[meteorite-list] Flikr ShutterFly or Photobucket?

2010-10-22 Thread Meteorites USA
For ALL your photo needs. What free social photo service do you like 
best? and Why?

I have my favorite... I'm curious which service people like the most for 
storing and displaying their meteorite photos.

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[meteorite-list] Meteorite hunters go far afield - Jacksonville, Illinois

2010-10-22 Thread Paul H.
Meteorite hunters go far afield, Jacksonville 
Journal-Courier by Jake Russell, Sept 26, 2010

Scientist confirms meteorite fall north of Jacksonville, 
Illinois, by David C. Blauer, Journal-Courier


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[meteorite-list] Mysterious Rock Is a Meteorwrong (Tom River, New Jersey)

2010-10-22 Thread Paul H.
Toms River man learns mysterious rock that landed in his yard 
is not a meteorite. Asbury Park Press, Jersey Shore, Oct. 6, 2010

"Toms River, New Jersey — The mysterious rock that almost 
conked township resident Salvadore D'Addario on the head 
a year ago is still that: a mystery."

"...it most definitely is not a meteorite."


Paul H.

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[meteorite-list] Video: Surfing on Supersonic Shock Waves at 3000MPH

2010-10-22 Thread Paul H.
How to Surf a Supersonic Shock Wave
MIT Technology Review, ‎Oct. 19, 2010‎

Video: Surfing on Supersonic Shock Waves at 3000MPH
Popular Science, by Clay Dillow, Oct. 19, 2010

The Video is at:

Parziale, N. J., S. J. Laurence, R Deiterding, H. G. Hornung, and
J. E. Shepherd, 2010, Experimental Investigation of Shock Wave 
Surfing. arXiv:1010.3248v2 [physics.flu-dyn]


Paul H.
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[meteorite-list] the end,it has to be this time

2010-10-22 Thread Yogi Berra

"This is like deja vu all over again."

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[meteorite-list] New Cometary Phenomenon Greets Approaching Spacecraft (EPOXI - Comet Hartley 2)

2010-10-22 Thread Ron Baalke


New Cometary Phenomenon Greets Approaching Spacecraft
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 21, 2010

Recent observations of comet Hartley 2 have scientists scratching their
heads, while they anticipate a flyby of the small, icy world on Nov. 4.

A phenomenon was recorded by imagers aboard NASA's Deep Impact
spacecraft from Sept. 9 to 17 during pre-planned scientific observations
of the comet. These observations, when coupled with expected images
during the closest encounter with Hartley 2 on Nov. 4, will become the
most detailed look yet at a comet's activity during its pass through the
inner-solar system.

"On Earth, cyanide is known as a deadly gas. In space it's known as one
of the most easily observed ingredients that is always present in a
comet," said Mike A'Hearn of the University of Maryland, College Park.
A'Hearn is principal of EPOXI, an extended mission that utilizes the
already "in flight" Deep Impact spacecraft. "Our observations indicate
that cyanide released by the comet increased by a factor of five over an
eight-day period in September without any increase in dust emissions,"
A'Hearn said. "We have never seen this kind of activity in a comet
before, and it could affect the quality of observations made by
astronomers on the ground."

The new phenomenon is very unlike typical cometary outbursts, which have
sudden onsets and are usually accompanied by considerable dust. It also
seems unrelated to the cyanide jets that are sometimes seen in comets.
The EPOXI science team believes that astronomers and interested
observers viewing the comet from Earth should be aware of this type of
activity when planning observations and interpreting their data.

"If observers monitoring Hartley 2 do not take into account this new
phenomenon, they could easily get the wrong picture of how the comet is
changing as it approaches and recedes from the sun," said A'Hearn.

Cyanide is a carbon-based molecule. It is believed that billions of
years ago, a bombardment of comets carried cyanide and other building
blocks of life to Earth.

The name EPOXI itself is a combination of the names for the two extended
mission components: the extrasolar planet observations, called
Extrasolar Planet Observations and Characterization (EPOCh), and the
flyby of comet Hartley 2, called the Deep Impact Extended Investigation
(DIXI). The spacecraft will continue to be referred to as "Deep Impact."

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., manages the EPOXI
mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. The
University of Maryland, College Park, is home to the mission's principal
investigator, Michael A'Hearn. Drake Deming of NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., is the science lead for the mission's
extrasolar planet observations. The spacecraft was built for NASA by
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Boulder, Colo.

For more information about EPOXI visit http://epoxi.umd.edu/.

DC Agle 818-393-9011
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.


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[meteorite-list] Mars Exploration Rovers Update: October 13-22, 2010

2010-10-22 Thread Ron Baalke


SPIRIT UPDATE:  Spirit Remains Silent at Troy - sols 2410-2416,
October 13-23, 2010:

Spirit remains silent at her location on the west side of Home Plate. No
communication has been received from the rover since Sol 2210 (March 22,

The project is listening for Spirit with the Deep Space Network and Mars
Odyssey orbiter for autonomous recovery communication from the low-power
fault case, and conducting a "Sweep & Beep" strategy to stimulate the
rover in the case of a mission clock fault. Improving solar insolation
levels should provide an environment for the rover batteries to
recharge, with increasing likelihood of hearing from Spirit in the
period ahead.

Total odometry is unchanged at 7,730.50 meters (4.80 miles).

OPPORTUNITY UPDATE:  Opportunity Past the 15-Mile Mark on Mars - 
sols 2389-2395, October 13-19, 2010:

Opportunity crossed the 24-kilometer (15-mile) odometry mark on her way
to Endeavour crater.

The rover ended last week with the data backlog which limited activities
over the weekend. On Sol 2390 (Oct. 14, 2010), the alpha particle X-ray
spectrometer (APXS) was sequenced to collect an atmospheric argon
measurement along with light remote sensing. Not until Sol 2393 (Oct.
17, 2010), were onboard data volumes improved so a drive could be
sequenced. On that sol, Opportunity drove over 100 meters (328 feet),
crossing the 24-kilometer (15 mile) odometry mark.

The rover drove again on Sol 2395 (Oct. 19, 2010), again reaching over
100 meters (328 miles). Even though the Miniature Thermal Emission
Spectrometer (Mini-TES) instrument is still under investigation, the
Mini-TES elevation mirror continues to be opened to the environment at
regular intervals in the chance of catching a wind-induced cleaning event.

As of Sol 2395 (Oct. 19, 2010), solar array energy production was 627
watt-hours with a slightly elevated atmospheric opacity (Tau) of 0.639
and a solar array dust factor of 0.7015.

Total odometry is 24,192.63 meters (24.19 kilometers, or 15.03 miles).

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[meteorite-list] Mars Odyssey THEMIS Images: October 19-22, 2010

2010-10-22 Thread Ron Baalke

October 19-22, 2010

o Platy Flows (19 October 2010)

o Dunes (20 October 2010)

o Elysium Chasma (21 October 2010)

o Ascraeus Mons (22 October 2010)

All of the THEMIS images are archived here:


NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission 
for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, D.C. The Thermal Emission 
Imaging System (THEMIS) was developed by Arizona State University,
Tempe, in co.oration with Raytheon Santa Barbara Remote Sensing. 
The THEMIS investigation is led by Dr. Philip Christensen at Arizona State 
University. Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, is the prime contractor 
for the Odyssey project, and developed and built the orbiter. Mission 
operations are conducted jointly from Lockheed Martin and from JPL, a 
division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. 

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[meteorite-list] ESA Call For Media: Reacting To Threat of Asteroid Impacts

2010-10-22 Thread Ron Baalke


Call for media: reacting to threat of asteroid impacts
European Space Agency 
20 October 2010

ESA PR 24-2010 = How would the world react to the threat of an asteroid
impact? The media are invited to meet top-level experts at ESA's space
operations centre in Germany on 29 October to find out more.
Journalists are invited to Darmstadt, Germany for a briefing at the end
of a workshop on Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) and the dangers they present.

The high-level Mission Planning and Operations Group (MPOG) workshop
includes astronauts and space scientists. It is the latest in a series
organised to report to the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space and includes representatives from major space agencies, NASA
astronauts, the Secure World Foundation and the Association of Space
"The workshop series is focusing on plans and recommendations for global
coordination and response in the event that an asteroid or other object
is found to pose an impact threat to Earth," says workshop coordinator
Detlef Koschny from ESA.

The three-day meeting is being hosted by ESA at the European Space
Operations Centre, Darmstadt, Germany.

Plausible asteroid impact and timing scenarios
Participants will review the latest information and findings from
asteroid and NEO research worldwide, and receive briefings on activities
of the Inter-Agency Debris Coordination Committee and ESA's Space
Situational Awareness Preparatory Programme. They will also consider two
theoretical but plausible impact scenarios and analyse them in detail in
order to identify the best strategy for global response.
In addition to senior managers from ESA, NASA, the Russian space agency
Roscosmos and numerous national space agencies, participants will include:

* Rusty Schweickart, Apollo 9 astronaut and Head of ASE's Committee
  on NEOs
* Thomas Jones, NASA astronaut on four Space Shuttle flights and a
  long-time asteroid impact researcher
* Brian Weeden, Technical Advisor at the Secure Word Foundation,
  researcher in space debris and collision issues and related space
* Sergio Camacho, space science researcher, former Director of the
  UN Office for Outer Space Affairs and now Secretary General of the
  Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education for
  Latin America and the Caribbean.

The workshop will define future planning tasks and studies for the Group
that will later be merged with findings of other experts to create a
final report to the UN committee. Such a report will recommend how to
react to an impact threat.

Under ESA's Space Situational Awareness Preparatory Programme, Europe is
acquiring the capability to watch for objects and natural phenomena that
could harm satellites in orbit or facilities on the ground.
Media briefing at ESA's operations centre, Friday, 29 October

12:30   Doors open to pre-registered media representatives
13:00   Welcome by Manfred Warhaut, Head of the Mission Operations Dept.
and Deputy Head of ESOC
13:05   Overview by Nicolas Bobrinsky, Head of ESA's Space Situational
Awareness Preparatory Programme
13:20   Introduction of MPOG participants by Detlef Koschny, ESA NEO expert
13:30   Presentation of findings by MPOG Workshop
14:15   Open Q&A with the media
14:30   Conclusion; further interview opportunities

Live webcast 29 October 2010 13:00 - 14:30 CEST
The media briefing will be webcast live from ESOC on 29 October,
13:00-14:30 CEST (GMT+2). The video stream will be available via:


Website owners wishing to embed/rebroadcast the stream should visit
http://www.livestream.com/eurospaceagency for details and to access the
embed video player code.

Media contacts at ESOC

Bernhard von Weyhe or Andreas Schepers
Corporate Communications Office, ESA/ESOC
Tel: +49 6151 90 25 46 (4204)
Workshop Coordinator
Dr Detlef Koschny
ESA Head of Space Situational Awareness Preparatory Programme - NEO Segment
Tel: +31 71 565 4828

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[meteorite-list] AD - Big Fall Clearance Sale - Lowest Prices Ever Offered! New Items from my Personal Stash!

2010-10-22 Thread Michael Gilmer
Hi Folks,

I have gone through my website and slashed asking prices on many nice
specimens.  You can also use the 30% OFF clearance coupon in addition
to these sale prices.  So many of these specimens are now 50% off or
more - some are being sold at or below cost, just to liquidate some
rocks into badly-needed cash.  I'm in a wheeling and dealing mood, so
make offers on anything in the store.

Look for prices with slashes through them on the website.  And use the
coupon code "firesale" at checkout to get an additional 30% off your
entire order!  If you have any problems with the checkout or coupon,
contact me via email.

I have opened up the vaults of my personal collection over the last
week.  Many of these are one-of-a-kind items or displays that I do not
usually offer.  So once these are gone, they are gone for good.

See all of the latest offerings here -


MAPS Journals and Supplements (with Met Bulletin updates) -

Rare and Collectible Meteorite Postcard lot (4) -

Nininger Meteorite Museum Display -

NWA 6077 brachinite (paired with 5400 and others, my last sizeable
piece!) - 

Tumble Polished Moldavite (ready for jewelry) -

Tumble Polished Indochinite "Golf Ball" -

NWA 6080 LL4 Endcut 9.9g -

NWA 6289 LL4 "Rumuruti Imposter" crusted slice -

NWA 6026 Rare CK5 Crusted Full Slice (Make offer!) -

Make on offer on these NASA items -

Genuine Trinitite Atom-Bomb Glass! -

Contact me off-list with any questions or offers - meteoritem...@gmail.com

Thanks for looking and have a great weekend!


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
News Feed - http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516
Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone
EOM - http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/collection.aspx?id=1564
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[meteorite-list] the end,it has to be this time

2010-10-22 Thread Metorman46
Hello steve;
I want to be the first to welcome you back and say that i also have been  
very amused at your on-off,on-off,on-off,on-off,on-off relationship with the  
meteorite collecting world.It is a great example of the right to make 
decisions  in collecting.I have enjoyed your character and specimens that i 
acquired  from you.We have missed you,and again,WELCOME BACK IN ADVANCE.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do with your life and i sincerely hope  
you do well after your surgery.
Best Regards;Herman Archer.
p.s.Just a little humor steve no offense meant.Have  fun!!
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Re: [meteorite-list] metachondrite

2010-10-22 Thread Steve Dunklee
So by what I have read metachondrites are material that was once chondrite 
based on tfL what this suggests is you can take condrite material and have it 
accrete on a large parent body and make meta chondrite. I think it would be 
material that formed closer to the sun cooling quickly on one side giving it 
chondritic attributes and o isotopes closer to the tfL. Cheers Steve Dunklee

On Thu Oct 21st, 2010 9:02 AM EDT Jeff Grossman wrote:

>  This is a term coined by Ted Bunch and Tony Irving, but to my 
>knowledge there is no peer-reviewed publication defining the term.  
>You'll find the definition in an AGU and a MetSoc abstract:
>The term is not in widespread use and has not been used in the 
>Meteoritical Bulletin.  Time will tell if it catches on.
>On 10/20/2010 11:36 PM, Steve Dunklee wrote:
>> What is a metachondrite? Cheers Steve Dunklee
>> __
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Re: [meteorite-list] metachondrite

2010-10-22 Thread Steve Dunklee
I cant get the abstract to run on my phone so I am still not sure what is meant 
by metachondrite. Could it be material that cooled too quickly to form 
chondrules but still retains many of the characteristics undifferentiated 
chondrules have? I have some pac and acap that have in some places partial 
spheres which would indicate rapid cooling on at least one side. When you 
consider the sun side may be realy hot and the shadow side almost absolute zero 
it kind of makes sence some material would instantly freeze on one side and 
remain melted on the other. Making a kind of half chondrule. With jagged edges 
on one side and smooth partial spheer on the other. Cheers Steve Dunklee

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Re: [meteorite-list] Unconscious Ideomotor Response Test

2010-10-22 Thread Steve Dunklee
ever had a foam cup or plastic bag stick to your hand and refuse to un stick? 
Ever give sombody a shock by sliding your feet on a carpet? Ever had your hair 
stand on end before a lightning strike? Would these electromagnetic occurances 
possibly be ascribed to ideomotor response? Why would it be so hard to believe 
a person can use an antenna to amplify electromagnetic waves and use the 
difference they feel to find differences in field strength and locate objects 
based on the the earths electromagnetic field. Which if I have been reading 
right is strong enough to supply the whole world with unlimited power if we 
could harness it? Its not magick or mojo. Its electromagnetic physics. Power 
companies and people with money have every reason to debunk dowsing. Since the 
same process if discovered and used could supply unlimeted electricity for free 
for everyone.not to mention find iron meteorites. Cheers Steve Dunklee

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[meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of Day - October 22, 2010

2010-10-22 Thread Michael Johnson
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Re: [meteorite-list] Unconscious Ideomotor Response Test

2010-10-22 Thread Jerry Flaherty
So as the term educate = to lead out - we struggle to lead and be lead out 
of the mists which cloud our consciousness to a reality beyond..??? as 
Plato's  images on the cave walls lend to confuse.

From: "Michael Blood" 
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 6:54 AM
To: "JoshuaTreeMuseum" ; "Meteorite List" 

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Unconscious Ideomotor Response Test

According to Jung, ultimately, we all know everything.
   Those devoted exclusively to logic are as blind as those devoted
Exclusively to religious dogma.
   As the ol' Bard said, " There are more things in heaven and earth,
Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
   'nuff said, Michael

On 10/21/10 6:49 AM, "JoshuaTreeMuseum" 

That's the  point of the experiment. It's to prove the existence of the
ideomotor response. I've read the literature, I don't believe in dowsing,
just the ideomoter reaction to it. When farmers and plumbers find
underground pipes, they obviously already know where they are.

Phil Whitmer

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Re: [meteorite-list] Unconscious Ideomotor Response Test

2010-10-22 Thread Michael Blood
According to Jung, ultimately, we all know everything.
Those devoted exclusively to logic are as blind as those devoted
Exclusively to religious dogma.
As the ol' Bard said, " There are more things in heaven and earth,
Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
'nuff said, Michael

On 10/21/10 6:49 AM, "JoshuaTreeMuseum" 

> Mark:
> That's the  point of the experiment. It's to prove the existence of the
> ideomotor response. I've read the literature, I don't believe in dowsing,
> just the ideomoter reaction to it. When farmers and plumbers find
> underground pipes, they obviously already know where they are.
> Phil Whitmer

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