Re: [meteorite-list] VCI's

2003-07-18 Thread Yellowengine
...Speaking of which, I still have a few Cortec VCI-101 emitters available for $2.45ea. plus $.75 postage. Please drop me a private email if you are interested, as these are the last emitters that I will have available for sale. Thank You.


Re: [meteorite-list] AD-Cortec VCI Emitters For Sale

2003-07-14 Thread Yellowengine
Hi Everyone!

Thanks again to all those who have purchased from me so far; your orders have been 
mailed out. I only have a few of these remaining, so if anyone else is interested, now 
is your chance to act. Thanks Again!


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] AD-Cortec VCI Emitters For Sale

2003-07-12 Thread Yellowengine
Hi List,

I recently purchased a case of Cortec VCI-101 emitters, but I don't have a use for all 
of them. So, with that said, I am offering the remaining emitters to the list at 
actual cost.
Each foam emitter is 3 inch long x 1.25 inch wide x 1/4 inch thick and protects 1 
cubic foot of space for up to 2 years. Again, I am offering these at the price that I 
paid for them, which is $2.45 ea. plus $.37 postage in the U.S. only. I only 
have about 30 of these remaining, so if you are interested please contact me via 
private email. Thank You!


For more info:

Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Ebay Auction Ending/Less Than A Day

2003-07-07 Thread Yellowengine
Hi List,

Just so all of you are aware, I have a very nice ~26gm Thuathe individual on Ebay with 
a opening bid of only $3.85/gm with no bids yet, and it ends in less then a day! I 
paid $190 for this beauty, so now is the time to kick me while I'm down. 

Ebay item #: 2182375524   
Thanks for looking,


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Automatic Desiccator Cabinets

2003-06-28 Thread Yellowengine
Hello List,

Does anyone have information on auto desiccator cabinets that would be suitable for 
storing meteorites in? Which brand, ect. would you recommend? I have been looking at 
the Secador 4.0 which seems to be a good cabinet for this purpose. Any information or 
suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Thuathe Individual For Sale

2003-06-26 Thread Yellowengine

I hate to bother those of you who call sales ads spam, but if anyone is interested 
in a very nice 25.96gm Thuathe individual, please send me a private email for a 
picture and details. 

Thanks!.. That's all from me for this month : )


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Expensive?

2003-06-25 Thread Yellowengine

The most expensive meteorite that I can think of is NWA482, which usually fetches 
between $4000 and $5000/gm...I believe this could be one of the most, if not the most 
expensive natural materials here on earth.


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] RE: Expensive?

2003-06-25 Thread Yellowengine
Now that I think about it, I am probably incorrect on the most expensive meteorite, 
but I do believe that the most expensive man-made substance is antimatter, which goes 
for a mere 62-63 trillion dollars a gram! : )


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Summertime Dessicant Tune-Up

2003-06-16 Thread Yellowengine
Hello List,

Now that summer has arrived, I am attempting to get the humidity properly controlled 
in my display cases. With that said, what type of dessicant is recommend for this 
purpose? Also, what humidity indicator would you recommend using? I only ask this 
question because I have heard that cobalt chloride indicators are frowned upon for use 
as humidity monitors for meteorite displays. Any suggestions would be greatly 
appreciated. By the way, Does anyone know what temperature/time to use to bake-out 
clay dessicant packets? Thanks in advance!



Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] RE: Happy Birthday To...

2003-06-13 Thread Yellowengine
A favorite unordinary ordinary chondrite to many of us. 
Sorry, I couldn't resist. Now lets party!! Have a great weekend everyone!


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Help Needed With Website

2003-06-11 Thread Yellowengine
Hi List,

For all you website experts out there; How exactly do you get the contents of a 
website to become part of the results found when using a search engine such as Yahoo 
or Google? I know this question has nothing to do with rites, but I'm sure one of you 
could help me out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] RE: Get rid of all your meteorites before it's too late!

2003-06-09 Thread Yellowengine
Sorry Stuart; looks like you already beat me to it. Oh well : )


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Get rid of all your meteorites before it's too late!

2003-06-09 Thread Yellowengine
Since severe and acute have the same meaning

Actually, acute means sudden onset in the medical field.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Re: Seems PF fell on 3/27 and NOT on 3/26...

2003-06-06 Thread Yellowengine
As long as we are playing CSI: Park Forest.

Steve A. not of Chicago but near Chicago

-I believe you are thinking of Steve R. Arnold.

I have trouble believing that someone who thought they were getting shot at, crawled 
into their house under fire, then put it behind them and went to bed. No 911 call, no 
return fire, no nothing. 

-It depends on the circumstances of this particular situation;
Is he a gang member? From my knowledge, calling the police and tattling on your 
enemies as a gang member is a big 'no no'.

-Did he have a gun readily available at the time to return fire?

My guess is that this guy really believed that: 1) anyone shooting at him was either 
not really after him personally..

Since when is someone shooting at you not a personal attack?

Further, why would any red-blooded American park his car on the street in such a 
rough area when there is a perfectly good, unused driveway just sitting there outside 
the house?

-Who ever said that the guy had garage space to use?

Point in case; never assume anything. By the way, do you know what 'assume' stands 
for? ; )  

Just my thoughts...that was kinda fun!



Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] RE: Anybody Need A Thuathe Indiv?

2003-05-30 Thread Yellowengine
So is that a yes' or a no John? Are you interested in purchasing the specimen or 




You seem like a nice guy...but I'm starting to see a trend from you similar to Steve 
the SPAMMER Arnold from Chicago.  From my understanding, the list is not supposed to 
be a personal trade media for individual deals and desires. 
After a year or more (seems like 10)of Steve's constant barrage of what he wants to 
get, or get rid of... (from my perspective) he has very few people who would consider 
dealing with him. Notice how quiet it has been from him while he is away... very 
pleasant. Just some advice from someone who loathes these personal requests. Once in a 
great while is tolerable...a couple a week to everyday is very annoying.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Portales Valley Inquiry

2003-05-30 Thread Yellowengine
Hi Jim,


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] RE: Anybody Need A Thuathe Indiv?

2003-05-29 Thread Yellowengine
Hi List,

If anybody is interested in a 26gm 98% crusted fresh Thuathe Individual, please send a 
private email for more info and pics. Price will be $195 + $3.85 shipping for this 
beaut. Thanks!


Meteorite-list mailing list

[meteorite-list] Great Offer! Large NWA482 Lunar Fragment

2003-04-04 Thread Yellowengine
Greetings All,

Since I am in desperate need of money to purchase Park Forest material, I am forced to sell one of my great NWA 482 lunar specimens at a rock bottom price. First person to make a deal gets it!

.092 gram fragment - First $350 gets it UNDER $4,000/grm!

Please email if you would like to see pictures of it.



Re: [meteorite-list] Great Offer! Large NWA482 Lunar Fragment

2003-04-04 Thread Yellowengine
UPDATE: The .092grm fragment has been sold. Thank You.


[meteorite-list] RE: Forest Park Trade

2003-04-03 Thread Yellowengine
Also, please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you would like to see a picture.




I was just wondering if anybody would be interested in trading a Park Forest 
specimen for a  .092gm NWA482 fragment?

Those interested please contact me via email.



[meteorite-list] Park Forest Trade

2003-04-02 Thread Yellowengine

I was just wondering if anybody would be interested in trading a Park Forest specimen for a .092gm NWA482 fragment?

Those interested please contact me via email.



[meteorite-list] Park Forest Blues

2003-04-01 Thread Yellowengine
Well everyone, I have searched for two days now and I have found absolutely nothing? Well,actually, I did manage to find three golf balls, some dirty spoons and a used you know what{{hint hint}}, but thats about it! Am I the only one that has not found anything yet?Also, are Mike Farmer and Steve Arnold the only two people offering specimens for sale right now? 


[meteorite-list] RE: My Introduction

2003-03-31 Thread Yellowengine
Greetings Everybody,

As a new list member, I just wanted to introduce myself to everybody;
My name is Ryan,and I live in Franklin, WI (Milwaukee Co.) Some of you dealers may already know who I am from previous purchases. I have been collecting for a few years now, but have recently taken up the art of meteorite hunting. I went down to Park Forest on Friday,and needless to say the weather and hunting were terrible and I came back with nothing. I plan to make return trips to Park Forest , the first being either tomorrow or Wednesday. I'll let everyone know if I find anything. By the way, does anybody know the approximate radius of the strewnfield? The last I heard was approx. 8km. Any info would be well appreciated. Thanks everyone! I am glad to be a new member of the Meteorite Central mailing list, and I am looking foward to meeting all of you.

