Re: [meteorite-list] Fw: Comet Holmes Swallows a Star

2007-11-19 Thread dmouat

Dear Listees

I checked out Comet "Bob" Holmes last night from the very clear skies of 
Truckee, California (1,800m; 6,000') with a decent pair of binocs.  
Mirfak was touching the east side of the comet.  A very impressive 
(spectacular??) sight and you don't need a telescope.


Jerry wrote:

check this out. unfortunately for me it's clouded over tonight
Jerry Flaherty
- Original Message - From: 

Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 4:10 PM
Subject: Comet Holmes Swallows a Star

Hi, This is Dr. Tony Phillips calling with an alert about Comet 
Holmes. It's Monday, Nov. 19th.

This a message for people with backyard telescopes.  Tonight, Comet 
17P/Holmes will swallow a star! Not really, but the comet will pass 
directly in front of the star--named Mirfak, the brightest star of 
the constellation Perseus. The overall effect will be that of a giant 
cosmic jellyfish swallowing a phosphorescent treat. You can see it 
happen through even a small backyard telescope.  The stellar "meal" 
will continue for the next few nights, so if you miss it tonight, try 
again tomorrow.


Meteorite-list mailing list

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Cali, Colombia meteorite tidbit

2007-07-26 Thread dmouat

At nearly 2,000 Colombian pesos to the weak US dollar, it still comes 
out to about $US250 to $US1,250, a fair chunk of change

my two Colombian cents worth

Alexander Seidel wrote:

My Spanish is poor (3 yrs at school, but then again this is more 
than 35 yrs ago!), so I tried an Altavista Babelfish translation
from Spanish to English, and got an idea of what the Colombian 
newspapers wrote this and the other day.

Thank you, Mike, for the messages, and have a good and safe trip 
home with your companion Robert Ward. I bet your families will be

more than glad to see you back home again!

"que oscila entre $500.000 y $2.500.000 cada una."

Is this a hint to what any later commercial offers might be..?? :-)
Well, just kidding. Welcome home, as you read this - you may be on
a plane right now at this moment,


Datum: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 04:17:45 -0700 (PDT)
Von: Michael Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: [meteorite-list] Cali, Colombia meteorite tidbit


I am up now at 5 am, preparing to leave Colombia in a
couple of hours, typing with my broken glasses on, so
forgive any typos please, it is hard for me to see
this morning. My glasses I use when my contacts are
out got stepped on in Sweden and I never did get time
enough at home to repair them.

I should make it home tonight if I can make tight
airline connections, as I changed my ticket, and so I
would expect tomorrow to being having photos uploaded
and a page began. I have hundreds of photos and maps
to try and deal with, so bear with me on that one. 

As of now, 22 days after the fall, there are only 7
stones found. I do not expect much more if any to be
found, as the streets (like in Park Forest) would be
pretty much the only places suitable for hunting. We
did that for hours yesterday and unfortunately due to
torrential rains and spotty street sweeping, most are
already lost to the sewers. When it rains in the
jungle, let me tell you, it pours! 
The total weight recovered is barely 300-350 grams. I

know that there are likely many kilos on the ground,
but when I post the maps, you will understand that it
is all in the canefields and garbage dump. And
considering that terrain, absolutely impossible to
hunt, and the danger to life and limb there, forget
it. I think some more might be found in the streets,
but that chance dwindles by the hour as rain and
cleaning dump them all in the sewer, and that area
that is populated is where the strewnfield began, so
only small stones there.

Here is a list of stones with estimated weights (I
left in such a rush that I forgot my scales, but then
again, in the drug capital of the world, scales might
be viewed as something of interest for the customs

Cali 001 ~80 grams, roof smasher, sold to a Spanish

Cali 002 ~40-50 grams, roof smasher, I have the main
mass and the metal roof which Robert and I cut out. 
Much of the stone was lost as police took some

fragments and no report, and one week of attempts to
locate that material were in vain.

Cali 003 ~40 grams, complete stone, ~99 % crusted.
Roof smasher and fridge denter, now owned by Robert

Cali 004 ~120 grams, roof smasher, ~70% complete, some
frags missing from impact with roof and top of cement
wall. I own this one and some of the damaged tile
material. The hole was large and the tile panel over 1
meter long. We were attempting to get it last night,
but absolutely impossibe to get within 5 miles of that
neighborhood at night and it did not work out. 

Cali 005 ~12 grams, 90% complete stone, found in
street a few days after the fall.

Cali 006 ~6 grams, fusion crusted fragment, found very
close to Cali 0005 in the street gutter, same day as
that stone.

Cali 007, complete stone, ~85% crusted with chips from
being run over by cars and some slight oxidation from
rainfall. Found 8 days after the fall in another
street. Robert and I bought this one last night, for
the highest price I have ever paid for a chondrite.
Astronomical like the Astronomy Clum member who found
it. But well worth it.

That is it folks, we were hoping that the publicity
would bring others forward, and thankfully it did,
that is how I got the Cali 004 stone yesterday, they
saw offers of cash and finally spoke up. After 8 days
of non-stop tv, radio and newspaper interviews, I
think that even that time is passing. Anyone who had a
stone should have already tried to sell it. Of course
calls and emails came pouring in but for junk and
pieces which amazingly fell the same day in FARC
strongholds hundreds of miles from Cali.

More later, but I have a flight to catch, this should
tide you over for a day right?

This morning's newspaper.

Michael Farmer

Meteorite-list mailing list

Re: [meteorite-list] Shawnee tradition, hermeneutic condition

2007-10-09 Thread dmouat
That first sentence (if it is, in fact, a sentence) is definitely the 
longest (albeit obfuscatory) I've "read" all month.


Thaddeus Besedin wrote:

The Shawnee and others are the ONLY sources of
Pleistocene cultural information, possibly preserved
in accounts of the cosmogony of late-coming
Paleoindian populations (as also can be expected of
the mythopoesis of indigenous Northern Asian
populations, e.g. early Jomon Proto-Ainu
people(~16,000 BP - ~2,450 BP), certainly surviving
relatively intact through the cold snap of the Younger
Dryas, although not necessarily witnessing an impact -
unless by hemispheric diffuse supernova ejecta), that
a study, constrained entirely to an output of
speculative-associative quasi-syntheses with all
caveats understood, can draw from. Unverifiability is
not itself completely at odds with scientific
practice, and correspondence of paleoclimatological
reconstructions, geological evidence, and
archaeological evidence can parallel mythos and, to a
minimal degree, offer a possible translation of
metaphorical-allegorical narrative. Thus, scholars
with the aspirations of an E.P. Grondine are limited
to a view of their subject from distances beyond mere
time (semantic indeterminability/incommensurability
apply - a transmission from crystallized indigenous
accounts, to eurocentric 19th c. ethnographers to
E.P.G.). Archaeolgy is much easier, but certainly

Just don't call Hibben a rigorous and ethical

We must, to arrive at the closest degee of recorded
experience, decolonialize our view of vanquished
non-european cultural traditions, but what we have
left (Eurocentric ethnographies)is the best that we
have left. What do the current Shawnee think of the
works of white ethnographers? 
One last thing - I found this article at the PNAS

site, although another list member may have beat me to
"Evidence for an extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years
ago that contributed to the megafaunal extinctions
and the Younger Dryas cooling"
[full-color images, graphs, etc. in PDF format]

--- "E.P. Grondine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Dirk wrote:

List and Ed,


Continuing discussion follows EPG`s final question.

"E.P. Grondine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:"...

"Do you really want to stand by such a display of a
lack of intelligence and sense, or do you wish to
reconsider that statement?" 



Yes, I stand by my statements of fact. 

They were no statements of fact, Dirk.

You made assertions concerning Native American
traditions which were both factually incorrect, as
well as displayed an amazing ignorance of the field
anthropology. You compared millenium old traditions
with a 175 year old forgery.


And yes, you finally admitted that your facts are

indeed "your" belief, thus not science.

And how did you get that?  My facts are one thing,
beliefs another. 

I gave the allegories of several Native American
religions in "Man and Impact in the Americas", as
as giving their oral histories there - and mainly I
gave their histories.  Those are "facts" about those
peoples in and of themselves.

By the way, the Maya had written writing, and made
contemporaneous records of events.

What I "believe" is something else. I think that
are Christians who are scientists, Jews who are
scientists, Moslems who are scientists, Budhists who
are scientists. Can't one hold a Native American
belief system and be a scientist? Or can science
practiced by atheists and English Deists? 

Or perhaps history and anthropology are not


Belief posed as fact or science is poor


as your book and excerpts clearly display.

So is misrepresenting someone else's work, and
misrepresenting their use of materials.


Also, lack of any primary research (nothing

demonstrating proof of any Holocene impact) 

Except for the sudden population losses and cultural

But then displays of physical evidence are often
invisible to some people. So watch the National
Geographic Channel program on TV. 

As a final point, the day after my final warning to
Darryl on Williamette, I ran into a gentleman whose
uncle had bulldozed a mound.  Three days later he
found dead of heart attack drooped over a toilet
which he had been vomiting "stuff that looked like

While that's a fact, it is only my belief that no
will come to Darryl or anyone from dealing
- if he or anyone else wants to join the dataset, go
on ahead. Beyond this warning, like the others, I
simply look on in "dismay".

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas




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Re: [meteorite-list] Jim Kriegh +

2007-10-11 Thread dmouat

Dear Listees

The condolences of all of you are in part a wonderful tribute to this 
fine person.  Those of us who were fortunate to have met and known Jim 
were touched by his generosity of spirit, his gentleness, and his fine 

What an honor to have known him.

take care Jim


Larry & Twink Monrad wrote:

I am printing all of the heartfelt messages that are being received  
on the list for his son and daughter to read, they will be truly amazed.

Twink Monrad

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