooting star,” said Christian Pokropp (30) to

The man was jogging along the river Elbe in Hamburg and saw the
"shining ball" at 6:50pm.

“The people along the river watched the spectacle as if magnetized,”
said Pokropp.

“It lasted about six seconds before the object broke into four parts
and looked like a small fireball, which began to dim. For minutes you
could make out streaks of smoke in the sky.”

After several calls, the police department in Bremen alerted aviation
authorities and dispatched a patrol car. A spokesperson for the Bremen
Police Department, Dirk Siemering, told “It remains

According to Siemering, callers saw the ball “crumble apart and fall
to the ground.” Others eye-witnesses reported a big explosion.

After an emergency call in Neubrandenburg, police controlled the area
around Waren. “We first checked to see if any gas tanks or natural gas
was burning somewhere,” explained another spokesperson.

A driver reported seeing “something burning green about 10 kilometers
away” while driving on Bundesstrasse 192 between Neubrandenburg and

According to “Express” one witness posted on an Internet forum: “This
evening I saw a weird green glowing ball with a fiery tail falling
through sky in Dortmund between the train station and U-Turm.

"Somehow it dissolved in the sky. First I thought it was a rocket, but
its trajectory was too weird.”

Hobby astronomer Werner Walter, who runs a UFO research network called
CENAP in Mannheim, fielded calls and reports until the late night from
witnesses in Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hamburg and North

According to Walter's reports, eye-witnesses described a “white-green
glowing ball” with a tail that raced downwards “silently for several

But what did people actually see in the sky?

Walter assumes that the phenomenon was a shooting star which fell into
the earth’s atmosphere and disintegrated.
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorite explodes over north Groningen

2009-10-15 Thread Michael Groetz

Meteorite explodes over north Groningen
Wednesday 14 October 2009

Hundreds of people report seeing a spectacular fireball or meteorite
over the Netherlands in Tuesday's clear evening skies.

The police emergency number, Dutch coastguard and KNMI weather bureau
report dozens of phone calls about the meteorite, which was seen in
Germany and Belgium.

'I was standing in front of my window when there was a bright flash of
light and a white fireball in the sky fell apart into three smaller
ones,' eyewitness Erik Alberts from Zuidbroek in Groningen province
told Nos tv. 'Like fireworks. A few seconds later, perhaps half a
minute, there was a low rumble and the windows shook.'

Excellent Photographs:
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Gilligan's Island - Meet the Meteor

2009-10-15 Thread Greg Hupe

Hi Richard,

There are times I feel like Gilligan, the Professor and the Skipper. 
Sometimes all in one day, sometimes separately.

I guess I better make that lead suit so I can slide right through the 
airport x-ray machines with a few stones and not get hassled!! ;-) On the 
other hand, I might get lead poisoning if I do not mix in enough protective 
aloe with the lead based make-up!

On a side note: I won't be able to post any sales Ads for about two weeks 
because I will be at an undisclosed location!

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

- Original Message - 
From: "Richard Kowalski" 

To: "meteorite list" 
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Gilligan's Island - Meet the Meteor

Strange though that I've yet to see a photo of Mike Farmer,
Greg Hupe' & Robert Ward out in the field coated in


Now before anyone misunderstands or misinterprets this comment, I am in 
 >>no way<< suggesting any of them resemble, even remotely, any of these 


Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ebay ending tomorrow. Very low prices. AD

2009-10-15 Thread Eduardo
I think I never seen so low prices the day before one of my auction ends.

quick link here:

Some extremely rare meteorites this time, only one available so this is
your only chance (at least from me): Hinojal, Chajari, Palca de Aparzo,
Nogoya, Cuenca del Tiburon, Cat Mountain. 

Last month there was a discussion about Kem Kem. 
One of the specimens in the auction is Kem Kem 15. Michael Casper realized
that this one was different than other Kem Kem and put a different name on
it. Less than 30 Kem Kem meteorites were labelled with a number and most
of them are gone, so if you want have a specimen go ahead and bid, is a
47g specimen cut by half so ready to be studied and is still at $0.99!. 

One more hint to make a good buy here. One of the auctions that did not
start at $0.99 was mistakenly priced, next time will be 50% more
expensive. I will not say which one. Just find the bargain and get it.

If you just want to see the photos, go ahead, and if you want to bid on
any of them great!.

IMCA 0645

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Gilligan's Island - Meet the Meteor

2009-10-15 Thread Richard Kowalski

> Strange though that I've yet to see a photo of Mike Farmer,
> Greg Hupe' & Robert Ward out in the field coated in
> lead!
> :)

Now before anyone misunderstands or misinterprets this comment, I am in >>no 
way<< suggesting any of them resemble, even remotely, any of these characters!


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Gilligan's Island - Meet the Meteor

2009-10-15 Thread Richard Kowalski
A while ago some friends & I had a discussion about how meteor(ite)s are 
portrayed on TV and in the movies. It sparked a memory about the meteorite that 
fell on Gilligan's Island. (If you aren't familiar with the program, see here:

Recently I got the DVD from Netflix that contained the episode and grabbed a 
few frames from the key points in the show and thought I'd share them with the 

For those who have forgotten the plot of "Meet the Meteor", (How could anyone 
forget such a classic?) I'll write some reminders to go along with the images.

After Gilligan spotted the falling fireball, he and the Skipper went to 
investigate and found the glowing, perfectly spherical object in a nice, small 

The Professor built a crude Geiger counter to check the meteorite for 
radiation. He found "none", but determined that the meteorite was giving off 
Cosmic Rays, so they refined lead ore (where they would find that on a coral 
atoll is beyond me), and coated their clothes in lead, made lead based make-up 
to protect their skin and a screen to shield themselves from the Cosmic Rays, 
all of which apparently worked as expected. (Could the Professor do anything 

As they left, Gilligan trips over a sapling. Only a minute later they hear 
something strange. On their return they find the screen has turned to saw dust 
and the sapling is now a fully grown tree, as can be seen to the right of the 

The Professor determines they need to blow up the meteorite to save everyone's 
life. Gilligan has a dream about them all aging while they await the next 
lightning storm, only to be awaken by said storm. He runs with the lightning 
rod the Professor created, trips, but it ends up being stuck in the meteorite, 
which then attracts lightning bolts, which eventually cause the meteorite to 
explode into nothingness, again as expected.

I guess one could say this episode is just about as realistic as any other show 
or movie about meteor(ite)s... Strange though that I've yet to see a photo of 
Mike Farmer, Greg Hupe' & Robert Ward out in the field coated in lead!


Richard Kowalski
IMCA #1081

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Dry Lakes in Australia

2009-10-15 Thread Mark Ford

>> For this reason I doubt that people go out specifically looking for 
>> Meteorites as it would cost a lot for zero reward.

Yep, a classic case of another country not thinking through it's meteorite 
collecting laws, you ban exports/free trade and strangely enough all the new 
finds dry up, (while the rocks rust away). There's a lesson there somewhere.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Aubrey Whymark
Sent: 15 October 2009 07:48
To: Greg Stanley; meteorite list
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Dry Lakes in Australia

Hi Greg

They certainly look for Australite Tektites on the dry lakes in WA. Australites 
can be picked up, kept, sold, sold abroad. You can't touch the Meteorites in 
Australia though. If you find one then report it to the Museum. For this reason 
I doubt that people go out specifically looking for Meteorites as it would cost 
a lot for zero reward.


Aubrey Whymark

--- On Wed, 14/10/09, Greg Stanley  wrote:

> From: Greg Stanley 
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Dry Lakes in Australia
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, 14 October, 2009, 10:41 PM
> List:
> The company I work for is doing a project in Australia and
> I'm coordinating the placement of some of our instruments. 
> As I looked at the map in GoogleEarth, I notice (what looks
> like dry lakes) throughout the country; does anyone look for
> meteorites on dry lakes in Australia?
> Greg S.
> _
> Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM
> protection.
> __
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] MC'S adds (AD)

2009-10-15 Thread W&S Schroer

Hi list,
if it wasn't for MC's adds I would have missed out on a bargain that came up 
on ebay today.

MC doesn't force me to read his adds and neither does he force me to buy the 
items I consider to be too expensive. We all have the choice to ignore his 
postings and for those who hate them so much that they delete them without 
checking out what's behind it, MS Outlook and Outlook Express can be set up 
in a way that they don't show up on the list any more and will be deleted 

I fully agree with Richard Kowalski, if Michael's adds should become a 
nuisance I will ignore them and if they become a pest, I will do what I 
wrote above.

But I have no problem with the way it is at the moment and if other dealers 
are thinking about stretching the limit a bit further, that's fine with me 
My average annual budget set aside for meteorites is around the $10,000 
mark. It's up to the individual dealer to find the right way to take that 
money home.

Werner Schroer 

Meteorite-list mailing list