[meteorite-list] NASA Completes MESSENGER Mission with Expected Impact on Mercury's Surface

2015-04-30 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


MESSENGER Mission News
April 30, 2015

NASA Completes MESSENGER Mission with Expected Impact on Mercury's Surface

Mission controllers at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 
(APL) in Laurel, Md., confirmed today that NASA's MErcury Surface, Space 
ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft impacted 
the surface of Mercury, as predicted, at 3:26 p.m. EDT this afternoon 
(3:34 p.m. ground time).

Mission controllers were able to confirm the end of operations just a 
few minutes later at 3:40 p.m., when no signal was detected by the Deep 
Space Network (DSN) station in Goldstone, California, at the time the 
spacecraft would have emerged from behind the planet had MESSENGER not 
impacted the surface. This conclusion was independently confirmed by the 
DSN's Radio Science team, who were simultaneously looking for the signal 
from MESSENGER from their posts in California.

MESSENGER was launched on August 3, 2004, and it began orbiting Mercury 
on March 18, 2011. The spacecraft completed its primary science objectives 
by March 2012. Because MESSENGER's initial discoveries raised important 
new questions and the payload remained healthy, the mission was extended 
twice, allowing the spacecraft to make observations from extraordinarily 
low altitudes and capture images and information about the planet in 

Last month -- during a final short extension of the mission referred to 
as XM2'-- the team embarked on a hover campaign that allowed the spacecraft 
at its closest approach to operate within a narrow band of altitudes, 
5 to 35 kilometers above the planet's surface. On April 28, the team 
executed the last of seven orbit-correction maneuvers (the last four of 
which were conducted entirely with helium pressurant after the remaining 
liquid hydrazine had been depleted), which kept MESSENGER aloft for the 
additional month, sufficiently long for the spacecraft's instruments to 
collect critical information that could shed light on Mercury's crustal 
magnetic anomalies and ice-filled polar craters, among other features.

With no way to increase its altitude, MESSENGER was finally unable to 
resist the perturbations to its orbit by the Sun's gravitational pull, 
and it slammed into Mercury's surface at around 8,750 miles per hour, 
creating a new crater up to 52 feet wide.

"Today we bid a fond farewell to one of the most resilient and accomplished 
spacecraft ever to have explored our neighboring planets," said Sean Solomon, 
MESSENGER's Principal Investigator and Director of Columbia University's 
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. "Our craft set a record for planetary 
flybys, spent more than four years in orbit about the planet closest to 
the Sun, and survived both punishing heat and extreme doses of radiation. 
Among its other achievements, MESSENGER determined Mercury's surface 
revealed its geological history, discovered that its internal magnetic 
field is offset from the planet's center, taught us about Mercury's unusual 
internal structure, followed the chemical inventory of its exosphere with 
season and time of day, discovered novel aspects of its extraordinarily 
active magnetosphere, and verified that its polar deposits are dominantly 
water ice. A resourceful and committed team of engineers, mission operators, 
scientists, and managers can be extremely proud that the MESSENGER mission 
has surpassed all expectations and delivered a stunningly long list of 
discoveries that have changed our views not only of one of Earth's sibling 
planets but of the entire inner solar system."

MESSENGER's Final Hours

MESSENGER's last orbit with real-time flight operations began at 11:15 
a.m. EDT, with initiation of the final delivery of data and images from 
Mercury via the DSN 70-m antenna in Madrid, Spain. See the last image 
delivered here.

After a planned transition to the 34-m DSS-15 antenna at Goldstone, California, 
at 2:40 p.m. EDT, mission operators later confirmed the switch to a beacon-only 
communication signal at 3:04 p.m. The mood in the Mission Operations Center 
at APL was both celebratory and somber, as team members watched MESSENGER's 
telemetry drop out for the last time after more than four years and 4,105 
orbits at Mercury.

"We then monitored MESSENGER's beacon signal for about 25 additional minutes," 
said Mission Operations Manager Andy Calloway of APL. "It was strange 
to think that for those last three minutes MESSENGER had already impacted 
onto Mercury, but we could not confirm that fact yet because of the vast 
distance across space between Mercury and Earth. MESSENGER passed behind 
Mercury (as viewed from Earth) at 3:29 p.m., however the signal from our 
intrepid spacecraft started fading prior to that and dropped out for the 
last time at 3:25 p.m."

At 3:38 p.m. EDT, at the time the spacecraft would have emerged from behind 
the p

[meteorite-list] Rock Spire in 'Spirit of St. Louis Crater' on Mars

2015-04-30 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


Rock Spire in 'Spirit of St. Louis Crater' on Mars
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
April 30, 2015

An elongated crater called "Spirit of St. Louis," with a rock spire in 
it, dominates a recent scene from the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's 
Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity.

Opportunity completed its 4,000th Martian day, or sol, of work on Mars 
on April 26, 2015. The rover has been exploring Mars since early 2004.

This scene from late March 2015 shows a shallow crater called Spirit of 
St. Louis, about 110 feet (34 meters) long and about 80 feet (24 meters) 
wide, with a floor slightly darker than surrounding terrain. The rocky 
feature toward the far end of the crater is about 7 to 10 feet (2 to 3 
meters) tall, rising higher than the crater's rim.

The component images of this mosaic view were taken on March 29 and 30, 
2015, during Sol 3973 and Sol 3974 of the mission. This version of the 
image is presented in approximate true color by combing exposures taken 
through three of the Pancam's color filters, centered on wavelengths of 
753 nanometers (near-infrared), 535 nanometers (green) and 432 nanometers 

The view is centered toward the northeast. The rover's location and the 
Spirit of Saint Louis Crater are near the center of a map at:


The unusually shaped Spirit of St. Louis Crater lies on the outer portion 
of the western rim of Endeavour Crater. Endeavour spans about 14 miles 
(22 kilometers) in diameter, and Opportunity has been exploring its western 
rim for about one-third of the rover's mission, which has lasted more 
than 11 years. Endeavour's elevated western rim extends northward to the 
left from Spirit of St. Louis Crater in this scene. A glimpse of the far 
side of Endeavour is visible on either side of the rock spire.

For more about Opportunity's mission, see:


Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.



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[meteorite-list] NASA's New Horizons Detects Surface Features, Possible Polar Cap on Pluto

2015-04-30 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list

April 29, 2015

RELEASE 15-078

NASA's New Horizons Detects Surface Features, Possible Polar Cap on Pluto

For the first time, images from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft are 
revealing bright and dark regions on the surface of faraway Pluto - the 
primary target of the New Horizons close flyby in mid-July.

The images were captured in early to mid-April from within 70 million miles 
(113 million kilometers), using the telescopic Long-Range Reconnaissance 
Imager (LORRI) camera on New Horizons. A technique called image deconvolution 
sharpens the raw, unprocessed images beamed back to Earth. New Horizons 
scientists interpreted the data to reveal the dwarf planet has broad surface 
markings - some bright, some dark - including a bright area at one pole 
that may be a polar cap.

"As we approach the Pluto system we are starting to see intriguing features 
such as a bright region near Pluto's visible pole, starting the great 
scientific adventure to understand this enigmatic celestial object," says 
John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission 
Directorate in Washington. "As we get closer, the excitement is building in 
our quest to unravel the mysteries of Pluto using data from New Horizons."

Also captured in the images is Pluto's largest moon, Charon, rotating in 
its 6.4-day long orbit. The exposure times used to create this image set - 
a tenth of a second - were too short for the camera to detect Pluto's 
four much smaller and fainter moons.

Since it was discovered in 1930, Pluto has remained an enigma. It orbits our 
sun more than 3 billion miles (about 5 billion kilometers) from Earth, and 
researchers have struggled to discern any details about its surface. These 
latest New Horizons images allow the mission science team to detect clear 
differences in brightness across Pluto's surface as it rotates.

"After traveling more than nine years through space, it's stunning to see 
Pluto, literally a dot of light as seen from Earth, becoming a real place 
right before our eyes," said Alan Stern, New Horizons principal 
investigator at Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. "These 
incredible images are the first in which we can begin to see detail on Pluto, 
and they are already showing us that Pluto has a complex surface."

The images the spacecraft returns will dramatically improve as New Horizons 
speeds closer to its July rendezvous with Pluto.

"We can only imagine what surprises will be revealed when New Horizons 
passes approximately 7,800 miles (12,500 kilometers) above Pluto's surface 
this summer," said Hal Weaver, the mission's project scientist at the 
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, 

APL designed, built, and operates the New Horizons spacecraft, and manages 
the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. SwRI leads the science 
team, payload operations and encounter science planning. New Horizons is part 
of the New Frontiers Program managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center 
in Huntsville, Alabama.

To view images from New Horizons and learn more about the mission, visit:




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[meteorite-list] Mercury Crater-Naming Contest Winners Announced

2015-04-30 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


MESSENGER Mission News
April 29, 2015

Mercury Crater-Naming Contest Winners Announced

The MESSENGER Education and Public Outreach (EPO) Team, coordinated through 
the Carnegie Institution for Science, announces the winning names from 
its competition to name five impact craters on Mercury. The contest submissions 
had to be submitted by January 15, 2015, and the International Astronomical 
Union (IAU) -- the governing body of planetary and satellite nomenclature 
since 1919 -- made the selections from a semi-final submission of 17 artists' 
names. The newly selected crater names are Carolan, Enheduanna, Karsh, 
Kulthum, and Rivera.

Under IAU rules, all new craters on Mercury must be named after an artist, 
composer, or writer who was famous for more than 50 years and has been 
dead for more than three years.

* Turlough O'Carolan (Carolan), was an Irish composer during the late 
1600s and early 1700s.

* Enheduanna, an Akkadian princess who lived in the Sumerian city of Ur 
in ancient Mesopotamia (today's Iraq and Kuwait), and is regarded by many 
scholars as possibly the earliest known author and poet.

* Yousuf Karsh, was an Armenian/Canadian and one of the greatest portrait 
photographers of the twentieth century.

* Umm Kulthum, was an Egyptian singer, songwriter, and film actress of 
the 1920s to the 1970s.

* Diego Rivera, was a prominent Mexican painter and muralist from the 
1920s to the 1950s.

NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft has been in orbit about Mercury since March 
2011 and is due to finally impact the planet tomorrow. The MESSENGER spacecraft 
has far surpassed expectations in the duration of the mission and in the 
quantity and quality of data returned. The original goal of the craft 
was to take 2,500 images of the planet, but is has returned more than 
250,000. The EPO team organized the crater-naming competition to celebrate 
the mission's achievements.

The winners come from many different countries. Carolan was suggested 
by Fergal Donnelly (Belgium), Joseph Brusseau (USA), and Reane Morrison 
(USA). Enheduanna was submitted by Gagan Toor (India). Karsh was submitted 
by Elizabeth Freeman Rosenzweig (USA). Kulthum was suggested by Malouk 
Ba-Isa (Saudi Arabia), Riana Rakotoarimanan (Switzerland), Yehya Hassouna 
(USA), David Suttles (USA), Thorayya Said Giovanelli (USA), and Matt Giovanelli 
(USA). Rivera was suggested by Ricardo Martinez (Mexico), Rebecca Hare 
(USA), Arturo Gutierrez (Mexico), and Jose Martinez (USA).

Julie Edmonds, the EPO team leader at the Carnegie Institution for Science, 
remarked, "The IAU working group that chose the names was very happy with 
the submissions. In all we had 3,600 contest entries, a resounding success 
for the excitement that the MESSENGER mission to Mercury has generated."

Final Maneuver Extends MESSENGER Operations by One More Orbit

MESSENGER mission controllers at the Johns Hopkins University Applied 
Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md., conducted a maneuver on April 
28 designed to raise the spacecraft's minimum altitude sufficiently to 
ensure impact onto Mercury during the desired orbit when full coverage 
by NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) scheduled.

The previous maneuver, completed on April 24, raised MESSENGER's minimum 
altitude from 8.3 kilometers (5.2 miles) to 18.2 kilometers (11.3 miles) 
above the planet's surface. Because of progressive changes to the orbit 
over time, however, the spacecraft's minimum altitude continued to decrease.

At the time of this most recent maneuver, MESSENGER was in an orbit with 
a closest approach of 5.3 kilometers (3.3 miles) above the surface of 
Mercury. With a velocity change of 0.45 meters per second (1 mile per 
hour), the spacecraft's four largest monopropellant thrusters released 
gaseous helium pressurant to nudge the spacecraft to an orbit with a closest 
approach altitude of 6.3 kilometers (3.9 miles).

This maneuver also increased the spacecraft's speed relative to Mercury 
near the maximum distance from Mercury, adding about 3.5 seconds to the 
spacecraft's eight-hour, 21.2-minute orbit period. The final maneuver 
in the MESSENGER low-altitude hover campaign, this was the mission's fourth 
course-correction maneuver to use the helium gas pressurant as a propellant 
to change the spacecraft's orbit. This view shows MESSENGER's orientation 
at the start of the maneuver.

MESSENGER was 155.2 million kilometers (96.5 million miles) from Earth 
when the 3.02-minute maneuver began at about 5:20 p.m. EDT. Mission controllers 
at APL verified the start of the maneuver 8.6 minutes later, after the 
first signals indicating spacecraft thruster activity reached NASA's DSN 
tracking station in Goldstone, California.

MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) 
is a NASA-sponsored scientif

[meteorite-list] Mars Rover Opportunity Update: April 15-23, 2015

2015-04-30 Thread Ron Baalke via Meteorite-list


OPPORTUNITY UPDATE:  Rover on the Lookout for Dust Devils! - sols 3990-3998, 
April 15, 2015-April 23, 2015:

Opportunity is on the west rim of Endeavour Crater next to the "Spirit 
of St. Louis" crater near the entrance of "Marathon Valley."

The rover had been conducting an in-situ (contact) science campaign at 
the outcrop named "Thermopylae."

On Sol 3991 (April 16, 2015), the robotic arm was used to collect a Microscopic 
Imager (MI) mosaic and then place the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer 
(APXS) for a multi-hour integration. A small Navigation Camera (Navcam) 
mosaic was also collected on that sol. On the next sol, a new Navcam Dust 
Devil Watch was sequenced. On Sol 3993 (April 18, 2015), further MI mosaics 
were collected followed by another APXS placement. For the next sol, the 
APXS was offset to an adjacent target for another integration.

However, during the preparation for the afternoon UHF relay pass the rover 
experienced a reset, stopping all sequences. The cause of the reset is 
unknown and still under investigation. Further, an amnesia event occurred 
later that night for the wakeup to start Deep Sleep. The rover was restored 
to master sequence control on Sol 3996 (April 21, 2015). On Sol 3998 (April 
23, 2015), Opportunity drove a little over 26 feet (8 meters) to reach 
the rim of the Spirit of St. Louis crater.

As of Sol 3998, the solar array energy production was 620 watt-hours with 
an atmospheric opacity (Tau) of 0.766 and a solar array dust factor of 

Total odometry is 26.25 miles (42.24 kilometers), more than a marathon.

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Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Greg Hupé via Meteorite-list
Rick Bob... I tried to hit the 'Like' button after reading your post here! 

Best Regards,

Greg Hupé
The Hupé Collection
www.NaturesVault.net (Online Catalog & Reference Site)
www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

-Original Message- 
From: Rick Montgomery via Meteorite-list

Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 8:09 PM
To: tracy latimer ; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Nice to know we are all still alive and vibrant in this passion!   Worm
gruntin'grind a thought into the silent passion and everyone comes to
the surface to look around.
Well done List.  I love this stuff.  Let's not succumb to worries of crap we
have wisdom to overcome.
Onward.  Up!
-Richard m

-Original Message- 
From: tracy latimer via Meteorite-list

Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 12:13 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

I haven't gotten any new postings from Da List for the past week.  Is
everyone just busy elsewhere, is there something going kapakahi with Da
List, or have I been dropped?

Tracy Latimer


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Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
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Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Rick Montgomery via Meteorite-list

Nice to know we are all still alive and vibrant in this passion!   Worm 
gruntin'grind a thought into the silent passion and everyone comes to 
the surface to look around.
Well done List.  I love this stuff.  Let's not succumb to worries of crap we 
have wisdom to overcome.

Onward.  Up!
-Richard m

-Original Message- 
From: tracy latimer via Meteorite-list

Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 12:13 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

I haven't gotten any new postings from Da List for the past week.  Is 
everyone just busy elsewhere, is there something going kapakahi with Da 
List, or have I been dropped?

Tracy Latimer


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Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
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Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Matthias Bärmann via Meteorite-list

No fear of course, Michael. A lack of sympathy.

In any case, discussing awful quietness obviously stops being awfully 
quite on the list.

Best as ever

Am 30.04.2015 um 22:54 schrieb Michael Farmer:

I don't understand what the fear of Facebook is. They only have what you give 
them. I am not sure why it is scary that they keep track of your eBay sales 
offers or cat photos. Not too scary to me.

Michael Farmer

On Apr 29, 2015, at 4:25 PM, Anne Black via Meteorite-list 

I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.
I don't like Facebook and their privacy policies, or lack of. It makes the 
Government agencies look like rank amateurs when it comes to watching what we 
are all doing.

However I certainly understand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to venture 
into using it for marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if you want to keep up 
with things."
And there are times when I wonder if I will not be obligated to join it just 
and only for business purposes. That would be a very bitter pill to swallow!!!

Anyway we can all band together, protect our privacy, and keep the List going??
Any comments? anybody?

Anne M. Black

-Original Message-
From: Graham Ensor 
To: Matthias Bärmann 
Cc: Anne Black ; Martin Goff ; Greg Hupe 
; Bernd V. Pauli ; meteorite list 

Sent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12 pm
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

I always said I would not venture into Facebook but unfortunately it
is where
all the action is and is so easy to use, post pictures to,
share info, personal
message and find new material...see early new
finds and acquire exciting
samples...Also had to venture into using it
for marketing other aspects
etc...just no choice if you want to keep
up with things.

You do need to keep
it in check with privacy settings and try not to
let it take over your life


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Matthias

I agree, Anne. And I

ask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"

(whatever that might be)

for free? Something rhymes ...

Best, Matthias

Am 29.04.2015 um

22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list:

I'll have to agree with


The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our "Name that


Certainly Social Media Overload.

There are

still people talking but there is nothing really new to talk

about, no new

Fall, no new discoveries.

So a bit of peace and quiet.

Anne M.





From: Martin Goff via Meteorite-list

To: Greg Hupé

Cc: Bernd V. Pauli ;


Sent: Wed, Apr 29,

2015 2:15 pm

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet


Bernd, Tracy, all.

Most of my meteorite related chat now occurs via


and this is
what i observe from many others too. Numerous

people within

meteorite community who were regular posters here on

the metlist i now

posting daily in the various facebook groups and

forums. I know

it's not for
everyone but i for one would certainly feel

as if i was

missing out on the
latest meteorite news and chat if I were

not on


I have done quite a
few posts over the last

year where i have

submitted the same post via various
different forums

and plarforms to

try and see which generated the most
conversation and i

have to say

Facebook won by huge margins every single


to see you on there maybe Bernd? Your experience and knowledge


hugely beneficial to everyone there :-)

Kind regards


On 29
April 2015 at 21:02, Greg Hupé


Hello Bernd and All,

Maybe 'Social Media Overload'? I have been talking with

several friends


the last few months about the dramatic slowdown [from

last two years] which

has many contributing factors, none of which is


MetList Forum,

Facebook, Twitter or any of the other

outlets of info... almost

a 'Quiet

Before the Storm' effect.

It may be an indication of 'The Market'


'Supply &

Demand' which has been very tough since 2008 and even more

one year ago in 'my' experience and dealings. I should look up

at the


and see if the birds are heading in an odd

direction for this time of


Best Regards,


Greg Hupé
The Hupé


www.NaturesVault.net (Online

Catalog &

Reference Site)

www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary

Meteorite Site)

NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)




Click here for my current eBay auctions:




From: Bernd V. Pauli via Meteorite-list


Wednesday, April 29, 2015 3:34




Subject: [meteorite-list]



...  or have I been


Hello Tracy, Greg, List

[meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Bernd V. Pauli via Meteorite-list
Hi all,

One of my major problems is that there are only 24 hours in a day.
There's Meteorite Central, there's Geoff's CSR, there's the German
forum, there's kind invitations to join the French forum, and there's
Facebook, there's Twitter, there's LinkedIn, there's ... ... ... ... ... ...
Of course, you don't have to read every single post ... but you do,
don't you ?!?!




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[meteorite-list] Seymchan 13.5kg 'All in one Package' - AD

2015-04-30 Thread Greg Hupé via Meteorite-list

Dear List and Pallasite Fans,

I just received the largest part of a 54 kilo flat/round Seymchan that many 
people were scratching their heads over at this years Tucson Show... Common 
thought was, "Is there enough crystals?"... I gambled and lucked out with an 
extremely wonderful pallasite that has the best of ALL the worlds this 
meteorite has to offer; Green Crystals, Large Chromite inclusions, Great 
balance of crystals-metal (luckily about 2/3 crystals). I, along with 
several people who are experts with pallasites, decided on the best way to 
cut this stone, glad I consulted them because this was my first time diving 
into a large pallasite venture. Thank you Marlin Cilz and all of the others 
who freely advised me how to best reveal what this particular stone had to 

Here are a couple of images of the 13,510 gram end cut and largest piece 
from the 54kg mass, and "Yes", I am accepting offers and am placing an 
extremely low starting point of just $30,000.00. I am not an auction house 
so you will not expect to add an extra 20% to high offer, just high offer 
and shipping/insurance.

Seymchan 13,510 gram End Cut
47cm x 14cm x 10cm

Polished face:

Natural side:

I will consider offers for one week and let the person/entity with highest 
offer know next Thursday, May 7th.

As for slices of this wonderful mix of Pallasitic Pleasure, I will have 
about 30 'thin' slices to offer as they arrive from Marlin, first 16 slices 
should be tomorrow. I will also offer these at competitive rates and each 
slice will be priced according to its own individual character and look, not 
at the rate of the large end cut... but still excellent discounts!

Thank you for having a look and I appreciate the offers!

Best Regards,

AD #5 of 52

Greg Hupé
The Hupé Collection
www.NaturesVault.net (Online Catalog & Reference Site)
www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:


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Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Art Jones via Meteorite-list
Hi Michael/List;

Great to hear from you!  Rich formatting is when your email software adds a 
special font, bold print, colored text, etc. to the email message. This is 
accomplished using HTML, which is what web pages use - so basically rich 
formatting makes email messages display more like a web page.  Unfortunately 
HTML in emails can also allow hackers to hide nefarious code within the message.

Cheers,  Art

-Original Message-
From: Michael Blood [mailto:mlbl...@cox.net] 
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 1:41 PM
To: Art Jones; Michael Farmer; Larry Atkins; Meteorite List
Cc: Met. Anne Black
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Hi Art,

Nice to hear from you on this.  Can you explain for us technologically nieve 
what "rich formatting" is? 

Thanks, Michael Blood

On 4/30/15 11:12 AM, "Meteorite List" 

> Hi Mike/List;
> It's actually simple to assure that your posts will show up:  don¹t 
> use rich formatting in your emails.  99% of the time an email doesn¹t 
> make it is due to the formatting.  I chose to block rich text and HTML 
> as a means of decreasing the possibility of virus transmission.
> see policy #7  [7. Send emails in text format, not HTML or Rich Text 
> (these will be bounced)]
> Happy Hunting,
> -Art
> -Original Message-
> From: Meteorite-list 
> [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of 
> Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:06 AM
> To: Larry Atkins
> Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; impact...@aol.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
> In my opinion the list is dying because 90% of what people post never 
> makes it. Most of my emails are blocked, never to appear. Why? I have 
> no clue. Most others tell me the same thing. I just post on Facebook 
> and sell my things in minutes.  Much easier. Why? I don't know.
> Sad to see, the list was once a great place where information and 
> stories were shared. Mostly now just an eBay add site.
> Michael
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi Anne, List,
>> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on 
>> here for many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used 
>> to get. It was such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining 
>> place! (sometimes a little mean, too)
>> I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I 
>> actually am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, 
>> I don't seem to get the joy from facebook that the met list of old 
>> gave me. I have barely said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put 
>> my finger on what the disconnect is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the 
>> snippets of info instead of more details, maybe it's the hundreds of 
>> people that want to be my 'friend' that I've never heard of. Maybe I 
>> feel like it's going to be to much of a commitment once I dive in? On 
>> top of all this is the privacy issue, real or imagined.
>> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I 
>> have to give in to change so as not to go socially extinct!
>> Sincerely,
>> Larry Atkins
>> IMCA # 1941
>> Ebay alienrockfarm
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list 
>> To: graham.ensor ; majbaermann 
>> Cc: bernd.pauli ; meteorite-list 
>> ; msgmeteorites 
>> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15 am
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>> I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.I don't like Facebook and 
>> theirprivacy policies, or lack of. It makes the Government agencies 
>> look like rankamateurs when it comes to watching what we are all 
>> doing.However I certainlyunderstand what Graham is saying when he 
>> writes  "had to venture into using itfor marketing other aspects 
>> etc... just no choice if you want to keep up withthings."And there 
>> are times when I wonder if I will not be obligated to join itjust and 
>> only for business purposes. That would be a very bitter pill 
>> toswallow!!!Anyway we can all band together, protect our privacy, and 
>> keep theList going??Any comments? anybody? Anne 
>> m.blackwww.impactika.comimpact...@aol.com-Original
>> Message-From:Graham Ensor To: Matthias
>> BärmannCc: Anne Black ; Martin 
>> Goff; Greg Hupe ; Bernd V.
>> Pauli; meteorite
>> listSent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12
>> pmSubject:Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quietI always said I would not 
>> venture intoFacebook but unfortunately itis whereall the action is 
>> and is so easy to use,post pictures to,share info, personalmessage 
>> and find new material...see earlynewfinds and acquire 
>> excitingsamples...Also had to venture into using itformarketing other 
>> aspectsetc...just no choice if you want to keepup withthings.You do 
>> need to keepit in check with privacy settings and try nottolet it 
>> take over your lifethough.GrahamOn 

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Art Jones via Meteorite-list
Hi Michael/List;

Great to hear from you!  Rich formatting is when your email software adds a 
special font, bold print, colored text, etc. to the email message. This is 
accomplished using HTML, which is what web pages use - so basically rich 
formatting makes email messages display more like a web page.  Unfortunately 
HTML in emails can also allow hackers to hide nefarious code within the message.

Cheers,  Art

-Original Message-
From: Michael Blood [mailto:mlbl...@cox.net] 
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 1:41 PM
To: Art Jones; Michael Farmer; Larry Atkins; Meteorite List
Cc: Met. Anne Black
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Hi Art,
Nice to hear from you on this.
Can you explain for us technologically nieve what "rich formatting"
Thanks, Michael Blood

On 4/30/15 11:12 AM, "Meteorite List" 

> Hi Mike/List;
> It's actually simple to assure that your posts will show up:  don¹t 
> use rich formatting in your emails.  99% of the time an email doesn¹t 
> make it is due to the formatting.  I chose to block rich text and HTML 
> as a means of decreasing the possibility of virus transmission.
> see policy #7  [7. Send emails in text format, not HTML or Rich Text 
> (these will be bounced)]
> Happy Hunting,
> -Art
> -Original Message-
> From: Meteorite-list 
> [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of 
> Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:06 AM
> To: Larry Atkins
> Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; impact...@aol.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
> In my opinion the list is dying because 90% of what people post never 
> makes it. Most of my emails are blocked, never to appear. Why? I have 
> no clue. Most others tell me the same thing. I just post on Facebook 
> and sell my things in minutes.  Much easier. Why? I don't know.
> Sad to see, the list was once a great place where information and 
> stories were shared. Mostly now just an eBay add site.
> Michael
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi Anne, List,
>> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on 
>> here for many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used 
>> to get. It was such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining 
>> place! (sometimes a little mean, too)
>> I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I 
>> actually am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, 
>> I don't seem to get the joy from facebook that the met list of old 
>> gave me. I have barely said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put 
>> my finger on what the disconnect is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the 
>> snippets of info instead of more details, maybe it's the hundreds of 
>> people that want to be my 'friend' that I've never heard of. Maybe I 
>> feel like it's going to be to much of a commitment once I dive in? On 
>> top of all this is the privacy issue, real or imagined.
>> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I 
>> have to give in to change so as not to go socially extinct!
>> Sincerely,
>> Larry Atkins
>> IMCA # 1941
>> Ebay alienrockfarm


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list
I don't understand what the fear of Facebook is. They only have what you give 
them. I am not sure why it is scary that they keep track of your eBay sales 
offers or cat photos. Not too scary to me. 

Michael Farmer

> On Apr 29, 2015, at 4:25 PM, Anne Black via Meteorite-list 
>  wrote:
> I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.
> I don't like Facebook and their privacy policies, or lack of. It makes the 
> Government agencies look like rank amateurs when it comes to watching what we 
> are all doing.
> However I certainly understand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to 
> venture into using it for marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if 
> you want to keep up with things."
> And there are times when I wonder if I will not be obligated to join it just 
> and only for business purposes. That would be a very bitter pill to swallow!!!
> Anyway we can all band together, protect our privacy, and keep the List 
> going??
> Any comments? anybody? 
> Anne M. Black
> www.IMPACTIKA.com
> impact...@aol.com
> -Original Message-
> From: Graham Ensor 
> To: Matthias Bärmann 
> Cc: Anne Black ; Martin Goff ; 
> Greg Hupe ; Bernd V. Pauli ; 
> meteorite list 
> Sent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12 pm
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
> I always said I would not venture into Facebook but unfortunately it
> is where
> all the action is and is so easy to use, post pictures to,
> share info, personal
> message and find new material...see early new
> finds and acquire exciting
> samples...Also had to venture into using it
> for marketing other aspects
> etc...just no choice if you want to keep
> up with things.
> You do need to keep
> it in check with privacy settings and try not to
> let it take over your life
> though.
> Graham
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Matthias
> Bärmann
>  wrote:
>> I agree, Anne. And I
> ask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"
>> (whatever that might be)
> for free? Something rhymes ...
>> Best, Matthias
>> Am 29.04.2015 um
> 22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list:
>>> I'll have to agree with
> Greg.
>>> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our "Name that
> Meteorite"
>>> game.
>>> Certainly Social Media Overload.
>>> There are
> still people talking but there is nothing really new to talk
>>> about, no new
> Fall, no new discoveries.
>>> So a bit of peace and quiet.
>>> Anne M.
> Black
>>> www.IMPACTIKA.com
>>> impact...@aol.com
>>> -Original
> Message-
>>> From: Martin Goff via Meteorite-list
>>> To: Greg Hupé
>>> Cc: Bernd V. Pauli ;
> meteorite-list
>>> Sent: Wed, Apr 29,
> 2015 2:15 pm
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>>> Hi
> Bernd, Tracy, all.
>>> Most of my meteorite related chat now occurs via
> Facebook
>>> and this is
>>> what i observe from many others too. Numerous
> people within
>>> our
>>> meteorite community who were regular posters here on
> the metlist i now
>>> see
>>> posting daily in the various facebook groups and
> forums. I know
>>> it's not for
>>> everyone but i for one would certainly feel
> as if i was
>>> missing out on the
>>> latest meteorite news and chat if I were
> not on
>>> Facebook.
>>> I have done quite a
>>> few posts over the last
> year where i have
>>> submitted the same post via various
>>> different forums
> and plarforms to
>>> try and see which generated the most
>>> conversation and i
> have to say
>>> Facebook won by huge margins every single
>>> time.
>>> Hope
> to see you on there maybe Bernd? Your experience and knowledge
>>> would
>>> be
> hugely beneficial to everyone there :-)
>>> Kind regards
> Martin
>>> On 29
>>> April 2015 at 21:02, Greg Hupé
>  wrote:
>>> Hello Bernd and All,
> Maybe 'Social Media Overload'? I have been talking with
>>> several friends
> over
 the last few months about the dramatic slowdown [from
> last two years] which
 has many contributing factors, none of which is
> purely;
>>> MetList Forum,
 Facebook, Twitter or any of the other
> outlets of info... almost
>>> a 'Quiet
 Before the Storm' effect.
> It may be an indication of 'The Market'
>>> and/or
 'Supply &
> Demand' which has been very tough since 2008 and even more
> since
 one year ago in 'my' experience and dealings. I should look up
> at the
>>> sky
 and see if the birds are heading in an odd
> direction for this time of
>>> year...
 Best Regards,
> Greg
 Greg Hupé
 The Hupé
> Collection
 www.NaturesVault.net (Online
> Catalog &
>>> Reference Site)
 www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary
> Meteorite Site)
>>> NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
> http://www.facebook.com/NaturesVault
> http://pinterest.com/NaturesVault

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet‏

2015-04-30 Thread Pete Pete via Meteorite-list
 Hi, all, 

The archives here makes the MetList very relevant and irreplaceable, in my 
humble opinion. 

A lot of knowledge stored there! 

Links are allowed, so pictures can be attached to posts (indirectly) like that. 

My only issue is that "plain text" formatting means that some good messages 
will miss being posted if not so adjusted. 

Cheers, Pete  

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Charles Fort

2015-04-30 Thread Greg B. via Meteorite-list
Has anyone in the list examined the 1919 Book by Charles Fort "The Book
of the Damned" as it pertains to meteorite falls?
It mentions countless historical mysteries, many of which, likely were
meteorite falls. Many of these occurred in earlier times before they
knew what meteorites were or where the came from. Many times the dates
and locations are given and strange artifacts or substances are left on
the ground. It might be a good book for a meteorite hound to examine,
some may already have done this.
The book can be downloaded for free and can be obtained in many diff
formats. I usually download books from the site PDF format.
The site is "http://manybooks.net";
Direct link to book

Greg Breashears


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Michael Blood via Meteorite-list
Hi Art,
Nice to hear from you on this.
Can you explain for us technologically nieve what "rich formatting"
Thanks, Michael Blood

On 4/30/15 11:12 AM, "Meteorite List" 

> Hi Mike/List;
> It's actually simple to assure that your posts will show up:  don¹t use rich
> formatting in your emails.  99% of the time an email doesn¹t make it is due to
> the formatting.  I chose to block rich text and HTML as a means of decreasing
> the possibility of virus transmission.
> see policy #7  [7. Send emails in text format, not HTML or Rich Text (these
> will be bounced)]
> Happy Hunting,  
> -Art
> -Original Message-
> From: Meteorite-list [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On
> Behalf Of Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:06 AM
> To: Larry Atkins
> Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; impact...@aol.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
> In my opinion the list is dying because 90% of what people post never makes
> it. Most of my emails are blocked, never to appear. Why? I have no clue. Most
> others tell me the same thing. I just post on Facebook and sell my things in
> minutes.  Much easier. Why? I don't know.
> Sad to see, the list was once a great place where information and stories were
> shared. Mostly now just an eBay add site.
> Michael 
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list
>>  wrote:
>> Hi Anne, List,
>> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here for
>> many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get. It was
>> such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place! (sometimes a little
>> mean, too)
>> I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I actually
>> am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I don't seem to
>> get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me. I have barely
>> said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on what the disconnect
>> is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info instead of more
>> details, maybe it's the hundreds of people that want to be my 'friend' that
>> I've never heard of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be to much of a
>> commitment once I dive in? On top of all this is the privacy issue, real or
>> imagined.
>> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I have to
>> give in to change so as not to go socially extinct!
>> Sincerely,
>> Larry Atkins
>> IMCA # 1941
>> Ebay alienrockfarm
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list 
>> To: graham.ensor ; majbaermann 
>> Cc: bernd.pauli ; meteorite-list
>> ; msgmeteorites
>> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15 am
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>> I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.I don't like Facebook and
>> theirprivacy policies, or lack of. It makes the Government agencies look like
>> rankamateurs when it comes to watching what we are all doing.However I
>> certainlyunderstand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to venture
>> into using itfor marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if you want to
>> keep up withthings."And there are times when I wonder if I will not be
>> obligated to join itjust and only for business purposes. That would be a very
>> bitter pill toswallow!!!Anyway we can all band together, protect our privacy,
>> and keep theList going??Any comments? anybody? Anne
>> m.blackwww.impactika.comimpact...@aol.com-Original
>> Message-From:Graham Ensor To: Matthias
>> BärmannCc: Anne Black ; Martin
>> Goff; Greg Hupe ; Bernd V.
>> Pauli; meteorite
>> listSent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12
>> pmSubject:Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quietI always said I would not venture
>> intoFacebook but unfortunately itis whereall the action is and is so easy to
>> use,post pictures to,share info, personalmessage and find new material...see
>> earlynewfinds and acquire excitingsamples...Also had to venture into using
>> itformarketing other aspectsetc...just no choice if you want to keepup
>> withthings.You do need to keepit in check with privacy settings and try
>> nottolet it take over your lifethough.GrahamOn Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:47
>> PM,MatthiasBärmann wrote:>> I agree,
>> Anne.And Iask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"> (whatever
>> thatmight be)for free? Something rhymes ...>> Best, Matthias Am29.04.2015
>> um22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list: I'll have toagree
>> withGreg.>> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our
>> "NamethatMeteorite">> game.>> Certainly Social Media Overload.
>> Therearestill people talking but there is nothing really new to talk>> about,
>> nonewFall, no new discoveries.>> So a bit of peace and quiet.>>
>> AnneM.Black>> www.IMPACTIKA.com>>
>> impact...@aol.com>>-OriginalMessage->> From: Martin G

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Michael Blood via Meteorite-list
Hi Frank,
Personally, I do not read nearly as many of the list posts as
I used to because:

1) People often do not change the subject box even though they are
Off on an entirely different topic - if I am burned out on a given topic
And people keep not changing the subject box, I just ignore those posts.
2) Posts are not identified as from a specific member when they arrive
3) Many do not sign their posts, so even if you read it you don't know
who posted it even if you read do it.
4) Many of those who do sign their post only use their first name, eg:
"Michael" . Who knows who that is? Michael Blood, Michael
Farmer, Michael Casper (yes, he does occasionally still post), Michael
Gilmore, or any of a number of other Michaels?
5) Over the years I grew somewhat selective - as when a couple of nuts
Were "duking it out" over who knows what.
6) I became even  more selective because I didn't care much about what
several members had to say - While there were other members who's
posts I would never failed to read.
7) If people disagree with you there are more than a few on the list who
Can be very rude in their responses. Others, of course, will disagree but
Remain civil, which is fine - but who needs the rude attacks of the
So, those are my reasons - they probably are not the same as
everyone else's who have diminishing posting over time, but my guess is
That nearly everyone in this category share at least some of these reasons.
Sincerely, Michael Blood

On 4/30/15 10:04 AM, "Meteorite List" 

> Hello List
> I hardly write anything on the list although I enjoy reading every single one.
> I was against FB and gave in this year for the most part!
> As of January 29th of this year FB passed 1.29 billion users. This is an
> unimaginable number of people.
> Just don't say anything that you wish you could take back at a later date.
> Showing your recent acquisitions or wanting to sell one I think is pretty
> harmless. After all you can Google a certain meteorite and if it was discussed
> on the "metlist" it will show up!
> Getting busy at work have to go
> Frank Carroll
> Houston TX
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 30, 2015, at 11:45 AM, Ruben Garcia via Meteorite-list
>>  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I dislike fb very much  I've tried it twice and both times it took
>> less than a couple weeks to leave.  I'm honestly considering what hate
>> more - quitting meteorites or joining fb.   Having said that I'm not a
>> fan of the IMCA either - although I do like most of the IMCA members -
>> maybe I'm just more of a lone wolf than I had previously thought.
>> Anyway, I guess it's time to go back into my den and ponder these
>> things.
>> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Anne, List,
>>> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here for
>>> many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get. It was
>>> such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place! (sometimes a
>>> little mean, too)
>>> I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I actually
>>> am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I don't seem to
>>> get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me. I have barely
>>> said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on what the
>>> disconnect is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info instead of
>>> more details, maybe it's the hundreds of people that want to be my 'friend'
>>> that I've never heard of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be to much of a
>>> commitment once I dive in? On top of all this is the privacy issue, real or
>>> imagined.
>>> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I have
>>> to give in to change so as not to go socially extinct!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Larry Atkins
>>> IMCA # 1941
>>> Ebay alienrockfarm
> __
> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> https://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Martin Goff via Meteorite-list
Hi Anne, David, Matthias and all,

I certainly don't think that anyone intentionally wants this list to
end as like you we have all had many years of great information from
it. I just think times change and bit by bit things happen, people
post elsewhere as well as here and find out they get more replies,
more quickly and they can reply with a photo to make a point better
etc. And then they make a choice to use the other forum in preference
and etc etc. And then before you know it traffic is hugely increased
elsewhere and is quieter here.

I completely understand the issue people have with privacy on facebook
but there are many many settings that you can lock down. Also the
biggest thing here, is you choose what to post, who to accept into
your 'friends' list, which photos you submit etc. You have that

I understand that for some folk, it may be like Anne says, a bitter
pill to swallow, but if I had a business then i would swallow that
pill instantly.



Martin Goff
IMCA #3387
Sent from my mobile phone

On 30 Apr 2015 00:25, "Anne Black"  wrote:
> I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.
> I don't like Facebook and their privacy policies, or lack of. It makes the 
> Government agencies look like rank amateurs when it comes to watching what we 
> are all doing.
> However I certainly understand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to 
> venture into using it for marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if 
> you want to keep up with things."
> And there are times when I wonder if I will not be obligated to join it just 
> and only for business purposes. That would be a very bitter pill to swallow!!!
> Anyway we can all band together, protect our privacy, and keep the List 
> going??
> Any comments? anybody?
> Anne M. Black
> www.IMPACTIKA.com
> impact...@aol.com
> -Original Message-
> From: Graham Ensor 
> To: Matthias Bärmann 
> Cc: Anne Black ; Martin Goff ; 
> Greg Hupe ; Bernd V. Pauli ; 
> meteorite list 
> Sent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12 pm
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
> I always said I would not venture into Facebook but unfortunately it
> is where
> all the action is and is so easy to use, post pictures to,
> share info, personal
> message and find new material...see early new
> finds and acquire exciting
> samples...Also had to venture into using it
> for marketing other aspects
> etc...just no choice if you want to keep
> up with things.
> You do need to keep
> it in check with privacy settings and try not to
> let it take over your life
> though.
> Graham
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Matthias
> Bärmann
>  wrote:
> >
> > I agree, Anne. And I
> ask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"
> > (whatever that might be)
> for free? Something rhymes ...
> >
> > Best, Matthias
> >
> >
> >
> > Am 29.04.2015 um
> 22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list:
> >>
> >> I'll have to agree with
> Greg.
> >> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our "Name that
> Meteorite"
> >> game.
> >> Certainly Social Media Overload.
> >>
> >> There are
> still people talking but there is nothing really new to talk
> >> about, no new
> Fall, no new discoveries.
> >> So a bit of peace and quiet.
> >>
> >>
> >> Anne M.
> Black
> >> www.IMPACTIKA.com
> >> impact...@aol.com
> >>
> >>
> >> -Original
> Message-
> >> From: Martin Goff via Meteorite-list
> >> To: Greg Hupé
> >> Cc: Bernd V. Pauli ;
> meteorite-list
> >> 
> >> Sent: Wed, Apr 29,
> 2015 2:15 pm
> >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
> >>
> >>
> >> Hi
> Bernd, Tracy, all.
> >>
> >> Most of my meteorite related chat now occurs via
> Facebook
> >> and this is
> >> what i observe from many others too. Numerous
> people within
> >> our
> >> meteorite community who were regular posters here on
> the metlist i now
> >> see
> >> posting daily in the various facebook groups and
> forums. I know
> >> it's not for
> >> everyone but i for one would certainly feel
> as if i was
> >> missing out on the
> >> latest meteorite news and chat if I were
> not on
> >> Facebook.
> >>
> >> I have done quite a
> >> few posts over the last
> year where i have
> >> submitted the same post via various
> >> different forums
> and plarforms to
> >> try and see which generated the most
> >> conversation and i
> have to say
> >> Facebook won by huge margins every single
> >> time.
> >>
> >> Hope
> to see you on there maybe Bernd? Your experience and knowledge
> >> would
> >> be
> hugely beneficial to everyone there :-)
> >>
> >> Kind regards
> >>
> >>
> Martin
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 29
> >> April 2015 at 21:02, Greg Hupé
> >>
>  wrote:
> >> Hello Bernd and All,
> >>>
> >>>
> Maybe 'Social Media Overload'? I have been talking with
> >>
> >> several friends
> over
> >>>
> >>> the last few months about the dramatic slowdown [from
> >>
> >>
> last two years] which
> >>>
> >>> has many contributing factors, none of which is
> purely;
> >>

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Martin Goff via Meteorite-list
Hi Larry,

I use gmail and use the gmail app on my android phone which send in
rich text format. I have tried numerous tests (ask Art!) and none get
through. If i want to send an email to the list using my phone i have
to open up gmail in a browser which works but is a faff.

Anyone else worked out how to send plain text emails via the gmail android app?

As i use my phone most of the time for emails it means this is another
reason i use the metlist less and less.



On 30 April 2015 at 20:59, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list
> Hi Greg,
> That's good to know, maybe in Mike's case it's just operator error : )
> What about android? Anyone?
> Sincerely,
> Larry Atkins
> IMCA # 1941
> Ebay alienrockfarm
> -Original Message-
> From: Greg Hupé via Meteorite-list 
> To: Larry Atkins ; art.jones ; mike 
> ; meteorite-list 
> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 12:47 pm
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
> Hi Larry,Sending emails to MetList by way of iPhone is not a problem, 
> worksperfect.Best Regards,GregGreg HupéThe 
> Hupécollectiongmh...@centurylink.netwww.naturesvault.net (Online Catalog 
> &Reference Site)www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite 
> Site)NaturesVault(Facebook, Pinterest 
> &eBay)http://www.facebook.com/NaturesVaulthttp://pinterest.com/NaturesVaultIMCA3163Click
>  here for my current 
> eBayauctions:http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault-OriginalMessage-
>  From: Larry Atkins via Meteorite-listSent: Thursday, April 30,2015 3:28 
> PMTo: art.jo...@iscs.com ; m...@meteoriteguy.com 
> ;meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.comSubject: Re: [meteorite-list] 
> AwfullyquietMike, AllI spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to 
> composeemail in plain text on my latest android phone. From what I can tell, 
> it can'tbe done. Maybe it's the same for the i phone.Sincerely,Larry 
> AtkinsIMCA #1941Ebay alienrockfarm-Original Message-From: Art 
> JonesTo: Michael Farmer ; 
> meteorite-listCc: Larry Atkins 
> ;meteorite-list ; 
> impactikaSent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 11:52 amSubject: 
> Re:[meteorite-list] Awfully quietHi Mike;That's a good question and I 
> havelooked into it before. Theredoesn't seem to be a way to adjust the format 
> ofoutgoing email from an iPhoneor iPad. Most info I have found makes me 
> believethat iOS sends plain text bydefault but I have had problems as well. I 
> thinkthat the final formatting canbe affected by the content (e.g. links) or 
> also bythe email provider. Theissue has actually made me consider removing 
> therestriction onhtml.Regards, ArtSent from my iPhone> On Apr 30, 2015, at 
> 11:35AM,Michael Farmer  wrote:> > I still don't 
> understand.Iuse an IPhone and iPad for 100% of my emails these days. Some 
> posts makeit,mostly only replies to others. How do I change this on an 
> IPhone? Would lovetointeract more but gave up. > > Michael Farmer> >> On Apr 
> 30, 2015, at11:12AM, Art Jones  wrote:>> >> Hi 
> Mike/List;>> >>It's actuallysimple to assure that your posts will show up:  
> don’t use richformatting inyour emails.  99% of the time an email doesn’t 
> make it is due tothe formatting.I chose to block rich text and HTML as a 
> means of decreasingthe possibility ofvirus transmission.>> >> see policy #7  
> [7. Send emailsin text format, not HTMLor Rich Text (these will be 
> bounced)]>>  >> HappyHunting,  >> >> -Art>> >> >>-Original Message->> 
> From:Meteorite-list[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On 
> Behalf OfMichael Farmervia Meteorite-list>> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 
> 10:06AM>> To: LarryAtkins>> Cc: 
> meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com;impact...@aol.com>> Subject:Re: 
> [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet>> >> In myopinion the list is dying because90% 
> of what people post never makes it. Mostof my emails are blocked, never 
> toappear. Why? I have no clue. Most others tellme the same thing. I just post 
> onFacebook and sell my things in minutes.  Mucheasier. Why? I don't know. >> 
> Sadto see, the list was once a great placewhere information and stories 
> wereshared. Mostly now just an eBay add site.>> Michael >> Sent from my 
> iPad>> >>>On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, LarryAtkins via 
> Meteorite-list wrote:>> Hi Anne, 
> List,>>> >>> I forone am sad to see the decline in listactivity. I've been on 
> here for many yearsand I miss the multiple, daily poststhat we used to get. 
> It was such an active,fun, educational, and entertainingplace! (sometimes a 
> little mean, too)>>> >>>I joined facebook some time agoso as not to feel as 
> out dated as I actually am: ) and to keep up with thetimes. Unfortunately for 
> me, I don't seem to get thejoy from facebook that themet list of old gave me. 
> I have barely said 2 wordson facebook. I really can'tput my finger on what 
> the disconnect is, but it'sthere. Perhaps it's thesnippets of info instead of 
> more details, maybe it's thehundreds of people thatwan

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list
Hi Greg,

That's good to know, maybe in Mike's case it's just operator error : ) 
What about android? Anyone?

Larry Atkins
IMCA # 1941
Ebay alienrockfarm

-Original Message-
From: Greg Hupé via Meteorite-list 
To: Larry Atkins ; art.jones ; mike 
; meteorite-list 
Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 12:47 pm
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Hi Larry,Sending emails to MetList by way of iPhone is not a problem, 
worksperfect.Best Regards,GregGreg HupéThe 
Hupécollectiongmh...@centurylink.netwww.naturesvault.net (Online Catalog 
&Reference Site)www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite 
Site)NaturesVault(Facebook, Pinterest 
 here for my current 
 From: Larry Atkins via Meteorite-listSent: Thursday, April 30,2015 3:28 PMTo: 
art.jo...@iscs.com ; m...@meteoriteguy.com 
;meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.comSubject: Re: [meteorite-list] 
AwfullyquietMike, AllI spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to 
composeemail in plain text on my latest android phone. From what I can tell, it 
can'tbe done. Maybe it's the same for the i phone.Sincerely,Larry AtkinsIMCA 
#1941Ebay alienrockfarm-Original Message-From: Art 
JonesTo: Michael Farmer ; 
meteorite-listCc: Larry Atkins 
;meteorite-list ; 
impactikaSent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 11:52 amSubject: 
Re:[meteorite-list] Awfully quietHi Mike;That's a good question and I 
havelooked into it before. Theredoesn't seem to be a way to adjust the format 
ofoutgoing email from an iPhoneor iPad. Most info I have found makes me 
believethat iOS sends plain text bydefault but I have had problems as well. I 
thinkthat the final formatting canbe affected by the content (e.g. links) or 
also bythe email provider. Theissue has actually made me consider removing 
therestriction onhtml.Regards, ArtSent from my iPhone> On Apr 30, 2015, at 
11:35AM,Michael Farmer  wrote:> > I still don't 
understand.Iuse an IPhone and iPad for 100% of my emails these days. Some posts 
makeit,mostly only replies to others. How do I change this on an IPhone? Would 
lovetointeract more but gave up. > > Michael Farmer> >> On Apr 30, 2015, 
at11:12AM, Art Jones  wrote:>> >> Hi Mike/List;>> >>It's 
actuallysimple to assure that your posts will show up:  don’t use 
richformatting inyour emails.  99% of the time an email doesn’t make it is due 
tothe formatting.I chose to block rich text and HTML as a means of 
decreasingthe possibility ofvirus transmission.>> >> see policy #7  [7. Send 
emailsin text format, not HTMLor Rich Text (these will be bounced)]>>  >> 
HappyHunting,  >> >> -Art>> >> >>-Original Message->> 
From:Meteorite-list[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On 
Behalf OfMichael Farmervia Meteorite-list>> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 
10:06AM>> To: LarryAtkins>> Cc: 
meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com;impact...@aol.com>> Subject:Re: 
[meteorite-list] Awfully quiet>> >> In myopinion the list is dying because90% 
of what people post never makes it. Mostof my emails are blocked, never 
toappear. Why? I have no clue. Most others tellme the same thing. I just post 
onFacebook and sell my things in minutes.  Mucheasier. Why? I don't know. >> 
Sadto see, the list was once a great placewhere information and stories 
wereshared. Mostly now just an eBay add site.>> Michael >> Sent from my iPad>> 
>>>On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, LarryAtkins via 
Meteorite-list wrote:>> Hi Anne, 
List,>>> >>> I forone am sad to see the decline in listactivity. I've been on 
here for many yearsand I miss the multiple, daily poststhat we used to get. It 
was such an active,fun, educational, and entertainingplace! (sometimes a little 
mean, too)>>> >>>I joined facebook some time agoso as not to feel as out dated 
as I actually am: ) and to keep up with thetimes. Unfortunately for me, I don't 
seem to get thejoy from facebook that themet list of old gave me. I have barely 
said 2 wordson facebook. I really can'tput my finger on what the disconnect is, 
but it'sthere. Perhaps it's thesnippets of info instead of more details, maybe 
it's thehundreds of people thatwant to be my 'friend' that I've never heard of. 
Maybe Ifeel like it's going tobe to much of a commitment once I dive in? On top 
of allthis is the privacyissue, real or imagined.>>> >>> The future is knocking 
andI know it's onlya matter of time before I have to give in to change so as 
notto go sociallyextinct! >>> >>> >>> Sincerely,>>> Larry Atkins>>> >>> 
IMCA#1941>>> Ebay alienrockfarm>>> >>> >>> >>> -OriginalMessage->>> 
From:Anne Black via Meteorite-list>>> 
To:graham.ensor; majbaermann >>> 
 Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15am>>> Subject: Re:[meteorite-list] Awfully 
quiet>>> >>> >>> I certainlyagree with you, David,Matthias.I don't li

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Tommy via Meteorite-list

 Hi gang,
Since I don't do Facebook I rely on this list. I tried Facebook 
years ago, it bored me to tears.
I am getting daily digests of the list however. Sometimes my occasional 
posts don't make it to the list for whatever reason. I DO follow Geoff 
Notkin on Twitter. I prefer Twitter because it quick and a lot less BS. 
Also news travels VERY FAST on Twitter.

"Rock" on!



Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list
That is funny that you mention drones.  Sams Club has a decent model for 
sale called the "DJI Phantom 2 Vision Drone" with GPS and panning camera for 
a mere U.S. $1,169.00 plus tax.  I still need to learn how to fly the drone 
I purchased awhile back. So far, I managed to fly it into the ceiling of my 
house while trying to calibrate it so you won't see it flying outside your 
window anytime soon.

You may even be able to use one as a tax write off.  I will since mine can 
be used for getting aerial shots of properties that I have invested in once 
I learn how to control it.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ed Deckert via Meteorite-list" 
To: "Galactic Stone & Ironworks" ; "Ruben Garcia" 

Cc: "Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com" 
; "Anne Black" ; 
"Larry Atkins" 

Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Heck, even the "Loyalty" cards that are issued by grocery and other types of
stores track our every purchase, and that data is likely sold or somehow
provided to who knows what other groups.  They know what toilet tissue brand
we like, and whatever else we buy.

Uh-oh, I see a drone hovering outside my window.  Gotta quick pull the
drapes closed and shut down the PC...  ;-)


- Original Message - 
From: "Galactic Stone & Ironworks via Meteorite-list"

To: "Ruben Garcia" 
Cc: "Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com"
; "Anne Black" ;
"Larry Atkins" 
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Privacy is only an illusion, especially on the internet.  Yes,
Facebook mines everything you post because they provide a free service
and the bills have to be paid.  Facebook doesn't force anyone to

Every move you make online anywhere is monitored.  Everything you
search for, every link you click, every email you send - it is all
monitored.  Don't forget, the internet is a creation of the DIA
(Defense Intelligence Agency) to allow government officials to keep in
touch in the event of a nuclear war.  Don't think for a second that
any creation of the military/government is not watching you.

Everything you send to this Met-List is monitored.  Although, I would
much rather have Art in charge of things than Zuckerberg.

IMO, the Met-List will always be relevant.  When it comes to
meteorites, redundancy is not a bad thing.  Everyone thought MySpace
was immortal and look what happened to that.  Facebook could go away
tomorrow and the Met-List would still be here.  In fact, the Met-List
has been aroun d longer than Facebook or MySpace.

Facebook has become a regular watering hole for meteorite people.  It
doesn't mean it is better or worse than the Met-List.  There is no
crime in frequenting both venues.  My sole purpose for being on
Facebook is sales - same for Twitter and every other social media
site.  If I want to see someone or talk to them, I get in the truck
and go pay them a visit, or ring them on the phone.

If one is concerned about privacy, then don't use the internet.  Also,
don't drive around traffic cameras.  Don't do anything within sight of
a surveillance camera.  And do not attend any public events.  Don't
talk on the phone either - that is being monitored also.  BTW, your
cable box is a small computer and it tracks your every move - every
show you watch, for how long you watch, when you watch, what you order
on PPV, how you interact, etc.  All watched and logged.

Be sure to wear a tinfoil hat and mylar poncho when going outdoors,
because satellites are watching you.

As far as "government" goes, we have nobody to blame but ourselves -
we elected them.  The government officials didn't arrive in a
spaceship from another galaxy, they were selected as the cream of the
private-sector crop and put into office by us.  Politicians are not
born, big business creates them.  If you don't like government
"forcing" you to buy insurance (or do anything else), then stop
electing corporate drones, lawyers, and other career liars whose sole
interest is power and wealth.


Best regards and Happy Huntings,


PS - THEY know you read this and they know what you think about it.  ;)

Web - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/galacticstone

On 4/30/15, Ruben Garcia via Meteorite-list

Hi all,

I dislike fb very much  I've tried it twice and both times it took
less than a couple weeks to leave.  I'm honestly considering what hate
more - quitting meteorites or joining fb.   Having said that I'm not a
fan of the IMCA either - although I do like most of the IMCA members -
maybe I'm just more of a lone wolf than I had previously thought.
Anyway, I guess it's time to go back into my den and ponder these

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 9:3

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Greg Hupé via Meteorite-list

Hi Larry,

Sending emails to MetList by way of iPhone is not a problem, works perfect.

Best Regards,

Greg Hupé
The Hupé Collection
www.NaturesVault.net (Online Catalog & Reference Site)
www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

-Original Message- 
From: Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list

Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 3:28 PM
To: art.jo...@iscs.com ; m...@meteoriteguy.com ; 

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Mike, All
I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to compose email in 
plain text on my latest android phone. From what I can tell, it can't be 
done. Maybe it's the same for the i phone.

Larry Atkins

IMCA # 1941
Ebay alienrockfarm

-Original Message-
From: Art Jones 
To: Michael Farmer ; meteorite-list 

Cc: Larry Atkins ; meteorite-list 
; impactika 

Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 11:52 am
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Hi Mike;That's a good question and I have looked into it before. 
Theredoesn't seem to be a way to adjust the format of outgoing email from an 
iPhoneor iPad. Most info I have found makes me believe that iOS sends plain 
text bydefault but I have had problems as well. I think that the final 
formatting canbe affected by the content (e.g. links) or also by the email 
provider. Theissue has actually made me consider removing the restriction 
onhtml.Regards, ArtSent from my iPhone> On Apr 30, 2015, at 11:35 AM,Michael 
Farmer  wrote:> > I still don't understand. Iuse an 
IPhone and iPad for 100% of my emails these days. Some posts make it,mostly 
only replies to others. How do I change this on an IPhone? Would love 
tointeract more but gave up. > > Michael Farmer> >> On Apr 30, 2015, at11:12 
AM, Art Jones  wrote:>> >> Hi Mike/List;>> >>It's 
actually simple to assure that your posts will show up:  don’t use 
richformatting in your emails.  99% of the time an email doesn’t make it is 
due tothe formatting.  I chose to block rich text and HTML as a means of 
decreasingthe possibility of virus transmission.>> >> see policy #7  [7. 
Send emailsin text format, not HTML or Rich Text (these will be bounced)]>> 
>> HappyHunting,  >> >> -Art>> >> >> -Original Message->> 
From:Meteorite-list [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On 
Behalf OfMichael Farmer via Meteorite-list>> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 
10:06AM>> To: Larry Atkins>> Cc: 
meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com;impact...@aol.com>> Subject: Re: 
[meteorite-list] Awfully quiet>> >> In myopinion the list is dying because 
90% of what people post never makes it. Mostof my emails are blocked, never 
to appear. Why? I have no clue. Most others tellme the same thing. I just 
post on Facebook and sell my things in minutes.  Mucheasier. Why? I don't 
know. >> Sad to see, the list was once a great placewhere information and 
stories were shared. Mostly now just an eBay add site.>> Michael >> Sent 
from my iPad>> >>> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, LarryAtkins via 
Meteorite-list  wrote:>> Hi Anne, 
List,>>> >>> I for one am sad to see the decline in listactivity. I've been 
on here for many years and I miss the multiple, daily poststhat we used to 
get. It was such an active, fun, educational, and entertainingplace! 
(sometimes a little mean, too)>>> >>> I joined facebook some time agoso as 
not to feel as out dated as I actually am : ) and to keep up with thetimes. 
Unfortunately for me, I don't seem to get the joy from facebook that themet 
list of old gave me. I have barely said 2 words on facebook. I really 
can'tput my finger on what the disconnect is, but it's there. Perhaps it's 
thesnippets of info instead of more details, maybe it's the hundreds of 
people thatwant to be my 'friend' that I've never heard of. Maybe I feel 
like it's going tobe to much of a commitment once I dive in? On top of all 
this is the privacyissue, real or imagined.>>> >>> The future is knocking 
and I know it's onlya matter of time before I have to give in to change so 
as not to go sociallyextinct! >>> >>> >>> Sincerely,>>> Larry Atkins>>> >>> 
IMCA #1941>>> Ebay alienrockfarm>>> >>> >>> >>> -OriginalMessage->>> 
From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list>>> 
To: graham.ensor; majbaermann 
>>> Cc: bernd.pauli; 
meteorite-list ;msgmeteorites 
>>> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15am>>> Subject: Re: 
[meteorite-list] Awfully quiet>>> >>> >>> I certainlyagree with you, David, 
Matthias.I don't like Facebook and theirprivacy policies,or lack of. It 
makes the Government agencies look like rankamateurs when itcomes to 
watching what we are all doing.However I certainlyunderstand whatGraham is 
saying when he writes  "had to venture into using itfor mark

[meteorite-list] AD - Since I got your attention................

2015-04-30 Thread Anne Black via Meteorite-list
Hello again,

And since I got all your attention (I hope), here is an Ad.

Serge Afanasiev was here for the Denver Spring Show last weekend, he is now on 
his way back to Russia but he left a bunch of stuff with me.
Most notably he left a whole bunch of Chelyabinsk, beautiful fresh ones mostly 
or nearly whole with velvety crust, very little to no rust, all kinds of sizes 
and shapes from 163g to tiny little peas. And everybody should have at least a 
few Chelyabinsks in their collections!
Also, some not-shrapnel Sikhote-Alin, some Popagai impactites, faceted Libyan 
Glass, and more.

And no problem with customs or shipping, those are all right here in Denver.

Interested?  Questions?  Wanting pictures?
Just email me.

Anne M. Black


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list
Mike, All
I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to compose email in plain 
text on my latest android phone. From what I can tell, it can't be done. Maybe 
it's the same for the i phone.

Larry Atkins
IMCA # 1941
Ebay alienrockfarm

-Original Message-
From: Art Jones 
To: Michael Farmer ; meteorite-list 

Cc: Larry Atkins ; meteorite-list 
; impactika 
Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 11:52 am
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Hi Mike;That's a good question and I have looked into it before. Theredoesn't 
seem to be a way to adjust the format of outgoing email from an iPhoneor iPad. 
Most info I have found makes me believe that iOS sends plain text bydefault but 
I have had problems as well. I think that the final formatting canbe affected 
by the content (e.g. links) or also by the email provider. Theissue has 
actually made me consider removing the restriction onhtml.Regards, ArtSent from 
my iPhone> On Apr 30, 2015, at 11:35 AM,Michael Farmer  
wrote:> > I still don't understand. Iuse an IPhone and iPad for 100% of my 
emails these days. Some posts make it,mostly only replies to others. How do I 
change this on an IPhone? Would love tointeract more but gave up. > > Michael 
Farmer> >> On Apr 30, 2015, at11:12 AM, Art Jones  wrote:>> 
>> Hi Mike/List;>> >>It's actually simple to assure that your posts will show 
up:  don’t use richformatting in your emails.  99% of the time an email doesn’t 
make it is due tothe formatting.  I chose to block rich text and HTML as a 
means of decreasingthe possibility of virus transmission.>> >> see policy #7  
[7. Send emailsin text format, not HTML or Rich Text (these will be bounced)]>> 
>> HappyHunting,  >> >> -Art>> >> >> -Original Message->> 
From:Meteorite-list [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On 
Behalf OfMichael Farmer via Meteorite-list>> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 
10:06AM>> To: Larry Atkins>> Cc: 
meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com;impact...@aol.com>> Subject: Re: 
[meteorite-list] Awfully quiet>> >> In myopinion the list is dying because 90% 
of what people post never makes it. Mostof my emails are blocked, never to 
appear. Why? I have no clue. Most others tellme the same thing. I just post on 
Facebook and sell my things in minutes.  Mucheasier. Why? I don't know. >> Sad 
to see, the list was once a great placewhere information and stories were 
shared. Mostly now just an eBay add site.>> Michael >> Sent from my iPad>> >>> 
On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, LarryAtkins via Meteorite-list 
 wrote:>> Hi Anne, List,>>> >>> I for 
one am sad to see the decline in listactivity. I've been on here for many years 
and I miss the multiple, daily poststhat we used to get. It was such an active, 
fun, educational, and entertainingplace! (sometimes a little mean, too)>>> >>> 
I joined facebook some time agoso as not to feel as out dated as I actually am 
: ) and to keep up with thetimes. Unfortunately for me, I don't seem to get the 
joy from facebook that themet list of old gave me. I have barely said 2 words 
on facebook. I really can'tput my finger on what the disconnect is, but it's 
there. Perhaps it's thesnippets of info instead of more details, maybe it's the 
hundreds of people thatwant to be my 'friend' that I've never heard of. Maybe I 
feel like it's going tobe to much of a commitment once I dive in? On top of all 
this is the privacyissue, real or imagined.>>> >>> The future is knocking and I 
know it's onlya matter of time before I have to give in to change so as not to 
go sociallyextinct! >>> >>> >>> Sincerely,>>> Larry Atkins>>> >>> IMCA #1941>>> 
Ebay alienrockfarm>>> >>> >>> >>> -OriginalMessage->>> From: Anne Black 
via Meteorite-list>>> To: 
graham.ensor; majbaermann >>> Cc: 
bernd.pauli; meteorite-list 
>>> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15am>>> Subject: Re: 
[meteorite-list] Awfully quiet>>> >>> >>> I certainlyagree with you, David, 
Matthias.I don't like Facebook and theirprivacy policies,or lack of. It makes 
the Government agencies look like rankamateurs when itcomes to watching what we 
are all doing.However I certainlyunderstand whatGraham is saying when he writes 
 "had to venture into using itfor marketingother aspects etc... just no choice 
if you want to keep up withthings."And thereare times when I wonder if I will 
not be obligated to join itjust and only forbusiness purposes. That would be a 
very bitter pill toswallow!!!Anyway we canall band together, protect our 
privacy, and keep theList going??Any comments?anybody? Anne 
Ensor To: MatthiasBärmannCc: Anne 
Black ; MartinGoff; Greg Hupe 
; Bernd V.Pauli; 
meteoritelistSent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 
5:12pmSubject:Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quietI always said I would not 
ventureintoFacebook but unfortunately itis whereall the action is and is so 
easy touse,post pictures to,share info, personalmessage and find new 

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Ed Deckert via Meteorite-list

Heck, even the "Loyalty" cards that are issued by grocery and other types of 
stores track our every purchase, and that data is likely sold or somehow 
provided to who knows what other groups.  They know what toilet tissue brand 
we like, and whatever else we buy.

Uh-oh, I see a drone hovering outside my window.  Gotta quick pull the 
drapes closed and shut down the PC...  ;-)


- Original Message - 
From: "Galactic Stone & Ironworks via Meteorite-list" 

To: "Ruben Garcia" 
Cc: "Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com" 
; "Anne Black" ; 
"Larry Atkins" 

Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Privacy is only an illusion, especially on the internet.  Yes,
Facebook mines everything you post because they provide a free service
and the bills have to be paid.  Facebook doesn't force anyone to

Every move you make online anywhere is monitored.  Everything you
search for, every link you click, every email you send - it is all
monitored.  Don't forget, the internet is a creation of the DIA
(Defense Intelligence Agency) to allow government officials to keep in
touch in the event of a nuclear war.  Don't think for a second that
any creation of the military/government is not watching you.

Everything you send to this Met-List is monitored.  Although, I would
much rather have Art in charge of things than Zuckerberg.

IMO, the Met-List will always be relevant.  When it comes to
meteorites, redundancy is not a bad thing.  Everyone thought MySpace
was immortal and look what happened to that.  Facebook could go away
tomorrow and the Met-List would still be here.  In fact, the Met-List
has been aroun d longer than Facebook or MySpace.

Facebook has become a regular watering hole for meteorite people.  It
doesn't mean it is better or worse than the Met-List.  There is no
crime in frequenting both venues.  My sole purpose for being on
Facebook is sales - same for Twitter and every other social media
site.  If I want to see someone or talk to them, I get in the truck
and go pay them a visit, or ring them on the phone.

If one is concerned about privacy, then don't use the internet.  Also,
don't drive around traffic cameras.  Don't do anything within sight of
a surveillance camera.  And do not attend any public events.  Don't
talk on the phone either - that is being monitored also.  BTW, your
cable box is a small computer and it tracks your every move - every
show you watch, for how long you watch, when you watch, what you order
on PPV, how you interact, etc.  All watched and logged.

Be sure to wear a tinfoil hat and mylar poncho when going outdoors,
because satellites are watching you.

As far as "government" goes, we have nobody to blame but ourselves -
we elected them.  The government officials didn't arrive in a
spaceship from another galaxy, they were selected as the cream of the
private-sector crop and put into office by us.  Politicians are not
born, big business creates them.  If you don't like government
"forcing" you to buy insurance (or do anything else), then stop
electing corporate drones, lawyers, and other career liars whose sole
interest is power and wealth.


Best regards and Happy Huntings,


PS - THEY know you read this and they know what you think about it.  ;)

Web - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/galacticstone

On 4/30/15, Ruben Garcia via Meteorite-list

Hi all,

I dislike fb very much  I've tried it twice and both times it took
less than a couple weeks to leave.  I'm honestly considering what hate
more - quitting meteorites or joining fb.   Having said that I'm not a
fan of the IMCA either - although I do like most of the IMCA members -
maybe I'm just more of a lone wolf than I had previously thought.
Anyway, I guess it's time to go back into my den and ponder these

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list

Hi Anne, List,

I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here
for many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get.
It was such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place!
(sometimes a little mean, too)

 I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I
actually am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I
don't seem to get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me.
I have barely said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on
what the disconnect is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info
instead of more details, maybe it's the hundreds of people that want to 

my 'friend' that I've never heard of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be
to much of a commitment once I dive in? On top of all t

[meteorite-list] The year of the meteorites

2015-04-30 Thread Shawn Alan via Meteorite-list
Hello Listers


Link: http://www.hospitalitynet.org/news/4070067.html

Shawn Alan
IMCA 1633 
ebay store http://www.ebay.com/sch/imca1633ny/m.html
Website http://meteoritefalls.com 


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Art Jones via Meteorite-list
Hi Mike;

That's a good question and I have looked into it before. There doesn't seem to 
be a way to adjust the format of outgoing email from an iPhone or iPad. Most 
info I have found makes me believe that iOS sends plain text by default but I 
have had problems as well. I think that the final formatting can be affected by 
the content (e.g. links) or also by the email provider. 

The issue has actually made me consider removing the restriction on html.

Regards, Art

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 30, 2015, at 11:35 AM, Michael Farmer  wrote:
> I still don't understand. I use an IPhone and iPad for 100% of my emails 
> these days. Some posts make it, mostly only replies to others. How do I 
> change this on an IPhone? Would love to interact more but gave up. 
> Michael Farmer
>> On Apr 30, 2015, at 11:12 AM, Art Jones  wrote:
>> Hi Mike/List;
>> It's actually simple to assure that your posts will show up:  don’t use rich 
>> formatting in your emails.  99% of the time an email doesn’t make it is due 
>> to the formatting.  I chose to block rich text and HTML as a means of 
>> decreasing the possibility of virus transmission.
>> see policy #7  [7. Send emails in text format, not HTML or Rich Text (these 
>> will be bounced)]
>> Happy Hunting,  
>> -Art
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Meteorite-list [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On 
>> Behalf Of Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list
>> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:06 AM
>> To: Larry Atkins
>> Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; impact...@aol.com
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>> In my opinion the list is dying because 90% of what people post never makes 
>> it. Most of my emails are blocked, never to appear. Why? I have no clue. 
>> Most others tell me the same thing. I just post on Facebook and sell my 
>> things in minutes.  Much easier. Why? I don't know. 
>> Sad to see, the list was once a great place where information and stories 
>> were shared. Mostly now just an eBay add site. 
>> Michael 
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Anne, List,
>>> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here for 
>>> many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get. It was 
>>> such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place! (sometimes a 
>>> little mean, too)
>>> I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I 
>>> actually am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I 
>>> don't seem to get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me. I 
>>> have barely said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on what 
>>> the disconnect is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info 
>>> instead of more details, maybe it's the hundreds of people that want to be 
>>> my 'friend' that I've never heard of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be to 
>>> much of a commitment once I dive in? On top of all this is the privacy 
>>> issue, real or imagined.
>>> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I have 
>>> to give in to change so as not to go socially extinct! 
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Larry Atkins
>>> IMCA # 1941
>>> Ebay alienrockfarm
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list 
>>> To: graham.ensor ; majbaermann 
>>> Cc: bernd.pauli ; meteorite-list 
>>> ; msgmeteorites 
>>> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15 am
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>>> I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.I don't like Facebook and 
>>> theirprivacy policies, or lack of. It makes the Government agencies look 
>>> like rankamateurs when it comes to watching what we are all doing.However I 
>>> certainlyunderstand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to venture 
>>> into using itfor marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if you want 
>>> to keep up withthings."And there are times when I wonder if I will not be 
>>> obligated to join itjust and only for business purposes. That would be a 
>>> very bitter pill toswallow!!!Anyway we can all band together, protect our 
>>> privacy, and keep theList going??Any comments? anybody? Anne 
>>> m.blackwww.impactika.comimpact...@aol.com-Original 
>>> Message-From:Graham Ensor To: Matthias 
>>> BärmannCc: Anne Black ; Martin 
>>> Goff; Greg Hupe ; Bernd V. 
>>> Pauli; meteorite 
>>> listSent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12 
>>> pmSubject:Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quietI always said I would not 
>>> venture intoFacebook but unfortunately itis whereall the action is and is 
>>> so easy to use,post pictures to,share info, personalmessage and find new 
>>> material...see earlynewfinds and acquire excitingsamples...Also had to 
>>> venture into using itformarketing other aspectsetc...just no choice if you 
>>> want to keepup withthings.You do need to k

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list
I still don't understand. I use an IPhone and iPad for 100% of my emails these 
days. Some posts make it, mostly only replies to others. How do I change this 
on an IPhone? Would love to interact more but gave up. 

Michael Farmer

> On Apr 30, 2015, at 11:12 AM, Art Jones  wrote:
> Hi Mike/List;
> It's actually simple to assure that your posts will show up:  don’t use rich 
> formatting in your emails.  99% of the time an email doesn’t make it is due 
> to the formatting.  I chose to block rich text and HTML as a means of 
> decreasing the possibility of virus transmission.
> see policy #7  [7. Send emails in text format, not HTML or Rich Text (these 
> will be bounced)]
> Happy Hunting,  
> -Art
> -Original Message-
> From: Meteorite-list [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On 
> Behalf Of Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list
> Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:06 AM
> To: Larry Atkins
> Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; impact...@aol.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
> In my opinion the list is dying because 90% of what people post never makes 
> it. Most of my emails are blocked, never to appear. Why? I have no clue. Most 
> others tell me the same thing. I just post on Facebook and sell my things in 
> minutes.  Much easier. Why? I don't know. 
> Sad to see, the list was once a great place where information and stories 
> were shared. Mostly now just an eBay add site. 
> Michael 
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi Anne, List,
>> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here for 
>> many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get. It was 
>> such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place! (sometimes a 
>> little mean, too)
>> I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I actually 
>> am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I don't seem to 
>> get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me. I have barely 
>> said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on what the 
>> disconnect is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info instead of 
>> more details, maybe it's the hundreds of people that want to be my 'friend' 
>> that I've never heard of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be to much of a 
>> commitment once I dive in? On top of all this is the privacy issue, real or 
>> imagined.
>> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I have 
>> to give in to change so as not to go socially extinct! 
>> Sincerely,
>> Larry Atkins
>> IMCA # 1941
>> Ebay alienrockfarm
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list 
>> To: graham.ensor ; majbaermann 
>> Cc: bernd.pauli ; meteorite-list 
>> ; msgmeteorites 
>> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15 am
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>> I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.I don't like Facebook and 
>> theirprivacy policies, or lack of. It makes the Government agencies look 
>> like rankamateurs when it comes to watching what we are all doing.However I 
>> certainlyunderstand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to venture 
>> into using itfor marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if you want 
>> to keep up withthings."And there are times when I wonder if I will not be 
>> obligated to join itjust and only for business purposes. That would be a 
>> very bitter pill toswallow!!!Anyway we can all band together, protect our 
>> privacy, and keep theList going??Any comments? anybody? Anne 
>> m.blackwww.impactika.comimpact...@aol.com-Original 
>> Message-From:Graham Ensor To: Matthias 
>> BärmannCc: Anne Black ; Martin 
>> Goff; Greg Hupe ; Bernd V. 
>> Pauli; meteorite 
>> listSent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12 
>> pmSubject:Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quietI always said I would not 
>> venture intoFacebook but unfortunately itis whereall the action is and is so 
>> easy to use,post pictures to,share info, personalmessage and find new 
>> material...see earlynewfinds and acquire excitingsamples...Also had to 
>> venture into using itformarketing other aspectsetc...just no choice if you 
>> want to keepup withthings.You do need to keepit in check with privacy 
>> settings and try nottolet it take over your lifethough.GrahamOn Wed, Apr 29, 
>> 2015 at 10:47 PM,MatthiasBärmann 
>> wrote:>> I agree, Anne.And Iask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my 
>> "soul"> (whatever thatmight be)for free? Something rhymes ...>> Best, 
>> Matthias Am29.04.2015 um22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list: 
>> I'll have toagree withGreg.>> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except 
>> for our "NamethatMeteorite">> game.>> Certainly Social Media Overload. 
>> Therearestill people talking but there is nothing really new to talk>> 
>> about, nonewFall, no new discoveries.>> So a bi

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread John Teague via Meteorite-list
The horse is dead ... long live the horse!

-Original Message-
>From: Art Jones via Meteorite-list 
>Sent: Apr 30, 2015 2:12 PM
>To: Michael Farmer , Larry Atkins , 
>Cc: "impact...@aol.com" 
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>Hi Mike/List;
>It's actually simple to assure that your posts will show up:  don’t use rich 
>formatting in your emails.  99% of the time an email doesn’t make it is due to 
>the formatting.  I chose to block rich text and HTML as a means of decreasing 
>the possibility of virus transmission.
>see policy #7  [7. Send emails in text format, not HTML or Rich Text (these 
>will be bounced)]
>Happy Hunting,  
>-Original Message-
>From: Meteorite-list [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On 
>Behalf Of Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list
>Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:06 AM
>To: Larry Atkins
>Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; impact...@aol.com
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>In my opinion the list is dying because 90% of what people post never makes 
>it. Most of my emails are blocked, never to appear. Why? I have no clue. Most 
>others tell me the same thing. I just post on Facebook and sell my things in 
>minutes.  Much easier. Why? I don't know. 
>Sad to see, the list was once a great place where information and stories were 
>shared. Mostly now just an eBay add site. 
>Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi Anne, List,
>> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here for 
>> many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get. It was 
>> such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place! (sometimes a 
>> little mean, too)
>> I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I actually 
>> am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I don't seem to 
>> get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me. I have barely 
>> said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on what the 
>> disconnect is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info instead of 
>> more details, maybe it's the hundreds of people that want to be my 'friend' 
>> that I've never heard of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be to much of a 
>> commitment once I dive in? On top of all this is the privacy issue, real or 
>> imagined.
>> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I have 
>> to give in to change so as not to go socially extinct! 
>> Sincerely,
>> Larry Atkins
>> IMCA # 1941
>> Ebay alienrockfarm
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list 
>> To: graham.ensor ; majbaermann 
>> Cc: bernd.pauli ; meteorite-list 
>> ; msgmeteorites 
>> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15 am
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>> I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.I don't like Facebook and 
>> theirprivacy policies, or lack of. It makes the Government agencies look 
>> like rankamateurs when it comes to watching what we are all doing.However I 
>> certainlyunderstand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to venture 
>> into using itfor marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if you want 
>> to keep up withthings."And there are times when I wonder if I will not be 
>> obligated to join itjust and only for business purposes. That would be a 
>> very bitter pill toswallow!!!Anyway we can all band together, protect our 
>> privacy, and keep theList going??Any comments? anybody? Anne 
>> m.blackwww.impactika.comimpact...@aol.com-Original 
>> Message-From:Graham Ensor To: Matthias 
>> BärmannCc: Anne Black ; Martin 
>> Goff; Greg Hupe ; Bernd V. 
>> Pauli; meteorite 
>> listSent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12 
>> pmSubject:Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quietI always said I would not 
>> venture intoFacebook but unfortunately itis whereall the action is and is so 
>> easy to use,post pictures to,share info, personalmessage and find new 
>> material...see earlynewfinds and acquire excitingsamples...Also had to 
>> venture into using itformarketing other aspectsetc...just no choice if you 
>> want to keepup withthings.You do need to keepit in check with privacy 
>> settings and try nottolet it take over your lifethough.GrahamOn Wed, Apr 29, 
>> 2015 at 10:47 PM,MatthiasBärmann 
>> wrote:>> I agree, Anne.And Iask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my 
>> "soul"> (whatever thatmight be)for free? Something rhymes ...>> Best, 
>> Matthias Am29.04.2015 um22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list: 
>> I'll have toagree withGreg.>> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except 
>> for our "NamethatMeteorite">> game.>> Certainly Social Media Overload. 
>> Therearestill people talking but there is nothing really new to talk>> 
>> about, nonewFall, no new discoveries.>> So a bit of peace and quiet.>> 

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Art Jones via Meteorite-list
Hi Mike/List;

It's actually simple to assure that your posts will show up:  don’t use rich 
formatting in your emails.  99% of the time an email doesn’t make it is due to 
the formatting.  I chose to block rich text and HTML as a means of decreasing 
the possibility of virus transmission.

see policy #7  [7. Send emails in text format, not HTML or Rich Text (these 
will be bounced)]

Happy Hunting,  


-Original Message-
From: Meteorite-list [mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On 
Behalf Of Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:06 AM
To: Larry Atkins
Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; impact...@aol.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

In my opinion the list is dying because 90% of what people post never makes it. 
Most of my emails are blocked, never to appear. Why? I have no clue. Most 
others tell me the same thing. I just post on Facebook and sell my things in 
minutes.  Much easier. Why? I don't know. 
Sad to see, the list was once a great place where information and stories were 
shared. Mostly now just an eBay add site. 
Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list 
>  wrote:
> Hi Anne, List,
> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here for 
> many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get. It was 
> such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place! (sometimes a little 
> mean, too)
> I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I actually 
> am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I don't seem to 
> get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me. I have barely 
> said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on what the disconnect 
> is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info instead of more 
> details, maybe it's the hundreds of people that want to be my 'friend' that 
> I've never heard of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be to much of a 
> commitment once I dive in? On top of all this is the privacy issue, real or 
> imagined.
> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I have to 
> give in to change so as not to go socially extinct! 
> Sincerely,
> Larry Atkins
> IMCA # 1941
> Ebay alienrockfarm
> -Original Message-
> From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list 
> To: graham.ensor ; majbaermann 
> Cc: bernd.pauli ; meteorite-list 
> ; msgmeteorites 
> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15 am
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
> I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.I don't like Facebook and 
> theirprivacy policies, or lack of. It makes the Government agencies look like 
> rankamateurs when it comes to watching what we are all doing.However I 
> certainlyunderstand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to venture 
> into using itfor marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if you want to 
> keep up withthings."And there are times when I wonder if I will not be 
> obligated to join itjust and only for business purposes. That would be a very 
> bitter pill toswallow!!!Anyway we can all band together, protect our privacy, 
> and keep theList going??Any comments? anybody? Anne 
> m.blackwww.impactika.comimpact...@aol.com-Original 
> Message-From:Graham Ensor To: Matthias 
> BärmannCc: Anne Black ; Martin 
> Goff; Greg Hupe ; Bernd V. 
> Pauli; meteorite 
> listSent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12 
> pmSubject:Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quietI always said I would not venture 
> intoFacebook but unfortunately itis whereall the action is and is so easy to 
> use,post pictures to,share info, personalmessage and find new material...see 
> earlynewfinds and acquire excitingsamples...Also had to venture into using 
> itformarketing other aspectsetc...just no choice if you want to keepup 
> withthings.You do need to keepit in check with privacy settings and try 
> nottolet it take over your lifethough.GrahamOn Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:47 
> PM,MatthiasBärmann wrote:>> I agree, 
> Anne.And Iask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"> (whatever 
> thatmight be)for free? Something rhymes ...>> Best, Matthias Am29.04.2015 
> um22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list: I'll have toagree 
> withGreg.>> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our 
> "NamethatMeteorite">> game.>> Certainly Social Media Overload. 
> Therearestill people talking but there is nothing really new to talk>> about, 
> nonewFall, no new discoveries.>> So a bit of peace and quiet.>> 
> AnneM.Black>> www.IMPACTIKA.com>> 
> impact...@aol.com>>-OriginalMessage->> From: Martin Goff 
> viaMeteorite-list>> To: 
> GregHupé>> Cc: Bernd V. 
> Pauli;meteorite-list
>  Sent: Wed, Apr 29,2015 2:15 pm>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully 
> quiet>> HiBernd, Tracy, all.Most of my meteorite related chat now 
> occurs viaFacebook>> and this is>> whati observe f

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list
I have been using the internet before it was even called the internet so 
have a good grasp on what is currently happening.  It was designed so that 
universities could share scientific data and was called ARPANET.  The 
command codes were awkward and its use was limited before more user-friendly 
interfaces came about.  I come from a super-mini/mainframe background where 
we used to have to program in machine code and bootstrap mainframes by 
programming registers in "1s" and "0s".   I was the CEO/President of a 
computer hardware company for 14 years that help modernized the internet by 
manufacturing internet infrastructure appliances and servers.  I earned my 
Enterprise-wide Certified Network Engineering certificate in the 1990s and 
had to learn hundreds of protocols so that the equipment we built would 
universally interface across variable platforms.  This company was merged 
soon after we won huge contracts for building content filtering servers for 
companies who were selling these services to other entities including the US 

I could have never foreseen how this equipment would evolve into such a 
monstrosity where privacy is no longer regarded as a basic human right!

This being said, I doubt the Met List rates high on data mining platforms so 
I remain comfortable using it,



- Original Message - 
From: "Galactic Stone & Ironworks via Meteorite-list" 

To: "Ruben Garcia" 
Cc: "Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com" 
; "Anne Black" ; 
"Larry Atkins" 

Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Privacy is only an illusion, especially on the internet.  Yes,
Facebook mines everything you post because they provide a free service
and the bills have to be paid.  Facebook doesn't force anyone to

Every move you make online anywhere is monitored.  Everything you
search for, every link you click, every email you send - it is all
monitored.  Don't forget, the internet is a creation of the DIA
(Defense Intelligence Agency) to allow government officials to keep in
touch in the event of a nuclear war.  Don't think for a second that
any creation of the military/government is not watching you.

Everything you send to this Met-List is monitored.  Although, I would
much rather have Art in charge of things than Zuckerberg.

IMO, the Met-List will always be relevant.  When it comes to
meteorites, redundancy is not a bad thing.  Everyone thought MySpace
was immortal and look what happened to that.  Facebook could go away
tomorrow and the Met-List would still be here.  In fact, the Met-List
has been aroun d longer than Facebook or MySpace.

Facebook has become a regular watering hole for meteorite people.  It
doesn't mean it is better or worse than the Met-List.  There is no
crime in frequenting both venues.  My sole purpose for being on
Facebook is sales - same for Twitter and every other social media
site.  If I want to see someone or talk to them, I get in the truck
and go pay them a visit, or ring them on the phone.

If one is concerned about privacy, then don't use the internet.  Also,
don't drive around traffic cameras.  Don't do anything within sight of
a surveillance camera.  And do not attend any public events.  Don't
talk on the phone either - that is being monitored also.  BTW, your
cable box is a small computer and it tracks your every move - every
show you watch, for how long you watch, when you watch, what you order
on PPV, how you interact, etc.  All watched and logged.

Be sure to wear a tinfoil hat and mylar poncho when going outdoors,
because satellites are watching you.

As far as "government" goes, we have nobody to blame but ourselves -
we elected them.  The government officials didn't arrive in a
spaceship from another galaxy, they were selected as the cream of the
private-sector crop and put into office by us.  Politicians are not
born, big business creates them.  If you don't like government
"forcing" you to buy insurance (or do anything else), then stop
electing corporate drones, lawyers, and other career liars whose sole
interest is power and wealth.


Best regards and Happy Huntings,


PS - THEY know you read this and they know what you think about it.  ;)

Web - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/galacticstone

On 4/30/15, Ruben Garcia via Meteorite-list

Hi all,

I dislike fb very much  I've tried it twice and both times it took
less than a couple weeks to leave.  I'm honestly considering what hate
more - quitting meteorites or joining fb.   Having said that I'm not a
fan of the IMCA either - although I do like most of the IMCA members -
maybe I'm just more of a lone wolf than I had previously thought.
Anyway, I guess it's time 

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Greg Hupé via Meteorite-list
Here is a little something to brighten your day. Normally I inject 
subliminal messages such as; Beautiful Meteorite, It Can Be Yours, Must 
Have, 'Buy Me Now'..., but since this one has already been placed into a 
collection I didn't find the need to add these messages as the stone speaks 
for itself... ;-)


Hope you enjoy the video of one of my favorite Martians...

Best Regards,

Greg Hupé
The Hupé Collection
www.NaturesVault.net (Online Catalog & Reference Site)
www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

-Original Message- 
From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks via Meteorite-list

Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 1:08 PM
To: Ruben Garcia
Cc: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com ; Anne Black ; Larry Atkins
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Privacy is only an illusion, especially on the internet.  Yes,
Facebook mines everything you post because they provide a free service
and the bills have to be paid.  Facebook doesn't force anyone to

Every move you make online anywhere is monitored.  Everything you
search for, every link you click, every email you send - it is all
monitored.  Don't forget, the internet is a creation of the DIA
(Defense Intelligence Agency) to allow government officials to keep in
touch in the event of a nuclear war.  Don't think for a second that
any creation of the military/government is not watching you.

Everything you send to this Met-List is monitored.  Although, I would
much rather have Art in charge of things than Zuckerberg.

IMO, the Met-List will always be relevant.  When it comes to
meteorites, redundancy is not a bad thing.  Everyone thought MySpace
was immortal and look what happened to that.  Facebook could go away
tomorrow and the Met-List would still be here.  In fact, the Met-List
has been aroun d longer than Facebook or MySpace.

Facebook has become a regular watering hole for meteorite people.  It
doesn't mean it is better or worse than the Met-List.  There is no
crime in frequenting both venues.  My sole purpose for being on
Facebook is sales - same for Twitter and every other social media
site.  If I want to see someone or talk to them, I get in the truck
and go pay them a visit, or ring them on the phone.

If one is concerned about privacy, then don't use the internet.  Also,
don't drive around traffic cameras.  Don't do anything within sight of
a surveillance camera.  And do not attend any public events.  Don't
talk on the phone either - that is being monitored also.  BTW, your
cable box is a small computer and it tracks your every move - every
show you watch, for how long you watch, when you watch, what you order
on PPV, how you interact, etc.  All watched and logged.

Be sure to wear a tinfoil hat and mylar poncho when going outdoors,
because satellites are watching you.

As far as "government" goes, we have nobody to blame but ourselves -
we elected them.  The government officials didn't arrive in a
spaceship from another galaxy, they were selected as the cream of the
private-sector crop and put into office by us.  Politicians are not
born, big business creates them.  If you don't like government
"forcing" you to buy insurance (or do anything else), then stop
electing corporate drones, lawyers, and other career liars whose sole
interest is power and wealth.


Best regards and Happy Huntings,


PS - THEY know you read this and they know what you think about it.  ;)

Web - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/galacticstone

On 4/30/15, Ruben Garcia via Meteorite-list

Hi all,

I dislike fb very much  I've tried it twice and both times it took
less than a couple weeks to leave.  I'm honestly considering what hate
more - quitting meteorites or joining fb.   Having said that I'm not a
fan of the IMCA either - although I do like most of the IMCA members -
maybe I'm just more of a lone wolf than I had previously thought.
Anyway, I guess it's time to go back into my den and ponder these

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list

Hi Anne, List,

I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here
for many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get.
It was such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place!
(sometimes a little mean, too)

 I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I
actually am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortu

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Greg Hupé via Meteorite-list

Here's a little video to brighten your day...
Normally I would inject subliminal messages such as; Beautiful Meteorite, 
Must Have, It Can Be Yours, Buy Me Now..., but since this was already placed 
into a collection I didn't include these messages... ;-)

Best Regards,

Greg Hupé
The Hupé Collection
www.NaturesVault.net (Online Catalog & Reference Site)
www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
IMCA 3163

Click here for my current eBay auctions:

-Original Message- 
From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks via Meteorite-list

Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 1:08 PM
To: Ruben Garcia
Cc: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com ; Anne Black ; Larry Atkins
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

Privacy is only an illusion, especially on the internet.  Yes,
Facebook mines everything you post because they provide a free service
and the bills have to be paid.  Facebook doesn't force anyone to

Every move you make online anywhere is monitored.  Everything you
search for, every link you click, every email you send - it is all
monitored.  Don't forget, the internet is a creation of the DIA
(Defense Intelligence Agency) to allow government officials to keep in
touch in the event of a nuclear war.  Don't think for a second that
any creation of the military/government is not watching you.

Everything you send to this Met-List is monitored.  Although, I would
much rather have Art in charge of things than Zuckerberg.

IMO, the Met-List will always be relevant.  When it comes to
meteorites, redundancy is not a bad thing.  Everyone thought MySpace
was immortal and look what happened to that.  Facebook could go away
tomorrow and the Met-List would still be here.  In fact, the Met-List
has been aroun d longer than Facebook or MySpace.

Facebook has become a regular watering hole for meteorite people.  It
doesn't mean it is better or worse than the Met-List.  There is no
crime in frequenting both venues.  My sole purpose for being on
Facebook is sales - same for Twitter and every other social media
site.  If I want to see someone or talk to them, I get in the truck
and go pay them a visit, or ring them on the phone.

If one is concerned about privacy, then don't use the internet.  Also,
don't drive around traffic cameras.  Don't do anything within sight of
a surveillance camera.  And do not attend any public events.  Don't
talk on the phone either - that is being monitored also.  BTW, your
cable box is a small computer and it tracks your every move - every
show you watch, for how long you watch, when you watch, what you order
on PPV, how you interact, etc.  All watched and logged.

Be sure to wear a tinfoil hat and mylar poncho when going outdoors,
because satellites are watching you.

As far as "government" goes, we have nobody to blame but ourselves -
we elected them.  The government officials didn't arrive in a
spaceship from another galaxy, they were selected as the cream of the
private-sector crop and put into office by us.  Politicians are not
born, big business creates them.  If you don't like government
"forcing" you to buy insurance (or do anything else), then stop
electing corporate drones, lawyers, and other career liars whose sole
interest is power and wealth.


Best regards and Happy Huntings,


PS - THEY know you read this and they know what you think about it.  ;)

Web - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/galacticstone

On 4/30/15, Ruben Garcia via Meteorite-list

Hi all,

I dislike fb very much  I've tried it twice and both times it took
less than a couple weeks to leave.  I'm honestly considering what hate
more - quitting meteorites or joining fb.   Having said that I'm not a
fan of the IMCA either - although I do like most of the IMCA members -
maybe I'm just more of a lone wolf than I had previously thought.
Anyway, I guess it's time to go back into my den and ponder these

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list

Hi Anne, List,

I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here
for many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get.
It was such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place!
(sometimes a little mean, too)

 I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I
actually am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I
don't seem to get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me.
I have barely said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my fi

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Frank Carroll via Meteorite-list
Hello List

I hardly write anything on the list although I enjoy reading every single one. 
I was against FB and gave in this year for the most part!
As of January 29th of this year FB passed 1.29 billion users. This is an 
unimaginable number of people.
Just don't say anything that you wish you could take back at a later date. 
Showing your recent acquisitions or wanting to sell one I think is pretty 
harmless. After all you can Google a certain meteorite and if it was discussed 
on the "metlist" it will show up!
Getting busy at work have to go

Frank Carroll
Houston TX

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 30, 2015, at 11:45 AM, Ruben Garcia via Meteorite-list 
>  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I dislike fb very much  I've tried it twice and both times it took
> less than a couple weeks to leave.  I'm honestly considering what hate
> more - quitting meteorites or joining fb.   Having said that I'm not a
> fan of the IMCA either - although I do like most of the IMCA members -
> maybe I'm just more of a lone wolf than I had previously thought.
> Anyway, I guess it's time to go back into my den and ponder these
> things.
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list
>  wrote:
>> Hi Anne, List,
>> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here for 
>> many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get. It was 
>> such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place! (sometimes a 
>> little mean, too)
>> I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I actually 
>> am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I don't seem to 
>> get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me. I have barely 
>> said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on what the 
>> disconnect is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info instead of 
>> more details, maybe it's the hundreds of people that want to be my 'friend' 
>> that I've never heard of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be to much of a 
>> commitment once I dive in? On top of all this is the privacy issue, real or 
>> imagined.
>> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I have 
>> to give in to change so as not to go socially extinct!
>> Sincerely,
>> Larry Atkins
>> IMCA # 1941
>> Ebay alienrockfarm

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Galactic Stone & Ironworks via Meteorite-list
Privacy is only an illusion, especially on the internet.  Yes,
Facebook mines everything you post because they provide a free service
and the bills have to be paid.  Facebook doesn't force anyone to

Every move you make online anywhere is monitored.  Everything you
search for, every link you click, every email you send - it is all
monitored.  Don't forget, the internet is a creation of the DIA
(Defense Intelligence Agency) to allow government officials to keep in
touch in the event of a nuclear war.  Don't think for a second that
any creation of the military/government is not watching you.

Everything you send to this Met-List is monitored.  Although, I would
much rather have Art in charge of things than Zuckerberg.

IMO, the Met-List will always be relevant.  When it comes to
meteorites, redundancy is not a bad thing.  Everyone thought MySpace
was immortal and look what happened to that.  Facebook could go away
tomorrow and the Met-List would still be here.  In fact, the Met-List
has been aroun d longer than Facebook or MySpace.

Facebook has become a regular watering hole for meteorite people.  It
doesn't mean it is better or worse than the Met-List.  There is no
crime in frequenting both venues.  My sole purpose for being on
Facebook is sales - same for Twitter and every other social media
site.  If I want to see someone or talk to them, I get in the truck
and go pay them a visit, or ring them on the phone.

If one is concerned about privacy, then don't use the internet.  Also,
don't drive around traffic cameras.  Don't do anything within sight of
a surveillance camera.  And do not attend any public events.  Don't
talk on the phone either - that is being monitored also.  BTW, your
cable box is a small computer and it tracks your every move - every
show you watch, for how long you watch, when you watch, what you order
on PPV, how you interact, etc.  All watched and logged.

Be sure to wear a tinfoil hat and mylar poncho when going outdoors,
because satellites are watching you.

As far as "government" goes, we have nobody to blame but ourselves -
we elected them.  The government officials didn't arrive in a
spaceship from another galaxy, they were selected as the cream of the
private-sector crop and put into office by us.  Politicians are not
born, big business creates them.  If you don't like government
"forcing" you to buy insurance (or do anything else), then stop
electing corporate drones, lawyers, and other career liars whose sole
interest is power and wealth.


Best regards and Happy Huntings,


PS - THEY know you read this and they know what you think about it.  ;)

Web - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/galacticstone

On 4/30/15, Ruben Garcia via Meteorite-list
> Hi all,
> I dislike fb very much  I've tried it twice and both times it took
> less than a couple weeks to leave.  I'm honestly considering what hate
> more - quitting meteorites or joining fb.   Having said that I'm not a
> fan of the IMCA either - although I do like most of the IMCA members -
> maybe I'm just more of a lone wolf than I had previously thought.
> Anyway, I guess it's time to go back into my den and ponder these
> things.
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list
>  wrote:
>> Hi Anne, List,
>> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here
>> for many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get.
>> It was such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place!
>> (sometimes a little mean, too)
>>  I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I
>> actually am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I
>> don't seem to get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me.
>> I have barely said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on
>> what the disconnect is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info
>> instead of more details, maybe it's the hundreds of people that want to be
>> my 'friend' that I've never heard of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be
>> to much of a commitment once I dive in? On top of all this is the privacy
>> issue, real or imagined.
>> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I have
>> to give in to change so as not to go socially extinct!
>> Sincerely,
>> Larry Atkins
>> IMCA # 1941
>> Ebay alienrockfarm
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list 
>> To: graham.ensor ; majbaermann
>> Cc: bernd.pauli ; meteorite-list
>> ; msgmeteorites
>> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15 am
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>> I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.I don't like Facebook and

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Michael Farmer via Meteorite-list
In my opinion the list is dying because 90% of what people post never makes it. 
Most of my emails are blocked, never to appear. Why? I have no clue. Most 
others tell me the same thing. I just post on Facebook and sell my things in 
minutes.  Much easier. Why? I don't know. 
Sad to see, the list was once a great place where information and stories were 
shared. Mostly now just an eBay add site. 
Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list 
>  wrote:
> Hi Anne, List,
> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here for 
> many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get. It was 
> such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place! (sometimes a little 
> mean, too)
> I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I actually 
> am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I don't seem to 
> get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me. I have barely 
> said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on what the disconnect 
> is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info instead of more 
> details, maybe it's the hundreds of people that want to be my 'friend' that 
> I've never heard of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be to much of a 
> commitment once I dive in? On top of all this is the privacy issue, real or 
> imagined.
> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I have to 
> give in to change so as not to go socially extinct! 
> Sincerely,
> Larry Atkins
> IMCA # 1941
> Ebay alienrockfarm
> -Original Message-
> From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list 
> To: graham.ensor ; majbaermann 
> Cc: bernd.pauli ; meteorite-list 
> ; msgmeteorites 
> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15 am
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
> I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.I don't like Facebook and 
> theirprivacy policies, or lack of. It makes the Government agencies look like 
> rankamateurs when it comes to watching what we are all doing.However I 
> certainlyunderstand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to venture 
> into using itfor marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if you want to 
> keep up withthings."And there are times when I wonder if I will not be 
> obligated to join itjust and only for business purposes. That would be a very 
> bitter pill toswallow!!!Anyway we can all band together, protect our privacy, 
> and keep theList going??Any comments? anybody? Anne 
> m.blackwww.impactika.comimpact...@aol.com-Original 
> Message-From:Graham Ensor To: Matthias 
> BärmannCc: Anne Black ; Martin 
> Goff; Greg Hupe ; Bernd V. 
> Pauli; meteorite 
> listSent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12 
> pmSubject:Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quietI always said I would not venture 
> intoFacebook but unfortunately itis whereall the action is and is so easy to 
> use,post pictures to,share info, personalmessage and find new material...see 
> earlynewfinds and acquire excitingsamples...Also had to venture into using 
> itformarketing other aspectsetc...just no choice if you want to keepup 
> withthings.You do need to keepit in check with privacy settings and try 
> nottolet it take over your lifethough.GrahamOn Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:47 
> PM,MatthiasBärmann wrote:>> I agree, 
> Anne.And Iask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"> (whatever 
> thatmight be)for free? Something rhymes ...>> Best, Matthias Am29.04.2015 
> um22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list: I'll have toagree 
> withGreg.>> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our 
> "NamethatMeteorite">> game.>> Certainly Social Media Overload. 
> Therearestill people talking but there is nothing really new to talk>> about, 
> nonewFall, no new discoveries.>> So a bit of peace and quiet.>> 
> AnneM.Black>> www.IMPACTIKA.com>> 
> impact...@aol.com>>-OriginalMessage->> From: Martin Goff 
> viaMeteorite-list>> To: 
> GregHupé>> Cc: Bernd V. 
> Pauli;meteorite-list
>  Sent: Wed, Apr 29,2015 2:15 pm>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully 
> quiet>> HiBernd, Tracy, all.Most of my meteorite related chat now 
> occurs viaFacebook>> and this is>> whati observe from many others too. 
> Numerouspeople within>> our>> meteoritecommunity who were regular posters 
> here onthe metlist i now>> see>> postingdaily in the various facebook groups 
> andforums. I know>> it's not for>>everyone but i for one would certainly 
> feelas if i was>> missing out on the>>latest meteorite news and chat if I 
> werenot on>> Facebook. I have donequite a>> few posts over the lastyear 
> where i have>> submitted the same postvia various>> different forumsand 
> plarforms to>> try and see which generatedthe most>> conversation and ihave 
> to say>> Facebook won by huge margins everysingle>> time. Hopeto see you 
> on there maybe Bernd? Your experience andknowledge>> would>> behugely 
> ben

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Ruben Garcia via Meteorite-list
Hi all,

I dislike fb very much  I've tried it twice and both times it took
less than a couple weeks to leave.  I'm honestly considering what hate
more - quitting meteorites or joining fb.   Having said that I'm not a
fan of the IMCA either - although I do like most of the IMCA members -
maybe I'm just more of a lone wolf than I had previously thought.
Anyway, I guess it's time to go back into my den and ponder these

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list
> Hi Anne, List,
> I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here for 
> many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get. It was 
> such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place! (sometimes a little 
> mean, too)
>  I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I actually 
> am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I don't seem to 
> get the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me. I have barely 
> said 2 words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on what the disconnect 
> is, but it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info instead of more 
> details, maybe it's the hundreds of people that want to be my 'friend' that 
> I've never heard of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be to much of a 
> commitment once I dive in? On top of all this is the privacy issue, real or 
> imagined.
> The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I have to 
> give in to change so as not to go socially extinct!
> Sincerely,
> Larry Atkins
> IMCA # 1941
> Ebay alienrockfarm
> -Original Message-
> From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list 
> To: graham.ensor ; majbaermann 
> Cc: bernd.pauli ; meteorite-list 
> ; msgmeteorites 
> Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15 am
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
> I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.I don't like Facebook and 
> theirprivacy policies, or lack of. It makes the Government agencies look like 
> rankamateurs when it comes to watching what we are all doing.However I 
> certainlyunderstand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to venture 
> into using itfor marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if you want to 
> keep up withthings."And there are times when I wonder if I will not be 
> obligated to join itjust and only for business purposes. That would be a very 
> bitter pill toswallow!!!Anyway we can all band together, protect our privacy, 
> and keep theList going??Any comments? anybody? Anne 
> m.blackwww.impactika.comimpact...@aol.com-Original 
> Message-From:Graham Ensor To: Matthias 
> BärmannCc: Anne Black ; Martin 
> Goff; Greg Hupe ; Bernd V. 
> Pauli; meteorite 
> listSent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12 
> pmSubject:Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quietI always said I would not venture 
> intoFacebook but unfortunately itis whereall the action is and is so easy to 
> use,post pictures to,share info, personalmessage and find new material...see 
> earlynewfinds and acquire excitingsamples...Also had to venture into using 
> itformarketing other aspectsetc...just no choice if you want to keepup 
> withthings.You do need to keepit in check with privacy settings and try 
> nottolet it take over your lifethough.GrahamOn Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:47 
> PM,MatthiasBärmann wrote:>> I agree, 
> Anne.And Iask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"> (whatever 
> thatmight be)for free? Something rhymes ...>> Best, Matthias Am29.04.2015 
> um22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list: I'll have toagree 
> withGreg.>> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our 
> "NamethatMeteorite">> game.>> Certainly Social Media Overload. 
> Therearestill people talking but there is nothing really new to talk>> about, 
> nonewFall, no new discoveries.>> So a bit of peace and quiet.>> 
> AnneM.Black>> www.IMPACTIKA.com>> 
> impact...@aol.com>>-OriginalMessage->> From: Martin Goff 
> viaMeteorite-list>> To: 
> GregHupé>> Cc: Bernd V. 
> Pauli;meteorite-list
>  Sent: Wed, Apr 29,2015 2:15 pm>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully 
> quiet>> HiBernd, Tracy, all.Most of my meteorite related chat now 
> occurs viaFacebook>> and this is>> whati observe from many others too. 
> Numerouspeople within>> our>> meteoritecommunity who were regular posters 
> here onthe metlist i now>> see>> postingdaily in the various facebook groups 
> andforums. I know>> it's not for>>everyone but i for one would certainly 
> feelas if i was>> missing out on the>>latest meteorite news and chat if I 
> werenot on>> Facebook. I have donequite a>> few posts over the lastyear 
> where i have>> submitted the same postvia various>> different forumsand 
> plarforms to>> try and see which generatedthe most>> conversation and ihave 
> to say>> Facebook won by huge margins everysingle>> time. Hopeto see you 
> on there maybe Bernd? Your experience andknowledge>> would>> behugely 
> beneficial to 

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Larry Atkins via Meteorite-list
Hi Anne, List,

I for one am sad to see the decline in list activity. I've been on here for 
many years and I miss the multiple, daily posts that we used to get. It was 
such an active, fun, educational, and entertaining place! (sometimes a little 
mean, too)

 I joined facebook some time ago so as not to feel as out dated as I actually 
am : ) and to keep up with the times. Unfortunately for me, I don't seem to get 
the joy from facebook that the met list of old gave me. I have barely said 2 
words on facebook. I really can't put my finger on what the disconnect is, but 
it's there. Perhaps it's the snippets of info instead of more details, maybe 
it's the hundreds of people that want to be my 'friend' that I've never heard 
of. Maybe I feel like it's going to be to much of a commitment once I dive in? 
On top of all this is the privacy issue, real or imagined.

The future is knocking and I know it's only a matter of time before I have to 
give in to change so as not to go socially extinct! 

Larry Atkins
IMCA # 1941
Ebay alienrockfarm

-Original Message-
From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list 
To: graham.ensor ; majbaermann 
Cc: bernd.pauli ; meteorite-list 
; msgmeteorites 
Sent: Thu, Apr 30, 2015 7:15 am
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.I don't like Facebook and 
theirprivacy policies, or lack of. It makes the Government agencies look like 
rankamateurs when it comes to watching what we are all doing.However I 
certainlyunderstand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to venture into 
using itfor marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if you want to keep 
up withthings."And there are times when I wonder if I will not be obligated to 
join itjust and only for business purposes. That would be a very bitter pill 
toswallow!!!Anyway we can all band together, protect our privacy, and keep 
theList going??Any comments? anybody? Anne 
m.blackwww.impactika.comimpact...@aol.com-Original Message-From:Graham 
Ensor To: Matthias BärmannCc: Anne 
Black ; Martin Goff; Greg Hupe 
; Bernd V. Pauli; meteorite 
listSent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12 
pmSubject:Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quietI always said I would not venture 
intoFacebook but unfortunately itis whereall the action is and is so easy to 
use,post pictures to,share info, personalmessage and find new material...see 
earlynewfinds and acquire excitingsamples...Also had to venture into using 
itformarketing other aspectsetc...just no choice if you want to keepup 
withthings.You do need to keepit in check with privacy settings and try 
nottolet it take over your lifethough.GrahamOn Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:47 
PM,MatthiasBärmann wrote:>> I agree, 
Anne.And Iask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"> (whatever 
thatmight be)for free? Something rhymes ...>> Best, Matthias Am29.04.2015 
um22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list: I'll have toagree 
withGreg.>> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our 
"NamethatMeteorite">> game.>> Certainly Social Media Overload. 
Therearestill people talking but there is nothing really new to talk>> about, 
nonewFall, no new discoveries.>> So a bit of peace and quiet.>> 
AnneM.Black>> www.IMPACTIKA.com>> 
impact...@aol.com>>-OriginalMessage->> From: Martin Goff 
viaMeteorite-list>> To: 
GregHupé>> Cc: Bernd V. 
 Sent: Wed, Apr 29,2015 2:15 pm>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully 
quiet>> HiBernd, Tracy, all.Most of my meteorite related chat now 
occurs viaFacebook>> and this is>> whati observe from many others too. 
Numerouspeople within>> our>> meteoritecommunity who were regular posters here 
onthe metlist i now>> see>> postingdaily in the various facebook groups 
andforums. I know>> it's not for>>everyone but i for one would certainly feelas 
if i was>> missing out on the>>latest meteorite news and chat if I werenot on>> 
Facebook. I have donequite a>> few posts over the lastyear where i have>> 
submitted the same postvia various>> different forumsand plarforms to>> try and 
see which generatedthe most>> conversation and ihave to say>> Facebook won by 
huge margins everysingle>> time. Hopeto see you on there maybe Bernd? Your 
experience andknowledge>> would>> behugely beneficial to everyone there :-) 
KindregardsMartin On 29>> April 2015 at 21:02, 
GregHupé>> wrote:>> Hello Bernd 
andAll,>>Maybe 'Social Media Overload'? I have been talking withseveral 
friendsover>> the last few months about the dramatic slowdown[fromlast 
two years] which>> has many contributing factors, none ofwhich 
ispurely; MetList Forum,>> Facebook, Twitter or any of theotheroutlets 
of info... almost a 'Quiet>> Before the Storm'effect.It may be an 
indication of 'The Market' and/or>> 'Supply&Demand' which has been very 
tough since 2008 and even moresince>>one year ago in 'my' experience 

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Raremeteorites via Meteorite-list
Every single word or image you post to these social media sites will be 
recorded forever. All of this data is being sold and a social profile is 
being gathered on every individual who engages these sites.  There is 
already talk about tying credit reports to individuals' social profiles. 
Employers are using social profiles to assess job applications.  Governments 
are mining this data like taking DNA samples from individuals.  Even the 
founder of Facebook refused to have an account up until a few years ago.  He 
now maintains a token account for business purposes.  This should serve as a 

I recently had to replace my notebook computer with a new one that has 
Windows 8.x.  Here are some invasive questions that were asked.  What is 
your birthday?  What is your gender?  I tried to skip over these questions 
but the Microsoft software would not allow me to complete the installation 
without answering them.  They asked for everything but my social security 
number.  I do not want my data stored on a, yet to be hacked, cloud when I 
have a hard drive perfectly capable of storing this sensitive data.

I was forced into buying Obama Care for my wife after she lost her health 
insurance due to poor governmental policies.  Three days after five attempts 
to get her signed up on the health care exchange, the site was hacked and 
our personal; information was compromised.   All we got from the deal was a 
letter from Anthem offering us a free two-year subscription to 

I had to install data encryption and a firewall on my Jeep Rubicon's 
computers after somebody changed the shift points in one of the computers 
causing the engine to over rev.  I had to reprogram sensitive data to be 
stored on removable flash-drives instead of the cloud.  I also run in 
tempest mode most of the time by turning off Blue Tooth, FM, Wireless and 
Satellite communications.  I only turn on the hotspot when absolutely 
necessity.  It is unfortunate that I now have to monitor emails coming from 
my Jeep.

I will leave Facebook to my wife who enjoys sharing recipes, small talk and 
images.  It is a great way to communiacte with friends and family if you do 
not mind the horrendous invasive intrusion with personal data being offered 
to the highest bidder.


- Original Message - 
From: "Anne Black via Meteorite-list" 

To: ; 
Cc: ; ; 

Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.
I don't like Facebook and their privacy policies, or lack of. It makes the 
Government agencies look like rank amateurs when it comes to watching what 
we are all doing.

However I certainly understand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had 
to venture into using it for marketing other aspects etc... just no choice 
if you want to keep up with things."
And there are times when I wonder if I will not be obligated to join it 
just and only for business purposes. That would be a very bitter pill to 

Anyway we can all band together, protect our privacy, and keep the List 

Any comments? anybody?

Anne M. Black

-Original Message-
From: Graham Ensor 
To: Matthias Bärmann 
Cc: Anne Black ; Martin Goff ; 
Greg Hupe ; Bernd V. Pauli 
; meteorite list 

Sent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12 pm
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

I always said I would not venture into Facebook but unfortunately it
is where
all the action is and is so easy to use, post pictures to,
share info, personal
message and find new material...see early new
finds and acquire exciting
samples...Also had to venture into using it
for marketing other aspects
etc...just no choice if you want to keep
up with things.

You do need to keep
it in check with privacy settings and try not to
let it take over your life


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Matthias

I agree, Anne. And I

ask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"

(whatever that might be)

for free? Something rhymes ...

Best, Matthias

Am 29.04.2015 um

22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list:

I'll have to agree with


The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our "Name that


Certainly Social Media Overload.

There are

still people talking but there is nothing really new to talk

about, no new

Fall, no new discoveries.

So a bit of peace and quiet.

Anne M.





From: Martin Goff via Meteorite-list

To: Greg Hupé

Cc: Bernd V. Pauli ;


Sent: Wed, Apr 29,

2015 2:15 pm

Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet


Bernd, Tracy, all.

Most of my meteorite related chat now occurs via


and this is
what i observe from many others too. Numerous

people within

meteorite community who were regular posters here on

the metlist i now

posting daily in the v

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Rick Montgomery via Meteorite-list

Howdy List!
Nice to read posts from everyone who has chimed in.   I use FB, many groups 
like Mendy's etc.   We all have to be cautious, however, as Anne points out: 
"privacy issues" is acually an oxymoroneverything posted on FB becomes 
the property of FB, immediately.  REALLY!   I have been reluctant to post 
any of my recent paintings, for example.  Political comments, meteorite 
sales pitches, personal info, etc. all automatically have a potential to be 
monitored, and data sold, let alone NSA crap and further risks.   (For those 
of you who know me on FB as Rick Bob may also notice that I was born in 
1905...and otherwise no personal info however, the FB data admin 
wouldn't accept that I went to college on the Moon.)

-Richard Montgomery

-Original Message- 
From: tracy latimer via Meteorite-list

Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 12:13 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

I haven't gotten any new postings from Da List for the past week.  Is 
everyone just busy elsewhere, is there something going kapakahi with Da 
List, or have I been dropped?

Tracy Latimer


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Anne Black via Meteorite-list
I certainly agree with you, David, Matthias.
I don't like Facebook and their privacy policies, or lack of. It makes the 
Government agencies look like rank amateurs when it comes to watching what we 
are all doing.

However I certainly understand what Graham is saying when he writes  "had to 
venture into using it for marketing other aspects etc... just no choice if you 
want to keep up with things."
And there are times when I wonder if I will not be obligated to join it just 
and only for business purposes. That would be a very bitter pill to swallow!!!

Anyway we can all band together, protect our privacy, and keep the List going??
Any comments? anybody? 

Anne M. Black

-Original Message-
From: Graham Ensor 
To: Matthias Bärmann 
Cc: Anne Black ; Martin Goff ; Greg 
Hupe ; Bernd V. Pauli ; 
meteorite list 
Sent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 5:12 pm
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

I always said I would not venture into Facebook but unfortunately it
is where
all the action is and is so easy to use, post pictures to,
share info, personal
message and find new material...see early new
finds and acquire exciting
samples...Also had to venture into using it
for marketing other aspects
etc...just no choice if you want to keep
up with things.

You do need to keep
it in check with privacy settings and try not to
let it take over your life


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Matthias
> I agree, Anne. And I
ask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"
> (whatever that might be)
for free? Something rhymes ...
> Best, Matthias
> Am 29.04.2015 um
22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list:
>> I'll have to agree with
>> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our "Name that
>> game.
>> Certainly Social Media Overload.
>> There are
still people talking but there is nothing really new to talk
>> about, no new
Fall, no new discoveries.
>> So a bit of peace and quiet.
>> Anne M.
>> www.IMPACTIKA.com
>> impact...@aol.com
>> -Original
>> From: Martin Goff via Meteorite-list

>> To: Greg Hupé

>> Cc: Bernd V. Pauli ;
>> Sent: Wed, Apr 29,
2015 2:15 pm
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>> Hi
Bernd, Tracy, all.
>> Most of my meteorite related chat now occurs via
>> and this is
>> what i observe from many others too. Numerous
people within
>> our
>> meteorite community who were regular posters here on
the metlist i now
>> see
>> posting daily in the various facebook groups and
forums. I know
>> it's not for
>> everyone but i for one would certainly feel
as if i was
>> missing out on the
>> latest meteorite news and chat if I were
not on
>> Facebook.
>> I have done quite a
>> few posts over the last
year where i have
>> submitted the same post via various
>> different forums
and plarforms to
>> try and see which generated the most
>> conversation and i
have to say
>> Facebook won by huge margins every single
>> time.
>> Hope
to see you on there maybe Bernd? Your experience and knowledge
>> would
>> be
hugely beneficial to everyone there :-)
>> Kind regards
>> On 29
>> April 2015 at 21:02, Greg Hupé
>> Hello Bernd and All,
Maybe 'Social Media Overload'? I have been talking with
>> several friends
>>> the last few months about the dramatic slowdown [from
last two years] which
>>> has many contributing factors, none of which is
>> MetList Forum,
>>> Facebook, Twitter or any of the other
outlets of info... almost
>> a 'Quiet
>>> Before the Storm' effect.
It may be an indication of 'The Market'
>> and/or
>>> 'Supply &
Demand' which has been very tough since 2008 and even more
>>> one year ago in 'my' experience and dealings. I should look up
at the
>> sky
>>> and see if the birds are heading in an odd
direction for this time of
>> year...
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Greg Hupé
>>> The Hupé
>>> gmh...@centurylink.net
>>> www.NaturesVault.net (Online
Catalog &
>> Reference Site)
>>> www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary
Meteorite Site)
>> NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
>>> IMCA
>> 3163

>>> Click here for my current eBay auctions:
>>> -Original
>> From: Bernd V. Pauli via Meteorite-list
>>> Sent:
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 3:34
>> PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [meteorite-list]
>> quiet
 ...  or have I been
>>> Hello Tracy, Greg, List,
>>> No,
>> you
haven't been dropped but the frequency of contributions
>>> has
>> considerabl

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread Graham Ensor via Meteorite-list
I always said I would not venture into Facebook but unfortunately it
is where all the action is and is so easy to use, post pictures to,
share info, personal message and find new material...see early new
finds and acquire exciting samples...Also had to venture into using it
for marketing other aspects etc...just no choice if you want to keep
up with things.

You do need to keep it in check with privacy settings and try not to
let it take over your life though.


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Matthias Bärmann
> I agree, Anne. And I ask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"
> (whatever that might be) for free? Something rhymes ...
> Best, Matthias
> Am 29.04.2015 um 22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list:
>> I'll have to agree with Greg.
>> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our "Name that Meteorite"
>> game.
>> Certainly Social Media Overload.
>> There are still people talking but there is nothing really new to talk
>> about, no new Fall, no new discoveries.
>> So a bit of peace and quiet.
>> Anne M. Black
>> www.IMPACTIKA.com
>> impact...@aol.com
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Martin Goff via Meteorite-list 
>> To: Greg Hupé 
>> Cc: Bernd V. Pauli ; meteorite-list
>> Sent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 2:15 pm
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>> Hi Bernd, Tracy, all.
>> Most of my meteorite related chat now occurs via Facebook
>> and this is
>> what i observe from many others too. Numerous people within
>> our
>> meteorite community who were regular posters here on the metlist i now
>> see
>> posting daily in the various facebook groups and forums. I know
>> it's not for
>> everyone but i for one would certainly feel as if i was
>> missing out on the
>> latest meteorite news and chat if I were not on
>> Facebook.
>> I have done quite a
>> few posts over the last year where i have
>> submitted the same post via various
>> different forums and plarforms to
>> try and see which generated the most
>> conversation and i have to say
>> Facebook won by huge margins every single
>> time.
>> Hope to see you on there maybe Bernd? Your experience and knowledge
>> would
>> be hugely beneficial to everyone there :-)
>> Kind regards
>> Martin
>> On 29
>> April 2015 at 21:02, Greg Hupé
>>  wrote:
>> Hello Bernd and All,
>>> Maybe 'Social Media Overload'? I have been talking with
>> several friends over
>>> the last few months about the dramatic slowdown [from
>> last two years] which
>>> has many contributing factors, none of which is purely;
>> MetList Forum,
>>> Facebook, Twitter or any of the other outlets of info... almost
>> a 'Quiet
>>> Before the Storm' effect. It may be an indication of 'The Market'
>> and/or
>>> 'Supply & Demand' which has been very tough since 2008 and even more
>> since
>>> one year ago in 'my' experience and dealings. I should look up at the
>> sky
>>> and see if the birds are heading in an odd direction for this time of
>> year...
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Greg
>>> Greg Hupé
>>> The Hupé
>> Collection
>>> gmh...@centurylink.net
>>> www.NaturesVault.net (Online Catalog &
>> Reference Site)
>>> www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
>> NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
>> http://www.facebook.com/NaturesVault
>>> http://pinterest.com/NaturesVault
>>> IMCA
>> 3163
>>> Click here for my current eBay auctions:
>> http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault
>>> -Original Message-
>> From: Bernd V. Pauli via Meteorite-list
>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 3:34
>> PM
>>> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Awfully
>> quiet
 ...  or have I been dropped?
>>> Hello Tracy, Greg, List,
>>> No,
>> you haven't been dropped but the frequency of contributions
>>> has dropped
>> considerably. Interestingly, the same phenomenon on
>>> Geoff's CSR forum and even
>> on our German forum.
>>> Best from Germany,
>>> Bernd
>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>> http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>> https://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>> http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>> https://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> __
> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> https://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet

2015-04-30 Thread David Pensenstadler via Meteorite-list
What about those of us who are not on Facebook?  I would really hate
to see this list diminish.  The content has most always been
informative, and interesting.


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Matthias Bärmann
> I agree, Anne. And I ask myself emphatically: why the hell sell my "soul"
> (whatever that might be) for free? Something rhymes ...
> Best, Matthias
> Am 29.04.2015 um 22:26 schrieb Anne Black via Meteorite-list:
>> I'll have to agree with Greg.
>> The French Forum is rather quiet too, except for our "Name that Meteorite"
>> game.
>> Certainly Social Media Overload.
>> There are still people talking but there is nothing really new to talk
>> about, no new Fall, no new discoveries.
>> So a bit of peace and quiet.
>> Anne M. Black
>> www.IMPACTIKA.com
>> impact...@aol.com
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Martin Goff via Meteorite-list 
>> To: Greg Hupé 
>> Cc: Bernd V. Pauli ; meteorite-list
>> Sent: Wed, Apr 29, 2015 2:15 pm
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Awfully quiet
>> Hi Bernd, Tracy, all.
>> Most of my meteorite related chat now occurs via Facebook
>> and this is
>> what i observe from many others too. Numerous people within
>> our
>> meteorite community who were regular posters here on the metlist i now
>> see
>> posting daily in the various facebook groups and forums. I know
>> it's not for
>> everyone but i for one would certainly feel as if i was
>> missing out on the
>> latest meteorite news and chat if I were not on
>> Facebook.
>> I have done quite a
>> few posts over the last year where i have
>> submitted the same post via various
>> different forums and plarforms to
>> try and see which generated the most
>> conversation and i have to say
>> Facebook won by huge margins every single
>> time.
>> Hope to see you on there maybe Bernd? Your experience and knowledge
>> would
>> be hugely beneficial to everyone there :-)
>> Kind regards
>> Martin
>> On 29
>> April 2015 at 21:02, Greg Hupé
>>  wrote:
>> Hello Bernd and All,
>>> Maybe 'Social Media Overload'? I have been talking with
>> several friends over
>>> the last few months about the dramatic slowdown [from
>> last two years] which
>>> has many contributing factors, none of which is purely;
>> MetList Forum,
>>> Facebook, Twitter or any of the other outlets of info... almost
>> a 'Quiet
>>> Before the Storm' effect. It may be an indication of 'The Market'
>> and/or
>>> 'Supply & Demand' which has been very tough since 2008 and even more
>> since
>>> one year ago in 'my' experience and dealings. I should look up at the
>> sky
>>> and see if the birds are heading in an odd direction for this time of
>> year...
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Greg
>>> Greg Hupé
>>> The Hupé
>> Collection
>>> gmh...@centurylink.net
>>> www.NaturesVault.net (Online Catalog &
>> Reference Site)
>>> www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite Site)
>> NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay)
>> http://www.facebook.com/NaturesVault
>>> http://pinterest.com/NaturesVault
>>> IMCA
>> 3163
>>> Click here for my current eBay auctions:
>> http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault
>>> -Original Message-
>> From: Bernd V. Pauli via Meteorite-list
>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 3:34
>> PM
>>> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Awfully
>> quiet
 ...  or have I been dropped?
>>> Hello Tracy, Greg, List,
>>> No,
>> you haven't been dropped but the frequency of contributions
>>> has dropped
>> considerably. Interestingly, the same phenomenon on
>>> Geoff's CSR forum and even
>> on our German forum.
>>> Best from Germany,
>>> Bernd
>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>> http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>> https://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
>> __
>>> Visit the Archives at
>> http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
>>> Meteorite-list mailing list
>> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>> https://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> __
> Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
> Meteorite-list mailing list
> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> https://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list

Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD - CAPOT REY, 141g. Stone with Melt at Ebay & more!

2015-04-30 Thread Carsten Giessler via Meteorite-list

Dear List,

this week i have a VERY beautiful complete stone of Capot Rey at Ebay.
This piece is one of two stones which i have left, i had it many years 
in my collection.
Now i deceided to sell it. In my opinion Capot Rey is one of the most 
beautiful H5 chondrites.

This is one is with melt, i guess slices of it would look very fine!

Also there is some other stuff. To view all the auctions which startet 
at $1.99

follow this link:


Many thanks for viewing,

Carsten Giessler


Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com
Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Meteorite Picture of the Day

2015-04-30 Thread Paul Swartz via Meteorite-list
Today's Meteorite Picture of the Day: Almahata Sitta

Contributed by: Anne Black


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