Re: [meteorite-list] Good read about the moon being captured by Earth

2010-12-19 Thread Richard Kowalski
"Science progresses one funeral at a time." -- Max Planck

Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081

--- On Sat, 12/18/10,  wrote:

> From: 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Good read about the moon being captured by Earth
> To:
> Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010, 10:43 PM
> Greetings,
> The Earth capture theory creates a lot of problems due to
> the size of the Earth/Moon system. I believe it is
> physically impossible. It has long been discarded as a
> viable theory.
> More likely an impact occured with the Earth during
> formation. At least that is the most logical idea put forth
> so far.
> I guess that bad ideas are defended until the death of the
> person that generated the idea. Tektites also come to mind.
> --AL Mitterling
> Quoting MEM :
> > - Original Message 
> >> From: Greg Catterton
> >> Subject: [meteorite-list] Good read about the moon
> being captured by Earth
> >> about a year  old but a good read and
> something to consider. I think this
> >> theory is more  plausible also.
> >> Maybe the moon was hit and knocked towards Earth
> and was  captured.
> > 
> > Yeah...BUT.Capture theory doesn't address the
> identical oxygen isotope
> > ratios shared by Terra and Luna. Nor our 23° axis
> tilt. Nor the migration
> > dynamics to move .88 AU in 100 million years to be in
> place for the capture.
> > According to the article, Malcuit has been working on
> this for several decades.
> > While Malcuit wasn't looking up from his desk, he may
> have missed the little
> > isotope-ratio "thingy".
> > 
> > While some rocks in Australia were dated to 4.0±.03
> billion, the claim for the
> > oldest earth rocks dated were in the range of 3.8-4.3
> billion( a one half
> > billion error margin) leaving 400-500million years for
> the surface to
> > re-congeal--which the author doesn't think is
> adequate.  The wack obviously
> > would have excavated some of the mantle but not
> necessarily the core.  I haven't
> > seen the math, so I don't know if the envelope of
> possibilities allow for some
> > deep-crust plutons to have avoided being
> disrupted.  Maybe we need to be looking
> > for plutons with giant shattercones rather than
> micrometer-sized zircon
> > crystals.  Another caveat in this "dating" is it
> isn't the rocks themselves
> > which are that old-- its the un-remelted zircons
> within them and a giant wack
> > would not necessarily have melted every last reservoir
> of zircon.  The zircons
> > in Australia were in much younger sandstone.
> > 
> > I'd like to know more about the mechanism of capture
> to convert a highly
> > elliptical orbit (which would be likely be passing
> inside the Roche radius of
> > the earth 16 times per year) into an almost circular
> one. ( I'd like to hear
> > more about the wack from the orbit from inside Mercury
> and how the Moon would
> > have retained so much silicate content which should
> have been boiled away).
> > While we know there is a small, permanent, tidal
> bulge, on the backside of the
> > moon, the moon is far far less ellipsoid then
> predicted given the perturbations
> > of the Roche limit would have exerted over part of the
> 3 billion years of
> > stabilizing--AND the moon would have to have been
> largely plastic-- if not
> > molten , for the ellipsoid to become spherical. 
> BUT the moon is missing
> > compression ridges that would have been left by the
> tectonics a solid crust
> > floating on a plastic lunar mantel. I do agree that
> the churning would have
> > heated both earth and the moon if the moon had
> survived the capture for any
> > length of time--according to this theory. And we have
> calculated the rate the
> > moon is moving away from us such that 400mybp we had
> 20 hour days. So where is
> > the orbital mechanics that got the moon so close and
> only to let it assume a
> > different orbital radius?  The mechanism should
> have been a single vector not
> > first one than another.
> > 
> > I would also like to know what these "geologically
> impossibilities" are the
> > author did not elaborate on other than his argument on
> cooling rates and the
> > inferred "earliest age" the zircons could have formed
> that we use to date the
> > oldest rocks.   This is the first I've
> heard that the" Big Wack" was estimated
> > to have occurred after the earth had formed oceans.
> > 
> > 
> > Finally, some do believe there were a dozen or more
> bodies in the very early
> > solar system that were ejected out of the solar system
> else were absorbed into a
> > body that yet remains. Calculations show that there
> are resonances and that
> > bodies have moved into orbits other than the ones they
> were formed in but IIRC
> > these were largely inward migrations(?).  What
> wacker "knocked" the moon into a
> > radical orbit and where is the wacker today?
> > 
> > 
> > Seems someone has too much of their life invested in a

Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara xxxxx finds

2010-12-19 Thread Jeff Grossman

There are several issues and a misconception here.

Misconception: The Nomenclature Committee (NomCom) does not change the 
names of meteorites once they are accepted, except in extraordinary 
circumstances (e.g., the Gao/Guenie nomenclatural nightmare).  To do so 
would cause endless confusion.  All of the Nova meteorites were named 
that way when they were initially published in the Bulletin.

The "Sahara" series, which were collected and so-named by the Labenne 
family, predates the "NWA" series by several years.  In the late 1997, 
the Sahara meteorites were being sold under this name, several groups of 
scientists wanted to publish on them, and the NomCom had to figure out 
what to do about their names.  The choices were to accept these names, 
convince the Labennes to rename them, or to rename them ourselves for 
the official announcement.  For several reasons, Sahara was accepted.  
First, the names were already coming into widespread use, and renaming 
them would cause a mess.  Second, it was understood that the coordinates 
would be released, perhaps in five years, once the area was hunted out 
(this never happened, but I still hope it will).

The vote to establish the NWA series came in 2000, when it became clear 
that the Saharan nomenclature problem was growing in magnitude.  It 
seems possible that, had the Labenne meteorites appeared after this 
date, NomCom would have insisted that they all be called NWA.  But 
probably not:  we thought that Tunisia, eastern Algeria, Niger, and 
Libya were all possible collection areas, and these are not in the NWA 
area, which is defined as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding 

Given all of this, probably the ideal names for the Labenne meteorites 
would have been Sahara 001 - Sahara xxx, but what was done was done.


On 12/18/2010 2:25 PM, Greg Catterton wrote:

Many will provide false information or not any at all to keep the location 
secret. There is a discussion elsewhere currently about a finder lying about 
the location to secure the material available.

Algeria has laws preventing the export of meteorites, yet there are new ones 
coming out everyday. Even recent Lunars from there are accepted and sold. All 
one has to do is simply say NWA.

Berduc was the same way, many were transported outside the country and claimed 
to have been found elsewhere.

I have seen many others questioned about locations and even know of one person 
who has outright lied about where a stone was recovered to keep from paying the 
land owner the share agreed on and created a laughable story of the find that 
has been published with so many flaws, it looks like a scam ad on ebay. I bet 
some of you have a piece of it in your collection and dont even know the whole 
story behind it!

I think it happens more then we would really want to know.

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sat, 12/18/10, Michael Gilmer  wrote:

From: Michael Gilmer
Subject: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara x finds
Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010, 1:51 PM
Hi Listees,

I have a quick question for the group and maybe someone
here can shed
some light on this subject

Meteorites that do not have find coordinates or have
falsified find
coordinates are typically given the "Nova" designation by
NonCom or if
they are from Northwest Africa, they are given the "NWA"
In a handful of cases, a named meteorite was later changed
to a "Nova"
because it was discovered that the find coordinates were
incorrect or

So, why after all of these years does the Sahara x
finds (mostly
Labenne finds) are not referred to as "NWA" or
"Nova"?  It is
well-known that the find coordinates on the many of these
Sahara finds are falsified, which has hurt science and the
of the specimens.  To this day, over a decade later,
the true find
coordinates of these specimens have not been revealed and
will never be revealed.

Can someone explain the double-standard at work here? 
Is it because

of the pioneering work and otherwise-respectable work that
Labennes have done - despite the falsification of the find
Why do these Sahara finds get special treatment, while
other finds
with dubious locations are lumped under "NWA" or "Nova" ?

I realize the NWA designation did not exist when the Sahara
finds were
accepted by NonCom, but shouldn't they now receive the
designation?  In fact, the NWA designation was
created, in part, due
to the confusion created by the Sahara finds.  So why
do they still
get a special place in nomenclature after all of this

Best regards,


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone&  Ironworks Meteorites

Website - http://www.galactic-s

Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara xxxxx finds

2010-12-19 Thread Martin Altmann
>I think it happens more then we would really want to know.

And I think, it happens much less, than mistrustful collectors may suppose.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Greg
Gesendet: Samstag, 18. Dezember 2010 20:25
An:; Michael Gilmer
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara x finds

Many will provide false information or not any at all to keep the location
secret. There is a discussion elsewhere currently about a finder lying about
the location to secure the material available. 

Algeria has laws preventing the export of meteorites, yet there are new ones
coming out everyday. Even recent Lunars from there are accepted and sold.
All one has to do is simply say NWA.

Berduc was the same way, many were transported outside the country and
claimed to have been found elsewhere. 

I have seen many others questioned about locations and even know of one
person who has outright lied about where a stone was recovered to keep from
paying the land owner the share agreed on and created a laughable story of
the find that has been published with so many flaws, it looks like a scam ad
on ebay. I bet some of you have a piece of it in your collection and dont
even know the whole story behind it!

I think it happens more then we would really want to know.

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sat, 12/18/10, Michael Gilmer  wrote:

> From: Michael Gilmer 
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara x finds
> To:
> Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010, 1:51 PM
> Hi Listees,
> I have a quick question for the group and maybe someone
> here can shed
> some light on this subject
> Meteorites that do not have find coordinates or have
> falsified find
> coordinates are typically given the "Nova" designation by
> NonCom or if
> they are from Northwest Africa, they are given the "NWA"
> designation.
> In a handful of cases, a named meteorite was later changed
> to a "Nova"
> because it was discovered that the find coordinates were
> incorrect or
> dubious.
> So, why after all of these years does the Sahara x
> finds (mostly
> Labenne finds) are not referred to as "NWA" or
> "Nova"?  It is
> well-known that the find coordinates on the many of these
> Labenne
> Sahara finds are falsified, which has hurt science and the
> provenance
> of the specimens.  To this day, over a decade later,
> the true find
> coordinates of these specimens have not been revealed and
> probably
> will never be revealed.
> Can someone explain the double-standard at work here? 
> Is it because
> of the pioneering work and otherwise-respectable work that
> the
> Labennes have done - despite the falsification of the find
> locations?
> Why do these Sahara finds get special treatment, while
> other finds
> with dubious locations are lumped under "NWA" or "Nova" ?
> I realize the NWA designation did not exist when the Sahara
> finds were
> accepted by NonCom, but shouldn't they now receive the
> Nova
> designation?  In fact, the NWA designation was
> created, in part, due
> to the confusion created by the Sahara finds.  So why
> do they still
> get a special place in nomenclature after all of this
> time?
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> --
> Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
> Website -
> Facebook -
> News Feed -
> Twitter -
> Meteorite Top List -
> EOM -
> ---
> __
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> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara xxxxx finds

2010-12-19 Thread Greg Catterton
Thanks for the info Jeff. I have a couple questions...

> Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible collection
> areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is defined
> as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding
> countries."

If this is the case, how do recent Lunars like NWA 2996, 4483 and 5151 become 
NWA stones when they were found in Algeria? 
Given export laws (however foolish they are) shouldnt these require export 
permits to own like Canadian and Argentina falls since Algeria does not allow 

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sun, 12/19/10, Jeff Grossman  wrote:

> From: Jeff Grossman 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara x finds
> To:
> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 7:44 AM
> There are several issues and a
> misconception here.
> Misconception: The Nomenclature Committee (NomCom) does not
> change the names of meteorites once they are accepted,
> except in extraordinary circumstances (e.g., the Gao/Guenie
> nomenclatural nightmare).  To do so would cause endless
> confusion.  All of the Nova meteorites were named that
> way when they were initially published in the Bulletin.
> The "Sahara" series, which were collected and so-named by
> the Labenne family, predates the "NWA" series by several
> years.  In the late 1997, the Sahara meteorites were
> being sold under this name, several groups of scientists
> wanted to publish on them, and the NomCom had to figure out
> what to do about their names.  The choices were to
> accept these names, convince the Labennes to rename them, or
> to rename them ourselves for the official
> announcement.  For several reasons, Sahara was
> accepted.  First, the names were already coming into
> widespread use, and renaming them would cause a mess. 
> Second, it was understood that the coordinates would be
> released, perhaps in five years, once the area was hunted
> out (this never happened, but I still hope it will).
> The vote to establish the NWA series came in 2000, when it
> became clear that the Saharan nomenclature problem was
> growing in magnitude.  It seems possible that, had the
> Labenne meteorites appeared after this date, NomCom would
> have insisted that they all be called NWA.  But
> probably not:  we thought that Tunisia, eastern
> Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible collection
> areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is defined
> as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding
> countries."
> Given all of this, probably the ideal names for the Labenne
> meteorites would have been Sahara 001 - Sahara xxx, but what
> was done was done.
> Jeff
> On 12/18/2010 2:25 PM, Greg Catterton wrote:
> > Many will provide false information or not any at all
> to keep the location secret. There is a discussion elsewhere
> currently about a finder lying about the location to secure
> the material available.
> > 
> > Algeria has laws preventing the export of meteorites,
> yet there are new ones coming out everyday. Even recent
> Lunars from there are accepted and sold. All one has to do
> is simply say NWA.
> > 
> > Berduc was the same way, many were transported outside
> the country and claimed to have been found elsewhere.
> > 
> > I have seen many others questioned about locations and
> even know of one person who has outright lied about where a
> stone was recovered to keep from paying the land owner the
> share agreed on and created a laughable story of the find
> that has been published with so many flaws, it looks like a
> scam ad on ebay. I bet some of you have a piece of it in
> your collection and dont even know the whole story behind
> it!
> > 
> > I think it happens more then we would really want to
> know.
> > 
> > Greg Catterton
> >
> > IMCA member 4682
> > On Ebay:
> > On Facebook:
> > 
> > 
> > --- On Sat, 12/18/10, Michael Gilmer 
> wrote:
> > 
> >> From: Michael Gilmer
> >> Subject: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about
> Sahara x finds
> >> To:
> >> Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010, 1:51 PM
> >> Hi Listees,
> >> 
> >> I have a quick question for the group and maybe
> someone
> >> here can shed
> >> some light on this subject
> >> 
> >> Meteorites that do not have find coordinates or
> have
> >> falsified find
> >> coordinates are typically given the "Nova"
> designation by
> >> NonCom or if
> >> they are from Northwest Africa, they are given the
> "NWA"
> >> designation.
> >> In a handful of cases, a named meteorite was later
> changed
> >> to a "Nova"
> >> because it was discovered that the find
> coordinates were
> >> incorrect or
> >> dubious.
> >> 
> >> So, why after all of these years do

Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara xxxxx finds

2010-12-19 Thread Jeff Grossman

Parts of Algeria are included in the definition of NWA.

As for export laws, you tell me!


On 12/19/2010 11:34 AM, Greg Catterton wrote:

Thanks for the info Jeff. I have a couple questions...

Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible collection
areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is defined
as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding

If this is the case, how do recent Lunars like NWA 2996, 4483 and 5151 become 
NWA stones when they were found in Algeria?
Given export laws (however foolish they are) shouldnt these require export 
permits to own like Canadian and Argentina falls since Algeria does not allow 

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sun, 12/19/10, Jeff Grossman  wrote:

From: Jeff Grossman
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara x finds
Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 7:44 AM
There are several issues and a
misconception here.

Misconception: The Nomenclature Committee (NomCom) does not
change the names of meteorites once they are accepted,
except in extraordinary circumstances (e.g., the Gao/Guenie
nomenclatural nightmare).  To do so would cause endless
confusion.  All of the Nova meteorites were named that
way when they were initially published in the Bulletin.

The "Sahara" series, which were collected and so-named by
the Labenne family, predates the "NWA" series by several
years.  In the late 1997, the Sahara meteorites were
being sold under this name, several groups of scientists
wanted to publish on them, and the NomCom had to figure out
what to do about their names.  The choices were to
accept these names, convince the Labennes to rename them, or
to rename them ourselves for the official
announcement.  For several reasons, Sahara was
accepted.  First, the names were already coming into
widespread use, and renaming them would cause a mess. 
Second, it was understood that the coordinates would be

released, perhaps in five years, once the area was hunted
out (this never happened, but I still hope it will).

The vote to establish the NWA series came in 2000, when it
became clear that the Saharan nomenclature problem was
growing in magnitude.  It seems possible that, had the
Labenne meteorites appeared after this date, NomCom would
have insisted that they all be called NWA.  But
probably not:  we thought that Tunisia, eastern
Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible collection
areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is defined
as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding

Given all of this, probably the ideal names for the Labenne
meteorites would have been Sahara 001 - Sahara xxx, but what
was done was done.


On 12/18/2010 2:25 PM, Greg Catterton wrote:

Many will provide false information or not any at all

to keep the location secret. There is a discussion elsewhere
currently about a finder lying about the location to secure
the material available.

Algeria has laws preventing the export of meteorites,

yet there are new ones coming out everyday. Even recent
Lunars from there are accepted and sold. All one has to do
is simply say NWA.

Berduc was the same way, many were transported outside

the country and claimed to have been found elsewhere.

I have seen many others questioned about locations and

even know of one person who has outright lied about where a
stone was recovered to keep from paying the land owner the
share agreed on and created a laughable story of the find
that has been published with so many flaws, it looks like a
scam ad on ebay. I bet some of you have a piece of it in
your collection and dont even know the whole story behind

I think it happens more then we would really want to


Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sat, 12/18/10, Michael Gilmer


From: Michael Gilmer
Subject: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about

Sahara x finds

Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010, 1:51 PM
Hi Listees,

I have a quick question for the group and maybe


here can shed
some light on this subject

Meteorites that do not have find coordinates or


falsified find
coordinates are typically given the "Nova"

designation by

NonCom or if
they are from Northwest Africa, they are given the


In a handful of cases, a named meteorite was later


to a "Nova"
because it was discovered that the find

coordinates were

incorrect or

So, why after all of these years does the Sahara


finds (mostly
Labenne finds) are not referred to as "NWA" or
"Nova"?  It is
well-known that the find coordinates on the many

of these


Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Law/Export and Quick Question about Sahara xxxxx finds

2010-12-19 Thread Greg Catterton
Is there a "map" that shows the areas of what is covered under NWA? If not, I 
think it would be useful to have one, not only for talking to people about 
meteorites but also for anyone who sells or collects NWA material.
Being able to show where and what NWA is would go a long way.

As for the laws - I am not sure I know enough to offer an answer. It is 
something I am currently researching however.
>From what I have seen, Algeria seems like a place that is not export friendly 
>(not too safe either!) and would require export permits to legally own, just 
>as Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil and many other countries. 

Does anyone know more about this or have a site/page set up on meteorite laws 
and exporting? I think it would be a good resource to have available.

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sun, 12/19/10, Jeff Grossman  wrote:

> From: Jeff Grossman 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara x finds
> To:
> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 11:52 AM
> Parts of Algeria are included in the
> definition of NWA.
> As for export laws, you tell me!
> Jeff
> On 12/19/2010 11:34 AM, Greg Catterton wrote:
> > Thanks for the info Jeff. I have a couple
> questions...
> >
> >> Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible
> collection
> >> areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is
> defined
> >> as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding
> >> countries."
> > If this is the case, how do recent Lunars like NWA
> 2996, 4483 and 5151 become NWA stones when they were found
> in Algeria?
> > Given export laws (however foolish they are) shouldnt
> these require export permits to own like Canadian and
> Argentina falls since Algeria does not allow export?
> >
> > Greg Catterton
> >
> > IMCA member 4682
> > On Ebay:
> > On Facebook:
> >
> >
> > --- On Sun, 12/19/10, Jeff Grossman 
> wrote:
> >
> >> From: Jeff Grossman
> >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about
> Sahara x finds
> >> To:
> >> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 7:44 AM
> >> There are several issues and a
> >> misconception here.
> >>
> >> Misconception: The Nomenclature Committee (NomCom)
> does not
> >> change the names of meteorites once they are
> accepted,
> >> except in extraordinary circumstances (e.g., the
> Gao/Guenie
> >> nomenclatural nightmare).  To do so would
> cause endless
> >> confusion.  All of the Nova meteorites were
> named that
> >> way when they were initially published in the
> Bulletin.
> >>
> >> The "Sahara" series, which were collected and
> so-named by
> >> the Labenne family, predates the "NWA" series by
> several
> >> years.  In the late 1997, the Sahara
> meteorites were
> >> being sold under this name, several groups of
> scientists
> >> wanted to publish on them, and the NomCom had to
> figure out
> >> what to do about their names.  The choices
> were to
> >> accept these names, convince the Labennes to
> rename them, or
> >> to rename them ourselves for the official
> >> announcement.  For several reasons, Sahara
> was
> >> accepted.  First, the names were already
> coming into
> >> widespread use, and renaming them would cause a
> mess. 
> >> Second, it was understood that the coordinates
> would be
> >> released, perhaps in five years, once the area was
> hunted
> >> out (this never happened, but I still hope it
> will).
> >>
> >> The vote to establish the NWA series came in 2000,
> when it
> >> became clear that the Saharan nomenclature problem
> was
> >> growing in magnitude.  It seems possible
> that, had the
> >> Labenne meteorites appeared after this date,
> NomCom would
> >> have insisted that they all be called NWA. 
> But
> >> probably not:  we thought that Tunisia,
> eastern
> >> Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible
> collection
> >> areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is
> defined
> >> as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding
> >> countries."
> >>
> >> Given all of this, probably the ideal names for
> the Labenne
> >> meteorites would have been Sahara 001 - Sahara
> xxx, but what
> >> was done was done.
> >>
> >> Jeff
> >>
> >> On 12/18/2010 2:25 PM, Greg Catterton wrote:
> >>> Many will provide false information or not any
> at all
> >> to keep the location secret. There is a discussion
> elsewhere
> >> currently about a finder lying about the location
> to secure
> >> the material available.
> >>> Algeria has laws preventing the export of
> meteorites,
> >> yet there are new ones coming out everyday. Even
> recent
> >> Lunars from there are accepted and sold. All one
> has to do
> >> is simply say NWA.
> >>> Berduc was the same way, many were transported
> out

Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara xxxxx finds

2010-12-19 Thread Michael Gilmer
Well, I had written a long and insightful reply pertaining to the
original Sahara  issue, but my laptop had a moment of stupidity
and I lost the entire reply.  I have no desire to completely re-type
it out.  A pity, since I think it was an effective statement about the
duality of what is acceptable in the academic world and the "lay
world".  (*sigh*)

On 12/19/10, Jeff Grossman  wrote:
> Parts of Algeria are included in the definition of NWA.
> As for export laws, you tell me!
> Jeff
> On 12/19/2010 11:34 AM, Greg Catterton wrote:
>> Thanks for the info Jeff. I have a couple questions...
>>> Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible collection
>>> areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is defined
>>> as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding
>>> countries."
>> If this is the case, how do recent Lunars like NWA 2996, 4483 and 5151
>> become NWA stones when they were found in Algeria?
>> Given export laws (however foolish they are) shouldnt these require export
>> permits to own like Canadian and Argentina falls since Algeria does not
>> allow export?
>> Greg Catterton
>> IMCA member 4682
>> On Ebay:
>> On Facebook:
>> --- On Sun, 12/19/10, Jeff Grossman  wrote:
>>> From: Jeff Grossman
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara x finds
>>> To:
>>> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 7:44 AM
>>> There are several issues and a
>>> misconception here.
>>> Misconception: The Nomenclature Committee (NomCom) does not
>>> change the names of meteorites once they are accepted,
>>> except in extraordinary circumstances (e.g., the Gao/Guenie
>>> nomenclatural nightmare).  To do so would cause endless
>>> confusion.  All of the Nova meteorites were named that
>>> way when they were initially published in the Bulletin.
>>> The "Sahara" series, which were collected and so-named by
>>> the Labenne family, predates the "NWA" series by several
>>> years.  In the late 1997, the Sahara meteorites were
>>> being sold under this name, several groups of scientists
>>> wanted to publish on them, and the NomCom had to figure out
>>> what to do about their names.  The choices were to
>>> accept these names, convince the Labennes to rename them, or
>>> to rename them ourselves for the official
>>> announcement.  For several reasons, Sahara was
>>> accepted.  First, the names were already coming into
>>> widespread use, and renaming them would cause a mess.
>>> Second, it was understood that the coordinates would be
>>> released, perhaps in five years, once the area was hunted
>>> out (this never happened, but I still hope it will).
>>> The vote to establish the NWA series came in 2000, when it
>>> became clear that the Saharan nomenclature problem was
>>> growing in magnitude.  It seems possible that, had the
>>> Labenne meteorites appeared after this date, NomCom would
>>> have insisted that they all be called NWA.  But
>>> probably not:  we thought that Tunisia, eastern
>>> Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible collection
>>> areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is defined
>>> as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding
>>> countries."
>>> Given all of this, probably the ideal names for the Labenne
>>> meteorites would have been Sahara 001 - Sahara xxx, but what
>>> was done was done.
>>> Jeff
>>> On 12/18/2010 2:25 PM, Greg Catterton wrote:
 Many will provide false information or not any at all
>>> to keep the location secret. There is a discussion elsewhere
>>> currently about a finder lying about the location to secure
>>> the material available.
 Algeria has laws preventing the export of meteorites,
>>> yet there are new ones coming out everyday. Even recent
>>> Lunars from there are accepted and sold. All one has to do
>>> is simply say NWA.
 Berduc was the same way, many were transported outside
>>> the country and claimed to have been found elsewhere.
 I have seen many others questioned about locations and
>>> even know of one person who has outright lied about where a
>>> stone was recovered to keep from paying the land owner the
>>> share agreed on and created a laughable story of the find
>>> that has been published with so many flaws, it looks like a
>>> scam ad on ebay. I bet some of you have a piece of it in
>>> your collection and dont even know the whole story behind
>>> it!
 I think it happens more then we would really want to
>>> know.
 Greg Catterton
 IMCA member 4682
 On Ebay:
 On Facebook:

 --- On Sat, 12/18/10, Michael Gilmer
>>> wrote:
> From: Michael Gilmer
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about
>>> Sahara x finds
> To: m

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Law/Export and Quick Question about Sahara xxxxx finds

2010-12-19 Thread Michael Gilmer
Hi Greg and List,

I wouldn't expect to see Algeria follow the same route as Canada or
Australia with permitting.  The Algerian government is only a step or
two better than the Taliban, so I wouldn't expect a militant regime to
accommodate the bureaucracy of international meteorite trading.  The
situation in Chaco province with Campo is far different than the
dangerous border between two countries which have gone to war in the
past (Algeria and Morocco) and a region that is currently experiencing
an active violent insurgency (the alliance of Al-Qaeda in Maghreb and
the local GSPC).   Some areas of the Sahara are war-zones and that
complicates everything.

Best regards,


On 12/19/10, Greg Catterton  wrote:
> Is there a "map" that shows the areas of what is covered under NWA? If not,
> I think it would be useful to have one, not only for talking to people about
> meteorites but also for anyone who sells or collects NWA material.
> Being able to show where and what NWA is would go a long way.
> As for the laws - I am not sure I know enough to offer an answer. It is
> something I am currently researching however.
> >From what I have seen, Algeria seems like a place that is not export
> friendly (not too safe either!) and would require export permits to legally
> own, just as Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil and many other countries.
> Does anyone know more about this or have a site/page set up on meteorite
> laws and exporting? I think it would be a good resource to have available.
> Greg Catterton
> IMCA member 4682
> On Ebay:
> On Facebook:
> --- On Sun, 12/19/10, Jeff Grossman  wrote:
>> From: Jeff Grossman 
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara x finds
>> To:
>> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 11:52 AM
>> Parts of Algeria are included in the
>> definition of NWA.
>> As for export laws, you tell me!
>> Jeff
>> On 12/19/2010 11:34 AM, Greg Catterton wrote:
>> > Thanks for the info Jeff. I have a couple
>> questions...
>> >
>> >> Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible
>> collection
>> >> areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is
>> defined
>> >> as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding
>> >> countries."
>> > If this is the case, how do recent Lunars like NWA
>> 2996, 4483 and 5151 become NWA stones when they were found
>> in Algeria?
>> > Given export laws (however foolish they are) shouldnt
>> these require export permits to own like Canadian and
>> Argentina falls since Algeria does not allow export?
>> >
>> > Greg Catterton
>> >
>> > IMCA member 4682
>> > On Ebay:
>> > On Facebook:
>> >
>> >
>> > --- On Sun, 12/19/10, Jeff Grossman
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >> From: Jeff Grossman
>> >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about
>> Sahara x finds
>> >> To:
>> >> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 7:44 AM
>> >> There are several issues and a
>> >> misconception here.
>> >>
>> >> Misconception: The Nomenclature Committee (NomCom)
>> does not
>> >> change the names of meteorites once they are
>> accepted,
>> >> except in extraordinary circumstances (e.g., the
>> Gao/Guenie
>> >> nomenclatural nightmare).  To do so would
>> cause endless
>> >> confusion.  All of the Nova meteorites were
>> named that
>> >> way when they were initially published in the
>> Bulletin.
>> >>
>> >> The "Sahara" series, which were collected and
>> so-named by
>> >> the Labenne family, predates the "NWA" series by
>> several
>> >> years.  In the late 1997, the Sahara
>> meteorites were
>> >> being sold under this name, several groups of
>> scientists
>> >> wanted to publish on them, and the NomCom had to
>> figure out
>> >> what to do about their names.  The choices
>> were to
>> >> accept these names, convince the Labennes to
>> rename them, or
>> >> to rename them ourselves for the official
>> >> announcement.  For several reasons, Sahara
>> was
>> >> accepted.  First, the names were already
>> coming into
>> >> widespread use, and renaming them would cause a
>> mess.
>> >> Second, it was understood that the coordinates
>> would be
>> >> released, perhaps in five years, once the area was
>> hunted
>> >> out (this never happened, but I still hope it
>> will).
>> >>
>> >> The vote to establish the NWA series came in 2000,
>> when it
>> >> became clear that the Saharan nomenclature problem
>> was
>> >> growing in magnitude.  It seems possible
>> that, had the
>> >> Labenne meteorites appeared after this date,
>> NomCom would
>> >> have insisted that they all be called NWA.
>> But
>> >> probably not:  we thought that Tunisia,
>> eastern
>> >> Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible
>> collection
>> >> areas, and t

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Law/Export and Quick Question about Sahara xxxxx finds

2010-12-19 Thread Michael Gilmer
Did someone say "NWA meteorite map"...?


On 12/19/10, Greg Catterton  wrote:
> Is there a "map" that shows the areas of what is covered under NWA? If not,
> I think it would be useful to have one, not only for talking to people about
> meteorites but also for anyone who sells or collects NWA material.
> Being able to show where and what NWA is would go a long way.
> As for the laws - I am not sure I know enough to offer an answer. It is
> something I am currently researching however.
> >From what I have seen, Algeria seems like a place that is not export
> friendly (not too safe either!) and would require export permits to legally
> own, just as Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil and many other countries.
> Does anyone know more about this or have a site/page set up on meteorite
> laws and exporting? I think it would be a good resource to have available.
> Greg Catterton
> IMCA member 4682
> On Ebay:
> On Facebook:
> --- On Sun, 12/19/10, Jeff Grossman  wrote:
>> From: Jeff Grossman 
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara x finds
>> To:
>> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 11:52 AM
>> Parts of Algeria are included in the
>> definition of NWA.
>> As for export laws, you tell me!
>> Jeff
>> On 12/19/2010 11:34 AM, Greg Catterton wrote:
>> > Thanks for the info Jeff. I have a couple
>> questions...
>> >
>> >> Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible
>> collection
>> >> areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is
>> defined
>> >> as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding
>> >> countries."
>> > If this is the case, how do recent Lunars like NWA
>> 2996, 4483 and 5151 become NWA stones when they were found
>> in Algeria?
>> > Given export laws (however foolish they are) shouldnt
>> these require export permits to own like Canadian and
>> Argentina falls since Algeria does not allow export?
>> >
>> > Greg Catterton
>> >
>> > IMCA member 4682
>> > On Ebay:
>> > On Facebook:
>> >
>> >
>> > --- On Sun, 12/19/10, Jeff Grossman
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >> From: Jeff Grossman
>> >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about
>> Sahara x finds
>> >> To:
>> >> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 7:44 AM
>> >> There are several issues and a
>> >> misconception here.
>> >>
>> >> Misconception: The Nomenclature Committee (NomCom)
>> does not
>> >> change the names of meteorites once they are
>> accepted,
>> >> except in extraordinary circumstances (e.g., the
>> Gao/Guenie
>> >> nomenclatural nightmare).  To do so would
>> cause endless
>> >> confusion.  All of the Nova meteorites were
>> named that
>> >> way when they were initially published in the
>> Bulletin.
>> >>
>> >> The "Sahara" series, which were collected and
>> so-named by
>> >> the Labenne family, predates the "NWA" series by
>> several
>> >> years.  In the late 1997, the Sahara
>> meteorites were
>> >> being sold under this name, several groups of
>> scientists
>> >> wanted to publish on them, and the NomCom had to
>> figure out
>> >> what to do about their names.  The choices
>> were to
>> >> accept these names, convince the Labennes to
>> rename them, or
>> >> to rename them ourselves for the official
>> >> announcement.  For several reasons, Sahara
>> was
>> >> accepted.  First, the names were already
>> coming into
>> >> widespread use, and renaming them would cause a
>> mess.
>> >> Second, it was understood that the coordinates
>> would be
>> >> released, perhaps in five years, once the area was
>> hunted
>> >> out (this never happened, but I still hope it
>> will).
>> >>
>> >> The vote to establish the NWA series came in 2000,
>> when it
>> >> became clear that the Saharan nomenclature problem
>> was
>> >> growing in magnitude.  It seems possible
>> that, had the
>> >> Labenne meteorites appeared after this date,
>> NomCom would
>> >> have insisted that they all be called NWA.
>> But
>> >> probably not:  we thought that Tunisia,
>> eastern
>> >> Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible
>> collection
>> >> areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is
>> defined
>> >> as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding
>> >> countries."
>> >>
>> >> Given all of this, probably the ideal names for
>> the Labenne
>> >> meteorites would have been Sahara 001 - Sahara
>> xxx, but what
>> >> was done was done.
>> >>
>> >> Jeff
>> >>
>> >> On 12/18/2010 2:25 PM, Greg Catterton wrote:
>> >>> Many will provide false information or not any
>> at all
>> >> to keep the location secret. There is a discussion
>> elsewhere
>> >> currently about a finder lying about the

[meteorite-list] AD: Join My Private Meteorite Sale Group To See Offers Like These!

2010-12-19 Thread michael cottingham

* JOIN my Private Meteorite Sales List To Get Offers Like These Below. 
Click and send This email to join:


*Please, because this is a special sale with extreme low prices, I would 
appreciate prompt payment.

I decided that between now and Xmas ... I will offer to my private list 
first... 1 to 5 specimens, each day, at really give away or almost give away 
prices... keep watch. First buy first serve SHIPPING IS FREE!  Probably 
will do this every night until XMAS!

I will also leave the previous offerings up until the 26th, if they have not 
sold. ALL of these are the lowest I have ever offered them!




Happy Holiday's and Best Wishes

Michael Cottingham
Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Philippe Rouc

2010-12-19 Thread Mike Bandli
Dear List,

I'm looking for Philippe Rouc from France or anyone that knows him or has
dealt with him. If you could contact me off-list, I would be very grateful.


Mike Bandli

Mike Bandli
Historic Meteorites
and join us on Facebook:
IMCA #5765

Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Warning about ebay member

2010-12-19 Thread Mirko Graul
Dear list members,

I would warn any ebay seller against a very unpleasant ebay member.
The ebay member ( tri-ball34 ) has won some meteorites with me on ebay and to 
this day not one of them paid.
The total value of almost $ 1500.
He had bought over a longer period of time.
Now I've talked with some other dealers and it looks as if many traders are 
Are there any other dealers who have not received payment from him ??
I have blocked this member now.

Many greetings to all,


Mirko Graul Meteorite 
16321 Bernau 

Phone: 0049-1724105015 

Member of The Meteoritical Society 
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science) 

IMCA-Member: 2113 
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Philippe Rouc

2010-12-19 Thread Mirko Graul
Hi Mike,

oh.i know this name.but not this person!
Please read my contribution to the U.S. list I have just written.
I suspect this person has bought you with meteorites and never paid.

Many dear greetings Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite 
16321 Bernau 

Phone: 0049-1724105015 

Member of The Meteoritical Society 
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science) 

IMCA-Member: 2113 
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Mike Bandli  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

> Von: Mike Bandli 
> Betreff: [meteorite-list] Philippe Rouc
> An:
> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 19:36 Uhr
> Dear List,
> I'm looking for Philippe Rouc from France or anyone that
> knows him or has
> dealt with him. If you could contact me off-list, I would
> be very grateful.
> Cheers,
> Mike Bandli
> Mike Bandli
> Historic Meteorites
> and join us on Facebook:
> IMCA #5765
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning about ebay member

2010-12-19 Thread Gary Fujihara
Aloha Mirko,

Thank you for this warning to the list.  I have not made any sales to this 
tri-ball34, but have had buyers default on payment several times in the past.  
All of them were new ebay members with less than 10 feedbacks, just like 
tri-ball34.  And none of them contacted me to communicate why they don't want 
to pay, even after many polite messages to them.

I don't know if it is "buyer's remorse" or ebay rule ignorance, but i have 
noticed several dealers add a disclaimer to their listings imploring that 
buyers with less than 10 feedbacks not bid on their items.  I am hoping not to 
employ a similar action, as we all had to start somewhere ...


On Dec 19, 2010, at 8:40 AM, Mirko Graul wrote:

> Dear list members,
> I would warn any ebay seller against a very unpleasant ebay member.
> The ebay member ( tri-ball34 ) has won some meteorites with me on ebay and to 
> this day not one of them paid.
> The total value of almost $ 1500.
> He had bought over a longer period of time.
> Now I've talked with some other dealers and it looks as if many traders are 
> concerned.
> Are there any other dealers who have not received payment from him ??
> I have blocked this member now.
> Many greetings to all,
> Mirko
> Mirko Graul Meteorite 
> Quittenring.4 
> 16321 Bernau 
> Phone: 0049-1724105015 
> E-Mail: 
> WEB: 
> Member of The Meteoritical Society 
> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science) 
> IMCA-Member: 2113 
> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Gary Fujihara
Big Kahuna Meteorites (IMCA#1693)
105 Puhili Place, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720  
(808) 640-9161

Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Warning about ebay member

2010-12-19 Thread JoshuaTreeMuseum
Yes, I would recommend banning this guy. He's a "sport bidder", who bids on 
stuff then never pays for it or responds when you email him. He's in 
Montpelier, France.

Happy Festivus, Peak Shoppping, Saturnalia, Winter Solstice, Druid Yule Day 
and Kwanzaa!

Phil Whitmer

Dear list members,

I would warn any ebay seller against a very unpleasant ebay member.
The ebay member ( tri-ball34 ) has won some meteorites with me on ebay and 
to this day not one of them paid.

The total value of almost $ 1500.
He had bought over a longer period of time.
Now I've talked with some other dealers and it looks as if many traders are 

Are there any other dealers who have not received payment from him ??
I have blocked this member now.

Many greetings to all,


Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Law/Export and Quick Question about Sahara xxxxx finds

2010-12-19 Thread Jeff Grossman

There is no map.


On 12/19/2010 12:05 PM, Greg Catterton wrote:

Is there a "map" that shows the areas of what is covered under NWA? If not, I 
think it would be useful to have one, not only for talking to people about meteorites but 
also for anyone who sells or collects NWA material.
Being able to show where and what NWA is would go a long way.

As for the laws - I am not sure I know enough to offer an answer. It is 
something I am currently researching however.
> From what I have seen, Algeria seems like a place that is not export friendly 
(not too safe either!) and would require export permits to legally own, just as 
Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil and many other countries.

Does anyone know more about this or have a site/page set up on meteorite laws 
and exporting? I think it would be a good resource to have available.

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sun, 12/19/10, Jeff Grossman  wrote:

From: Jeff Grossman
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about Sahara x finds
Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 11:52 AM
Parts of Algeria are included in the
definition of NWA.

As for export laws, you tell me!


On 12/19/2010 11:34 AM, Greg Catterton wrote:

Thanks for the info Jeff. I have a couple


Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible


areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is


as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding

If this is the case, how do recent Lunars like NWA

2996, 4483 and 5151 become NWA stones when they were found
in Algeria?

Given export laws (however foolish they are) shouldnt

these require export permits to own like Canadian and
Argentina falls since Algeria does not allow export?

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sun, 12/19/10, Jeff Grossman


From: Jeff Grossman
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Quick Question about

Sahara x finds

Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 7:44 AM
There are several issues and a
misconception here.

Misconception: The Nomenclature Committee (NomCom)

does not

change the names of meteorites once they are


except in extraordinary circumstances (e.g., the


nomenclatural nightmare).  To do so would

cause endless

confusion.  All of the Nova meteorites were

named that

way when they were initially published in the


The "Sahara" series, which were collected and

so-named by

the Labenne family, predates the "NWA" series by


years.  In the late 1997, the Sahara

meteorites were

being sold under this name, several groups of


wanted to publish on them, and the NomCom had to

figure out

what to do about their names.  The choices

were to

accept these names, convince the Labennes to

rename them, or

to rename them ourselves for the official
announcement.  For several reasons, Sahara


accepted.  First, the names were already

coming into

widespread use, and renaming them would cause a


Second, it was understood that the coordinates

would be

released, perhaps in five years, once the area was


out (this never happened, but I still hope it


The vote to establish the NWA series came in 2000,

when it

became clear that the Saharan nomenclature problem


growing in magnitude.  It seems possible

that, had the

Labenne meteorites appeared after this date,

NomCom would

have insisted that they all be called NWA.


probably not:  we thought that Tunisia,


Algeria, Niger, and Libya were all possible


areas, and these are not in the NWA area, which is


as "Morocco and adjacent parts of the surrounding

Given all of this, probably the ideal names for

the Labenne

meteorites would have been Sahara 001 - Sahara

xxx, but what

was done was done.


On 12/18/2010 2:25 PM, Greg Catterton wrote:

Many will provide false information or not any

at all

to keep the location secret. There is a discussion


currently about a finder lying about the location

to secure

the material available.

Algeria has laws preventing the export of


yet there are new ones coming out everyday. Even


Lunars from there are accepted and sold. All one

has to do

is simply say NWA.

Berduc was the same way, many were transported


the country and claimed to have been found


I have seen many others questioned about

locations and

even know of one person who has outright lied

about where a

stone was recovered to keep from paying the land

owner the

share agreed on and created a laughable story of

the find

that has

[meteorite-list] sad news

2010-12-19 Thread steve arnold
Hello all.I want to wish everyone the world over a truly Merry Cristmas.Our 
holidays were saddened today.I got news that my wife's older brother died 
suddenly in his sleep.He had been ill for sometime but nothing like was 
expected.We are still in shock.He was 61 years old.Again I do not want to 
anyone down, but as they say,we are family.Happy holidays all.
 Steve R.Arnold, Chicago! 
Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning about ebay member

2010-12-19 Thread Mirko Graul
Hi Gary,

yes, this is a good possibility of such difficulties would be out of the way to 
But I also know many very reliable buyer who still have under 10 points.
And that would not be fair to this buyers.
One will have to continue to live with the risk.
By this guy I had already from the beginning a bad feeling.
It offers so high that no other bid can reach him more.
I think this is clearly a Fun bidder.

Regards Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite 
16321 Bernau 

Phone: 0049-1724105015 

Member of The Meteoritical Society 
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science) 

IMCA-Member: 2113 
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Gary Fujihara  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

> Von: Gary Fujihara 
> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning about ebay member
> An: "Mirko Graul" 
> CC:
> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 19:58 Uhr
> Aloha Mirko,
> Thank you for this warning to the list.  I have not
> made any sales to this tri-ball34, but have had buyers
> default on payment several times in the past.  All of
> them were new ebay members with less than 10 feedbacks, just
> like tri-ball34.  And none of them contacted me to
> communicate why they don't want to pay, even after many
> polite messages to them.
> I don't know if it is "buyer's remorse" or ebay rule
> ignorance, but i have noticed several dealers add a
> disclaimer to their listings imploring that buyers with less
> than 10 feedbacks not bid on their items.  I am hoping
> not to employ a similar action, as we all had to start
> somewhere ...
> gary
> On Dec 19, 2010, at 8:40 AM, Mirko Graul wrote:
> > Dear list members,
> > 
> > I would warn any ebay seller against a very unpleasant
> ebay member.
> > The ebay member ( tri-ball34 ) has won some meteorites
> with me on ebay and to this day not one of them paid.
> > The total value of almost $ 1500.
> > He had bought over a longer period of time.
> > Now I've talked with some other dealers and it looks
> as if many traders are concerned.
> > Are there any other dealers who have not received
> payment from him ??
> > I have blocked this member now.
> > 
> > Many greetings to all,
> > 
> > Mirko
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Mirko Graul Meteorite 
> > Quittenring.4 
> > 16321 Bernau 
> > 
> > Phone: 0049-1724105015 
> > E-Mail:
> > WEB: 
> > 
> > Member of The Meteoritical Society 
> > (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
> Science) 
> > 
> > IMCA-Member: 2113 
> > (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Visit the Archives at 
> >
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> Gary Fujihara
> Big Kahuna Meteorites (IMCA#1693)
> 105 Puhili Place, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720
> (808) 640-9161

Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] sad news

2010-12-19 Thread Steve Witt

My condolences to you and your family. A loss is always difficult and at this 
time of year it is even harder.


Steve Witt
IMCA #9020

--- On Sun, 12/19/10, steve arnold  wrote:

> From: steve arnold 
> Subject: [meteorite-list] sad news
> To:
> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 1:14 PM
> Hello all.I want to wish everyone the
> world over a truly Merry Cristmas.Our 
> holidays were saddened today.I got news that my wife's
> older brother died 
> suddenly in his sleep.He had been ill for sometime but
> nothing like was 
> expected.We are still in shock.He was 61 years old.Again I
> do not want to burden 
> anyone down, but as they say,we are family.Happy holidays
> all.
>  Steve R.Arnold, Chicago! 
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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[meteorite-list] Happy Holidays from the Sonoran Desert M Hunting camp

2010-12-19 Thread U.S. Airborne

Happy Holidays from the Sonora Desert .
We got  5 hours of FOG here in the desert today, kinda strange. Only have 
seen it twice before in my life.

Its been quite a long time since my last post to the list, as I had to go 
back to my job teaching folks to fly

for a few weeks.  I wanted to Wish you all a great and wonderfully joyous
holiday season.   I  also wanted to say congratulations to all the folks
that have made 1st finds lately.  It is truly a out of this world feeling
finding space rocks that flew in from outer space. Kind of hard to explain 
to folks off the street what a truly amazing thing it is. Also a big 
congratulation to the

Hunters that have had there finds classified as of lately. Great job to all
of you.  I finally got my Nov. Ca. find cut open & she looks lovely. We have
been hunting the Sonora desert the last few weeks and I have
found some quite strange things I must say. But nothing that I can for sure
say yes it's a meteorite. I got a few that need cut & looked at inside.
I just gotta say Meteorite hunting is so fun & exciting to do that it really
does not matter if you bring home the space rocks on every hunt. I just love
just being out there in the middle of nowhere playing with mother nature ,
taking pics, smelling the different smells of the desert. Finding strange, 
weird things & trying to figure out what the heck they are. Finding strange 
rocks that could possibly be a rare meteorite then researching them,
Studying the earths colors & textures on Google earth then going out and 
flying over it in person. Then

hunting those areas you have studied in detail. Cutting , slicing, and
polishing all my great finds.  And now the excitement of getting special
finds classified by Science to see what type of Meteorite
I found. The excitement just keep growing. Now with new dreams of hunting
fresh falls from around the globe . Plus studying old falls that need to be
looked over again and again.  WOW, I feel like the luckiest guy on earth.
I wanted to send a special thanks to some of my fellow meteorite hunters 

all you have done this last year to make my journey into the world of
meteorites easer by watching videos and reading your stories of Hunts from
around U.S. and world. Out here in the desert I don't get T.V. stations to
watch. So I have now down loaded my favorite TV show onto my laptop. I now
have both seasons 1 and 2 of Meteorite Men to watch any time I wish.  So a
special thanks to Robert Verish & Moni,  Rob Matson , Ruben Garcia, Steve 
and Geoff Notkin , Sonny Clary , Count Deiro, And John Harrison my Id M 
hunting buddy. Plus my wife Terri for putting up with crazy me & all the 
crazy & wildly fun things I love in life. There are many many more so thanks 
all of you.
Happy Holidays and Happy Meteorite hunting over the Holidays . May you find 
that rock of your dreams.

Best Regards

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377

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[meteorite-list] Warning about ebay member

2010-12-19 Thread martin goff
Hi Mirko and list,

I have had 2 non payments from this bidder in the past with no contact
for days and then promises of payment followed by more non contact.
Everyone has financial burdens and delayed payment is no problem but
non communication is not on. I will now block this bidder.



Martin Goff
IMCA #3387
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[meteorite-list] Ad - One last push

2010-12-19 Thread Rob Wesel
Hello all-

I have just a few things up on eBay, still at reasonable prices. Final call 
on last minute stocking stuffers

Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...
and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971

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Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Update 2 - Wilbur Wash (correction)

2010-12-19 Thread Ted Bunch
Dear Greg and Eric--Your stones were classified and submitted and we 
have discussed this problem. Greg your stone is NWA 5511; Eric, your 
stones are NWA 5440 and 5441, this you already know. These are part of 
MIA III or missing in action. As an example of the problems classifiers 
have had and to some degree still have, I give below the MIA II list 
(names of individuals are deleted). Most of these were finally cleaned 
up by the present Editor, Mike Weisberg, whose efforts in this matter 
are greatly appreciated. With respect to the N. American 
classifications, those in question, in addition to at least 10 others, 
were sent off to the Editor in charge a long time ago. Inquires were 
made several times with no response. After significant time has pasted, 
I no longer inquire or re-submit.

We do not get paid for classifications, any monies received go to the 
University for instrument time. You, Greg and Eric, were never charged. 
I do not submit an invoice until official approvals are received. The 
Editor, members of the NOM COM, and most classifiers that I know do not 
receive compensation either. We have rather thankless jobs and put up 
with inefficiencies and abuses.

Because of these problems, we posted on our NAU web site that we do not 
classify any more for the general public.  Many of you,
 make money from classifier's efforts, It costs me about $3K per year 
to classify meteorites.

November 12, 2008

Some “missing” submissions that have occurred over the last couple of years and 
are still MIA and I am NOT HAPPY! I have addressed these issues several times.

1. Originally submitted in Nov. 2006, then again in Jan. 2007: NWA 2682, 2683, 
2684,  2685, 2686, 2687, 2688, 2689, 2691, 2692, 2693, 2694, 2695, 2696, 2095. 
Our original submission in Nov. was not put into the “proper” format that was 
posted on Oct. 26.

2. April 2007 submissions: NWA 4650 through NWA 4664

3. Others: NWA 4551, 4541, 4284, 4448, 4544, 4545, 4549. 4409, 4410, 4411, 4412,
4413, 4414, 4284, 2909.

5. Submitted in Nov. 2006, again in Jan. 2007: Dhofar 1127, 1128, 1130,
1131, 1136, 1139, 1144, 1148, 1154, 1156, 1168, 1170, 1176, 1178, 1181, 
1226, 1232,
1243, 1250, 1251, 1261, 1272, 1429, 1430, 1431. 1432.  Same as for #1. Now 

6. And most amazing of all – I submitted an EXCEL sheet of those listed below, 
some are on Jeff’s web site (blue),

 others are not (red) and only some are on the tracking list (blue).

Jeff’s & tracking sites: NWA 4429, 4431, 4432, 4433, 4434, 4436, 4437, 

Missing everywhere: NWA 4430, 4435, 4438, 4439, 4441, 4442, ,
4445, 4446.

7. One lunar, Jiddat al Harasis (#1004) – now official as 348.

8. And, 12 submitted for N. America a couple of years ago and one NEA submitted 
long ago before your tenure.

These were sent directly to either BLANK. BLANK or to you at the  and copied to 
at least one other.

The N. American items went to BLANK, several times.


Eric and Greg, if you want to continue discussion about your stones, 
please do it off line. I have seen enough pissing contests on the LIST 
and do not want to be part of one. My apology to you and others who are 
in a "neglected" position, we are not perfect and have made mistakes, 
but I do not apologize for issues out of my control. FYI, I have 
prepared another MIA list and will send it to Mike after critical 
classifications for LPSC abstracts have been handled by Mike and the NOM 
COM, i. e., after 1-10-11. These classifications have priority over the 
general public requests at this time and I do not want to clog up Mike 
any more than he already is.

You might inquire to Tony Irving, Allan Rubin, Randy Korotev, among 
other classifiers, about problems they had/have. The system is not 
perfect and improvements have been made, more should and can be made.

Ted Bunch

On 12/19/10 10:47 AM, Greg Catterton wrote:

Seeing as how this was mentioned... Ted has also lost 2 samples of mine.
A very unusual black chondrite? and another LL5/6 Polymict breccia.
Its been over 18 months. I was told the thin sections were lost... I know of 
two others who have had issues with him losing material. I too have had little 
or no email replies.

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sun, 12/19/10, Eric Twelker  wrote:

From: Eric Twelker
Subject: Re: [IMCA] Update 2 - Wilbur Wash (correction)
Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 12:41 PM

 This reply will divert a bit from the
Wilber Wash issue, but I think it is related.  Lamesa,
Tahoka, and Wellman (f) have all been mentioned in this
thread and their lack of publication may be related to
Wilbur Wash.  A large number of meteorites (including
the prior three) that were 

[meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Adam Hupe
Yes, This guy  ( tri-ball34 ) "won" quantity 23 items from me valued into the 
thousands and will not pay for them. This is one of the reasons eBay can be so 
frustrating and I am trying to ween myself off of it. This kind of person not 
only hurts sellers, he hurts the buyers by bidding up items he has no intention 
of paying for.  He bid up so many of my items that I thought the meteorite 
market was recovering nicely. Now, that I have spent many hours opening 23 
separate cases against him and undoing the damage, I see that the market is 
about the same.  It is amazing what kind of chaos a single bidder can cause.

Best Regards,

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Stuart McDaniel

Why don't you block him from bidding??

-Original Message- 
From: Adam Hupe

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:30 PM
To: Adam
Subject: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Yes, This guy  ( tri-ball34 ) "won" quantity 23 items from me valued into 
thousands and will not pay for them. This is one of the reasons eBay can be 
frustrating and I am trying to ween myself off of it. This kind of person 
only hurts sellers, he hurts the buyers by bidding up items he has no 

of paying for.  He bid up so many of my items that I thought the meteorite
market was recovering nicely. Now, that I have spent many hours opening 23
separate cases against him and undoing the damage, I see that the market is
about the same.  It is amazing what kind of chaos a single bidder can cause.

Best Regards,

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Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Mirko Graul
Hi Adam,

yes for the full-time seller it is a big problem.
It costs time and money.
 but I see I am not alone in this problem.

Best regards, Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite 
16321 Bernau 

Phone: 0049-1724105015 

Member of The Meteoritical Society 
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science) 

IMCA-Member: 2113 
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Adam Hupe  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

> Von: Adam Hupe 
> Betreff: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> An: "Adam" 
> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 22:30 Uhr
> Yes, This guy  ( tri-ball34 )
> "won" quantity 23 items from me valued into the 
> thousands and will not pay for them. This is one of the
> reasons eBay can be so 
> frustrating and I am trying to ween myself off of it. This
> kind of person not 
> only hurts sellers, he hurts the buyers by bidding up items
> he has no intention 
> of paying for.  He bid up so many of my items that I
> thought the meteorite 
> market was recovering nicely. Now, that I have spent many
> hours opening 23 
> separate cases against him and undoing the damage, I see
> that the market is 
> about the same.  It is amazing what kind of chaos a
> single bidder can cause.
> Best Regards,
> Adam
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Adam Hupe
You bet I blocked this person the minute I found out what kind human trash I 
dealing with.  My block list is almost as long as my customer list. EBay is 
supposed to fun and I try to keep it as positive as possible by not dealing 
this type for fecal matter.

Best regards,


- Original Message 
From: Stuart McDaniel 
To: Adam Hupe ; Adam 

Sent: Sun, December 19, 2010 1:34:53 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Why don't you block him from bidding??
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Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread michael cottingham

He is a scum bag. Block him, report him and do whatever you can... he cost me 
$500.00. The auctions can be is the TIME these people steal that 
can not be recovered.
Best Wishes
Michael Cottingham

> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 21:41:46 +
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> Hi Adam,
> yes for the full-time seller it is a big problem.
> It costs time and money.
>  but I see I am not alone in this problem.
> Best regards, Mirko
> Mirko Graul Meteorite
> Quittenring.4
> 16321 Bernau
> Phone: 0049-1724105015
> E-Mail:
> WEB:
> Member of The Meteoritical Society
> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science)
> IMCA-Member: 2113
> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> --- Adam Hupe  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
> > Von: Adam Hupe 
> > Betreff: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> > An: "Adam" 
> > Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 22:30 Uhr
> > Yes, This guy  ( tri-ball34 )
> > "won" quantity 23 items from me valued into the
> > thousands and will not pay for them. This is one of the
> > reasons eBay can be so
> > frustrating and I am trying to ween myself off of it. This
> > kind of person not
> > only hurts sellers, he hurts the buyers by bidding up items
> > he has no intention
> > of paying for.  He bid up so many of my items that I
> > thought the meteorite
> > market was recovering nicely. Now, that I have spent many
> > hours opening 23
> > separate cases against him and undoing the damage, I see
> > that the market is
> > about the same.  It is amazing what kind of chaos a
> > single bidder can cause.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > Adam
> > __
> > Visit the Archives at 
> >
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list
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Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Stuart McDaniel
It looks like eBay would suspend his account with all the complaints against 
him. They don't think twice about if for suspending sellers if they do 
something minutely wrong.

-Original Message- 
From: Adam Hupe

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:45 PM
To: Adam
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

You bet I blocked this person the minute I found out what kind human trash I 

dealing with.  My block list is almost as long as my customer list. EBay is
supposed to fun and I try to keep it as positive as possible by not dealing 

this type for fecal matter.

Best regards,


- Original Message 
From: Stuart McDaniel 
To: Adam Hupe ; Adam

Sent: Sun, December 19, 2010 1:34:53 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Why don't you block him from bidding??
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Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Stuart McDaniel

Negative feedback also!!

-Original Message- 
From: michael cottingham

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:46 PM
To: ; ;

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

He is a scum bag. Block him, report him and do whatever you can... he cost 
me $500.00. The auctions can be is the TIME these people steal 
that can not be recovered.

Best Wishes
Michael Cottingham

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 21:41:46 +
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Hi Adam,

yes for the full-time seller it is a big problem.
It costs time and money.
 but I see I am not alone in this problem.

Best regards, Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite
16321 Bernau

Phone: 0049-1724105015

Member of The Meteoritical Society
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science)

IMCA-Member: 2113
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Adam Hupe  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

> Von: Adam Hupe
> Betreff: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> An: "Adam"
> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 22:30 Uhr
> Yes, This guy  ( tri-ball34 )
> "won" quantity 23 items from me valued into the
> thousands and will not pay for them. This is one of the
> reasons eBay can be so
> frustrating and I am trying to ween myself off of it. This
> kind of person not
> only hurts sellers, he hurts the buyers by bidding up items
> he has no intention
> of paying for.  He bid up so many of my items that I
> thought the meteorite
> market was recovering nicely. Now, that I have spent many
> hours opening 23
> separate cases against him and undoing the damage, I see
> that the market is
> about the same.  It is amazing what kind of chaos a
> single bidder can cause.
> Best Regards,
> Adam
> __
> Visit the Archives at 

> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Mirko Graul
Hi Adam,

this person has won in the last 30 days 173 auctions at many different sellers.
The total amount of purchases in last 30 days amounts to nearly $9000
No big deal to be able to do this  if he does not intend to pay!

Best regards, Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite 
16321 Bernau 

Phone: 0049-1724105015 

Member of The Meteoritical Society 
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science) 

IMCA-Member: 2113 
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Adam Hupe  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

> Von: Adam Hupe 
> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> An: "Adam" 
> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 22:45 Uhr
> You bet I blocked this person the
> minute I found out what kind human trash I was 
> dealing with.  My block list is almost as long as my
> customer list. EBay is 
> supposed to fun and I try to keep it as positive as
> possible by not dealing with 
> this type for fecal matter.
> Best regards,
> Adam
> - Original Message 
> From: Stuart McDaniel 
> To: Adam Hupe ;
> Adam 
> Sent: Sun, December 19, 2010 1:34:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> Why don't you block him from bidding??
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Mirko Graul
Sellers can not give negative feedbacks.
 ... unfortunately ... I would have done in this case

Best regards, Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite 
16321 Bernau 

Phone: 0049-1724105015 

Member of The Meteoritical Society 
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science) 

IMCA-Member: 2113 
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Stuart McDaniel  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

> Von: Stuart McDaniel 
> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> An: "michael cottingham" ,, 
> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 22:50 Uhr
> Negative feedback also!!
> -Original Message- 
> From: michael cottingham
> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:46 PM
> To:
> ;
> ; 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> Hello,
> He is a scum bag. Block him, report him and do whatever you
> can... he cost 
> me $500.00. The auctions can be is the TIME
> these people steal 
> that can not be recovered.
> Best Wishes
> Michael Cottingham
> > Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 21:41:46 +
> > From:
> > To:;
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
> tri-ball34
> >
> > Hi Adam,
> >
> > yes for the full-time seller it is a big problem.
> > It costs time and money.
> >  but I see I am not alone in this problem.
> >
> > Best regards, Mirko
> >
> >
> >
> > Mirko Graul Meteorite
> > Quittenring.4
> > 16321 Bernau
> >
> > Phone: 0049-1724105015
> > E-Mail:
> > WEB:
> >
> > Member of The Meteoritical Society
> > (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
> Science)
> >
> > IMCA-Member: 2113
> > (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> >
> >
> > --- Adam Hupe  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
> >
> > > Von: Adam Hupe
> > > Betreff: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
> tri-ball34
> > > An: "Adam"
> > > Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 22:30 Uhr
> > > Yes, This guy  ( tri-ball34 )
> > > "won" quantity 23 items from me valued into the
> > > thousands and will not pay for them. This is one
> of the
> > > reasons eBay can be so
> > > frustrating and I am trying to ween myself off of
> it. This
> > > kind of person not
> > > only hurts sellers, he hurts the buyers by
> bidding up items
> > > he has no intention
> > > of paying for.  He bid up so many of my
> items that I
> > > thought the meteorite
> > > market was recovering nicely. Now, that I have
> spent many
> > > hours opening 23
> > > separate cases against him and undoing the
> damage, I see
> > > that the market is
> > > about the same.  It is amazing what kind of
> chaos a
> > > single bidder can cause.
> > >
> > > Best Regards,
> > >
> > > Adam
> > > __
> > > Visit the Archives at 
> > >
> > > Meteorite-list mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Visit the Archives at 
> >
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> __
> Visit the Archives at 
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Stuart McDaniel

Oh yeah I forgot about that which I don't agree with either.

-Original Message- 
From: Mirko Graul

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:59 PM
To: michael cottingham ; ; ; Stuart McDaniel

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Sellers can not give negative feedbacks.
... unfortunately ... I would have done in this case

Best regards, Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite
16321 Bernau

Phone: 0049-1724105015

Member of The Meteoritical Society
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science)

IMCA-Member: 2113
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Stuart McDaniel  schrieb am So, 

Von: Stuart McDaniel 
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
An: "michael cottingham" ,,,

Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 22:50 Uhr
Negative feedback also!!

-Original Message- 
From: michael cottingham

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

He is a scum bag. Block him, report him and do whatever you
can... he cost
me $500.00. The auctions can be is the TIME
these people steal
that can not be recovered.
Best Wishes
Michael Cottingham

> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 21:41:46 +
> From:
> To:;
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
> Hi Adam,
> yes for the full-time seller it is a big problem.
> It costs time and money.
>  but I see I am not alone in this problem.
> Best regards, Mirko
> Mirko Graul Meteorite
> Quittenring.4
> 16321 Bernau
> Phone: 0049-1724105015
> E-Mail:
> WEB:
> Member of The Meteoritical Society
> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
> IMCA-Member: 2113
> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> --- Adam Hupe  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
> > Von: Adam Hupe
> > Betreff: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
> > An: "Adam"
> > Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 22:30 Uhr
> > Yes, This guy  ( tri-ball34 )
> > "won" quantity 23 items from me valued into the
> > thousands and will not pay for them. This is one
of the
> > reasons eBay can be so
> > frustrating and I am trying to ween myself off of
it. This
> > kind of person not
> > only hurts sellers, he hurts the buyers by
bidding up items
> > he has no intention
> > of paying for.  He bid up so many of my
items that I
> > thought the meteorite
> > market was recovering nicely. Now, that I have
spent many
> > hours opening 23
> > separate cases against him and undoing the
damage, I see
> > that the market is
> > about the same.  It is amazing what kind of
chaos a
> > single bidder can cause.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > Adam
> > __
> > Visit the Archives at
> >
> > Meteorite-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Michael Gilmer
Besides blocking this clown, one can protect Buy It Now listings by
requiring immediate payment.  At least this way, someone can't "win"
the item, end the listing, and then not pay.  With an auction though,
the only recourse is to block the bidder.

I had a few problems with bidders like that when I was still selling
on eBay.  It's especially frustrating because you end up being charged
for the listing fee and the final value fee, but no payment.  You
can't get the fees back until you invest more time (i.e. money) to
file reports and complaints.  It's a major PITA and part of the reason
I quit selling there.

But I must say, the problems I had were relatively minor and few
compared to this "tri-ball" clown.  I'm glad he never hit me like
that.  In most cases, I'd finally get paid, after weeks of emails and
finally filing a complaint.  Once the unpaid item case is filed, most
AWOL buyers who still care about their eBay accounts will usually pay.
 If you still don't hear from them after filing the complaint, then
block them with prejudice.

Another thing that is good is posting the offender's eBay handle here
so the other eBay sellers can be forewarned.  It is obvious that this
person is a chronic offender who is not going to stop their behavior.

Best regards,


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

Website -
Facebook -
News Feed -
Twitter -
Meteorite Top List -

On 12/19/10, Mirko Graul  wrote:
> Sellers can not give negative feedbacks.
>  ... unfortunately ... I would have done in this case
> Best regards, Mirko
> Mirko Graul Meteorite
> Quittenring.4
> 16321 Bernau
> Phone: 0049-1724105015
> E-Mail:
> WEB:
> Member of The Meteoritical Society
> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science)
> IMCA-Member: 2113
> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> --- Stuart McDaniel  schrieb am So,
> 19.12.2010:
>> Von: Stuart McDaniel 
>> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>> An: "michael cottingham" ,,
>> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 22:50 Uhr
>> Negative feedback also!!
>> -Original Message-
>> From: michael cottingham
>> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:46 PM
>> To:
>> ;
>> ;
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>> Hello,
>> He is a scum bag. Block him, report him and do whatever you
>> can... he cost
>> me $500.00. The auctions can be is the TIME
>> these people steal
>> that can not be recovered.
>> Best Wishes
>> Michael Cottingham
>> > Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 21:41:46 +
>> > From:
>> > To:;
>> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
>> tri-ball34
>> >
>> > Hi Adam,
>> >
>> > yes for the full-time seller it is a big problem.
>> > It costs time and money.
>> >  but I see I am not alone in this problem.
>> >
>> > Best regards, Mirko
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Mirko Graul Meteorite
>> > Quittenring.4
>> > 16321 Bernau
>> >
>> > Phone: 0049-1724105015
>> > E-Mail:
>> > WEB:
>> >
>> > Member of The Meteoritical Society
>> > (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
>> Science)
>> >
>> > IMCA-Member: 2113
>> > (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
>> >
>> >
>> > --- Adam Hupe  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
>> >
>> > > Von: Adam Hupe
>> > > Betreff: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
>> tri-ball34
>> > > An: "Adam"
>> > > Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 22:30 Uhr
>> > > Yes, This guy  ( tri-ball34 )
>> > > "won" quantity 23 items from me valued into the
>> > > thousands and will not pay for them. This is one
>> of the
>> > > reasons eBay can be so
>> > > frustrating and I am trying to ween myself off of
>> it. This
>> > > kind of person not
>> > > only hurts sellers, he hurts the buyers by
>> bidding up items
>> > > he has no intention
>> > > of paying for.  He bid up so many of my
>> items that I
>> > > thought the meteorite
>> > > market was recovering nicely. Now, that I have
>> spent many
>> > > hours opening 23
>> > > separate cases against him and undoing the
>> damage, I see
>> > > that the market is
>> > > about the same.  It is amazing what kind of
>> chaos a
>> > > single bidder can cause.
>> > >
>> > > Best Regards,
>> > >
>> > > Adam
>> > > ___

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Mirko Graul
Hi Mike,

yes, I know.
But the shipping from Germany to the United States is very expensive.
And so do some of the buyers a few days to collect pieces.
That is absolutely ok.
Fortunately, I've blocked him early.
My auctions end almost every day.
One would not imagine that this person wins all the auctions of a full week.
... then good night Marie...

Best regards, Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite 
16321 Bernau 

Phone: 0049-1724105015 

Member of The Meteoritical Society 
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science) 

IMCA-Member: 2113 
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Michael Gilmer  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

> Von: Michael Gilmer 
> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> An: "Mirko Graul" 
> CC: "michael cottingham" , 
>,, "Stuart 
> McDaniel" 
> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:09 Uhr
> Besides blocking this clown, one can
> protect Buy It Now listings by
> requiring immediate payment.  At least this way,
> someone can't "win"
> the item, end the listing, and then not pay.  With an
> auction though,
> the only recourse is to block the bidder.
> I had a few problems with bidders like that when I was
> still selling
> on eBay.  It's especially frustrating because you end
> up being charged
> for the listing fee and the final value fee, but no
> payment.  You
> can't get the fees back until you invest more time (i.e.
> money) to
> file reports and complaints.  It's a major PITA and
> part of the reason
> I quit selling there.
> But I must say, the problems I had were relatively minor
> and few
> compared to this "tri-ball" clown.  I'm glad he never
> hit me like
> that.  In most cases, I'd finally get paid, after
> weeks of emails and
> finally filing a complaint.  Once the unpaid item case
> is filed, most
> AWOL buyers who still care about their eBay accounts will
> usually pay.
>  If you still don't hear from them after filing the
> complaint, then
> block them with prejudice.
> Another thing that is good is posting the offender's eBay
> handle here
> so the other eBay sellers can be forewarned.  It is
> obvious that this
> person is a chronic offender who is not going to stop their
> behavior.
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> --
> Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
> Website -
> Facebook -
> News Feed -
> Twitter -
> Meteorite Top List -
> EOM -
> ---
> On 12/19/10, Mirko Graul 
> wrote:
> > Sellers can not give negative feedbacks.
> >  ... unfortunately ... I would have done in this
> case
> >
> > Best regards, Mirko
> >
> >
> >
> > Mirko Graul Meteorite
> > Quittenring.4
> > 16321 Bernau
> >
> > Phone: 0049-1724105015
> > E-Mail:
> > WEB:
> >
> > Member of The Meteoritical Society
> > (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
> Science)
> >
> > IMCA-Member: 2113
> > (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> >
> >
> > --- Stuart McDaniel 
> schrieb am So,
> > 19.12.2010:
> >
> >> Von: Stuart McDaniel 
> >> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
> tri-ball34
> >> An: "michael cottingham" ,
> >>,
> >> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 22:50 Uhr
> >> Negative feedback also!!
> >>
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: michael cottingham
> >> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:46 PM
> >> To:
> >> ;
> >> ;
> >>
> >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
> tri-ball34
> >>
> >>
> >> Hello,
> >> He is a scum bag. Block him, report him and do
> whatever you
> >> can... he cost
> >> me $500.00. The auctions can be is
> the TIME
> >> these people steal
> >> that can not be recovered.
> >> Best Wishes
> >> Michael Cottingham
> >>
> >> 
> >> > Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 21:41:46 +
> >> > From:
> >> > To:;
> >>
> >> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning,
> Warning
> >> tri-ball34
> >> >
> >> > Hi Adam,
> >> >
> >> > yes for the full-time seller it is a big
> problem.
> >> > It costs time and money.
> >> >  but I see I am not alone in this
> problem.
> >> >
> >> > Best regards, Mirko
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Mirko Graul Meteorite
> >> > Quittenring.4
> >> > 16321 Bernau
> >> > GERMANY
> >> >
> >> > Phone: 0049-1724105015

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Gary Fujihara
To see the kind of damage this guy has done, follow this link to see all of the 
auctions tri-ball34 has won over the past 30 days:

Those sellers on the list have to report him to ebay, and together we may get 
his account revoked and your listing fees refunded.  


On Dec 19, 2010, at 12:25 PM, Mirko Graul wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> yes, I know.
> But the shipping from Germany to the United States is very expensive.
> And so do some of the buyers a few days to collect pieces.
> That is absolutely ok.
> Fortunately, I've blocked him early.
> My auctions end almost every day.
> One would not imagine that this person wins all the auctions of a full week.
> ... then good night Marie...
> Best regards, Mirko
> Mirko Graul Meteorite 
> Quittenring.4 
> 16321 Bernau 
> Phone: 0049-1724105015 
> E-Mail: 
> WEB: 
> Member of The Meteoritical Society 
> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science) 
> IMCA-Member: 2113 
> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> --- Michael Gilmer  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
>> Von: Michael Gilmer 
>> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>> An: "Mirko Graul" 
>> CC: "michael cottingham" , 
>>,, "Stuart 
>> McDaniel" 
>> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:09 Uhr
>> Besides blocking this clown, one can
>> protect Buy It Now listings by
>> requiring immediate payment.  At least this way,
>> someone can't "win"
>> the item, end the listing, and then not pay.  With an
>> auction though,
>> the only recourse is to block the bidder.
>> I had a few problems with bidders like that when I was
>> still selling
>> on eBay.  It's especially frustrating because you end
>> up being charged
>> for the listing fee and the final value fee, but no
>> payment.  You
>> can't get the fees back until you invest more time (i.e.
>> money) to
>> file reports and complaints.  It's a major PITA and
>> part of the reason
>> I quit selling there.
>> But I must say, the problems I had were relatively minor
>> and few
>> compared to this "tri-ball" clown.  I'm glad he never
>> hit me like
>> that.  In most cases, I'd finally get paid, after
>> weeks of emails and
>> finally filing a complaint.  Once the unpaid item case
>> is filed, most
>> AWOL buyers who still care about their eBay accounts will
>> usually pay.
>> If you still don't hear from them after filing the
>> complaint, then
>> block them with prejudice.
>> Another thing that is good is posting the offender's eBay
>> handle here
>> so the other eBay sellers can be forewarned.  It is
>> obvious that this
>> person is a chronic offender who is not going to stop their
>> behavior.
>> Best regards,
>> MikeG
>> --
>> Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
>> Website -
>> Facebook -
>> News Feed -
>> Twitter -
>> Meteorite Top List -
>> EOM -
>> ---
>> On 12/19/10, Mirko Graul 
>> wrote:
>>> Sellers can not give negative feedbacks.
>>>   ... unfortunately ... I would have done in this
>> case
>>> Best regards, Mirko
>>> Mirko Graul Meteorite
>>> Quittenring.4
>>> 16321 Bernau
>>> Phone: 0049-1724105015
>>> E-Mail:
>>> WEB:
>>> Member of The Meteoritical Society
>>> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
>> Science)
>>> IMCA-Member: 2113
>>> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
>>> --- Stuart McDaniel 
>> schrieb am So,
>>> 19.12.2010:
 Von: Stuart McDaniel 
 Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
>> tri-ball34
 An: "michael cottingham" ,
 Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 22:50 Uhr
 Negative feedback also!!
 -Original Message-
 From: michael cottingham
 Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
>> tri-ball34
 He is a scum bag. Block him, report him and do
>> whatever you
 can... he cost
 me $500.00. The auctions can be is
>> the TIME
 these people steal
 that can not be recovered.
 Best Wishes
 Michael Cottingham

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Mirko Graul
Hi Gary,

wow.a new piece on the list.
Our all friend have won just in this moment a expensive Seymchan slice.
...bad for the seller.

Best regards Mirko   

Mirko Graul Meteorite 
16321 Bernau 

Phone: 0049-1724105015 

Member of The Meteoritical Society 
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science) 

IMCA-Member: 2113 
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Gary Fujihara  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

> Von: Gary Fujihara 
> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> An: "MeteorList" 
> CC:
> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:46 Uhr
> To see the kind of damage this guy
> has done, follow this link to see all of the auctions
> tri-ball34 has won over the past 30 days:
> Those sellers on the list have to report him to ebay, and
> together we may get his account revoked and your listing
> fees refunded.  
> gary
> On Dec 19, 2010, at 12:25 PM, Mirko Graul wrote:
> > Hi Mike,
> > 
> > yes, I know.
> > But the shipping from Germany to the United States is
> very expensive.
> > And so do some of the buyers a few days to collect
> pieces.
> > That is absolutely ok.
> > Fortunately, I've blocked him early.
> > My auctions end almost every day.
> > One would not imagine that this person wins all the
> auctions of a full week.
> > ... then good night Marie...
> > 
> > Best regards, Mirko
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Mirko Graul Meteorite 
> > Quittenring.4 
> > 16321 Bernau 
> > 
> > Phone: 0049-1724105015 
> > E-Mail:
> > WEB: 
> > 
> > Member of The Meteoritical Society 
> > (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
> Science) 
> > 
> > IMCA-Member: 2113 
> > (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> > 
> > 
> > --- Michael Gilmer 
> schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
> > 
> >> Von: Michael Gilmer 
> >> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
> tri-ball34
> >> An: "Mirko Graul" 
> >> CC: "michael cottingham" ,
> "Stuart McDaniel" 
> >> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:09 Uhr
> >> Besides blocking this clown, one can
> >> protect Buy It Now listings by
> >> requiring immediate payment.  At least this
> way,
> >> someone can't "win"
> >> the item, end the listing, and then not pay. 
> With an
> >> auction though,
> >> the only recourse is to block the bidder.
> >> 
> >> I had a few problems with bidders like that when I
> was
> >> still selling
> >> on eBay.  It's especially frustrating because
> you end
> >> up being charged
> >> for the listing fee and the final value fee, but
> no
> >> payment.  You
> >> can't get the fees back until you invest more time
> (i.e.
> >> money) to
> >> file reports and complaints.  It's a major
> PITA and
> >> part of the reason
> >> I quit selling there.
> >> 
> >> But I must say, the problems I had were relatively
> minor
> >> and few
> >> compared to this "tri-ball" clown.  I'm glad
> he never
> >> hit me like
> >> that.  In most cases, I'd finally get paid,
> after
> >> weeks of emails and
> >> finally filing a complaint.  Once the unpaid
> item case
> >> is filed, most
> >> AWOL buyers who still care about their eBay
> accounts will
> >> usually pay.
> >> If you still don't hear from them after filing
> the
> >> complaint, then
> >> block them with prejudice.
> >> 
> >> Another thing that is good is posting the
> offender's eBay
> >> handle here
> >> so the other eBay sellers can be forewarned. 
> It is
> >> obvious that this
> >> person is a chronic offender who is not going to
> stop their
> >> behavior.
> >> 
> >> Best regards,
> >> 
> >> MikeG
> >> 
> >>
> --
> >> Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks
> Meteorites
> >> 
> >> Website -
> >> Facebook -
> >> News Feed -
> >> Twitter -
> >> Meteorite Top List -
> >> EOM -
> >>
> ---
> >> 
> >> On 12/19/10, Mirko Graul 
> >> wrote:
> >>> Sellers can not give negative feedbacks.
> >>>   ... unfortunately ... I would
> have done in this
> >> case
> >>> 
> >>> Best regards, Mirko
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Mirko Graul Meteorite
> >>> Quittenring.4
> >>> 16321 Bernau
> >>> 
> >>> Phone: 0049-1724105015
> >>> E-Mail:
> >>> WEB:
> >>> 
> >>> Member of The Meteoritical Society

Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Mirko Graul
And now he have won also a slice by cometshop:

and a piece of Sylacauga:

It is interesting to see 

Best Regards Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite 
16321 Bernau 

Phone: 0049-1724105015 

Member of The Meteoritical Society 
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science) 

IMCA-Member: 2113 
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Mirko Graul  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

> Von: Mirko Graul 
> Betreff: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> An: "MeteorList" , "Gary Fujihara" 
> CC:
> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:55 Uhr
> Hi Gary,
> wow.a new piece on the list.
> Our all friend have won just in this moment a expensive
> Seymchan slice.
> ...bad for the seller.
> Best regards Mirko   
> Mirko Graul Meteorite 
> Quittenring.4 
> 16321 Bernau 
> Phone: 0049-1724105015 
> E-Mail:
> WEB: 
> Member of The Meteoritical Society 
> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
> Science) 
> IMCA-Member: 2113 
> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> --- Gary Fujihara 
> schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
> > Von: Gary Fujihara 
> > Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
> tri-ball34
> > An: "MeteorList" 
> > CC:
> > Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:46 Uhr
> > To see the kind of damage this guy
> > has done, follow this link to see all of the auctions
> > tri-ball34 has won over the past 30 days:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Those sellers on the list have to report him to ebay,
> and
> > together we may get his account revoked and your
> listing
> > fees refunded.  
> > 
> > gary
> > 
> > On Dec 19, 2010, at 12:25 PM, Mirko Graul wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi Mike,
> > > 
> > > yes, I know.
> > > But the shipping from Germany to the United
> States is
> > very expensive.
> > > And so do some of the buyers a few days to
> collect
> > pieces.
> > > That is absolutely ok.
> > > Fortunately, I've blocked him early.
> > > My auctions end almost every day.
> > > One would not imagine that this person wins all
> the
> > auctions of a full week.
> > > ... then good night Marie...
> > > 
> > > Best regards, Mirko
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Mirko Graul Meteorite 
> > > Quittenring.4 
> > > 16321 Bernau 
> > > GERMANY 
> > > 
> > > Phone: 0049-1724105015 
> > > E-Mail:
> > 
> > > WEB: 
> > > 
> > > Member of The Meteoritical Society 
> > > (International Society for Meteoritics and
> Planetery
> > Science) 
> > > 
> > > IMCA-Member: 2113 
> > > (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- Michael Gilmer 
> > schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
> > > 
> > >> Von: Michael Gilmer 
> > >> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning,
> Warning
> > tri-ball34
> > >> An: "Mirko Graul" 
> > >> CC: "michael cottingham" ,
> >,
> >,
> > "Stuart McDaniel" 
> > >> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:09 Uhr
> > >> Besides blocking this clown, one can
> > >> protect Buy It Now listings by
> > >> requiring immediate payment.  At least this
> > way,
> > >> someone can't "win"
> > >> the item, end the listing, and then not
> pay. 
> > With an
> > >> auction though,
> > >> the only recourse is to block the bidder.
> > >> 
> > >> I had a few problems with bidders like that
> when I
> > was
> > >> still selling
> > >> on eBay.  It's especially frustrating
> because
> > you end
> > >> up being charged
> > >> for the listing fee and the final value fee,
> but
> > no
> > >> payment.  You
> > >> can't get the fees back until you invest more
> time
> > (i.e.
> > >> money) to
> > >> file reports and complaints.  It's a major
> > PITA and
> > >> part of the reason
> > >> I quit selling there.
> > >> 
> > >> But I must say, the problems I had were
> relatively
> > minor
> > >> and few
> > >> compared to this "tri-ball" clown.  I'm
> glad
> > he never
> > >> hit me like
> > >> that.  In most cases, I'd finally get paid,
> > after
> > >> weeks of emails and
> > >> finally filing a complaint.  Once the
> unpaid
> > item case
> > >> is filed, most
> > >> AWOL buyers who still care about their eBay
> > accounts will
> > >> usually pay.
> > >> If you still don't hear from them after
> filing
> > the
> > >> complaint, then
> > >> block them with prejudice.
> > >> 
> > >> Another thing that is good is p

Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Greg Catterton
Yes, he tripled the price the Sylacauga would have sold for... 

Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $150.00   

Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $120.00   

Member Id: u***h ( 793 )   US $50.00

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sun, 12/19/10, Mirko Graul  wrote:

> From: Mirko Graul 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA]  Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> To: "MeteorList" , "Gary Fujihara" 
> Cc:
> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 6:08 PM
> And now he have won also a slice by
> cometshop:
> and a piece of Sylacauga:
> It is interesting to see 
> Best Regards Mirko
> Mirko Graul Meteorite 
> Quittenring.4 
> 16321 Bernau 
> Phone: 0049-1724105015 
> E-Mail:
> WEB: 
> Member of The Meteoritical Society 
> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
> Science) 
> IMCA-Member: 2113 
> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> --- Mirko Graul 
> schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
> > Von: Mirko Graul 
> > Betreff: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
> tri-ball34
> > An: "MeteorList" ,
> "Gary Fujihara" 
> > CC:
> > Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:55 Uhr
> > Hi Gary,
> > 
> > wow.a new piece on the list.
> > Our all friend have won just in this moment a
> expensive
> > Seymchan slice.
> > ...bad for the seller.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Best regards Mirko   
> > 
> > Mirko Graul Meteorite 
> > Quittenring.4 
> > 16321 Bernau 
> > 
> > Phone: 0049-1724105015 
> > E-Mail:
> > 
> > WEB: 
> > 
> > Member of The Meteoritical Society 
> > (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
> > Science) 
> > 
> > IMCA-Member: 2113 
> > (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> > 
> > 
> > --- Gary Fujihara 
> > schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
> > 
> > > Von: Gary Fujihara 
> > > Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
> > tri-ball34
> > > An: "MeteorList" 
> > > CC:
> > > Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:46 Uhr
> > > To see the kind of damage this guy
> > > has done, follow this link to see all of the
> auctions
> > > tri-ball34 has won over the past 30 days:
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > Those sellers on the list have to report him to
> ebay,
> > and
> > > together we may get his account revoked and your
> > listing
> > > fees refunded.  
> > > 
> > > gary
> > > 
> > > On Dec 19, 2010, at 12:25 PM, Mirko Graul wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Hi Mike,
> > > > 
> > > > yes, I know.
> > > > But the shipping from Germany to the United
> > States is
> > > very expensive.
> > > > And so do some of the buyers a few days to
> > collect
> > > pieces.
> > > > That is absolutely ok.
> > > > Fortunately, I've blocked him early.
> > > > My auctions end almost every day.
> > > > One would not imagine that this person wins
> all
> > the
> > > auctions of a full week.
> > > > ... then good night Marie...
> > > > 
> > > > Best regards, Mirko
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Mirko Graul Meteorite 
> > > > Quittenring.4 
> > > > 16321 Bernau 
> > > > GERMANY 
> > > > 
> > > > Phone: 0049-1724105015 
> > > > E-Mail:
> > > 
> > > > WEB: 
> > > > 
> > > > Member of The Meteoritical Society 
> > > > (International Society for Meteoritics and
> > Planetery
> > > Science) 
> > > > 
> > > > IMCA-Member: 2113 
> > > > (International Meteorite Collectors
> Association)
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- Michael Gilmer 
> > > schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
> > > > 
> > > >> Von: Michael Gilmer 
> > > >> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning,
> > Warning
> > > tri-ball34
> > > >> An: "Mirko Graul" 
> > > >> CC: "michael cottingham" ,
> > >,
> > >,
> > > "Stuart McDaniel" 
> > > >> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:09
> Uhr
> > > >> Besides blocking this clown, one can
> > > >> protect Buy It Now listings by
> > > >> requiring immediate payment.  At least
> this
> > > way,
> > > >> someone can't "win"
> > > >> the item, end the listing, and then not
> > pay. 
> > > With an
> > > >> auction though,
> > > >> the only recourse is to block the
> bidder.
> > > >> 
> > > >> I had a few problems with bidders like
> that
> > when I
> > > was

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Chris Spratt

Hi Listers:

I bid on a few of those items and I
did't win one. Thought the bidder had deeper pockets than myself and  
was a real avid collector with the same collecting interests as  
myself. He beat me out on a few items just recently. I thought he was  
from Europe because all of his "winning bids" seem to arrive overnight.

Starting to take the fun out of meteorite collecting. At least for me.

Chris. Spratt
(Via my iPhone)
Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning about ebay member

2010-12-19 Thread Michael Blood
Doesn't this guy have a horrid ebay rating???

On 12/19/10 12:01 PM, "Mirko Graul"  wrote:

> Hi Gary,
> yes, this is a good possibility of such difficulties would be out of the way
> to go.
> But I also know many very reliable buyer who still have under 10 points.
> And that would not be fair to this buyers.
> One will have to continue to live with the risk.
> By this guy I had already from the beginning a bad feeling.
> It offers so high that no other bid can reach him more.
> I think this is clearly a Fun bidder.
> Regards Mirko
> Mirko Graul Meteorite
> Quittenring.4 
> 16321 Bernau 
> Phone: 0049-1724105015
> E-Mail:
> WEB:
> Member of The Meteoritical Society
> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science)
> IMCA-Member: 2113
> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> --- Gary Fujihara  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
>> Von: Gary Fujihara 
>> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning about ebay member
>> An: "Mirko Graul" 
>> CC:
>> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 19:58 Uhr
>> Aloha Mirko,
>> Thank you for this warning to the list.  I have not
>> made any sales to this tri-ball34, but have had buyers
>> default on payment several times in the past.  All of
>> them were new ebay members with less than 10 feedbacks, just
>> like tri-ball34.  And none of them contacted me to
>> communicate why they don't want to pay, even after many
>> polite messages to them.
>> I don't know if it is "buyer's remorse" or ebay rule
>> ignorance, but i have noticed several dealers add a
>> disclaimer to their listings imploring that buyers with less
>> than 10 feedbacks not bid on their items.  I am hoping
>> not to employ a similar action, as we all had to start
>> somewhere ...
>> gary
>> On Dec 19, 2010, at 8:40 AM, Mirko Graul wrote:
>>> Dear list members,
>>> I would warn any ebay seller against a very unpleasant
>> ebay member.
>>> The ebay member ( tri-ball34 ) has won some meteorites
>> with me on ebay and to this day not one of them paid.
>>> The total value of almost $ 1500.
>>> He had bought over a longer period of time.
>>> Now I've talked with some other dealers and it looks
>> as if many traders are concerned.
>>> Are there any other dealers who have not received
>> payment from him ??
>>> I have blocked this member now.
>>> Many greetings to all,
>>> Mirko
>>> Mirko Graul Meteorite
>>> Quittenring.4 
>>> 16321 Bernau 
>>> Phone: 0049-1724105015
>>> E-Mail:
>>> WEB:
>>> Member of The Meteoritical Society
>>> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
>> Science) 
>>> IMCA-Member: 2113
>>> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
>>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> Gary Fujihara
>> Big Kahuna Meteorites (IMCA#1693)
>> 105 Puhili Place, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720
>> (808) 640-9161
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning about ebay member

2010-12-19 Thread Michael Gilmer
At this point, the guy shouldn't even have an eBay account, less yet a
feedback rating.

On 12/19/10, Michael Blood  wrote:
> Doesn't this guy have a horrid ebay rating???
> Michael
> On 12/19/10 12:01 PM, "Mirko Graul"  wrote:
>> Hi Gary,
>> yes, this is a good possibility of such difficulties would be out of the
>> way
>> to go.
>> But I also know many very reliable buyer who still have under 10 points.
>> And that would not be fair to this buyers.
>> One will have to continue to live with the risk.
>> By this guy I had already from the beginning a bad feeling.
>> It offers so high that no other bid can reach him more.
>> I think this is clearly a Fun bidder.
>> Regards Mirko
>> Mirko Graul Meteorite
>> Quittenring.4
>> 16321 Bernau
>> Phone: 0049-1724105015
>> E-Mail:
>> WEB:
>> Member of The Meteoritical Society
>> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science)
>> IMCA-Member: 2113
>> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
>> --- Gary Fujihara  schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
>>> Von: Gary Fujihara 
>>> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning about ebay member
>>> An: "Mirko Graul" 
>>> CC:
>>> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 19:58 Uhr
>>> Aloha Mirko,
>>> Thank you for this warning to the list.  I have not
>>> made any sales to this tri-ball34, but have had buyers
>>> default on payment several times in the past.  All of
>>> them were new ebay members with less than 10 feedbacks, just
>>> like tri-ball34.  And none of them contacted me to
>>> communicate why they don't want to pay, even after many
>>> polite messages to them.
>>> I don't know if it is "buyer's remorse" or ebay rule
>>> ignorance, but i have noticed several dealers add a
>>> disclaimer to their listings imploring that buyers with less
>>> than 10 feedbacks not bid on their items.  I am hoping
>>> not to employ a similar action, as we all had to start
>>> somewhere ...
>>> gary
>>> On Dec 19, 2010, at 8:40 AM, Mirko Graul wrote:
 Dear list members,

 I would warn any ebay seller against a very unpleasant
>>> ebay member.
 The ebay member ( tri-ball34 ) has won some meteorites
>>> with me on ebay and to this day not one of them paid.
 The total value of almost $ 1500.
 He had bought over a longer period of time.
 Now I've talked with some other dealers and it looks
>>> as if many traders are concerned.
 Are there any other dealers who have not received
>>> payment from him ??
 I have blocked this member now.

 Many greetings to all,


 Mirko Graul Meteorite
 16321 Bernau

 Phone: 0049-1724105015

 Member of The Meteoritical Society
 (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
>>> Science)

 IMCA-Member: 2113
 (International Meteorite Collectors Association)

 Visit the Archives at
 Meteorite-list mailing list
>>> Gary Fujihara
>>> Big Kahuna Meteorites (IMCA#1693)
>>> 105 Puhili Place, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720
>>> (808) 640-9161
>> __
>> Visit the Archives at
>> Meteorite-list mailing list
> __
> Visit the Archives at
> Meteorite-list mailing list

Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

Website -
Facebook -
News Feed -
Twitter -
Meteorite Top List -
Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Carl 's

Yeah, me too. Fortuneately most sellers I buy from are on this list and have 
already blocked this guy, but wonder how many auctions I won in the past were 
jacked up by him. Hurts everybody.
>...Starting to take the fun out of meteorite collecting. At least for me.
Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning about ebay member

2010-12-19 Thread Chris Spratt
Judging by some bidding I've seen on recent auctions a couple of others 
may be doing the same thing.

Anyone have other culprits?

Chris. Spratt
Victoria, BC
Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Gary Fujihara

Buyers need to beware of tri-ball34 too, as he is continuing to bid up items on 
ebay even as i write this.  He has won 2 more items and his carnage amounts to 
180 items won in the last 30 days.

You can identify this person as a bidder on an item by clicking on the Bid 
History link on a listing, which will bring up a list of bids, with the bidder 
ID scrambled with asterisks.  Don Skidmore informs me that tri-ball34 is member 
ID l***a  

Buyers, if you see l***a in the bid history of an item, you'd be advised not to 
bid on the item lest you get into a bid war with him that you probably will not 
win.  And even if you do, it would be so highly inflated as to be ridiculously 
expensive.  Caveat emptor.


On Dec 19, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Warren Sansoucie wrote:

> Hello all,
> The Sellers of the items will be able to report him through the resolution 
> center. I have had to do this over a different seller. eBay will revoke his 
> account once the proper channels are followed.
> It is sad. To me, it would seem this is someone with a desire to attack only 
> IMCA members. Does anyone know if a non-member has had this issue?
> Warren Sansoucie
> IMCA 3174
> St. Louis MO
>> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:11:32 -0800
>> From:
>> To:;;
>> CC:
>> Subject: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>> Yes, he tripled the price the Sylacauga would have sold for... 
>> Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $150.00 
>> Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $120.00 
>> Member Id: u***h ( 793 ) US $50.00 
>> Greg Catterton
>> IMCA member 4682
>> On Ebay:
>> On Facebook:
>> --- On Sun, 12/19/10, Mirko Graul  wrote:
>>> From: Mirko Graul 
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>>> To: "MeteorList" , "Gary Fujihara" 
>>> Cc:
>>> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 6:08 PM
>>> And now he have won also a slice by
>>> cometshop:
>>> and a piece of Sylacauga:
>>> It is interesting to see 
>>> Best Regards Mirko
>>> Mirko Graul Meteorite 
>>> Quittenring.4 
>>> 16321 Bernau 
>>> Phone: 0049-1724105015 
>>> E-Mail:
>>> WEB: 
>>> Member of The Meteoritical Society 
>>> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
>>> Science) 
>>> IMCA-Member: 2113 
>>> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
>>> --- Mirko Graul 
>>> schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
 Von: Mirko Graul 
 Betreff: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
>>> tri-ball34
 An: "MeteorList" ,
>>> "Gary Fujihara" 
 Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:55 Uhr
 Hi Gary,
 wow.a new piece on the list.
 Our all friend have won just in this moment a
>>> expensive
 Seymchan slice.
 ...bad for the seller.
 Best regards Mirko 
 Mirko Graul Meteorite 
 16321 Bernau 
 Phone: 0049-1724105015 
 Member of The Meteoritical Society 
 (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
 IMCA-Member: 2113 
 (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
 --- Gary Fujihara 
 schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
> Von: Gary Fujihara 
> Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
> An: "MeteorList" 
> CC:
> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:46 Uhr
> To see the kind of damage this guy
> has done, follow this link to see all of the
>>> auctions
> tri-ball34 has won over the past 30 days:
> Those sellers on the list have to report him to
>>> ebay,
> together we may get his account revoked and your
> fees refunded. 
> gary
> On Dec 19, 2010, at 12:25 PM, Mirko Graul wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> yes, I know.
>> But the shipping from Germany to the United
 States is
> very expensive.
>> And so do some of the buyers a few days to
> pieces.

Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Update 2 - Wilbur Wash (correction)

2010-12-19 Thread Jason Utas
Hello All,
I'd like to reply to a few of the points made in the below messages;
while I would prefer to stay out of the mechanics of the
classification/submission part of it, several other points were made
that apply to the majority of people currently getting specimens
analyzed and named that should be addressed.

Anne said:
>>> The lack of a proper find location is not enough to
>>> prevent a meteorite from being classified.  All the
>>> SAHX meteorites, from the Labennes, lack complete
>>> coordinates and they have been classified and published.

The Labennes promised to release their data.  Using this as a
justification for a statement like "meteorites don't need coordinates
in order to become official" doesn't make sense.  No one knew ahead of
time that the Labennes would lie.  They did not keep their word.
In light of that fact alone, I would suggest that the meteorites be
renamed as NWA, since all we know is that they came from somewhere in
North (West?) Africa.  But changing the nomenclature of meteorites
that have already been published in numerous papers and books is not
usually done.
Nowadays, everyone knows that "Sahara XXxxx" is just another name for
a homeless African meteorite, and that's what the name has come to
represent.  Is it ideal?  No.  Is it worth changing the accepted names
of hundreds of meteorites just because their names don't fit to an
ideal nomenclature system?  Maybe.  That's not my call, though.  And
it's not a clear-cut issue.

G. Catterton said:
>>> To use the claim that it was to keep the location
>>> secret is not a valid excuse, Jack and Whetstone clearly
>>> showed that location is not needed to get approval.

We've gone over this on the list countless times.  The coordinates for
Whetstone Mountains are on file with the nomenclature committee.  The
information is there, but has not yet been made public.

So the only recent case in which meteorites have been submitted and
made official is with the 'Sahara XXxxx' stones, and that's because a
'reputable dealer' did not keep his word.  And it's a tough issue,
because I would trust the Labennes in a trade or purchase -- the name
hasn't been sullied like those of...a few others on this list.

And why is that?  Probably because withholding promised find
information isn't viewed as a transgression comparable with something
like switching an NWA L3 with Zulu Queen, or something along those

And yet, when you look at the difference between an NWA L3 and Zulu
Queen, the only differentiating factor is provenance.  Where the stone
came from, how much was found, etc.  Kind of like the difference
between a named stone in general versus a 'Sahara XXxxx' or NWA stone.

But people know what they're getting when they buy 'Sahara XXxxx'
stones.  I don't know if the Labennes will ever release their data,
but I very much doubt that they will, ever.  I'd like to be pleasantly
surprised in the near future, but it's probably not going to happen.
-Why would they?

[Cue the long reply from M* about how coordinates are all
overrated and irrelevant...if it happens, I'll step out of this as
well.  Enough of that.]

The last point I'd like to make addresses the nature of our little
meteorite market and how it interacts with the scientific sphere.

We collectors and dealers seem to feel *entitled* to the services of
the people working in the field of meteoritics.  It's one thing to
criticize someone who's being lazy and clumsy, losing samples left and
right.  It's another thing entirely to jump on the back of researchers
who are simultaneously trying to do real scientific research -- and
analyze hundreds, if not thousands, of stones for folks like us on the
side.  I can understand the indignation of someone who has a sample go
missing -- it's happened to me as well.

But what I don't do is get angry at the person who has analyzed ten or
twenty or a hundred meteorites for me, and who happens to misplace a
sample or two.  Especially if it's a common NWA chondrite.  I haven't
heard of any rare material going missing, but...things rarely get
truly lost.

The best way to go about things is to remember that these scientists
are doing you an expensive service that they are not obligated to do.
Be thankful that they do as good a job as they do.

The reason we have so many meteorites available and classified today
is because of them, and it's because of them that many people on this
list have been able to literally pay their bills.  In many cases,
they're not getting paid anything extra to do that work for *you (and

So it can be a pretty thankless job.

But, if Eric Twelker is right, and there is more than meets the
eye...and someone has been consistently doing a shoddy job of keeping
records, samples, and submissions up to date, then it seems to me that
such a person should be cut from the path to a meteorite's approval.

Transparency with regards to the issue would be nice as well.  Money's
at stake, after all.

If anyone has any more 

Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Stuart McDaniel

I was just thinking, could this be someone named Curry?

-Original Message- 
From: Gary Fujihara

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 7:21 PM
To: MeteorList
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34


Buyers need to beware of tri-ball34 too, as he is continuing to bid up items 
on ebay even as i write this.  He has won 2 more items and his carnage 
amounts to 180 items won in the last 30 days.

You can identify this person as a bidder on an item by clicking on the Bid 
History link on a listing, which will bring up a list of bids, with the 
bidder ID scrambled with asterisks.  Don Skidmore informs me that tri-ball34 
is member ID l***a

Buyers, if you see l***a in the bid history of an item, you'd be advised not 
to bid on the item lest you get into a bid war with him that you probably 
will not win.  And even if you do, it would be so highly inflated as to be 
ridiculously expensive.  Caveat emptor.


On Dec 19, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Warren Sansoucie wrote:

Hello all,

The Sellers of the items will be able to report him through the resolution 
center. I have had to do this over a different seller. eBay will revoke 
his account once the proper channels are followed.

It is sad. To me, it would seem this is someone with a desire to attack 
only IMCA members. Does anyone know if a non-member has had this issue?

Warren Sansoucie
IMCA 3174
St. Louis MO

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:11:32 -0800
Subject: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Yes, he tripled the price the Sylacauga would have sold for...

Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $150.00

Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $120.00

Member Id: u***h ( 793 ) US $50.00

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sun, 12/19/10, Mirko Graul  wrote:

From: Mirko Graul 
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
To: "MeteorList" , "Gary Fujihara" 

Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 6:08 PM
And now he have won also a slice by

and a piece of Sylacauga:

It is interesting to see 

Best Regards Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite
16321 Bernau

Phone: 0049-1724105015


Member of The Meteoritical Society
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery

IMCA-Member: 2113
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Mirko Graul 
schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

Von: Mirko Graul 
Betreff: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning


An: "MeteorList" ,

"Gary Fujihara" 

Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:55 Uhr
Hi Gary,

wow.a new piece on the list.
Our all friend have won just in this moment a


Seymchan slice.
...bad for the seller.

Best regards Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite
16321 Bernau

Phone: 0049-1724105015


Member of The Meteoritical Society
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery

IMCA-Member: 2113
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Gary Fujihara 
schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

Von: Gary Fujihara 
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning


An: "MeteorList" 
Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:46 Uhr
To see the kind of damage this guy
has done, follow this link to see all of the


tri-ball34 has won over the past 30 days:

Those sellers on the list have to report him to



together we may get his account revoked and your


fees refunded.


On Dec 19, 2010, at 12:25 PM, Mirko Graul wrote:

Hi Mike,

yes, I know.
But the shipping from Germany to the United

States is

very expensive.

And so do some of the buyers a few days to



That is absolutely ok.
Fortunately, I've blocked him early.
My auctions end almost every day.
One would not imagine that this person wins



auctions of a full week.

... then good night Marie...

Best regards, Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite
16321 Bernau

Phone: 0049-1724105015


Member of The Meteoritical Society
(International Soc

Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Richard Montgomery
I haven't listed any items for about six months, and don't have any 
now...BUT plan to what is the method to block a bidder?  (Maybe 
the answer to this is part of the thread, but I'm still noodling though 
everyone's comments and warnings.  Any help will be appreciated.)

Richard Montgomery
- Original Message - 
From: "Adam Hupe" 

To: "Adam" 
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 1:30 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Yes, This guy  ( tri-ball34 ) "won" quantity 23 items from me valued into 
thousands and will not pay for them. This is one of the reasons eBay can 
be so
frustrating and I am trying to ween myself off of it. This kind of person 
only hurts sellers, he hurts the buyers by bidding up items he has no 

of paying for.  He bid up so many of my items that I thought the meteorite
market was recovering nicely. Now, that I have spent many hours opening 23
separate cases against him and undoing the damage, I see that the market 
about the same.  It is amazing what kind of chaos a single bidder can 

Best Regards,

Visit the Archives at

Meteorite-list mailing list 

Visit the Archives at
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] WISE Asteroid Survey Will Continue Through January

2010-12-19 Thread Ron Baalke

WISE asteroid survey will continue through January
December 19, 2010

NASA has granted funding for the WISE infrared telescope to finish an
extra full sky scan, giving scientists an additional opportunity to comb
the inner solar system for hard-to-see asteroids that could threaten Earth.

The observatory has been circling Earth since launching in December
2009, but the instrument lost some of its sensitivity when a frozen
block of solid hydrogen was used up this fall.

The mission was supposed to end when with the loss of hydrogen, but NASA
budgeted $1.6 million to keep the telescope working through the end of
January, according to Trent Perrotto, a NASA spokesperson.

Tasked with finding near-Earth objects, or NEOs, the extended mission is
utilizing two shorter wavelength channels inside the Wide-field Infrared
Survey Explorer to scan the cosmos for an extra few months.

WISE's sensors are embedded inside a cryostat, a Thermos-like insulated
canister that contained solid hydrogen to chill the telescope's
instrument down to about -430 degrees Fahrenheit. Such cold temperatures
were necessary to make the observatory sensitive enough to see the
infrared light from cold star-forming dust clouds, distant galaxies and
nearby asteroids and comets invisible to conventional visible telescopes.

The hydrogen gradually sublimated into gas and escaped into space, and
WISE exhausted its cryogenic tanks around the end of September,
according to Amy Mainzer, principal investigator for the NEOWISE mission

Without the chill of hydrogen, the temperatures inside WISE's instrument
bay started to rise.

"The telescope is still warming up," Mainzer said.

NEOWISE was funded to continue operating the spacecraft through the end
of January, enough time to finish an additional survey of the solar
system. WISE's 16-inch telescope observes the universe in a criss-cross
pattern that takes about six months to see the whole sky.

The hydrogen lasted long enough to finish one-and-a-half sky scans, but
scientists wanted to finish the second survey with two of WISE's four
infrared channels unaffected by the loss of hydrogen.

The mission is designed to see some of the coldest parts of the
universe. WISE's detectors were immersed in cryogenic fluid to ensure
the observatory was not overwhelmed by its own heat.

It costs about $400,000 per month to operate WISE. A one-month extension
through October confirmed WISE's 3.4-micron and 4.6-micron detectors,
designed to observe in shorter wavelengths, still functioned with enough
sensitivity to discover main belt asteroids, objects crossing Earth's
orbit and nearby brown dwarfs, or failed stars.

"For asteroids and solar systems objects, this means that we do have
some reduced sensitivity because these things tend to show up most
brightly in the longer wavelengths," Mainzer said. "However, there is
still plenty we can see in the shorter wavelengths. We're still
detecting asteroids."

According to Mainzer, WISE has observed more than 155,000 asteroids,
comets and other minor planets. WISE is responsible for more than 34,000
new solar system discoveries, mostly asteroids in the main belt between
the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

The mission has spotted about 500 near-Earth objects and discovered
approximately 120 asteroids and comets that regularly pass close to Earth.

WISE is the only space-based telescope capable of discovering asteroids.
Other observatories, such as Hubble and Spitzer, are better suited for
detailed follow-up studies of known objects.

"What we're doing is sort of a blind search," Mainzer said. "We're
carrying out a predetermined survey pattern, and whatever happens to
cross into our path, we see. That has the great benefit of being an
independent survey, meaning that we're not depending on other people to
supply us targets. It's a survey that is not as biased by other people's
prior knowledge."

Ground-based observatories see the sky in visible wavelengths, but a
large fraction of asteroids are easiest to see through radiated heat,
giving infrared missions like WISE an advantage.

"The data sets are highly complementary, because if you have both
infrared and visible data on a particular asteroid, then you can
determine its albedo, which is its reflectivity," Mainzer said. "That's
an important number to know because it helps you understand a little bit
about its physical properties."

Mainzer said new WISE discoveries are disseminated to the scientific
community within 10 days, giving ground observatories and other space
telescopes a chance for focused imaging.

The mission's ground segment includes a system that automatically
searches imagery for potential asteroids, then compares the data with
known objects before declaring a new discovery.

WISE has downlinked about one million images since running out of
hydrogen this fall, according to Mainzer.

"The sky is a very big place, and

[meteorite-list] blocking eBay bidders

2010-12-19 Thread Don Merchant
Hi List. Here is a link to help walk you through step by step to block a 

Don Merchant
Founder-Cosmic Treasures Celestial Wonders
- Original Message - 
From: "Richard Montgomery" 
To: "Adam Hupe" ; "Adam" 

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

I haven't listed any items for about six months, and don't have any 
now...BUT plan to what is the method to block a bidder?  (Maybe 
the answer to this is part of the thread, but I'm still noodling though 
everyone's comments and warnings.  Any help will be appreciated.)

Richard Montgomery
- Original Message - 
From: "Adam Hupe" 

To: "Adam" 
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 1:30 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Yes, This guy  ( tri-ball34 ) "won" quantity 23 items from me valued into 
thousands and will not pay for them. This is one of the reasons eBay can 
be so
frustrating and I am trying to ween myself off of it. This kind of person 
only hurts sellers, he hurts the buyers by bidding up items he has no 
of paying for.  He bid up so many of my items that I thought the 
market was recovering nicely. Now, that I have spent many hours opening 
separate cases against him and undoing the damage, I see that the market 
about the same.  It is amazing what kind of chaos a single bidder can 

Best Regards,

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Meteorite-list mailing list

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Meteorite-list mailing list 

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] [meteorite-list?????] [IMCA] Update 2 - Wilbur Wash (correction)

2010-12-19 Thread Jason Utas
1) I'm not a member of the IMCA by choice
2) I, in theory, cannot see IMCA emails
3) The message I responded to was, itself, posted to the list (it was
part of the discussion "there")
I suppose there's something else you can get angry at Ted for, now.

On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 5:10 PM, Greg Catterton
> Why was this IMCA email taken to the meteorite list? Was this not a private 
> IMCA list discussion?
> Why did you take this to the Metlist when it was never part of discussion on 
> there?
> Greg Catterton
> IMCA member 4682
> On Ebay:
> On Facebook:
> --- On Sun, 12/19/10, Jason Utas  wrote:
>> From: Jason Utas 
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Update 2 - Wilbur Wash (correction)
>> To: "Meteorite-list" 
>> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 7:28 PM
>> Hello All,
>> I'd like to reply to a few of the points made in the below
>> messages;
>> while I would prefer to stay out of the mechanics of the
>> classification/submission part of it, several other points
>> were made
>> that apply to the majority of people currently getting
>> specimens
>> analyzed and named that should be addressed.
>> Anne said:
>> >>> The lack of a proper find location is not
>> enough to
>> >>> prevent a meteorite from being classified.
>>  All the
>> >>> SAHX meteorites, from the Labennes, lack
>> complete
>> >>> coordinates and they have been classified and
>> published.
>> The Labennes promised to release their data.  Using
>> this as a
>> justification for a statement like "meteorites don't need
>> coordinates
>> in order to become official" doesn't make sense.  No
>> one knew ahead of
>> time that the Labennes would lie.  They did not keep
>> their word.
>> In light of that fact alone, I would suggest that the
>> meteorites be
>> renamed as NWA, since all we know is that they came from
>> somewhere in
>> North (West?) Africa.  But changing the nomenclature
>> of meteorites
>> that have already been published in numerous papers and
>> books is not
>> usually done.
>> Nowadays, everyone knows that "Sahara XXxxx" is just
>> another name for
>> a homeless African meteorite, and that's what the name has
>> come to
>> represent.  Is it ideal?  No.  Is it worth
>> changing the accepted names
>> of hundreds of meteorites just because their names don't
>> fit to an
>> ideal nomenclature system?  Maybe.  That's not my
>> call, though.  And
>> it's not a clear-cut issue.
>> G. Catterton said:
>> >>> To use the claim that it was to keep the
>> location
>> >>> secret is not a valid excuse, Jack and
>> Whetstone clearly
>> >>> showed that location is not needed to get
>> approval.
>> We've gone over this on the list countless times.  The
>> coordinates for
>> Whetstone Mountains are on file with the nomenclature
>> committee.  The
>> information is there, but has not yet been made public.
>> So the only recent case in which meteorites have been
>> submitted and
>> made official is with the 'Sahara XXxxx' stones, and that's
>> because a
>> 'reputable dealer' did not keep his word.  And it's a
>> tough issue,
>> because I would trust the Labennes in a trade or purchase
>> -- the name
>> hasn't been sullied like those of...a few others on this
>> list.
>> And why is that?  Probably because withholding
>> promised find
>> information isn't viewed as a transgression comparable with
>> something
>> like switching an NWA L3 with Zulu Queen, or something
>> along those
>> lines.
>> And yet, when you look at the difference between an NWA L3
>> and Zulu
>> Queen, the only differentiating factor is provenance.
>> Where the stone
>> came from, how much was found, etc.  Kind of like the
>> difference
>> between a named stone in general versus a 'Sahara XXxxx' or
>> NWA stone.
>> But people know what they're getting when they buy 'Sahara
>> XXxxx'
>> stones.  I don't know if the Labennes will ever
>> release their data,
>> but I very much doubt that they will, ever.  I'd like
>> to be pleasantly
>> surprised in the near future, but it's probably not going
>> to happen.
>> -Why would they?
>> [Cue the long reply from M* about how coordinates are
>> all
>> overrated and irrelevant...if it happens, I'll step out of
>> this as
>> well.  Enough of that.]
>> The last point I'd like to make addresses the nature of our
>> little
>> meteorite market and how it interacts with the scientific
>> sphere.
>> We collectors and dealers seem to feel *entitled* to the
>> services of
>> the people working in the field of meteoritics.  It's
>> one thing to
>> criticize someone who's being lazy and clumsy, losing
>> samples left and
>> right.  It's another thing entirely to jump on the
>> back of researchers
>> who are simultaneously trying to do real scientific
>> research -- and
>> analyze hundreds, if not thousands, of stones for folks
>> like us on the
>> sid

Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Richard Montgomery
Thanks to the List...I've just blocked this a-hole (thanks Don M for the 
link) ...also went and looked at Lucyfi's Seymchan thin-slice (awesome, I 
might add) and sure enough 1***a won it.  I tried writing her through 
MyEbay-ask-seller link to give her a heads-up, but couldn't.

Isn't this a crime?  Or are all the warnings posted to bidders re: "you are 
entering into a binding contract" just a bunch of hey?  One would think 
eBay's downside about fraud-buyers would have some sort of legal team to 
support their very existence.

- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Fujihara" 

To: "MeteorList" 
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34


Buyers need to beware of tri-ball34 too, as he is continuing to bid up 
items on ebay even as i write this.  He has won 2 more items and his 
carnage amounts to 180 items won in the last 30 days.

You can identify this person as a bidder on an item by clicking on the Bid 
History link on a listing, which will bring up a list of bids, with the 
bidder ID scrambled with asterisks.  Don Skidmore informs me that 
tri-ball34 is member ID l***a

Buyers, if you see l***a in the bid history of an item, you'd be advised 
not to bid on the item lest you get into a bid war with him that you 
probably will not win.  And even if you do, it would be so highly inflated 
as to be ridiculously expensive.  Caveat emptor.


On Dec 19, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Warren Sansoucie wrote:

Hello all,

The Sellers of the items will be able to report him through the 
resolution center. I have had to do this over a different seller. eBay 
will revoke his account once the proper channels are followed.

It is sad. To me, it would seem this is someone with a desire to attack 
only IMCA members. Does anyone know if a non-member has had this issue?

Warren Sansoucie
IMCA 3174
St. Louis MO

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:11:32 -0800

Subject: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Yes, he tripled the price the Sylacauga would have sold for...

Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $150.00

Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $120.00

Member Id: u***h ( 793 ) US $50.00

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sun, 12/19/10, Mirko Graul  wrote:

From: Mirko Graul 
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
To: "MeteorList" , "Gary Fujihara" 

Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 6:08 PM
And now he have won also a slice by

and a piece of Sylacauga:

It is interesting to see 

Best Regards Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite
16321 Bernau

Phone: 0049-1724105015


Member of The Meteoritical Society
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery

IMCA-Member: 2113
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Mirko Graul 
schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

Von: Mirko Graul 
Betreff: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning


An: "MeteorList" ,

"Gary Fujihara" 

Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:55 Uhr
Hi Gary,

wow.a new piece on the list.
Our all friend have won just in this moment a


Seymchan slice.
...bad for the seller.

Best regards Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite
16321 Bernau

Phone: 0049-1724105015


Member of The Meteoritical Society
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery

IMCA-Member: 2113
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Gary Fujihara 
schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

Von: Gary Fujihara 
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning


An: "MeteorList" 
Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:46 Uhr
To see the kind of damage this guy
has done, follow this link to see all of the


tri-ball34 has won over the past 30 days:

Those sellers on the list have to report him to



together we may get his account revoked and your


fees refunded.


On Dec 19, 2010, at 12:25 PM, Mirko Graul wrote:

Hi Mike,

yes, I know.
But the shipping from Germany to the United

States is

very expensive.

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Just One Piece of an Unknown Celestial Body (Asteroid 2008 TC3)

2010-12-19 Thread Ron Baalke 

Meteorite just one piece of an unknown celestial body
Carnegie Institution For Science
December 15, 2010

Washington, D.C. - Scientists from all over the world are taking a
second, more expansive, look at the car-sized asteroid that exploded
over Sudan's Nubian Desert in 2008. Initial research was focused on
classifying the meteorite fragments that were collected two to five
months after they were strewn across the desert and tracked by NASA's
Near Earth Object astronomical network. Now in a series of 20 papers for
a special double issue of the journal Meteoritics and Planetary
Science, published on December 15, researchers have expanded their work
to demonstrate the diversity of these fragments, with major implications
for the meteorite's origin.

In the first round of research, Carnegie Geophysical scientist Doug
Rumble, in collaboration with Muawia Shaddad of the University of
Khartoum, examined one fragment of the asteroid, called 2008 TC3, and
determined that it fell into a very rare category of meteorite called
ureilites. Ureilites have a very different composition from most other
meteorites. It has been suggested that all members of this meteoric
family might have originated from the same source, called the ureilite
parent body, which could have been a proto-planet.

Now Rumble has expanded his work to examine 11 meteorite fragments,
focusing on the presence of oxygen isotopes. Isotopes are atoms of the
same element that have extra neutrons in their nuclei.

Rumble explains: "Oxygen isotopes can be used to identify the
meteorite's parent body and determine whether all the fragments indeed
came from the same source. Each parent body of meteorites in the Solar
System, including the Moon, Mars, and the large asteroid Vesta, has a
distinctive signature of oxygen isotopes that can be recognized even
when other factors, such as chemical composition and type of rock, are

Rumble and his team prepped tiny crumbs of these 11 meteorite fragments
and loaded them into a reaction chamber where they were heated with a
laser and underwent chemical reactions to release oxygen and then used
another device, called a mass spectrometer, to measure the
concentrations of these oxygen isotopes. Results showed that the full
range of oxygen isotopes known to be present in ureilites were also
present in the studied fragments.

"It was already known that the fragments in the Nubian Desert came from
the same asteroid. Taking that into account, these new results
demonstrate that the asteroid's source, the ureilite parent body, also
had a diversity of oxygen isotopes," says Rumble.

The diversity of oxygen isotopes found in ureilites probably arises from
the circumstances of the parent this body's formation. Rumble theorizes
that the rock components of this parent body were heated to the point of
melting and then cooled into crystals so quickly that the oxygen
isotopes present could not come to an equilibrium distribution throughout.

Together the collection of 20 papers published in Meteoritics and
Planetary Science offer enormous insight about the formation and
composition of ureilites and their hypothesized parent body.

This study was supported through a grant from NASA's Cosmochemistry
program, a grant from NASA under the Planetary Geology and Geophysics
program and a grant from NASA's Planetary Astronomy program. The samples
were made available by the University of Khartoum.

The Carnegie Institution for Science ( ) is a
private, nonprofit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., with
six research departments throughout the U.S. Since its founding in 1902,
the Carnegie Institution has been a pioneering force in basic scientific
research. Carnegie scientists are leaders in plant biology,
developmental biology, astronomy, materials science, global ecology, and
Earth and planetary science.

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Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Yinan Wang
"Isn't this a crime?  Or are all the warnings posted to bidders
re:"you are entering into a binding contract" just a bunch of

*The following is not to be taken as legal advice*

Well, its a legal contract, so it's a breach of contract when someone
doesn't pay, but that's not usually considered a crime unless they
recieved the item already or stole something. Normally, say if this
was taking place locally, you could probably sue someone in small
claims court for breach of contract. Unfortunately it appears the
buyer is in France, so unless you plan to go over there and sue them
in whatever local court they have there...

Best to just block and complaining to ebay about the person not paying.


On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 8:07 PM, Richard Montgomery
> Thanks to the List...I've just blocked this a-hole (thanks Don M for the
> link) ...also went and looked at Lucyfi's Seymchan thin-slice (awesome, I
> might add) and sure enough 1***a won it.  I tried writing her through
> MyEbay-ask-seller link to give her a heads-up, but couldn't.
> Isn't this a crime?  Or are all the warnings posted to bidders re: "you are
> entering into a binding contract" just a bunch of hey?  One would think
> eBay's downside about fraud-buyers would have some sort of legal team to
> support their very existence.
> - Original Message - From: "Gary Fujihara" 
> To: "MeteorList" 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>> Aloha,
>> Buyers need to beware of tri-ball34 too, as he is continuing to bid up
>> items on ebay even as i write this.  He has won 2 more items and his carnage
>> amounts to 180 items won in the last 30 days.
>> You can identify this person as a bidder on an item by clicking on the Bid
>> History link on a listing, which will bring up a list of bids, with the
>> bidder ID scrambled with asterisks.  Don Skidmore informs me that tri-ball34
>> is member ID l***a
>> Buyers, if you see l***a in the bid history of an item, you'd be advised
>> not to bid on the item lest you get into a bid war with him that you
>> probably will not win.  And even if you do, it would be so highly inflated
>> as to be ridiculously expensive.  Caveat emptor.
>> gary
>> On Dec 19, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Warren Sansoucie wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> The Sellers of the items will be able to report him through the
>>> resolution center. I have had to do this over a different seller. eBay will
>>> revoke his account once the proper channels are followed.
>>> It is sad. To me, it would seem this is someone with a desire to attack
>>> only IMCA members. Does anyone know if a non-member has had this issue?
>>> Warren Sansoucie
>>> IMCA 3174
>>> St. Louis MO
 Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:11:32 -0800
 Subject: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

 Yes, he tripled the price the Sylacauga would have sold for...

 Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $150.00

 Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $120.00

 Member Id: u***h ( 793 ) US $50.00

 Greg Catterton
 IMCA member 4682
 On Ebay:
 On Facebook:

 --- On Sun, 12/19/10, Mirko Graul  wrote:

> From: Mirko Graul 
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> To: "MeteorList" , "Gary Fujihara"
> Cc:
> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 6:08 PM
> And now he have won also a slice by
> cometshop:
> and a piece of Sylacauga:
> It is interesting to see 
> Best Regards Mirko
> Mirko Graul Meteorite
> Quittenring.4
> 16321 Bernau
> Phone: 0049-1724105015
> E-Mail:
> WEB:
> Member of The Meteoritical Society
> (International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery
> Science)
> IMCA-Member: 2113
> (International Meteorite Collectors Association)
> --- Mirko Graul 
> schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:
>> Von: Mirko Graul 
>> Betreff: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning
> tri-ball34
>> An: "MeteorList" ,
> "Gary Fujihara" 
>> CC:
>> Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:55 Uhr
>> Hi 

Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Stuart McDaniel
I have an idea that may help...what about if you 
see this 1**a has bid on something, use the function to ask the seller a 
question that get's added to the description of the ad warning them of this 
guy? There ia a way that it will show up in the description and maybe the 
seller can end the auction early.

-Original Message- 
From: Richard Montgomery

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:07 PM
To: Gary Fujihara ; MeteorList
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Thanks to the List...I've just blocked this a-hole (thanks Don M for the
link) ...also went and looked at Lucyfi's Seymchan thin-slice (awesome, I
might add) and sure enough 1***a won it.  I tried writing her through
MyEbay-ask-seller link to give her a heads-up, but couldn't.

Isn't this a crime?  Or are all the warnings posted to bidders re: "you are
entering into a binding contract" just a bunch of hey?  One would think
eBay's downside about fraud-buyers would have some sort of legal team to
support their very existence.

- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Fujihara" 

To: "MeteorList" 
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34


Buyers need to beware of tri-ball34 too, as he is continuing to bid up 
items on ebay even as i write this.  He has won 2 more items and his 
carnage amounts to 180 items won in the last 30 days.

You can identify this person as a bidder on an item by clicking on the Bid 
History link on a listing, which will bring up a list of bids, with the 
bidder ID scrambled with asterisks.  Don Skidmore informs me that 
tri-ball34 is member ID l***a

Buyers, if you see l***a in the bid history of an item, you'd be advised 
not to bid on the item lest you get into a bid war with him that you 
probably will not win.  And even if you do, it would be so highly inflated 
as to be ridiculously expensive.  Caveat emptor.


On Dec 19, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Warren Sansoucie wrote:

Hello all,

The Sellers of the items will be able to report him through the 
resolution center. I have had to do this over a different seller. eBay 
will revoke his account once the proper channels are followed.

It is sad. To me, it would seem this is someone with a desire to attack 
only IMCA members. Does anyone know if a non-member has had this issue?

Warren Sansoucie
IMCA 3174
St. Louis MO

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:11:32 -0800

Subject: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Yes, he tripled the price the Sylacauga would have sold for...

Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $150.00

Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $120.00

Member Id: u***h ( 793 ) US $50.00

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sun, 12/19/10, Mirko Graul  wrote:

From: Mirko Graul 
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
To: "MeteorList" , "Gary Fujihara" 

Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 6:08 PM
And now he have won also a slice by

and a piece of Sylacauga:

It is interesting to see 

Best Regards Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite
16321 Bernau

Phone: 0049-1724105015


Member of The Meteoritical Society
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery

IMCA-Member: 2113
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Mirko Graul 
schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

Von: Mirko Graul 
Betreff: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning


An: "MeteorList" ,

"Gary Fujihara" 

Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:55 Uhr
Hi Gary,

wow.a new piece on the list.
Our all friend have won just in this moment a


Seymchan slice.
...bad for the seller.

Best regards Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite
16321 Bernau

Phone: 0049-1724105015


Member of The Meteoritical Society
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery

IMCA-Member: 2113
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Gary Fujihara 
schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

Von: Gary Fujihara 
Betreff: Re: [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning


An: "MeteorList" 
Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 201

Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Ed Deckert

I was under the impression that an ebay seller can cancel a bid while the 

is still active, and then block the buyer whose bid he canceled.  (If the
seller knows enough to look for him, that is.)

Anyone know anything about doing that?

Ed Deckert
IMCA #8911

- Original Message - 
From: "Stuart McDaniel" 
To: "Richard Montgomery" ; "Gary Fujihara" 
; "MeteorList" 

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

I have an idea that may help...what about if 
you see this 1**a has bid on something, use the function to ask the seller 
a question that get's added to the description of the ad warning them of 
this guy? There ia a way that it will show up in the description and maybe 
the seller can end the auction early.

-Original Message- 
From: Richard Montgomery

Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:07 PM
To: Gary Fujihara ; MeteorList
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Thanks to the List...I've just blocked this a-hole (thanks Don M for the
link) ...also went and looked at Lucyfi's Seymchan thin-slice (awesome, I
might add) and sure enough 1***a won it.  I tried writing her through
MyEbay-ask-seller link to give her a heads-up, but couldn't.

Isn't this a crime?  Or are all the warnings posted to bidders re: "you 
entering into a binding contract" just a bunch of hey?  One would 

eBay's downside about fraud-buyers would have some sort of legal team to
support their very existence.

- Original Message - 
From: "Gary Fujihara" 

To: "MeteorList" 
Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34


Buyers need to beware of tri-ball34 too, as he is continuing to bid up 
items on ebay even as i write this.  He has won 2 more items and his 
carnage amounts to 180 items won in the last 30 days.

You can identify this person as a bidder on an item by clicking on the 
Bid History link on a listing, which will bring up a list of bids, with 
the bidder ID scrambled with asterisks.  Don Skidmore informs me that 
tri-ball34 is member ID l***a

Buyers, if you see l***a in the bid history of an item, you'd be advised 
not to bid on the item lest you get into a bid war with him that you 
probably will not win.  And even if you do, it would be so highly 
inflated as to be ridiculously expensive.  Caveat emptor.


On Dec 19, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Warren Sansoucie wrote:

Hello all,

The Sellers of the items will be able to report him through the 
resolution center. I have had to do this over a different seller. eBay 
will revoke his account once the proper channels are followed.

It is sad. To me, it would seem this is someone with a desire to attack 
only IMCA members. Does anyone know if a non-member has had this issue?

Warren Sansoucie
IMCA 3174
St. Louis MO

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:11:32 -0800

Subject: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

Yes, he tripled the price the Sylacauga would have sold for...

Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $150.00

Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $120.00

Member Id: u***h ( 793 ) US $50.00

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay:
On Facebook:

--- On Sun, 12/19/10, Mirko Graul  wrote:

From: Mirko Graul 
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
To: "MeteorList" , "Gary 

Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 6:08 PM
And now he have won also a slice by

and a piece of Sylacauga:

It is interesting to see 

Best Regards Mirko

Mirko Graul Meteorite
16321 Bernau

Phone: 0049-1724105015


Member of The Meteoritical Society
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery

IMCA-Member: 2113
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)

--- Mirko Graul 
schrieb am So, 19.12.2010:

Von: Mirko Graul 
Betreff: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning


An: "MeteorList" ,

"Gary Fujihara" 

Datum: Sonntag, 19. Dezember, 2010 23:55 Uhr
Hi Gary,

wow.a new piece on the list.
Our all friend have won just in this moment a


Seymchan slice.
...bad for the seller.

Best regards Mirko


Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Yinan Wang
Lets see if these links come through:

Here is the bid cancellation form for sellers:

There is also a block bidder form but its very individual so I'm not
sure I can successfully load the link. Go to ebay, click Help- Help
Topics, and follow links to the block bidder list.


On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 10:02 PM, Ed Deckert  wrote:
> I was under the impression that an ebay seller can cancel a bid while the
> auction
> is still active, and then block the buyer whose bid he canceled.  (If the
> seller knows enough to look for him, that is.)
> Anyone know anything about doing that?
> Ed Deckert
> IMCA #8911
> - Original Message - From: "Stuart McDaniel"
> To: "Richard Montgomery" ; "Gary Fujihara"
> ; "MeteorList" 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:46 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>> I have an idea that may help...what about if
>> you see this 1**a has bid on something, use the function to ask the seller a
>> question that get's added to the description of the ad warning them of this
>> guy? There ia a way that it will show up in the description and maybe the
>> seller can end the auction early.
>> -Original Message- From: Richard Montgomery
>> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:07 PM
>> To: Gary Fujihara ; MeteorList
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>> Thanks to the List...I've just blocked this a-hole (thanks Don M for the
>> link) ...also went and looked at Lucyfi's Seymchan thin-slice (awesome, I
>> might add) and sure enough 1***a won it.  I tried writing her through
>> MyEbay-ask-seller link to give her a heads-up, but couldn't.
>> Isn't this a crime?  Or are all the warnings posted to bidders re: "you
>> are
>> entering into a binding contract" just a bunch of hey?  One would
>> think
>> eBay's downside about fraud-buyers would have some sort of legal team to
>> support their very existence.
>> - Original Message - From: "Gary Fujihara" 
>> To: "MeteorList" 
>> Cc: 
>> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:21 PM
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>>> Aloha,
>>> Buyers need to beware of tri-ball34 too, as he is continuing to bid up
>>> items on ebay even as i write this.  He has won 2 more items and his carnage
>>> amounts to 180 items won in the last 30 days.
>>> You can identify this person as a bidder on an item by clicking on the
>>> Bid History link on a listing, which will bring up a list of bids, with the
>>> bidder ID scrambled with asterisks.  Don Skidmore informs me that tri-ball34
>>> is member ID l***a
>>> Buyers, if you see l***a in the bid history of an item, you'd be advised
>>> not to bid on the item lest you get into a bid war with him that you
>>> probably will not win.  And even if you do, it would be so highly inflated
>>> as to be ridiculously expensive.  Caveat emptor.
>>> gary
>>> On Dec 19, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Warren Sansoucie wrote:

 Hello all,

 The Sellers of the items will be able to report him through the
 resolution center. I have had to do this over a different seller. eBay will
 revoke his account once the proper channels are followed.

 It is sad. To me, it would seem this is someone with a desire to attack
 only IMCA members. Does anyone know if a non-member has had this issue?

 Warren Sansoucie
 IMCA 3174
 St. Louis MO

> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:11:32 -0800
> From:
> To:;;
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
> Yes, he tripled the price the Sylacauga would have sold for...
> Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $150.00
> Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $120.00
> Member Id: u***h ( 793 ) US $50.00
> Greg Catterton
> IMCA member 4682
> On Ebay:
> On Facebook:
> --- On Sun, 12/19/10, Mirko Graul  wrote:
>> From: Mirko Graul 
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>> To: "MeteorList" , "Gary
>> Fujihara" 
>> Cc:
>> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 6:08 PM
>> And now he have won also a slice by
>> cometshop:
>> and a piece of Sylacauga:

Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

2010-12-19 Thread Jason Utas
To make things more interesting -
tri-ball34 just got a lot of positive feedback from a seller.
All relatively inexpensive small NWAs.

On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Yinan Wang  wrote:
> Lets see if these links come through:
> Here is the bid cancellation form for sellers:
> There is also a block bidder form but its very individual so I'm not
> sure I can successfully load the link. Go to ebay, click Help- Help
> Topics, and follow links to the block bidder list.
> -YvW
> On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 10:02 PM, Ed Deckert  wrote:
>> I was under the impression that an ebay seller can cancel a bid while the
>> auction
>> is still active, and then block the buyer whose bid he canceled.  (If the
>> seller knows enough to look for him, that is.)
>> Anyone know anything about doing that?
>> Ed Deckert
>> IMCA #8911
>> - Original Message - From: "Stuart McDaniel"
>> To: "Richard Montgomery" ; "Gary Fujihara"
>> ; "MeteorList" 
>> Cc: 
>> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>>> I have an idea that may help...what about if
>>> you see this 1**a has bid on something, use the function to ask the seller a
>>> question that get's added to the description of the ad warning them of this
>>> guy? There ia a way that it will show up in the description and maybe the
>>> seller can end the auction early.
>>> -Original Message- From: Richard Montgomery
>>> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 9:07 PM
>>> To: Gary Fujihara ; MeteorList
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>>> Thanks to the List...I've just blocked this a-hole (thanks Don M for the
>>> link) ...also went and looked at Lucyfi's Seymchan thin-slice (awesome, I
>>> might add) and sure enough 1***a won it.  I tried writing her through
>>> MyEbay-ask-seller link to give her a heads-up, but couldn't.
>>> Isn't this a crime?  Or are all the warnings posted to bidders re: "you
>>> are
>>> entering into a binding contract" just a bunch of hey?  One would
>>> think
>>> eBay's downside about fraud-buyers would have some sort of legal team to
>>> support their very existence.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Gary Fujihara" 
>>> To: "MeteorList" 
>>> Cc: 
>>> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2010 4:21 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34

 Buyers need to beware of tri-ball34 too, as he is continuing to bid up
 items on ebay even as i write this.  He has won 2 more items and his 
 amounts to 180 items won in the last 30 days.

 You can identify this person as a bidder on an item by clicking on the
 Bid History link on a listing, which will bring up a list of bids, with the
 bidder ID scrambled with asterisks.  Don Skidmore informs me that 
 is member ID l***a

 Buyers, if you see l***a in the bid history of an item, you'd be advised
 not to bid on the item lest you get into a bid war with him that you
 probably will not win.  And even if you do, it would be so highly inflated
 as to be ridiculously expensive.  Caveat emptor.


 On Dec 19, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Warren Sansoucie wrote:

> Hello all,
> The Sellers of the items will be able to report him through the
> resolution center. I have had to do this over a different seller. eBay 
> will
> revoke his account once the proper channels are followed.
> It is sad. To me, it would seem this is someone with a desire to attack
> only IMCA members. Does anyone know if a non-member has had this issue?
> Warren Sansoucie
> IMCA 3174
> St. Louis MO
>> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 15:11:32 -0800
>> From:
>> To:;;
>> CC:
>> Subject: Re: [IMCA] [meteorite-list] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>> Yes, he tripled the price the Sylacauga would have sold for...
>> Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $150.00
>> Member Id: l***a ( 4 ) US $120.00
>> Member Id: u***h ( 793 ) US $50.00
>> Greg Catterton
>> IMCA member 4682
>> On Ebay:
>> On Facebook:
>> --- On Sun, 12/19/10, Mirko Graul  wrote:
>>> From: Mirko Graul 
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] [IMCA] Warning, Warning tri-ball34
>>> To: "MeteorList" , "Gary
>>> Fujihara" 
>>> Cc:
>>> Date: Sunday, December 19, 2010, 6:08 PM
>>> And now he have won also a slice b

[meteorite-list] Rocks from Space Picture of Day - December 20, 2010

2010-12-19 Thread Michael Johnson
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