Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of the Day - March 31, 2010

2010-03-31 Thread ensoramanda
Wow! Marcin, what a fantastic Camel of the most extremely oriented 
pieces I've ever seenso frothy on the back it looks more like slag.

Excellent photo.

All the best,

Graham, UK

 Michael Johnson  wrote: 
> ---
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

2010-03-31 Thread Galactic Stone & Ironworks
Hi Melanie and List,

I don't know who the seller is, but the photos and descriptions leave
much to be desired.

If they can't put the time and effort into decent photos and a good
description, then it makes me wonder about the legal paperwork too.

Best regards,


On 3/31/10, Melanie Matthews  wrote:
> Worldwide shipping and no mention of an export permit for any of them?
> Anyone here know this person and if he/she is for real?
>  ---
> Melanie
> IMCA: 2975
> eBay: metmel2775
> Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09
> Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what
> you're gonna get!
>   __
> Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

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[meteorite-list] FIreball in Florida Tuesday night

2010-03-31 Thread lebofsky
Hi Everyone:

A friend of mine (Greg Beckner) in Gainsville, FL just sent me this. He
was out with a group of scouts and saw the following (second paragraph):

I took my Cub Scout pack to the model airplane field last night & showed
them a few R/C aircraft.  A sidebar to that is the field is several miles
out of town and has a good view of the horizon and darker skies, so I also
took the telescope.  We saw Mercury about 5 deg from Venus last night & a
few deep sky objects at the last part of Astronomical twilight & before
moon came up.

Around 9:30 local time, while packing up, I saw the most impressive
fireball meteor almost directly to the south. It started like an Iridium
flare, but just got brighter & brighter.  It was close
enough where you could see a flame structure and fragments breaking off. 
Will the next "Meteorite Men" episode be filmed here???  So far, nothing
in paper yet.  Is there something that keeps track of such events?  I'm
sure we weren't the only ones seeing it (*it scared the crap out of my

Here's GPS cords of flying field - I was looking Almost Due South - maybe
just a
little to the East of due South.  Time was perhaps between 9:20 & 9:40pm
EDT.  Path of the object was almost straight down & it was about 35 deg

N 29° 31' 07"
W 082° 33' 32"


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Re: [meteorite-list] FIreball in Florida Tuesday night

2010-03-31 Thread GeoZay
>>Here's GPS cords of flying field - I was  looking Almost Due South - maybe
just a
little to the East of due  South.  >>

Maybe an Alpha Capricornid? right period, right  time, right direction and 
usually bright and slow to catch peoples  attention.

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[meteorite-list] AD: sales of a nice complete achondrite 8 gr

2010-03-31 Thread habibi abdelaziz
hi all
this a very rare achondrite that is probably a lunar paired to nwa series of
 NWA 2995 NWA 2996 NWA 3190 NWA 4503 NWA 5151 NWA 5152

if interested please email me
aziz habibi

ps i have many other chondrite very nice looking and great shape so  ask for 

 habibi aziz 
box 70 erfoud 52200 morroco 
phone. 21235576145 

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[meteorite-list] Slovakia meteorite found from 28FEB2010 Bolide

2010-03-31 Thread drtanuki
Dear List,
  Photos and information just off of the wire in Slovakia and Hungary.  64 
pieces of meteorite have been found from the reported 28FEB2010 Hungary 
Fireball.  They were found near Koice, Slovakia as projected by the Hungarian 
  Great job to the people in Hungary, Czech, Slovakia and elsewhere that worked 
on this project!
  Dirk Ross...Tokyo

sorry the first posting was sent in rich text and did not make it to the list
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[meteorite-list] On Now! - Sodom & Gomorrah on Science Channel

2010-03-31 Thread Paul H.
Darren Garrison quoted GeoZay as stating:

“I just watched this program. It's left me wondering where are all 
those meteorites from billions of tons of debris that supposedly fell 
on Sodom and Gomorrah? If that one nearby town was found, then
surely nearby there should be a fanny load of meteorites laying 
about just waiting to be scooped up.

David repsonded:

“I haven't seen the show Isounds like National Enquirer quality 
stuff though) but not only does nobody know where Sodom and 
Gamorrah were, nobody knows for sure if they even actually 
existed, or if they did exist-- when. Here's an article from mid-2009 
which (along with the comments at the end) show how little 
agreement there is on the subject:

Will their next episode be postulating bioluminescent bacteria as the
explanation of why Rudolph's nose glows so bright?”

The episode of “Biblical Mysteries Explained” about Sodom and 
Gomorrah is largely based upon a popular, self-published book 
that recycles long discredited claims about the large Kofels 
Landslide near Tyrol, Austria, being of impact origin. The book is:

Bond, A., and M. Hempsell, 2008, A Sumerian Observation of the
Köfels' Impact Event, Writersprintshop, 2008, ISBN: 1904623646

They argue that the impact of an asteroid over a kilometer in 
diameter created the Kofels landslide about 5123 BP near Tyrol, 
Austria. They argue that the “back plume from the explosion”
was hurled back along its entry path / “bent over the 
Mediterranean Sea” and  re-entered the atmosphere some 
1,600 miles away over the Levant, Sinai, and Northern 
Egypt and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

There all sorts of problems with their thesis.

1. First, the age of the Kofels landslide is well established by
numerous concordant radiocarbon and cosmogenic dates.
as having occurred about 9800±100 years BP. This is some
4,600 – 4,700 older than claimed by Bond and Hemphill in
their book. The radiocarbon dates came from AMS 14C 
dating of wood buried by the landslide. The age of the Kofels
landslide is discussed in:

Hermanns, R., L. Blikra, M. Naumann, B. Nilsen, K. Panthi, D.
Stromeyer, O. Longva, 2006, Examples of multiple rock-slope
collapses from Köfels (Ötz valley, Austria) and western 
Norway. Engineering Geology. vol. 83, no. 1-3, pp. 94-108.


Ivy-Ochs, S., H. Heuberger, P. W. Kubik, H. Kerschner, G. Bonani,
M. Frank, and C. Schluchter, 1998, The age of the Köfels event.
Relative, 14C and cosmogenic isotope dating of an early Holocene
landslide in the central Alps (Tyrol, Austria). Zeitschrift fur
Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie. vol. 34, pp. 57-70.

All Bond and Hemphill can do is make unsupported claims
that the radiocarbon are “contaminated” by some unknown
process. Also, a person cannot even claim that seemingly 
imaginary impact-related “nuclear processes” can create 
apparent dates that are older than the actual age of the 

2. Another problem is that the impact origin of the Kofels
 landslide has been previously discredited in discussions of 
its origin as the result of a terminal Pleistocene impact as 
advocated by Austrian  geologist  Alexander Tollmann as 
discussed in:

Kristan-Tollmann, E. and A. Tollmann, 1994, The youngest 
big impact on Earth deduced from geological and historical 

evidence. Terra Nova. v. 6, no. 2, pp. 209-217.


Deutsch, A., C. Koeberl, J.D. Blum, B. M. French, B. P. Glass, R.
Grieve, P. Horn, E. K. Jessberger, G. Kurat, W. U. Reimold, J. Smit, 
D. Stoffler, and S. R. Taylor, 1994, The impact-flood connection: 
Does it exist? Terra Nova. vol. 6, pp. 644-650.

Also, look at “Tollmann's hypothetical bolide” at:

It appears that the starting point for the hypothesis that the 
Kofels Landslide was caused by a extraterrestrial impact was the 
discovery of natural glass within the deposits of the Kofels 
Landslide. After the discovery of natural glass, the extraterrestrial 
impact hypothesis was proposed because, at that time, natural 
glass was only known to be created by either volcanic or 
extraterrestrial impact processes. Given the absence of associated
volcanic deposits, it was argued the natural glass must have been
created by an extraterrestrial impact. However, is it now known
that similar natural glasses called "frictionite", are associated 
with other mega landslides and laboratory experiments and 
computer simulations show that frictional heating during 
landslides are quite capable of producing the natural glass
found associated with the Kofels Landslide. This is discussed
in detail in:

Erismann, T. H., and G. Abele, 2001, Dynamics of Rockslides 
and Rockfalls, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 316 p.

Hermanns, R.., L. Blikra, M. Naumann, B. Nilsen, K. Panthi,
D. Stromey

Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

2010-03-31 Thread Murray Paulson

He probably is legit. So if you don't mind having stones that have no
export permits or properly documented provenance, go for it.

Has anyone asked him about export permits? Or mentioned the potential
$50,000 fine?


On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 6:57 AM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks
> Hi Melanie and List,
> I don't know who the seller is, but the photos and descriptions leave
> much to be desired.
> If they can't put the time and effort into decent photos and a good
> description, then it makes me wonder about the legal paperwork too.
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> On 3/31/10, Melanie Matthews  wrote:
>> Worldwide shipping and no mention of an export permit for any of them?
>> Anyone here know this person and if he/she is for real?
>>  ---
>> Melanie
>> IMCA: 2975
>> eBay: metmel2775
>> Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09
>> Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what
>> you're gonna get!
>>       __
>> Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> --
> Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list
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[meteorite-list] The swoosh and the holler

2010-03-31 Thread Darren Garrison

Meteorite-like rock strikes near Rist Canyon home

Roger Hebbert got more than a cake for his 75th birthday this morning; he awoke
to find what he believes is a meteorite that struck just 10 feet from his rural
Rist Canyon home.

Hebbert's wife, Bonnie, said she heard a loud swooshing sound late Monday night
and felt a gust of wind through the house, but she didn't think too much of it
because the log-sided home the couple shares is heated by three different
sources, including a woodstove.

"I hollered to him and kidded him if he was burning up the house, but he didn't
say anything and I went to bed," she said.

Roger awoke around 5:30 this morning, though, and went outside to split wood and
found what appears to be about a 10-pound piece of rock that fell to the ground
so quickly that it created a funnel in the ground. Several smaller pieces of
rock and small holes were found nearby. The rock struck just 10 feet from the
couple's home.

The couple has called Colorado State University to see if researchers are
interested in looking at the rock, and they hope to find out more.

If this is found to be a meteorite, Bonnie said this will be her second such
experience. Nearly 60 years ago, her father returned with a large rock from
their property near Livermore, which was a meteorite.
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[meteorite-list] eBay's Biggest Scammer Ever?

2010-03-31 Thread JoshuaTreeMuseum
This guy gets my vote for eBay's biggest scammer ever.  Make sure you click 
on See other items for this seller.  You won't believe what he's trying to 
sell.  You would think eBay would look into this.  The descriptions are 

Martian limestone with fossils:

A nice Lunar Olivine-Pyroxene:

An outstanding Martian Lherzolitic Peridotite:

Phil Whitmer 

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[meteorite-list] Space Glass-The Inner Core Of A Meteorite On eBay

2010-03-31 Thread JoshuaTreeMuseum

This one's pretty funny too:

Phil Whitmer 

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Re: [meteorite-list] eBay's Biggest Scammer Ever?

2010-03-31 Thread Dennis Miller

Hey, Blaine!  This guy is almost in your back yard.
25 miles away.. He'll probably take a local check 
and allow you to pick these up! LOL

> From:
> To:
> Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:42:57 -0400
> Subject: [meteorite-list] eBay's Biggest Scammer Ever?
> This guy gets my vote for eBay's biggest scammer ever. Make sure you click 
> on See other items for this seller. You won't believe what he's trying to 
> sell. You would think eBay would look into this. The descriptions are 
> hilarious!
> Martian limestone with fossils:
> A nice Lunar Olivine-Pyroxene:
> An outstanding Martian Lherzolitic Peridotite:
> Phil Whitmer 
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list
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[meteorite-list] This one's only 10 Grand

2010-03-31 Thread JoshuaTreeMuseum

This one's pretty small for 10 grand:

eBay meteorwrongs, a never ending source of entertainment!

Phil Whitmer 

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[meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread Adam Hupe
Dear List,

The "four million dollar meteorite" showed up that I mentioned yesterday. The 
sad thing is that these people actually convince themselves that these are real 
meteorites and that they are worth millions. This guy thinks his is exactly 
like Sonny's find that he saw on TV, only bigger. He says that he did his 
research, went to the neighborhood and found it, figuring a professional must 
have missed it.  He wrote to me that he sealed it in a coffee can and smelled 
it a couple of days later. He stated that he could detect the unmistakable 
smell of Murchinson that only carbon type meteorites give off.  I believe this 
object is made out of tar and that is what he is smelling or he has been 
sniffing the sauce (drinking too much alcohol).  Either way, this is another 
heartbreak in the making.

Now, I have the unpleasant task of returning it to him with the bad news that 
he is not the latest millionaire and that the funds for his granddaughter's 
medical bills will have to come from somewhere else..   

Here are some images for those who may be interested:

Link one:
Link two:
Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread Linton Rohr

Oh dear.
Looks like an old toilet plunger that's been melting in the hot desert sun!
Good luck with your rejection letter.

- Original Message - 
From: "Adam Hupe" 

To: "Adam" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:40 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

Dear List,

The "four million dollar meteorite" showed up that I mentioned yesterday. 
The sad thing is that these people actually convince themselves that these 
are real meteorites and that they are worth millions. This guy thinks his 
is exactly like Sonny's find that he saw on TV, only bigger. He says that 
he did his research, went to the neighborhood and found it, figuring a 
professional must have missed it.  He wrote to me that he sealed it in a 
coffee can and smelled it a couple of days later. He stated that he could 
detect the unmistakable smell of Murchinson that only carbon type 
meteorites give off.  I believe this object is made out of tar and that is 
what he is smelling or he has been sniffing the sauce (drinking too much 
alcohol).  Either way, this is another heartbreak in the making.

Now, I have the unpleasant task of returning it to him with the bad news 
that he is not the latest millionaire and that the funds for his 
granddaughter's medical bills will have to come from somewhere else..

Here are some images for those who may be interested:

Link one:

Link two:
Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread Greg Stanley


I have found stuff like this - looks like melted tar that has hardened to 
appear like glass; sometimes they have clasts inside.  It is weird stuff.  Are 
the white crystals quartz?

Yea -just send it back and tell him to go to a local University and get a 
second opinion.

Thanks for sharing.

Greg S.

> Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 10:40:16 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not
> Dear List,
> The "four million dollar meteorite" showed up that I mentioned yesterday. The 
> sad thing is that these people actually convince themselves that these are 
> real meteorites and that they are worth millions. This guy thinks his is 
> exactly like Sonny's find that he saw on TV, only bigger. He says that he did 
> his research, went to the neighborhood and found it, figuring a professional 
> must have missed it. He wrote to me that he sealed it in a coffee can and 
> smelled it a couple of days later. He stated that he could detect the 
> unmistakable smell of Murchinson that only carbon type meteorites give off. I 
> believe this object is made out of tar and that is what he is smelling or he 
> has been sniffing the sauce (drinking too much alcohol). Either way, this is 
> another heartbreak in the making.
> Now, I have the unpleasant task of returning it to him with the bad news that 
> he is not the latest millionaire and that the funds for his granddaughter's 
> medical bills will have to come from somewhere else..
> Here are some images for those who may be interested:
> Link one:
> Link two:
> Best Regards,
> Adam
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list
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Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

2010-03-31 Thread Linton Rohr

Well Jason, I certainly could be wrong.
I just hate to see anybody here get burned.
My eyes can't tell for sure that those are fresh, fusion-crusted stones,
as opposed to little black earth rocks, due to the photo quality.
They do look somewhat probable though, I'll admit.
The larger problem to me, is the export permit.
Was there any mention of that when you spoke?

- Original Message - 
From: "Jason Utas" 

To: "Meteorite-list" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Melanie, Linton,
The photos depict what are clearly fresh stony meteorites, regardless
of their quality (viz., the photos').
This seller is a local and has been selling Buzzard Coulee stones
since shortly after the fall.
I've spoken with them on a few occasions, and, while I haven't
actually purchased any stones, they do seem to be on the level.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Linton Rohr  

No, I do not know the seller.
The poor quality photos are just a nuisance.
The text indicates to me that the seller does not know meteorites.
Sounds like he took a few notes from someone elses legitimate ad.
No mention of export permits is a giant red flag, though.
You could always ask him/her about that. I almost did.
The price/gram is sure a lot lower though, eh?
Almost too good to be true, isn't it...
And you know what they say about that!

- Original Message - From: "Melanie Matthews"

To: "Meteorite List" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:59 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Worldwide shipping and no mention of an export permit for any of them?
Anyone here know this person and if he/she is for real?

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know
what you're gonna get!

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

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Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread cdtucson
What kind of Tar is it?? Too funny.,4347655

Carl or Debbie Esparza

 Adam Hupe  wrote: 
> Dear List,
> The "four million dollar meteorite" showed up that I mentioned yesterday. The 
> sad thing is that these people actually convince themselves that these are 
> real meteorites and that they are worth millions. This guy thinks his is 
> exactly like Sonny's find that he saw on TV, only bigger. He says that he did 
> his research, went to the neighborhood and found it, figuring a professional 
> must have missed it.  He wrote to me that he sealed it in a coffee can and 
> smelled it a couple of days later. He stated that he could detect the 
> unmistakable smell of Murchinson that only carbon type meteorites give off.  
> I believe this object is made out of tar and that is what he is smelling or 
> he has been sniffing the sauce (drinking too much alcohol).  Either way, this 
> is another heartbreak in the making.
> Now, I have the unpleasant task of returning it to him with the bad news that 
> he is not the latest millionaire and that the funds for his granddaughter's 
> medical bills will have to come from somewhere else..   
> Here are some images for those who may be interested:
> Link one:
> Link two:
> Best Regards,
> Adam
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread Greg Stanley

When I was in West, TX a woman told me that someone had painted some rocks 
black and placed them on her lawn; I never got to see them as I had met her on 
the road when was I was returning to my car.  I had to leave and she had to go 
to town.  I really wanted to see them.  Practical Jokes... aren't they just so 
fun to do when you're a kid.

Greg S.

> Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 14:07:51 -0400
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not
> Adam,
> What kind of Tar is it?? Too funny.
> --
> Carl or Debbie Esparza
> Meteoritemax
>  Adam Hupe  wrote:
>> Dear List,
>> The "four million dollar meteorite" showed up that I mentioned yesterday. 
>> The sad thing is that these people actually convince themselves that these 
>> are real meteorites and that they are worth millions. This guy thinks his is 
>> exactly like Sonny's find that he saw on TV, only bigger. He says that he 
>> did his research, went to the neighborhood and found it, figuring a 
>> professional must have missed it. He wrote to me that he sealed it in a 
>> coffee can and smelled it a couple of days later. He stated that he could 
>> detect the unmistakable smell of Murchinson that only carbon type meteorites 
>> give off. I believe this object is made out of tar and that is what he is 
>> smelling or he has been sniffing the sauce (drinking too much alcohol). 
>> Either way, this is another heartbreak in the making.
>> Now, I have the unpleasant task of returning it to him with the bad news 
>> that he is not the latest millionaire and that the funds for his 
>> granddaughter's medical bills will have to come from somewhere else..
>> Here are some images for those who may be interested:
>> Link one:
>> Link two:
>> Best Regards,
>> Adam
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at 
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.
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Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread Adam Hupe
Yes, it would be funny but this kind of person will rarely take no for an 
answer.  It would not be surprised at all to see it on eBay half priced at two 
million dollars after I return it.  I can imagine the description now:


Qty one spent comet, complete with degassed chamber. Be the only person on 
Earth, the only planet that serves beer, to own one.  Be the envy of every 
planetary scientist in the world. Free shipping.

Best Regards,


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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread ensoramanda
This just goes to show how bogus reports get into the news after so called 
experts are consulted. The biggest clue that it was not a meteorite was surely 
the scorched grass and the long skid mark along the grass instead of an impact 
pit. wrote: 
> Adam,
> What kind of Tar is it?? Too funny. 
> --
> Carl or Debbie Esparza
> Meteoritemax
>  Adam Hupe  wrote: 
> > Dear List,
> > 
> > The "four million dollar meteorite" showed up that I mentioned yesterday. 
> > The sad thing is that these people actually convince themselves that these 
> > are real meteorites and that they are worth millions. This guy thinks his 
> > is exactly like Sonny's find that he saw on TV, only bigger. He says that 
> > he did his research, went to the neighborhood and found it, figuring a 
> > professional must have missed it.  He wrote to me that he sealed it in a 
> > coffee can and smelled it a couple of days later. He stated that he could 
> > detect the unmistakable smell of Murchinson that only carbon type 
> > meteorites give off.  I believe this object is made out of tar and that is 
> > what he is smelling or he has been sniffing the sauce (drinking too much 
> > alcohol).  Either way, this is another heartbreak in the making.
> > 
> > Now, I have the unpleasant task of returning it to him with the bad news 
> > that he is not the latest millionaire and that the funds for his 
> > granddaughter's medical bills will have to come from somewhere else..   
> > 
> > Here are some images for those who may be interested:
> > 
> > 
> > Link one:
> >
> >  
> > Link two:
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > 
> > Adam
> > __
> > Visit the Archives at 
> >
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread ensoramanda
This just goes to show how bogus reports get into the news after so called 
experts are consulted. The biggest clue that it was not a meteorite was surely 
the scorched grass and the long skid mark along the grass instead of an impact 
pit. wrote: 
> Adam,
> What kind of Tar is it?? Too funny. 
> --
> Carl or Debbie Esparza
> Meteoritemax
>  Adam Hupe  wrote: 
> > Dear List,
> > 
> > The "four million dollar meteorite" showed up that I mentioned yesterday. 
> > The sad thing is that these people actually convince themselves that these 
> > are real meteorites and that they are worth millions. This guy thinks his 
> > is exactly like Sonny's find that he saw on TV, only bigger. He says that 
> > he did his research, went to the neighborhood and found it, figuring a 
> > professional must have missed it.  He wrote to me that he sealed it in a 
> > coffee can and smelled it a couple of days later. He stated that he could 
> > detect the unmistakable smell of Murchinson that only carbon type 
> > meteorites give off.  I believe this object is made out of tar and that is 
> > what he is smelling or he has been sniffing the sauce (drinking too much 
> > alcohol).  Either way, this is another heartbreak in the making.
> > 
> > Now, I have the unpleasant task of returning it to him with the bad news 
> > that he is not the latest millionaire and that the funds for his 
> > granddaughter's medical bills will have to come from somewhere else..   
> > 
> > Here are some images for those who may be interested:
> > 
> > 
> > Link one:
> >
> >  
> > Link two:
> >
> > Best Regards,
> > 
> > Adam
> > __
> > Visit the Archives at 
> >
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread cdtucson
The ebay description would also probably say. "Dis meteor was send too and 
examined by world renounededead  meteor exppert Addam hupes. And was returned 
to me sertifyed mail with his bested  wishes!. ". 
Carl or Debbie Esparza

 Adam Hupe  wrote: 
> Yes, it would be funny but this kind of person will rarely take no for an 
> answer.  It would not be surprised at all to see it on eBay half priced at 
> two million dollars after I return it.  I can imagine the description now:
> Qty one spent comet, complete with degassed chamber. Be the only person on 
> Earth, the only planet that serves beer, to own one.  Be the envy of every 
> planetary scientist in the world. Free shipping.
> Best Regards,
> Adam
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread countdeiro
>From the pic it looks like one of my grandson's diapers...specially the part 
>about the skid mark.


-Original Message-
>Sent: Mar 31, 2010 2:45 PM
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not
>This just goes to show how bogus reports get into the news after so called 
>experts are consulted. The biggest clue that it was not a meteorite was surely 
>the scorched grass and the long skid mark along the grass instead of an impact 
> wrote: 
>> Adam,
>> What kind of Tar is it?? Too funny. 
>> --
>> Carl or Debbie Esparza
>> Meteoritemax
>>  Adam Hupe  wrote: 
>> > Dear List,
>> > 
>> > The "four million dollar meteorite" showed up that I mentioned yesterday. 
>> > The sad thing is that these people actually convince themselves that these 
>> > are real meteorites and that they are worth millions. This guy thinks his 
>> > is exactly like Sonny's find that he saw on TV, only bigger. He says that 
>> > he did his research, went to the neighborhood and found it, figuring a 
>> > professional must have missed it.  He wrote to me that he sealed it in a 
>> > coffee can and smelled it a couple of days later. He stated that he could 
>> > detect the unmistakable smell of Murchinson that only carbon type 
>> > meteorites give off.  I believe this object is made out of tar and that is 
>> > what he is smelling or he has been sniffing the sauce (drinking too much 
>> > alcohol).  Either way, this is another heartbreak in the making.
>> > 
>> > Now, I have the unpleasant task of returning it to him with the bad news 
>> > that he is not the latest millionaire and that the funds for his 
>> > granddaughter's medical bills will have to come from somewhere else..   
>> > 
>> > Here are some images for those who may be interested:
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Link one:
>> >
>> >  
>> > Link two:
>> >
>> > Best Regards,
>> > 
>> > Adam
>> > __
>> > Visit the Archives at 
>> >
>> > Meteorite-list mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at 
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>Visit the Archives at 
>Meteorite-list mailing list

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[meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread Meteorites USA
Take a look at the photos in the article, does this appear to be an 
achondrite/eucrite maybe?

On the eastern Slovakia fell meteorite, scientists found fragments of
Eastern Slovakia fell to an hour before midnight on 28th February tens 
of kilograms of rock from space. These were fragments of a meteorite 
that burned up in atmosphere, lit up the sky in a radius of several 
hundred kilometers and frightening residents.

Some fragments of the meteorite, astronomers have found, researched and 
today it is first shown to the public. How Radiožurnál said Marek 
Husařík of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 
the largest piece weighs over two kilograms.

Interview with Mark Husařík from the Astronomical Institute of the 
Slovak Academy of Sciences in the afternoon Radiožurnál

DOWNLOAD (download)

"It has a dark gray color is relatively heavy compared to other stones, 
which are normally found on Earth," described Husařík rare find.

Scientists have found fragments of municipalities of Klatovy Vyšný west 
of Kosice. Whence meteorid arrived, trying to find Slovak astronomers, 
together with experts from the Ondrejov Observatory of the Academy of 

"Identify heliocentric orbit is not easy, it is necessary to determine 
the position of being the largest pieces of which we have actually only 
one," said Husařík.

Impacts of meteorites on Earth are referred to him a frequent 
phenomenon, but it is not easy to record. "Specifically, the Slovak has 
been observed, there are five falls. Recent findings from the 1994 
Rumanová the village, "he said.

Part of the material universe is now going to analyze the composition, 
more debris then end up in museum in the Slovak Republic, the Czech 
Republic and Hungary. It then comes under Husařík important video that 
helped to identify the impact site.


Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA
Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread drtanuki
Eric,  Another surprising point; DID you happen to take a look at the fusion 
crust???  Anyone with experience as you claim should have noticed the fusion 
crust; is this what would be expected from a a Eucrite?
  Dirk Ross...Tokyo

--- On Thu, 4/1/10, Meteorites USA  wrote:

From: Meteorites USA 
Subject: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia
To: "Meteorite-list" 
Date: Thursday, April 1, 2010, 5:18 AM

Take a look at the photos in the article, does this appear to be an 
achondrite/eucrite maybe?

On the eastern Slovakia fell meteorite, scientists found fragments of
Eastern Slovakia fell to an hour before midnight on 28th February tens of 
kilograms of rock from space. These were fragments of a meteorite that burned 
up in atmosphere, lit up the sky in a radius of several hundred kilometers and 
frightening residents.

Some fragments of the meteorite, astronomers have found, researched and today 
it is first shown to the public. How Radiožurnál said Marek Husařík of the 
Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the largest piece 
weighs over two kilograms.
Interview with Mark Husařík from the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak 
Academy of Sciences in the afternoon Radiožurnál
DOWNLOAD (download)

"It has a dark gray color is relatively heavy compared to other stones, which 
are normally found on Earth," described Husařík rare find.

Scientists have found fragments of municipalities of Klatovy Vyšný west of 
Kosice. Whence meteorid arrived, trying to find Slovak astronomers, together 
with experts from the Ondrejov Observatory of the Academy of Sciences.

"Identify heliocentric orbit is not easy, it is necessary to determine the 
position of being the largest pieces of which we have actually only one," said 

Impacts of meteorites on Earth are referred to him a frequent phenomenon, but 
it is not easy to record. "Specifically, the Slovak has been observed, there 
are five falls. Recent findings from the 1994 Rumanová the village, "he said.

Part of the material universe is now going to analyze the composition, more 
debris then end up in museum in the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic and 
Hungary. It then comes under Husařík important video that helped to identify 
the impact site.

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA
Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] The Latest Nevada Find, Not

2010-03-31 Thread John Gwilliam

It is interesting, and sad, what greed and blind hope do to some people.


John Gwilliam

At 10:40 AM 3/31/2010, Adam Hupe wrote:

Dear List,

The "four million dollar meteorite" showed up that I mentioned 
yesterday. The sad thing is that these people actually convince 
themselves that these are real meteorites and that they are worth 
millions. This guy thinks his is exactly like Sonny's find that he 
saw on TV, only bigger. He says that he did his research, went to 
the neighborhood and found it, figuring a professional must have 
missed it.  He wrote to me that he sealed it in a coffee can and 
smelled it a couple of days later. He stated that he could detect 
the unmistakable smell of Murchinson that only carbon type 
meteorites give off.  I believe this object is made out of tar and 
that is what he is smelling or he has been sniffing the sauce 
(drinking too much alcohol).  Either way, this is another heartbreak 
in the making.

Now, I have the unpleasant task of returning it to him with the bad 
news that he is not the latest millionaire and that the funds for 
his granddaughter's medical bills will have to come from somewhere else..

Here are some images for those who may be interested:

Link one:

Link two:
Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at

Meteorite-list mailing list


John Gwilliam

Some people are born on third base
and go through life thinking they hit a triple.
 [Bob Dylan]  

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Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread drtanuki
No Eric,
  You claim to offer meteorite ID and a news service for meteorite USA.  This 
requires book and practical experience.  No personal attack intended.  Lack of 
basic study is not an excuse. Dirk Ross...Tokyo

--- On Thu, 4/1/10, Meteorites USA  wrote:

> From: Meteorites USA 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia
> To: "drtanuki" 
> Date: Thursday, April 1, 2010, 5:32 AM
> Excuse me? Am I taking this right?
> Are you implying something here Dirk!?
> "...Anyone with experience as you claim should have noticed
> the fusion crust;..."
> I certainly hope you aren't implying anything negative!
> Regards,
> Eric
> On 3/31/2010 1:28 PM, drtanuki wrote:
> > Eric,  Another surprising point; DID you happen
> to take a look at the fusion crust???  Anyone with
> experience as you claim should have noticed the fusion
> crust; is this what would be expected from a a
> Eucrite?  Dirk Ross...Tokyo
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Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread Greg Stanley

The fusion crust does look like that of an Eucrite.  Exhibits the typical high 
gloss and more of a melted texture due to the high CA content in Eucrites.  
Very nice.

Greg S.  

> Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 13:40:33 -0700
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia
> No Eric,
> You claim to offer meteorite ID and a news service for meteorite USA. This 
> requires book and practical experience. No personal attack intended. Lack of 
> basic study is not an excuse. Dirk Ross...Tokyo
> --- On Thu, 4/1/10, Meteorites USA  wrote:
>> From: Meteorites USA 
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia
>> To: "drtanuki" 
>> Date: Thursday, April 1, 2010, 5:32 AM
>> Excuse me? Am I taking this right?
>> Are you implying something here Dirk!?
>> "...Anyone with experience as you claim should have noticed
>> the fusion crust;..."
>> I certainly hope you aren't implying anything negative!
>> Regards,
>> Eric
>> On 3/31/2010 1:28 PM, drtanuki wrote:
>>> Eric,  Another surprising point; DID you happen
>> to take a look at the fusion crust???  Anyone with
>> experience as you claim should have noticed the fusion
>> crust; is this what would be expected from a a
>> Eucrite?  Dirk Ross...Tokyo
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list
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[meteorite-list] Whats the average Strewn Field size for meteorite fall and could size predict Strewn Field size?

2010-03-31 Thread Shawn Alan
Hello Listers
I have a good question about the average size of a Strewn Fields. A good 
example would be the Ash Creek fall in 2009. Whats the size of that Strewn 
Field and the collected amount of weight so far from that fall? Why I ask is 
because there could be a pattern with size of meteorites, the amount of 
meteorites recovered, or the lack there of, and one might be able to predict 
the size of the Strewn Field even if there is only one or two meteorite pieces 
recovered. This average could be applied to the Lorton Fall a few months ago in 
Virgina, which to this date only one individual pieces has been recovered at 
318g. One could suggest that this piece could be the main mass and calculate 
the mean average of the suggested strewn field that could result from this 
weight. By doing this and also cross referencing with other falls that 
have a mean average weight from the main mass and TKW recovered could 
this predict the average size of the strewn field
 as long as the class of the meteorites falls are in the same category?
Shawn Alan
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Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread drtanuki
Another with lack of experience?  Prove me wrong!  Dirk Ross.

I will eat another shoe!

--- On Thu, 4/1/10, Greg Stanley  wrote:

> From: Greg Stanley 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia
> To:,, 
> Date: Thursday, April 1, 2010, 5:58 AM
> The fusion crust does look like that of an Eucrite. 
> Exhibits the typical high gloss and more of a melted texture
> due to the high CA content in Eucrites.  Very nice.
> Greg S.  
> > Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 13:40:33 -0700
> > From:
> > To:;
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern
> Slovakia
> >
> > No Eric,
> > You claim to offer meteorite ID and a news service for
> meteorite USA. This requires book and practical experience.
> No personal attack intended. Lack of basic study is not an
> excuse. Dirk Ross...Tokyo
> >
> > --- On Thu, 4/1/10, Meteorites USA  wrote:
> >
> >> From: Meteorites USA 
> >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? -
> Eastern Slovakia
> >> To: "drtanuki" 
> >> Date: Thursday, April 1, 2010, 5:32 AM
> >> Excuse me? Am I taking this right?
> >> Are you implying something here Dirk!?
> >>
> >> "...Anyone with experience as you claim should
> have noticed
> >> the fusion crust;..."
> >>
> >> I certainly hope you aren't implying anything
> negative!
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Eric
> >>
> >> On 3/31/2010 1:28 PM, drtanuki wrote:
> >>> Eric,  Another surprising point; DID you
> happen
> >> to take a look at the fusion crust???  Anyone
> with
> >> experience as you claim should have noticed the
> fusion
> >> crust; is this what would be expected from a a
> >> Eucrite?  Dirk Ross...Tokyo
> >>
> > __
> > Visit the Archives at 
> >
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> _
> The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail
> from your inbox.
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list
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[meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread bernd . pauli
Phew, just when I was about to send the post below to the List, another post
arrived here, and ...c'mon folks, let's be courteous. We've been through such
things many times before, I've been through such things in our German Forum
and I can tell you, it will only lead to other direct or indirect attacks which
will polarize the MetList members ... only result: a lot of broken glass!

.. and another post. You see, it's getting destructive instead of constructive 

Hi Dirk, Eric, and List,

Eric wondered: "... does this appear to be an achondrite/eucrite maybe?"
Dirk responded: "the fusion crust; is this what would be expected from a 

Looks more like an ordinary chondrite, H5 or H6, because of its dull, matte 
If it was a fresh eucrite, the crust should be much more"glossy" or 
because eucrites are calcium-rich and usually have a small amount of iron and
that's why they look "wet".

Best wishes from


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Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday night

2010-03-31 Thread Greg Hupe

Hello All,

I interviewed someone today in Florida (in person) who witnessed last 
night's fireball in Florida. Here are the coordinates from where this person 
witnessed it near Sebring, FL:


This lady and her husband were driving north on County Road 17 just south of 
Sebring. She confirmed, along with her husband on the phone, that it fell 
around 9:30 pm straight down (towards north), but slightly to the right 
(east). They saw the fireball moving and then "light up" before disappearing 
on the horizon. They did not see it fall into pieces like Larry's friend did 
up in Gainesville so It fell closer to Gainesville opposed to Sebring.

Here is a link to an image I put together using Larry's witness report and 
mine to show fall directions from these two witnesses . I tried to load on a 
Google Earth satellite image but after re-installing everything on my 
computer last week, I can not make Google Earth work properly. I am trying 
Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, but neither seems to let me use the 
Push-Pin option while viewing in satellite view. No time to mess with it 
now, have to pack for a trip somewhere else, leaving tomorrow.

I would check for radar images from Ocala, Orlando, Tampa and Lakeland.

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

- Original Message - 

Cc: "Meteorite-list" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:33 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] FIreball in Florida Tuesday night

Hi Everyone:

A friend of mine (Greg Beckner) in Gainsville, FL just sent me this. He
was out with a group of scouts and saw the following (second paragraph):

I took my Cub Scout pack to the model airplane field last night & showed
them a few R/C aircraft.  A sidebar to that is the field is several miles
out of town and has a good view of the horizon and darker skies, so I also
took the telescope.  We saw Mercury about 5 deg from Venus last night & a
few deep sky objects at the last part of Astronomical twilight & before
moon came up.

Around 9:30 local time, while packing up, I saw the most impressive
fireball meteor almost directly to the south. It started like an Iridium
flare, but just got brighter & brighter.  It was close
enough where you could see a flame structure and fragments breaking off.
Will the next "Meteorite Men" episode be filmed here???  So far, nothing
in paper yet.  Is there something that keeps track of such events?  I'm
sure we weren't the only ones seeing it (*it scared the crap out of my

Here's GPS cords of flying field - I was looking Almost Due South - maybe
just a
little to the East of due South.  Time was perhaps between 9:20 & 9:40pm
EDT.  Path of the object was almost straight down & it was about 35 deg

N 29° 31' 07"
W 082° 33' 32"


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Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread Marcin Cimala - PolandMET
I think, this photo of eucrite is only an EXAMPLE send by Mr Spurny and its 
not from this fall. For me its only ilustration for article, and yes it 
looks like fresh eucrite. But meteorites found in Slovakia/Hungary is H5 
chondrite. It looks like OC than achondrite here

Here is nice two video. Second one show how clearly that this is chondrite

Who is going to hunt ? Im around 200km from site :D

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]- marcin(at)   marcin(at)  GSM: +48 (793) 567667
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]

Take a look at the photos in the article, does this appear to be an 
achondrite/eucrite maybe?

On the eastern Slovakia fell meteorite, scientists found fragments of
Eastern Slovakia fell to an hour before midnight on 28th February tens of 
kilograms of rock from space. These were fragments of a meteorite that 
burned up in atmosphere, lit up the sky in a radius of several hundred 
kilometers and frightening residents.

Some fragments of the meteorite, astronomers have found, researched and 
today it is first shown to the public. How Radiožurnál said Marek Husařík 
of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the 
largest piece weighs over two kilograms.

Interview with Mark Husařík from the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak 
Academy of Sciences in the afternoon Radiožurnál

DOWNLOAD (download)

"It has a dark gray color is relatively heavy compared to other stones, 
which are normally found on Earth," described Husařík rare find.

Scientists have found fragments of municipalities of Klatovy Vyšný west of 
Kosice. Whence meteorid arrived, trying to find Slovak astronomers, 
together with experts from the Ondrejov Observatory of the Academy of 

"Identify heliocentric orbit is not easy, it is necessary to determine the 
position of being the largest pieces of which we have actually only one," 
said Husařík.

Impacts of meteorites on Earth are referred to him a frequent phenomenon, 
but it is not easy to record. "Specifically, the Slovak has been observed, 
there are five falls. Recent findings from the 1994 Rumanová the village, 
"he said.

Part of the material universe is now going to analyze the composition, 
more debris then end up in museum in the Slovak Republic, the Czech 
Republic and Hungary. It then comes under Husařík important video that 
helped to identify the impact site.


Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA
Visit the Archives at

Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread Marcin Cimala - PolandMET

Another with lack of experience?  Prove me wrong!  Dirk Ross.
I will eat another shoe!

what You mean ?

--- On Thu, 4/1/10, Greg Stanley  wrote:

From: Greg Stanley 
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

Date: Thursday, April 1, 2010, 5:58 AM

The fusion crust does look like that of an Eucrite.
Exhibits the typical high gloss and more of a melted texture
due to the high CA content in Eucrites. Very nice.

Greg S.

> Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 13:40:33 -0700
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern
> No Eric,
> You claim to offer meteorite ID and a news service for
meteorite USA. This requires book and practical experience.
No personal attack intended. Lack of basic study is not an
excuse. Dirk Ross...Tokyo
> --- On Thu, 4/1/10, Meteorites USA wrote:
>> From: Meteorites USA
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? -
Eastern Slovakia
>> To: "drtanuki"
>> Date: Thursday, April 1, 2010, 5:32 AM
>> Excuse me? Am I taking this right?
>> Are you implying something here Dirk!?
>> "...Anyone with experience as you claim should
have noticed
>> the fusion crust;..."
>> I certainly hope you aren't implying anything
>> Regards,
>> Eric
>> On 3/31/2010 1:28 PM, drtanuki wrote:
>>> Eric, Another surprising point; DID you
>> to take a look at the fusion crust??? Anyone
>> experience as you claim should have noticed the
>> crust; is this what would be expected from a a
>> Eucrite? Dirk Ross...Tokyo
> __
> Visit the Archives at 

> Meteorite-list mailing list

The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail
from your inbox.
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Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread Meteorites USA


Please do not make the mistake of challenging me publicly and 
questioning my experience and knowledge... That's exactly what you're 
doing and everyone reading this thread knows it. You have now forwarded 
a private email that I sent to you to the list. You seem to have a 
problem with me personally. I will ask you politely only ONCE to take 
your impolite and unprofessional and challenging remarks off-list to a 
private correspondence with me.

Before you decide you may want to look at a closeup of the stones I had 
the question about.


On 3/31/2010 1:40 PM, drtanuki wrote:

No Eric,
   You claim to offer meteorite ID and a news service for meteorite USA.  This 
requires book and practical experience.  No personal attack intended.  Lack of 
basic study is not an excuse. Dirk Ross...Tokyo

--- On Thu, 4/1/10, Meteorites USA  wrote:


From: Meteorites USA
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia
To: "drtanuki"
Date: Thursday, April 1, 2010, 5:32 AM
Excuse me? Am I taking this right?
Are you implying something here Dirk!?

"...Anyone with experience as you claim should have noticed
the fusion crust;..."

I certainly hope you aren't implying anything negative!


On 3/31/2010 1:28 PM, drtanuki wrote:

Eric,  Another surprising point; DID you happen

to take a look at the fusion crust???  Anyone with
experience as you claim should have noticed the fusion
crust; is this what would be expected from a a
Eucrite?  Dirk Ross...Tokyo


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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread Meteorites USA

Bernd, List,

Thanks for the words of wisdom.

These are the stones I was inquiring about:

NOT These:


On 3/31/2010 2:01 PM, wrote:

Phew, just when I was about to send the post below to the List, another post
arrived here, and ...c'mon folks, let's be courteous. We've been through such
things many times before, I've been through such things in our German Forum
and I can tell you, it will only lead to other direct or indirect attacks which
will polarize the MetList members ... only result: a lot of broken glass!

.. and another post. You see, it's getting destructive instead of constructive 

Hi Dirk, Eric, and List,

Eric wondered: "... does this appear to be an achondrite/eucrite maybe?"
Dirk responded: "the fusion crust; is this what would be expected from a 

Looks more like an ordinary chondrite, H5 or H6, because of its dull, matte 
If it was a fresh eucrite, the crust should be much more"glossy" or 
because eucrites are calcium-rich and usually have a small amount of iron and
that's why they look "wet".

Best wishes from


Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list


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Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday night

2010-03-31 Thread lebofsky
Hi Greg:

Thanks for this information. From what I can tell Route 17 does not always
go true north, so is it possible that "north" is a little more toward the

Maybe radar saw it.

Thanks again.


> Hello All,
> I interviewed someone today in Florida (in person) who witnessed last
> night's fireball in Florida. Here are the coordinates from where this
> person
> witnessed it near Sebring, FL:
>  27°23'48.91"N
>  81°24'4.84"W
> This lady and her husband were driving north on County Road 17 just south
> of
> Sebring. She confirmed, along with her husband on the phone, that it fell
> around 9:30 pm straight down (towards north), but slightly to the right
> (east). They saw the fireball moving and then "light up" before
> disappearing
> on the horizon. They did not see it fall into pieces like Larry's friend
> did
> up in Gainesville so It fell closer to Gainesville opposed to Sebring.
> Here is a link to an image I put together using Larry's witness report and
> mine to show fall directions from these two witnesses . I tried to load on
> a
> Google Earth satellite image but after re-installing everything on my
> computer last week, I can not make Google Earth work properly. I am trying
> Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, but neither seems to let me use the
> Push-Pin option while viewing in satellite view. No time to mess with it
> now, have to pack for a trip somewhere else, leaving tomorrow.
> I would check for radar images from Ocala, Orlando, Tampa and Lakeland.
> Best regards,
> Greg
> Greg Hupe
> The Hupe Collection
> NaturesVault (eBay)
> IMCA 3163
> Click here for my current eBay auctions:
> - Original Message -
> From: 
> To: 
> Cc: "Meteorite-list" 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:33 AM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] FIreball in Florida Tuesday night
> Hi Everyone:
> A friend of mine (Greg Beckner) in Gainsville, FL just sent me this. He
> was out with a group of scouts and saw the following (second paragraph):
> I took my Cub Scout pack to the model airplane field last night & showed
> them a few R/C aircraft.  A sidebar to that is the field is several miles
> out of town and has a good view of the horizon and darker skies, so I also
> took the telescope.  We saw Mercury about 5 deg from Venus last night & a
> few deep sky objects at the last part of Astronomical twilight & before
> moon came up.
> Around 9:30 local time, while packing up, I saw the most impressive
> fireball meteor almost directly to the south. It started like an Iridium
> flare, but just got brighter & brighter.  It was close
> enough where you could see a flame structure and fragments breaking off.
> Will the next "Meteorite Men" episode be filmed here???  So far, nothing
> in paper yet.  Is there something that keeps track of such events?  I'm
> sure we weren't the only ones seeing it (*it scared the crap out of my
> kids!!!)
> Here's GPS cords of flying field - I was looking Almost Due South - maybe
> just a
> little to the East of due South.  Time was perhaps between 9:20 & 9:40pm
> EDT.  Path of the object was almost straight down & it was about 35 deg
> up...
> N 29° 31' 07"
> W 082° 33' 32"
> Larry
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 9.0.791 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2780 - Release Date: 03/30/10
> 14:32:00

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread Meteorites USA

Hi List, Marcin is correct,

After looking at "the fine print" I see that I made a mistake about the 
photo. The photo used for the article was an "(illustrative photo)" only 
and not the actual stones from this fall. I still stand behind my ID 
that the ones in the original photo I was asking about are quite 
possibly eucrites.

Now the only mistake I made was to not read the small print. Oopsy... ;) 
Sorry guys.


On 3/31/2010 2:07 PM, Marcin Cimala - PolandMET wrote:
I think, this photo of eucrite is only an EXAMPLE send by Mr Spurny 
and its not from this fall. For me its only ilustration for article, 
and yes it looks like fresh eucrite. But meteorites found in 
Slovakia/Hungary is H5 chondrite. It looks like OC than achondrite here

Here is nice two video. Second one show how clearly that this is 

Who is going to hunt ? Im around 200km from site :D

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]- marcin(at)   marcin(at)  GSM: +48 (793) 567667
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]

Take a look at the photos in the article, does this appear to be an 
achondrite/eucrite maybe?

On the eastern Slovakia fell meteorite, scientists found fragments of
Eastern Slovakia fell to an hour before midnight on 28th February 
tens of kilograms of rock from space. These were fragments of a 
meteorite that burned up in atmosphere, lit up the sky in a radius of 
several hundred kilometers and frightening residents.

Some fragments of the meteorite, astronomers have found, researched 
and today it is first shown to the public. How Radiožurnál said Marek 
Husařík of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of 
Sciences, the largest piece weighs over two kilograms.

Interview with Mark Husařík from the Astronomical Institute of the 
Slovak Academy of Sciences in the afternoon Radiožurnál

DOWNLOAD (download)

"It has a dark gray color is relatively heavy compared to other 
stones, which are normally found on Earth," described Husařík rare find.

Scientists have found fragments of municipalities of Klatovy Vyšný 
west of Kosice. Whence meteorid arrived, trying to find Slovak 
astronomers, together with experts from the Ondrejov Observatory of 
the Academy of Sciences.

"Identify heliocentric orbit is not easy, it is necessary to 
determine the position of being the largest pieces of which we have 
actually only one," said Husařík.

Impacts of meteorites on Earth are referred to him a frequent 
phenomenon, but it is not easy to record. "Specifically, the Slovak 
has been observed, there are five falls. Recent findings from the 
1994 Rumanová the village, "he said.

Part of the material universe is now going to analyze the 
composition, more debris then end up in museum in the Slovak 
Republic, the Czech Republic and Hungary. It then comes under Husařík 
important video that helped to identify the impact site.


Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA
Visit the Archives at

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Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday night

2010-03-31 Thread GeoZay
>>This lady and her husband were driving  north on County Road 17 just south
> of
> Sebring. She confirmed,  along with her husband on the phone, that it fell
> around 9:30 pm  straight down (towards north), but slightly to the right
> (east). They  saw the fireball moving and then "light up" before
> disappearing
>  on the horizon. They did not see it fall into pieces like Larry's friend
>  did
> up in Gainesville so It fell closer to Gainesville opposed to  Sebring.<<

About how bright and how many seconds did this event  last and about how 
long of a trail?

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Re: [meteorite-list] Whats the average Strewn Field size for meteoritefall and could size predict Strewn Field size?

2010-03-31 Thread Matson, Robert D.
Hi Shawn,

Years ago, I remember reading that the median number of stones produced in
a witnessed fall is 5. (The average is certainly much more than this since
some falls have produced thousands of meteorites, and there have only been
about 1100 falls.)

The size (i.e. length) of any strewn field is most directly related to
the entry angle of the original meteoroid, and the local wind velocity
profile at the fall location. For steep entry angles, local wind speed
may be the dominant factor in strewn field length and orientation (as
will be the case with the Lorton fall if a second stone is found).

The total number of stones produced in any fall will be quite unpredictable
since it critically depends on several unknown factors: bulk porosity of
the meteoroid, its initial shape and mass, etc. Often we don't even know
the entry angle or entry velocity of a fall, both of which influence the
amount of fragmentation.

If you have only one meteorite sample from which to draw conclusions
about the possible total number of meteorites in a fall, mass is probably
not a very good indicator. Better indicators might be friability or the
presence of a secondary fusion crust.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Shawn Alan
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:00 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Whats the average Strewn Field size for meteoritefall 
and could size predict Strewn Field size?

Hello Listers
I have a good question about the average size of a Strewn Fields. A good 
example would be the Ash Creek fall in 2009. Whats the size of that Strewn 
Field and the collected amount of weight so far from that fall? Why I ask is 
because there could be a pattern with size of meteorites, the amount of 
meteorites recovered, or the lack there of, and one might be able to predict 
the size of the Strewn Field even if there is only one or two meteorite pieces 
recovered. This average could be applied to the Lorton Fall a few months ago in 
Virgina, which to this date only one individual pieces has been recovered at 
318g. One could suggest that this piece could be the main mass and calculate 
the mean average of the suggested strewn field that could result from this 
weight. By doing this and also cross referencing with other falls that 
have a mean average weight from the main mass and TKW recovered could 
this predict the average size of the strewn field  as long as the class of the 
meteorites falls are in the same category?
Shawn Alan
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Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday night

2010-03-31 Thread Meteorites USA
George, I received a report in stating that it was about 5 seconds in 


On 3/31/2010 2:29 PM, wrote:

This lady and her husband were driving  north on County Road 17 just south

Sebring. She confirmed,  along with her husband on the phone, that it fell
around 9:30 pm  straight down (towards north), but slightly to the right
(east). They  saw the fireball moving and then "light up" before
  on the horizon. They did not see it fall into pieces like Larry's friend
up in Gainesville so It fell closer to Gainesville opposed to  Sebring.<<

About how bright and how many seconds did this event  last and about how
long of a trail?

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Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread Mike Bandli

The article states: 

"The Czech Geological Survey preliminary examination of the H5 type 

Mike Bandli 

- Original Message - 
From: "Meteorites USA"  
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:27:55 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia 

Hi List, Marcin is correct, 

After looking at "the fine print" I see that I made a mistake about the 
photo. The photo used for the article was an "(illustrative photo)" only 
and not the actual stones from this fall. I still stand behind my ID 
that the ones in the original photo I was asking about are quite 
possibly eucrites. 

Now the only mistake I made was to not read the small print. Oopsy... ;) 
Sorry guys. 


On 3/31/2010 2:07 PM, Marcin Cimala - PolandMET wrote: 
> I think, this photo of eucrite is only an EXAMPLE send by Mr Spurny 
> and its not from this fall. For me its only ilustration for article, 
> and yes it looks like fresh eucrite. But meteorites found in 
> Slovakia/Hungary is H5 chondrite. It looks like OC than achondrite here 
> Here is nice two video. Second one show how clearly that this is 
> chondrite 
> Who is going to hunt ? Im around 200km from site :D 
> -[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]- 
> marcin(at) 
> marcin(at) 
> GSM: +48 (793) 567667 
> [ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ] 
>> Take a look at the photos in the article, does this appear to be an 
>> achondrite/eucrite maybe? 
>> - 
>> On the eastern Slovakia fell meteorite, scientists found fragments of 
>> Eastern Slovakia fell to an hour before midnight on 28th February 
>> tens of kilograms of rock from space. These were fragments of a 
>> meteorite that burned up in atmosphere, lit up the sky in a radius of 
>> several hundred kilometers and frightening residents. 
>> Some fragments of the meteorite, astronomers have found, researched 
>> and today it is first shown to the public. How Radiožurnál said Marek 
>> Husařík of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of 
>> Sciences, the largest piece weighs over two kilograms. 
>> Audio 
>> Interview with Mark Husařík from the Astronomical Institute of the 
>> Slovak Academy of Sciences in the afternoon Radiožurnál 
>> DOWNLOAD (download) 
>> "It has a dark gray color is relatively heavy compared to other 
>> stones, which are normally found on Earth," described Husařík rare find. 
>> Scientists have found fragments of municipalities of Klatovy Vyšný 
>> west of Kosice. Whence meteorid arrived, trying to find Slovak 
>> astronomers, together with experts from the Ondrejov Observatory of 
>> the Academy of Sciences. 
>> "Identify heliocentric orbit is not easy, it is necessary to 
>> determine the position of being the largest pieces of which we have 
>> actually only one," said Husařík. 
>> Impacts of meteorites on Earth are referred to him a frequent 
>> phenomenon, but it is not easy to record. "Specifically, the Slovak 
>> has been observed, there are five falls. Recent findings from the 
>> 1994 Rumanová the village, "he said. 
>> Part of the material universe is now going to analyze the 
>> composition, more debris then end up in museum in the Slovak 
>> Republic, the Czech Republic and Hungary. It then comes under Husařík 
>> important video that helped to identify the impact site. 
>> - 
>> Regards, 
>> Eric Wichman 
>> Meteorites USA 
>> __ 
>> Visit the Archives at 
>> Meteorite-list mailing list 

Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesdaynight

2010-03-31 Thread Greg Hupe

Hey GeoZay,

"About how bright and how many seconds did this event  last and about how
long of a trail?"

I asked if the sky lit up and she said, "Not really, but before it 
disappeared [below the horizon], it became brighter." I asked if she saw it 
break into several pieces and she said, "No." Larry's witness saw it fall 
into several pieces so this is why I think it would be more north from where 
my Sebring witness saw it.

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida 

This lady and her husband were driving  north on County Road 17 just 

Sebring. She confirmed,  along with her husband on the phone, that it 

around 9:30 pm  straight down (towards north), but slightly to the right
(east). They  saw the fireball moving and then "light up" before
 on the horizon. They did not see it fall into pieces like Larry's friend
up in Gainesville so It fell closer to Gainesville opposed to  Sebring.<<

About how bright and how many seconds did this event  last and about how
long of a trail?

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Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread Meteorites USA

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the link. I had not read that one yet.


On 3/31/2010 2:40 PM, Mike Bandli wrote:

The article states:

"The Czech Geological Survey preliminary examination of the H5 type 

Mike Bandli

- Original Message -
From: "Meteorites USA"
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:27:55 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

Hi List, Marcin is correct,

After looking at "the fine print" I see that I made a mistake about the
photo. The photo used for the article was an "(illustrative photo)" only
and not the actual stones from this fall. I still stand behind my ID
that the ones in the original photo I was asking about are quite
possibly eucrites.

Now the only mistake I made was to not read the small print. Oopsy... ;)
Sorry guys.


On 3/31/2010 2:07 PM, Marcin Cimala - PolandMET wrote:

I think, this photo of eucrite is only an EXAMPLE send by Mr Spurny
and its not from this fall. For me its only ilustration for article,
and yes it looks like fresh eucrite. But meteorites found in
Slovakia/Hungary is H5 chondrite. It looks like OC than achondrite here

Here is nice two video. Second one show how clearly that this is

Who is going to hunt ? Im around 200km from site :D

-[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]- marcin(at) marcin(at) GSM: +48 (793) 567667
[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]


Take a look at the photos in the article, does this appear to be an
achondrite/eucrite maybe?

On the eastern Slovakia fell meteorite, scientists found fragments of
Eastern Slovakia fell to an hour before midnight on 28th February
tens of kilograms of rock from space. These were fragments of a
meteorite that burned up in atmosphere, lit up the sky in a radius of
several hundred kilometers and frightening residents.

Some fragments of the meteorite, astronomers have found, researched
and today it is first shown to the public. How Radiožurnál said Marek
Husařík of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of
Sciences, the largest piece weighs over two kilograms.
Interview with Mark Husařík from the Astronomical Institute of the
Slovak Academy of Sciences in the afternoon Radiožurnál
DOWNLOAD (download)

"It has a dark gray color is relatively heavy compared to other
stones, which are normally found on Earth," described Husařík rare find.

Scientists have found fragments of municipalities of Klatovy Vyšný
west of Kosice. Whence meteorid arrived, trying to find Slovak
astronomers, together with experts from the Ondrejov Observatory of
the Academy of Sciences.

"Identify heliocentric orbit is not easy, it is necessary to
determine the position of being the largest pieces of which we have
actually only one," said Husařík.

Impacts of meteorites on Earth are referred to him a frequent
phenomenon, but it is not easy to record. "Specifically, the Slovak
has been observed, there are five falls. Recent findings from the
1994 Rumanová the village, "he said.

Part of the material universe is now going to analyze the
composition, more debris then end up in museum in the Slovak
Republic, the Czech Republic and Hungary. It then comes under Husařík
important video that helped to identify the impact site.

Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA
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Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday night

2010-03-31 Thread Greg Hupe

Hi Larry,

The section of Route 17 she was on was about 4 or 5 miles south of Hwy 98. 
Route 17 does wind around a bit at the location of sighting, and so does Hwy 
98. She said they were heading north at that time so at least their 
sighting, along with your friend's, should suggest material landed in the 
state somewhere between Gainesville and Sebring (a huge area with lots of 

A few more sightings put on the map I provided should start to put the 
picture together (How about your witnesses, Eric?).

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

- Original Message - 

To: "Greg Hupe" 
Cc: ; "Meteorite-list" 

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday night

Hi Greg:

Thanks for this information. From what I can tell Route 17 does not always
go true north, so is it possible that "north" is a little more toward the

Maybe radar saw it.

Thanks again.


Hello All,

I interviewed someone today in Florida (in person) who witnessed last
night's fireball in Florida. Here are the coordinates from where this
witnessed it near Sebring, FL:

This lady and her husband were driving north on County Road 17 just south
Sebring. She confirmed, along with her husband on the phone, that it fell
around 9:30 pm straight down (towards north), but slightly to the right
(east). They saw the fireball moving and then "light up" before
on the horizon. They did not see it fall into pieces like Larry's friend
up in Gainesville so It fell closer to Gainesville opposed to Sebring.

Here is a link to an image I put together using Larry's witness report 
mine to show fall directions from these two witnesses . I tried to load 

Google Earth satellite image but after re-installing everything on my
computer last week, I can not make Google Earth work properly. I am 

Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, but neither seems to let me use the
Push-Pin option while viewing in satellite view. No time to mess with it
now, have to pack for a trip somewhere else, leaving tomorrow.

I would check for radar images from Ocala, Orlando, Tampa and Lakeland.

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

- Original Message -
Cc: "Meteorite-list" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:33 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] FIreball in Florida Tuesday night

Hi Everyone:

A friend of mine (Greg Beckner) in Gainsville, FL just sent me this. He
was out with a group of scouts and saw the following (second paragraph):

I took my Cub Scout pack to the model airplane field last night & showed
them a few R/C aircraft.  A sidebar to that is the field is several miles
out of town and has a good view of the horizon and darker skies, so I 

took the telescope.  We saw Mercury about 5 deg from Venus last night & a
few deep sky objects at the last part of Astronomical twilight & before
moon came up.

Around 9:30 local time, while packing up, I saw the most impressive
fireball meteor almost directly to the south. It started like an Iridium
flare, but just got brighter & brighter.  It was close
enough where you could see a flame structure and fragments breaking off.
Will the next "Meteorite Men" episode be filmed here???  So far, nothing
in paper yet.  Is there something that keeps track of such events?  I'm
sure we weren't the only ones seeing it (*it scared the crap out of my

Here's GPS cords of flying field - I was looking Almost Due South - maybe
just a
little to the East of due South.  Time was perhaps between 9:20 & 9:40pm
EDT.  Path of the object was almost straight down & it was about 35 deg

N 29° 31' 07"
W 082° 33' 32"


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Checked by AVG -
Version: 9.0.791 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2782 - Release Date: 03/31/10 

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Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday night

2010-03-31 Thread Greg Hupe

Hi Gracie,

By what the two witnesses so far have reported, I would give it an excellent 
chance of having produced meteorites, but finding them is a whole different 
story unless one hit something and was found!

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

- Original Message - 
From: "gracie" 

To: "Greg Hupe" 
Cc: ; "Meteorite-list" 

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 5:17 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday 

Greg and Larry,

I'm actually in Gainesville, though I missed the sighting last night. No
rains are expected soon . .  Adam, do you think there might actually be
stones on the ground?

Larry, about your question regarding keeping track of fireballs, I'd
recommend you or your friend create an report over at the American Meteor
Society (

I'll also be keeping an eye out here for local reports and ask everyone I
know here if they saw anything.

How exciting!

Hello All,

I interviewed someone today in Florida (in person) who witnessed last
night's fireball in Florida. Here are the coordinates from where this
witnessed it near Sebring, FL:

This lady and her husband were driving north on County Road 17 just south
Sebring. She confirmed, along with her husband on the phone, that it fell
around 9:30 pm straight down (towards north), but slightly to the right
(east). They saw the fireball moving and then "light up" before
on the horizon. They did not see it fall into pieces like Larry's friend
up in Gainesville so It fell closer to Gainesville opposed to Sebring.

Here is a link to an image I put together using Larry's witness report 
mine to show fall directions from these two witnesses . I tried to load 

Google Earth satellite image but after re-installing everything on my
computer last week, I can not make Google Earth work properly. I am 

Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, but neither seems to let me use the
Push-Pin option while viewing in satellite view. No time to mess with it
now, have to pack for a trip somewhere else, leaving tomorrow.

I would check for radar images from Ocala, Orlando, Tampa and Lakeland.

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

- Original Message -
Cc: "Meteorite-list" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:33 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] FIreball in Florida Tuesday night

Hi Everyone:

A friend of mine (Greg Beckner) in Gainsville, FL just sent me this. He
was out with a group of scouts and saw the following (second paragraph):

I took my Cub Scout pack to the model airplane field last night & showed
them a few R/C aircraft.  A sidebar to that is the field is several miles
out of town and has a good view of the horizon and darker skies, so I 

took the telescope.  We saw Mercury about 5 deg from Venus last night & a
few deep sky objects at the last part of Astronomical twilight & before
moon came up.

Around 9:30 local time, while packing up, I saw the most impressive
fireball meteor almost directly to the south. It started like an Iridium
flare, but just got brighter & brighter.  It was close
enough where you could see a flame structure and fragments breaking off.
Will the next "Meteorite Men" episode be filmed here???  So far, nothing
in paper yet.  Is there something that keeps track of such events?  I'm
sure we weren't the only ones seeing it (*it scared the crap out of my

Here's GPS cords of flying field - I was looking Almost Due South - maybe
just a
little to the East of due South.  Time was perhaps between 9:20 & 9:40pm
EDT.  Path of the object was almost straight down & it was about 35 deg

N 29° 31' 07"
W 082° 33' 32"


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[meteorite-list] Central Florida bolide of 30 March 2010

2010-03-31 Thread Matson, Robert D.
Hi Greg,

I agree with your interpretation -- since fragmentation was witnessed
in Gainesville, and not in Sebring, all things being equal I would
place the fall closer to Gainesville. (An exception might be if the
Gainesville observer could see closer to the geometric horizon than
could the Sebring driver.)

As for direction, County Rd. 17 (southeast of Sebring) occasionally
heads to the NW rather than due north, and since the due north
direction would not intersect the line-of-sight of the Gainesville
observer, I'm inclined to believe she was on a portion of the road
that was heading NW or NNW at the time of the fall.

I'm guessing the fall would be somewhere in the vicinity of Ocala.
I'll check the real-time Doppler radar data to see if anything is
there. (I'm expecting nothing will show up.)  The higher-quality,
multi-elevation-angle Doppler data will be available starting
tomorrow, and I can check it then.  --Rob

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Greg
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida

Hey GeoZay,

"About how bright and how many seconds did this event  last and about
how  long of a trail?"

I asked if the sky lit up and she said, "Not really, but before it
disappeared [below the horizon], it became brighter." I asked if she saw
it break into several pieces and she said, "No." Larry's witness saw it
fall into several pieces so this is why I think it would be more north
from where my Sebring witness saw it.

Best regards,
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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday night

2010-03-31 Thread Meteorites USA

Hi Greg,

I have one report, and another I found online. I sent you an email.

Florida is my old stomping grounds! I'm from Jacksonville, and spent a 
lot of time in Gainesville, Lake City, Middleburg area, so if you need 
someone with a good familiarity with the area let me know...


On 3/31/2010 2:53 PM, Greg Hupe wrote:

Hi Larry,

The section of Route 17 she was on was about 4 or 5 miles south of Hwy 
98. Route 17 does wind around a bit at the location of sighting, and 
so does Hwy 98. She said they were heading north at that time so at 
least their sighting, along with your friend's, should suggest 
material landed in the state somewhere between Gainesville and Sebring 
(a huge area with lots of lakes!).

A few more sightings put on the map I provided should start to put the 
picture together (How about your witnesses, Eric?).

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

- Original Message - From: 
To: "Greg Hupe" 
Cc: ; "Meteorite-list" 

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday night

Hi Greg:

Thanks for this information. From what I can tell Route 17 does not 
go true north, so is it possible that "north" is a little more toward 


Maybe radar saw it.

Thanks again.


Hello All,

I interviewed someone today in Florida (in person) who witnessed last
night's fireball in Florida. Here are the coordinates from where this
witnessed it near Sebring, FL:

This lady and her husband were driving north on County Road 17 just 

Sebring. She confirmed, along with her husband on the phone, that it 

around 9:30 pm straight down (towards north), but slightly to the right
(east). They saw the fireball moving and then "light up" before
on the horizon. They did not see it fall into pieces like Larry's 

up in Gainesville so It fell closer to Gainesville opposed to Sebring.

Here is a link to an image I put together using Larry's witness 
report and
mine to show fall directions from these two witnesses . I tried to 
load on

Google Earth satellite image but after re-installing everything on my
computer last week, I can not make Google Earth work properly. I am 
Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, but neither seems to let me 
use the
Push-Pin option while viewing in satellite view. No time to mess 
with it

now, have to pack for a trip somewhere else, leaving tomorrow.

I would check for radar images from Ocala, Orlando, Tampa and Lakeland.

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

- Original Message -
Cc: "Meteorite-list" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:33 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] FIreball in Florida Tuesday night

Hi Everyone:

A friend of mine (Greg Beckner) in Gainsville, FL just sent me this. He
was out with a group of scouts and saw the following (second 

I took my Cub Scout pack to the model airplane field last night & 
them a few R/C aircraft.  A sidebar to that is the field is several 
out of town and has a good view of the horizon and darker skies, so 
I also
took the telescope.  We saw Mercury about 5 deg from Venus last 
night & a

few deep sky objects at the last part of Astronomical twilight & before
moon came up.

Around 9:30 local time, while packing up, I saw the most impressive
fireball meteor almost directly to the south. It started like an 

flare, but just got brighter & brighter.  It was close
enough where you could see a flame structure and fragments breaking 
Will the next "Meteorite Men" episode be filmed here???  So far, 

in paper yet.  Is there something that keeps track of such events?  I'm
sure we weren't the only ones seeing it (*it scared the crap out of my

Here's GPS cords of flying field - I was looking Almost Due South - 

just a
little to the East of due South.  Time was perhaps between 9:20 & 

EDT.  Path of the object was almost straight down & it was about 35 deg

N 29° 31' 07"
W 082° 33' 32"


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Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday night

2010-03-31 Thread gracie

I'm here as a resource if you need anything at all. My schedule is
flexible allowing me free time during business hours should you need
someone to head somewhere and do something. Not sure what that might
be--visit a local news or police station? Interview witnesses?

I'll mass email everyone I know at work and town and see if anyone saw

> Hi Gracie,
> By what the two witnesses so far have reported, I would give it an
> excellent
> chance of having produced meteorites, but finding them is a whole
> different
> story unless one hit something and was found!
> Best regards,
> Greg
> Greg Hupe
> The Hupe Collection
> NaturesVault (eBay)
> IMCA 3163
> Click here for my current eBay auctions:
> - Original Message -
> From: "gracie" 
> To: "Greg Hupe" 
> Cc: ; "Meteorite-list"
> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 5:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday
> night
>> Greg and Larry,
>> I'm actually in Gainesville, though I missed the sighting last night. No
>> rains are expected soon . .  Adam, do you think there might actually be
>> stones on the ground?
>> Larry, about your question regarding keeping track of fireballs, I'd
>> recommend you or your friend create an report over at the American
>> Meteor
>> Society (
>> I'll also be keeping an eye out here for local reports and ask everyone
>> I
>> know here if they saw anything.
>> How exciting!
>> Gracie
>>> Hello All,
>>> I interviewed someone today in Florida (in person) who witnessed last
>>> night's fireball in Florida. Here are the coordinates from where this
>>> person
>>> witnessed it near Sebring, FL:
>>>  27°23'48.91"N
>>>  81°24'4.84"W
>>> This lady and her husband were driving north on County Road 17 just
>>> south
>>> of
>>> Sebring. She confirmed, along with her husband on the phone, that it
>>> fell
>>> around 9:30 pm straight down (towards north), but slightly to the right
>>> (east). They saw the fireball moving and then "light up" before
>>> disappearing
>>> on the horizon. They did not see it fall into pieces like Larry's
>>> friend
>>> did
>>> up in Gainesville so It fell closer to Gainesville opposed to Sebring.
>>> Here is a link to an image I put together using Larry's witness report
>>> and
>>> mine to show fall directions from these two witnesses . I tried to load
>>> on
>>> a
>>> Google Earth satellite image but after re-installing everything on my
>>> computer last week, I can not make Google Earth work properly. I am
>>> trying
>>> Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, but neither seems to let me use
>>> the
>>> Push-Pin option while viewing in satellite view. No time to mess with
>>> it
>>> now, have to pack for a trip somewhere else, leaving tomorrow.
>>> I would check for radar images from Ocala, Orlando, Tampa and Lakeland.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Greg
>>> Greg Hupe
>>> The Hupe Collection
>>> NaturesVault (eBay)
>>> IMCA 3163
>>> Click here for my current eBay auctions:
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: 
>>> To: 
>>> Cc: "Meteorite-list" 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:33 AM
>>> Subject: [meteorite-list] FIreball in Florida Tuesday night
>>> Hi Everyone:
>>> A friend of mine (Greg Beckner) in Gainsville, FL just sent me this. He
>>> was out with a group of scouts and saw the following (second
>>> paragraph):
>>> I took my Cub Scout pack to the model airplane field last night &
>>> showed
>>> them a few R/C aircraft.  A sidebar to that is the field is several
>>> miles
>>> out of town and has a good view of the horizon and darker skies, so I
>>> also
>>> took the telescope.  We saw Mercury about 5 deg from Venus last night &
>>> a
>>> few deep sky objects at the last part of Astronomical twilight & before
>>> moon came up.
>>> Around 9:30 local time, while packing up, I saw the most impressive
>>> fireball meteor almost directly to the south. It started like an
>>> Iridium
>>> flare, but just got brighter & brighter.  It was close
>>> enough where you could see a flame structure and fragments breaking
>>> off.
>>> Will the next "Meteorite Men" episode be filmed here???  So far,
>>> nothing
>>> in paper yet.  Is there something that keeps track of such events?  I'm
>>> sure we weren't the only ones seeing it (*it scared the crap out of my
>>> kids!!!)
>>> Here's GPS cords of flying field - I was looking Almost Due South -
>>> maybe
>>> just a
>>> little to the East of due South.  Time was perhaps between 9:20 &
>>> 9:40pm
>>> EDT.  Path of the object was almost straight down & it was about 35 deg

Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday night

2010-03-31 Thread GeoZay
>>By what the two witnesses so far have  reported, I would give it an
> excellent
> chance of having produced  meteorites, but finding them is a whole
> different
> story unless  one hit something and was found!<<

I guess there were no sonics  booms reported? 

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[meteorite-list] Central Florida bolide of 30 March 2010

2010-03-31 Thread Matson, Robert D.
Hi All,

Following up, as expected there is nothing notable in the real-time
radar data from Melbourne, Jacksonville or Tampa.  But perhaps
something will show up in the multi-elevation data tomorrow... --Rob 
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Re: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia

2010-03-31 Thread Eric Christensen
Hi Eric,

The photo you reference appears to be Bunburra Rockhole (indeed a eucrite) 
recovered by Pavel Spurny et. al from the Desert Fireball Network in Australia. 
 It probable that this photo was provided to the media by Dr. Spurny last year, 
and is now simply a "meteorite file photo" for this particular Czech news 


Eric Christensen

--- On Wed, 3/31/10, 

> Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 13:18:23 -0700
> From: Meteorites USA 
> Subject: [meteorite-list] New Eucrite? - Eastern Slovakia
> To: Meteorite-list 
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Take a look at the photos in the article, does this appear
> to be an 
> achondrite/eucrite maybe?
> -
> On the eastern Slovakia fell meteorite, scientists found
> fragments of
> Eastern Slovakia fell to an hour before midnight on 28th
> February tens 
> of kilograms of rock from space. These were fragments of a
> meteorite 
> that burned up in atmosphere, lit up the sky in a radius of
> several 
> hundred kilometers and frightening residents.
> Some fragments of the meteorite, astronomers have found,
> researched and 
> today it is first shown to the public. How Radio?urn?l said
> Marek 
> Husa??k of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy
> of Sciences, 
> the largest piece weighs over two kilograms.
> Audio
> Interview with Mark Husa??k from the Astronomical Institute
> of the 
> Slovak Academy of Sciences in the afternoon Radio?urn?l
> DOWNLOAD (download)
> "It has a dark gray color is relatively heavy compared to
> other stones, 
> which are normally found on Earth," described Husa??k rare
> find.
> Scientists have found fragments of municipalities of
> Klatovy Vy?n? west 
> of Kosice. Whence meteorid arrived, trying to find Slovak
> astronomers, 
> together with experts from the Ondrejov Observatory of the
> Academy of 
> Sciences.
> "Identify heliocentric orbit is not easy, it is necessary
> to determine 
> the position of being the largest pieces of which we have
> actually only 
> one," said Husa??k.
> Impacts of meteorites on Earth are referred to him a
> frequent 
> phenomenon, but it is not easy to record. "Specifically,
> the Slovak has 
> been observed, there are five falls. Recent findings from
> the 1994 
> Rumanov? the village, "he said.
> Part of the material universe is now going to analyze the
> composition, 
> more debris then end up in museum in the Slovak Republic,
> the Czech 
> Republic and Hungary. It then comes under Husa??k important
> video that 
> helped to identify the impact site.
> -
> Regards,
> Eric Wichman
> Meteorites USA

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Re: [meteorite-list] Central Florida bolide of 30 March 2010

2010-03-31 Thread Meteorites USA
Just as a side note. Like I said in my last email. I'm from that area. 
If it landed SE of Gainesville you're looking at a possible fall in 
Ocala area, that HUGE area is mostly National forest! Not only that it's 
super thick with palmetto and pine forests, lakes, and swamps. Good luck 
out there! Watch for moccasins and cottonmouth, oh yeah and gators too.

You'll also have to consider Camp Blanding Army base and Cecil Field, 
Jennings State park if it fell further north. The area out toward Lake 
Butler and Baldwin are country and farming. There's lot of dairy farms 
and soy bean/corn farmers out that way. There is  big paper mill on 301 
and 218. They own a large swath of land in the area. This is all planted 
pine in neat little rows. I know during hunting season they used to open 
the area to deer hunters. Not sure if they still do that, but it's worth 
a try to contact them if it turns out it fell there. Let's hope!

Hope it didn't land in the drink with all those tiny lakes between 
Keystone Heights and Ocala.


On 3/31/2010 3:12 PM, Matson, Robert D. wrote:

Hi Greg,

I agree with your interpretation -- since fragmentation was witnessed
in Gainesville, and not in Sebring, all things being equal I would
place the fall closer to Gainesville. (An exception might be if the
Gainesville observer could see closer to the geometric horizon than
could the Sebring driver.)

As for direction, County Rd. 17 (southeast of Sebring) occasionally
heads to the NW rather than due north, and since the due north
direction would not intersect the line-of-sight of the Gainesville
observer, I'm inclined to believe she was on a portion of the road
that was heading NW or NNW at the time of the fall.

I'm guessing the fall would be somewhere in the vicinity of Ocala.
I'll check the real-time Doppler radar data to see if anything is
there. (I'm expecting nothing will show up.)  The higher-quality,
multi-elevation-angle Doppler data will be available starting
tomorrow, and I can check it then.  --Rob

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Greg
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida

Hey GeoZay,

"About how bright and how many seconds did this event  last and about
how  long of a trail?"

I asked if the sky lit up and she said, "Not really, but before it
disappeared [below the horizon], it became brighter." I asked if she saw
it break into several pieces and she said, "No." Larry's witness saw it
fall into several pieces so this is why I think it would be more north
from where my Sebring witness saw it.

Best regards,
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Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

2010-03-31 Thread Jason Utas
Hello Linton,
Not at all - but it wasn't really an issue.  We have some friends up
in Canada and the thought was to have the stones sent to them, apply
for a permit, and wait it out.
But note that they're listed on ebay Canada, not visible to any other
ebay sites.  That makes it seem to me as though they might not have
permits...but if you're interested, it seems to me that asking them
directly could clear things right up.

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Linton Rohr  wrote:
> Well Jason, I certainly could be wrong.
> I just hate to see anybody here get burned.
> My eyes can't tell for sure that those are fresh, fusion-crusted stones,
> as opposed to little black earth rocks, due to the photo quality.
> They do look somewhat probable though, I'll admit.
> The larger problem to me, is the export permit.
> Was there any mention of that when you spoke?
> Linton
> - Original Message - From: "Jason Utas" 
> To: "Meteorite-list" 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?
> Melanie, Linton,
> The photos depict what are clearly fresh stony meteorites, regardless
> of their quality (viz., the photos').
> This seller is a local and has been selling Buzzard Coulee stones
> since shortly after the fall.
> I've spoken with them on a few occasions, and, while I haven't
> actually purchased any stones, they do seem to be on the level.
> Regards,
> Jason
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Linton Rohr 
> wrote:
>> Melanie,
>> No, I do not know the seller.
>> The poor quality photos are just a nuisance.
>> The text indicates to me that the seller does not know meteorites.
>> Sounds like he took a few notes from someone elses legitimate ad.
>> No mention of export permits is a giant red flag, though.
>> You could always ask him/her about that. I almost did.
>> The price/gram is sure a lot lower though, eh?
>> Almost too good to be true, isn't it...
>> And you know what they say about that!
>> Linton
>> - Original Message - From: "Melanie Matthews"
>> To: "Meteorite List" 
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:59 PM
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?
>>> Worldwide shipping and no mention of an export permit for any of them?
>>> Anyone here know this person and if he/she is for real?
>>> ---
>>> Melanie
>>> IMCA: 2975
>>> eBay: metmel2775
>>> Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09
>>> Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know
>>> what you're gonna get!
>>> __
>>> Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!
>>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list
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Re: [meteorite-list] Central Florida bolide of 30 March 2010

2010-03-31 Thread Greg Hupe

Hi Rob and List,

Here is another witness account below from Eric Wichman. I input the data 
into another map, including a RED line which may represent a corrected line 
of sight for the Sebring witness. If the Gainesville witness was slightly 
off direction, or was viewing to the SE and not due south, that would bring 
the Gainesville line more to the SE, making all lines closer to around 
"Ocala" which Rob suggests, not to mention one of my first guesses for radar 
images from my first email with first map, "I would check for radar images 
from Ocala, Orlando, Tampa and Lakeland." :-)

My updated witness map, to the best of some quick guessing:

New Port Richey, FL
(Corner's of "Main St. & Rowen Rd.)

Hope this helps! Now I wish I was not leaving tomorrow. :-/
If I hear of any finds by tomorrow morning, I will be canceling tomorrow's 
flight! If anyone hears of anything found, please contact me by email or 
cell phone at or 206-898-0146 cell (I may fly back and end my 
other hunting trips early).

Good Luck!

New Port Richey, FL witness:
Date: Fireball Sighting. March 30, 2010
Time Of Sighting: 21:20
Report: It was north of the full moon but higher. When I first looked I 
thought of a single strand of fireworks.  No sound and it extinguished in 
less than 5 seconds.

Name: Al
Location: Rowan Rd&  Main St, New Port Richey,FL
Direction Of Travel: North
Line Of Sight: NE
Landmark: Gas station
Altitude: 2000 feet (rough guess)
Angle of Decent In Degrees: 30 degrees
Color of Fireball: White and red
Brightness: Bright like fireworks
Duration: less than 5 seconds
Extinguish: Yes
Retardation Point Azimuth: North
Sonic Boom: No
Crackling Static Sound: No
Whizzing or Whooshing Sound: No
Impact: No
Have A Meteorite: No

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
NaturesVault (eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

- Original Message - 
From: "Matson, Robert D." 

To: "Greg Hupe" ; 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:12 PM
Subject: Central Florida bolide of 30 March 2010

Hi Greg,

I agree with your interpretation -- since fragmentation was witnessed
in Gainesville, and not in Sebring, all things being equal I would
place the fall closer to Gainesville. (An exception might be if the
Gainesville observer could see closer to the geometric horizon than
could the Sebring driver.)

As for direction, County Rd. 17 (southeast of Sebring) occasionally
heads to the NW rather than due north, and since the due north
direction would not intersect the line-of-sight of the Gainesville
observer, I'm inclined to believe she was on a portion of the road
that was heading NW or NNW at the time of the fall.

I'm guessing the fall would be somewhere in the vicinity of Ocala.
I'll check the real-time Doppler radar data to see if anything is
there. (I'm expecting nothing will show up.)  The higher-quality,
multi-elevation-angle Doppler data will be available starting
tomorrow, and I can check it then.  --Rob

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Greg
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida

Hey GeoZay,

"About how bright and how many seconds did this event  last and about
how  long of a trail?"

I asked if the sky lit up and she said, "Not really, but before it
disappeared [below the horizon], it became brighter." I asked if she saw
it break into several pieces and she said, "No." Larry's witness saw it
fall into several pieces so this is why I think it would be more north
from where my Sebring witness saw it.

Best regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

2010-03-31 Thread Linton Rohr

Oh, I see.
It may have been listed in Canada, but it's certainly visible here.
Is that due to the "worldwide" shipping option?
Regardless, I've inquired into the export permits,
but have yet to receive a response.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jason Utas" 
To: "Meteorite-list" ; "Linton Rohr" 

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Hello Linton,
Not at all - but it wasn't really an issue.  We have some friends up
in Canada and the thought was to have the stones sent to them, apply
for a permit, and wait it out.
But note that they're listed on ebay Canada, not visible to any other
ebay sites.  That makes it seem to me as though they might not have
permits...but if you're interested, it seems to me that asking them
directly could clear things right up.

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Linton Rohr  

Well Jason, I certainly could be wrong.
I just hate to see anybody here get burned.
My eyes can't tell for sure that those are fresh, fusion-crusted stones,
as opposed to little black earth rocks, due to the photo quality.
They do look somewhat probable though, I'll admit.
The larger problem to me, is the export permit.
Was there any mention of that when you spoke?

- Original Message - From: "Jason Utas" 
To: "Meteorite-list" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Melanie, Linton,
The photos depict what are clearly fresh stony meteorites, regardless
of their quality (viz., the photos').
This seller is a local and has been selling Buzzard Coulee stones
since shortly after the fall.
I've spoken with them on a few occasions, and, while I haven't
actually purchased any stones, they do seem to be on the level.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Linton Rohr 

No, I do not know the seller.
The poor quality photos are just a nuisance.
The text indicates to me that the seller does not know meteorites.
Sounds like he took a few notes from someone elses legitimate ad.
No mention of export permits is a giant red flag, though.
You could always ask him/her about that. I almost did.
The price/gram is sure a lot lower though, eh?
Almost too good to be true, isn't it...
And you know what they say about that!

- Original Message - From: "Melanie Matthews"

To: "Meteorite List" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:59 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Worldwide shipping and no mention of an export permit for any of them?
Anyone here know this person and if he/she is for real?

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know
what you're gonna get!

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

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Re: [meteorite-list] [2nd Sighting] Fireball in Florida Tuesday night

2010-03-31 Thread gracie
Greg and Larry,

I'm actually in Gainesville, though I missed the sighting last night. No
rains are expected soon . .  Adam, do you think there might actually be
stones on the ground?

Larry, about your question regarding keeping track of fireballs, I'd
recommend you or your friend create an report over at the American Meteor
Society (

I'll also be keeping an eye out here for local reports and ask everyone I
know here if they saw anything.

How exciting!

> Hello All,
> I interviewed someone today in Florida (in person) who witnessed last
> night's fireball in Florida. Here are the coordinates from where this
> person
> witnessed it near Sebring, FL:
>  27°23'48.91"N
>  81°24'4.84"W
> This lady and her husband were driving north on County Road 17 just south
> of
> Sebring. She confirmed, along with her husband on the phone, that it fell
> around 9:30 pm straight down (towards north), but slightly to the right
> (east). They saw the fireball moving and then "light up" before
> disappearing
> on the horizon. They did not see it fall into pieces like Larry's friend
> did
> up in Gainesville so It fell closer to Gainesville opposed to Sebring.
> Here is a link to an image I put together using Larry's witness report and
> mine to show fall directions from these two witnesses . I tried to load on
> a
> Google Earth satellite image but after re-installing everything on my
> computer last week, I can not make Google Earth work properly. I am trying
> Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, but neither seems to let me use the
> Push-Pin option while viewing in satellite view. No time to mess with it
> now, have to pack for a trip somewhere else, leaving tomorrow.
> I would check for radar images from Ocala, Orlando, Tampa and Lakeland.
> Best regards,
> Greg
> Greg Hupe
> The Hupe Collection
> NaturesVault (eBay)
> IMCA 3163
> Click here for my current eBay auctions:
> - Original Message -
> From: 
> To: 
> Cc: "Meteorite-list" 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:33 AM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] FIreball in Florida Tuesday night
> Hi Everyone:
> A friend of mine (Greg Beckner) in Gainsville, FL just sent me this. He
> was out with a group of scouts and saw the following (second paragraph):
> I took my Cub Scout pack to the model airplane field last night & showed
> them a few R/C aircraft.  A sidebar to that is the field is several miles
> out of town and has a good view of the horizon and darker skies, so I also
> took the telescope.  We saw Mercury about 5 deg from Venus last night & a
> few deep sky objects at the last part of Astronomical twilight & before
> moon came up.
> Around 9:30 local time, while packing up, I saw the most impressive
> fireball meteor almost directly to the south. It started like an Iridium
> flare, but just got brighter & brighter.  It was close
> enough where you could see a flame structure and fragments breaking off.
> Will the next "Meteorite Men" episode be filmed here???  So far, nothing
> in paper yet.  Is there something that keeps track of such events?  I'm
> sure we weren't the only ones seeing it (*it scared the crap out of my
> kids!!!)
> Here's GPS cords of flying field - I was looking Almost Due South - maybe
> just a
> little to the East of due South.  Time was perhaps between 9:20 & 9:40pm
> EDT.  Path of the object was almost straight down & it was about 35 deg
> up...
> N 29° 31' 07"
> W 082° 33' 32"
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[meteorite-list] Central Florida bolide of 30 March 2010

2010-03-31 Thread Matson, Robert D.
Hi All,

The high-quality real-time Doppler data is up now; I've finished
the Melbourne and Jacksonville data.  I have one (very small) candidate
return so far. Will be checking the Tampa data next. If I get
between 2 radars, then that might be enough of an enticement for someone
to check for witnesses close to this location.  --Rob
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[meteorite-list] NASA Mars Spacecraft Snaps Photos Chosen by Public (MRO)

2010-03-31 Thread Ron Baalke

The new Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter/HiRISE images are available via the
NASA Web site at: 

Because of a power outage at the University of Arizona, their Web links 
are not available right now.
Guy Webster 818-354-6278
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
Dwayne Brown 202-358-1726
NASA Headquarters, Washington
Daniel Stolte 520-626-4402
University of Arizona, Tucson
News release: 
March 31, 2010
NASA Mars Spacecraft Snaps Photos Chosen by Public
The full version of this story with accompanying images is at:
PASADENA, Calif. -- The most powerful camera aboard a NASA spacecraft
orbiting Mars has returned the first pictures of locations on the Red Planet
suggested by the public.
The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, or HiRISE camera, aboard
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is nicknamed, "the people's camera."
Through a program called HiWish that began in January, scientists have
received approximately 1,000 suggestions. The first eight images of areas
the public selected are available online at: .
"NASA's Mars program is a prime example of what we call participatory
exploration," NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden said. "To allow the public
to aim a camera at a specific site on a distant world is an invaluable
teaching tool that can help educate and inspire our youth to pursue careers
in science, technology, engineering and math."
Since 2006, HiRISE has obtained approximately 13,000 observations covering
dozens of square miles, including areas from a student-suggestion program
called NASA Quest. However, only about 1 percent of the Martian surface has
been photographed. 
NASA has provided other opportunities for the public to see and explore
Mars. A camera on NASA's Mars Global Surveyor imaged 1,086 targets suggested
through a public-request program from 2003 until 2006. Launched on Nov. 7,
1996, the probe pioneered the use of aerobraking at Mars and mapped the
surface. The original one-year mission was extended four times until
November 2006. 
"Some people get into model railroading or Civil War re-enactments. My
thing is exploring Mars," said James Secosky, a retired teacher in
Manchester, N.Y., who suggested an area for HiRISE imaging after he examined
online images from other Mars-orbiting cameras.
Another camera aboard NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter has taken nearly 500
images after receiving approximately 1,400 suggestions through a
public-request program initiated in 2009. Odyssey has been orbiting Mars
since 2001. It serves as a communications relay for Mars rovers and makes
its own observations and discoveries.
HiRISE is one of six instruments on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Launched in August 2005, the orbiter reached Mars the following year to
begin a two-year primary science mission. The spacecraft has found that Mars
has had diverse wet environments at many locations for differing durations
in the planet's history, and Martian climate-change cycles persist into the
present era. The mission is in an extended science phase. The spacecraft
will continue to take several thousand images a year. The mission has
returned more data about Mars than all other spacecraft to the Red Planet
"What we hope is that people become more interested in science and
appreciate this opportunity to explore another world," said Alfred McEwen,
principal investigator for the camera at the University of Arizona in
Tucson. "We appreciate fresh thinking outside the box and look for things we
may not have chosen otherwise. It's good to have a lot of eyes on Mars."
The University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory operates the
HiRISE camera, which was built by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., in
Boulder, Colo. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., manages
MRO for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Lockheed Martin
Space Systems in Denver built the spacecraft.
For more information about the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission, visit .
- end -

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[meteorite-list] Spirit Mars Rover May Have Begun Months-Long Hibernation

2010-03-31 Thread Ron Baalke  

Spirit May Have Begun Months-Long Hibernation
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 31, 2010


PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit skipped a
planned communication session on March 30 and, as anticipated from
recent power-supply projections, has probably entered a low-power
hibernation mode.

In this mode, the rover's clock keeps running, but communications and
other activities are suspended in order to put all available energy into
heating and battery recharging. When the battery charge is adequate, the
rover attempts to wake up and communicate on a schedule it knows.

"We may not hear from Spirit again for weeks or months, but we will be
listening at every opportunity, and our expectation is that Spirit will
resume communications when the batteries are sufficiently charged," said
John Callas of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., who
is project manager for Spirit and its twin rover, Opportunity.

Spirit's power supply is low because daily sunshine for dusty solar
panels is declining with the approach of the winter solstice, in
mid-May, in Mars' southern hemisphere. In the three previous Martian
winters that Spirit has survived since landing in January 2004, the
rover was tilted northward to put its solar panels at a favorable angle
toward the sun. That preparation was not possible this winter because of
impaired mobility. Spirit's wheels are dug into soft sand, and the rover
lost the use of a second wheel four months ago. It had previously lost
use of one of its six wheels four years ago.

Spirit's original mission was planned to last for three months. The
rover has worked extended missions since April 2004. Opportunity is
currently on a long-term trek toward a large crater named Endeavour.

Spirit had been communicating on a once-per-week schedule in recent
weeks. During the designated time for the rover to communicate with
NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter passing overhead on March 30, Odyssey heard
nothing from the rover.

"We are checking other less-likely possibilities for the missed
communication, but this probably means that Spirit tripped a low-power
fault sometime between the last downlink on March 22 and yesterday,"
Callas said. "The recent downlinks had indicated that the battery state
of charge was decreasing, getting close to the level that would put
Spirit into this hibernation."

In coming weeks, Spirit's core electronics will become colder than any
temperature they have ever experienced on Mars. Thermal projections
indicate the temperature probably will not drop lower than the
electronics were designed and tested to tolerate, but the age of the
rover adds to the uncertainty of survival.

"The temperature limit was for a new rover. We now have an older rover
with thousands of thermal cycles on Mars, so the colder temperatures
will be a further stress," Callas said. JPL, a division of the
California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Mars
Exploration Rover Project for NASA's Science Mission Directorate,
Washington. For more information about the Mars rovers, visit .

Guy Webster 818-354-6278
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.


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[meteorite-list] AD - New Stuff on our Site - Gibeon and Muonionalusta Etched Slices and End Cuts- also an update on Buzzard Coulee

2010-03-31 Thread Keith and Dana Jenkerson
Hello to everyone!

  We have just added some amazing etched Gibeon, with end cuts and
slices available; as well as some smaller Muonionalusta part slices.
Here is the link to our "What's New" page where you can see them. The
Gibeon end cuts would go great in anyones collection; so if you are
looking for one, here it is!

Also, for all of you who had made an offer on the Buzzard Coulee's
that were in our room at Tucson, I have just heard from the owner that
the export permits were approved, so you will be hearing from him

We really appreciate your looking, and we hope everyone is doing well.


KD Meteorites
Keith and Dana Jenkerson
4596 N. Vickie Lane
Kingman, AZ., 86409
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Re: [meteorite-list] Buzzard Coulee/export permits

2010-03-31 Thread Linton Rohr

Well, the seller says...
"I was told that if they are rocks for study wasn/t nessary reply  I/m not 
sure I have no permits"

I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that is incorrect.
Anybody know for sure?

- Original Message - 
From: "Linton Rohr" 

To: "Jason Utas" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Oh, I see.
It may have been listed in Canada, but it's certainly visible here.
Is that due to the "worldwide" shipping option?
Regardless, I've inquired into the export permits,
but have yet to receive a response.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jason Utas" 
To: "Meteorite-list" ; "Linton Rohr" 

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Hello Linton,
Not at all - but it wasn't really an issue.  We have some friends up
in Canada and the thought was to have the stones sent to them, apply
for a permit, and wait it out.
But note that they're listed on ebay Canada, not visible to any other
ebay sites.  That makes it seem to me as though they might not have
permits...but if you're interested, it seems to me that asking them
directly could clear things right up.

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Linton Rohr  

Well Jason, I certainly could be wrong.
I just hate to see anybody here get burned.
My eyes can't tell for sure that those are fresh, fusion-crusted stones,
as opposed to little black earth rocks, due to the photo quality.
They do look somewhat probable though, I'll admit.
The larger problem to me, is the export permit.
Was there any mention of that when you spoke?

- Original Message - From: "Jason Utas" 
To: "Meteorite-list" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Melanie, Linton,
The photos depict what are clearly fresh stony meteorites, regardless
of their quality (viz., the photos').
This seller is a local and has been selling Buzzard Coulee stones
since shortly after the fall.
I've spoken with them on a few occasions, and, while I haven't
actually purchased any stones, they do seem to be on the level.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Linton Rohr 

No, I do not know the seller.
The poor quality photos are just a nuisance.
The text indicates to me that the seller does not know meteorites.
Sounds like he took a few notes from someone elses legitimate ad.
No mention of export permits is a giant red flag, though.
You could always ask him/her about that. I almost did.
The price/gram is sure a lot lower though, eh?
Almost too good to be true, isn't it...
And you know what they say about that!

- Original Message - From: "Melanie Matthews"

To: "Meteorite List" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:59 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Worldwide shipping and no mention of an export permit for any of them?
Anyone here know this person and if he/she is for real?

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

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what you're gonna get!

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Re: [meteorite-list] Buzzard Coulee/export permits

2010-03-31 Thread tett

Very incorrect.

All Buzzard Coulee as well as any other Canadian meteorite must be sent 
with a permit.  It takes some time but very little cost to get the 
permit.  The officials I dealt with were very friendly and helpful 
making the experience pleasant if not lengthy.

The seller can probably get away with shipping these across the boarder 
but the stones are more valuable if they have proper export 
documentation.  If the seller is caught then they risk fines and losing 
the stones.



.  Linton Rohr wrote:

Well, the seller says...
"I was told that if they are rocks for study wasn/t nessary reply  I/m 
not sure I have no permits"

I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that is incorrect.
Anybody know for sure?

- Original Message - From: "Linton Rohr" 

To: "Jason Utas" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Oh, I see.
It may have been listed in Canada, but it's certainly visible here.
Is that due to the "worldwide" shipping option?
Regardless, I've inquired into the export permits,
but have yet to receive a response.

- Original Message - From: "Jason Utas" 
To: "Meteorite-list" ; "Linton 

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Hello Linton,
Not at all - but it wasn't really an issue.  We have some friends up
in Canada and the thought was to have the stones sent to them, apply
for a permit, and wait it out.
But note that they're listed on ebay Canada, not visible to any other
ebay sites.  That makes it seem to me as though they might not have
permits...but if you're interested, it seems to me that asking them
directly could clear things right up.

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Linton Rohr 

Well Jason, I certainly could be wrong.
I just hate to see anybody here get burned.
My eyes can't tell for sure that those are fresh, fusion-crusted 

as opposed to little black earth rocks, due to the photo quality.
They do look somewhat probable though, I'll admit.
The larger problem to me, is the export permit.
Was there any mention of that when you spoke?

- Original Message - From: "Jason Utas" 

To: "Meteorite-list" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Melanie, Linton,
The photos depict what are clearly fresh stony meteorites, regardless
of their quality (viz., the photos').
This seller is a local and has been selling Buzzard Coulee stones
since shortly after the fall.
I've spoken with them on a few occasions, and, while I haven't
actually purchased any stones, they do seem to be on the level.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Linton Rohr 


No, I do not know the seller.
The poor quality photos are just a nuisance.
The text indicates to me that the seller does not know meteorites.
Sounds like he took a few notes from someone elses legitimate ad.
No mention of export permits is a giant red flag, though.
You could always ask him/her about that. I almost did.
The price/gram is sure a lot lower though, eh?
Almost too good to be true, isn't it...
And you know what they say about that!

- Original Message - From: "Melanie Matthews"

To: "Meteorite List" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:59 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees? 

Worldwide shipping and no mention of an export permit for any of 

Anyone here know this person and if he/she is for real?

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never 

what you're gonna get!

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Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

2010-03-31 Thread Melanie Matthews
Not to give anyone a bad name or scare those who 
are already bidding on some of them, but it seems kinda strange how 
there is no mention of export permits.. I PMed them and according to them 
she's selling them "for research" and as such they can get away with selling 
BCs without a permit. It seems they are legit. 

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what 
you're gonna get!

- Original Message 
From: Linton Rohr 
To: Jason Utas 
Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 10:57:33 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Well Jason, I certainly could be wrong.
I just hate to see anybody here get burned.
My eyes can't tell for sure that those are fresh, fusion-crusted stones,
as opposed to little black earth rocks, due to the photo quality.
They do look somewhat probable though, I'll admit.
The larger problem to me, is the export permit.
Was there any mention of that when you spoke?

- Original Message - 
From: "Jason Utas" 
To: "Meteorite-list" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Melanie, Linton,
The photos depict what are clearly fresh stony meteorites, regardless
of their quality (viz., the photos').
This seller is a local and has been selling Buzzard Coulee stones
since shortly after the fall.
I've spoken with them on a few occasions, and, while I haven't
actually purchased any stones, they do seem to be on the level.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Linton Rohr  
> Melanie,
> No, I do not know the seller.
> The poor quality photos are just a nuisance.
> The text indicates to me that the seller does not know meteorites.
> Sounds like he took a few notes from someone elses legitimate ad.
> No mention of export permits is a giant red flag, though.
> You could always ask him/her about that. I almost did.
> The price/gram is sure a lot lower though, eh?
> Almost too good to be true, isn't it...
> And you know what they say about that!
> Linton
> - Original Message - From: "Melanie Matthews"
> To: "Meteorite List" 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:59 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?
>> Worldwide shipping and no mention of an export permit for any of them?
>> Anyone here know this person and if he/she is for real?
>> ---
>> Melanie
>> IMCA: 2975
>> eBay: metmel2775
>> Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09
>> Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know
>> what you're gonna get!
>> __
>> Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
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favourite sites. Download it now

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[meteorite-list] NWA Meteorites

2010-03-31 Thread Abdelaziz Alhyane
Dear list Members,

 Lets talk a little bet about NWA sceintifacally and in marketing. what did NWA 
stones offer to sceince? Do you appreciate NWA, it's obly 3 letters, but has 
done great for sceince, collectors and dealers, don't you have anything to say 
to NWA ? can we have a special day for NWA? can we celibrate it? and call it 
NWA DAY ? any word as a gift to those great meteorites were found in NWA? 

My best
Aziz (saffron guy)


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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

2010-03-31 Thread Roman Jirasek

Canadian meteorites need export permits, period.
Including temporary export for research.
Here is the Canadian Heritage site for all the info regarding this.

Roman Jirasek

- Original Message - 
From: "Melanie Matthews" 

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Not to give anyone a bad name or scare those who
are already bidding on some of them, but it seems kinda strange how
there is no mention of export permits.. I PMed them and according to them
she's selling them "for research" and as such they can get away with 
selling BCs without a permit. It seems they are legit.

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know 
what you're gonna get!

- Original Message 
From: Linton Rohr 
To: Jason Utas 
Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 10:57:33 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Well Jason, I certainly could be wrong.
I just hate to see anybody here get burned.
My eyes can't tell for sure that those are fresh, fusion-crusted stones,
as opposed to little black earth rocks, due to the photo quality.
They do look somewhat probable though, I'll admit.
The larger problem to me, is the export permit.
Was there any mention of that when you spoke?

- Original Message - 
From: "Jason Utas" 

To: "Meteorite-list" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Melanie, Linton,
The photos depict what are clearly fresh stony meteorites, regardless
of their quality (viz., the photos').
This seller is a local and has been selling Buzzard Coulee stones
since shortly after the fall.
I've spoken with them on a few occasions, and, while I haven't
actually purchased any stones, they do seem to be on the level.

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Linton Rohr 

No, I do not know the seller.
The poor quality photos are just a nuisance.
The text indicates to me that the seller does not know meteorites.
Sounds like he took a few notes from someone elses legitimate ad.
No mention of export permits is a giant red flag, though.
You could always ask him/her about that. I almost did.
The price/gram is sure a lot lower though, eh?
Almost too good to be true, isn't it...
And you know what they say about that!

- Original Message - From: "Melanie Matthews"

To: "Meteorite List" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:59 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Worldwide shipping and no mention of an export permit for any of them?
Anyone here know this person and if he/she is for real?

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know
what you're gonna get!

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

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favourite sites. Download it now

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Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

2010-03-31 Thread Linton Rohr

You must have missed Tett's reply, under a slightly modified subject line...
After sharing this info with the seller, she's asking me where to get the 


Very incorrect.

All Buzzard Coulee as well as any other Canadian meteorite must be sent
with a permit.  It takes some time but very little cost to get the
permit.  The officials I dealt with were very friendly and helpful
making the experience pleasant if not lengthy.

The seller can probably get away with shipping these across the boarder
but the stones are more valuable if they have proper export
documentation.  If the seller is caught then they risk fines and losing
the stones.



.  Linton Rohr wrote:

Well, the seller says...
"I was told that if they are rocks for study wasn/t nessary reply  I/m
not sure I have no permits"
I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain that is incorrect.
Anybody know for sure?

- Original Message - 
From: "Melanie Matthews" 

Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Not to give anyone a bad name or scare those who
are already bidding on some of them, but it seems kinda strange how
there is no mention of export permits.. I PMed them and according to them
she's selling them "for research" and as such they can get away with 
selling BCs without a permit. It seems they are legit.

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know 
what you're gonna get!

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] (Meteorite-list) NWA Meteorites

2010-03-31 Thread GeoZay

>>any word as a gift to those  great meteorites were found in NWA? <<

An NWA meteorite was my  first meteorite. If it weren't for this diverse 
group, I'd probably never been  able to own one.  

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Re: [meteorite-list] NWA Meteorites

2010-03-31 Thread cdtucson
Carl or Debbie Esparza

 Abdelaziz Alhyane  wrote: 
> Dear list Members,
>  Lets talk a little bet about NWA sceintifacally and in marketing. what did 
> NWA stones offer to sceince? Do you appreciate NWA, it's obly 3 letters, but 
> has done great for sceince, collectors and dealers, don't you have anything 
> to say to NWA ? can we have a special day for NWA? can we celibrate it? and 
> call it NWA DAY ? any word as a gift to those great meteorites were found in 
> NWA? 
> My best
> Aziz (saffron guy)
> __
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> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Central Florida bolide of 30 March 2010

2010-03-31 Thread gracie
It's a longshot, but I'll take some time tomorrow to compile a list of
local police departments in that area and ring them up. See if they've had
any reports of damage to property due to falling stones or if they have
further reported sightings.

Just letting the list know in case someone had similar plans. No need to
duplicate efforts!


> Hi All,
> The high-quality real-time Doppler data is up now; I've finished
> scanning
> the Melbourne and Jacksonville data.  I have one (very small) candidate
> return so far. Will be checking the Tampa data next. If I get
> concurrence
> between 2 radars, then that might be enough of an enticement for someone
> to check for witnesses close to this location.  --Rob
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] NWA Meteorites

2010-03-31 Thread Abdelaziz Alhyane
Hi listers,
 I got reolies, one the guys suggested April 1st as a NWA DAY! i'm wondring 
where is the IMCA? or even what is IMCA?  Hi IMCA can you talk ?

I don't think i can think those who replied me? but sure, the NWAs they have 
will do it! because we are not talking about persons here, we do about NWA 


Aziz, ( Saffron  Guy)

--- On Wed, 3/31/10, Abdelaziz Alhyane  wrote:

> From: Abdelaziz Alhyane 
> Subject: [meteorite-list] NWA Meteorites
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 6:59 PM
> Dear list Members,
>  Lets talk a little bet about NWA sceintifacally and in
> marketing. what did NWA stones offer to sceince? Do you
> appreciate NWA, it's obly 3 letters, but has done great for
> sceince, collectors and dealers, don't you have anything to
> say to NWA ? can we have a special day for NWA? can we
> celibrate it? and call it NWA DAY ? any word as a gift to
> those great meteorites were found in NWA? 
> My best
> Aziz (saffron guy)
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] NWA Meteorites

2010-03-31 Thread Melanie Matthews
Too bad you didn't think of this last year as in 2009 LOL - it was ten years 
ago when the first meteorites of the North West Africa designation series were 
found. ;) 

I LOVE my NWAs ,, many of them I wouldn't trade for anything! :D My first stony 
mets are NWAs. 

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what 
you're gonna get!

- Original Message 
From: Abdelaziz Alhyane 
Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 6:59:30 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] NWA Meteorites

Dear list Members,

Lets talk a little bet about NWA sceintifacally and in marketing. what did NWA 
stones offer to sceince? Do you appreciate NWA, it's obly 3 letters, but has 
done great for sceince, collectors and dealers, don't you have anything to say 
to NWA ? can we have a special day for NWA? can we celibrate it? and call it 
NWA DAY ? any word as a gift to those great meteorites were found in NWA? 

My best
Aziz (saffron guy)

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Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

2010-03-31 Thread Melanie Matthews
Oh, so then what about all these other Canadian mets that I have seen (some of 
them quite regularly) on ebay without export permits? Tagish Lake, Bruderheim, 
Piece River, etc.. My little Tagish Lake fragment didn't come with one, and I 
think ordered it from the US. 

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what 
you're gonna get!

- Original Message 
From: Roman Jirasek 
To: metlist 
Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 7:12:32 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Canadian meteorites need export permits, period.
Including temporary export for research.
Here is the Canadian Heritage site for all the info regarding this.

Roman Jirasek

- Original Message - 
From: "Melanie Matthews" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

> Not to give anyone a bad name or scare those who
> are already bidding on some of them, but it seems kinda strange how
> there is no mention of export permits.. I PMed them and according to them
> she's selling them "for research" and as such they can get away with 
> selling BCs without a permit. It seems they are legit.
> ---
> Melanie
> IMCA: 2975
> eBay: metmel2775
> Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09
> Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know 
> what you're gonna get!
> - Original Message 
> From: Linton Rohr 
> To: Jason Utas 
> Cc:
> Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 10:57:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?
> Well Jason, I certainly could be wrong.
> I just hate to see anybody here get burned.
> My eyes can't tell for sure that those are fresh, fusion-crusted stones,
> as opposed to little black earth rocks, due to the photo quality.
> They do look somewhat probable though, I'll admit.
> The larger problem to me, is the export permit.
> Was there any mention of that when you spoke?
> Linton
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Jason Utas" 
> To: "Meteorite-list" 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?
> Melanie, Linton,
> The photos depict what are clearly fresh stony meteorites, regardless
> of their quality (viz., the photos').
> This seller is a local and has been selling Buzzard Coulee stones
> since shortly after the fall.
> I've spoken with them on a few occasions, and, while I haven't
> actually purchased any stones, they do seem to be on the level.
> Regards,
> Jason
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Linton Rohr 
> wrote:
>> Melanie,
>> No, I do not know the seller.
>> The poor quality photos are just a nuisance.
>> The text indicates to me that the seller does not know meteorites.
>> Sounds like he took a few notes from someone elses legitimate ad.
>> No mention of export permits is a giant red flag, though.
>> You could always ask him/her about that. I almost did.
>> The price/gram is sure a lot lower though, eh?
>> Almost too good to be true, isn't it...
>> And you know what they say about that!
>> Linton
>> - Original Message - From: "Melanie Matthews"
>> To: "Meteorite List" 
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:59 PM
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?
>>> Worldwide shipping and no mention of an export permit for any of them?
>>> Anyone here know this person and if he/she is for real?
>>> ---
>>> Melanie
>>> IMCA: 2975
>>> eBay: metmel2775
>>> Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09
>>> Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know
>>> what you're gonna get!
>>> __
>>> Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!
>>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> __
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>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] NWA Meteorites

2010-03-31 Thread Galactic Stone & Ironworks
Greetings Aziz and List!

The meteorites from NWA have been a boon to collectors and science
alike.  Despite some of the misconceptions about provenance, their
importance cannot be overlooked.  This is a special time to be a
meteorite collector and I feel fortunate to have NWA meteorites
represented (in force) in my collection.  In the days before the
internet and the Saharan gold rush, owning large specimens of rare
types was an impossibility for most private collectors.  Now, thanks
to Morocco, I can possess large baseball-sized carbonaceous chondrites
(like NWA 6026) that were previously unavailable to the average
collector.  All of the most exotic types are now represented in
collection cabinets in private homes, universities, and museums.

It is timely that you mention this, Aziz, because I am working to
produce a tribute (of sorts) to the NWA Saharan meteorites and their
origins.  I will make an announcement on the list when this project is
ready for the public. :)

FWIW, I could sing praises to the NWA meteorites, but nobody can do it
more eloquently than Martin Altmann - his expertise and views on the
NWA meteorite dynamic explain the benefits of this exchange far better
than I can.

Best regards and happy huntings!


On 3/31/10, Abdelaziz Alhyane  wrote:
> Hi listers,
>  I got reolies, one the guys suggested April 1st as a NWA DAY! i'm wondring
> where is the IMCA? or even what is IMCA?  Hi IMCA can you talk ?
> I don't think i can think those who replied me? but sure, the NWAs they have
> will do it! because we are not talking about persons here, we do about NWA
> Best
> Aziz, ( Saffron  Guy)
> --- On Wed, 3/31/10, Abdelaziz Alhyane  wrote:
>> From: Abdelaziz Alhyane 
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] NWA Meteorites
>> To:
>> Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 6:59 PM
>> Dear list Members,
>>  Lets talk a little bet about NWA sceintifacally and in
>> marketing. what did NWA stones offer to sceince? Do you
>> appreciate NWA, it's obly 3 letters, but has done great for
>> sceince, collectors and dealers, don't you have anything to
>> say to NWA ? can we have a special day for NWA? can we
>> celibrate it? and call it NWA DAY ? any word as a gift to
>> those great meteorites were found in NWA?
>> My best
>> Aziz (saffron guy)
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

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Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

2010-03-31 Thread W&S Schroer

Hi list,
this is what this guy wrote to me after I asked him/her for better photos 
and the expert permit:


A few minutes later he sent me another email asking for my phone number 
because he wants to talk to me. I'm not sure whether he's aware of the fact 
that I live in Australia but that's not the point. The point is that he 
tries to sell the Buzzard Coulees to any country in the world without the 
permit required by the law. They are no use to me without it and I will 
therefore stay away from this guy.

Werner Schroer

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Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

2010-03-31 Thread Impactika
All the Tagish Lake specimens I sell and I have sold in the past (and they 
are now in quite a few collections), come from Eric Twelker who does have an 
export permit.
Bruderheim might have been exported from Canada before that law came in 
effect. Tett or Roman might have that information. That applies to Abee too. 
And I have sold some Springwater I got in a trade with ASU, that came out 
of Canada before the export permits became mandatory. But all the pieces of 
Springwater found very recently will need an export permit before they can 
leave Canada.
I hope this helps.
Anne M. Black
_ ( 
_impact...@aol.com_ ( 
Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
_ ( 
In a message dated 3/31/2010 9:11:34 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
Oh, so then what about all these other Canadian mets that I have seen (some 
of them quite regularly) on ebay without export permits? Tagish Lake, 
Bruderheim, Piece River, etc.. My little Tagish Lake fragment didn't come with 
one, and I think ordered it from the US. 

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what 
you're gonna get!

- Original Message 
From: Roman Jirasek 
To: metlist 
Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 7:12:32 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

Canadian meteorites need export permits, period.
Including temporary export for research.
Here is the Canadian Heritage site for all the info regarding this.

Roman Jirasek

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[meteorite-list] The Buzzards Have Landed

2010-03-31 Thread Rob Wesel

Hello All

Just a quick note to inform those who pre-ordered Buzzard Coulee through me 
and Mike Bandli that the stones are now US citizens and will be flying to a 
mailbox near you via Priority Mail in the next 48 hours.

Copies of the export permit will be included.

Thanks for your business, all of our pieces have found buyers but I believe 
McCartney Taylor stated his are leaving the nest soon.

Be well,

Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...
and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971

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Re: [meteorite-list] Central Florida bolide of 30 March 2010

2010-03-31 Thread GeoZay
>>It's a longshot, but I'll take some time  tomorrow to compile a list of
local police departments in that area and ring  them up. See if they've had
any reports of damage to property due to falling  stones or if they have
further reported sightings.<<

Be keen of  reports to police and fire departments for possible air plane 

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[meteorite-list] Meteorite Crashes Into Clock Tower!

2010-03-31 Thread Thomas Webb


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[meteorite-list] Meteorite Influx, Paleometeorites, and Impact Structures, Estonia

2010-03-31 Thread Paul Heinrich

Dear Friends,

Below are some PDF files and an abstract about Ordovician
meteorite influx, fossil meteorites (paleometeorites), and
impact structures from Estonia.

Carl Alwmark, 2009, Traces in Earth's geological record of
the break-up of the L-chondrite parent body 470 Ma.
LithoLund theses No. 18, Department of Geology, Lund

Cronholm, A, 2009, The flux of extraterrestrial matter to
Earth as recorded in Paleogene and Middle Ordovician marine
sediments. LithoLund theses No. 17, Department of Geology,
Lund University.

Suuroja, K.-M., 2008, Geology and Lithology of the Early
Palaeozoic Marine Impact Structures Kardla and Neugrund
(Estonia). Department of Geology, University of Tartu, Estonia

Awlmark, C., B. Schmitz, and K. Kirsimae, 2010, The
mid-Ordovician Osmussaar breccia in Estonia linked to the
disruption of the L-chondrite parent body in the asteroid
belt Geological Society of America Bulletin B30040.1, first
published on March 29, 2010, doi:10.1130/B30040.1


Paul H.

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[meteorite-list] NWA DAY

2010-03-31 Thread Abdelaziz Alhyane
Hey Listers,
This is what I got from some of you;HAPPY NWA DAY!!!
 CAN WE DO 04/04/10 AS A NWA DAY ?

Ma best

Saffron guy


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Re: [meteorite-list] NWA DAY

2010-03-31 Thread Abdelaziz Alhyane
I meant  04/01/10

--- On Wed, 3/31/10, Abdelaziz Alhyane  wrote:

> From: Abdelaziz Alhyane 
> Subject: [meteorite-list] NWA DAY
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 9:46 PM
> Hey Listers,
> This is what I got from some of you;    HAPPY NWA
> DAY!!!
>  CAN WE DO 04/04/10 AS A NWA DAY ?
> Ma best
> Saffron guy
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list


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Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?

2010-03-31 Thread Murray Paulson
Hi Melanie:

No, selling or even lending them for research makes no difference. A
Canadian researcher sent some meteorites to U of Oregon for
classification and got Challenged by Canadian cultural properties for
doing it. No, it doesn't matter why you are exporting them, they can
smack you. Don't get lulled by someone ignorant of the law.


On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 7:55 PM, Melanie Matthews
> Not to give anyone a bad name or scare those who
> are already bidding on some of them, but it seems kinda strange how
> there is no mention of export permits.. I PMed them and according to them
> she's selling them "for research" and as such they can get away with selling 
> BCs without a permit. It seems they are legit.
>  ---
> Melanie
> IMCA: 2975
> eBay: metmel2775
> Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09
> Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what 
> you're gonna get!
> - Original Message 
> From: Linton Rohr 
> To: Jason Utas 
> Cc:
> Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 10:57:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?
> Well Jason, I certainly could be wrong.
> I just hate to see anybody here get burned.
> My eyes can't tell for sure that those are fresh, fusion-crusted stones,
> as opposed to little black earth rocks, due to the photo quality.
> They do look somewhat probable though, I'll admit.
> The larger problem to me, is the export permit.
> Was there any mention of that when you spoke?
> Linton
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jason Utas" 
> To: "Meteorite-list" 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?
> Melanie, Linton,
> The photos depict what are clearly fresh stony meteorites, regardless
> of their quality (viz., the photos').
> This seller is a local and has been selling Buzzard Coulee stones
> since shortly after the fall.
> I've spoken with them on a few occasions, and, while I haven't
> actually purchased any stones, they do seem to be on the level.
> Regards,
> Jason
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Linton Rohr 
> wrote:
>> Melanie,
>> No, I do not know the seller.
>> The poor quality photos are just a nuisance.
>> The text indicates to me that the seller does not know meteorites.
>> Sounds like he took a few notes from someone elses legitimate ad.
>> No mention of export permits is a giant red flag, though.
>> You could always ask him/her about that. I almost did.
>> The price/gram is sure a lot lower though, eh?
>> Almost too good to be true, isn't it...
>> And you know what they say about that!
>> Linton
>> - Original Message - From: "Melanie Matthews"
>> To: "Meteorite List" 
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:59 PM
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Are these authentic Buzzard Coulees?
>>> Worldwide shipping and no mention of an export permit for any of them?
>>> Anyone here know this person and if he/she is for real?
>>> ---
>>> Melanie
>>> IMCA: 2975
>>> eBay: metmel2775
>>> Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09
>>> Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know
>>> what you're gonna get!
>>> __
>>> Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!
>>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> __
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> __
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>      __
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> favourite sites. Download it now
> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] NWA DAY

2010-03-31 Thread Jason Utas
Does anyone else think it's a little strange to double anything
intended to be serious up with April Fool's day?

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 9:47 PM, Abdelaziz Alhyane
> I meant  04/01/10
> --- On Wed, 3/31/10, Abdelaziz Alhyane  wrote:
>> From: Abdelaziz Alhyane 
>> Subject: [meteorite-list] NWA DAY
>> To:
>> Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 9:46 PM
>> Hey Listers,
>> This is what I got from some of you;    HAPPY NWA
>> DAY!!!
>>  CAN WE DO 04/04/10 AS A NWA DAY ?
>> Ma best
>> Saffron guy
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at 
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list
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[meteorite-list] AD - Martian NWA 1068 on eBay!

2010-03-31 Thread Dave Harris

Hi folks,
An infrequent foray to the metlist...
match head sized piece of the Shergottite NWA 1068.


dave harris
IMCA #0092

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Re: [meteorite-list] NWA DAY

2010-03-31 Thread Linton Rohr

Ya think?  
I gather they're not acquainted with our mischievous little "holiday".

- Original Message - 
From: "Jason Utas" 

To: "Meteorite-list" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:42 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA DAY

Does anyone else think it's a little strange to double anything
intended to be serious up with April Fool's day?

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 9:47 PM, Abdelaziz Alhyane

I meant 04/01/10

--- On Wed, 3/31/10, Abdelaziz Alhyane  

From: Abdelaziz Alhyane 
Subject: [meteorite-list] NWA DAY
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 9:46 PM
Hey Listers,
This is what I got from some of you; HAPPY NWA
CAN WE DO 04/04/10 AS A NWA DAY ?

Ma best

Saffron guy

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